HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-31, Page 341. 1 1 11: i , I i I•*won.. e f . 4 , • 1 1 , • • • imettle ' 'mute 'sort, 'agalill4fr / 'himself,i .attireeer', • ,and ' ,at-Fthoer..,:iii.:d7w. ' t ' .oear15 , 'back ,Nhow .., tionstudesitisfatetion . , t 'ADV/01U - "Ithie ottorent lode :Of 'the, Inanet• Mal ldve. . . , • • ' , . , , 'Rho had leo rrete when 'fitliI ofero 40.4 theft deo to the timeeneeeseary ti turn hie geld tope a hanklie-celent, midi allow .her to Intl * frtinktAl, fontre or leita, Of'Prett,' clethes. - 'Then they . . . .. , . bore on easteiteril auk batten , et -AA-. ' , Illitegatioldoa 'Ogorotstflit. ; 'Park up, then," 'be :wheedled, i atI1Who7." She re*ridured. ;$7** Illealit0 hike ,sue too eerlooply," "Ii took you for better or ter oversaw lis atteefered, with a hie& 1 !,,don t want it to then ont Worse., I Wialtryitt to be lentehtedend'haPOO here, where rge Phinried to in k our tonne I , ' leave you twee me quite .et lot, little portione Nature fitted us, ih,, a „deed ritaity. ,ieraye to be mates._ But ' you're gooltehrough ..a, pretty, drastie deg, e of, 11.1001004. ID thin -rather,' HIP emnittl, and I *pees it doesn't seem suchen, alluring' 'Agee tte .it. did. at :Atilt- ' ,i don't Want you to nurse that feeling Until it becomes climate. Then we ewsould ;he out ott tune, aud it would bz . . . , . •geohd-hO happinees But I third! 1 knew_ the eine for your'tnalad.r.' -- - ,1•10-"Ofe-trieiming he bOgiih" bra ha7- .,. Mittlug,tAb,o.ut eleven Melotle he: thr..ew downeliis !motile and" stalked- t -o, th, • housee , , -: r ' 1 ' , 1 . ' . I ' "Put, on Year bat an let s. go ingeoh, tigatele nieeteree" Paid * -het' 9 heard a c6*, -600 hiI:the 'Weeda a 'nrunta, ago ' A:reinter barrteard bellow-''' • :, . ' '''A .....teowt *bgeeling?.'", • the -rho. ttede,..• "aureee ;What 'would,. eattle be doing.; avip7' optheter , • • , , ., : s • : : That's What 1 want to :kaowr BM. . ' ' ,, • . 210 ._ laughed-. .lrve never been a aew lib of Friteieroont Otthisleide-of telletRoclidette ' ' . • .. . . . aniregal."; • . . , iirli.. *tined. 6.1..ed? .-.6€1..,''hnii.noe.and- r°41 `12t•-• ,-_-' " *rn;',,thl; .e, :die live- Peen frOthe •wh, an, aa, . ball - - toarlma'., „ th: e , jtb°„*1, -be:. e°,101, Rini; - .11., , ca 111°12-12t1:,.. wa18'10#..:rit'e*- -4;0' lin. 114"1. hed 'hate' O„en",elsatteltill about a toot, vivid imaelnation When' within a hilt e , ,.., , e- . . . . _ e. rabil,_°f1171* eleawrhig hfelodled .*16 teraaen up *IWO rat .1net nundle.' af ' a" '1'14 meadoen '' ' ...new w .„ ''''•-•-aiwn-!-•' -, ': .'. The track of a breted'dreddevagon ,4e 1 .freey,,.e,reegn.e.dg,thejititt_ideh Arnow •- .- . . Bill Squinted- at , the trete; thenehts ; • • - . ,; • ... e • , ,• , • ,gaze Wept the -.timber beyond.' ' ' "S, oiii bade' lienbeen'' Cutting' tinther eower. theerit''' 'he'i enlightened.' ' ' .9 ' see tlie'''ireeit it Work..., I.,OMM like :: ...--;• •.,;., .:'',.: ,r- . •:- ,,•,,,.: they'd been heeling 'poles... Let te, fel- .1.- ...„, ,•...i, :1 :.• % :: -Ivt 7n'era.`"•.-e;alih7le,-, • ,,,I•ewee•. ,.• e ,Th. . 7 614' if"""a1V''; was -Innli!Ri'''94 ' theinorth hvaegre,e,e,..o , pem ars. . • ,„.,.. • - • • • • e.. . ee ow yond ;betlayanother'!I. " clear' all11 '... eye land, perimies,,tertit.ae .. • , „. tent, wheytorohee through u0 belt et. *- '"tar4",--end pulled up.agattee On, one. , oda of :On:meadow 'Mood et:Cabim• the -trial-peeled log ;walls:glaring yeliner. in.. thesituti,. andlifting tot edirth-covered rOof tto "the ttlinn sky. - Bill' Whietled eteetwe w -, ...g. e. • no 5. t .. • ' ",.. • , ., • . • , ,. Along' the' West gide of • the 'ineadenso • loin a brews_ str•eak. of, sod, and dogin ,onewlee tet thix e inein imid.;#1 thewain ne ot. . 7'..7 wt dies' of Itt P10* drawn h7 the atrangest yokemateli Hazel's eyes .had see:titter , , - • *many a -day. • .„ ' .-ewoe , 004e:eine,: sake 1"; the etaititgde , , , , .. - ..., , . , , , . wolat,e. the :tree . pioneer eptott too, yon," Bill Spoke absent/Ye "He *as . ' - bucked his way into the heart of 'a virgin conntry, and lie's. breaking sod • •Wlth a mule .and•a. cow.-- That's 'tidal,- tation ge -environment with. a vends- ante -sod pity. , • • ., ,, "There'', s, woman, too, Bill. And see-sh,e's ^,carrying.' a ' baby'Hazel. pointed excitedly. ' "Qh,.131111"; ' The Man Ihalted.*his -etrangely axs' orte -.. 4.--4 e eo wee.. to watch. point come: The woman .stood 'a. step, outside. the. doer. . . ., . a baby in her arma,:•another toddlet. holding fast to her ,skirt. A thick- bodied, short, ' square -shouldered man wae thls ' neweomer,. ,with a round, pleasant face.' ' ' , ooweno, neighwtorel" 13111 g.reeted. , The ploweientlifted 'his" Old :felt hat courteously: tepee face Bt. op, eweh I". sow he . "Neighbor, Dot . . lel!, a greet word 'in diss country vete dere is no ...neighbor. But . I aro' glat to meet 'yew 1/111 you (tome do . dee hewn lend reek a teller "Sure 1" Bill, reepended. But .Wehre neighborsan, right; , 'Did, , you notice', a cabin 'about' half r'a mile west , tif here? That's our place -when we're at home.