HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-28, Page 1ems,.
Dlsigfine>rnt Sale of
Purebred Cattle at Lep
rd's Shed, .`iV'`ingbam, on
er A,iSOJees
Reduction in the ,rice of Sawing
Owing to the. ' very low prices
'farmers are receiving for their stock
M1'tid grain, We have decided. to saw
'iis season for five dollars per thous-
and; when logs are placed on Skeid-
way :all lumber cut . and piled out in
first class rnanner.
MacLean Lumber Sr Coal Co.
•D ria iti:'Tees ater River
John o er civil engineer of .Mit
.cite;;; Perth, County, has been engaged
to ' furnish --an award in connection
with the dredging of the Teeswater
River on the Greenock and Culross
'boundary, It. is stated that Engineer
Roger's report will show that about
the land.in the;•ane-third oftownship
of Carrick is drainable into this river.
It is estimated that the cost of dredg-
ing the Teeswater River will probably
,exceed a . quarter of a million dollars,.
Put. Wingham in Limelight `r
Readers of the London Free Press
will note with interest that Miss Fleu-
ry, the Wingham contestant in ' the
Salesmans!i'ip Campaign is still among
the top notchers and as double cred-
its .are being given for all ,subscript-
ions: either new or renewals up to
Llarc'h. 8th_, now is the time that you
Has Been Reorganized and Will
Soon Be Playing
It has been learned with a goodly
amount of pleasure':by Wingham resi-
dents in general, that the move put
forward by : the Lions Club and the
Wingham ,Town Council to reorganizeanize
the Wingham Citizen's'
Band has been
successful, .• A meeting was held in
the town hall, on Monday evening or-
ganized and completed arrangements
for the carrying on of the band, and
they are now advertising in the daily
papers for a leader. The following
were elected officers:
President—Mayor Willis.
Vice Pres.—N. L. Fry.
Treas.—Reeve McKibben.
Secretary -C. R. Wilkinson.
Executive Committee—H. C, Mac-
Lean, F. Johnson, ' A.b. Hingston and
T. H. Gibson,'
renewing your present subscription
tnd thus help to bring one of the big -
prizes to Wingham. "Do It Now."
Loses Four Fingers.
Readers of the Advance were told
last week of a Ford engine cutting ice
to the extenjf=.-about 6000 blocks a
day.. The outfit was owned and, run
by Mr. Wm. Thompson of Teeswater,
tnd went to Lucknow to cut ice. Mr.
Thompson' had only nicely got start-
ed in Lucknow when he slipped on
the ice and fell on the engine his hand
bamming in between two cogs was
adly mangled and doctors found it
accessary to cut four fingers off his
right hand. Mr. Thompson was rush-
ed to Wingham Hospital where he is
mow being cared for. Mr. Thompson
is,proprietor of the Te'eswater Cream-
ery, and a hustler.. Many friends sym-
pathize with him on account of . his
unfortunate. accident.
Lieut. Bunton --Officer in charge.
.Sunday at a. m.—Holiness meeting,
Sunday 3 p. m.—Sunday School.
,Sunday7• p. m.—Salvation meeting.
'Your are cordially. invited.
AUCTION SALE -Valuable Horses,
!registered and grade Shorthorns
-and Yorkshire Hogs, at Lot 4, Con.
3, Morris, at x o'clock on Friday,
:March 14th. As the proprietor has
:given up ''farming,: all this Stock
.i:tnisi be sold. • John Coultes,Prop.,
John Purvis, Auct.
APPLICATIONS - The municipal
council of the Township of East
'. Wawanosh : are -asking for applica-
ioAS for the office of tax collector
_ {for -the present year at $75. Appli-
' ,cations Will be received . up till the
.next'meet'ing- .,f -the 'council' on
' March 25th. - A. Porterfield, clerk.
ca..rremlrynt CA t. _.Fa +r, Rtocic. on
Wednesday, March r2th. See r-bills.1
1 .Henry Mathers, Morris, Prop.,.John
l'ii•vis, Auctioneer. 1
Sale -Immediate possession, house
barn and three lots, best location_ in
grillage, suitable for gardener. Terms
Ito 'suit buyer. Address 39 Cliff
' :Ave:, Hamilton, Ont.
