HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-14, Page 6mgham Advanc metalled at ' Wirt sr,Tham olltarl* Every Thursdas Morning A. G. SALIT11, 'Publieher ahseriptien rates; -- One year, 12.00; eta months, $1.00 in advance Advertieing rates on appileatiett. rAdvertiseneents withont specitte die Teetions will be inserted until forbid egud. charged aceordingle, ' Changes for eonteact advertise. Meets be in the eines by noon, lame flay, BUSINESS CARDS Wellington Mutual Fire IncurgnsCe Co. Established 1840 Head Office, Guelph Risks teams on all classes of Meer- anee at route:able rates. • Al3NER COSENS, agent. Wingbarn DUDLEY HOLMES BARRisTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory and Other Bonds Batesht and Sold, Office—Mayor Block, Wingham R. VANSIONE BARRISTER AND SOI-ICIT011e eioney to Loan at Lowest Rates, WINGHAM DR. G. H. ROSS spradeate Royal College of Dental Surgeons +Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. IsaRD'S'STORE R. litAMBLY B.Sc., M.D., Special attention paid to diseases ot t'emen and Children, halting taken itgraduate work in Surgerg. Bees' teoloiogy and Scientific Medicine. Cane* in the Kerr Residence, between r -he Queen's. Hotel end the Baptist Church. A ; bee/nese given eareful attentiom. Peeves 54; P.O. BOX 113 * Dr. RObt C ft mond M.R.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P. (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. R. L STEWART Graduate et Waversity of Tomato. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o! the Ontario College of Physicians and s Burgeons. •Office Entrance OFFICE IN CHIeHOLM BLOCK JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 22 Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine. Office—Josephine St., two doors south. o Brunswick Hotel. Telephones-eOffice 281, Residence 151 Osteophatic PhySiCilm DR. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AH Diseases Treated. Orfice adjoining residence next Anglican Chureh on Centre Street. Open every day except Monday and Wedeiesday afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272 DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS Dr. J. A FOX CH 1 ROPRACTOR °Dice Hours: 2 to 5 aid '7 to 8 lera :Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint - meet only., Telepone 191. DR. D. H. MMES CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Adetstmenta giveti tor dieeases of kitals, specialize in dealing With tabildren. Lady attendant. Night calls responded to • Office on Scott St, eeTingharie, Ont, (it house a the late Jets Walker), -Phone 150. Small Aeroplanes, It is interesting to observe that the great English manufacturers of aero- planes are giving much attention to designing and buildieg light machines, tbea is, machines with engines of less than ten -horse power. One of the lead - big manufacturers recently seid that such machineCan be produced for Leas , than 2100 and' that the cost of maintaining Ana running them will be malI, They are easy to pilot, climb well, eau take off from an ordinary field and head an it at very low speed anti require little shed room. Precocious Commereialism. year father" at home, dear?" Puech sage a lady asked when the dot- ter's little datighter anewered the door bell. he ien't," anewered the ehild. "Ileee got giving an aniteethetiii." "Oh, what 4 big Word!" cried the inci/ Playfully. "to you know what it aleftne?" "It meane t n, dellate," replied the little girl. .7! 11 9 ss PICTURESQUE PLACE roe Indiens, had the misfortene to lose his very valuable meclicine'hat by gnat of wind carrYing it into the NAIIIIES IN THE WEST swift running Saskatclievsan return i place Medicine Hat. •1 "Saskatchewae" is a lelaeltfoot LI - alai' word meaning "swift running •I -river" and is the name applied to the 1 ' great river which draine a large part of the prairie provinces. Medicine Hat is on the Saskatchewan. Most, everyone knows the •erigin of Mooee Jaw, It is not in Alberta, bet It is a name almost as unusual as ., . a Meeicne Hat. The Indians call it lVfOose Jaw Bone, which is Cree Indian for "the place where tee white man