HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-14, Page 1Consignmen e of 52 Pu ebred attle at Lepard's Shed, Wingham, on Singletopies, Five Cents. „ =,,....7.400..0.0.40,00,0•0000000000q0 t deeedger Auspice d-eaamtnewateeggeeeeneneten" f Huron County Br r e WINGHAM ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1924 Throwing the' Startes A. rink of 'Wingham curlers wein t� Loudon. Wednesd.ey lest to play to retain the Tecumseh trophy which ther'won last year. They lost to Mr. Cameron of St, Thomas, father of Mrs. J. A, Wallace of Wingham. However theWinghairt rink came se- eond aid each brought home nice electric perculators. The rink was ;composed of A, M, Crawford and his on, Clage, Jas, Murray and Oliver nhompson. ' 're" The same rink with T. Rs Bennett • taking 0. Thompson's place were successful in winning and place, in the troehy at Kincardine the day ',before going to London. Their prize was three pair of •socks each. Triedin Liatowel On Friday 'last, Feb. tst, Listowel was called upon to mourn the loss of ,•one 'of its well known and highly es - 'teemed citizens in the person of Mr. "George Keith, who passed peacefully .away at the family residence, Main wtreea after a lengthy illness. The deceased gentleman was born in Ab- erdeen, Scotland • in 1852. In early life he came with his parents to Can - Ada, where he resided until manhood. Be then went to California and Nev- ada, where he resided for several years He theti"teturned to Elma township, and continued farming there until t9o9 when he gave up farrnjng and came to Lahowel, where he had lived prac- n4cally ever since. The late Mr. Keith was a brother of Mrs. John Elliott of the est line of Morris. WziI Celebrate in Goderich North Huron County L. O. L. held their annual meeting on Tuesday af- ternoon in the Orange Hall, Wing - ham, and the hall was well filled. It -was decided to not hold a county cel- obration in North Huron this year, but to celebrate the Battle of the 13oyne on July teth, with the brethren of South Huron in Goderich. The following officers were elected: County Master—Rev. H. W. Snell, • Wingham. Deputy Master—A, G. Smith, Wing- . ham. Chaplain—Rey. J. R. Peters, Dun- egannon. • Fin. Sec.—W. A. 'Mines, Wroxeter. Rece Sec.—J. V. Haines, Morris Treas.—Chas. Coultes Belgrave. 1st. Lect.—Bert Watson, Brussels. end. Lect.----Robt. Wallace, Blyth. Past County Master Thos. Stewart ate 131tteyale, conducted the election 'rand installation. Retiring County Mas- ter Montgomery has completed a very splendid three year- term as the head ,of the County lodge. -EVERY'BODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Fatal Stock and Implements, at Lot 3r, Come, Turn berry on Thursday, Feb. t4th. See bills kr list of valuable horses, ;cat- tle, implements, hay, turaips, man - golds, etc. 5. W. King, Prop. T. R.. Bennett, Auct. eFOR SALE—A quantity of seed oats also red clover seed Apply Alex T. Ross, and line Morris. " FOR SALE ---9 good Yorkshire pigs; S weeks one ae T VCIDICSIT ire sow, with litter of neleven pigs. Apply to fas C Wightinan, Belgrave. Phone 03-623, • -FOR SALE—L. S. Beninger's risie c7, derma on Francis St is for sale, This is one of the best "built houses Wingham. Terms to suit the eemrchaser. Apply to Abner Cosens. "FOR SALE—Baby cuttet with fold- ing top. -Apply The Adva.nce. FOR: SALE—Pure bred Barred Ply- mouth Rock Cockerelfrom 0.A.C, bred to lay stock. Hatched June a 1923. Three dollars each. John Kerr, phone 4 on 625. FOR SALE—Oae new sewing Ma- chine "Whyte". Also ot1Q sloop eleigh, second hand in good shape. Apply. to R. E. Jackson, Massey Harris, Agent. FOR SALE—I Yorkshire Sow, with litter of eleven pigs. Apply to Jas. C Wighttrian, Belgrave. Phone 23 623 )r- HEMLOCK FOR SALE—A quanti- ty inch Hemlock lumber, To, 12 arid 14 feet Sqine scantlitig 2X4, 54 feet. Soniel plank 1=14 ft, around, teoo ft It is very good timber, Apply to Andrew Jamieson, Route 1, Belgrave. ' HOG. OR CATTLE FEED—Unlese you have fed the fine ground gov- erment standard re cleaned wheat screenings which we keep in stock you will never know what good ked it is. It will increase your - cream_ and it will fatten your