* ' • ' •'Se?" The word' escaped with the tin:it. Pecrising, billectioo. of the Tele- eon, ..1 half saw dot cabin ewe we come here But 1 dink it 'ewes 'abate- doe. Yell, let 'us to der house go. Id vill ret der mule-rimd. Gretchen, der cote. Bahl" . He rolled a blue eye on his incon- gruous team, and grinned. widely. • . "Come, he invited; "'mine vife be giat.o e • • They foun.dher a matron of thirty- odd; • fresh-eheeked, round-feced, like • • ' - o • , • . - eenwoh,,---otte _ 4414anele. weer' . eilta".** waa IS° I" easter mins la" 14.111 completed' • 7.1v4/44-1-Yt-Whoolgi•-e-O'It-ht"--'e*;erog -se‘,---at44--.....- g ' 'to?, interned :tetreduetheaw ... e• I ilth frotil lititourie." Lauer told,' . WM' 'flat Yell stook*" 1 light Mine Mbeeemit ,yeur vite's permleelon. ' , -: . , _ the ''Wes," tie continued, etumull low IoWI f Me pipe with a etubby fore- w ' :, fingen 9 „ant tow BeVitrin. were." vase upon a arm brought oolo. I "eri in der army lily dime. Wen Attnerige. were 1 merry tee .eiee, who is born in Mfleaukee. I Wm* In der big brraw" ertiel., Alder dot I Wean to. be st care Venter. Neve I.am a kink, mit t eestle, ell palpate wen. *I ern .no more re veto , e , • slate. , . . . .... , . . .: "YOu're 'en the right intik,' Batted- , . . , tied,' '9WIll a . PitY more .90006* ilittA't tehe the mane notion. What do you think of dila eountry, anywayl . . "It les soot," Lauer answered brief' ', - .. I I. - ,0 lyd and witu un ies awing c dainty- .0. ' . r "Zt Ins.goot. Yoe der beer tnalt it Ise- . , it toS saltation. Mit life huotret t,o1- ' lent und hiss, two hants . he ,can hInn ' ' • A ' ':;r1fe eoli• .Irme Inaken.d..7 "fteg,:" be .: -- • . , . _.o . . , , , . . ,» 'Beattie. Kesel Weseter'e•Wolf*'.1,, °"a'' i y eareseed the, blend, headtog har totirtitostoold daughter gt I. I.; g • »te , • . . . eN e.dee , he g reeeseeee..iet.lene. a n t t n. . . , . 4 , ,.. ., . ' some,' she. reald.e.."Tta I,tetolfrad,' to be • , here ,,,kn'tt: I'Veet got' letat ?fee:Work. ' and nty habiedio.,pucci4.0";',41gi3Ottiiiiir rt Miss a whin-na' '::irlead(422.-**t. nil-Ai'llill* : and thenehe chat. Hut le' ''.,PerarOTh- - • tiliert ., ' hare It allg: . And I' 00,*'''aillId tildleSI VI, , have aToo' I f 0! our eerie.' - : letW 6,- to hag* we ,,sewo loam wool, onoo,soo4 dowo . . • . • . e depend .. on, ia,tpar, enwelopa ' hfotaY. a ' ; time Prot .114 and seitedeejustefrolle - • • thinkiettleW, . had: itterantedele ,!lttls'''. , , , , .. •, •. . place 'Iof 'Mir ;•.Own, Whereotherie t Waal -.,nripleatently, . " grass tend:trees andeagltega Of drOOMI few a gao•deenoteatoodelettoo,teetogetwoed,d.selfter.. - be able.e.ee: euYeee,!:,•••••,--.7,a5.,,getlidtet dat •h d ew ' ghee .. . ,,, . „ , , : e a . Re • . " ; ' ' .. '''' '.' '' !( ,' '. ' '-,' ' tale, 9,•heer'"Oindliseotintryedreielatit' e:beng.,fe00,ren.hoderdings'titioleit,,gontgo:de.710.,.7,1.riel., '• serape und leirech ,euind esatri.'niekelis Arad .e .... . .... WIDOW ter: we year. But IWO T. :um • r'AII uder,witr from.Viiteeneln in deo gal-. ' - ' Mit t lides In Ashcroft , ['bile' der epie. no,. dot le..112k7-4 de! fresh, milk' Und dot his ' kicky . lror. TOD , ,ozowe .to, ide on deo road. , so 1 .aw mew tog); der lint endisinl; My Talton, .mit- Vow .tutiletund. Gretchen -der 'cow." • Hazel"had,a, ' .visionefuee . .related,, . ehiptuoysthit way, and she wondered: .how , the: nianteoniti. ' laugh saanndd.,111inialWifetatiemalle ogvonerlit And oatthe ttibui-1, .. loutnejose, 'end' oielf•ht rude cabin Of wo . to years entateade tone wade: thin in' itehnge indIiettely ' Mutt' t Yet • :. d h.' • ,•., • •.. sh• • . • dozen . •.• '' , ' " • " ' - '' • ' triefiy• if 'her own viewpoint were poi- enoe,' weetewe nthe ante*. that she could t wee such a peoepent except in et., 'n° .Owee' tee' reoellion.". Not noW. • *The Nano k .•ICI an 10Se a before Pea " ••e P .' • her mind% eye, the 'picture ef five •, . . , • • . •• ' . • ' ' horses dead in. the snow, the•wolvee ... , • . ' ' -• I mat snapped • and snarled over me r bonen. She shuddered. She was still pondering this. when she and Bill die- d • - mountedathome. - .., • , t - ' ' ' CHAPTER •XIV. e ' , . _ •thing ' 'The Dollar Chasers.' e , .. . Oranville took them, to its bosom '.vii. th a haste 'and eairnestii, est thatb. tnade. Hazel. catch. her breath. "Tact- fully eaorte• tie . much a, mentioned An- drew Burehenorth.efineeth. onsan.d-dellar • legacy -the' disposition of which .sum still, .1teoplewed theteedefonetrc-iterectio- man 1.5 . ,executors. 