HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-28, Page 2tai
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mo.10, torpoklis., att.: „
en c
By EL.,IZAllifiTii Y41124,K
4aafahea keirefel aetaamandr • -
Preen piinds the sagest eoutiseltillos depa.rt."
• ,
gioo, $/eeeP1'QSetM
• a •
; 'The liaitiaaa-a1aCe 'of wt, tbata"hEkl#1
• *do; •
1 Pooi-maws, Nvca1,t13., the prjaanerte,
, relegyaeet • • ,, •
I • T-lle ...ih'Offeeeinf 'judge lietWeen'
high mad low; '
•' With shield' of' proefeehield. Me from
,ont the preemie'.
Of these fl.eree ,darte Detepalr at me
" doth throw;
make in me 'those eivil ware , to
. 4,,,i5U;;;,' I
PTER VIII.--(Coptd.) 'had an hour befeire it "was necessary i wil• eie:osoe'd tribute pay, it thou de ,,,,,
"'Milt for a, trial Isacliafie *odar -
. Aii dear Jean n said Hector Gaunt,' te dresa for dinner, The 'coneietge
a mar. stroll do-wn the corridor and Call upon I of light,
0...---.......r. old enough to be any mother.
With ea,Ch other. Why shouldn't I She hadn't rderitioned. ' MoVo not thy lieevy grace, then shalt
marry you? If Nancy wasn't dead by I But he Was scarcely in the mood i .
• • in me
that time, she ought to have been. You far controversYe Particularl3r With a ,
eaiveller than ease -where. Stellaas image
should have stuck to me, Jean. What lw°man. . I
did it matter?" It had been such a happy day, the', see. , , .
Jean con no h' ' his a elY happiest day of his 1 fe, -he tolc ' -Sir Philip Sid2a_ey (1654-86).
your mother reg'ularly eeevy week, It large and looser fashion, but she real- himself. It seemed a great pity .that '
of T ke h n of me smooth Pillowe
elicious I v don t exasperate me. Look here I 1141'110Y gave. him the num. er
Le10.11-a - weave. -Ai was a boy oa tw t 1
y raaine • , e o e
d IVIrs Egan's rooms. ey wer n th seveeteet bed
that wornan, She was nearly forty -a- g.round floer, and he could if he chose A chaalher cleaf af noise aria blind
ried her ni Australia, and she left me iler• He ccruld call /19W and get. It rosy garland and awearY head;
over -the bone she -had to pick with, And if these things, as being thine
. keW months afterweads. Years latea
- 1 met you and we 'fell deeply in love him, •and perhaps another one whichl by rigbt,
I want a new hat,, and I'd like to
find a shop -with a girl honest enough
to tell Me what is "really -truly" be-
• • 1 au • . ,h he was not to be Carrie Egan should chabae this nio- I
People Who Live on Stilts.
i much easim to o tient to come her• e. • He ha n. eve " t "
I It was over a year since he bad. so ma,Itee the visitom train
buy 'your mother' a present now and whose head would alWaYs he in the known that she was in Monte Carlo.' In his storY of The aaar nine, .
s so
have a time set. If you live at home, judged as other men, that he yeas one
• .,.4,,pa*dy..Nei...f9r10310.'oti3.aog o,
PaAateSo. t1ifaaaaabi1itY"O0a0OPe'''aIN'alth,
,.1i1opa•VenfOtienee.'ia.' Making,. , •
•64i1d3" NeW.'"gbriV. 'griatifY ;Sweet
teethed. gainerlearis tate greateaa',
eand y ealieuMing, peoale• la .tian World,
Taelap,xly is Htingariariby; •
• tlae early ,aa,iteot laia.affe having. been
,91).eixt in..pus*DOt.. )1earne4 the. art ,
• of canag,»ik1n 6orn. EMil• •Gerbeafia. • '
That'inakes, nieckerY •
at the 'age Of 16. Then :he weatagto
Masao* ..ardtorm
, any yeare meats • .
„ , , , , • ,
.candy t Einem,where laa. wa.s'
chief candy ellef, direating the ,Worit ,
of 164 emploYees, It was at tale great- ,
-eat eancly houee -of EuropeI that
Lame as e,an.dy maker; spread .so.that '• .
