HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-17, Page 8,4
k'uaziwalzed at
" �t'i:n h m. at 'i°
cry "hurrah • iSlurtaifp
A. C. Sit1r1 i Publisher
Subscrietton rates: -- 0aie ye2.n,
2,00; six months, 41.00 in advauee„
ltd.vaartisiaag rateson a(rplleatlon.
Advertisements without speckle 111-
etions win he inserted until forbid
The poor pedestrian --how he is im.- earful drivers undertoola to avoid hit-
;nosed upon by niotoiists--.according to ting jaywztlkers.
find changed aocoi•diugly, the gezaerkal notion, Wheuover there cAairzc�zv 'ADDS TO gra rxx.
Changes for coasts'aiat advertise- , is a motor accident and somebody on �
ui�ent3 be in the elalce br moon, a .on. 1 foot is. injured folks, just naturally
I oitunately there are many pedes-
taka it for grauted thet tile fellow trians who have a sense. of se11 preser-
_ -.l who was driving the car was to blame. vation and respect for traffic rule..
BUSINESS 1 SS C kU tax at zna ter ox facts tlieLe is just They are in the la'm'e majority. They
abatit es axla ch chanca that tlae pedes recpgnize : the dangers of auto -filled
elimmgtou Mutual Fir° triton was at fault as that the driver li ve it is bestreets end setrt aceordin slafe The be-
iilade a mistake, It as about ►a. fifty- ppay
insurance I1fty' la��apasiti�+n width a slight margin
throe life and the pursuit of happiness'
.ad Office.
ed uel in favor of the driver as the less reek- .rather than to assert' their right to
Head gtfalt tauet Ore los ? the road, especially when that pax -
Risks taken on all classes of incur- ss of the two.
once at reasonable rates, At an rate,' khat is what they forint' titular part of the road is very apt to
ABN R cOSitINS, .Agent, out in one city after it careful invests- be occupied. inzrraediately by an oncom-1
Wingliatxa. , gatian of a, year's accident statistics. tug automobile, and when to assert
w� ---�---- ----• When, all the figures were `hi and the that right is likely to mean another
adding rn hire Ita,d donexts st. ia it
job for the undertaker.
H� " The peculiar thing about this whole
vas discovered that per ItS of the
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETD.: 51'1'4'211°411e aceidenis we're''eaused by problem is that there are really no
Victory and Otheu 'Ronda BaufOlt etsd' the' easel tress 'of pedestrians :alyd 46 i'"' classes, pedestrians and motorists.
sold. per cent were due to the fault of the Practically every pedestrian is at'
limes the occupant of an automobile
ft7ce.--mayor Block.1riliingtuier� drivers, i and every motorist is at times a
Let those who walk digest these sta- walker.
histis and get busy Tricking the motes
ut: Of their own , !eyes be!ore the- The olved.tzt, therefore, cls act be
azderta,'a:•e the job casting the belifz'.s easily solved. Let ing urians amble
, t; f their? . cautiou3ly, recognizing the rights he
a to brother miobariee eyes. enj;oys.:tie a anotori t and as a motorist'
Another itineey which semis t'° ab- let hire drive carefully, appreciating
tax t- mind el the hat hrian, is tier ;' bts be ria oys wkacn on .±.Q.0,6.> Irl iii tinea uralataou. tb,:st pie >-a-axs lgere is an Weal ice for tiae Golden
is,' �x aa't lossi: bay so�•.e�- ;.ai'� W. faameti,«�::
Sas e pule .w >:a ti:ti?
'�wxatf; � rza.�`i''raul6no.'�,s+r� ti -
_T Ise t, " w - 7 w House; & e q:1
.'27x4, vo +y't%S p txiw,•,•s,: 7,-,,,,,, z, c"' 4.-ar ee al :ay.raiz ,........ ...q,,ES,C1
'�sK c :"•°:::": '' ^n .fit ` ..
Money to Loan et Lowest Rat,.
