HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-31, Page 1Single Copies, Five Cents.
Held in IlVirigham, Four Days
Cornrriencifig July 27th.
There. was a really good few (anis
:awls present in the council ehamber,
• on Tuesday, night when the final de-
tails were arrenged for the holding
• of an old home week, and committees
were formed.
Mr. Gurney who has been acting
as chairman called for the election of
a. president and after a great deal of
discussion Mr. Amos Tipling was re-
elected as president, for the second
Old Home Week in Wingham. A.
considera,ble length of titne was also
talsen M the selection of a secretary -
treasurer, after some persuasion A,
G. Smith accepted.'
The following is the line-up of of-
Pres.--A.rnos Tipling.
Viet: Pres.—C, R. Wilkinson.
Secy-Treas.—A. G. Smith.
Assist. See'y-Treas.—T. C. King.
Manager—T. J. McLean.
Finance Coninnttee—J. W. McKibs
bon, T. McK, Smith. and E. S. Cope-
Music Committee — W. A. Currie,
McK. Smith, A. Ilingston,
Race Committee—T. C. King, L. C.
'Young and. V. R. VanNorman.
Receptioa- Cominittee-R. Vanstone,
he to select a committee.
Decoration Committde—Dr. Fore J.
111, McKay and N. L. Fry.
Sports and Games—E. S. Copeland,
'H. L. Sherbondy, W. V,anWyck, W.
d",411. Gurney, Dr. Fox and Dr. How-
Grounds Committee—W. H. Gurn-
•hgt, J. W. Hanna, 0. Thompson and
j. IL McKay.
Publicity Committee—H. L Sher -
:bandy, L . Young, H. C. MacLean,
,5 E. Cove and W. G. PattersOn.
Entertainment Committee --- j. W.
Hanna, L. .C. Young; J. W. McKibbs
gm, T. H, •Gihson and Dr. Fox.
Comniittee in charge of the Sunda
'programme, Rev. H. W. Snell and lo -
,cal clergy. s
The dates see for the reunion are
:Sunday, July 27t11 till July orst.
' The boys are off to a good start
,and if everyone boosts and no one
'knocks it would seem that Wingham
should have a'big week. Oneortwo
ibusiness men have remarked since the
org,a.nizatiotethat they will be pleased
to help in any possible way although
they were not •at the meeting.—That's
the spirit,. The town is too small for
to have anyone pulling the wrong
.The secretary would be pleased to
-It aye the names and addresses of any
of your distant friends or relatives so
that they can send them an invitation
to be here. Everybody seed us a big
list. Do it today.
'St, Paul's Church Notes
Feb. 3—Fourth Sunday ,after the
rx a. m. ---Holy Communion.
2.30 p. m,—Sunday School and Bi-
ble Class.
7 p. m.—Eyensong
Thursday. Jan, 31—Rt. Rev, A. C.
Dewdney, Bishop of Kevvatin, will
„address three meetings in the Parish
Hall as fo1lows:-3 p. m., a meeting
for the ladies of the congregation;
4-15 p. re.—A lantern talk to children;
p. m,—A -Public Meeting.
Trayelogue--"The Great Northland
of'Ontariat'dilluatritteet ---eith lantern.=
slides. Everyone is cordially invited.
Monday, Feb. 4th., 8 p, ma—The re-
gular Meeting of the A.Y.P.A. Bible
egpaper, "St. John the Baptist' by Mrs.
W. F. VariStone. A scientific lectitre
by Principal Britckenbury. A splen -
Aid programme, Everybody welcome.
Remember—A welcome awaits you
at St. Paul's Church. All seats free.
chased the real estate business, of
the late 3. a Stewart. I ens in the
market to huy or sell town and farm
property at a reasonable rate, Esti-
mates also given on valuation of
property. V, R. VartNorman.
,GLADI01_,I BULBS—Rose Bushes,
Betiding Plants, Ornamental Shrabs
'Irects and Evergreens; Hardy Per
Plants. Our Spring Price
List is ;sow ready. It is the most
eornplete book of its kind in Wes-
tern Ontario. We vvill gladly send
you a copy. Your name and ad-
dress on a postal card will bring
ens. J. Ganarnag•e & Sons, go7
Dundas Street, LonclOri, Ont Mrs,
Willuin Sneath, Local Agent,
ean Cluster. Apply to James Nor-
man, Route 3, Wingliam.
the sale of 19 Pure Bred Scotch
Shbrthorns to he held on 1Vioir
Homestead, Lot 3, Con. x, Culross
Tp.; on , 19a4. Judge for
yourself the breeding, qutality and
good luck that follows this strain
of dual purpose Cows and heifers.