'tile Ozer of Rusilea ve.ell' ct..e..Oth.era, ,
of the •ro.atal :family Woul1. lziend., tea
• him upon .4°1)00141 occa,siens ,to Make.: '
° candy for his royal'',funeti.onsa a • , ' , • '
aTlie par., was ver3r fond a highly'. . , • '
aeasenedaeandiea," said. Mra.)jeKanY„ > •
"Down a
The expression "takenclown a peg,"
is explained by a tankard which ap-
"especially of candieseconta.ining
wines. Many of these were exeeetaing;
• • • coming, and sensible enough not Don't such a .terrible decision, it -svere better p
strides with these stick like peered at a_ receet sale. It was Veo diftieult to make, requiring the most
aa of myself, a want never forget, Give to the living.
thoso who "Say it with the world should believe that Alice was rel, and the doctor did not wish to be iniaaense ,delicate touch in handling as well aa
the daughter . of Hugo Smarle, the re_mi", nded of that quarrel or the cause legs, ' the geeatest care in blending. Ile tobit
of such an irregular union as had had ever made such a fool of himself., Ulla 'W -1113e W°13(le and on its inaide were eight Pre-
te - ancient, was made not a metal .but of
criminal lunatic, rather than the child of it. It seemed unreasonable that he against vehieh the fastest runner greet pride in his pastries and confee.
Augustus t • interview which was bound. to be dis bee
taken place between herself and Hee,' Having determined 'Pa postpone ane •A visitor to the. ,uandes, that
strange•eountrY which lies betweeu There axe varioas explanations ol
jecting Pegs or Pins'
• ill In her opinion, if obliged to make nlueh as set eyes upon her. They had another planet inachine-like beings
artedin • afterviolent guar- which walk on a sort of. tripodr, taking
then -not always something useful.' clauds.
to Yon will never regret at an
to find a sales woman wise to per- be among
e m,
the wo.. flowers.'' -Mrs. L. G,
eerve the difference between
man whose ideas of "style" are a big
•pine and any idiotic thing that is
• "fashionable"; and the gentlewoman
who deserves what is "fit" as well. as
• beceining.
A few days ago, while waiting in a
fie..st-class millinery stare I saw a
plain little woman, evidently not used
• to the city -and as evidently ready to
pay the price tor a suitable article.
Miss Pert pounced upon a "crea-
• tion" with pink flowers and a mass of
"fiedns;" and used up most of the die-
• tionary in expressing how"becoming"
it was. The little -woman's face flush-
ed; she timidly asked if it was not "too
bright," or "too young" for her, Miss
Pert assured her it was "just the
thine; that "people out of town" ,
were really not judges of "style." So
the customer paid ten dollars for the
liow I did long to put another
"creation" of soft grey with two ar
three pale little buds on the plainly
• parted silvery.hair; tie the fluffy little
bow --under the elderly chin, and see,
the plain fa.ce light up with new, soft
attractiveness. There are so many of
• us country women who "want to look. A SIMPLE FROCK FOR THE
need you -I need a friend, Hector. I his own .TOOM and dressed, lent all might . almost Imegine the romanee Dunstan 'introduced them ainong the to ,amearica. It was just -a yeaa age -
• • h G nne River and the Pyrenees, 'the peg's presence, -One being that St. -
"Forgive me," Jean said. tly. "I agreeahle, ArdeYnce 'went ,stralght.. te
St. -
tione, which were always. made in his
own place."
Through the persuasio.n a his broth- • '
er in Chicago DeKany decided to eoine•
At once he was contrite. He ung the time the thought, of Mrs. Egan had come true, should he espY a sheP- hard-drinitina Saxons to eueouitege
tnat he landed in New York. But , s'
"Jean, it's you who must forgive' be inuch wiser to see her -before the try mounted on a pair' of long etilts, lest explanation is that at a Jim° wheli Yet he hasn't had much. time for sight.
ed his white
himself on his knees beside her. hung over hie head. PerhaPs it 'would herd b r two striding aerase the corm- moderatian, but the likeliest and. simp-
t I the Mg lounge. sa3hloa e'eao3fTyai.nsgeafalolwdaplkolle13.g'sti6k the w°11teoleareinolredpilganYv,esi'tsew1 allerivieecdesfsoalrytilt: saeehl:' fee,r he soon,, d°1111 •
- linen work Suit and was busy at hie
me. You were such a child, and I was inevitable after-dinner rendezvoue in
• In his candy itchen--whici t
more fitting to call a. eancly studio -at
the 'St. Regis Hotel., this artiat of ,sae-
eharine dainties is busy. twelve home
In •
old enough to low better.
