HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-24, Page 4if 4("rell ta.a. eye
e Advanne welcomes all the new
0 fans who have become initi.sted
tile mysteries of radio within the
st few weeks. A considerable num-
ber of sets are in use in TOWP aed
the number is increasing rapidlea
Every set installed is tile best sales -
mean for ether eets. New owners
'will be surprised at the ease with
'Which a concert may be Iteerd. No
eecheicel knewledge is required
wbatever to operate the average set
This is the time of year when the , Thursday, January 24
aarmei derives greatest benefit frosei I
a radio set. When the evenings ere 745 P. na-A Few aforuents With
New Books, L. L. Hopkins, assistant
LIFE •BURDENED ------"-----"*"-SUND;A,TER.1,4.00
10.25 a. ie. weather ereea t through the epartesy of the Netional
te.55 ne-eArlington time relayed Biecuit CoMpany. Band seleetion,
by the 'Western Unien, "Fanteetique," Netioeal Biscuit Com -
3.00 p. m. -The Detroit News Or- petty Band, Frank Blanco', eondeetor,
chestra. Beeni selectien, "William Tell Over -
3.3o p. m.-Offieiel weather forecast. ture," Sepraeo solo, "A Spirit Flow -
3.35 p. me -Market reports. er," Clementine Pardi. Band seleetion,
7.30 p. ne-The Detroit News Or- "Seugs for t,•- Old Folks," •Soprano
chestra In a special program. for De- eolo, Titorna Vinci -ter", from "Aida"
trot's Iee Cegnivel, Clementine Pardi. mina seleetion,
Stinclay Jan, 27 'Tellico of the Hears." Addre„ss "Pro-
Ete3eclila. linCet5heeld\r'iacieslerteaoftleAti Fir'94111'717 drikelekti9BIleerosfl Qganiallirer,I3iPs:°11atti'etti°Enlieddee'"
the cathedral. peartment, Natioual Iliescult Company,
2.00 p, Detrcit News Or, ,...JD6.411c1 selection, "A Hunting Scene.
eheetra, n.ornet solo, 4"Extase," C. Alessi°.
Band selectioo, "War March of the
Station way (38o Meters) Priests,'" from "Athalia," :Soprano solo
General Electric Company, "Calm as the Night" Clementine
Scheneetadle N. Y. Pardi, Band selecn'on, "Ballet Egyp-
tian." Clarinet solo, "Andante," M.
Pastern Standard Time Ricci. Band selection OrPhet s
- ie
Band selection, American Patrol,
Station KDKA. (326 IVIeters)
Westinghouse Electric
East Pittsburgh, Pa.•
Eastern. Standard Tirne
Thureda.y, January 24
6 p. in. -Concert arranged for re -
broad casting in TEngl and, by the KD -
KA Little Symphony Orchestra, Vic-
tor Saudek, director, assisted by the
Cycle Quartet, and the MacDowell
Quartet, artists trent the studio of
I.yman Almy Perkins, Plttsburgh Pa.;
Mrs, Marie Siemer, soprano; Caroline
Bracey, soprano; Mrs. Brabazon Ru-
therford, contralto; Mrs. L. Wallace
Ohl, contralto; Arthur C. Stott, ten-
or; Arthur Ray Davis, tenor; 'Joseph
Rogers, bass; E. Clair Anderson,hass
very •entertaining as well as mstruc- characters in the play: Joey Wright, Program, selections by orchestra, "Na_
tiv e' a retired bookmaker, Charles S. tional Anthem;" overture, "Egmont,"
Station WWJ-The Detroit News Betimes; Christopbee Penny, a paint- Beethoven; suite Valse Gracieuse,
5e7 Meters
"Eastern Standard Time
leng and the weather stormy, the
-very finest programs are available
'by the twist of a few. dials. The var-
iety of entertainment offered should
snit the most discrirnieating person.
In addition the correct time may be
obtained, the weather forecasts are
sent otit, as wen as much other infor-
mation that is of tralu.e to the public.
