The Wingham Advance, 1924-01-31, Page 8Mn 1 I � II � !i i it I NtIWf IMI11 1111�1111tplliildll{11111�eihii119lA1111 i1MM11 �911�M llMrf(I�tltt�l >W!I WMII �1_�fHII�I1 �M it � ... `1�i1wtll V I Wlili1GN,AM ADV41 C? 1110111 111101110111111l1111111,011111N11111111111111$111111111111111 YA After Stock Taking we are giving big reductions on all Winter lines for February Clearance GORRIP,, The storms of last r week were, of the old fashioned kind and made tray-, elling difficult. The C.1.R, noon train was contelled also Saturday morning but by afternoon were running .again, Cattle and hogs were shipped Mon- tle day though prices are considered low. There 'are six Hien shipping now, the latest being Norman Wade of. the 9th con. who recently became U,F.O. la buyer. Petitions have been circulated and 1> B almost unamineottsly signed, north and tilt south of Gorrie and east of O. Hill. side line, asking to be allowed to be Connected with the Wroxeter Rural �2 Telephone Co, lift A representative of the Municipal sea and Railway Board was here last week n making an inventory of the Gorrie Branch of the, Wroxeter ' Rural Tel. v = Co,, for the purpose of deciding whe- Ladies' Dresses, Evening Dresses, Coals, Furs, Men's and Boys Wear ec�Y° ther,the Board, will.order Wroxeter WI to dispose of this branch to the new Specs 1 'Window Sale----Even- tug ate—Eventng Colas, r e g u l a r $35.00 and 45.00, February Clearan- ce Sale ..................$25,.00 20 C . nton .Crepe Dresses --- Browns, -Bro stns, r:.l..cks, Navys, reg. -010 to $2750, one rack turf, for S . turday only at .... $15.00 P41.0.000.4141151.1.0.01.....4#4.01.0G4... 1.1,0.io.60.0.6TSN1YLi.Y-i„4011.11.1.0 Men's and Young Men's Plait �..aek Or.rcoalts,nevot:' styles i and shades, regular 27.50, on i s,.. le at ...... . .. $:18.95 i NI raru+a®asr?nw+a+ort4.1.o......1oxo oun,Iwr0.9.0.erorwa.1MC41161, I Ladies' Fur Trimmed Beaver-' ®_ t�Y ine Coats, Black, Broatvn, Rein- deer Vetours, 15 Coats to'clear Earlyprice ...$10.00 Bird, ' �Z�l�'' New Remnants F'rosn stock. es taking, Choice ends of Silks,s, 1:>� ons' C � 9 Flannels, 9 IPmin'ts; Gal at e a s; Etc., Etc. Men's Khaki Work Shirts 75c Ali Wool Shirts, Drawers. 99c Fleece Shirts & Drawers...,79c Boys' Schs,oa Blouses ....50c Gil SATURDAY G OCE "IES — Sugar 10 lbs. $1.00; Post Bran Flakes 15c; m' TOmatoes 17c; Cent 10c; Raisins 15c; Currants 15c; Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c; Cheese 25c. m -Hanna. 9® �l illlgE H� l!!;!M l�I l lfyMi l lel 11� 161 Co t 111 11 �I11P�111311111111111111121111E1110lll lld111 i!ilgllllslllillltl�ip� ! i� i ®illi 11®1115111101111i11111111E1I12111111111lIil®11111iu 111�Il1II I BLYTH The annual meeting of Subscribers of the Blyth Municipal Telephone System was held in Memorial Hall, Blyth, Jan. 24, 1924 at 2 p. m., with and agmani- fested ood deal of interest was in the proceedings' throughout. a large number of subscribers present) Chairman, R- B. McGowan occupied the chair and after the usual proceed-; ing gs of reading minutes, etc., gave a 'short address as towork accomplish- ed during the year and showed the fact that system was working smooth- ly.•. r no. E. -Ellis' and Commissioners Jno. Fingland spoke briefly and said that in thein respective localities Hullett and East Wawanosh Town- ships, that subscribers were well sat- isfied with service obtained. - Wm. C. Laidlaw presented auditors report to meeting and showed out finances to be in good shape and a re- duction of our floating debt. In future central will be open to re- ceive calls from 5.30 a. m. to 10 p. m Emergency calls only answered of c... niter hours. The election of officers for yea 1924 resulted as follows: John Fing land, tp:l, Hullett, John E. Ellis, tp • t,. • 1 r 1 1111)Iipll IR1191!N11171111171B1111101111 i6'!Ri7011llillm 111111 f & Liven up the dr td. t The early weeks of 1924 will not be dull for arose business ` go after bus ss with special offers by Long .Distance. People have lno n e enough and confidence enough to buy now if you will make it worth. their while. Snow, and later 'S Spring floods, will snake it diffi- cult for travellers to call on their trade. tong . Distance will over come the handicap. Ilse the Bell to Sell. May . b We help you? Every S41'1'06,0404 d's t 1.4mgf Ott ohne • station East Wawanosh; R. B. McGowau George Fortune are sorry to know village of Blyth. All three re-elected. The auditors elected for 1924 are same as last year, 'Wm. C. Laidlaw, tp. of Morris; Russel Richmond, tp. of Morris. The phone rates for year 1924 were struck at $15.00 the same as last year and if nothing impressive happens 1 �t be sufficient to carry as no school Monday, or Stephen •Thibadeau appeared before ; Tuesday of last week owing to the Police Magistrate Reid, on a charge storin, undersection' 1- of the Children's' Miss Clara Fortune, who visited of and � Aid. Protection Act, charging Thiba- with her sister Mrs. Morrison at the deau with neglecting to provide for his children and wife. Thibadeau 'ad- mitted at times there was no'bread or butter in the house. He claimed he could not get' work. Magistrate Reid found the charges proven and sentenced hint to three months in jail with hard labor and warned him if again he he ever appeared before him reformatory., him to the refo 1 send Y would d Mr. William Lyon, Londesboro, has been appointed C.N.R. Agent to fill the' place Of Mr. McTaggert, who was transferred. to Watford, they are not enjoying the best of health. We hope they may soon be better. Mr. John Baird, who underwent, an operation in the Wingham: Hospital for appendicitis, a short time ago is pp these rates may s : improving ,nicely. on. i There w C:oast has returned home. The annual meeting of the "Glenan- nan Literary Society” was held in the school on Wednesday evening, Jan. T6. The election of officers were as follows: - President—Robert Muir, jr, Vice President—Mabel Stokes. °' Secretary—Alvin Smith. Treasurer—Leslie Fortune. —FI Told Weir. Prophet—Harold Marshal—Dave Eadie. Journalist—James Hardie, Directors - Wilfred Murchison, cxr ,. ch,4o,6" .:.Temperance Mary Eadie, Thomas Metcalfe, Jean Union will hold their meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. FIuckstep. Mrs. (Rev.) Baines Auburn, will address the meeting. Rev. Mr. McMullen Victoria Col- lege, gave two fine addresses in the Methodist Church along Educational lines, owing to the severe storm, the congregations were not as large as they would have been. ly formed Municipal Co., connected at Fordwich. Subscribers at Gorrie have petitioned to be left as they are and many will refuse to have phones if the order should be made. There is (mite an under currant of wrath ov- er the matter and. acrimonious times are ahead should the Board make such an unjust discession. Thoughit is . not expected that such will be done. A date has not been fixed by the board to consider the matter. raTH CON. 'HOWICK Mrs. Ralph -Metcalf, ,How• le boun- dary is visiting her dauglifer aMrs. Nelson Goudy. A number from the burg attended Harry. Granger's sale in Grey to. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Daneintertain- cd their neighbors and friends Fri- day evening last. Mr. Wilford King is in Toronto this week, look out girls. : Mr. and Mrs. George Baker had. a party for their friends, Thursday evening. All report a good time. Mr. Alvin Sharpin and two sisters visited at Mr. Tom Vittie's Saturday, Mr, Robert Brown was in Mildmay Saturday on business. Mr. James Underwood is drawing logs£orMr Wes. Palmer to Gorrie. ti Vs,I Mr. Dick Bennett brought a car load of cows up from Toronto last week. Mrs. Nelson Goudy is spending a week with her mother Mrs. Metcalf of the boundary. Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Vittie;?visit ed with Robert Brown. Mr, Wes. Underwood spent Sunday at James Stewart's, Mr, Joe Sanderson, purchased six head of cattle from Lorne Laird. Mr. and Mrs, David Dane entertain- ed some friend to a progressive card party, all enjoyed themselves. BLYTH 1 held • ultura Society The Blyth Agricultural its annual meeting in the Memorial Hall on Saturday afternoon with the President,' William Tracey in the ehair The secretary -treasurer's report show- ed that the association is malting good progress financially having a balance from the last fair,Mrs. Cunimings,as delegate to the Fairs association meet- ing, gave a splendid report. The elec- tion of officers resulted as follows: President, J. E. Ellis; vice-presidents, Messrs. Robert Wightman and D. Laidlaw; secretary -treasurer, J. H. R. Elliott. EAST WAWANOSH Misses Isabel McLaughlin and Ann- ie Robinson spent last week -end at ,the former's home at Brampton, Miss ,Beatrice Johnston of White- church•spent the week -end at the home of her brother, Mr. Gersom Johnston. Mr: George M. Robertson spent the past two weeks with Dr. Roach of De- troit. Preparatory Service will be held at Calvin Church, • on Thursday, Jan. 31, at 2:30 p: m. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed on Sunday, . Feb. 3rd, at 2.30. Thanks- giving service at Belgrave in the even - from five states.. D, 1), G, Tula- Posliff anesuite, of ?Jz"l z Ih• m were here and installed the �. z� a t following officers of Western Star Lodge, No,14.9, L O. 0. F„ for the ensuing term: 1, N.G.; G. R eller; N G., ;Harry Champion; V. G., Robert I3ownnan; A. S., M. Black; F. S•, A. McGuire; treasurer, S. Wilton; warden S. Wilton; con, W. Clouse; 0. G. A. Dennison; 1, G., W. E Willis; R G,, R. Henderson; L. S. N, G, N, Chapman; R. S. V G., W. H, Bell,; L. S. V. (:x., C, Matheson; R. S. S., O. Hemingway; L; S. S., James Hender- son; chaplain, W. J. McCracken, This was followed by spoeelh-making, and. a tasty lunch was served. The Iodge has a membership of 113. The home of E. A. Dixon, late man- ager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, has been purchased by the bank to be us- ed as abome for succeeding manag- ers who will be in charge here, Mr. Dixon and family will remove soon to Detroit. WHITECHURCH Mr, Joe Tiffin was attending coun- ty council in 'Walkerton last week. Coulter Bros. were filling two car ' loads withpressed hay last week, Mr. Hogg of Thamesford visited last week with his uncle Mr. John Hogg. Mrs. Arthur Holland ,of Kitchener spent last week with her, parents Mr. and Mrs. George Garton. The mission band of the Presby- terian church will meet next Satur- day at 2.3o p. m. A good attendance is requested. Mr. Harold Sparling spent a few days last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kincar- dine. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St. Helen's spent Thursday at the home of their daughter Mrs. Robert Purclon. Mrs. Ephraim. Taylor of the West, who has been visiting with her:. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKinnon, landspent last week at the home of Mr. ' Mrs. Orval Tiffin. Miss Norah Falconer, spent last 14 week with her brother Mr. Cecil Fal111 - MORRIS The Young People's League held a social evening last Thursday, at the -home of Mr. Stewart Procter's, third. line of Morris. A "goodr,crowd as- sembled and the evening was spent in games •;:and community singing also readings. An offering, was taleen in aid of Missions which )amounted to six dollars. Mr. Graham Campbell is clover threshing with Mr: Roy Adair. The farmers have been kept busy trying to keep the roads open during the last week. Miss Tena Campbell of Detroit is at present visiting, her mother Mrs. D. W. Campbell. We are sorry to report that Mr. Wm. Arbuckle sr., of East Wawanosh is very poorly. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golly were and Mrs. Althe guests . of Mr. �,. J. Ross of town one evening last week. Mr. James Peacock, our last years assessor has beenre-appointed for a. second year with a substantial in- crease -in ncrease-it saary,--Lcioks ate`--' h-ough Morris finances are looking up. The municipal officiary for 1924 in Morris township consists of the fol- lowing:— Clerk, A. MacEwen, salary $ "210 00 00 00 00 Wilton, Mid. Oliver Stokes and Ednar Gilkinson. Watch for the date of the next regular meeting in a later issue. The regular- meeting of the Glen- annan U.F.O., will meet on Monday night; February 4th, BLUEVALE The stormy weatlier'of Fridayev- cning prevented the meeting of the Literary. Society. It will be held in- stead on Friday evening, Feb. 8th., when a good programme, including an interesting debate, will be given. There will be no admission fee eharg ed and everyone will be welcomed. Much interest is being taken in the preparations for the concert to be given by the 'Bluevale.Women's In- stitute on Monday evening, Feb. 4th. It will take the form of a contest the judges being asked to decide which side provides the better pro- gramme, Mrs. C. H. Garniss and Mrs Y Leggatt are captains. GLENAN1' AN was cltiite parts David }arc e:troit, r David en Tina Marshall last week WAS na t Sttnda �tssible. lift Eadie Mrs, W hi rzir;t There a number of people in these suffering from bad colds. Mt. Da- en made a business trip to D recently. 