hogs. Better than any other feed at any- where near the same price. But don't be miss led theta are four radee of screenings and we buy only One the best. Lepard's Chopp- ing Mill. LOST ---Black Silk Purse containing a email euni of money, on Feb. ist. Finder will kindly leave satrie at The Advance, • PURE BRED l'AMWORTHS FOR. Sale—Sows bred to winner at Tor- onto and Londoti in x92e,- and boars r;* o . - fit for tervice, also yriting stock te dy tweanApply to Bert Arm a - strong, Route 2, Teeswater. ROLLER CANARIES FOR. SALEete Sitigere $7.oce henbitds $I.00, Ap- ply "to L S. Hettinger, II ...LOCAL AND. GENERAL :was. How to save, read King Bros., special week -end velites, ; j. W. Smith, drover shipped a ear of cattle and hogs to Toronto on Sat- urday. The hogs brought 7.6o per cwt. The Ronal Dance Club will hold a Valentine Dance in the Council Chambereen Thursday evening of this week. Wingham curlers are running off a local bonspiel and the Stephenson rink is a busy place every afternoon and "evening, '• The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrews 'church intend holding their aeirrual St, Patrick's Social on March t7th, fur- ther notice later. Councillor S. Bennett, wife and daughter, while on their way to Cali- fornia, encountered ,,the worst sietew storm in the history of Chicago when they reached that city. Those havingacconnts against the Ontario Cafe should present same not leder than Thursday, Feb. 14th. The cafe has been purchased by Joe Marks and Tom Ching. The Advance equipment is second to none in Western Ontario and busi- ness men can rest assured that they can have etheir printing done right in Wingham at the lowest price. The second meeting of the Coin- Munity Literary ,Society of S. S. No. 9, will be held on the night of Feb. 15th. The attraction of the night is, a Mock Trial. Everyone welcome. Mr. Wm. Fowler of near Teeswater purchased the McRae farin in Wawa - nosh, which was knocked down by Auctioneer Bennet's magic wand at the Brunswick Hotel, an Saturday after- noon. Buy here and Save. Good Quality House Brooms, 68a Skoot Chimney Cleaner 38c; Slick Hand Cleaner x5c; 12 lbs Oyster Sall 25a Prompt de- livery. Thompson de Buchanan, Hardware. An important meeting of the men who signed the guarantee for the Old Horne Week will be held in the former Bank of Commerce building at 8.55 on Friday evening, February a5th. It is important that all should attend. The Eastern Star Club Euchre on Thursday night was quite a seccess. The council chamber w,as prettily decorated with the colors of the chap- ter and with 'flags and bunting. The music was. furnished by Fryfogle's Orchestra. Margaret Smith an old resident of the Langside district died on Jan. 24, at the age of Si years. ' The fun- eral which was to h'ave been on Sat-. urclay 26th had to be postpone until Monday owing to the impassible con- dition of the roads. Intertneet was made in Kinloss, Cemetery. The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Church will holcl their February meeting on Wednesday, ze, at 3. o'clock. The topic for the after - 000n will be "People of -Formosa, their Rulers and their Religion,' which will be taken by Miss Lockart. All the ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Mr A. Nelson undertaker„ of Tiver- ton has been appoititect treasurer of the county of Bruce. There was 36 applications for the position. The position formerly commanded a sal- ary of $2000 per year, but this year is reducd to $113oo. The new county clerk is Mr. David Forrester, barrister of Paisley. His salary will be $1,000 per year. This is a reduction from $1200, - Auto owners received an application blank for new license, through mail last week and we have had many in- quiries as to whether or not these must be returned to Toronto. That is not the intention. Brieg, or mail them to A. G.. Smith, Box 473, Wing - ham and receive your license by re- turn niail providing they are properly made out and you see to it that your cheque covers exchange and postage. Big savings this week ant, King Bros. specials will save you real money, The people who are assisting in cir- culating the report that their -was