PARTICULARLY SOUTH- ERN ALBERTA. Interesting Stories R.ecall the Early Pioneer Days When Indians Roamed Prairies. To inquire into the hietory of the name of a city, village, district, or le- eality in which one ayes is an interest- ing thing and will often give valuable bits of informaton which one :simile. not likely acquire ie any other way. Every geograpeicat name has a story ettaelled to it, and most of teepee stories are worth knowing. Strange, even grostesqesi, as many -names at - tutted to places in otlfer lands may ap- pear to be, one's own •coentry affords him some measure of the same feel- ing were he to eauie for a moment to familiarize himself with what he may have been ignorant or heretefore. The red mans contribution to place names in western Canada, and par- ticularly in southern Alberta, makea a considerable body in. the aggregate. Indian names now permanently at- tached to rivers, lakes, /sieges and lo- calities have a peculiar interest to us all. In them the Indian has peipetu- ated himself by a monatraent more elognent and more imperishable than could have been 'erected. ,by human hands. Before the white men came to the westiand ale the country between the Cypre.sst hills and the Rockies was controlled by the Blac'kfoot Indians, but they.lived, latterly, mostly around trading posts which had been estab- lished at "Whoop -17p," • "Slide Out," and. "Freeze Out," each mate itself telling pretty well -why the pla-ge was so named. Whoop -Up was a •cen-teal meeting place for traders. They had. great carousals in the fort and were accus- tomed to whoop her up, hence the name Whoop -Her -17p, which for de- cencyes se,ke has been • changed to Whoop -Up. Whoop -Up lay in the bottom of a deep ravine. On one side was a de- file in the hills known as Slide Out. On the other 'side was a narrow pass Called Slide In. Th.ese places re- ceived their 'names. through a very simple Incident. The mounted police on one aocasion shid in on the traders through this narrow pass, and the, traders, being warned of their move- ments, slipped out through the defile now called 'Slide Out." . • The Origin of Whiskey Gap. • This same incident gave a name to another locality in southern Alberta. Patrols of police seoured the boundary for the smugglers who slid out of Slide Out, and located them in a defile in, Milk River Ridge, where •they had whiskey cached. To this day that de- file is called Whiekey Gap. • Stand Off is really not an Indian name, but it has had Indians so close- ly couecte-d with it that it Might be included in this story of Indian place planless. A gang of whiskey traders headed from Fort Benton, Montana, for Canada, was instercepted by a United. States taarshall, but they suc- ceeded in standing off •the marshall and ,eseaped into Canada. Around a camp fire at the jUll0Ti011 of the Water- ton a,nd Belly rivers these baders de- Olaell TO can the campeartnead- Stand Oft, and it is so nailed to -day, At: Freeze Out stnugglers lad whis- key in a cache on the Belly river 'about fifteen miles beam where the town of Macleod now stands. Indians attack- ed them, but they wete frozen out af- ter a long seige, and the place has since been called Freeze Out. Belly River was •called after a tribe of Indians living in the United States known as the "big bellies," Old Man River is the English equiva- lent for "Apistoki," the • Blackfoot Deity and Creator. He is belleyed to have lived at the source of this river, and the cave out of which the eider pours is also called Old Man Cave. Whiskey was once stolen out of a cache,,, and the Indians named the plea's" by an Indian word meaning Rob - bets' Roost. It is still Robber' Roost. jumping Pond was named by In- dians front the feet that on a creek of the same lame about three miles west of Calgary Indians had a "pound" for catching buffaloes. The place wna Or- iginally called Jemping Pound, but tale has been a'bbreveated to, Jumping Pond. Okotoks, a thriving town south of Calgary, ie a Cree word Meaning a steny arming en Sheep rivet.' Crowfoot, 4 'creek flowing into the Ilbsw river and also a .statiem on the