Tliurstoe, the fait] ous magidati,
gave an address for the benefit of the
=die public from KDKA, Pittsburgb,
e evening last week, He related
Isis experiences in India and gave his
neThpressione of Idian magic and rna-
sicians. His experiences in Calcutta
which were related in detail, were
librarian ttf the General Electric
Company dnetrumental selection,
"Adagio". WGY Orchestra. Drente,
"The Passing of the .Third Floor
Back," a play in tilled episodee, by
Jerome IC. Jerome, Episode 1 -The
Prologee. The cast of characters in
the Prologue: A Satyr, A Coward, A
Bully A Shrew, A Hussy, A Rogue,
A Cad, A Cat, A Snob, A Shit, A
Cheat, A Passerby, WGY players.
Note -The entire action of the pla.y
takes place in the 'First Floor Front'
of the house at 13 Bloomsbury place,
London. Time, the preseut. Instru-
mental selection, "Sostenuto," orches-
tra. Episode II --The play -The
Thursday, San, 24
9.30 a, ni.."Tonight's Dinner" and
a special talk by the Woman's Editor.
er Edwaid E. St. Louis; Major German (a) "Souvenir," (b) "Gypsy
Tompkins,:retired, Frank Oliver; Mrs. Dance;" "Prairie Sketches,' Dawn
Tompkins,Ruth Bentley -Snow; Vi- 2 "Yucas," 3 "Legend .ef the Plain,"
elan, the Major's daughter, Rose Cohn 4 "Whispers of Night;" Cadman, se -
Jape Samuels, of the city, Lo- lection by Cycle and Ma.cDowell
venheim; Harry Larcomb, his jack,al, Quartet, "My Love Dwells in the
9,45 a. M. -Public Health, Service Barrington Havens; Miss Kite, Clara North Land" (a?capella), Eiger; en -
bulletin and talks on subjects of gen- Swanker; Mrs. Percival De Hooley, semble and orchestra selections, "Sex-
eral intereet cousin of Sir George, Margaret V. tet" from "Lucia de Lammermoor,"
s0.25a.m.--Officia1weather fbrecast Smith; Stasia Flavey, Lola Sommers; Donizetti; "Land of Hope and Glory"
n..55a 'ere -Arlington. timerelaned Mrs. Sharp the landlady; Helen Elgar.
by the Western Union. . Campbell; "The Third. Floor Ba.ciele 740 p. m. -Weekly chat with the
nr.ba is. M. -The Detroit News Or- Edward 11. Smith, WGY players. In- farmers by Frank E Mullett, radio
Chestta. strumental , selection, "Andante Sos- editor, "National Stockt-nan and Farm -
3,30 p. m. -Official weather forecast Yentas)." orchestra. Episode III -The ere, s
l .
.3.35 P. m. -Market reports. lEpilooue-The, characters in the Epi- 7.45 P. m. -The children's period.
in. -The Detroit News Or- logueTwo. Lovers, You and Me, A 8 p. in. -"National Stockman and
cliestra J. Richard Scott, tenor; Fran- Husband and Wife, A Jew, An En- Farmer" xnarket reports. •
-eis Firth, baritone; program furnished tertaining Party, A Maiden Lady A 8. 15 p. m. -Farm feature.
Kuploy and Ross. Rich Aunt, An Important Person, 8.30 p. m. --Addresses from. the
_10).00 p. ne-Dance music by Jean The Lady of the 'House, A Friend, Traffic and Transportation Associa-
-60Idkettels Orchestra ,broadcast from wGy Players. Instrinnental selec- firm banquet at Hotel Schenley,Pitts-
the Graystone ballroom.
et,00 p. ni.-The Detroit News Or-
Friday, Jan. as
9.30 a. an. -"Tonight's Dinner" and
a special talk by the Woman's Editor.
9.45 a. m. -Public Health Service
bulletin and talks on subjects of gen-
eral interest.