couldn't bear the loneliness of my life now quite deserted in that hush before 'Not many years ago almost the lithe a marked vessel lest a greedy
wanted you so—i. loved you so -II So he strolled down the ,,corridor, .
any longer. Or at least, I'thought I , the dinner hour, and knocked at her whole 'a!r the PoPulatiou of the Landes men should. take more than his fair
couldn't. And you were alone in the sitting -room door. , lewent on .stilts, becanse the tearific , ,
' maid: d 't a crack tempests.blowing from the Bay of Bis- Of cours.e, these greedy persons
• world, too --no parents or close relad e
Yes .the Signora was iria.she• Would .eay smotb.ered the land with fine sand, I would become marked men, and a day creating new confectionery MS,S. .•
tion, only oldMadameDouste to•look, Yes,
' back b 1 t neees- - '
would be everyone s duty to see that terpieces and directing and assisting • •
after you, and she wasn't a 'Very de- inquire' In a moment she came and e.tilts• became en a so u e 1 , ,, . . . ,
pendable person.. It seemed as though , and admitted him. sity of locomotion, , , • they weae "taken down a peg -that Ins, candy craft helper.% No artist of
. . ..
rethember how happy •ave were? Onr the royal suite, originally decorated proved 'by reason' of the planting of , theta (bank before it came to •the ,
the brush edula register greater Joy-
ciao. sa.tisfaction in getting a mita. de- ....
we were made f6r each other. Do you' Mrs. Egan had taken unto herself To -day the °district is. greatlY im- eisato eay, that as many as poesible got
stolen meetings? Do you remember for the entertainment of Queen Mar- tarot= and pines, -which has resulted greedy one, so that lie might have the -
alma tone or expreaaion in a -lovely,
the time we went to Nice to meet some guerita while her Majesty was .super e in the growth Or a forest, the eessation laet peg; which eontaineaa all • the and delicate portrait than this maater
friends -after we'd been secretly mar- intending the arrangement of her de -
a dust -storms,, and such an improve- • dregs, craftsman In the art of ea•ndy Making °
ried--and how you came up here and lightful villa next,door. it was, in -
we spent two wonderful days to- I deed, a regal. suite, stiff avith gold ment 'in the soil that the peaaanth It is ossible too that the expres-
h exhibits. aom,e forty or fifty dif,
gether? Do you remember— 'brocade and ?nu& formal furniture. have turned to agriculture, forrneray eon, "1 don't care a pin," comes. from ferent kinds -of candies., all hand made,
"Don't -don't! • I haven't wanted to The windows opened upon a wide 'Yea- impossible. • the pin or peg -tankard, as from one and many in the most exquisite pat- .
remember," Jean said sharpty.."1-lee- andah overlooking the terrace where I Nevertheleee, Wide areas. are still • pin to the next was but a gilll, the terns ana, in such blendings is to de- „
tor, we.musn't talk like,this. It's -it's Mrs. Egan had parked her tare .The, - -.-.
very sa..dy, and the sheph,erd still goes fourth part of a pint, and was, thus to light even the Most sophisticated of
• M nose is quite red I'rn big sitting -roma, or more aparopriate- areirna on stilts; hlowing a sheeahorn, moSt'.drinkers a' negligible . quantity, palates.
sure. What will Alice think when she ly salon, was littered with dress,
sees me? Oh, I know I look a fright makers, and milliners/n inelin_ed to 'd'sit aown,"
. . . . lean -
Now be sensible, Hector, and them half ' unpacked, some not yet
boxes, some of
mg back on the seaffol -pole, 'and knit -
help me about Hugo." She took a 'opened. Several huge laimehes of -car-, ting S. stocking, or 'carving -a toy with
puff and mirror out of her bag and nations thrown down carelessly sue. his elaspatnife. ••
like folks"; who are uncertam as to
4601. Wool crepe was selected for began to poWder her face. Her hands geed that a visa a P
need some one wiser than ourselves ta this model, decorated with cross stitch- trembled; her teeth chattered a little. 'the flower market in Ventigmilia that
. •
what is suitably up-to-date; and who
contrasting colors. The lines Hector Gaunt poked up the tre,' afternoon. The Italian. maid evident -
are simple; the sleeve and neck dine then blew it with the bellows. Shelly was not very orderly in her meth -
see that we don't make fools of our- ing In
selves when our souls hanker after
. was right. Why couldn't he be sen- I ads. She flew 01,1.t in a distracted
"riotousness" and youthfulness which are very pleasing. e e sible? Too much of a visionary. Sup -1 fashion, gathering up the various box -
down in our hearts we know are not " pose he were to tell her that he haa. es',' until her 'mistress appeared and
The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: o a
10 and 12 years. A 10 -year size re- not really been alone all these twenty 'dismissed her-. ' a ' - • -
quires 2% yards of 32 -inch material. years? Would she understand? Ile I mas, 'Egan was half-dressed. Her
I know from experience: a year or
so ago I made a "holy show" of my-
self by being over -persuaded by a
salesgirl; eame to my senses when
gait home; wept a big weep every time Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt
/.[ 'Veal's. the impeaaibility out of its box; of pattern.