whete the railway crosseP the Blackfeot Indian reserve, is the name of We greatest of the Backfoot chiefs. Blackfoot is • an abbreviatien for "five Blaektoot hills." Oft thele hills five Blackterat itidialls were 'killed by Crees. The river dewing throtigh aalgarn is the Bow, • alb% is a tranelation of an Indian' eserd meaning bowwood. Medicine Hat's Name. Theta le e. burying ground on the Red Deer eater celled Ghost Pine, It was an Indian scustom mice te bury the dead in trees. To flees day the One Indians' believe that spirite haunt the old buryieg ground at Ghost Plea Medicine Mit le ae Iudian mane, A great many stories have arisen re- garding its origin, but the one geeerel- ly accepted is that many yea,rs' age a 13.1aekthot chief, in a conflict with the metaled the cart with a Moose jaw- bone," 'Teo incident (selling forth the name is said to be the breaking of a telloe of a cart beionging .to a hunting party which wee spliced with the jaw- bone of a moose; hence Moose Jaw.• s "Shaginapee" is Indian, too., 'The word means "raw hide beefalo" ent in strips. Tbe old Red river carts used. by early settlers in western Canada ; bad yard e and yards of "shaginapee" I tieing the paets together. "Sha,gina- pee' is a station on the C.P.R. in Al - Pen d'Oreille is a coulee south of Lethbridge city. The coulee is named after a tribe of Indians of the same name. berta What Causes Sleep? What is -the cause of sleep? 'This aue.stion /as long puzzled scientists, and a new theory is that sleep is due to complete muscular reaction either voluntary or involtintary. When a human being lies clown, the vienal sensations become monotonous, and muscular reaction, removing the impulses whiclj usually pour into the brain frona the muscles., tendons, and joints, precipitates the condition call- ed sleep. , If one wishes to sleep' it is a mit- take to tire oneself with excessive exercise in the hope of exhausting one- self into slumber. It is also a waste of tine to put a hat,bottle at one's feet in the hope of "drawing the blood from the brain." • Sleep is not due to anaemia, of the brain, following fatigue at the end of a da-y's exertions. According to scientists there is an excess rather than a deficit of blood in the brain during ,sleep. ExPeriments have also tended to give the lie to the 'theory that sleep Is due .to "auto-intoXication With fatigue produces." • It has been proved, that blood sugar, alkali reserve of the blood,- and' plas- ma (the fluid in which the red par- ticles of the bloOd are sdapended), body weight, appetite, temperature, ability to name letters and do mental arithmetic, show no variation from normal daring a period of sleepless - The Hideous Reptile. .The teacher was .giving a lesson on the crocodile. "You must give me all your atten- tion," he said. "It, is imposssible for you to form a trueideas of this hide- ous reptile unless you keep your eyes Axed on me." s WINGHA.M ADVANCD Don't Catch Cold! Tee Medical 011icee of Health' Of To- ronto ha e issued it list of 'Don't" to help the many iieforipeata beings sviio seem to 'catch' cold uponthe slightest provocation., e)mongst the most use- ful are the following: Don't eeeezo or cough except into a hendlterchier, 8,11(1 keep beyond the lenge of anyene else who is coughing or eneezing„ • Don't sit iii an overheated room; 65 to 68 degrees of heat is enough if you are engaged in any active work. In- . sat on there being a slight current of air in the room you occupy, and also a proper degree of InuniditY. Don't use sprays or douclios for your nose uuless under' doctor's or- ders and instruction. Much more harm than good Owsnes from ,the use of sprays. If the 'spray is strong enough to destroy the germ, it is more than likely to produce irritation in the muc- ous membrane, which will make It more susceptible to germ activity. Don't allow any member -of the fata- lly who has a cola to come in contact with other members of the household, or ta use the same eating or streaking uteusils. Have everything sterilized that is used by one who has contract- secl a cold, the sain as you weuld if they had