HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-21, Page 4,R. I,N 'I'irUX:.WXNOHAM A,DVA ;'E'iE :1„ nee' Tia day,, x'ehett it ry m011,0 t UMN ,1<tl IP, '"t' iJ lap A'S l `f4s1;t, "Ct/u,, 1,4ARnali ''i',"d'4,11 HOW i"0 I In A 'Ftl . ,`r ou AI £a.,,""rAI OP9= -YOUR. CAP alatel0 G RING- A A. 1- ANC? KNEE F'C] tc • ANC7 SPoc i anee lin to the doily press, whee- r :tit G4trturtns play their national Ohm oyer radio, the effect is tot fly destroyed by emelt mysterious leadie elation. All attempts to lo- :e tui$ f eterferzzig station, hove ro been: feti1Rr, There is a glowing' apzciccn that these e' me from the vt- einiter of the Eiffel Tower in Paris A number: of the large commercial 'Users; ,of radio have voluntarily decid- 4 4 to abandon their present spark txalistttitters and install the more nee Berta Pelee type, When one is listen- at It le very ant -toying to have a ser- ^y'^O Y dt1t4 .d de,shes come c, riving on, the music. This is because' a aria transmitter is in operation, g` type cannot be tuned sharply and 4t Is found that the band of wave {3th$ covered ' by a single ' spark jisznitter may be ma meters, Thus yiC a'statiott, was tuned for say 400 me- sere and a spark transmitter was in .e * 'then: the message' couldbe heard. -ori a reeeiver which was tuned any- where ere front 350 to 450 meters, Where- as with the tube transmitter, the iness- sa mess - . could only be heard on an adjust - anent of from 3q to 40e 'meters, This illustrates` the difference in sharpness +A£ tuning, The. eoixi-in,-tile-slat receiver has Made its appearance in some of the American cities. Of course the ma - Zine is very simple. and all controls leave been reduced to one knob. This; nob is set for a certain station and a "i'auttou pressed. If the station is transmitting, the music can be heard iterntittenly' until a coin is deposit- ed in the slot, when the music is auto -i amtically turned on in full strength kr a definite period. Twenty sec- 1. •hnds beforethe time is up, a red light shows and the patron may continue hearing the, progrem by depositing' another coin. Plans are being considered where- ig c si by college lectures may be sent out her radio. Prospective students may listen in and: hear the lecturesmaking their own: notes. If successful at the end of the term in passing the reg- ular examinations, the student would". be given credit in the usual manner. This opens ti new field for radio. .All programs sins are: shown on Eastern Stac%dar d Tithe. Station KDKA—(326 leteters) Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Thursday;, February 2x 6,15 p.:m.—Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor. 7«15 p. m. —Farm program arranged by `"National Stockman. Farmer." 7.45 p, m.. ---The : children's period. 8 p. tit. --Market reports from the sWelk of "National Steelman and tilt NOW "T��A` YQuvE ARRANGED 11-i TABL. CoRR .C,`rtx WITH `ITta S RVt'C.a. .L, NE -N AND S11LVr^Fes',YC Must' GErA TRAY iD %iRiNG ;SOME FOOD , FF? OM YOUR 1 ' %'r H EN Q4d,NOW % • CANT LEAQt..1 Wbee A gprteta mow y L 1925 sv 1rR.ty. Mien ac. teeleiee. tea:. Planner." z p, 8. S to.—F r ani .program Contin- %zed. 8,3o pen.