40(11 04ee tit a :getilal. atmosphere Hazel concluded ' to let sleeping .tlege lie. She learned from. varietal ' eourcee that, Bill's for dune 100Inedgbig, :had grown by some enyeterloUlt, proeee$ Of Grenville, tattle, Until it .fiad .rearhel the chermed tix attires of -e0r-drentleno. , , . There had been changes.' Jack, Bar- row bad eonsoledOimself with a bride. Moreover, he was making good, In • • popular phrase,- at the ' real estate4.?' game The Marshes . as she. had pre, vioinly known them, had been totter- ing on the edge of shabby .gentility. But they had come into.money. • And as Bill slangily put it they were using t'lot • f cial 1 their pile .to en ao so ce. Kitty Brooks' husband' was now the f the advertleing agency head 0 . • . . • 7 in,•Greneille. Hazel was glad .of that raild success ., - - - • • • - • . She ;was inordinately, . ., proud of -Bill, ' when she.compared him with the aver- .age Oranville male -yet she found bew '• , . . . . • .self Wishinhe .g would adopt ,.a little more readilyethe Granville viewpoint. He fell short of it: or went beyond lt" she could not be sure whiete; bite had an ,uneasy feeling. sometimes that he limited upon -Granville ' doings and Granville folk ' with amused tolerance, not unmixed 'With' contempt. ' but he attracted attention. Whenever. he wan minded to talk ha I found. ready It•O' tenors., , , one° or twice she conjured ,up a visionat his getting !into aome bUsl- . . nese there and utterly foregoing the ilurth-'-w.h.le.lt for her was already to• . ginning to take on the aspect of a bieek and cheeriess.regien where there was none of the thitige which dilly whetted her appetite for.lnixn17. Inetht. ' int but ' hardshld dips InnuMerable-and . Thhb geld e goaeen their rte ward -dog . reotardl we earted, eCht thought. SUB --they had been wonder- • - . fatly hatapy there et the .Pine river 'cabin she. remembered. "' .... o . , ,. e --, .. , , . .., , They came Wine froM Oil theatet party late one bight ., timed kicked ou her slippers, Med gratefellO teasted, her allltetockinged Weet at tha. alo,,. lin tot....al ..itito, '1Pall nod ebbed, ana mete was grae. , 'It °hail) °Ill t° u"°.°111.. ' fit;Witeiti1,37OWItIloott :otretro thheinktoofeditab.-tew ; ; ,,„ ruPu7t ' '' • ' ' "1 think le° finn''''' "(I/ aatUddl7 *d" ' ,, ,,,, e , wee e_t_we ,woene e eow lance*. ‘I'm raw4QPNli /1144r."414 1 84. Ito Mntear' 'I• . "awe ,' - • ,peot14"414bpits etoweieeod .es-ei- --e teetreway • all, whet tot', -The; ping la al'w-ierd•Iget alliardigt, illelleelO letiont . Peoftle and dep. know, and :1710 wheteyeu phateedge." "inn . he eeeneseitee thought„, °Wet plied "Wet', etvered•sloteiy.."we here right guest u th ', "W,hy, •eet." ;tended 'But elarly• it Would place '',ed. - -,,down :.peasage. ' another te New : ,:books ",bock ',1 -:tell. ..», on thitesedety *p hard' be thereewith ta': 'a won't.mixiinp-with wa.nhdene,.aqugaeoyq,spilialyy than 4, Wh,,,..'pilltr,, . "Well, ztly. certainly erage. .upetinv9sed Menttand Practically are lilted-eel:Oat :looks selves btheerreuIenr!'utna , don't ' it I afoul it:hese:A- saw these , PlatitudIn.ou.s. night,' ' That the . recollectiono wearvel,tok flitted , after , ' Billisnortect, . "Droll,. tent t o'aPpear ' sometimes • Yon He mained "Well," that morrow." ' He When .She. trailing N, t. .. et I. ' "What e 'softly on his 'What about ' "I• a wondering go," turing worthy, if they it, 1 oft If foothold ''It ee suppose get along. whe pleasan e e 1 eampelle"d etiee totted, as. epee eyetere ton "Tomorrow, tha,t "VS:hen :winners lace ,p, want Her. t divertitetnn ,. be, • • . • - .. .. . '7,rellY-tillfiliveclio'Itiltiltfle4,:alteleil.'Tp14;17 woven wow* Stone: to entrtain us the dlcitens dealt' it 'stood ' their• Whole, toeless Orden .1 'Maid stew -0e,,•ite ,yott Einem " .ehe swilled Meitner ull',tottOtegS'Oentis Wt./Sink we Must be riMarlsoble .that we didn't light For eighteen moritits, there wasn't a soul tit -oluett to " think About weld do. If „gen were • , r• '' - we acquirtieg the atitiosPhere," . _ sait.doniceilly )IIet enjoyingmywfi, lightl - ' I . g- . .w. you mole are" , . , mag tie for :theenintere-and get awayt,'Favrather weary In men's bailee . . . • e" , ' . „ Fd'iove to at here she' saki.' "But r theuebt to Is.rieek aroundeMer-e don you , ' don't see, you rare to to he. pointed',otate spoil the fun of •goion. for lase lf you were not And " when .' It e eoHaWeetttoe r m .not•.' aching : to' ',1)6... One ,etty,'Is-pre'tty•thsio-h:11h to meg •;*,e'll -'fike Yorkg, Pittard to . , . : • ee •and e thieve Then •vre•11-• ; here' and get' a house you right ,IniT,,,, :he. iitighed.'not , , - 'griteenot going .: ., gime. : You -tiesetOowiWkee onetil spring • bells, on wheer.le 'dTa0* Aila:rit.,;:gOe 'AO.