R. G. W�
tExratlt„ate Royal College, of
Graduate :University of .Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
' FFIcse OVER H. E. 3SARD'S S"1"Olt g
s a C•or cayao
x'.54.. h2. D.. C.M. 14 mu* ilgat nr
Special attention -paid to diseases r 'e' sralseT--eaa
feteien and Children, baviog talentthrix ss. nAu� . 001 it wv3 '-'• fare ^WI The Tarm...Ta5: itui.Rwr gaped
pt ligraduate: work he Surgery, Baty While On VSs I oz,••=r, t as rhe_ eta =c1;wed. air s'^ "xa
terioiogy and Seieatihe Meciicioa., ather. 1, spm .-=LS we !, tt e: • :d zee• were':N.ees Za+ srd?y :s„rn.
^ fiice in the Kerr Residence, between ;often give the pets_ -t` acl-,; 1m, the:s:,eu jam, •
'he,Queen'e Hotel end the Baptist vantage of the doer tiherreis :an tr¢'e saw an o'en door
Church. accident The courts aonie€arr,pfi aitib'ta . ' And a room half aim,.
business given a.areful attentio:.r
alone 64. P.O. Box 113
This is tarobabiy due foo tha ponds -"Tse walls were tittered and grins
tions that obtain. The wail;-er is doubt -i Lay along the floor;
less more often the tnjtired rrar-y. '-in, A. dumb clock told of a time
an accident I.Ha is sewn under the c'arI' That would come no more;
M.R.C.S. (Eng). sueering. The. 'ambulance arrives •Then something drew him in
L.R.C.P. (fond); and he is carted to the hospital. People At the
of en-xloar
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON : say' `Pool feliowi" They Took at The
We* D .. Lh s 1 of tanci
i ho iso $ d
E a
3 driver 'seat•ed. comfortably in. his car And a holit w voice cried out.'
' * and jun¢ to the conclusion "There is 'This i; your past!"
i ss. An he•
- ... . • � r d aced: and
the craniina. �sho- did the tilma,�a. g groped about,
Vb a ` ., , .� ane
m tl
Yet °the entire fault may have been , aghast.
A'ld forth
of he,
radua2,.a=otie .
� tri f 'orvnfir
t�ni�res ty p � � on the part the pedestrians We 'are d obi that house
`aiulty of Medicine; '.Licentiate ot the naturallyper- ' With no look backca
sPatiseiic with the cast.
Ontario College of Phys%iansd land
son who appears to be getting , the
Olurgeons: worst of The future beckons an
" a deal, d beams; .
Office Entrance: Plis s3 ht
etc i
t p ev
Imre s consider time 'a -
CFF6CE 3+"d CEII.^sFtCLMi BLOCK g � y Irradiant olden dr'
walker. He is a menace to the svliale g rams
r�otornotive :situation. It is stated s golden sheaves,
} , that :85 per cent. of the people killed B Of heut cannot forget the House
Fallen Leaves.
on the hi hwa are a walkers, 'The
&b . Margaret eCalderg S` 3 Y
most reckless motorist hardly has any- Clinton Scollard.
any -
General Practitioner .;.
Graduate University of Toronto, thing on the jaywalkers when it conies Fat But Not Stu ld.
to possible automobile accidents. And A
Faculty of Medicine, The stout old lady' was struggling
tfce—Jose n . sthe most careful' driver can at times
phi e t., two doors south 1•' ti b
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones—Office 2111, 'Residence 161
Ostecophatic ` Physician
All -Diseases Treated..
Office adjoining residence next
Anglican Church on Centre Street,
Open. every day except Monday and
\t'4 ednesday "afternoons, .
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone, 272'
Dr. 1. relX
Office `Bourst 2 to: 6 and 7 to 11 p.m,
Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint.
moat only.
Telepone 1331.
,a ii Jim triMel�I..,NNES
Qualified Gaadhate
Adjustments given for diseases of
atatl. kinds, 'specialize in dealing with.
children.' Lady attendant. X�'t ght calls
responded to:.
Office on Scott St„ Wingitate, :Oat.,
(tn house of the Late Jas plrstiter ..
Phone 150„
Jltnnlie Knew.
A teacher teas instructing'a cities In
'English and 'called on a,,,amali. boy
named J eanty Brown.
",7acnes,"' :she said, "write on the
17aard, 'Itiokard den ride the mule if
he wants te.'+ "
"Now'," continued .the teacher when
'ianmy had finished Writing,. "can yaat
find a better furan for that sentence?"'