—Concert by KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor, assisted by Mrs. Catherine McComb Enoch, contralto, Alvin Adams. accompanist; C. A. Gerst, baritone Mrs, C. A. Gerst, accom- panist. Program—Selections by the orchestra, `"Hungarian Rhap$ody No. 2, Liszt; "Funiculi Funicula," Denza; "Ballet. Sylvia," (Pizzicato),) Delibes; Concert;Waltz, Gungl, Excerpts from "II Trovatore," Verdi; "L'Aldesienne Farandole," Bizet. Contralto solos, ""He. Was Despised" from "The Mes- siah," (with orchestra), Handel; (a) Mifawny., Foster; (b) "Going Home" Dvorak; baritone solos, olos, (a)"Hear Me Ye Winds endbaves„ Handel; "The Captive, Lalo; Oberon Fairyland,' Slater. Friday,February 22 6,15 li'Y nz.—Organ recital by Lucile Hale, from Cameo Motion Picture Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7 .S P, i tie—Rad' BoyScout Meet - 9 Meet- ing, 7.45 p. m.—The Children's period. Soo p. me—Market reports. 8.15 p. m.—"The Long Struggle with Idolatry,” the Sunday School les- son for February 24th, presented by Dr. R L. Lanning. 8.30 p. m,—Concert by the Pitts burgh Male Sextette. 1:55 p. in,—Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Saturday, February 23 6.i5 p. in.—Dinner concert by the Westinghouse Band, T. J. Vastine, conductor. Program—March "136 U. S. A. Field Artillery," Filmore De- scriptive Overture "A Mid -summer Morning," . Barnhouse; Cornet - solo "Last Rose of :summer-„ Manana; "Chilian Dance,” Nissud; V siou "Trio for Horns," Hayes; clarinet solo, "Showers of Gold," Bouillon; overture "Jubilant," Galuska; descriptive piece, "The Auto Race," Nissud; Serenade "To Alice,' Haarell; Patrol, "Rlue and Gray" Dalby. 7.3o p, m.—"Bringing the World to prepared ared by "OWorld." re"Our . 7.45 p. ni.—The' children's period, 8 p. in,—Feature. 8.15 p. m.—"Buying a Home," Rob- ert W. Sernenow, secretary school of business administration and real es- tate law; University of Pittsburgh.' 8.3o p. m, -Concert by the Westing 'house band,:T. J. Vastine, conductor; assisted by Herman :Nibbe, tenor. Program—Selections by band, .Over ture, "King of the Night," Bernhard' Caprice, "In a Woodland Glade," Holmes;: cornet duet, "CalI of the Sea," (Mr. Harvey and Mr. Foster), Smith; Spanish Intermezzo "Man- zano," Brooks; selection "The.Bohem- ian Girl," Balfe; clarinet solo "Corrin' Thru the Rye," . Thornton; a Negro sketch, "Swanee river," Middleton; March "Tannhauser", Wagner. Solos by tenor selected. 9,55 p. m.—Arlington time signals. Weather forcast. Station WGY—(38o Meters) General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, February 21 6.30 13 m.—Dinner music byRom- ano"s Orchestra,New KenmorHotel Albany N. Y. 7.45 p. in Third annual reception and welcome to new citizens by Sche- nectady Post, American . Legion as- sisted by a citizens' committee and representatives from other patriotic organizations. Fifteen -minute pro- gram by Schnectady American Legion Band, Joseph Hillabrandt, director. 8 p. m.—Invocation Rev. M. A. Bi- anco. Selection, Schnectady. Post American Legion Band. Opening re- marks C. H. Lang, chairman, local committee, American Legion. • Selec- tion by chorus of the Liberty Bell As- sociation. (Fifty boys' voices). A Grzegorzewsl;i, director. Introduction of principal speaker, by Mayor Wil- liam W. Campbell, honorary chair- man. Address; Tenor solo John Lloyd neanatnnawea j E bargain does not make a year's economy. It's the constant saving at the DOMINION STORE that beats the High Cost of Living-. ,You always save at the red front store, becattee it's one of the 300 in Canada's largest grocery organ- tiora, Our great size enables us to.buy for less- this haps us to sell for less. Note these low prices: EXTRA "' ECIAL RICHMELLO TEA Ib.. - GOLDEN TIP TEA lb. - - SPECIAL