--*tr eoshme.ean.:Ifeal.n,onagi:3,,, ,a tot mf telly ix absolutely...weeessfont" sheeexelatmed ain't it sego. be deferided'. t`There's :Kitty Brookiowelheshast got Inwtelltgencetbooe , That 'Lorimer " girl - (41,, her aottotowt.ornpeow. she etWest"em to ,t1,1 the rest that *n.onentttieseosteeng :and, clothes and . amusing end that lets them out »ireeraoh.ot7s.allt th:veeplopti.e...,..l.twahyo- 'take 'a tW9e-hWrOer Hew..aft teemed; Wereeleog eneugh,,but ho.P.,Pened:to mo,Iet- tha,t the habitual 'converstition people -wives toe 'a- pain . - - - discussion, of the.Idar foreinstanceo . was droll." - Hazel, chnehled and she .recalled • that L had • once • •power, over Mire face during .,.. ,.. . , -theater slipper. g • • ' Perlin' Pig" :lie • 'Ba igniiteeeaectnipled with 'the pe'ssesSor' of amusing. But as - ' ' it eimpitoiriltates." re hard to please she . . shrugged, his shoulders silent he said presently, jaunt to New York day after 'wes still sitting, by the Hazel was toady to came beck into the room silk kimono, and, ,F. e • W .. .aOateryed• .. ROI Bt., *II," -"We're like . • well of • or' , . interest. a a se ro" tit . , or 'toenails eon has adoluttagee . or .* .culture a • • "well go di ' About - . so Making alto of things be• Jake e menage *maid of be Metre. itotate ettrit 6 . . .. eut oe kilter innOtOlt .rott. tbink Of te e, :eats you tea, to, excelef sone, ' she owe re... , he an settit settlee. being to tel ' all wia you ire le,se." para, . -• .' "a nd Ant -,ghoen. ":litrir-:'1,y/' f O.,r,O,ver "Some • - . • come, le ,flat. ' • .. eplog it *I'll emnes. kb°. 'ye.- wemen. 7:re, ;• . aghast la- L, the ester,- brains' Wee mete on ,them-: . Shucked life lr-Oust of .. - That to. at the twice that • ' , .. "Bite a :desire Is ' general • .... , '.. • - -•• replied. and re- take to- window to bed, in a stealing . \ ill • .S0 hands hard . Lauer, it pie- .these up Hang better fora ." Aue to have to, thitigs • be exist, be re, broke- ' , I hOgttlgi6 eted, head- A . you "7,,o,'" ---to- , 'the' white el ,,h, er. ' °°----.P1*°‘' ot Wiley toe t '.4.0liv Y:s0,,T, 001 *Sit, 'wtoter, "wee ojIllwit'a leeftled" '' ' I6e4. .. se Was' hie illellw eff, to a• *holler 1110.41,•' to,'Mlit furti !kit WW1 ,to,,,epecel York, 'Intt•Whiert • bided •aindeettettedI ,Sever Unlade& Merl matter, any t4.• tht tiew Yorke' she admit, rather ' emit trove/vet BreedWa known ,arttriec,,,sts letiletanold,..the..tint piloted her to !Al leguallye femoral ti gendry ithrehateai 'the Whore , gong !oil satinde. raadel WiretesiezeISPon haft ' ...2 - afflti 0/4 %-...,0***I'llallia-- . owe .fiet..seelatenet • ... • - .tb7 wa...r,I.gorblaviiii . In I.I''' week the, torte' hl* hi •Ia•40.3nI iiii 36634 tne fleet ... .. , . .. „ ... 11Knuw.. And,..11Ke In hillneWilit. alal. lillateeon MUMS its gdded, sftettheela, al ""`...n0 Fib* twas ',eel! . bele*W-Pirk• " gliir-' 1 Men; et her: tibe eiecteOW . • e -e,i • o ' . . .1.11li by lapsed' . time WOO,' 6IYer '.ef Ilk' Wistein' he Where, ware 0. lillil 1*11.herheretee, it* , „ore, werettaothacere itnekk-40;i,, a ... abbe bal. dr°, '''''' I:* .....:......:.,..,,,,..9..1 .,.,.., ,. :weteetthies:, •The etluch''''Ont, ',Ief..the All have • gotten; ot t • get When Oe,.'Wel that° ititernithible But .not.,13,1,Beelf 1, g. tow he Sod the . sloe; .,Be wade, trinomial. 'frets Ot _.hedieldoeli edio..01 .gaintotepartment ' bane:elbows. end rally sit up *11 ill steady on &nee: tad But a& long 'an' I .hetbittibledsbe did , 1. Sae wished *ferv ogre tip' 'some bush id . - eat .101 0 capital, O 0 ea " - ' 'Its' le .teetViletitinonoO'heilliens:Psete:01:,:uei /Pen' lesS'iiirteti'• 1 even* mei a lees suspleteue 1 be? But111143 'etnaIdlI!1•1 self to put it in eald. :*- , *. i te ' •'• • - .' • ' • The cycle Of we Zanuareo•Theyshad thing of a routine Bill's interest and dal affairs becam, was not Mesa ' . magazine, ne epee downtown haunt, reemberabl.P In a to their manner of ome wi_ flushed hth eyes, ranntunit el Hazel had never to cess She wa shocked, and took 1 feelings. But Bill Oohed. "Yon don't need he drawled ," . , to bed, littlepers fret Millet/I *J1 ere yet the mono the herizon.. Let , lion. Good oight," A week or so la denly and unexpt left the house as fast was eaten, at home to lunches which Irritated Ha of those rare day itmehed at hoMe. noon . telephoti he twenn' u dreevtedine nrinn,,at hinc ewould g the tiveeo his teeth, a . • . - toone, e . •-.- 'Patti) . of ee, 'err keeeseee, jiff t v .... ' Nei/ 4PTIgN• Iity Bettrand 'W. Sinclair ,.-, _ - - t ._. . I k...,........ .....; gal, 1 .' - WAD a sto. . want 'dew - -.4,1114Yr et" ' :111A, .1 4. -----..... I Continued from last week gee -Otte Wined an errant tear ltwa7. iliU' . her way to tt Store. The stock J , readi-Olade clothing' drove het 't9 /t 'seemed that When wcomen &aide/And lititeitchitiiiiiif 14verhibt* dress In Mother Hnbtiterd' goeens of 'heap. cotton •:priet.. with. other . gDp. , . ,. . to,..motelt: ' But eventually, they found for her undergarinents of t, - . atweist,andskirteahd a comfort- able pair at sheets'. I gate, 'air a milli/ter- would underottind theItenatthere Were" uoiee. tI'Atid'' in 'Oefatilt 'Of ' 'Witch' be Ouch tothegiiht, telt' itheitiere the hatl went. iota, the ' Kla,ppan end exit liic,'*H.'' In fentee, )3*a/1.01W:hew:. very *Welit',Whin tilted. at the neoPer ., „ • . : .. . eagle ' above ob,er, ; hatioO ! black halr. Then .she went lia,ek to the hotel: and ehught a bathroom. • ••• " ., Returning., from ,this, she. found Bill, . , , a Bill all, shaved •and • shown unloading et t sundry packages • of e; new :• ,• , ,•.,, . see -,, .: :», .„ , r , , • "Abet' everglliing is 1ogele4" I he greet 64. 'Old i Kith jumped t at Oar Peiti:' paida2.fittgoilegiOttethet. ioid 'Alia' the ran'elideithiliegene•throtigh.''./ite WI•Prinee:' 'old BittiCk. '''''Sent'UP4iiinan'' and 'bed ..it.':''ettriteed,-, and .'daelifiedr' and the'deed ',kalif-nit/or-6W , lAnti4,-. oh; ' say, here. 'a:latter, for you •:'• . . ' '.. ' ',La LrOltbin'' ty':ni, apso'x'tnhentjer.,.--1C7i Wrote teLoraine blersh.:when we were' going tiorthe t ,Gieed heavens; look: it , . the date -ids beereliereshiCedast'Sen- ten:their-1'4,e. ; -,, ,,,,,„,•,,,-.. •f: ,' •:, ' ' "HaeketbeiggI kneed' where we Were," ' ' ! Bill explained. "gtheietiMeil •in 'temps' /Ike Otte ghee' hoed; 'mailttwo ,-er, three . .:, „, „.. , , ,. the. fo'r men that haveegonw inote t , , Lateriore",..» dI . 'I . She pot ,oside 4lio letter, aed,dreesect while Bill had his bath e Then; 'with the smoke- and 'Itteime oW a" hard trail obliterated,• -and It with decent - !rclOthea- ttlutn thetn, they teheight the !dining' room. Treeerhile they .Waltedte be servedgBatilIsteed Loraine Marsh's letter, andgiutsseddit to' Bili .With".. a eeltwooseitont. little laugh.' ' "There's' kit tinoltatien • there re _ . w - .•• •.*,., te" t, • • - might accent", idle Said casiutlly. ,, .. , 'Wee returned the, letter . as thewait lteSS brought :their 'food. ' "Wouldn't it he nice to take a trip home?".'Hazel suggested thoughtfully. °Td here'to."- ' "We are going bonnet; Bill reminded gently.'• 'Oh, ef eourseW she smiled. "But , , 1 meanetot'Granyille. • Fd like to go there with you for a, while, Just to -Just to-" • "To Show 'em," he supplied lacenr leallY. • • . "Oh, B11111" she Pouted. ' Neverthelesst she could not deny . that there was a measure of truth in Ills brief remark. -82* did want, to 'em." • She lobked acroi the table at her husband, and thought to herself with that she had done „ \ • •,4,,,,.\ 'el 0----- rie Is: -- •, ., _two , we - . .. , ' ,- ,, 1 e . ' : , " 'I e . e ,,-.! ne• , ol .,, t• • • '' - • Four Days , Litter, --,Theye ;Stood ,,on: the; . ,- 0 ' o le' . Grimy .Litti. at alma., ; • , ee •o ea -' * *-- • ' ' , .. „.,'' , . , , ' • we , , , .; „ , , r ,',:, ., ' orofte : 1641- 4 iiif: ''i4iiSed - to , elnrantl ; '•hittittelf ototdWo' di te- a ditegtierethe• , eastern, lellgrimega ': He'.WantedF.to wile the, cabin !again: For thetteetter ehel, didtoowello; that their' et/Jolley" there' IL (IA , not carry ,theni, ofie,iiiiAbite,,wini tent, ' • g • 'I', 1 I'" go •I , '' From Aeheroft reit ',auto'. atagel Whirled there swiftly.Wintoothe°:heartsofothe , I Cariboo ..Country -to Queenelle; •where, 'Bill•;pnrchased four heifileni libriailli: '...en Of' ternoonePacked. seetd, dled. ; an,,deleit • ',the trail at-deyligbten..the reorratng.!••, . ,, . • - ; ,, . . -..' The e viinguerd eof "the ' land' hungry ' ' .' ..7.."' • ., . bu„apd.,:aahloteeiadoYalletleVeisTiltelcr•,e,07,:iirtl;%,,r all tiordering''ilptiti: ilieggortieerg 'Were' the • eabint-iit ifire''Pr "-niptOrier':' The .rOada - ' , -wail ..deiteid withothe teaeas• of the ''' 'incomilii " 'A' al -61tW ---lind':!serung 'tip •itreine-'dethe; oztadtteradoinnt. pe'st. 7 . . : - ' s • • ... : . • • . • t "They »eciine•Reelbees.when. the rash ' ' - .• - . , ,. , e. . .. . _ , . Le' eying Tort George behind; . they '',• here acrcies,e0.0ntrie tototeratfine'rrtief;.': :Here '`Iteid t"there"--•"ceita110,1tindifiliiitii,"! gra en deeIVItieh.Hazeihttrietilieetion, uprose ' to -. claim ..her attention.. , .'sithd one evening' et entneettbeY.rietlegnp' to. the littishealitio allI,toirldornlh .itt deer!. -.leg,. : - ' we •• . , ' ' • e et, t. ... . Inside: 'a , -,6111.71lina i4.:'snnatI".nad *CO. wowthweo op . . eyerytignki,o.enor. t4c.: rooms evere'oppressivelvith the musty • dors - thatsgathetein a eclosed unten- ' ° . • - e • • .. anted house.. ' But aPar* from' that'itt . • stood .as e they. tiled , ' left - it thirteen,. • months 'before: - 'No- foot had eroseede the. thresholds The pile: 0!. weed. end, kindling law beside; the flireplace 'es , . Bill. had placed -It • the meriting :1/0 • •lett ' , ' • ''Be .It ever so. humble,he 'Bill elei't the Rne of the OIO sent onfinished, but ! his tone was full 'of jubilationtWBeo tween them they .threw Wide every door' .and ivindow. Kite cool evening wind filled thepiace with. sweet, pine- . scented air. Theo Bill started a blaze roaring in the black-nyouthefl fireplace. •-to make it;ioble, natural,. he said-- and went out to hobble:his horses for the night. • In the morning they began to me, , pack. their household geode. Kumt and bearskins found each its accustomed - place upon the fiber. His hod. ks went 'Beek 'on the' sheivelog-dWith. magirtd. swittnees •the 7 cabin resumed its old- home atmosphere.. And.that night Bill stretched himself on, the grizzly hide , beta% the fireplace, and kept his nese in a book until Hazel, who Was in no . humor to - read, fretted herself into something approaching a temper "YonTe about as sociable as 4 dam?, she broke Into his ahsorptlon at last " eee looked up ,,in surprise,then - checked the volume carelessly.. aside, and twisted himself around lig his head rested in her lap. a “ ' ."Vot las?" he asked 'Cheerfully. 'Lonesome? Bored,' with' ' Oourself,' wing 1 here?' „Suede? , you don't . feet yourself ,negieeteg because I happen to heenethy nose stack In "11 beek?" ' ' '"Of courae net 1", she dented vigor' eusly. The ehildIsh absurdity of her - attitude' stenekther with Midden force "Stilt "I'd like you to talk to Me ono' in a while." ' ' , Bill's eyed narrowed a trifle! but he suit singed. And suddenly he stepped "ftrotthd ' behind her , chair,. put. both handa. under her elite, and 'tilted. her head.Ibeektgard.It ' . . ewth, you're plumb eick, and tired to death of »evetything. aren't your he said seberlY. ' '''YOu've been. ilp here' , toe •long.... You sure need. a change.. • 'I'll hetet to take' yeti out and give you the freedom ef the cities, let you die-, . . sipate IMO pink -tea, Mid rub elbows with the Mob for i While'.. Then you'll - be glad to drift bach. to title woodsy hiding place of 'ours When' do, you '. , , ... , want to potty ',Who, lat1111". she ,protested. . But 'she ;realized in,a flash that Bill , could reed her better than she rould• . F read hereelfew of her era00008 could eemain long hidden from that keenly obser.ving and mercilessly. log- leel nOnd. She keen' that e guessed • 'Where ale stood, and by What paths , she had gotten there, Trust him to 'thew; ' And it made her very tender toward bim that he was HO' gitick to ' understend. . Most neen, would haett reeented. ,,,a tto,".. et..te week ,,,e,:t000, tono.of hay:" be went eel diereglitding her eacianiae- "doe, "r11 need it in the,a1PrInge It' net. tbilla, winto, goon att thee. dont we'll kit :the' high ppets.. Wet Albite' thre.e . ourtthousand, deflate, end While it or - • ' • - taste welt bo ' it hohpit ot-tot high. elites trample', tftilit Dote it' Mind glintit" I I I I .' - "even g-theulders' "gofer . ' •commonlet „ , -with .qttig •self 'where 'who .swered: 'decent ' .doweeneee '1t on ' 'CM 14°11°16" wen., • Viewed froth any angle. *hats°. Bill Wagstaff 'steed' head and above all the men she. had known. ,Big, physically and men 'tally, cleanminded and, capableeein- dubitably she had captured e lion, and, though ' she might have dehied . s toutly the imputation, she • wanted Granville to seeher lion and hear hint roar "Still thinking' Granville?" Bill leuerled, when they had finished' an ma silent , meal. 'Hazel fleshed ' slightly. She was and momentarily ' she ' felt that ehe . . . aihould have been thinking of their Ili- tle net lig by Pine 'three PassOnsteadO Ellie knew that Bili was homing to the cabin. She herselt .regarded it with affection, but of a different degeee from bis Her mina was more .occupied 1 another, More palpitating Woe.° of life than waS possible at the cables much d Id , as she appreciated green an unaceful beauty. The sack' of gold in the bank had somehow opened up fartflung possibilities. She skipped. The interval of affairs which sbc.,kneW . must be tattendecl to, and betook her and Bill to Granvilie,_ thetwe to , , the bigger, olcler cities, where money shouted in the voice of command, all things were possible to th0Se had the prie& , . But she was beginning to know this husband of ,hers too well to pro- pose anything of the sort abruittlY. , Behind his tenderness and patience she had sometimes glimpsed some- leg inflexibleunyielding as the wil- O, derness he loved. »So she merely an . "In a waY, 'Yes." . aueee go autselewhere 1 cep smoke a decent cigar on 'top of Oils fairly 'meat" be auggested, "Then we'll »figure on the next 'move., I think , ,. , *bout level -Ay -Wear hoarS 'In Etaieltoo Will do•.the„ 'There's a steamer goes teeteartegOw • ' " * ' 't .4° • * * * • oth'days later they steed, On the of a grimy little steattiet breast- / the trotg,,,,hig wee ' 'etedo wooded throngli the rirst Narrates. Pteeently they Kmtrig ar6tiod :BroOktOn Point, find .vti:ii,otivet., ,,sproild ftm, 00/00.4tr ' {ter gbefoledi • thenie'e TOO ' and : ' ' se h abodt fit' ir n-- h 11"-6c1 '7' - "--°- -tir."