HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-31, Page 71N%igivtigfRibrj,
TheiredaY, ja,nue.ry" 31, 1924. -
essa.e.leeestesest '•••,'""4•••••'0"''''
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old Norse Mythology pietured Thor,
the goa of war thunder and agrieul-
. .ture,:as clestroyirig.the giants withhis
• reagie :hammer, That hammer was a
good idea, Atidethe conception ef the
' ilestruction- -of giants was not far,
fetched, according to the theory of
, earthquakes as advanced by Ellsworth
Huntington and Stephen. Visher, pro-
. ,
fessors at Yale and Indiana 1.Tniversi-
't1es who tell a eta,rtling story about
eun spots.
For there are tremenclou$ blow's
struck upon the earth's surface and
giant mountains are shattered by
them. When titla barometer registers
a drop of two inches, as it has been
known to do in as many hours, a load
of about 2,000.000 tons is removed
from every square mile of land affect-
ed. A t'vvo-incill rise in the barometer
mtealas that 2,000,000 tolls Of aclaitional Though you would not think 50 to Sourc'e—Ahica y scr II descript
Roasted and paciced saay rrie c4
din airtight cants
Siurnaines and Their Origin
JENNINGS. :various times in various sections or
variatioase--Jenkins, Jeilkinson, Jenks that country f°r1)acie 'the use of native
JenniSon. family names.
Ftacial Origin—Middle English, also '
Source—A given name, Variations—Clive, Cleve.
Racial Origin --Middle English. ve
What They Need to Restore
711/1 rnH
is Pi, prison bourse, it scents,
And all man's eager tboagbta and
Are color(realdllswindowe looking
lie sees the heavens arching blue,
Sees earth and all eartiVE loVelY
Sees golden noome and evening stars,
Sees dawn's 'soft, pulsing, shadowed
hours --
And, hungry hearted, heat e the bars.
There is a, window in tile wall
Iligiter than any man is tall
I've gazed from it all night until
I curse the LI.OnT I gained its sill,
My feeble hand all night hae pressed
The pallicl -glass, -while from above
The moon, unloved and wica.reesed,
Shines far and faultless as my love
' Leckhart
ANAF)ii€ 11011FIV
s .4
preseure are throvvn on the earth. , look at them, the name of Jennings were, ,-- ,
Typhoons, hurricanes, and even our and the- foregoing variations are simp- Cleveland and its variations trape
!lesser storms hammer on the crust of Ilyone classification of the int -miner- back to an old Anglo-Saxon geographi-
this , old earth of ours. Frequent I able host of family names which have cally descriptive term, as do Grover
storms mean frequent hammerings.- developed front that most common of and its variations.
33ut even ,such a load as is 'furled on it -all given names, John. .
, The olcl word was "cloug-h." , It
by one of those tropical cyclones is
,when compared with the
. strength. of the rock-ribbed and ancient
earth crust. As many have found out,
'this, world is a -hard nut to crack. This
Thorlike hammer of air which may
- shatter mountains merely plays a role
very similar to that of the proverbial
straw which may break the proverbial
Camel's back.
The underlying cause -of breaks in
the earth's Crusta which are frequent-
ly of 'such magnittide as to cense earth-
quakes, is the contraction of the earth
itself. This contractiOn puts the efust
' under a constant strain. This strain
is enormous, so much so that in com-
parison the blows of the severest.
storms, which we have called tremend-
ous, are merely gentle taps.
13ut,tlie earth's contra.ction is a -slow-
moving force,- and even the most brit-
. tle glass would bend if the strain were
applied -to itlowly enough. "But aiip-
pose," say these scientists, "hat while
the tenSion is high the glass is tapped.
" A gentle tap may he followed by a
tiny crack. A series of little taps may
be the signal for small cracks. to
.1:spread in. 'every direction. A, few
, elightly harder tape., may cause the
whole sheet to break suddenly ento
, many --pieces. Yet. even the hardest
• - tap may 'be the merest trtfie Wheri com-
pared with the strong forces which are
,keeping the glass in a state. of strain
and which would:ultimately bend it if
given time."