10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast
11.55 a. m. -Arlington time relayed
by the Weetern Union. 11.30 p. m. -Special late evening
3.00 p. m. -The Detroit News Or- concert.
3.30 p. m. -Official weather forecast
cult by the Billions," Clarke E. Davis, 6 p. ma -Concert arranged for re -
3.35 rn.-Market reports. Ph. D., chief chemist, National Bis- broadcasting in England, by the West -
nota p. nins-„The Detroit News Or- cult Company. Band selection: inghouse Band tinder the direction of
eliestra; Anne Caniphell, Detroit News 'March,"from "The Phophet." Ten- T.J.Vastine, assisted by Alice Chris.
Poet; Nona E. Dobsee eoprano; or solo, "Bonnie Wee Thing'," Wil- tine King, soprano. Program: Selec-
AVilitneY SCilereda Pianist; liam Totterdale, Band selection "A tions by band, march, "Radio Wave,"
Saturday, Jan. 26 La Invitation" Tenor solo, "Killarn- Jewell; caprice "In a Woodland
o m -"Tonight's Dinner" and ey' Totterdale, J3and selec- Glade," Homes; Spanish ' serenade,
tion "Meditation," orcaestra. burgh Pa. Speakers: J. C. Davis, ,di -
Friday, January 25
7.35 p, in. -Health talk, New York
state department of health.
7.45 p. tn.-Musical progrant: Band
selection, "Zampa," National Biscuit
Company Baud, Frank Blanco, con-
ductor, Band selection, '7annhauser,"
Tenor solo, dIvfary", William Totter -
dale. •Band selection, "Angelus:: from
"Scenes Picturesque," Cornet solo,
"Showers of Gold", C. Alessi°. Band
selection, 'Cantabile," from "Samson
and Delilah." Address "Baking Bis-
rector general of railroads, Washing-
ton, D. C.; F. A. Butterworth, assis-
tapt general freight agent, Pere Mar-
quette-Raidroad. Company,. Chicago,
Ill.; toastmaster S.S. Butler, freight
traffic manager., Frisco Lines, St.
Louis, Mo. Music by "Gene's Ameri-
can Seven."
9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals
and weather forecast.
Friday, January 25
a special talk by the Woman's Editor. done "Swedish Coronation Maeda." "La. Paloma, Yradier; grand medley,
9.45 a, in -Public Health Service Clarinet solo, "Cavatina", R. Ricci, "Sti'perba," Daiba; excerpts frotri
reral interest. 10.30 p. ranaProgram, furnishd by Horse," ' Pryor; patrol, "K.naghts
bulletin and talks on subjects of gen- Band selection; "Dreams of Erin." "Atilla," Verdi; "Danny and His Hob-
*ewes - 'I eseetneteeng,
maw eineemastemerearesse nreamenowase
Why do you suppose a million customers buy
from the 300 DOMINION STORES each week?
They do it for steadysavings. DOMINION buy-
ing experts search theworld for high-grade foodstuffs
at special prices availableonly to this largest grocery
organization in Canada. You feed your family for
less when. you have the habit of bu3ring at the nearest
Don't Miss These
n Specials
Richmello Coffee, Dominion Store's Special 13 5
Peanut . Butter 95
,, • 1.4.11,4 hor
Baker's and Commit's Cocoa 0),
1/2 lb., fin Aet.PC
Brigger's Mar-
malade,, 4 lb.tin
hite Beans Et
.„. 4 lbs 4.00C
versid e Peas r„
No. 4. -.....tin
Lawrence Valley
jar ing C
Riverside Tomit-
oes 2 tins title
Blue Rose Rice.- 2 9
Special Blend Tea a
package Vi
Thompson's SeedleSs Rais-
ins .. .. .. ... .. . .. ......2 lbs. t 11'
rime Brand Singapore9
Pineapple ..........................1C
White Satin Pastry Flour Q
lb. bag 0 t•
Valencia Cake 91
, 11b. IL IC
Lemon Snaps eri
.... th
Posts Bran
m, Raspberry and Strawberry.............„..