°r twill& A. ferrt. claatered blank Isla) peop16 titvtioci ,across- the Whit, •Itut 4vott JehOl='-'0' the herbor .nolete, neroimi . . . rho, ltifertening dIebulea that OW , , ' e . o. ., up Billy :was Bill to had dont we wie wish e , wonky Meet wf'd enoked *gee we Ot , to edit?) t ‘...\1)' ' "W O' - Are - .' Hard, behind shoulders ' are thinking answered. myself eltitens somewhere, had for , e en to Of as• toewei Come at our Winter \\\\lied ‘: ' - •- 1 : ' ,' ii, e A ,i,:: ..» . • o , . w , e w , te :, ( ti" • You Thltikino .. --,,, Billyeiloy? . , hire, put both you thbeking -boy? she whispered. about Jake how he was "I was how, tome would •tees$ to.follow 10 his steps. know, but we'd wei•e pegging away like old to do that" Shrgtl, we weeow and . But sitice we dant it? Money makes ' . . meant thet eve" lead the sort these peeple do," tette measures to postibiteo 10.1 -lawn commented. again. YOU WIYIte 'DUI!' tr'evelitete.", he beck well make it betel Mail We own -if yeti are .,, , Itete." •1010 . Vita ' gtl.'%''' *,., Hazel lh"r tt t.el iree ",,,it,)(,41e4IF•Dia 'filo seared. 7 -tow I eit: '4. I at hie at once. , PeallefulTY ' . /Lite e m,--wetwo-wwwwwwwm.--ow 1111'1' Ill l'IL,1,4;0011116".-i:"9'.--- - - „- r.et . : ' , se . e • e i ' 91,10e Appropriated, l'ited• t7Ple. '1117, aecent of the tratherlaWdo APProtoriSted, 'In her : I. kl ' eoftgiet ng . „... Ilttle diterr . -,--, ,vjyj- ...-••• . ,,-tii e - 1,7;•,„.'"'",--- • r•. ,' Ith/ q 111 ' .. - , the Semy. iGlelIne en, wroth' ligio. the Dikbr.,, it *mei *tering '1 tointdo, . tit ir . Wart ,d \ 1 . : tt:Wett ' '\,\ , t \e, *l- . 4Whitt's All tile 011 . , She li 'ering tl sheet el ab,l,ewre°,,,wga. .,l'I!; dritl ""ut ''''' nbotit?" she leg - • Y°d'i. n's8eta and 11 In smiled tw papor, ,111m, solIZ , , • * to- " . ieee. oed 51 , ed be lee"! Ile twee to wily( er lose, so. All r110t; h ,wili . eneettswed beim whep he had siting idly 'oe New e',14I II'4),I, no cewi uat:bltai ti:x.e!leijuere ty, h:I °wial, tat i:tatt i I 0 tAl 6: i ac ifl 0, , 0 di: I. .49 ,n:4 : ask' iri 1 1, 01:, _ , , ,. :I for weri 0.,' e a .i.,;t, laid: ' o jolt, 4 tris gob' 444 cafes,eeler,:e4: i'm, itiel,. :Iirzi,:s7rie::teittor.714014..igibioteistli':iiinrtet.14r;.:. 1o4o'....0 ifiOli'• • - Yrap',"41,1:41:::40104.::::07•ei:paledid.eastHrtitotHo•;:o:0,,‘ Were eititlea! hold I eardiliteWeirtatif 11:1;001101'7111:' iMe.twia Wholl7; het egameleort.Billfewat . .:uIllIghdetr so tilmithere if mailtatille'i'nerManiti‘a af; 47:1,0712, w,14.11teszkni.kti:7,':::110001:rekts.4"!:24: sel eaUghtg * were t "anti 'plat they.teholidd bad.' yhiii0e41' etitrOkallakthreOnd. '''OrtntOr; be eletitheidlto erg' otami.: as, lf .1•Beit ard**41040Mao' 4.100' Oil*knew ../Afiret admiallyefilled the wfth malodorous ta, „Who - Weed& them ght »discoursing eine Jett, minder the sun. ill found Granville not Mind. eree7 that. Bill would nee .that, wettld keep. cIvlIlaatl�n. Be lbad neddered,,;44,,,theen f his 'ger te,•eneoMpass vette*. wan strong. - Other ..atetdrefi wealth, sure ef fame, from %dinning. Why 31104 ver,quite bring her- inany virarde to Bill. • * ks brought them to dropped Into, some - in their daily lives. participation In so - negligible. When bed in a book or t his time in some having acquired lub as a concession life. Once he came face and overbright odor of- whiethys en him drink to ex - correspondingly o pains to hide her was blarolly undhe to look SO he'll - "I'm going straight n. Scold not, nor be hints& again 's sun shall clear us avoid reerimina- ter he became sled- etedly active. Bo soon as his "nestle- d he did not come •n -a circumstance el, since it was one s when she herself Late in the after - ed briefly that he vrn. And when he e or thereaboute hi tuned a cigar be- d fell to work cove rietti 'Work Aboletl" quired. epee with intermire the clerical work Area. " 44Beekotdng leeched aelete the Mee 'tee* Pot -el to PreVoiltben-'-ored Itoetetd where Z beep to Wig tweed) •sare bee* lhe eVilltete" . , She 'overlooked the lattir sau4est It caVil*S.,0 'tiO.'6000tii.41.001APOtittk 'the "time. - :Bat tii*• hilo„ ,041t4e04104 opened :0.o. Ootsidittiiies: ekla 0pittio tote .•140 • ,iiineerioi",tkoRiAl,W0fl141 1e tOksa, in tibe onie11 lietereigg "WrolOdese vetepeeyr repeated. ••-- mlbst keende'• extottonoldif ' buiereelike flows-whoineowiteeenw' ditaheillett 044, eoritioe*ti,;;',Otrok-. .111it *,144•10 fit*, mihi*etf .°.'„*Ikoo waft PrOtiO**.••tti.q4,•eree* iw•hie0 raOL.4.: :10414. reuii :******.'