FOR SALE -3 set single second hand
harness, all repaired and oiled these
a, ace at bargain ?prices for
Property 'Committee °— :F. Johnson,
A. Hingston and C R Wilkinson.
All former band men are urged to
come out and practise.' An effort will
be made to have a • first-class leader
engaged and with the co=operation and
supgort of everyone thee should be
no possibility of a failure. Any . dung
man desirous of learning to play an
instrument should .communicate v
the secretary, Mr. Wilkinson.
To;: the Editur av the Advance,
Deer Sur;— The local curIer's bonspiel will be
• Ye will remember that two arr finished on Thursday evening, as the
'only two rinks left in the running now
are Jim Murray's rink and Will Mit-
chell's rink. The latter- rink defeated
Ed. Small's rink one Tuesday night in
the 13th end,
Mrs. D. McKague• and Mrs. H. All-
an of Wingham visited their father
Mr. Thos. Friendship, sr., last week.
Mr. Friendship has been confined to
his bed, for the past ten days but his
friends are hoping for a speedy ,re-
covert', Teeswater News.
Hon, George S. Henry, the, Ontario
minister of public works and high-
ways; has announced a change in the
method of financing the planting of
trees along public highways. Instead
of sending out ,its own- workmen, he
says, the new government has acsche
me whereby -"farmers planting trees in
front of their own property will be
bonused•'so much per tree for plant-
Boys remember the Boy's Confer;.
ence, Palmerston, Feb. 29 Mar. x and
2. Weare, expecting a large repre-
sentation from' Wingham and every-
thing is prepared to receive. you. Sat-
urday afternoon from 4.3o to 6.0o we
have secured the arena just for the
boys. Everybody is requested to
bring his skates. Come one, come
all make the conference 'a huge suc-
cess. -.
The Stares property at Merrick and
York"streets, is -reported as being talc -
en over by an oil corporation, probab-
ly The British American Oil Co. This
recently completed service station at
the junction. of two streets, is in a
most desirable location and no doubt
in bringing a good return to the
builder. -Toronto Daily Star.
A New York doctor says • that if
one desires to live to bey
he should not lose his temper, should
_f. ho uld . a tooth -
tot over-ea'r• and s.rc,u=u ase
seven times a day. To
brush at least
accomplish what a man accomplishes
in an average life and use a tooth-
brush so often,' it would be necessary
to live to be 120.
The cost of living. reached its•clim-
ax in .July' 192o. There was a mark -
'n the following
year, and since then there have been
no violent fluctuations. The peak
prices of 192o no longer prevail. But
the. cost of living as recorded in Nov-
ember of 1923 is still 53 per cent.
Higher 'than in 1915 and 47 per cent.
Higher than the 1914 figure.
The old anchor which has braved
he coldest and hottest of weather for
many years above the store now oc-
cupied by The Wingham Enterprise
has gone the way of the world. Mr.
Thos. Groves let the heavy sign
down for fear lest it should fall.
Your , opportunityd to save, --read
King Bros. ad.
The Hospital• Auxiliary are • • having
an apron shower at the home of Mrs.
John McLean; on Friday, March an
from four to six o'clock. This show-
er is for the purpose of securing `ap-
rons for a sale which e, x'
^- y.
Toronto,on juniors Defeat Clinton But Lose The sympath of the entire. cons-
Mr, T, J 11fGLea,i�, is in J .
is to and. M
i nitM
busixiess r' Out six the Round m x y it
Mr. A. E, Lloyd left on Tuesday for William Dore • and family in the sad
Thejunior ch yin io.shi hockey and sudden death of their son W.
a business fir! to the West. Jt o a p n P Y
RP1 took' .lace on
Herbert Dore whicr.P
• special week -end match in the Winghatti rink on . .
Read King Bros; ,sp .cia w e d day eveningg was' one of the. best ever Tuesday night while on a 'visit to
values. it : s sedin iam Clinton boys Montreal.- Herb was a big hearted
.' . , ^
witnessed in W gl• Y
Mrs. Osborne of Newcastle, is visit and Wir. ham bo s played hockey in bey from childhood. Along with his
at the h -o of T r .'Mrc. brother,Harryria v served
in , a ole uvmu v ..�,. and -^-- a clean, fast and gentlemanly manner broth , Mr, Do__, he se-v..d
J. Adair•an the his country overseas in the great war.
that was a' pleasure to watch, d ..