All that have been bred are in calf
to "Roan Pride" whose weight
along with his sires and grand sires
range from 280o to over 3500, Be-
sides those Pure treds are two
promising young grade cows just
freshened with their prodguey.
sotind young team and 4 pieces of
machinery that is guaranteed itt
good working order. Other Pure
Bred Stook is supposed to be added
to this list. See bills. James Moir,
Prop.,;John Purvis, Auct.
• WANTED TO RENT—Good too ac-
re farm, good buildings. For Infor-
mation apply at The Advance or by
letter to Box 201Winghette
Another Big Success Staged by
Wingharn Talent
The storm on Thursday and Friday
nights kept a great many people from
atteading the Lion's Club Minstrel
Revile in Wingham Town Hall on
those dates. •
Those who attended. are unanimous
in their praise for the mannerin which
the play was put on. Mr. Frank R.,
Thomas, instructor for the John B.
Rogers Producing Co., is a live wire
and while firm with his class, won the
highest esteem of all who came in
contact with him. •
The Minstrel Revue was well re-
ceived and everyone without an ex-
ception did his or ,her part, well. As
end'rrien, colored, one would, have to
travel a long way before they could
find the equals to W. J. Boyce, R. As
Currie, Dr, Ross, Bert Abell, Howard
Sherbondy and Gordon MacLean.
The following is the program;
Prologue •
Chairman of Committee, R. Vanstone
Conunittee—C. R. Wilkinson, Amos
Tipling, Dadley Holmes, A. G. Smith
Josh Hirst.
Porter H, L Sherbon '
Spirit of Mirth . . ,Rev. H. W. S I
Act I
Fifty Minutes of Mirth and Melodt.
Master of Ceregionies, T. C. King
Fun Makers
"Black Diamond" MacLean, "Pain-
less" Ross, "Stove.pipe" Boyce, "Cash
and Carry" Abell, "Rubberneck" Sher-
bondy, "I3ob" Currie.
Fred Piper WB McCool H
Satinders, G. L. "Baker, G. B. Flani-
gan, A. 1V1. Forbes, E Forgie, G. Bu-
chanan, T. H. GibsOn, R. McKenzie,
R. Hopper, A. Nortrop, W. R Ham-
ilton, L. C. Young, W. T. Booth, A. 5.
Walker, J. W. Hanna, C. R Wilkin-
son, H. J. Jobb, H. C. MacLean, R.
H. King, J. A. Wallace.
Musical Numbers
Opening Medley Ensemble
"Stingo Stungo" "Radio" Flanigan
"That Old Gang O'Mine" T H. Gibson
"Swanee River Blues" "Painless" Ross
On the Road to Mandalay"
A. M. Forbes
"Somebody's Wrong"
'Rubberneck Sherbondy
"Pal 0' MY Dreams" Harry Saunders
Quartette—Mrs. R."S. Williams, Miss
Sarah MacLean, Harry Saunders,
Harry Gibson.
"Taint Nobodys Business If I Do"
"Black Diamond' MacLean
"Animal Fair" "Cash & Carry„ Abell
"Sweet Heart Blues" Medley
Ten Minutes Intermission,
Act II
"Nothing But Rice"
Scene i—On the Road to Pekih.
Scene 2 --Mandarin's Palace.
Henry Hunter, a promising young
man -H. J. Jobb
Phillip Withgrub, his dusky as-
sistant Gordon MacLean
Mandarin, the "big smoke" of
China W. T. Booth
Ming Toy, Mandarin's daughter
' Mrs. R. S. Williams
Chinese Maids—Louise Hanna, Sat
ahMacLean, Sidney Holmes, Viola
Robertson, Effie Erskine,Jean Chris-
Coolies—Doris Walker, Babe John-
ston, Dorothy Piper, Marion Mitchell,
Christina Isbister, Luella Hopper.