*•WelIedefileed'',Inertil"Ilailifis, • 1 yiaeited% outs 'few memplen Ittrmy pockets), :strt4..,11 hapPened abone them as Well an one , twee 'et e OW ' ater,-; gets ••tai of' theat " fel/Orig. ettethe dub »a wtB� testelt. deetitatirg ' thn-da'eirieiend.badlt'efhnat ft '004" not°4441.1410,*• Se 'he ,,ehd 0044 01, oth0- vraht the.;-:**, ,.#P.:•*400‘4 end ,ereesine•• au& beeete: a•!•tgeotspeat•-• claim; in itheree, Twentywogetea thoiletinded011ers etwitelhmiglit•IM "elm' nll 110.e' ttor".104,,,, en$ end o±41t will '2* thin1.1'1Thlit the Wade ,I4egeliteite4eg I •.the itart etak:: tnikedn 'to nre!deed analena tog, , "Buth-oliet 'itietailedire 'of, , bilked& "methods :euggested a dittmellYee",,li- 'ean't soli • stect-tril husineMPthet heet. no real : foandatiatiewyet Owe, :have, to locate ellosedelaittit Laretre ••,s, , "Wise MO head; yeettatiettife ideW all rght." M irdledie iatir this ;lb not *. sitock-jobleing Orneteeitten. th wouldtt he In .ace it if itWerehledietr ria one. •. Ida .to ;bete cettporattodro Whose, •, not »to .exceed,eit stock e that's *•lesued. Arid 10,fiitr.,!ms the ,.cialins are 'eeneerned. elltioet get Whitey Itetelelocotedin FertIGeerget• • .,apel Fee been burning the -"Wirth :Ilea , . -eperidfnIt'et•heirielle of -.real WaSeeltO tette ,ting thzn gruhtstaked, He ries got totii men beeeldie ideaself all ready to hit • the:*fiti! es. Peen 'as 1, zitiy.,e the: vitord,:',' , "Irv; roWt. go" s2* pet in qutcklyl»: -,• ,J• he murmured. dIt isn'ttneetnie ,aary, at 'this particular stage et_ thee game. Biit» 1 woeltle't mine to:Opting: t whip over t. SOW/ .stribig "ef", Otogik Just the Hemet" I, - "B -r -r -r 1", she , stileer,ed . Moons:Awe fly. OlrOur :Inputted miles 'across that deep "now, tlerough, Met steady,- , Nearing r don't envo, them ato Journey," •• Sheig:7,0.el,over. and stood; by playfully rumplibg•hho brown hatlieeith • herin "I'm glad you've Wound stareetbisit to loose that pent-up goergy ,.ot Weems on, Bill -bo," 'she mid., "Yoyd°11 makd a success of It, I, *how, I don't nee why you »shouldn't maltose •suecess 01 any kind tut business, But I didn't think yeeed.ever teckle butanes& Yet . have such peculiar views .about butte, , neSS and business practite." • "I despise the Ortlinimy bu elite," he returned sharply. "But 11 can exploit .the resources of ,neturse, And that Is my plan. If we 'make money it won't be filched by a com- plex process from the other fdlowni pockets; it won't be wealth created by shearing iambs in the market, by sweatshop labor, or adulterated fo or exorbitant rental of filthy dealing with. I'm not overly anxious to get into it with them. But It promisee action ot SOIne sort -end I hired* do something MI spring." In the spring! That brief Oran set Hazel in sober thinking. . Watt April or May Bill would spread his wings for the North. There Would be no more staging him than ,the flight of the wild goose to the reedy' nesting grounds could be stayed. Well, a Bum- mer in the North 'would not be SO bad. ' she reflected. But she hated to Wilk of the isolation. It grieved her to :contemplate exchanging her ,beautiSig- ly furnished apartMent for a log cabin ha the woods. • Still she had hopes. If he plunged into business associations with Jim- mie Brooks and Paul Lorimer and oth- ers of that group, there ,was no telling what might happen His hiteresta might beeome permanently ideetifiett with Granville. Bill informed her from thne to elms as to the progress of his venture. The - company was duly incorporated, With *411 authorized capital of ono 'teethed thousand dollars,, Live thousand .dollare.° ; tvorth of stock being taken teut by eadt on a cash basis -the remaining soh.' enty-live thousand lyieg in the eons - tinny treasury, to be held or saki tor development purposes as the ilve saw fit when 'work began to show ' what the claimti Were capable of produeinge re early March came a telegram from Whitey Lewle Saying that he mei staked the MaienS, both placer and lode: that he wee bound out by tine relegraph rail 4,6 file •fit Hazelton. :1111 howed' her the lineage -whoa :c0"1111 wSitsahtlIeneoSuitx. elhave been in on W- ow t Was some trip," he sold -and eere was a trace of discontent in his otia, "1 don't fancy ,somebody elOn eerviug ray chestnuts put of the coele :or me. It tette sttre tt mail's job to vooss the Klappan 111 the dead' of Wit:I- LTlie tiling eenip' letecl, there Wit8 tun - Ole Work iri the way' of getting OM whipsawlegthnber 10 keep tile 'IvO mon bitty till' spring -the Olt Who woo oil the ground. Lewis 00111. W401 /Int thirty feet et snow lay itithe 4,lrli,Lttri4g breach. And tha.re Inat t wee filo hood from him lie xaa a pailOrtaery Bill said, tie* 11 cor- titepotident So 'id 'Granvitie' the ,itittIt 11$tefoluths totothiod 'et A *t'1stfl2 tflti .11Orthg tt** ewe.