Rings andand was,: badly wounded, his left arm,
.Wedding Rings, Diamond ng insulting shouts from the spectators
W. R. oe r Goals count.gave Bim considerable pain at times
niariiage license information at were not to be la heard.
Hamilton's . jeweler. when la yin off championship games aver since, He married a young lady.
Hamilton's, Py
Gen- and the Clinton winners of their .in England and they, both returned to
The Women's Auxiliary to the team, she has made
willhold their regular district `defeated.the Wingham team, Wingli'am wherea many
crit Hospital g
on winners ners of their district, on Clinton warm friends, they have two dear
meeting. in the :Council Chamber w i
atice to the tune of 6-2, therefore in or-' little children. To these the heart -
Monday afternoon,! March 3, 3.45.felt s in ath of every citizen isalso
C,Shackleton and Miss Floe der that Wingham win they had to'Y P y
Mrs.defeat the Clinton team by"at least;extended. Deceased was 33 years of
I teat, are in Alma, Mich. Geo. attending four goals. Everyboy on the Wing- age: '
the funeral of their cousin Geo. M. g
Bildson who died suddenly last week ham line-up played to win and same
after a',lirief illness:,- fast hockey was witnessed. The home
Free copies of newspapers are nev- boys had the visitors beaten 4-o until.
He bus within about a minute before time was
er free to the publisher.y called when Clinton boys shot a goal
the paper it is printed on and pays through the Wingham nets.
for the labor incident to the'printing.
Bell _'as goal tender ' is a real stone;
--Key West (Florida) Citizen. wall, -Chas. Pattison and Walter Lock -
Mr. Alex. McIntyre left. on ;rues- ridge make a splendid: defence and
day morning for' Kenosha'Wis., about Stanley Harrison, Barney Brown and
6o miles' north of Chicago where ;he "Net" Morden snake a forward line
has. secured a position. We wish him that'would be:hard to, find the beat
success. -Clinton New Era.. of in any junior hockey group.
Mr. Hilton Hitnter," foreman of the The Clinton boys were dissatisfied
Essex Free Press, was in. Listowel with the work of Roy Cruickshanks
Tuesday and Wednesday, on account as, referee, and a Clinton man was put
of the serious illness. of his mother, on in the last period, but we fail to
Mrs. A. `Hunter, at the home of Dr. see that any,fault could be found with
James Moore.—Listowel Banner. the decisions of either one of the men.
They both appeared to the spectators
to be impartial in their decisions.
Mr .Norman Geddes- who is manag-
er of the,. Clinton Colts came up on
the evening train in time to see a good
part of the match.
tree wakes. ago I tould ye about an
argymint I had wid the missus wid
rispict to puttin in wan av thim radio
outfits. Av coorse;- I won the debate,
but she had 'her own way about the
radio, so we wus both glazed; so' to
shpake, barrin that' I kin nivir git a
sinsible. wurrud out av her head anny
more at noights. As soon as, hur
dishes are washed, .she fastens. thim
tings on her ears, an fusses wid that
radio rnaste'en till bidtoirne an 1 don't
know how•much longer fer I am' giri-
erally ashlaPe'befoor she comes, up.
Shure, 'tis' plissant avenins • we do
be s'hpindin; wid not a wurrud from
her' ixcipt wid- regard. to what she
does be hearin troo the air. "Isn't it
wondherful Tim?" she sez "I kin hear
a man shpakin in Kansas City; arr I
kin hear girruls singin in Albahy, N.
J."; arr "I kin hear a man broadcast
in the news that celery has jumped
up two cinti a bunch in Kalamazoo,
Mich''; arr "Whate has dropped.foive
cints. in Winnipeg; arr a could wave
is corrin• frurn the Wesht;" "Isn't it
wondherful, wondherful?" she kapes
on` sayin till I - git, toird av it. An
thin she :wont drop it ayther the tiixt
marnin, but wants 'to tell me av the
wondherful tings she heard along
about "midnight whin I wus enjoyin
me plissant dhrames. Wan marnin
whin it wus too shtormy fer me to
want to go down town I shtud it as
long as I cud, an thin said, "Yis, it` is
wondherful, awl right fer a wuniman;
w hd used to growl so much about•the
naybers lishtiniu in on the ould par
thy loin in the counthry, now to be
dein the` same ting'and takin a de-
loight in it." Afther awl the radib.