14r, Da Fortune was away end- ing at O Sound last week. Miss Be arshall spent a few day's of la in Winghatn. There service an Eadiies'. tothe roads clturclT last y owing being iinp Mrse Co ie was visiting with Mr. and ill, Eadie at. Holy - rood The may urs of Mr, and Mr's, .+•, .msbtra..m.1..e.-wnmo.s...w..wow,n Week -End Bargains Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers 19c Axe Handles, special 25c Lantern globes, ea 15c Electric Bulbs, 3 for • ,.1.00 Stove Polish, per tin 13c Stove Pipe Varnish 18c Floor Wax, high-grade 60c Door Mats ....:.,.....,,;1.00 Wax Candles, per doz. 15c McClarys High Grade Pot.. ato Pots, very special 1.10 Try Our Coal Oil, Less Smoke and Burns to the last', Drop, Phone 3d. — PromptDelivery. Thompson.Buchanan HARDWARE Treasurer, A. Shaw 135 Assessor, Jas. Peacock 90 Collector, W. C. Laidlaw 125 Medical Health Officer, Dr. Stewart," salary 5o 00 Audtt`ors, Rich. Johnston and Peter McNab, each 12 00 Sanitary Inspectors, Win. Abram and R. Wallace, ea 15 00 School attendance officer, A. Shaw .. 25 00 Road Inspector, A. Shaw- 23 00 Drain Inspector, John McGill. Member ,Board of Health P. McNab $127:So was allowed Herbert Kirkby for extras on BIyth Creek drain work, Robert Wallace was appointed Sani- tary Inspector for the Southerly por- tion of. Morris as successor to Coun- cillor _J. Brown. Wm. Abram takes charge of the,Northcrly section of the work, " Thursday, January 31st,; 19241 coner. Reeve B. S. Naylor was in Gode- rich last week attending county coun- cil. The concert held in the Methodist Church last Wednesday evening was very successful. Mr. John Falconer will be in Gode- rich next week, attending the Petit.. Jury. • Married -In Toronto on Wednes- day, Jan. 9, Miss Cora Clubb, dangle: ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Clubb of. Whitechurch to Mr. Fred Harris of St. Marys, Miss Jean Gillies spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flemings of Kincardine, . Mr, Robert Henderson visited last Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of St. Helen's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon spent the week -end with his sister;' Mrs. Thos, Henderson,' ASHFIELD Mr. John Scott, of Lanes has bought a new driver and is busy breaking it in these days. Last Monday we experienced . the worst storm this year, with eight be- low zero, but some of the faithful mail carri'ers made their trips, Mr. Sandy .Haven's of'R. R-. No. 7, braved ,day night, A REAL MEN4. 36 Pairs s Fine Shoes in Side Calf 'both Black and Brown For er Pair These are odds ;'a,n d ends and left- vers and are a real ; bargain if your size happens to be in the lot. One shoe of each pair with size `ticket at- tached is being shown in south window. W:ILL-I The Leading Shoe Store of H> ron County Phone 129. Wingham,` Ont. F� K twenty-eight miles. held in the school last Friday night Mr, and Mrs. Will Lane, and family - was postponed on account of the se - of Lanes, spent a day in Ripley visit- verc storm, will be held on Monday ing the former's sister, Mrs. Alex. night, 28th. • Treleaven. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and • ' Mrs. Elmer Alton and children Toth children of Courey's Corners spent a con., spent a few days last week visit- day last weelc visiting the former's sis- ing in Lucknow. ter, Mrs. John Mullen. Mrs. Frank Irwin, and Mrs. Gilbert The remains of Mr. Douglas was Vint, Belfast spent last Thursday of brought to his sister, Mrs. Cathcart, ternoon, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lake shore on Wednesday and wast,,,',, Smith in St. Helen's; buried in Kintail cemetery., last Fri- .