4 lb. glass jar
Health antilappmess Came
With orruit-a,tives"
Mods From Fruit Juices and Tonles
"Fruiteetives",„ the woriderful
medicine made from the juices of
apples, oranges, figs andpruoes, is
one of the greatest means of doing_
_good that this cotintry of our has
ever known, n
'Fruit-etives" is bringing health
to hundreds and hundreds of people.
who suffer with chronic Constipetion,
Biliousness and Dyspepele,
Mr. Frank Hall of Wyevale, Ont.,
says, "I purchased a box of "Fruit -a -
fives" and began the treatment. My
condition improved immediately.
The dyspepsia ceased to be th e burden
ofthy life as it had been, and I was
freed of C t" t' "
60e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At- dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa. Ont.
of Old," Keifer; soprano solos,
"Love's Merchant," Lohr; "I Hear. a
Thrush at Eve,""Ca.danan.
7 p. m. -Organ recital by Lucile
Hale, from the Cameo Motion -Pic-
ture Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Z15 P. n1. -Radio Boy Scouts' meet-
ing, conducted by Richard Victor,
7.45 P. me -The children's period.
8 p. m. -"National Stockman and
Farmer" market reports.
8.x5 p. in.--1Sunday schoot lesson
for January 27 presented by Dr. R. L
. 8.30 p. m. -Concert by the West-
inghouse Band under the direction of
T. J. Vastine, assisted by soloists.
Program: selections by band; .over-
ture, "Hungarian Comedy," Keler-
Bela; Mamana, "Chilian Dance," Mis-
sud; selection, "In Dear Old Scot-
land," Ascher; characteristic piece,
"Badillage", Gillet; Arabian divertis-
sement, "In the Seraglio," Cazaneuve;
selection, ."Chimes of Normandy,"
Planquette; dance, "Oriental," .Lube
omerskto "Albun. _Leaf," Wagner;
"Terintella Foressetta," Arbeti.
9.55 re m. -Arington time signals
And weather forecast.
Rerneniber, the only thing in the
world that is really what it is crack-
ed up to be is ice.
Ask for Peddlars•License
Ontario retail merchants are organ-
izing to press upon the Legislature
at its corning session the necessity of
amendments to the Transient Trad-
ers' Act and the Hawkers' and Pedd-
lers' Act to compel peddlers to take
out a license.
It is proposed to exempt the pedd-
ler who sells his on goods, but in
cities of not less than too,000 the fee
tier SePter vehicle shall die $too, for
a oneslipree wakon, $25 and for a
two -horse wagon $5o. For a push-
cart, Peck Or basket the fee would be
Denatiens to National Sanitarium
The treasurer of the Muskoka Hos-
pital .for Consumptives desireg grate-
fully to aclenowledge the following
Fieni Secretarv. of the Natienal Said-
----Sunday afternoon
Lol what a glorious sight appears
To our admiring eyes
The former seas have Passed away,
The former earth and skies.
The God of glory down to men
• Removes his best abode;
He dwells with men; His people they;
And He His people's GOd.
Isaac Watts.
Almighty God, thou art the God
of our. hie. In the we live and
move and have our being. Without
the guidance of Thy, Holy Spirit we
would lose our way but we tha.nlc
The that we are led en froni point
to poiett, ever having before us the'
pillar or fire by night ,and the pillar
of cloud. by day. Jesus Christ the
righteous one is the way. the light,
the life' ,to ail who own His sway.
Help us crown Him Lord of all.
Amen. .
S, S. LESSON FOR JAN. 27th, 1924
Leseon Title -Israel Saved at the
Red .Sea.
Lesson Passage-Exod. x4:21 -3x.
Golden Text-Exod 15:2.