scarlet fever. Dout go to any pulilic meeting( if you leave a cold. You had better stay at home until it is better. You will probably save others from contracting your cold. • "Don't stand Mee:6 to any one with whom you are gonversingalf you leave a scold, and clo not • in any' circum- etenees shake hands with any one. Remember through the frequent use of your handleerchief your hands are always contaminated with the germs of the disease. Have you catechised youtahands and. fingers with regard to everything they have been in contact With in the pre- vious twenty-four hours? One of the surgeons in a military camp during the Great War kepi a careful:record of the number of possibilities , of con- taminating his hands for one single day, and it amounted to approximately 120. • Don't in any circumestance touch any article of foocl, whether for yourself or for anyone else, unless you have previously thoroughly eleaneed your hands. • "Have you washed your hands?" would-be a valuable mostto to be placed in every dining -remit. • Orange Pecoe Tea Many of ue like orange _pekoe 'fee. The tiny eilvery hairs in this tea and the small white Diesces which look like stems are really the things that ,give this tea its delicious flavor. The tea Plant constantly .throws •out new shootat the end of each. twie. • The leaebud, which isjust unfolding, and the small leaf next to it, produce the finest quality of tea. These first two leaves are covered with fine lairs which,- when the leaf is dried, give a silvery appea,ranne to the tea and from this conies .the name "pekoe," the Chineee `words "pai" and "hao" mean- ing "white heirs.," Dr. 'John Bostock, an Engliehinan, designatedhay fever- as each in 1819. Sefee.:iii , A STURDY NEW CANADIAN! • The efforts of immigration officials to secure desirable settlers from the Old Land are meeting with a ve,rwgratifying response; espescially in the fne, sturdy, industrious types secured. Among those recently landed were several hundred Scots., mostly' from Glasgow. Many of these brought out their families and "Wee Jock Ross," pictured abode, is a .epleeclicl sample of the sturdy Toting stock thus transplanted, to grow into sterling' Canadians, The Mayor's M. Quakers are well known to be cau- tious and restrained of speech. There is, a ,story long current in New Bed- ford, writes Mrs. Phoebe S. Howland, of, an old Quaker resident who once had occasion to doubt some state- ments made by a cousin of his eerho was not ohe of the Society of Friends. "William," he said, "thee knows I never call anybody names; but, Wil- liam, if the mayor of the city were to come to me and say, `Philip, I want thee to find use the biggest liar in New Bedford,' I should come to thee and put my -hand on thy shoulder and say eto thee, 'William, the mayor wansts to see thee.' " Many a man in business fails be- cause he does not put enough money into his business to make it pay. Ile starts out with poor equipment and employs incompetent There\ is so much waete that the man soon goes into bankruptcy. Many a school, too, is failing because of poor equipinera, iricompetent teachers and supervisors, and failing because not enough money is being put into -the sschool to make it pay. The failure .of the school, how- ever, passes by unnoticed. The Usual Work. It seemed to Hughie that there was no end to the instructione his mother gave him when he was starting off with his father for a -Week's trip. "Now I want you to be sure you have everything you need," she said., open- ing hies bag in spite of his assarancee that it held all a bog could ',Possibly re- quire. "Why, Hughie, where i your hairbrush? You were forgettileg sit." "No, mother, I wasn't forgetting it," said Hughie, leaking desperate. "I thought you ssaid I was going on a va- cation." Some • writer reminds es that whee we seesa dog running down the street Thairedey, February 14, 1924. "There's Nae Lt Ahoot the floOse." tts believed that this pc'em , was written by William Jelius Mickle, whose belia,d of `Temporal -fail" Sug- •gested "Kenilworth" to $ir Walter Scott; , , But are ye sure the news, is trite? And