no aeditor's report published after the Old Home Week in 1959, should be sure before they say too much, The report is absolutely without founda- tion. The auditor's statemern was published on Dec. loth of that year and the books were audited up to Dec. r5th. The auditors whose sig- natures were attathed to the report were A. H. Musgrove and Abner Cos - ens. The treasurers of the commit- tee for the week were T. C, King and A, G. Smith. Probably the men who make these wild statements glerely do so to. excese, themselves from signing the guarantee list, In adaition to the proposed new gasoline tax, the Fergeson govern- ment contemplates tapping ariother hitherto untouched source of reven- ue. This new proposed tax its brief is a "summer reeort" tax, the levy, it Le understood, "' to be plaeed otl summed tesidence properties in un- organized districts hi Ontario which escape the usual muiliCipal property tax. The tax is anticipated t� yield about half a million dollars mutually. Mr. I. J. Wright of Turnberry, and Mr. Robt. Coultes of East Wa.Wanosh, have returned from attendifig the On- tario Pairs Assodation Amami meet- ing at Torotito Hear their report at the Agricultural Seeiety's banquet irt the Council Chamber of Wingharn Town Hall, ou Tuesday evening, Vela tette I I ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IIELD ANNUAL MEETING. LAST WEEK The annual meeting of St. Andrew's Wingham Hospital coil ... 94 30 Presbyterian Church was held on Lord's Day Alliance coll. ..-- 42 30 Wednesday. The meeting was par- Rec rent of 1<.nox wali.. 4 00 ticularly well attended, and some live- Rec front Ladies' .. ... ca.> oo ly discussions were taken, part in, one of which was the proposed rebuilding Total Receipte or greatly renovating the edifice that is so dear to many staunch support- ers of this church. The meeting was opened with devotional exercises led by Rev. Dr. Ferric who has been shepherd to his flock for ,over a quar- ter of a century. The session reported that the mem- bership was 448 at the close of the year. The. number of new members received was 44, ix by certificate and 33 by profession of faith, while the number removed by death, was e, and otherwise 31, • The treasurer's statement for the year was as follows': Receipts Bat 13ank, Jan. 1923 $ 554.85 Borrowed from Bank ___-_, 490 oo Envelope colt $3413.o4; plate coil $43274 3845 78 Anniversary coil . ... 6o4 oo Thanksgiving Coil .. . . . . .. . . et) 20 -$5745 43 Expenditures Pa int. on. notes and dyerdraft 46; 09 Salaries ... 3287 50 Supply Minister 62 25 Support Spec. Inetitutions 197 35 Ibsur.„ Fuel, Light, Taxes — tool 43 PP es , 148 41 Revi pairs and aintainance _.. 444 29 h Total expenditures 5r87 32 Balance in Bank, Jan. 3, 5924 55855 574543' Liabilities, note in bank 790 clo Aseets, balance in bank 558 is Net indebtedness, Jan. 3_ 235 89 Miss Marion Mitchell has been en- gaged as organist in place of Mr. T. McKenzie Smith. ['he financial statements were print- ed in the office of the Kincardine Re- porter. dh• PERSOZ1ALS Mr. Richard Wilton is spending a few days ie Toronto. Mr. Arnos Tipling was a business visitor in Montreal and Hull. Miss' Violet, Twamley of Ashfield, is visiting with friends in town. Mn. Ralph Elliott of Kincardine, spent the week -end in town. Read King Bros., specials for Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday only. Mrs T. H.' Gibson visited with a few friends in Brussels over the week- end. Mr. L. Kennedy of Toronto, is in town attending the Annual Meeting of the Aerie Cushion Tire Co. Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Hirst and little daughter, Mary, are spending a few weeks at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. Ben. J. Miller of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Breen, Turnberry. Mr. Angus Carneton of Vancouver, spent a couple of days at the home af his sister, Mrs. Will Stewart. Mrs. John Button of Lticknove, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Button, Jpsephine St, The Misses Drumniond of Hensall, spent a few days at the home of their aunt, Mrs, T. J. McLean. Mr. and Mrs, George McEwen of Goderich, spent a few days at the home of the lattees mother, Mrs. Scott, Frances St Mr. Wm. Elliott and son, W. J. Elliott of Belmore, are this week in Toronto, attending the Canadian Na- tional Clay Products Association. Upeful Notice Board For the convenience of the com- munity the Bell Telphone Company have placed an announcement board in the window of their offiee on Jose- phine Street. Manager C B. Robinson invites . . any person or organization having a notice of general interest, to make use of this board; to gain public attention, Tae telephone office being carefully located will no doubt add to the value of this board which should prove a general convenience - Agricultural Society Banquet The ladies of the Women's Institute are putting on a supper and banquet in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, Feb. icitle, under the aus- pices of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. The object of this banquet is for the hearing of the reports of the president and vice-president, wbo have just returned from attending the annual session of the Ontario Fairs Association and to create, if possible, a better undetrstanding between the Agricultural Society and the com- munity at large.Tickets will be sold for $r,00, . Juniors Defeat Kincardine Wing -ham. Junior Hockey players were euccessful in defeating Kincar- dine in the final game on Kincardine ice on. Monday evening. The score was 9 to 3. Mr, Shirl Bowers of Rip- ley, handled the bell. Wingham boys put op a splendid brand of hockey. The score at the end of first period was 3-2 and at the end of the second 5-2. Morden started the fireworks by Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Saint of Wallace- scoring the first goal in Kincardine nets about two seconds after the re - burg, spent a. few days iii town at the feree dropped the puck. ' Few of the home of Mrs. Saint's brother, Mr. W. i spectators and probably only a couple D' Fri°8!°* wh'am we are st3rrY to of players realized that the genie had learn is in veryopoor health. • I started. The Wing -ham line-up was: Mr. Thomas Davidson is a welcomelgoal, rred Bell, defense, E. Forgie visitor in Wingham with his brothers, and W. Lockeridge; forwards, B. John and William. It is about thirty , Browne N Morden and St Harri- years since 'Lela Davidson left here I sc,,n; zui,.. rh.t Rettienn. and he has since resided in Illinois. Mr. Albert Hughes was appointed C. D. Beninger's Shop Burned Out caretaker of the Winghatn Public School to succeed J. W. Dodd who Overheated stove pipes in the back room of Beninger's butcher shop star - resigned. Mr. Hughes\ has been liv- ing with his daughter, Mrs. Kee wea. ted the siding to burn and it had gain - ver, near Whitechurch. ed considerable headway before it was ' ______ noticed. Mr.' Bellinger had put in a I few sticks in the stove and had gone Eating Buffalo Meat. I home to dinner after locking the store The next Lions Club luncheon will , and it was net until Atha 12.30 that be held in the Brunswick on FridayeMargaret Babb saw clouds of smoke evening velleta we understand, Buffalolissiiing from the roof and sides of the rneat will be served to satisfy the ata 1 tin sheeted building. The alarm was 1 petites of the hungry beasts. The quickly turned in and the firemen were luncheon of two weeks ago was fairly on the scene in a few minutes, and it well attended. The address of the r took another few minutes to open the evening was given by Rev. Dr. Perrie hydrant and get the water working, and was a masterpiece of eloquence relating to the history of Bobbie Burns. Jenkins—Chandler Nuptials A 'very quiet wedding was solemn - ized at the Manse, 131uvale, on Thurs- day, February 7th, at 4 o'clock'when Irlma Ruth Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mei:" Wm. Chandler of Turn - but it was a hard fire to combat as apparently it had spread to both sides and also the roof and the tin sheeting made a much harder to drench. Some of the groceries, meats and fixtures were removed and aeiythitig that was left was more or, less damaged by the smoke and water Quite fortunately the wind calmed for a while or there - suit tnay, have beea different, for