Other forces may play apart, but it
is these storms whiele are credited
'With furiiishing the breaks in, the fold-
ing earth's crtst which often inake
themselves felt in the form of earth -
,quakes. Investigations by these
meteorologists disclose that earth-
" quakes occur in seasons of great
storms and tb.at the great storme are house. They regulate the stomach
and break up colds. The
most pronounced when there are the and bowele,
new sales tex will not increase the
price of Baby's Own Tablets, as the
company pays the tax. You can still
obtain the Tablets through any medi-
cine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by
mail post_ paid from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
From its =original" Hebrew' form Of meant a. cleft or flasure between -hills
Jehohana,nethe. name' of John has de,- in 'those days and it modern use as
Veloped into nearly every sert. of "cliff"was probably'a secondary mean'
sound around which the human tongue in.
can twist, through pagan as well as The variations, Clive; Cliff and
Christian races. Indeed, it is held Cleve, of course, are developments of
that the name of Hannibal, th egreat the original spelling, and. are :Useful
Carthaginian warrior who crOssed the in determining in what general sec-,
Alps with his elephants andanearly tions .of England a family may haye
smashed ancient Rome, was simply a lived at various periods. It is only in
'variation of John. Carthage was , very nioaern times that spelling has
founded by Phoenicians, who came been standardized. Throughont the
from the coast near Palestine. middle ekes' people spelled very much
But in England the name of John as they pronounced, and there were
came to be seelled in many different Maxima differences in pronunciation
ways accordine-to -the linguistic ten- tendencies in the different parte of
England. Oxigiaally such names as
Clive, Cliff and 'Cleve , were written
"Atte Clive (at -the -cliff), Atte Cliff and
Atte Cleve, or at earliey periods, when
French was used more commonly and
was the official language, "de la. Clive"
(of the cliff). .
Cleveland, as a family name, gives a
little more definite information, as to
the origin of eainilies bearing it, which
must have --come from a section of
Yorkshire known by that name, and•of
which the city of Middlesborough is
dencies of individual localities. It is
found as Jon, Jan and Jon, aniong
other forms too numerous to meietioa.
Jen -kin (little Jen) was a very gem -
mon development from the latter,
from whicb the surname of "Jenkin's
son," or Jenkinson was derived quite
normally, being .shortened in the
course . of time into the variations
noted. Where the name Jennings
traces back to Ireland it was "formerly
MaeSheneen (descendants of John),
changed to the English form ender the
pressure of English laws which at the capital.
11111D 'ON igARY
The winter season is a hard one on.
, • ..
'the baby. He is' more.meleas"confined
to stuffy, badly ventilated. reome. It is
so often stormy that the neither "does
not get him out in the fresh air a3
often as stinshoulde . He catches colds
whiCh rack his little systems his stom-
ach' and bowelget out of order and he
becomes peevish and cross. To guardakinst this the mother should keep a
box of Baby's Own Tablets in the
.mose. sun spots. So, according to their
theory, spots on the sun—which are
believed tb be big electrical storms—
result in rock-breakings and earth tre-
more on this glolfe of ours. The Thor
tbat wields the a,tnaospherie hammer
is the sun. But the planets which are
his satellites and even the distant
stars influence our light source in
some unfathomed way and cause the
sun storms which produce the earthly
° What a Knot is Not.
The meaning of a sailor's "knot,"
like an ordinary knot, requires some
storms which, in turn, .provolte. the unravelling.
' breakings which are earthquakes. A "landlubber" would -say that a
Whistling Healthful as
Well as _Musical.
Alice Miriam Heller, of Reading,
Pa.; a teacher of whistling, declares
that t'nere is an art of whistling which
belongs to the higher musical ac -
eteseareshipni steaming at 'twenty -fie e
knot an hour," but a sailor would simp-
ly say "twenty-five knots." The latter
is correct. A knot is not a distance,
but a speed. The word "speed" com-
bines distance and tiraes a sailor call-
ing the speed of a •ship while paseing
Being Busy.
When people tell one another how
°busy they are or have been, although
they are likely to lament the "busy-
ness," they' usually regard it as credit-
able. And yet to be busy is not necee-
sarily to be engaged in anything worth
while. Being busy and Working, are
by no means, synonymous. The dis-
paraging expression "a busybody"
Arose from a perception of that fact.
People who keep themselves pretty
constantly occupied with work have
no thne ea inclination for mischief -
making, yet People can busy them-
selves in making mischief. They can
buy themselves 'too in ways that do
no special harm to others and that are
yet futile and frivolous. A grea.t many
people, for example, are letisy perform-
ing social .acts end rites thet have no
particular value. '
Being busy in the sense of being
constantly occupied with the little
complications *in the web of life is a
harassing and discouraging form of
activity, says a writer in Youth's Com- meet ealready are in use at the Lake -
Daniell. Yet nowadays people give•
hurst, N.J., naval station.