`t Mr. and' Mrs:J ohn Campbell, Bel- fast made a short visit last Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Herman Phillips, of Courev's Corners. A few of our young ,,,people went over to Mr. Matt. Shackleton's at Crewe to a skating party last Thurs- day. The annual meeting of the .West Waw,anosh Fire Insurance Co., will be held in Dungannon, on Friday after- noon at two p. m. Our. Reeve, Frank Johnson and De- puty Reeve, John Jamieson attended tite County Council in.:Godehrich'this through the longest route nearly The play which was to have been week.. 111I2I111®■■11®I1■■■■1111■lel4®■Ili)®■®■till431■®■la1WWIENNE13311213 IEEE !lS®> ■■>m■■■■nni I 11.gs' News s • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 ■•s a ..: Days Only BRUSSELS The annual meeting of the East • s held Soviet tva t - � Agricultural }dtiot in Brussls, with President ]Muldoon in the chair. Attendance was small owing to stormy weather. The fin- ancial statenient, presented by Treas- urer reas urer Black, showed receipts for last year of z,174.6o, and. expenditures of $T,86t.go, leaving a balance of $312,70. The following' officers were elected: Honorary president, Alex, Stewart; president, D. C. Ross; first vice- president, 1. A. McArthur; second vice-president, James Burgess; direc- tors, G. 12. Muldoon, R, Nichol, T, Miller, W, R. Broadfoot, Walter Rose R. 3. Hoover, James McDonald, A. C. Barker, M. McVittie and J. J. Me-' cttclieon; lady directors, Mrs. Cr. R. Muldoon, Mrs. P. A. McArthur, Mrs, A. C. Backer and Mrs, W. W, Harris; auditors, A, Strachan. and N. F. Ger- ry. Past President, G. R, and. Mrs. Muldoon, were appointed delegates to the Fairs Association, itt Toronto: Walter Reisc, of town is t� be con- gratulated on the fine showing, hispen of single comb white Leghorns is making in the Canadian egg laying tl c contest being. Conducted 'rat Ottawa. O �a. At the end Of the .11th week of the contest his pan was in third place and ahead of all birds entered frotn the Dominion. There are petn§ catered from ever, prOvince but otte, and Tr r * :fir- arill ' r 111 ■ 3 l)a s Only II■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MEN'S RLANNELETTE ■ NIGHTGOWNS ;$1.19 Good quality striped stri ed Flannel- ■ ®.. ette Night Shirts. Special $t.sg. ■ DRESS FLANNEL ■ 54 INCH T ■ Dress Flannel in all the wan- ted shades, seasonable goods for -. ■ dresses and pleated skirts, reg.. ■ $z.. o for $1.89 per yd. ■ 5 ■ �,. LADIES' HEATHER HOSE • ■• English Heather Hose made,•; !i,• j, from the finest yarns. This . ■ r' Week -End only g8c. 11' HEAVY STRIPED ■ ■ SHIRTING ■ Extra heavy quality stripe .. _■ shirting, reg. 45c for 33c. ■ ■ REMNANTS ! 'REMNANTS ! ■ ■ A 'Cable full of remnants <4 • ■ various lengths and materials.' g ■ , Half Price. LADIES' AND MISSES FUR N S ■, COLLARED COATS AND ■ SELF TRIMMED COATS ■ Merchandise advertised here on Sale Thursday, Friday and urday Only -(Shop early as some of the lines luted the quantities are Mulled) - LADIES' PLEATED SKIRTS Ladies' Pleated, Wool, Crepe and Flannel 'Skirts, all sizes, Special $5.75. WOMEN'S STOCKINGS 250 Ladies' Black Cotton Stock- ings, all sizes, . very special, this week -end 25c. CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HOSE 500 All pure wool Cashmere Hose color Brown, sizes 54 to 8, only 5oc pair. DIMITY NAINCHECK Fine White Dimity Naincheck suitable for underwear, pajamas children's frocks, etc. Reg. 350 for 230 per yd. UNBLEACHED FACTORY COTTON x2tc and xgc, Fine unbleached cotton which gives good service and bleaches perfectly. This week -end talc and xgc. FLANNELETTES Good quality Flarinellettes ist neat stripes, light and dark eta - ors, Specially priced at xgc and 15c per yard. BRASS EXTENSION RODS. Best Extension Rods only too ■ ■ ■ KING BROS. 4o INCH BLEACH COT- TON 280 Extra heavy quality White Cotton, suitable width for Pil- low Cottons. This Week -End only 28e. l'''' PURE FOOD GROCERIES (At Money Saving Prices) Catsup, large bottle zgc,; Soap Chips, 3 pkg. -..:..-23c Kellog's Corn Flakes gc Corn Starch, per pkg. 8c Sockeye Salmon, 1 lb tin for ......___--320 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. Dates, 3 lbs. for Pure Castile Soap, long bar, 2 bars>' -„-..2 for c 5 E~i Bred Herring, Fin- an an Haddie and Cod fish, 2 tins for Bulk Cocoa., 2 lbs. 2sc Fatnily size Cheese, lb: aSc Rinso, 3 pkges. E. D. Smith's jam, Raspberry and Strawberry It Wilt Pay Vou to Get Ou $111011111110101111101010111.11011111111011111111111111 11 1' .390 Sat. All new stock, sale prices at' $xo.75 to 29.50. T CASEMENCLOTH Fancy Border Casement Cloth ,5o inch ' wide, suitable for win dow drapes, etc. Our' 'regular 750 line for q.50 yd, `Prices Before Buying Phone7l.-I Av A,M