finally returned' It to • obscurity and
put on my old last year's hat that POSTPONING BREAKS.
' t ,c1 to ether The daily washing of a Pair of silk
Pattern mailed to, any address on had her photographs and his memar- short mop of dark hair was eau
receipt of 15e in silver, by the Wilson ies. No, he had not really been alone, ly done, although to the unsophisti-
as though she had
Publishing Co., '73 West Adelaide St., "What can-1do to help you about eated eye it located
Zoo e as
this year, unless I can find a place ities. It has been found that the wash-o.r .
wouldn't let him out rf weren't." Always it had caused him a slight
Hugo?" he asked. "Do you want me
to go with you to Meet :him?"
Jean shook her head.
"No, I don't think that would be
•wise. I'd better see him alone, first. -
merely run a comb through n
airy peignoir floated from her bare
shoulders, and against her, curiously
brown neck gleamed a big emerald,
like a 'winking green. eye. • She was
• But if I send for you---? sinoking a cigarette, and offered one
"I'll come," he replied. to Philip Ardeyne. As she passed the
we I shall probably do the same thing hose lengthens the wearing possibil-
D da you think he is really box to him he noted -as he had ane
where they are honest enough and ing restores the silk strands to their on former oceasions--the bluish atint
cure ean askei
that is getting less consideration every from the wearing. .„ But Gaunt was only trying to re- thrill for the mystery of her ancestry.
THE OLD WHATNOT. enabered that Hugo Sinarle had been that he knew. Was Malay or Africa
sensible enough to cater to a class fullness after being pressed shinyof her exquisitely formed finger -nails.
"I hope so. Certainly the doctors
year -the plain, motherly, every -day — assure an unhappy woman. He rem- There was strange blood in her veins,
troman.---Fraiices G. Ingersoll.
In countless old farm homes are still' responsible -for those finger -nails, for
convicted�f manslaughter, not mur-
laaaMEMBER THE OLE MOT and had been in what -was prac-• the crinkly hair and the smooth ,skin
— - - HER' stored the whatnots that once adorn -I cl•er
tically prison for fifteen years. No Winch wore a. perpetual tan. Some -
1 -Te -"Do. you' abject to smoking?"
She -"I should say not. I was yea
tiering why you were so stingy wit
Flow,er Genas in Glass.
. Its Handicap.
The mistress of the house gazed
fixedly at her eervant, taking in her
appearance from head to tde. "Mab.dy,"
she finally remarked, in a tone of
•kinalY 'criticism, "your dress looks
rather shabby. Hadn't you better
have it turned?"
"Land's sake, -ma'am," the girl et -
claimed, "does you -al/ think dis heal'
dress has tb.ree aides."
' • The Good Old pays.
—.,,, •
"I fancy one reason for'my unpopu-
larity with -my acqtaintances," ad-
mitted J. Fuller Gloom, "is due to the
as any of . them. when a sonare meal is -one of the great 'seersts '
the world. Hie knowledge of flavors
fact that although I recollect es well
for atwhenutnygirfi3vremeaenntcso,uildinbsetetobttbaaitneidd flees'
says it is much easier to- get fine.ma-
Ile uses. no aatificial flairors. He
wasn't any better than the meal we
get nowadays for a dollar and a quar-
without enthuelasm.-Ernerson.
Niinarcrs Liniment for Dandruff.