Good i-talliht and Vitaiitjr.
The woman who feels tired out, who
aches all over when she rises in the had realized that it wasl going to be,—
Morning, who feels, depressed most,of "I'm not so sure of God. "I'm not say -
the time, needs the help that Dr. Wil- leg that He doesn't exist. I simply
Nairn' Pink Pills can give her—new, haven't settled the question in my
rich blood anil etronger nerves. The mind. And I don't believe that Jesus
slumber of disorders caused by poor Christ was anything but a man. Of'
blood is amazing, and inost women are course. He was the greatest man that
careless about the condition of their ' ever lived—in his way." He was an -
The Buaioess of Faith,
.Reb 'itildrt was po coward. The me -
Meat he tealized that 'he had been
avoiding has old pastor since his re,
turn from college be went straight to
the parsonage,
The study greeted him Nirith iti old
welcome, Rob bad beep, there many
an evening with a crowd of the boys
before he went to college,
"It ile,els 3ust as it used to," he de-
clared. "We had some great times
Dr. Carlow nodded., Irai getting to
be an old than, Rob. I like to Sit hero
before the fire and watch my hoye
marching Out to conquer the world."
"We don't go very far," Rob retort-
ed, "before we revise our drearne a
"Malta them bigger, or smaller?" I)r.
Carlow inquired
"Oh, stnaller, Boys = are conceited
Young animals, doctor! It takes col-
lege to rtialte you see your size in rela-
tion to the universe! I don't believe
as I did. You can't efter you've ta.keut
a look down to the lieginning of
"How much is left?" Dr. Carlow
asked quietly.
sir,"—it was harder than Rob
blood. Their nerves are quickly s.f- gry at himself for stumbling in his
fected; they worry over trifles ana do Isvords,before the quiet eyes of the old
not obtain refreshing sleep. There men. "
may be stomach troubles and head- „But to, his astoniement Dr. Carlow
aches; shortness of breath and a flut- seemed to let the matter drop. "I hear
tering of the heart. This is a condi-
tion that calls for Dr; Williains' Pink
Pills, the bloodemprerving, neeee-re-
stoxing tonic. Mrs. William Henry,
Lovett Street, London, Ont., has
proved the value of 'these pills, and
says; "I had a very severe attack of
anaemia.. e was always tired and the
least thing would make me side at the
stomach. I eould hardly go about and
suffered terrible pains in my legs from
cramps. I had no color in my face and
was as white as a sheet. The doctor
gave me several kinds at mediicne' ,
but could not understand why I did not
get results from it. Then I went to a
hospital and was there for three
menthse but came home no better than
when I went. ,My friends were wor-
ried and feared consumption. While
I was still in this condition a friend
advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. I tried thesst and- atter a .time
felt -they were helping me, and I glad-
ly continued their use, and am thank-
ful to say that I am again a well wo-
man, and I firmly believe that had it
not been for Dr. Williams'"Pink Pills
'I would not have got better."
, The new sales tax will not increase
ti price of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
as the companyeays the tax: You can
still obtain the pillsethrough any medi-
cine dealer at 50 cents a box, or by
mail, post paid; at this price, from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Mooring a Dirigible.
The proposal of the U.S. navy to fly
to the Pole in the Shenandoah, Uncle
Sam's biggest airship, includes the es-
tablishment of an air base in Alaslia
from whieh the start would be made.
It is unlikely that a special hangar for
the big ship would be built there, and
it is much more probable mooring
masts would be utilized to holcl the
Shenandoah between flights. Such
more time and effort to the attempt
. Tem usualairship mooring mast is
toecieai with such comelications time I about 200 f eet high and is of steel,
ever before—because the complica- '
firmly based in concrete. The nose of
are busy most' of swivel arrangement set in the head of
The persona who the mast. This swivel, moving freely,
Ike time on produceive, interestin,g permits the flying craft to swing to
work of some kind, and who dp not
complishments. She said recently: over a sea mile, about 6,080 feet or allow' the element of busyness to in- '
anchor in a tideway. When the air -
the wind much as a, ship swings to its
. "It is perfectly possible to have a 1 IA land nilleau °Tie "knot." vaae their hours of recreation and re_
The Word "knot" is very old. In lexation, have a eouhd philosophy of ship is to be moored she noses down
chorus91 trained whistlers that is cer- toward the mast, drops her cable to
ancient days seamen found out the life and are living in"accordance with '
thinly as lovely, if not lovelier, than the grourid, and this in 'turn is made
the ordinary choral Work- In Los An- speed of their Vessel bY means of a it. fast to the cable on the mast swivel.