""'leis, -ma'am; I. think 1 ean," was,
the prompt ranswor. "ltieh,grd cats ride
the untie 'it,the male Wantsh•int to."
kiappor (atter` the accideut)--"It
wail all your fault. 1"ie'filen. dr'i'ving
c--efully, I've bad, two years" evper
elite,' •
014 iley(picking hiloself tip) --"But
always, 'Walker' carefully. I've
had, 30 years' experience,"
It a a• a iJ to wolxtari. that will
*TV ,t nrisrtl %lnlsixt r,lad ;e0q0t.it4
til WXk� O AM ]TIy 'lVC
/F ,•
Canada is the winter playground of ing are but a few of the sports -which'
North America. Blessed with an equit- can be enjoyed` I "Can a in winter,
able qn ad i
climate and all the natural facili- Highland 'Inn a int t- which
.:g , winter resort-
ties for.the'enjoynent of winter, Cana- compares favorably with anything to
A v Y .� g
da -is able, to offer to her citizens; and be' found in Switzerland is operated In
visitors a variety.' of winter sports to Algonquin Park, Ontario, by the Cana -
be ...
e four
d uo
wh r
e a els 1 r r
e n the r
i world, dian fan:
National 0
N t na' Ra l� s: andthe. same
l a
Skiing, snowshoeing, ice boating, our'- system serves alhthe important towns
ing; skating, ice hockey;and,toboggan and cities where winter sports are
featured.. The largest of these is Mont
real, where; commencing in January,
the. largest' winter• carnival in the
;world will be' held. The carnival'eon-
chides with a beauty contest in :which
will be entered the prettiest girls from
a f • Ca ad " ch dresse
11 aril... o n a "each, .d.
the, costume of the sport in which she
is most proficient.
Advertised by Wi•
The United States is generally slip -
Dosed to be the horse of "stunt" ad-
vertising, but France is now chaileng-
va fan y, ut against odds of some 200 mg the supremacy of the land of the
hardly avoid running down this nuis- o
once to society,p ands, to mount the high step of the ! dollar in this respect
waitingitne .. 'Tome along, j y ,C, ma, „ One •of the latest publicity devices
The jaywalker who takes awful urged the conductor. • t'It they had to set Paris talking was the action of
chances on our public highways ought given You • more yeast when, you was a a French woman writer in broadcast -
to be arrested for his awn' safety. He gal, you'd be able to rise better. "'Yes, ing: some pages of her Iatest book by
ehrer d nte-tl'ea -Wit-11-4-418 .same _ern , Yoaina ratan 7 retorted. _as'.at ,last- wireless from an aeroplane.
sideration that should be' dealt. out to she", heisted herself .tri aeroplane._
umphantiy up. Peaceful ci'tizeus �vltzi .wireless
a reckless driver. This pedestrian who
frequently takes his life in his hands,
refusing to abide by carefully worked
traffic regulations, ought to be ostra-
cized from civilized society. He not
only puts his own life in jeopardy, but
also the lives of others, for naany:ae•
cidents have happened to innocent
people when cars have been wrecked
and people have been run down as not say eighths?"
"And if they'd given you -a bit more.
yeast you'd be better bred."
Thoroughly Modern.
Landlord (pleasingly,' at doorway)—
"Well, how do you like your new quar-
Tenant *(gazing 'sadly around) -"I
should hardly call them quarters, Why
aro a Iittle afraid of what may be the
next development in radio advertising,
but.•it is generally agreed that it can
hardly be so bad as the intensive
phone publicity which is now annoy-
nnoy-ing alt telephone suhScribeis,:
• The system of these phone "stunt-
ists" is to ring up people unknown to
then, to tell theni:all about the merits
of whatever article is being "boomed."
kA9r.3isR7dyi FSsV?.:r.j#011.4
01.2.a.,,, al,S f k . g+^ryl,f :a:!,r4,
The inotor st:hook er• shown above was btiffeted by the wages' in a
finally left in, the fantastic, Apse as the picture shrive,
real storm off the Cornish coast, and
\)F\5 rots'? 1~• AR 5
Schoolboy Howlers,
Where are the kings of England
crowned?—On their heads?