Nothing great was ever achieved
away from home or about to. leave,
If you have one and do not care to tractable, and theY -Were moae -or less
_cleat he had shown himself to be (Illite where in the dim past that mystery, Marvellous artificial blooms that re-
lay -hidden. Pernaps evetr-the l'7'1‘411'1" temliteeliatureas finest specie/elien. in,
rabia tatter . mostlY for _Peonle ea our grandmothers' parlors.
home, was the youngest of six. One use it in its original :Corm, divide it' obliged to let him out. it was the herself did not k
every respect, except scent, are being
to two portions having the four up- wear and tear of ordinary life which ,
• by one they left home for homes of • I • •
o Smaale had. never been able to,
He took the cigarette, although. it,
d' • t' b 'declined made by expert glass-blowera.
. was so near nine]. u
their own at. a distance- I per shelves in one poi ion.
Waited for their letters and the dis-oo s an no one a series of crises; excitemen was as
tell 't
101.Y1 the hanging book- the very breath in his nostrils with.
I "What's the quarrel you have with
fered as an aperitif.
1••ernen-iber how Mother watched and b * means of stout 1-1 k d
shelves IlOW displayed in the shops -which he drew in a poison to fume'
his lightly -balanced brain. mea" he naked, trying to speak as
appointed look on her face when they
, this upper section securely, to the wall meet.. He had always. taken life as a rather rich-looldng liqueur she of -
would, neglect to write home and I -well
did ri.a came. Later. I married and; everywhere and which cost up to
left my home town and thought II twenty-five dollars, according to wood CHAPTER I.
Alice lead almost forg•otten that a
wceild write often lout like the rest and finish.
thongh he did na khow, or could not
guess. "It's been hanging aver me all these wonderful blooms does is to
day," . .. blow the petals from glass as thin and
'Has it? °And where have you been fragile as tissue paper. The' glass
petals are then shaped and colored ex-
actly like tb e natural ones,iiseci exte-n:
Some of the rarer plaiits cannot be
periments have to be carried out avith
easly reprocineeil, and often several ex -
have more time to write delightful in bedroom hall or hymn.- , iraTithaeti8oenaiisa:sbtfitio-hori eedr.s • are
different colors before a really good
than 'I Yaoo." So I -will give you al ' - her weariness had 'ridden Toinaso to i "Oh, her mother is here, too? She
A new arrival?" she wondered. , engaged to her, Phil? Engaged to I as backgrounds for displaying speci-
• Mg use glyeerme instead of oil. The; iaaagaab,,uat in her luarrY "I'm glad you think she!s prettyp . • •
conveniences, do ell my own washing
glycerine works as well as the oil and,' ''' " this branch of scientific glass-blowing
she hadn't no-
. . . .
and everytleing" and sometimes have cAl. " . „. the doctor said dryly.
. .
Every part of a flower or plan
faithfully reprothiCed., trorn the long,
delicate stems and colored petals to
tbe almost inviihie pollen.
The -first thing which the maker of
"Everybody in America eats eandY," '
said ,the king of candy Makers. "Ii'
Europe only the'ridb. eat it"." On ,one.
table there was being filled an order
for ten pounds for Jackie Coogan and -
another for W. G. McAdoo to be seat •
to California. There was a box being •
pec' Ily Packed to go to China And
every arder receives the personal' sup-
ervision of the candy artist himeelf.
."How do I like it over here?"'• 're.-
pea.ted th.e candy maker. "We'll; so taeg
much that I took out • e citizenship a
papers the first week ,I was here." ,
Mr. DeKany, it is said, knows mare
about flavors than any candy maker in ,
I not being returned to its original foam, woman
• breezed into the Mirnoea Palace that Ardeyne flushed very slightly.
named Carrie Egan. had.I all day?" demanded' the woman.
let the time roll by. Then, Mother was This in no way prevents the what -
taken seriously ill and I thought of the
then and there 1 r.egolved to write her , modern use of the old keepsakes it al-, turbing change of atmosphere, but it he replied. •- - , .
"Visiting a friend of Mrs. Camay,
letters I had Promised to write B° I whenever desired. In making some morning and brought with her a die -
one letter every week and send it out; ways seems advisable to preserve their I was remembered when the little am-
en Monday morning. She gets them originality whenever possible The alcade trailed back a sunset. Mrs. Carney? I thought it was
on Wednesday. Perhaps you will.say,' little hanging .
bookshelves are equallyi The big silver car stood solitary on Miss Carnay?"
th te race and Mrs Camay, who in "Alice's mother," Arcleyne said. _
• chance to judge for yourself: the very steps of the hotel, speculated. looks like a girl who'd have 4 inothe.ig sively in museums, both to show ae-
UWel u
upon its ownership. hanging about. And are you really tails of plant or -flower formation d.nd.