isn't anny more wondherful than a
hundred and wan tings that we lieu 120 ears old
got used to seein an hearin, ki'er in
sI,.e. cud- 'it.' rer'nirktair tuk at
M•ishter Zurbrigg's if he has a shtrong
enough camera; iviry summer ye kin
see out on' the ould farrum two arr
tree koinds ay. apples growin- on the
wan tree; in' the :.shpring we intind`
sowin a lot av diffrunt koinds av
s'limall sades in the- garden,, an befoor
summer is over ixpict to see some-av
thim projuce flowers an some av thiin ed reduction during
grow tings to ate,` wid exactly ..the
same soil an sun and rain fer ivir,,
Yvan av thim. I don't see anny' sinse
in gettin excoited • about this` radio
business, fer, shure, theer wus lots av:
zings to wondher, about befoor-it got
shtarted, I hev often .wondhered me-
silf whoy shmart byes loike, Will Gal-
braiath an Dr: Jarge Howson ,,nivir'.
got i Tarried, wid so !nanny purty gir-
ruls in town."
"Theer 'ye go Agin," sez she, "wid
that ould' gossipin, tongue ye . hev in
yer head.' Can't ye lave the young
payple alone. Shure, what differ
does it snake to ye if thim byes ivir
git married 'arr not; 'tis„. tlieer own
business., so it is., : Isn't, the Prince av
Wales a single man, an .Mishter'Mac-
Kenzie King an a,; lot av other good
min, Indade I often tisk it is tliebesht
rein that shtay;single, seem as they t th Auxiliary
hevent the consait in thimsilAres to intends holding some time m May.
, ask any.,igigest to- marry than,. war- Come along and bring an apron.
ry the biggest e main, in min cud Ever one welcome.
rind is that some'°,;married" I cud � y monthlymeeting of
minshun:ivir got': anny'sinsible wum- The .regular
c' man to hev thini,,:an cook an shcrub the Women's. Institute will be held in
an wash an mind fer thim, an rear the Council Chamber, A�ittie close Thursday,
their childer 'fer the resht, av theer Feb, 28th., 3 p.
loives. I often wondher a the business meeting a short program
lot more av us married wimmindon't will be given, after which a contest
go crazy. Now git on yer duds an go in needlework will be' held. e Please s
r own town an buy some tings fer din- bring your thimbles and Eee will. be
tier; • an, shure, 'twill be; another ivir- Hambly and Mrs. F. J.
lashtin wondher if ye. don't fergit the directors.
half what. I till ye to buy, an git the Evangelistic services are being held
t- teeth .cliaytc out av ye be -
every evenin in Wingham Methodist
oye ev y g
soides "
quick sale. Apply- at 1hos. Kew;
Harness. Shop,
FOR SALE—$15oo will. buy a good
second hand square piano. Apply
at the Rectory, John -St., Wingham.
you have fed the. fine Government
standard recleaned wheat screenings
which we keep in stock you will nc
,ver know what good feed it is.• It
'will increase your" cream' and it will
fatten your, hogs. Better than any
•other feed at anywhere near the
price. But don't' be misled there, are
-four grades. of screenings and we
'buy only one, the best, Lepard
Chopping Mill.
days. old, from - excellent milking
' stock. Apply to Baliff Phippen,
..HONEY --Pure Clover Honey at 1s
'per lb. in 5 and 10 lb. pails. A
for special rates on 300' lb, orders
or over, We pay special attentio
`' to all Western orders and guarantee
Shipment. For farther particulars
apply. to Thos. Kew, Wi<ngham, o
The Cottle Apiaries, Whitechurch.
Type, full' equipment of going print-
ing office on sale, everything in
good condition. Inquire for further
particulars tb Box 473, Wingham.
'RAW: l?TJRS WANTED. -1: will pay'
Wheat cash price for raw furs.:. 'O.
Gallaway, Edward St., . Wingham.