FsLEND TEA 59 Ib- - - SELECT BLEND TEA Ib. - -- DOMINION` MATCHES on 3 boxes for - - - LARK'S TOMATO SOUP, tial c HARVEST or BAYSIDE CHERRIES, No. 2 tit - 24 PURE GOLD ICING, 25 2 for - Our Own . A.Ygi CRP N GAGE PLUMS„. in heavy syrup - 0 I AYSUD:F. LOMBARD PLUMS, ,int heavy syrup - TIN FLOUR ITZ SATIN FLOUR l-llo. tilt: CREST NEST s 'for 27 SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE, lb, -• MAN AN3I L I., .r`i OLIVES No. 5 (plain), 2 for - D.S.L. CORNFALKES 3 pkts. for - a 'side Brand BAYSIDE PEACHES in heavy syrup BAYSIDE BART'LETr PEARS, in heavy syru ROLLED OATS S 6 lbs. for -, "UK pkt. - - •COTTA C IwwCL (4 to 6 lbs.), per lb. ""PICNIC HAMS (tot over 7 .lbs.),, fib. COOKED. HAIT lb. M, E°KING ONIONS 4 lints. - _79c - 89c _39c -2 e - 23e - 47e . 25c Selection by chorus of Liberty Be ,Association. Address, response on be half of new citizens,' John G, Meengs Tenor solo, `John Lloyd, Address of behalf of new voters, William Ma quet, Union College." Band selection Schenectady Post 'American Legion Band. Oath of allegiance, Friday, February 22 6,30 p. m.—Children's program. 7.35 p. m,—Healtli' talk, New York state department of health. 7.45 P. m.—Radio drama "The Gam- blers, by... Charles Kleine. presented by WGY Players, Address, "George Washington," Benedict Hatmaker. In- strumental selection, "Bedouin Song,' WGY Orchestra. Drama, "The Gam biers, Charles Klein, a` drama' in three' acts presented' by special ar- rangement r rangement with the author, WGY Players, The cast -Wilbur Emerson, Edward H. Smith; John Emerson Frank Oliver; James Darwin, Jerom Lovenheim; George Cowper; Edwar E. St Louis; Giles Raymond, Cherie S. Baumes; Frederick Tooker, Maur: ice G. Randall;' Thomas, Harold Sun de- Hicks Courtland' Hopkins. Cath P C th erine Darwin, Rose Cohn; Isabel Em erson, Margaret V. Smith; Jane, Lol Sommers. Scenes:Act z-Smokin room at Emerson's, February in, p. m. Instrumental selection, "A dante, orchestra. Act II=Library a Darwin's, February 30, ee p. m. In strumental `selection, "Andante- Mo erato,” orchestra. Act- III—Smokin room at.Emerson's, February It, _ a. m. Instrumental selection,, "Ada gio", Lake Orchestra. (Late- Program) 10.30 p. m.—Dance music by:BM Bird Orchestra. Monologue by' Dr. W J.Brennan, of Plattsburgh,' N. Y. Saturda y - Feb Y: February 23 12.3o to z.i5 p. m.—Program pre sented by Studebaker Six; of Lon Beach, Gien E. Thomas arranging. Station KYW—(536 Meters) Westinghouse Electric I1 Presbyterian Choir with duet, by L. - N, Roller and, W. J. May, Mrs. Robert Kelly and Eleanor Gracey; "Ro- mance," "Arabesque," Nell Steck; Mar "All Praise to God in Light Arrayed" , (Lobengrin);`Mr. Sapp and choir; quartet partsby Mrs, Robert Kelly, Mrs. Charles Wood, C. A. Krause; "Now the Day is Over," Lakewood Presbyterian choir; "Ave Maria,' "Spanish Dance,' Walter - ' Logan; "Pilgrim's Chorus" (Tannhauser), Male chorus; "Life," Mrs. Robert Kelly; "My Heavenly Home," quartet —Mrs. Kelly, Mrs, J.: M. Sloan, L. Backus, R. E. Sapp;' "Believe Me if ' All. Those Endearing Young Charms," "Gitana,' Nell Steck; "The Night Has a Thousand — T o d Eyes,"Choir violin ob- ligato - ligato by Walter. Logan; "Love Is Millward and (choir piano and'harp Fair" (Intermezzo), Mrs. Lawrence accompaniment) Ethel M. Kunkel and NeIl Steck; "The Old Refrain,""From the Cane Brake," Walter Logan; "Beautiful Land Called Home," Wo- men's chorus; "Deep River" (Negro Spirituel), Choir; "Ave Maria," Mrs. Robert b rt Kelly, with piano, harp and violin accompaniment, Calm as the Night," Choir; "Spirit of God," Choir, solos by Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Sloan and Mr. Krause; "Fantasia" (for violin and harp), Mr. Logan and Miss Steck; Emerson e. d s a 9 "An (Golden, Legend),... Mrs. Kelly and - "The Night , Is Calm and Cloudless" Mod choir. ' g 8 p. m.