am thirty, haye eight children, the, FOR YOUR FOOD CHOPPER. "
3 that pretty -little piece of porcelain?"' mons c>f birds and insects. So far has
pper needs oil- Th cm had been there that morn -
been developed that •it is practically
impossible to dietinguisb the artificial
bins -some from the real.
pidest nearly eleven, the youngest nine I
When your :food ch-
-'Months, live ea a farm with no modem
. ice waited _tor Philip to give an "I was uncle.. the impreseion," Mrs.
as it is medicinal, cannot sP°ll the I.explanation and it seemed Just a Ean went on, "that you Were eugag-
extra farm hands to cook for.
Mother's sweet tooth was always a
Jake in our family; she so loved candy.
flavor, of the food you are preparing.
little signiiicant to her that
not offer any. The girl experienced ' Avdeyne pitched his cigarette into
he aid , j" to me, but----" a '
4 15 • ti E t� -go d town sat.,1 Just the right knici of piece of string sirPle . - coupled had himself fairly 'well in hand. 1 NeVOIVIEN CAN DYE ANY .
i ealoliSy----jealouey
her a sack of candy. That birthday i if we roll them up aecitly and keep an old ficinendeaIofnffsa f d 1 f
a$1.,,:inlboeneeniad; fridge in a 'spool.box , will, have. no diffieulty in seeing and rooms, and Dr. ArdOVIS, after pre- I "Really, Phil!" Things Ne• •
w or cents.
-4, ild p'ek slain overstuffed bog af reaalung Just the e" we want. This -is surnably making for the smoking- I "Oh, I'm net 'bthng Monatxous, and •
and two practical presenta. She says' --K. B. W. "
•an emotion which was worse than • '
:C wed to work in a factory and it was the empty, grate He looked bu
After Dishwashing!
urda.y nights. I never failed to buy , when needed can be verY elusive. Taut .1t= ttsmaly-b l',C"Vh31 didn't s, ay
a to a Mrs
'And' there was .Thaenside---yon
"We were never engaged," he seidel •GARMENT, DRAPERY:
h. I ed eight boxes of candy, ranging
them in an old glass rase howl, we The -two women went up to their -what .happened- • ----" • Dye or Tint fWoirsn, Fade'd
rem: came back into the hall and,. Ian not a fool. Let s be honest about
spoke to the tonceitge, who in allawar it, Carrie. You certainly left nothing :
to a question replied that 1VIrs. Egan .to my imaginatiori that night ---1'
Was in, he thought. Yes, she had a I "You were a 'beast," Mrs. Egan said
sittingeroera. I auietlya "You aecueed me of things
• • paaeneb bon bone a bouvet of roso8' the plan I follow and can recommend.
it was her happiest birthday. 1
If you are away.fi7orri holm 'tarn t okHis Occupation. '
STEll 110MES
An elderly Scot Was stailain.g in a Ardeyne looked at 'the clo
railway station when a traveler trod.
&la He that -,-well, ho matter. Zack- Burnside .
heavily on hie foot, • '
, mon t " groaned. the Scot,
"Canna ye take care? Ire've eea.r.y
geode Our little booat asecribee our work
- Inc, Hoot, mot!' Hoot,
The traveler looked the safferitig Our excellent' toilet preparations and
eoritains many hints on the pare of the
Seot uP and dalan. geatin Hair, Hands and 001'11--
'110ot yourself," 1114 said. ,a plexion, For over 80 years we haat
drummer, not an auto." been eneseaelully treatleg Zezetnn.,
Pittple8, nu& and other Eskin
Going Down, and scillp, troubles by mail. We re.
"Oh. sead Mks. Gadgett, proud. --"2,e,,ve- StiPerfinens Hair; MeleS. Wartaa:
iv. "we eau ra ce our anees tors black n11740. TIllINescfigr°/.,(11.1.ries. • Write
• • d b the wayalioeve.vez that,
has 'nothing to do. with you an am;
Look here,. Phil, is it trne that yott
tuid your precious medieal beard haVO.
lot t that lunatie, .1111.ga Smarle*P.',
is main e ,
That len't aeally what I'M wild about.