This was one of several of the latest
schoolboy`' howlers related by Me. Dud
ford Freeman, Director .of • Education
for Bristol, at a luncheon the other
Other extracts quoted from, recent
examination papers were:—
An optimist is a man who looks af-
ter x 7 e often.
ter Y0111-eyea '-u=-Naapt...�a� after
your feet.
The feminine of Tsar i • sardine.
A Circleis a line of no depth running
round a dot for ever.
The chief olause in the Magna Char-
ta was, that no free man should be put
to death without :his consent.
R.S.V.P. stands for Royal Society.
for Verniine Protection.
Guerilla warfare means "tip to their_
monkey tricks."
The wife of a duke is a ducky.
Solomon had '300 wives and 700 cu-
cunabers.: -
The Same "Treatment.
Hiram Jones, a resident of a country
village,. discovered a fire in his home
and endeavored to extinguish it. 13e-
ing unsuccessful,he• hastened to the
telephone to give the alarm to the vil-
lage chiefs --
Hi Jones—"My: house is on fire,
send help:"
Chiefe--"Ts that so? Have you tried
any .water on it?"
Hi Jones—"res; I have."
Chief -1'1'11m there•ain't no need of
us eaniin', 'cause that's what we would.
You niay censure the faults of
others when you have none of your
1‘latiaday, Jaatiisa y 37,' lal
Over the ins
(Chantey of, the .Soutlivr rate• a Seas.)
When the warm wlztdsighs :of a cora'
Dream o' Mino,
Over the;Ctiaii,
of a land ttralciiown ;to g
Dream 0' Mine,
Over the :trim;
Aver the rim of the weste.
Whore the paths of the wo
and free,
'With the mainsheet taut,
Dream o' Mine,
Over the Rio.;
FoIiow' the drift of ,pie flying spume,
Follow the. clear all far,
Where the twistedpalms on the white
beach loom,
And the dream and the Dreamer are,
the white yawl heels' to the.
steady wind,
Dream o' IVlzne,
Over the ltim,
And the billowing miles slide o
Dream o' 112ine,
Over the Rim;
Over the rim where the islands rise,
And the South Pacific drowsing lies,..:
The ooral ie pink as tha sundown skies,
Dream o',Mine, •
Over the Rim;
Follow the •rustling Huth. Sea Trail,
F'oliovr.•the trade wind's track, , •
Where the e salt spray 'sings.. an the
weather rail,
Over the rim—au'd Tack!
—Weed Dickinson.
His 'deal.
He strolled with, lovely, English IYlaude`
Beneath the. silver noon,
And heard in .newly budded woods
Tile, nightingale in tune l
With Scottish Jean he toured the lochs,
With Irish Nora, danced;
And gazed in ;Spanish'Lola's eyes,
But 'Ilene of; these .entranced';
t see,.
n Seat,
ld a,rs v
ad a swish
he -
in Venice, city of romance,
On purple nights of, stars
He floated down the 'Grand Canal
To laughter and guitars,
,With proud Francesca at his side-.
Her• dazzling beauty: "bold,
Of crimson lips and dusky locks
And 'lashes, left .him ,cold.
Among the cherry trees he sat
With geishas Of Japan,
As.,quaintly' clad as figures gay ..
Upon a paper fan,
The golden•. girls of China,- too, ,..,
Engaged him sipping tea
In 'queer pagodas red and gilt-e-•
Stillhe was fancy free.
He saw the fairest of the fair
In every land on earth,
.Returned and meta fia er `
The village'of his 'firth,
A, little freckled slangy. thing
A saucy minx and fell
So very hard for her, behold!
He rang the wedd4ing.bell.
—M3nna Irving.
l cYiE13i1
Eales :
their., ,'
Eagles and allies live to a
great age -100 years" or even more..
The youth of. the golden eagle' lasts
ten years.
114 RABIOrgoko
Qi-+ Gi✓..''! 11+1i51i T NEVER
AYot� 1741 A5 1 TAKe.`CAREOF.
\ , you MAY A WELL
fryty.E OP" `•i''OOR r-'ICND `HAT `WOO
V%J L , BeLlzve.
CioN y'A MARRY; YbuNCi
• , Sb,-, •.
✓rr r stir/,`Ssee,