-Music-al Number -a,
Chinese Love Song
Chinese Maids and Coolies
"Fast Asleep in Poppyland"
. Ming Toy and Chorus
Duet --"In the Garden of Your Heart"
Sarah MacLean and A. M. Forbes
"Can't You Hear Me Callin' Car-
oline" Gordon Buchanan
"Circus Day in Dixie"
Mantel y Hal. MacLean
Zeke Bert Abell
Dan "Doc" Ross
Bad Bill H. L. Sherbondy
The Show Man R A Currie
The Pickininies---Gertie Robertson,
Corinne Scandrett, Irene MacDonald,
Agnes MacLean; Kay Dinsley, Hattie
Sutton, Irene 1VIcDowell.
The Pla.ntation Boys—Ena Currie,
Gertie Brydgcs, Agttes McKague, Mae
Perdue, Bertha MacKay, Velma John-
ston, Aletha Hopper,
Circus Day in Dixie" Eesemble
Miss Alice Williamson"was a splen-
did accompanist and Mit Geo, Fry-
fogle was in charge of the orchestra.
The talett were the guests of dhe
Lions Club at a lencheon and dente
after the Friday evening show.
It is possible that the at
vue will be staged again at Wingham
after the autos, are able "to run.
Died in Detroit
There passed away in Detroit on
Tuesday, Jan. 15th., 1924, James Ma-
son. The remaitis were brought -do
Wingham and the funeral, was held
from the residence of his brother-in-
law, Mr. Albert Loutitt, on Friday af-
ternoon, Jan. x8th.
Wins Scholorship in B. C.
From the Victoria Daily Colonist we
copy a note whiclt will be of interest
to many readers of this paper. Miss
Jeanette Cornyn Was awarded one of
the scholarships for girls 53 years arid
under in the B. C, Dramatic School.
The scholarships were awarded by
Countess d'Andiffret (Mine Raoul
Ralph), The scholarship entitles the
vvioner to One year's free tuitiott at
the Dramatic School and all the con-
testants gave evidence of cansiderable
artistic ability, MiSs Cornyit'S many
'Wingham friends will be pleased to
know of her success.
King Bros special three day offer-
ing on page eight
Ur. Lennox of Mount Forest is now
in the empley of the Times.
Mrs. Sevarts is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Busch of l3urfalo,
Mis W A. IVIiller and daughter,
Helen are visiting friends in Toronto.
Mr, Neil McLean has gone to Tor-
onto where he is attending Military
School. '
Miss Bell Murchison has taken a
position as stenogeapher with Gene's
Misses Eileen Dore and Gladys
Vansickle spent the week end in
Lucknow. -
North Eluron County L.O.L. will
meet in Winghani Orange Hall an
Tuesday, Feb. stle
ain Andrew Stewart of Lucknow,
spent a couple of days with his broth-
er, Ur. Wm. Stewart.
The Western Foundry commenced
work on Monday morning, after he-
ing closed sirice the New Year.
Dr. W. R. and Mrs. Hainbly have
returned home from visiting in Chi-
cago and other points for the past
Talce advantage of King Bros spec-
ial -values this week,
Mrs. R. M. Hunter and daughter,
Mary of Kincardine, are spending a
few weeks with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, W. G. Patterson.
Gerttld de C. O'Grady, president of
the Canada Fidelly Corporation of
Toronto, died suddenly at his home
303 Indian Road on. Sunday afternoon.
Huron Chapter of the Eastern Star
will hold a public euchre and dance
in the council chamber on Thursday
evening, February 7th. Admission 50
The Wingbam High School Open
Literary will be held' • in the Town
Hall, Friday, Feb. 1st., at 8 p. m.
Silver collection. at the door to help
defray expenses. Everybody wel-
Anton Lang, Christtrs of the Ober-
ammergau Passion Players will give
an address to radio listeners from Sta-
tion WWJ of the Detroit News, De-
troit Mich., on Sunday afternoon,
February 3rd„ at 5 o'clock.- -
A meeting of the County Black
will be held in the Orange Hall, Wing -
ham, at 8 o'clock on F,riday evening,
Feb xst. The regular -monthly meet
Mg of LO.L No. 794 will be held at
7 o'clock to allow the use of the hall.
Mrs, William Walsh underwent an
operation in Grace Hospital, Detroit,
last week and we are pleased to say
that she is progressing favorably.
Mrs Walsh was formerly Miss Susie
Manuel, daughter of the late Thos.
Manuel of Wingham.
Kincardine and Wingbam Junior
N. H. L teams have both won games
since our last issue. Wingham play-
ed in Kincardine on Thursday and de-
feated the home team 6 to 3 and Kin-
cardine played in Wingham on Mon-
day and defeated the Wingham boys
by one goal 6 to 5.