—The Oberlin Conservatory o String Quartet, assisted by Mrs. - Josephine Bonazzi` Lytle, pianist, will present a concert The". members of the string quartet are: Mr. Maurice e Kessler, first violin; Miss Gehrkins, and Mr. Frederick Goerner, cello, viola; Mr. Funkhouser, second violin; Following is their "program in detail: - "Quarttet in G,'' "Allegro," Oberlin Long Chicago, Ill. 7.30 p. m.—Children's bedtime story 8 to 8.30 p. m,—Dinner concert broadcast from -the Congress Hotel. 9 to ;9.2o p. m.—"Twenty Minutes of "Good Reading," by Rev. C. J. Per- on, Sr J: head of department of Eng- lish, Loyalo University. 9.20 to z0 p. m;—Musical program National Ceramic Tile Convention at the Congress Hotel. ao to 10.30 P. m.—' Mendelssohn Club concert at Orchestra ball: Artists and program will be announced by radiophone. Friday, February 22 7.30 p. m.—News, financial and final market and sport summary furnished by the Union Trost. Company, Chica- go "Journal of Commerce," and Unit- ed States department of agriculture. 7.30 p. m --Children's bedtime story 8 to a o: a ne -Dinner concert from rile tvag-iess �Yearar Conservatory String Quartet "Minuet" "Spinning Song", Mrs.. Josephine B. Lytle, piano; "Etude," Mr. Frederick Goerner, cello (with quartet accom- paniment); "Rondo Capriccioso,".Mrs. Josephine B. Lytle, piano; . "Quartet in G," "Minuet"—Finale, Oberlin Coa- 1 servatory String Quartet At the. conclusion of these numbers Carl Rupp's Hollenden . Dance Orchestra will come into the air with one of hie j well-known dance programs, detail ed numbers for -which will be an - 4 nounced over the. radio: Station KGO-312 Meters Oakland, California Note—This is the new station of the 'General Electric Company located on the Pacific, ;Coast. The tine given is corrected to Eastern Standard Time: Thursday, February ar 1r p. m„ -Musical Concert. Saturday, February 23 at p.m —Musical Concert. THAT $5000 JOB To the-Rditur.av the:. A'' "-- I see be the papers that Mishter Ferguson an Mishter Doherty do be haven some shtrong talk down in the Ontario Parlymint wid regard to the laydership av the opposition. It ' I1 p. en. ; to 3 a. m_—Midnight revue Deer Sur,— -, Artists and program will be announc- ed by radiophone. Saturday, _ February as 7.50 p. m.—Children's bedtime story 8 to 8.3o p. m,—Dinner concert fern- sanies that the U.F.O. fads dishband- failed by the Congress Hotel. ed thimsilves as a parthy, lavin aitch 9 to 0.38 p. ria— Musical program, man to do what sames roight in his courtesy of Henry B. Roney. This own oyes, laike the toime whin theer program will include the well known, wits no king in Israel: This dussent. "Roney's Masonic Quartette."' Ad- suit :Mishter Doherty, an he can't see ditional artists and program will be the since arr rayson av takin that 'announced by .radiophone- $5000 a year away frum hire an givin it to Mishter Sinclair, whin the Grits hev only re. min in the house agin if U.FO. byes. Looldn at it in wan sinse ay the wurrud, Mishter Doherty wild same to hey the fursht claim on the jawb, but he is a quare man to be. layder av the farrumers' partly, if it. is a parthy Slitill. Shure, I am tould ' that he is eirisidint av the Northern Loife Assurance Co., voice-piesident: av the Reinsurance : av Canada; a, director av tilt Ontario Equitable 10.03 p, m.