the betry, was united. hi the holy bonds building is almost up against Mr. Ba - of • matrimony to Clifford Elgin, t son , 0, bit s reetdence In the hardware block. of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, butldIng was ineured for $50o, the Turnberry. The ceremony was per- ! The fotmed by Rev. Ctawford Tate after 'stock for $I700 and the tools aod fix - the signing of the register they'drove!tures at $300. The male citizetis tar- ned out and gave every aSsistance pos- to the bride's home where they par- able at trying to save the building and took of a sumptuous vveddirig supper, contents. A few of them were badly in the peesence of only a few of the soaked and thetr clothes frozen stiff interrelate relatives oe the bride and gas lrards.—Teeswater News. room. They will reside on the groom's farm in Turnberry, We ex- tend to them oar best wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life. Successful Etrenirig An event of general iatcrest to the ladies of Wingham will be the visit of Mrs, E. L. Gibbons of Toronto, to An interesting programme was put King Bros. store an February z5tle and on Monday evening in the parish Hall t6tit Mrs. Gibbons vvill conduct a before a large audience, whoa the A. corset fitting service, specializing on Y. P. A. held. a Scotch and Irish con- ter° ossard corsets and brassieres, and test, with Miss Velma Johnston as all ladies who desire to improve their captain of the Scotch and Mrs. T, J. figure are invited to visa McLean, captain of the Irish. The —King Bros. her there. Scotch entertainers were Mimeos Abell, N. C. Christie, Sarah MacLean, Ag- nes MacLean, Gwendolyn Stroll and BELGRAVE Messes. Forbes and Fryfogle. • 'The Irish were Rev. H. W, Snell, Messrs, Jobb and Abell, Mrs. W. F. VanStorte, The regular monthly electing �f the Mrs. Thos-Porbee, Misses 13. E. Mc- Women's Institute will meet at the Crackin, Dorothy Snell and Lousie home of Mr. R. McCrea on rib& ier, Drummond. Mrs. J. re McCracken at 2.30 p. m. Readings, "Glatidinoth- Mr, R. S. Williams and Mr. W. ers of institute; roll call, one vokse Booth as judges decided in favor oE, of favorite song All the ladies are the Seotch. Refresimiente were sow- cordially awited to attend and help ved after the programme, eking with the Oat work. .1 A TIM GETS BIS To the Editur av the Ad Deer Sur,--- Vance, Wreathe about the big hockey oiateli that tuk place in France lasht wake, shtarted me tinkin about a lot av tings, We bey betther harses an cattle an shape than they used to hey in the ould toimes, an bigger an Join- er fruits, arid handsomer flowers, an min hey deviloped, tea* an hardier koinds ay wbate an oats, but the quis- •tion is, hey we hetther an slltronaer !min an wirranin. Me prisint dawter- IM-law, Whirl she wus only a shlip av a girrul taychin school an boordin wid us on the ould farrum, used to be raydin to me, arr tcllin ine, av the shtunts some av thim fellahs used to do whin the wurruld wus younger. Theer wits wan lad who hwarn the Hellespont to see his shwateheart, an another who shwam the Esk river wheer Ford ther *us none, but that man, Horeshus hate thine all, so he did. Afther shtandin off -the whole Tuscan army till the Romas chopped down the only bridge across the Tib- er, he jumped into the wather, wound- ed,an awl as he wus, an wid. shteel plates for an aft av him, an shtove poipes on his legs, an shwani across to the other soide. • Shure, twas some swim, if the newspaper min av thim days gave a thru accoutt av it, but mebby they didn't hey depind- able min loike large Phippin arr Billy Sneath in ould Rome. Whin 1 wus young I wuddent hey been afraid to tria.tch mesilf wid ayther av thim byes who shwani the Hellespont art the Esk River, fer I don't bela.