geles Which boasts the only school "log .line." This was a ple'ce of woOd, '
Theeslack is then taken up by a motor
for professional whistlers in thts world, to wnich was attached a long line .,
driven winch on the ground.
we had a group of forty whistling knntted at regular Intervale. The log After being secured to the mast it
'bices and the 'restate obtained were WgS tbr°Wn oveeboa,ed• and a eancle is found the airship rides better in the
remarkable and very beautiful: glass on board was allowed to run
wind if ballast is cast out.
"Nor is whistling geed just to listen doWn. It was then seen how many .
tions are more numerous and intre the shipis made fast by cables to a
to. It may also be. made a form ot knots had been paiii out. If fifteen,
healthful exercise that is without then the ship was travelling at fifteen
parallel -for lung development. In ad_ knots; if twelve, at twelve knots, and
dition, the person who whistles never so on- a
has to make the old and tithe -worn ex-
cuse of the pianist or player of other His Request.
instruments 'I am sorry, but I have Judge.—"Have you anything further
left my music at borne.' Nor has the 10
whistler ever to sverry about colds, Prisoner—"I should like to ask that
since ,:they rarely, if ever, affect the the thee ()one/ilea by counsel's speech
vocal cords used in the production of for the defenee be deducted from my
a Whistling tone, Last, but tot least, term 01 imprisonment."
the evhistler possesses, an inetrumeet
of expression that is to trouble, that
Is never left at home by mietake, ancl.
that doesn't depend on correct tem-
poratare of the room or any other
varieble Mecliuni."
Merely Prevention.
under orders never to go
seemming. And ino.ther meant to
sees'elette he- obeyed. , So one day she
becitifie' easeicio tie, •
"Willie, your olothes are wet," she
said. "Ypu have been in, the water
again." ,
"Yes. niother; I went ie to save
Cliaalie.,,Ioncs." •
"My noble darling! Did you jump
In ,after him?"
"No, mother. 1 jumped in first 80
as to 1)0 there whet he fell bi,",
CnSielecl a$ the niost v,tonderful: set,
.The Marriaeeable Ages. .
"When is the proper age for 'a girl
to Marry?" .
"Any age at which he is able to
King crabs, found mostly off the make money enough to live in style."
islande of .Japan, measure from 3 to
5 feet from tip to tip of tlaeir great
claws; the largest ever caught is re-
corded as having been 19 feet from
Tab -
tip to tip and -weighing 40 lbs.
Keep Mincrci's Liniment in the house.
Australia;. the Peculiar.
Australia IS a truly marvelous coun-
try. Nature , there displayS
jt is .5.09 pen. by the eloek in Paris ties that weuld seem • almost to be
you're going into "business, Rob," he
"Yes sir. Motors."
"Do you retie/fiber the parable of
the talents?"
Rob nodded. What wasthe olhl doc-
tor driving at?"
"Do you think the master was hard
oe the servant with one talent?"
"Why, o, sir. The fellow had his
clia.nce like the 'rest. He was a quit-
ter." '
"I thought you'd say that, Now I
have another question to ask. Are you
capitalizing the faith you have? By
yonr own acknowledgment you'll be a
quitter if you let it lie idle. The same
law_ holds in religion as in business;
the only way to acquire mere faith is
tb invest what you have."
"Why—" the young fellow stammer-
ed. Then. he laughed, the frank
boyish laugh that his pastor dearly
loved." "You've. got me sir. I see r11
have to go home and thrash the mat-
ter out."
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or etolen you get your.
money back.
A portion of the old Roman wall of
London has recently been uncovered
in I-Iounsclitch. It is 8 ft. 9 ins. thick,
faced with squared stones, and filled
with smaller stones, over which ce- tains proven directions. Handy boxes
The Herds of Death.
When the moon is high
And the wind ie low
Over the alkali,
Browsing slow,
The skeletons
Of cattle go.
Their ribs gleam white,
Their breath is frost,
A ghost cow lows
Fora ghost calf lost,
And on horns like sharp moans
Their foes are tossed.