(To be contrneed,)
For itaG'sa4 gout
.. -
. . . ,. ,
eeIteol ,age, ..111.00thally •
1 . "I hope. I shall alateys .paese.ea ,firn1-
. taalittata rrtttlot.rigtormtt..h nose and Vir#10' Onot gb,, to.- MOnta311
. •• 10 tfAii, '1 or Xnao Ire iktidn, to
Ia\r111. altiltieco°'11061614.7:t.11'1:11:litect.1(11111°'*'76tf°t1IIII:iveI.1..4•1111oli6Ieott
atain"..".es-Gadage .'Wt.te iiagtoi
. , .
..^'' ...!'!"'7"...j . ta -.40---wela ' I don't Itrloetr etact.ly alp t °gage se, . Toronto- , • ' • ena,..,..,:aaae;ere..-eaea . ,,.. I ' ,
2f7i7II 4344401146 St, Toronto who, but wVe beeil deseel.adiug A . * - . .. . ,g4 -,1, . wtordlt Lterigilf,.)-regat
...... '
eeeeeiteeet-e-4.a--- ,
T)on't wauder eyliether you earl, dye
oa tiat saddessfulla, ,beeause perfect
'home ayeing is gaaranteeti with "Dim
mond 'Eyes" . even if 'yea have nprer
ilyea before. :DrUgiTists heirs all col-
ors:, Direct lane eaCh pacitage.
"T et fbere be a purpow a your
1 tie to reeegniee the right al
man be 'well bora, ,well iruatmea
well edaeatel. einnloyed, an -d. well
This is no goapel of. eage athil
-or elaaa Matilda. , but a
Iel.ol affott tind-"eerviee- `at nitivea.
81apPheatten. ets e.
Is simply wonderfal for keeping
the hands beautifully white and
,soft and smooth. Positively pee -
vents redness and chapping. Use
it at 'once after 'washing distal.%
and note the improvement or,
your hands.
Keep a bottle handy by the kitchen sink -
te-rials for candies in this conntry than
in Europe,' although he does. impart
certain fruits. He eook, his Smite 'so
that their tarn. is not lost in the
candy. He is also very particular
about 'colorings, using nothing; but
what he makes himself and. never ,anY • .
"The World's Last News.
A -remarkable. agewepaper, whiehe _
there are (ply . twenty-taar in exist. ,
enee, has just been presen.ted to the
London Pres& Club., , •
A Shanghai missionarY prophesier
the end of the -world, at twelve o'eleolt
on September 25th last, and
hai news,paper Prepared a Special ,edle
tion. ter the 'event. -Named the °Fifth
Horseman,' ' it eoxieisted entirely of
news, mapsea.Uclalicagrame iof the encl,of
the world; and contained in announce -
meat that the next -edition world be
printed on. asbestos.. ' "
The weather report foretold. "walate • '
er .conclitions," and a taraoui 'tinned -
milk firm advertised- that it- Would- hiS) 1
opening steres along the `Milky :1,-Tlay.'
After printing twenty-fout popiee of, ,
the epecial lesue the 'machines stoPped
suddenly. Whether the Chinese printo
ere got alarniea and fled to the hills fia
not, known, linethis copy of ,the "Fifth
Horseman" is Probably the only otte;
-which has found way, to:Britain. •
, . • • ,
•... , .
• ,. , ,
, , • '
' .
Just --
Send four
'wrappers from.
MaioLim 2toLrenol0e Si.; NiOnt;cal.
1 ,
, I
To s 41)1 y the.
Steadily tncreasin
• , demand for•
Eddy's make
matches a day
.Isiand Bought With Tohaeco'.
Ten: Stick ISlaridathentioned.reeent-.
ly in a desnateh the' Near, He-
brides', gat 1.ts name in.a.'queer• ava.Y.'.
; Of colisiderable.. height, thatigh oaly
EL fON,OPL.Mirer.i: yards in etrcuinieren.Re;
it used to be si favorite maiit
.ot-Wteg."., engaged a an... target'•paitetioe
'. • .
The tinef who owned It rolet0tI,
and clafmed elan* The:cap,
tein of the ' ,patrolwin the
,claim Wee peeeented•lfroniptisr„:ppnght
the .i.Shind i)ty.
in tnsfIek of 't141k),:ccb,..0±...':it and
• then tile, eliics,f Went' of): hia Way: rejoie,
, 8oine'. rite te.gti, •
On ;illy 11394; 1.)11:t 0.441
ittatOrIVehielak •
,fitc,o; tf o0;1,ti:i01 tho.nt, 0:5