FOR SALE—Fifty acres, 01
good fariu land in:the.' township of
urnberry, eon.' I2+ flood fratite,
barn •with stone: stabling, comfort-
* Ole ' frame house.airtesiatl well at
400r, For further par'ticulars.,ap-
ply to J. A. Gray, Route 2, Wing -
The Game,at Clinton
The Clinton New Era has ,the fol-
lowing to say of the hockey. match
between Clinton and Wingham .on
Wednesday evening last:
"Wednesday evening the . Clinton
Juniors won the first game of the N.
H. L. semi-final group against Wing -
ham by a score of 6-2 and the north-
ern boys were lucky to get the 2.
The visitors had some real good in-
dividual ,players but it ended there
they played no combination and the
Clinton boys went at then hard and
between combination and solo work
had the visitors stepping all the time
to keep up. In the face off Higgins
got the puck and scored from a side
shot and in. another five minutes Jack
Mutch scored in a scramble in front
of the goal. The Wingham goalie
had a lot pf shots to turn aside. The
second period was nearly exhibition
of 'shinny and' neither sides scored.
The final period, Higgins_ got No. 3
with a shot from centre and Rorke
rolled in two goals on solo rushes
that dazzled the Wingham defence.
Harrison got Wingham's first goal in
a scramble with Nediger off, when
he .kicked the puck in the net. To
even up' the count Cole made a solo
rush- .and scored No. 6 goal. Wing -
ham's and goal came off Higgins
stick in a scrimmage in front of the
goal. C. Draper, refereed the game,
as the official referee could" not get
here on account of the blockade, and
kept the game well in hand and only
one penalty was given in the whole
game. The line up was:—
Wingham—Bell, goal; Lockridge
and Patterson defence; Harrison, cen-
tre; Morden wings; ir:; Drown and... _.---_-• Ma-
son -- and For ie, subs.
goal; Nediger and
Cole, defence; Rorke centre; Higgins
and J. Mutch wings; Cook and F.
Mutch, subs;
Carnival Next Wednesday
A Grand Masquerade Carnival will
be held in the Wingham Rink on next
Wednesday March 5th. See bills for
Was. Stuck for $7.
The Late W. Herbert Dore
Upon receipt of the sad news Mr.
Wax Dore and Mr. A. 3. Walker
went to Montreal and returned with
the body. The funeral was held from
the home of the parents, Shuter St.,
Wingham on Monday afternoon. In-
terment was made in the family plot
in the Wingham cemetery. Rev. C.
E. Cragg, B. D., pastor of Wingham
Methodist Church conducted the fun-
eral services, which were private.
The pallbearers were: Messrs. C. R.
Wilkinson, W. A. Galbraith, Hyde
Parker,; W. C. Reid, Herb Jobb, and
W. Ingham.
Mr. Norman Geddes, manager of
the Junior Hockey team, said he
would stand treats for 'the team at $1
per goal`in the Goderich game. The
.boys just scored 7 goals and thus the
manager will have to supply a pretty
good "feed" to the boys.—Clinton
New Era.
Died in Toronto
Word was received in Wingham, on
Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Robert
Knox at Toronto. The remains will
be interred in the Wingham cemetery
on Thursday afternoon. Funeral ser-
vices will be held in the St. Paul's
church, Wingham, at 1.3o p.m. Mr.
Knox was laid to rest here two 'years,
ago this month. The family home'.
was in Wingham for many years
where they conducted a jewelery store.
Time Will'Tell
Church. The
Rev. C. E. Cragg
Av coorae 1 wint. is being assisted, by Mr. Reg. Hudson
Yours till nix, wakeon 'g. Rev. H
of London, leader of son
Timothy ' ;Cay.' W. Hibbert, a former beloved pastor
. ` y will take part in the services com-
mencing on Friday evening, March
Dies at Ripa Old Age 7th„ and for about four days, Every
Every -
There assed away at Bluevale, on body is invited to these services.
Tuesday, l eb. 26th, Isabel.,Earles,. wi-
dow of the late John Manns, in her, f.IJate
Change o
edear. She. was a ttghlycsteetn
d .d'fella s Euchre
ed Old la¢y,•. Interment will take place The date ofthed Ooixt,Frid�ay; night
in l3luevale cemetery do 'Thursday af- has been . changed d • : Feb
ternOon. : Funeral service at her late Feb. 29 to Thursday evensog,
residence at 3.30 p. fn. 28th.