—Elizabeth Coatsworth,
Beware of Imitations!,
!if( ' tl '•,
"Miss Anierica" Declares Tan Inc
Wonderful Health (living l*onic
Unless you see the name "Bayer
Cross" on pacbage or on tablets'you
are not getting the genuine Bayer
pirin proved safe by millicaas and pre-
scrilsed 'by Physicians over twenty-
three Years for .
',Colds Headache
Toothache ,Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain •
Accept "Bayer Tablets, of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package con.
inent had been. poured.
okak for Minaret's and'tako no othar.
A foolish mother can stiggest mis- elonoaceticacidester of Salleylicacici.
chief her son never dreamed of, by While it is well known that Aspirin
the questions she asks him. - - means Bayer Manufacture, to aseist
the public against imitations, the Tab -
"Pillboxes" and concrete dug -eats lets of „Bayer Compene' Will be stamp.
'F'tiii•eanGcher,mtahlelsrealN.evesrteill6a00porobilsi eld3aWyeitrhetrhoesisr.ofeeral trade mark, the
whennoon in Toronto. the ---------------prodfmaiagination. the N(ard Department alone.
bluilt ibny
Not only are thre whie eagles ane
of twelve teblets cost few cents. tirug
gista also sell bottlee of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Caoada) ot Bayer Manufacture of
Muss CsellSubell in "'Mies 'America"
croeie Welch she ha S wen oil two .
Photograph 1)Y Atlantic ..,POO Flarrine,
Miss Mary Katharine C,ampbell,
twice proclaimed "Miss America," has
taken TANLAC and endorsee it in a
statement recently given to the wo-
men of Aneerica through International
Proprietaries, Inc., distributors of this
great tonin In this etateinent, Miss
America declares that Good Health is
the basis of all Beauty, and advizes
women who would be beautiful to
"first find, good health."
Her complete statement as given is
as follows: "I con.sider it a great privi-
lege to be able to tell the thousande
of women everywhere what a great
tonic TANLAC is. Health is the basis
of all beauty. Without good health,
one is apt to be -run down, nervous,
underweight, high-strung, anaemic. In-
digestion drives the roses from a wo-
man's cheeks and robs her of that
radiant quality of womanhood that ia
real beauty. .
"I have ;taken TANLAC and I do not
hesitate to say that it is a wonderful
health -giving tonic. It has brought re-
lief and good health to many women,'
. and With good health. one may hare a
measure of beauty that will overcome
shortcomings in face and figure:
sparkling 'eyes, a well'
reunded figure, a lovable' d.iepoSitlen,
go hand in hand•With good health: To
these searching' fOr beauty, Would
say—'First of all, Find Good reealthe
The- tr.eatm.ent has proven -
itself a booni to womankind, and I re-
commend it."
Min's Campbell has written a boole
let oxt.Healtli and Beauty which may
be secured by filling out the coupon
Depertment A-103, Atlanta, Ge.
Gentlemen!' I herewith enclose 10 cents (stamps will 'do) .for which
send Me a copy of 'Miss Katherine Campbell's Booklet on 'Beauty and
'Name ........... .... . .. Street .. ..
Town... . ........ ............ State ... . ..... ..............
Dire Threat.
An Irish sergeant was drilling two I
very stupid recruits, who could not .be
prevailed. upon to keep step. Losing
all patience, he shouted: o
"If I knew wlaich of ye two spal.
peens was out of step, I'd put him
straight in the guardroom."
The busy man has few idle visitors'
—of whom worry is one.
Classified Advertisetrients
I/ pound is flue cured. Mailedall
over Canada for $2. Lewis Wigle,
Leamington, Ont.
Consider whether you have satisfied
your relations to father, mother, coaa-1
sin, neighbor, town, cat dog, whee,
ther any of these can upbraid you'
Mother/ Give Sick Child
"California Fig Syrup";
Harmless Laxative for a Billousi.,
Constipated Baby or Child,
Mus, feverish, or
sick, collo Babies
to take genuine
44 • hil n lov
_ (
California Pi g
(i. ..
s laxative regulatee
Syrup." No other,
'‘...,\-.1_ the tender little
,..., .
.....,,,,.._ , ,.....-., bowels so nicely.
It sweetens the stomach and starts
the liver and "bowels acting vsithout
griping. Contains no narcotics OP
soothing drugs, Say "California" to
your druggist and. avoid connterfeits!