Jas Gilmour, Wingham, was looking
up old friends in Brussels last Satur-
day. 1 -le and his family have recently
returned from the West where he
farmed for many years. He has lea -
ed his fine farm at Archydale. Mrs.
Gilmour was a former Brusselitte and
will be better remembered as Mrs.
Dora IvIcFadzean.—Brussels Post,
The Mission Band of St Andrew's
Church will hold an entertainment in
the school room on Friday, Feb. 8th,
at 8 p. m., consisting of lecturette
illustrated by lantern views entitled
"The Immigrants to Canada" will be
tal,en by Mrs. Gowans A mission-
ary pagent entitled "The Heralds of
the King," dialogues and recitations
-will also be given. The proceeds will
go direct to Miss McDonald in japan.
A free will offering will be taken at
the door. `
'Reed. King. Bros. Bargain Bulletin
tin's .'week, the sayings are greater
than eve.
The Colonel's Maid
A contecty itt three acts will he giv-
en by the young people of Wroxeter
in the Town Hall, Wingham, Tuesday
evening, Feb. toth., wider the auspices
of the Junior Women's Institute and
the jutuor Farmers. Admission: Re-
served seats soc, Rush seats 35c, Tax
cable. This play bas been put oil in
Wroxeter, Bluevale and Fordwich and
everyone wile sew it are loud in their
praise of the eatertaintrtent.
Appointed School Inspector
Mr. J. C. Stothers brother of S. 13,
Stothers, Agricultural Representative
has been appointed school inspector
For Muskoka district, Many old
friends in Wingham will be pleased
to hear of Mr. Stother's advancement.
He is a native of Ashfield Town-
ship, Huron County and attended
Goderiels ?Collegiate Institute, Godes
rich Model School and Wingharn
High School. He taught for five
yeasts in the Townships of Ashfield,
Colborne and West Wawanosh. On
securing his first-class certificate in
1e13 he was appointed to the Staff of
Tototito Public Schools, In to6 he
went overseas, saw service in France
with the xsth., Battalion, "48111, High-
landers." He returned from overseas
itt 5959 abd completed his cotit•se for
13. A. at Queen's University it" 192o
and iit roai obtained his M. A. degree
with special Est, standing in English
atid-Histerv„ Up has severed ,his con-
ttettion with the Toronto-1--ddit'idd ahot
Education attd will take over his new
duties at once,
To the Editur av the Advattee,
Deer Sur,— . •
• Did ye notice that thim lads up at
the County Council he b el fth
v et a e
throyin to rejuce expinses be way a
cuttin down the grants to the.I-loig
Schools an I-loshpitals, but idyll- a wu
rrud about decrasin theer own solar
les? Also 1 underslitand a lot av th
schools are troyin to economize b
dant wiclout a nurse to luk afther th
childer's welfare. Tis a lot ,tiv tin hari.
shports they are, the wbole lot air
Murray's Quartette Win Lemon
Bros.' Trophy
Wingham curlers are again 'victori-
ous at Owen Sound boast/ell, but this
year the laurels go to a new .riult coin-
Posea of Jas. Murray, Donald Rae,
Fred, Davison and Herb Walker,
while the big four compesed of A. M
Crawford, j. A. Currie, Wrn, Mitchell
and D. Fortune did' pot meet with
tivarlrsar rinesks'
The brought home the
"Grey Shield. and each player received
, ,
rmv.idual prizes of beautiful steamer
The Owen Sound Sun -Times has
the following to say of the event:
"Late on Thursday Skip Murray of
Wingharn annexed the Lemon Bros.
trophy when he defeated Brock Mac-
Auley, veteran Southampton curler,
in the final 13-7.
In the fifth round of the Lemon
Bros. trophy play Murray got a bye.
Slap Sutherland of St Thomas put
out the last Owen Sound rink when
he defeated T. W. 'Thomson 11-7, af-
ter a hard fight, while MacAuley put
W. Pilgrim, the Meaford veteran, in-
IbtoaFtitolhert the
dbiscard 53-15 in an exciting
semi-final MacAuley drew
a bye and Murray put out Suther-
land's St. 'Thomas rink 8-6. In the
final, -played at an early hour in the
morning IVIacAtdey failed to stop the
Winglians rink and was beaten 13-7.