The agricultural committee of Leg-
islation h'el'd its organization meeting
on Wedaresday, Feb. 20 and elected
N. W. T'rewartha, South Huron as
chairman,. FIon. J. S. Martin indicat-
ed •some of the matters which are
likely to be included in the commit-
tee's program. He referred to the
visit of James E. Johnson, of Norfolk
to the British fruit markets and sug-
gested that he be asked to address the
committee Pater.
The minister also reported on the
investigation of the overseas honey
market made by President Halstead,
of the Beekeepers' Association, and
discussed' the situation in regard to
the foul brood menace to Ontario
apiaries The. federal. Government.
has discontinued its grant of $5,000
toward fighting this disease and dis-
cussion arose over,the advisability of
increasing the provincial assistance,
at present- •$9,o00. Mr. Martin sug-
gested that apiariests register with
agricultural representatives.
E. R. Wigle, Centre Huron,, said
that assessors in his county reported
on apiaries, and other members sug-
gested the plan might be extended,
but the minister thought assessors
were complaining about too much
work now. '
D. J. Taylor, North Grey proposed
that the province offer in addition to
$9,000 a sunt of $2090 for each $1,000
the Beekeepers' Association should
raise. Mr. Martin agreed with the
principle, but thought the association
should have ample notice.
Mr. Wigle moved that the president
of the association be asked to address
the next meeting on Friday of this
11111NgIIl1llIILIIIIIIIII(llaln , e
1! •
c, Bar' ofCastile Soap.,�.. x90
is c Harmony Bath 'Tablets .«.,h.,..:..�,._n•.-- �,r.- .,.,••••-,-,; fta �.ayw:
Ioc Palm Olive' Soap . _ _ 4 for;;o
illwwlA►>wIIINiII�iwiooil�lul is
Wii hail. Ont.
11Nldiisl9ili11il®Ili®IIII�III■Illllill®f IIiIBI®III®III®i11�irlllllillt�gl�lll
x e Hard Water Soap, , .,:..3 for' 2 c'.
25c Writing Pads
0 ox LinenS
c Bt
5a'h Y
e Box' Deekle Ed Stationery^
7.5 �e
xsc: package Linen Envelopes • w, 8c, 2 for
toe I
5o Chocolate Bars 7 for 2,5c
35c lb. Old Fashioned Candies 29c ,
Horehound Cand 2 c
35c Y•-- - 9 ;i�..
Riley'ar English Tofhes...>_...._.._:_�._._,_. _ _ ., 46 z. zse
"Sample Col mbiaAlew Process' _._.-.,.z5c
P 3t
Our,Every Day„Cule Prices Save You Money
a aptDrug
�?4ra P.rX��a .SaSrr,e
?belie g3 : .
11- I11 116ll111111®II1161111Q1t1.
Married; at Parsonage
Mr. Wilfred Nevins of Teeswater,
and Miss. Laura Mildred Moore of
Papers Will' . rrinlgamabe
Mr. John Joynt, M. R. P. has pur-
chased the Wiisgham 'Thies- and A. G.
Dungannon, were united in marriage Smith, publisher~ of The' Advance has
at the Wingham Methodist parsonage
on Tuesd'ay evening by the Rev. C E-
He Didn't - Show Up
The Acton. Free Press says that a:
couple of weeks ago a. man who al We are offering Feed FIour at $1,50
leged his name was Frank McCurdy;„ per bag if taken out before March the
and who said he came from Crumlin,. nth. We age doing. this to make room
near London; came to Acton, visited in our storehouse..
Auctioneer' Kers, and arranged for a -We have as car. of Western Oats
sale of 30' high-class dairy cows, which we ale selling at 5xc per bus..
Holsteins, mincers and springers, apt' the mill.. Howson & Howson.'
many of diem eligible for registra-
tion." When sale day came a large Bouquets from Ripley
crowd of farmers lead assembled, but A•. grand' cancert under the auspices
neither McCurdey mor his •cattle put
a earanee. of the Methcalist Sunday Schoolwas:.
in an pp� given^ in: the Township Hall, on Mon-
An Auto Fitt -Winter
rater daze evening last by the Wingham
Concert Company. The entire pro -
Mr. R. Sargent land_ Dr. Gibson of gram was of a high order and the
HiIlsbtirg, drove from that village to audlience was delighted with the en -
Guelph one d'ay last week in a unique tertainment. Mrs. Van 1Wyck, gold
conveyance,: a. combination automo- medalist reader, excelled as an. enter -
bile and sleigh.. The trip was accom-
plished in less time than an how ov-
er heavy road's, full of pitch holes.