are ye sure he's weel? Is this a tune to thialt O. week? Ye jades, fling by your wheel! Is this a time, to 'spin a thread, . When Colin's at the door? Reach down my cloak -711i to the quay And see him come a.shori3, And gie to me my blgonet, My ,bi.shop's satin gown; For I manntell the bailie's wife That Colin's in the town, My turkey slippers maun gae on, My sto,okings pearly blue— It's a' tcs pleasure my gudeman, , For he's b.aith leal and true. Rise, lass, and naak a clean fireside, Put on the muckle pot; Gie little Kate her button gown And Jock his Sunday coat; And mak their saloon as black as sines, Their hose as white as enanel, It's a' to please my sin gudeman, For he's been la.ng aiwa, There's twa fat hens two' the coop Hae fed this nfonth ands inair; • IVIa,k haste and threw their necks aboot, That Colin wee1 may fare; And. spread the Cable neat and clean, • Let everything look brew, For wha can tell he* Colin fared When he was.far awa? , • e * - * Since Colin's weel, and weel content, I hae nae mair to- crave, • And gin 'I live to keep him sae • I'm blest aboon the lave; And will I see his face again? And will I hear. aim speak?. doweasight -dizzy we the though In troth i'm like to greet. For there's nae.lucksabeet the hoose, There's nae luck at a' There's little pleasure the hoose When my gudemmes awa. Britain's Smallest Cathedrals. •Thasmallest cathedral in Grea.t Bri- - thin, end possibly the smallest in the s world, is1/4the nathedial church ,of the diocese ot• Argyll and the sIsles, situ- a.ted on an island in the Firth of Clyde. • It proeides aocommodation for only 'one- hundred worshippers.• - St. _Asaph Cathedral, too, is notably small; bat in the commanding beauty ost its site it yield's to none • of the greater cathedrals, except, perhaps, that of Durham. with hiss head hanging and his tail be. r, In the middle of the Vale of elwY4, tereen his legs-, our filet impulse is to kick him. But the fellow that trots briskly up to us with his head end tail up and a friendly light in his ;e'e, we are really glad to see, and ineteact of a kick we give him a smile and 4 pat. It is much easier,, and far more profit- able to be positive than negative. The -world needs positive thinkers, and there is an unlimited field for the man who Call le:j the- ghost of fear and radiate a cheery vitality. • Tails up1 ar. which •stretches. from Ruthin to Rhyl, stands a ridge forming a kind of baeke bone to the valleywaseed on the east by the river Clwyd and on the svest by the elver Elevy. On this ridge is perched St. Asaph Cathedral. •e "Yes," said, the new -rich mother, rny daughter has been trained under thealoest singing ,thastees. She can sing solos, duets, and trios." atvOkittg.' Deep Gold poured out like pebble's on the ocean's floor! Treasure caests burst- ing with specie! Bullion lying in Iseape like brushwood amid the clutter of seaweed and shells! A sea -knight in armor questing with spear and lance amid the rotting Wreckage of a ship fathoms deep in the murky waters ohurniug off Lough Swilly! The treasure is the precious freight of the White Star liner 1,aurentic, sunk these six years off Donegal on the Irish coast; the sea -knight is a diver in a clumsy miracee of a suit, and his lance is a great knife for fighting off deep -sen monsters aaehe seeks for ingots far beneath the tide. The spear is a thing of magic, a mod- ern divining -rod with which the sea - knight tells, the gold from the copper, the copper from the dross; and •the whole adventure islikea page from the "Idyls of the Xing." All but a few bars of the $30,000,e00 worth -of gold that the eubntarine scat- tered on the o*ceait bed that stilt gray morning have -been eecovered by these knights of Neptune with their magic wands, and preeently the whole of the wealth that has been lining the ocean will be on board the salvage ship Racer. The Mnglo Wand. The gelvanciineter,, as the magie wand is called, is a divining -spear with a dial attachment that shows whether tee spear point is touehirag gold or a base metal such as iron. The clock - like dial is kept, aboerd the salvaging