We read in the first part of this
t4th chapter that God instructed Mo-
ses to encamp by the sea; also' that
Pharaoh and his army overtook them
there. The children of Israel were,
humanly speaking, trapped, being
hemmed in by the in
on two
sides, by the sea in front. and by
Phara.olds host behind. Help, if help
was to be found, must come from
above and from above' it did come,
On seeing the army behind some
cried to God, being sore afraid, but
others'. murmured against Moses.
For the time being they forgot the
galling slavery in Egypt; forgot
God's sparing mercy when the first-
born in every Egyptian home 'ilied;
forgot all Moses had done for them 411
and, above all, forgot the signifi-
cance of the ever present pillar of
cloud by day and the pillar of fire by
night. But Moses, calm in the midst
of this panic, counselled them saying:
"Their strength is to sit still." Then
they saw "the angel of God, which
went before the camp of Israel, re-
meved and went behind them, so that
the one came not near the other all
the night" (verses 19 and 20-.
Verses 21 -23 --God's Sovereignty over
The stretching out of Moses' hand
as in prayer was followed by a mire
Thorsclay, pnuarY 04th.„ 1924
am mos *11 awn! ti ofilINI)1011 011,1111 I I win* 1101110111 11101110 3111111 n
dia The best payihg PrOduct of THE FARM to -day is cream
The best 'merket for your cream is rinht at heme et the MATT-
- We GUARANTEE, the. TOP MARKET PRICE, payments twice a
a month.
re Ask us about our price guarantee.
nd Creamery, Wingharn
United Farmers' Co -Op. Co., 1,10. Phone 271.iev,„
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
In a tale of the Western Plains where the best mart. wine
"3 Jumps Ahead'
▪ Here is real action in 5 reels ALSO a special Sunshine Come,
30 minutes with a laugh a second
Monday and Tuesday
A With a strong supporting cast in
A new star in evening clothes, also last round of the Leather
Pushers . 11
11▪ 1111111111111111111111111116111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111117
acle. It was night but the darkness
was made noon -day light by the pil-
lar of fire between the .children .of
Israel and the 'Egyptians. • The "east
wind began to blow and, as Moses in
his song of Deliverance put it "With
the blast of thy nostrils the waters
were gathered together, the floods
stood upright as 2.0 'heap, and the
depths were congealed in the heart
of the sea." '
Moses and Aaron, taking the lead,
stepped upon the dry land thus form-
ed, and then the vast company of
men, women, children and herds fol-
lowed. Before morning they were,
safe upon the opposite shore. The
Egyptians followed hard after and
had gotten half way over. No doubt
their confidence in overtaking the
children of Israel would rise es they
Him- who rules the nations, and is escape. The man was at supper with.
fact which ought to stimulate us his family. The police officer, after
destined to overflow the world. The a short time, called us in to identify
above' all others is, not that we have him. He disclaimed ever having seen -
contributed to the conversion of a few me, but his accent gave him away,
souls, however valuable -these may I recognized it the moment he spoke_
be, but that we are diffusing a know- 'We asked him many questions.
ledge of Christianity throughout the When we asked him ifshe keew any -
world. Missionaries. in the midst of one -near Dungannon he mentione&.
masses of heathenism seem like voi- the very names he had mentioried. ,
ces crying in the. wilderness -Re- when applying for the cash at our
formers before the Reformation but branch.
future missionaries will see conver-; Satisfied after three hours' die-
sions follow every sermon. We pre- cussion that this was the forger, the
pare the way for them. May they police took him by car to WalkerviIle
not forget the pioneers who worked jail and the rest of us returned t-
in the thick gloom with few rays to Lucknow, quite happy over our luck
cheer their' except such as flow from and experience. For luck it was. I
faith in God's promises. consider that, dear and all as the les -
'son has proved to rne in sleepless
nights and searching days, I have
been particularly fortunate. n is
pressed forward but, then as now, it
his harness should not boast as be Bank Manager Tells the
was true that the one that putteth Sterung
that taketh it off. The Lord looked tory How He Was Taken in By
upon the host out of the pillar of tire, A Forger and Hownthe Latter
and it was troubled.
contributione in Wingham by the Verses 24 -28 -Pharaoh and His Host
torium Association.