The vehicle an automobile body with
in turn, purchased it front him. Our .
announnement of the'amalgamation
of The, Times and The Advance will
appear ire our next issue.
A Bar airs in- reed
'The daily paper of Kitchener is en-
thusiastic over the success recently
obtained from its advertising col-
umns. A widower from Western
Canada, wishing to secure a second.
!nate to' share the fortune which his
wheat fields had brought trim sent an
advertisement; for a wife to his old
home paper in Kitchener, He receiv-
ed over a score of applications from
would-be brides, selected the one that
most appealed to his fancy and wrote
her that she was the successful. choice
She met him about a week later at
the Kitchener depot. They were mar-
ried and after dropping in to thank
the newspaper for its good service in
E. '
the matter,/ left for the Ws This
is taken as conclusive , evidence that
advertising pays. Certainly it brought
results but before finally deckling
whether the advertiser is a gainer or
loser frpm his venture, it might be
well to let a Year or' so roll by,
Canada Stands Fifth
her numbers were all of high
,order, special' mention should be made
of ""Fbr Belgiinn" and "Canadian.,
Girls" which were' greatly appreciated,
two single seats, one behind the oth- and Brought forth hearty applause,
er, with wheels on the rear axle and The several violin selections of Mr_
ed by Mr. Sargent, who conducts a George Fryfogie, el:licited the plaudits
garage at Hillskurg, in. his spare mo- of those present, particularly the old'
runners on the front, was construct- familiar "Annie Latrrie" which always;
ments this winter. Embodied' in its touches a responsive chord in a Rip
construction are the parts of four or' ley audience. Mr. Gordon Buchanan,.'
five automobiles, and Mr. Sargent bass soloi'st and comedian won the
claims he can, travel any place with it place in the hearts of the people, it
without fear of stalling. Deep snow, being liis first appearance in town.' He
or deep ruts: are no hindrance to its has a deep, rich bass voice; his first
progress. On his way from Hills-, selection• "The Ragged Vagabond"
burg to Shelburne, on a previous oc-; given in character costume was par-
casion, he•naa&e a detour crossing two ticularl'y. welI rendered. Miss Hazel
,__._ _ _ sBlandon', accompanist f.:.-_, th_:o
lots where Of ere waa nu sign of a Ar2¢rNVR', the accGinpauns for zuc-or
road and experienced no trouble what- ening', gave two' very fine piano solos •.
ever in negotiating the drifts, making displaying her ability as a . pianist.
the trip in 7'5 minutes. The only Should' Wingham Concert Company;
trouble he has with the machine is appear again here in the near future,
in turning corners where he is obliged a treat is in store for those who have ..
to slow down to avoid skidding. not heard thein.—Ripley Express.
111111111111111111 111111111111131111113111111i1111111111 +I 11111111111111 611;
Womens and; Gr w.
Girls -Lace 'wG:oo s
The Prime Minister of Canada,re-
cently said in England that, while in
1915 Canada stood tenth among the
nations in the value of her exports,
today she stands fifth, next to Bri-
tain, America, France and Germany.
A sealed bottle has arrived at New
Guinea after floating across the Pac-
ific from Central America in a little
over two years. As the distance is
8,400 miles, the bottle'must have av-
eraged eleven miles a day even if it
took the shortest route.
wasn't feeling
Sandy well and con-
sulted a physcian of the village for ad-
vice._. 1 r
Do you drink, Sandy?" the latte
"Yes, sir.'
"Give it up. Do you smoke?"
"Yes sir."
"You must give that up, too."
much, was too and Sandy was.
making for the door when the doctor
called after him.
"You have not paid me for My ad-
Ada , Sandy."
"f'ni not taking it," was the reply.
This lot consists of 20 pair's of Women's and Grow.
ing Girls' Black Kid and Calf also Brown Calf
Lace Boots, with Cuban and low heels.
All sizes 3 to 7.
The regular ,rice of these Shoes is $6.50 to 9,0li..
Sale Price $1.98.
"Greatest Shoe Values Offered for tihe Money
See Window—Pick out your sloe.