ship end is coneeted ente a spear in the hencls of the diem)) working mere then a hundred feet below the leurface, The hand on the dial moves to the left a the Zero mark when the spear' is prodded against a piece of iron, cop - tar or ether steel metal, but When it touches gold. the dial gsginge to the right. It veers further weep it ciantee in bontact With an eighteen -carat bar than when it touches one of nine aerate. The ereseet apparatee was brought to the attention of the Admiralty it+ 1920 bY a College professor. Previous te that time tile seri-knight wont socking treasere more et lees haphazerdly, end in three years had brought to the surface scarcely Mere than 600 bars of bUlliony Watch -Dogs Are Sharks. The wat.ch-dogs of the wreck are sharks of intense and terrible hunger -that esesimnite -racks in -5„et_21'0-11-nf• grel, and make the quest a thing of- peril. Many a battle of knight „and shark has the floor of the ocean rseen since the day the indomitable little salvaging ship anchored at its lenely post. In addition to the millions in gold, the strong room of the Laurentic con- . teemed five millions 111 specie, mostly in Engfish two -shilling pieces, all of which have been safely brought from their briny resting pla-ces by the 'idea Meted Greer of the Racer. The busineee of rebovering the trete sure _starters' in.' Dee ssting Of 1919, but when the adventurers of the deep Made their fret descent they found 'a difficult tasik, • The goldand. silver were in a etroeg, chamber located amidships', protected 'by thick steel Walls and Iheavily .barred down. Weeks slipped be wbille the antic was ble.".sted to make Way for the divers, and• it was not until theemieldie of June that the actual recovery of gold began, ' Disappoiotment at Fiest. - Garbed in goggle-eaed helmets and thick subniCreible suits, with leaden weights to keep them upright, the gal- lant gold ftsters were lowered freee the raft to a depth of 132 feet. Sonne time later the creW left 'above drew tip the' -first loaded bucket leaned over it eagerly and turned away in. disappoint - Merit. It contained a meager aseort- ment of coins of 00 particular, value. But tee sun had not recIdeeed the • Watere at, dawning moee than ,half. a dozen timet before the buckets began to conase up heavy with gold bars, each one erorth more than $5,000. They were t-umbled out on the deck of the Racer and thecrew knelt down beside laeghieg excitedly and jostling each other In their haste ti) tOuelt the pre. cious metal, • That wait at first Presently. the sight of small fortunes relling," about the shaping decks became so much a mettee of 'course that it could not halt the, leaet importatit ineraber of the crew en his little rotted of every day, Baca bar weighed blase • to thirty poeiele, They rittanieed eitie inches long; wore tseso inehee thiek end four inches wide. And on 000 day of ne,ye the sea-knig-hts foraging in the depths of the blue sent to the surface forty- seven bars of gold valued- at $350,000, • nee, ere E.", W th ented ' The blasting of four years' ago to make the strong chamber ,accessible actually complecated, Matters, for tha eaplesion hurled, the geld bars in all direction e and the .shitting sands that make a silver carnet for the bottom of the sea covered up much of the sunken wealth. Sands, too, provided the sal - vague with another anxiety"; which fortunately proved to be one of the things they need not • liaye worried •about—the possirbilite that the batter- ed remains, of the 1,aurentic eeentual- ly might alip out ef sight. A great deal of the bullion was pinned beneath masses of twisted: Steel- and hours were speneby the divers prying a way tbroughthe maseed debris to the trea- sure. ' There are eight of these Knights of Neptune aboadd the Racer; all veter- ans in the salvage branch of the Bre tieh Navy and experts in their 'line. Because'oeethe ha,zardss,--neaonesie-per- mitted to work for more than thirty minutes ata time. .kn hour actually ela,pees, leoWever, fro111 the time they leave to the time they return to the ship, for they must spend half an hour. in. coming