-ve ay, ther EIV thim shtrames yens woider, arr dayper arr coulder than. the Maitland wus the toim,e I shwam across it to git in, me vote befoor the Grit Scru- tineers wud be on the jawb. Shure, 'twas a gud shwitn fer a bye av me age, bein only twinty at the toime. Av coorse I did it wid me clothes toted UP in a bundle wid me braces, an hild in rile teeth, which wus aisy compar- ed wid the shtunt av Horashus in his cast iron suit av clothes. Mebby some av his frinds met him wid a boat in the middle av the river, jist befoor his wind gave out, but av coorse Mishter Macauley wuddent minshun a shmall ting loike thatrbein as it wud hev shpoiled the shtory to some ixtint. I heard me dawter-in- law say wance that theer is such a ting as poetic license, an I suppose whin. wan av thim poets has tatcen out his license he kin say what he, loikes, arr lave out what dussent suit him. Shure, tisn't loike whin ye are called to be a witness on a cattle shtalin case, an ye hey to shwear.to tell the thruth, the .whole theuth, an nothia .but the thruth, barrin whin the lawyers kin prove ye are loyin. Wan imight lasht wake 1 wint down to Joe Ruddy's place, an shpint a few hours wid him an Norval Mawrinson talkin over town affairs an the pony - tickle sittiwayshun. Shure, 'twas toime well shpint, as I am troyin to make a Tory out av Mawrinson, but whin the missius wanted to know what kipt me out so date, I didn't loike the tone ay her voice, an that made me so conthrary I waddent tell her the truth. I said I had been shpindin the aitenin wid some av the byes larnin to'play Mah Jong. An thin the lid blew oil, dare up to the saylin, so to shpake, an I got what wus coram to me, ati inebby motive. Shave twas good mishure entryway. "Well 1 WOW' dher what nixt," she sez, "av awl the ould simpletons I ivir knew,ye cer- Willy head the lisht. Hardly army man has, sinse enough to git troo this wiirruld alone, en ye hey less than awl the others put together". (The mis- sus sornetoimes gits mixed whin eshe talks fasht:) "Fawrty foive arr fifty years ago", sea she, "ye nearly wint crazy ablaut the 53-55-14 puzzle, twin- ty foive years ago ye got the pin pong bug, an foive years .ago, whin we wus in Toronto, I cud hardly git ye away from the Weeja booard, an now ye've taken up wid this dirthy haythen game ay Malt Jong, an. invinshun av the div- il an the Choinamin. An ould dish - card loike ye, wid wan fut in the grave an the other shlippin, shud hey sinse". It wud take up too much ay yer shpace to till ye half she sed, but I lislitened payshuntly to the Ind, an thin sed, "What about the Radio out- fit ye do be puttin in? If annything is alt invinslum ,ay the divil that musht be, fer, shun, didn't the praicher till us that Satan is the Prince ay the po- wers a:tr the air." Fer wance in her loife the rnissus hadn't anny answer, She wint dowti town the Mat day an whin she got home she said "Ye de- saven ould wretch, ye dont know anny inoore abdut A/fah-Jong than a U. F. 0, knows abont pollyticks. I know wheer ye shpint yer noight, an I hey nothin agin thim byes, barrin that they wild be bather wid wimmin to look either dem." I fink she met Norval Mawrinson on the shrate an he towld her. Yours till text wake, Titnothy Hey. Ration for the Lions Probably the first shipment of Buf- falo meat' that has ever been to Wing - ham, arrived on Tuesday from Waie- right 13tiffalo Park. The meat will be devoured by the Lioes At their regul- tar fortnightly luncheon on ',Friday, Pete relle Lower Winghato vs. lateknow A eery fast genie of hockey was played in the Witighain Rink between the tower "I/Vinghani boys' and the Lucknow beys, the core being 5-5. The Lower Wingham boys are going to Luckhow Oft Thursday, These two teams played hi Litekhow before to a score of 3.2 it favour. of Luekno,.v, they take aelcileie itteireet itt thd tpOtt. ilP1111111110111111111011111111011i1 EMONSTRATI N COLUMBIA NEW fROCESS RECORD Featvireq bo oht es Hackett Setdel separately WI /lid< Columbia Symphony Orches. Coat $4.00 Ted Lewis and his Band. 4-41 fl'azi)scriptiorxs $2,00 pe ee, JI1N211131111 11101411110 0 a SOAP 25c ,ciALs • Quality and Prices of 10 years ago; 25e Large Bar of Castile Soap. age 15c Hard Water Soap, gives a good lather in•hard water___3 for afie g''•'e't"- x5c Harmony Bath Tablets toe Palm Olive Soap soc Odoricist Soap 400 JoneeeI Soap 4 for 25C 4 for 25e ' 3 for 75c 250 Our EveryMaY Cut Prices Save You Money. \ anagmansommotammomnoseoventosesonwoonvaaansoniek' • IcKiLlbon's Drug Store ZiPik dWR.E..xate4 Stevie re. Wins:thane. Ont. TISIIIMIIIII11118111311161I11181111111111311111(411131111311111811311111111141111 hone 53 MEV 11116111 111211118I1112111111Mni ! 