In the Bishop & Pringle trophy an
Owen Sound rink again entered the
final. This was j. B. McGill's. Mc-
Gill disposed of Bonnell's Owen
Souhd rink in the semi-final 11-9, af-
ter a tidy battle, while Sutherland of
St. Thomas drew a bye. On Fri-
day morning the rinks battled it out.
The 'spell has been the best in the
history of local curling. E-ery one
of the 29 outsider entries put in an
appearance and took the ice. Both
of the two first trophies went to mit-
side rinks but an Owen Sound rink
survived to the final in the Oak Hall
and the Bishop & Pringle competi-
Sutherland's St. Thomas rink cap-
tured the Bishop & Pringle trophy,
thus making a clean sweep, for visit-
ing rinks. They beat 5. B. McGill's
Owen Sound rink 12-9. Owen Sound
curlers thus entered the finals in all
three events."
than, 1 belave in bein ,savm mesil
but theer is a roight way an a wrong
way to go about it. Sometoimes the
missus gits a s,avin slitralte into her
head, an cuts me down to wan cup av
tay at a male, wid only half a slipoon-
ful av sugar in it, 'Tis ,aisy fer her,
be rayson ay the fact that she nivir
drinks moore than wan cup, an does-
n't take sugar in it.at all, at all Shure,
'tis the way wid the mosht av pay-
ple; t 'ey want to showlder awl the
Sthditses, an econorreze.aa tax
on the other fella!), "Let
it" is shtill the rule av the
wurrege 'Tis the ivirlashtin silfish-
neg's Ity us awl. Moore than wance
hey'hild the noospaper up furninsht
me face an. purtinded I &du t see that
the wood box wus frapty, alt Iet the
missus go out to the woodshed fer
some ,shticks to git the dinner wid.
An shure, theer is no, differ in pol-
lytiekle matthers. D'ye tink Mishter
Baldwin, an Mishter Asquith, art Mi -
sitter Lloyd .Jarge wed hey ivir let
Mishter Ramsay MacDonald arr the
labor min run tings in the mild coun-
thry ia it had been an aisy jaw -b? If
ye hev a carPinterearr, a plumber, arr
a paper hanger come to yer house to
do some wurruk, shure, his no differ
how bad a ja.wt) they make av it, they
always have ye to claim up, the mess.
An, indade, 'tis no shmall mess the
new Governmint has oneits hands in
England at the erisint tonne. Wan
good ting, they hey got rid av the
Divileroo crowd, fer the Peisint at
laist To me own moind the only da -
chit ting to do is to give the byes a
show, an lit thirn see what they kin
do. Av coorse some av theer skames
wont wurruk, btu they will hey to
larn be ixpayrience lpike the resht av
us. Fer insistence, I don't see how
what they call open diplomacy will
wurruk, until theer are moore honest
min, in the wurruld. About the only
tonne I ivir got shtuck in a harse
thrade wus whin. 1 troid to make a
dale on that plan. The parthy av the
sicond part, as thini lawyers say, poin-
ted rne out a shplint an his harse,
which 1 -cud aisy see fer mesilf, an
tould ni.e his roight age, afther I had.
looked in his mouth., so not to be out
done in honesty 1 tould him me harse
wouldn't droive eingle, an wus loy-
able to kick if he got his leg over the
thrace. Well, the result wus we thra-
ded, me givin him tin dollars to- boot
be rayson av his harse bein younger,
an a betther looker than moine, an
whin I gothome I found that the
harse I had.
got wus a cribber, .an
wudd.ent shtand toied, and wus the
niosht balky baste I ion: owned. Open
diplomacy has nivir been troid in poi.
lyticks, an only wance in the harse
thradin business so far as I am cons
sarned, an it didn't prove so foine a
success that I am ivir loikely to troy it
But, as I sed befoor, let us give
Mishter Ramsay MacDonald a fair
show, fer. shure, he has got a foine
lot av wurrukin min into his new ca-
binet, barrin thim that are barbers,
an Viscounts, an litherary min, loike
Shure, twas a great shtorm intoire-
ly we wus afther havin, an now it is
rainin, but loikely be nixt Sunday we
shall -hey another shtorrn, wid lots av
impty sates in the churches. Nothin
kin change so quick as the weather,
barrin the polishy av the Grits. Thum
tads up at Whoite River shtill hould
the eliampionship.bilt fer seuld wea-
ther, arr big loyers, I don't know
which, but wan ting I do know is that
whin Ye hey established, a reputashun
ye bey to live up to it Payple ix-
pict it av ye.