to the surface They are brouglit up Slowly. sixty feet at a tiree,switlea, ten-minute halt at the end of each sikty-toot hale. If they were biought directly from the Bettorn to tlie ,surface the probability of coniplete or partial 'paralysis would be great. The Diver's Reward, -At the end of, each day the catch made by the gold lisliees is, sent to London under an armed Convoy. leer taking the gigantic risks involved in the plunge,. each diver receives 00e- ••••••=111011.111.1111.1111enbleNOMOOrier,tii9•1•1151rkM READING Ian glad I learned; gene)). Iewes young,, to. sit am dos'vn and s read, the lofty •straiee by poets. omen, and tales, like "Adam Bede" I'm glad that I acquired athirst for lore of every sort; 1 searched for it, the best and Werst,abeoerbed it by the quart. The reading habit'saick 16 me till I grew 'bent and grey, and nsow beneath Ike sunset tree I read old age away. I sit areong-my ceulitiowers arid read the iaardsesublima; I have no bared ee sWeary hours', I'm happy. ell the thne. I see so many, graybeard swights who find old' age a bore, their clays are dreary aiyi: ;ts.ii.g11../1i0t8 make souls ail systbms sore. They're tired,sot pacing withered lawns, 'of trine in noisy scars, they're tired of gboamfngs itud ondaietie; of weed -deg Suns ana stele. Atid alien Might Sit Is comfy 'necilte and liave,the,•blanietiesst tinis,ss if they'd acqsaired' the love tpf books, 01 etatele- Preees alai rhyme. And seem of thein have stared desubloorie,s and gents as large' as beans; they have their , spinels and aargoo'ne, zirOns and teen -alines, They have ten • theussand bones, 1 wot, wit ere I have only one, bat' they. can't sit • with Walter Suitt arid hae-e a raft at fun, They haVe"thee bate' and tannins !cooks and bats from: every clime, but they ess,n4i sit , among the books and bitve a belly time. thlity-eeecied Part •of the tiett'..eitre re- , , cheered, which is not. so had when the lieu' for one day may total mere than- $, nee' area', the eva. ligage ea Laurentic, What more Mitered thin that thes.6 daring knights .of the sea • may try their handa at bringing 01> theslosts billions that were 'gathered' in- to Davy Jones' looker during -the s Worlds War? Six billion dollars' iithe esstimated total. of 'the 'golden etream that was, poured into the turbulent waters in those four years.' Then there .are the tone 1,11)011 tons 01 gunken treasure ,lying Waiting tor thquesiting •adventurers since sthe days .of Drake andQueen Elizabeth--, Spaniph doubloons sent down with the •galleons of the Armada, pieces of esiget . • lost when a doughty pirate Craft took ' a nsose dive neer the ;Canaries, gold and jewelin the wreck ef the Titanic, the •neW minted, cbine that filled the chests on the Lantana. • Other Sunken Treasure. Not far from the.13-ritish C,oseet, bet seaside, territorial Wateese lies 'en 'un- named vessel full af .contrabrand,,golde see, Back in 1915, sso tee story goes, a sob dier of tortune in the .employ 61: Ger= malty collected. $2,006,000,000 in gold arielaserecle :and '$1.3.,000",•000 - in ndtoti- sable ChUnise''' scrip.. .This wealth ,he and seheiiip-epeeacliedthienni5,r0n0001)16ullas:ys,'Okloile..ie4Stel: s ves- sel, A Germa,e toxpetto prevented" the cleeiverysef ehe choeies cued for eight 'years they have beortiying there on 0 reef, rich booty for the intrepid ,soul who goes adventuring twenty fathoms under the sea, "s Off the ()mist of'. Scotland a prie-atelY financed expedition, lea had a fair" eller° of serGCO'S.3 canploying suetiou peniese and divers ii an attempt to 5e- s'co4er the .2se00,000 et gold and jeWels supposed ,to be, aboard the 'Spanish , VO$G01 • Alm halite de lel orendia. Tbe fart aiat the .ships is actually there Is attheted. by the 'cannon 135115, inn skets, swaiide, daggers and pieces f • p la te already brought to the ,Stirface, • The, plant for raikng treasure Includes' a powerful suction pump, cap:, a`ble of taking up Mid discharging 250 tenS an hour and,.a 0-lretOar qutting eachine, driven by a 'Motor that is en- gaged 1r& cutting through the thirty teetof 0/ay 4na alit that coesee the Wreck, 41: 1,