Insist upon genuine "California. Fig
Syrup" which contains directions. '
Val WI' fa ea. .44
The old reliable relnedy for Bright's
Disease, sick headache, pains in back
and other indications of kidney and
liver trouble. Fifty years successful
sale. At your druggist or direct from
Toronto, Ont.
Bitro-Phosphate feeds the' nerves
and olci people need it to. make them
feel and look younger. It's the one
best nerve builder for weak, nerve -ex.
hausted men and women and that is
why druggists gaarantee it. Pride $1
per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25
Front St. Da,st, Toronto, Ont.
Rid Your Poultry of Lice h DIGESTION GAS
black .swans and noii-barking dogs
with wolves' heads and foxes' tails;
not, only does, the salmon fish for it-
self in. the rivers and.the perch in the
sea, but the baromoter' rises before
raM and falls to foretell line weather.
easy to g, et rid of vermin. Stop greas-
satisfactory methods of fighting lice.
The net. scientific, clis'covery Makes it.
, dusting, spraying and othex Uns
Simply drop into the drinking water a
" ttl
harrilless mineral tablet, it does the surest ' relief for indigestion, gasea,'
"P-nPe'a DiaDePsin.. s the q .citest,
trick, it make5 and IceePs the birds erage 1,ife of ilve dollar hills is, about flatulence, heartburn, sourness, or
elean and healthy. , Warranted not -to ten menthe, stomach distress caused by acidity. A
ins. art any odor to flesh or eggs. Sold
iiii or a motey back guarantee. Thou- ' fete tablets give alMost immediate .,
of church bells ill lele werld, a earil- sands Of PouneY rals'ors are ug When someone was complaieing of stomach relief, Correct your etomach
Ion is now being cast in CrOYdon; it them. Send elm dollar fo,r trial box. insomnia, an Irisliniall recommended and digestion ,nOw for a few cents, :
, 0 memorial to a millionaire's mother. Sto6etr l'61'6nt°' 8aid* "411° elilaPe it off l'' s rape's LianePudn-
Paper 'money wears out and the av-
will include 53 belle and Is to form Pi 'G. Davies, Dept. H., 30 Leepeld a. sere Miro fOr it. "Go to hod," he Druggists sell millions oe packages of ,
Mlnard's stops pait, relieved in-
flaramation, oases rhettMatisee,
netralgtet and all paine.
, easseee
e eselerer
OverCi andCheeklarge
and Red Was Discouraged,
"The pimples I suffered from were
scattered over my chin and cheek.
ea,.. They were large and tea
and after a day or two
• )festered over. They
itched and when 1
, scratched, them the tops
would come off and a
watery fluid would come
from them. The trouble ,
lasted eeveral months and I was aw-
fully discouraged.. •
"1 read an advertisement for Cott.
cum Soap and Ointment and sent
ide a free sample. After using -it
there was e marked clistage 501 pare
chased meta; which healed me."
(Sighed) Wise Ede& Prowse, Non.
pSficl FatreS Cluny, Alberta,
.Use,Dutleuta for all toilet parposein,
OA 814 tit, Pilita &Orr,
Intment23 AWN& `416t5n25e.
19111V-Cut1O8ta Soap tillevertVit bOt rang.
Tells omenHow She Was Restored
to Perfect Health by Lydia L
Pinkham's Vegetable Compost
Winnipeg, Mao.—"! cannot epealg ,
too highly of what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com.
pound has done for
me. I was a nervou$
wreck anai just had
to force myself to do
my work. Even the
Sound Of my OWn chil-
dren playnig made
me feel as if I must
scream if they did
not get away from
me. I could not even
speak right to my
husband.'The docix)r
said he could do nothing for me. My bus.
band's mother advised 1110 to take the'
"Vegetable Compound and 1 started it at
one°. I Was Deals te do mywork oriCe
more and it was a pleasure, not a btmt!
den. NOW T have a line bouncing baby
and am able to nurse her and en3oy
ing my work. I cannot help recorn
mending such a Medicine, and any one'
seeing me before I took it, and seeing
Inc now, can see -what it does for roe, 1,
am: Only too pleased for you to use urY
testimonial.' --Mrs. r1A171S, 721,
McGee Street, Whniipeg, Man.
Lydia 11.1. 1106011*s Private Text/4
13Ook 'upon "Ailments Peouller to
Women " _will be eent you free tmoit
request. Write to the Lydia E,Pinkhaul
Medicine Co., Cohourp,-, Otit. Thia book
contains valuable information, CA
I $$ Lit- No.