—'"Safety First" talk will be fured. by the Chicago Motor I in Club. zr p, tit to I' a. rn.—Midnight Re- vue broadcast from the Congress Ho- tel studio. Artists announced by ra� dict. Station WJA'ts'—(ago Meter) 'Union Trust Company Cleveland, 'O.- CO, - Loife Assurance, Co, an Prisidint av the Doherty -Reason 'Co, If he at what- fer. Me frind, Jimmy Hunter an 'mesilf cud give ividence wid regard to the ixpinse ay shmokin, an Tani Binnitt an Jawn Purvis cud till about the hoigh coshi'av talkin. Shpakin av Tam Binnitt moinds me av auxshun sales, an thin I:remimber that Jawn King has jilt hild wan. Shure, theer will soon be no farrum- ers at all, at all among thim U.F.O. lads. 'Tis the broadinin out polishy av Mishter Drool.), goin into iffict. But to git back to wheer I shtarted, I don't tink me frind Mishter Fergu- son, ergu-son, is worryin much about Manny Doherty 'err the jawb he is afther, barrin•that if a U.F.O. didn't git that $5000 posishun it had to go to a-rit, which is nearlyas bad, but I tink n k mebby me oulfrind is losin shlape over the redishtribushun av sates, an the rifirindum quistion. I am ipic- tin wurrud ivry day to go down to Toronto to consult wid` him about these matthers. (Ay coorse..awl me ixpinses will be paid.) Wid moshtav the mimbers:in the house bein Tories at the prisint toime, 'tis harrud to know how to fix tings widottt puttin some av thin out av a jawli, an Mish- ter Ferguson isn't wan to gb back on the byes. 'Tis a harrud problem loike wan av thim me . dawter-in-law used to be'.wurrukin at inthat Geome- try book av hers. I tink I will borry the book an take it wid me to Toron- to an shtudy it on the th"i-ain goin down; it'mos ht hit us to foind out P some new - ways to devoid up the counties. - The rifirindum is worse shtill, ; an .1 tink mebby I will advoise Mishter Ferguson to "lave well enough alone" fer, :allure, that is the cry that "we" bate Laurier wid in egne. The Tories hey a safe majority in the House at the prisint toime an if we go shtirrin up thrubble` we may shpoil tings fer the parthy, loike Mishter Baldwin did in the Ould Counthry. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. RUDE RURAL RHYMES Ten Years Hence 0 what will happen tenyears .fro ' art , now? Shall. we be living then,`'and; how? I hope to mgreat yjoy mall Hannah's;" we hear the last of "no. bananas." That rests Europe p s s front jar, jolt' and and all herone money comes ^ to par.~That trains will from lcease daily '-tossings of auto folks at rail- road crossings, though bootleg booze,., controlled Volsteadly, will doubtless,•' still be dear and deadly.I trust's that; I ifnothing thin g queers,may .linger tn this vale of tears and •"• gentle g ie Hannah„ fair and clever, may still be with "mee. sweet as ever. I -hope the rural rby- ming game willsti 11 continue inuch, the same, for I, as in this- present decade, shall still be needing'. cash and check aid. I hope that every lady patron, atron, each flirt and' flapper, er, maid and matron will have P a figure and complexion which then `as' now will bear inspection, and ,all us. he -risen too, dad blame us, will ',still - bp fine and fit and famous, though , balder than our present' wont, and, likely bellied out in front. --BOE. RADIO Westinghouse Sets 75.00. . 