Yours till nixt wake,
e Timothy Hay.
Mock Parliament
The Mock Parliament" in the Meth -
0 -dist church on Monday evening drew
another crowded house. Interest is
certainly keen, and it is probable that
the Government may be overthrown
at the next meeting which will be
held in the basemeat of the church
on the evening of February 25th, lion.
J. j. Kerr will be the first speaker on
the opposition side opposing the Gov-
ernmeat's bill to put a tax op bache-
lors. while Hon. W. A. Galbraith will
be the Government speaker. What
will be say in favor of such a tax?
Harrison—IVIenzies Nuptials
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Manse, 13elgrave, on Wednesday
January, 23rd, at eleven o'elock when
May Isabel, eldest daughter of Mr.
,aticl Mrs. John A. Menzies, East Wa-
wanosh, was united in marriage to
James Cecil Harrison, eldest soti of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Hagrison of
Hibbert township,. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. C. G.
Jones, after the signing of the regis-
ter they drove to the bAde's home
where they partook of a wedding
breakfast, leaving immediately after-
ward for Kitchener, Hamilton aod
other points, the bride travelling in a
three-quarter length muskrat coat
aud velvet hat. On their return they
will reside on the groom's fa.rin itt
sFuton-t-Owaship. We exterul to
them best wishes foe a happy clod
prosperous married life.
The Methodist Church
Rev.. Chas. E. Cragg, Pastor.
Sunda.y February 3rd., 1924.
10.30 a. in.—Communion Service.
Will the Members make a special ef-
fort to be present.
2.30—Special feature in the Sunday
School. A real surprise.
7 p. m.—Evening service, Subject
"Men Who Missed the Mark, the Man
Who Blamed Others."
Music led by male choir. Solo. by
Mr, Gordon Buch,anan, also selection
by Male Quartette.
Monday—Y. P. Meeting in charge
of Miss B. Bennett -
Tuesday—Quarterly Board meeting.
Wednesday—Mid-week Prayer and
Praise Service.
Thursday—Choir practice.
The 3rd in a series of "The Man
who missed the Mark."—"The Man
who Blamed Others".
Writtenefor The Advance
I leave my bed at six o'clock,
And fast as I am able
Go out to feed my little flock
That winters in the stable,
I scatter down softie corn or. wheat,
I always think it better
To let them find it with their feet
, Among the leaves and litter,
always give ,an extra batch
If cold the wind is blowing,
This keeps them always on the
Arid keeps the roosters crowing,
I put a coat on every hen,
And stockings on the setter,
I put the roosters trousers on
And button up his sweater
I dress the rabbits all in fur,
And fumigate their hutches,
And feed opr little crippled cur
That goes about on crutches,
1 give the cats an oyster stew
They nearly burst their stomachs,
Sometimes I have to help them
By giving hypodermics,
The birds get hypophosphites
They tell me this is splendid
To cleanse the blood and kill the nites
It's highly recommended,
I give the gold fish tanlac
Which makes them act to frisky
You'd really think the little pack.
Had all been drinking Whiskey,
The feeder full of coal 1 heap
And sift a pan of ,ashes
And if the snow is very deep
I Slip on my goloshes
And shovel sitow for half a block
To help my friends and neighbors
Awl then 1 have a mile to walk
To start my daily labor ,
T. A, Calhoun, Lotidon.
The minister of a certain parish in
Scotlaint was walking one misty night
through a. street in the village when
he fell into a deep hole. There was no
ladder by which he could make his es-
cape, and he began to shout for help.
A laborer passing heard his cries, and,
looking down, asked him who he was.
The minister told him, whereupon the
laborer refilarked. "Wet', weel, ye
octana kick op Sic a noise, You'll no
be heeded before Sawbath, art' this is
only WedrieSday nicht."
t •
milimiugasolstubrosuli he
70c Value tor 49e -- Talcum Shavi
'414, At "to %AKAN Wend or • •
60e Value' tor 35e.— Shay ug Cre
mita Men's Talent*, for,
61.35 Vatlue lor 596—Auto-Strop Razor
ControOte and Rexall Shawl/v.0re m 9
'pet .year,
. , 35e
35c Value or 25e -- 2 cakes of Lark
Cold Cream Soap and at goo& and ff.