Western Foundries per H. C.
MacLean .4 By oo
Dr. R. C. Redmond 5 oo,
J. -A MacLean - g
C. Lleyd & Sons ..... 5 oo
A. J. Irwin D.D.S. 5 oo
R. Vanstone 5 oci
Howson & Howson 2 00
j. W. McICibbon 2 oo
T. H. Gibson 2 00
W. H. Willis 2 00
C. P. Smith • 200
A. G. Smith .._ 2 00
j, A. laorton 200
H, E. Isard 200
Geo. Howson, D.D.S. 2 00
W. H. Gurney • 2 oo
Rev. D. Perrie ' 2 00
Miss E. B. Finch 2 oo
G. L. dirackenbuly -_------- oo
L W. French , oo
Miss J. E. Horan oo
Mrs. F. At Parker ---___-__. 00
W. G. Patterson r oo
Miss M. F. Reynolds --a- oo
Miss B. Grethem oo
j, Galbraith oo
A. Honnstroor oo
A. J. Northrop .--.-..--- 1 oo
W. R. Hamilton oo
R. L. Stewart oo
A Friend ....---.-• 1 oci
5. Hartha & Co. ----- x oo
Thos. Field & 00
E. j. Mitchell' oo
R. R. Mooney -- oo
C. L. Cooper --,--..-- oo
M. Swans et ' 50
H. Gannett - 50
Telephone Girls 2 50
R. CI Coulston - 50
E. Murat 25
C.- Cooke 25
A Friend 25
Miss M. E. Fisher I 00
Yours very truly
Geo- A. Reid.
Was. at Last Located.
my first trouble.from cashing a che--
que for a stranger. It will be my -
last I hope other members e ef the
staff will benefit by my experiences"
The Mission Band of St. Andrews'
Church will hold, an entertainment 1T1
The chariots which had been driv-
wheels no kinger turned easily and G. M. McKenzie, manager at Dungan- thken by Mrs. Gowans,',A,missionary
suited and.- from beingatthe pursuers ing cneeiles for
of ,them and they were convinced e
They could not for terror took hold "A few days ago a. str„anger enter- to Miss McDonald in Japan, A free .
The great day of the wrath of God -at least not to my knowledge. I _
the Egyptians tried to turn and flee. Kdenozuier eberriatuecshasaufcoll_lto)revesso:oted a oho, win offering
people meddle to their own hurt." tome. I had never seen
that "they that meddle with God's qtte to the teller, He was referred door. •
Cioonlvfauvsieorrja trheer naaroni,nwtehrieesitil nsglm-wst:rtyhendararnagteerd 0bfycaMshti p• agent entitled The Heralds of the
publication of The Sterling Bank, has 4,The Immigrants to canada„ be
ivir' 14e- b• e given. The proceeds will go direct
him before kicimE TRADE HINTS
the school room on Fridan, Jan. 25th,
King" Dialogues,-redtatione 'Will m., consisting, consisting of lecturette M-
alin be taken, at -the
lantern viefes entitled'
The current issue of The Teller, the ontst8raPtetd by
had corne to them and none was able gpestioned him critically. He knew
150 etc 6 miles train Wing -
ham, close to school and church,
rzo acres cleared and tillable,
balance tinaberecl, fra.me house
snd. bank barn, well watered.
A Dtirgatn tor quick sale.