'The Old Rivals Meet A few of the older hockeyists in Wingham got together and gave their old rivals. Teeswater seniors a lively Enjoyable Evening Messrs. John and Wm. Balfour of Turnberry, entertained about 6o of game on Monday night, 1 si t their friends on MFr. Hriday evening last, ° ag -° at the home of . Wheeler, also, them by a score of return game of Turnberry. The guests included, will be played in Wingham on Moto. many sleigh dloads from ivlorris, Turn - ay, Feb . ath, when we believe the berry and Wingham. The evening Wingham team, intend to win and no was greatly enjoyed by euchre and doubt Teeswater will make them work dancing. A very appetizing lunch, was to do it The Wingharn line-up is: goalHerbMitchelldefenseRoy served about midnight, of which all , . ; , - the guests partook abundantly. Many Cruickshank and G. L. Brackenbury; congratulations are extended to Mise forwards, Fred Sturdy, G. 11 Flani- gan anti Dr, Howson; Bsubs., George arid Mr. Wheeler for the way in which - they received the guests. Much thanks oyd and George Fixter. . is rendered to Messrs. Balfour for the very enjoyable evening spent Remembered by Shopmates The following address was read and Saturday afternoon, his hand came in presentation made to Miss Chandler contact with a saw and the index fin- by her shopma.tes in Stewart's Glove ger of his right hand was severed and, Factory at her home in Turnberry ou the hand badly cut For a time it Tuesday everting, prior to her wedd- was feared that he would lose the ing: thumb also, but we understand, the Miss Telma Chandler, -f doctor is sure of saving it now. 'This Dear Lima:— will be the means of laying Mr. Haney It is with feelings of regret that aside just at a time when he is most w is very sick and being cared for at his inethieareyneroyf his father , Mr . Geo . Haney, near fr .titareI tis decision to l leave eisiss needed as to try to express in words how you. home Praise Ser- -will be missed by your shopmates in Methodist smiles and ever willing helpfulness Church the Glove Factory, when your bright will not soon be forgotten, while la - Finger Cut Off Councillor W. H. Haney met with a 'rather serious accident while at his work in McLean's planing mill on to a. m,—Prayer and vice. menting our loss, we hasten to offer xr a. al.—Studies in Acts of Apost- our congratulations and wish you a les. Story talk to boys and girlslong and happy life. 2 30—Sunday School. , i acceptWill Our Greatest Need" ai you cut lea sbse and goodni aenntol eu gilclockto 7 p in.—Evening Servicesubject, . Monday—Young People's society, imnoetinfhorranitese inotefntsheevagluoeodbuotldas daayres-, A debate:—Subject, resolved that the spent in the shop together. Vaen in - United States presents greater oppor- 'stead of sewing gloves, you will prob- tunities at present, than Canada. The 'ably be darning socks. We trust affirmative—Da ROSS, Da R L ',you will cherish kind recollections of Stewart and Mr. Denson Cruicks,lrank. ' us, aud the many good times spent The Negative—Mr. A, L Posliff, , together. Mr. W. H. French and Dr, R. C.1Signed on behalf of the employer Redmond , ; and . td empioyees. 'The public cordially invited. I Olive Groves, Wednesclay—Mid-week service of I Nretlliuer Parkinson. Ah Robt. Groves. Prayer and Praise. Thursday—Choir practice. rWILEINIUSIMITITc;111/02162MICE43. MgesAmeinemornefiVens e s S1&i es Men's Koiey Felt 1 eat House, Slippers .... IL* "Broken Lines" IVIen's Brown and Black Calf lace 3oots. that sold regularly from $5,cee 8, to $.00, Clearance 3 29 -HOCKEY SHOtS—Men's Hockey Shoes at Dig Bargain Prices, 1 Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Cosy Felt House Slippers, all colors, alleetolee sizes dlc Ladies' Fur Trimmed Black Felt House Shoes 1 49 "Broken Lines" Ladies' Pat - tent Colt Blatle Veid and Browe Calf Strap SIippera Cuban or Low Heels, values up to $7.0o, Clear- ea) ediCe once at ... . 4 *A kor Men's Overshoes, 'Wouraen'stiolostaes, INHEISOS* arid phlide . ren' s Overshoes at Greatly 'Reduced ,Prices. - uy Now. /TIE GRICER OD smog STORE