Scr b for ... , .......25e
Our Every Day Cat Prices Save You Mti ey
McKibbon's Drug Store
Wicutham. Ont.
11714:3; A'torle;
Phone 53 =
UII1I 111 111 It
Heroine's Reward A Liability
When the Murrell gang, in April,
rgas held up the Horne Bank at Mel-
bourne, Agnes Campbell who was in
the tellers cage, foiled the bandits by
locking the vault and giving the
The president of the Bank and the
Board of Directors said: "We must
do something for Miss Campbell to
show our appreciation of her heroism
and service." They did, presenting
her with three shares of Home Bank
stock Now as a shareholder, she is
faced with a Suit for $300 because of
the double liability penalty to share-
holders. •
Should Get His Deserts
That the sad case of Charlie 13u1-
pitt, who' evidently hanged himself on
a farm near Goderich, in order to es-
cape from the bullying of the man
with whom he was engaged, should
rouse so much sympathic interest
speaks well for the people_ generally.
But the case goes to show that there
are some men who are totally unfit
to have a boy entrusted to their care,
No doubt the majority of boys who
are placed in homes as Charlie Buis
pitt was, are treated reasonably well,
and find a real home; but occasionally
brutally selfish People take a boy or a
girl with no other purpose than to ,
make a slave of them—to get all the '
work possible out of them regardless
of the young person's health or. wel-
fare. .
Money Lost to Wingham
Mr. H. C. MacLean of the INesteril
Foundry Co:, Ltd„ Wingham, is re-
ported to have stated that had all the
furnaces bought outside of town been
bought front their foundry there
would ha -re been at least $6000 mare
spent in Wingham in wages and there
would have been no idle time for
foundry workers. This is a phase of
the question, which needs looking in-
to and adjusting in several towns this
size. It is true in every line of work.
In the printing with which the writer
is most familiar, if The Advance office
had received all the orders given. to
peddlers, we could have employed two
more printers during all of 1923 and
that would have meant about $2,500
of wages being spent in Wingham last
These printing orders are in most
cases given by business men, friends
of our own, who when addressed by
a smooth stranger, who explains how
much money he can save them if they
only take several thousand tags or
envelopes instead of the order fer 50e
;which they intended to get and which
'they would in no case think of get-
ting more of when ordering locally
Get together, work together and
'boost the town you live in. That's
'the only way to make it a successful
'pleasant town to live in.
The man who is too loyal to give
his printing to an outsider, thinks we
are wide in our statements and the
;businessman who gives only a couple
of small orders does not think we
mean him. At a recent meeting of
the 'Wingham Council's finance com-
mittee two accounts from local men
were presented vvhich bore the R 5,
any a Lovell trade mark
The in.an who undertakes to whip
a boy who is 'hired with him as young
Bulpitt Was with. Cox, ought to be
punished for assult. If a man can't
get along with a boy without beating
him, he should give him 'up M
lad in young Bulpitt's position would
have rnsAa Acropo,-,or itt
some way have directed the attention
of neighbors or the authorities to the
brutal treatment he was subjected to.
He, however, does not appear to have
been of robust nature. He was young
and not strong; he was homeless and
friendless.--Lucknow Sentinel,
Coutts—In Wingham General Hos-
pital oa Tuesday, January 29th„ to
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts, a son.
Henderson—In London on Jan. 29t11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Roland. Henderson
a son
NEMMIIMMOISCIIMIRMISM/4023/1.01111CM112=49Z=212r-lia.4.6.•131.V.63.1 itt6SOMIAMIAMCOMRIMMIALGtMalltr
fiG I
We have some br ken lines WI Fo lwear
to cle r at very specLn prlces.
25 pairs Men's Fine lace
Boots in Black and Brown
Calf, reg Price $6.00 to
$0.00 Sale Price ets per
cent, off
61 la an -15 Pairs Wo-
A'aeil V' men's high lace
Black Kid Boots, with en -
ban heels Sale Price $a.99
reg price $6.5o to $0.00
The above must go there-
fote big cut in price
Women's 12:Butt0n Overgaitors
Only a few, pairs left, SalelPrce . , .. , .. . . ,.,99c
Heavy Rubbers
Boys' Lace Rubbers..2.29
Youths' Lace Rubbers 1,89
Cosy Slippers
women,. ..... . ...990
Misses' ... 7r,d
Bring your skates here to be harpe
15 cents a pair.
Wi Goot, stog *allots