185.00 ! 150.00, Guaranteed range 1000 Miles / FLANIGAN'S NIU IC.STO ISE Noties Farmers Farmers! -This business is your own, lock, stock and barrel Get behind and shove it. Highest market prices paid- in cash for produce at all times. Every can of cream and dozen of'eggs helps to make the, wheels' turn and ,the faster we can keep thein turning, the more money you will receive for your produce. The UnitedTFarmers Co -Op, Co. Ltd. Wingham Branch.. l®LYCEUM THEATRE Wedn a d Thurs., Feb. 20 and az "Flower of the North" James Oliver Cur -wood's story dealing with the land north of 111 53 in Summer time IN-. . ALSO JIMMY AU'BRE t IN T HE APPLICANT Prices ase and 25c Thursday, February tie 7,3o p. m„—The Cleveland "News" will present a program featuring the Lakewood Presbyterian Choir ©t 40 voices under the direction. of Ralph Everett Sapp, with Ethel ed. Kunkel, organist, as accompanist The soloists will be Mrs. Robert Kelly soprano - Ne alter oprano,N,zalter Logan, violinist, and Nell S. Heck, harpist. The latter two are members of the Cleveland Symphony orchestra. FolIoa'ing is the program: Cleveland "News' bedtime story; E. G. Johnson, announcer; "Oft in Danger„ Oft in Woe," Lakewood tinds to awl .thim jawbs, besoids shpakin at iviry U.F.O. picnic nixt 1 summer, he will hev about as much wurruk as wan, shmafl man can, hould 1' down, widout bein layder ay.the op-. position In_the house. Wan. ting I :I know, at wad pay the Prawvince to give him the•..5s000 an be done wid it, an let Parliamint get on wid the bust- 4 nesse .It moinds me ay wan. tome I Ii iwus on the jury in Goderich an we had the case av an ould cow befoor us N fer two hot days in Jame. What wid the lawyers, an the witnesses, an the 4 Coort Shtenographer, an ,the judge , a .an jury, it wild hev paid us to hev ti in aitch plat in fifty cies& to make up a MARION ,(r D A V IE purse an pay both the plaintiff an de- findint the proice av the baste. An FARM FOR SALE a56 acres, 6 ani'les from Wing- s,close to achooi and thumb. a acrc±t cleared and tillable, 3axxact tim'bered„ frame lionise tattered. Fri.. and Sat., Feb. 22 and 23 "A Front Fa a Story" With all star cast.-... A, comedy drama o political life in -€ small city Comedy -._.,Larry Semon hi "NO WEDDING BELLS" Prices 15c and 25c on., Tues., and Wed., .Feb, 25, 26, 27 we won.dher at the'hoigh cosht av D g e inin. As isle frind, Sarin Hill used to�� henKnighthood say thee, is too much taikin in the4,2 g' uld, an not eauff thrnokia,"s. ,1 Q milm an r say that I agree altogether wid', vast, fer they, are both ixpinsh e, an F 1 to a large bxtiut, usenesss habits, an a .11 c,mala can't git tree wid much'n-urruk ii 1 4 if he is sbtrong; on ay=tuner wan an dam ili Mel* we end gin the Govertimint to N appoint 2 Ctarnrnishun to enquire into iiii tthe ,tattler,, fer in these days whin 1Di.1 cotton.** is beitt praiched fruit the hill 1 raps, sh tie,, "tis meissary fel us to ii know how the money is, bein wasted, — bow ninth, au white an wheat, no a' tij t3•�{rrMidl Was in Flow The screen b:pic Romance, magnificent teeming- with 1!cct.. radiant with beauty, redolent with the waren., flavor.- of rortitance« Here's the most talked about picture ever mtiade. The enchanting story of a mad cap princess and her staring lover, filmed at 'ti aaatt of $X,500,000 and with a east of 360o people._Aiso single reel' IMMO ricea,' citUdien eoc# sdtalts,,xoc'