Abner Cnsens
11c 15 1;.eaiState
to stand. and named several prominent farm -
Verses 26 -29 -The Return of the Wa- ers near Dungannon. For this, and
ters. •" 'because I believed hint, the cheque
Again the Lord spake to Moses; was cashed.
again'his hand was stretched over the +, "In a few hours word was receiv-
sea, but Death not Deliverafice was ted by 'me that the cheghe was a forge
there. God triunipbed gloriously; ery. I can scarcely describe the
the horse and his rider were thrown feelings that crept over me when the
into the sea and every last one per- , news was told in. This man, sup-
ished there. Posedle a cattle buyer, had slipped it
Verses 30 -3e -The Effect Upon the over sne--the first time anything of
Israelitee, i that nature had °cc -erred during any
God said to Moses, "I will get me banking carder, '
host, upon his chariots and upon his' "When'l found out the cheque was
honor upon Pharaoh, ,and -upon all his a foigety I got in touch with the lo -
horsemen."... The dead' bodies were cal comity constable and mottined to
thrown upon the shore by the tide Lucknow and interviewed the mane -
and there they lay -the warriors of ger of the bank, Who had first been
a few hours ago, prostrate before advised of the forgery. We made lit -
the eyes of the Israelites., In the tle headway as this manager did not
words of Isaiah "th werit forth know whom it might be. I accom-
The home "tia dar is the home build-
The man who trades at home in-
stead of by mail order saves both post-
age and prestige.
Lots of women refuse to take male
orders, but are so fond ,of sending
mail orders away that they risk their
cash that way.
Some women sweep disdainfully by
bargains in the home stores and send
to the big city store just because
they -
like to get mail.
In our opinion the man or woman
who trots around to the poet officeto
mail money to the big city snail -order
houses and then trots around to a
neighbor's and complains that this -
town is no: good, is neither a philoso-
pher nor a patliot.
and Looked tiPon the carCasSes of the panied the police while we rnotored
men that had transgressed against to Kintail, Auburn, Kingsbridge,
God." Such a sight Would affect Lucknow, Blyth, Holly Wood and
them deeply, fill them with awe and Dungannon district, interviewing men
wonder at the marvellous power used who answered thedescription of the
for their deliverance. They would teener. From the knowledge he had
be made ashamed of their mamma dtsplay.ed of the distract arid the peo-
ings and would resolve never again ple liveng here, while presenting his
to distrust Moses or despair of help cheque for payment, eve concluded
from heaven. - "They were baptized that he lived here at one time or pos-
into Moses in the sea," (1 Cor, so:2). sibly quite near now.
Henceforth he was to be trusted ira- "On November 24th, having heard
plicitty, but human nature is prone of a forgery at Walkerton by a man
to -forget, and many another. lesson answering the description rend forg-
had to lee learned before the promis- ing the cheque on a cattle dealer in
ed land teas reached; many a time Lucknow, we kept tap the' good work
they murinered against their leader and acconapanied by two other gentle -
and forgot the nearness, ofa person- men who would help tit identify Our
el God. They had to learn to walk -party should the occasion rise, we
in God's wey for them; and from motored to Lucknow. Here „I had the
their history we learn, ae individuals pleasure of meeting the Provincial
and es nations, that progrese is the :Police.
t f "All who have "At tlas point we discussed Mr,
great tea Inc.
ever striven to raitetthe tone of a xis- Forger, and after comparing signa-
fiords life, to bring the nation on- tures, descriptions, events and cir-
werd on the path that leads to peace 1 curnstances, our search simmered
and righteousness, have been preach -4 down to one man. We got a speci-
ing to mankind this grcat word of men of his signature and fotind the
writing to be the same as that on the
forgeries. We left Irtickeow in a
party to get him.
"About six o'clock in the evening
We drove a short distance past the
farra hottse in which he lived and
God's, "Go forward where God would
ha.ve, you go."
ThIS escrits one great fact
in the Provi ence of God:---Taisstoris
re, sent forth to all quarters of the termed the lights out lit the cat. We
%eerie, •trhey sheav the direttien . of ran towards Alm house ht different
he Stream VhiCli et til ilditetioll by ,direttione so as to prevetat a poeeible
Watch otitr D.. le &, W. Black
DiarnOttd 'Shine at the Miestrel
Reette; Thursday, and Friday
Jan. 24 wed 25.
• We are prepared to pay the
highest prices for any quality of
Hard or Soft Wood Logs, de-
livered in our yards at 1,1Ving-