HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-17, Page 4„
;mates have been rnaL fton,
e to tient: as to tbe number of ren1
ing sets ip use. The three Chica-
sto-tions, VVjAZ, WDAP, and
W regeested their listeners', to
itertstat their preference ae
au the composition of radio programs
The thne set for this special test was
twelve days,
The return,s ara now coMpleted and
'ate records show that e63,410 pieces
f mail were sent in. Experts figured
tt on a conservative basis, this vast
Weather foztst. Nits' nTriflitn Blees " "Sweet Fi-
xt.30 p. me -Special lete izese leen," “Santa Rose," I've Got die
b'oxtrot Somethin", But it Ain't No
rritflaYi, rY ;8 'Blues," "Clotick" (Popular selection
4,15 10. Tn,---OrKarl recital Lucild released through the National Aesoci-
I-Iale, from Cameo Motioa Piettive .ntion of 1.34"oadeasters, of which WOG
Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa. is a member), V. B. Roche baritone
7-15 P. In. ----Radio BoY Scout meet- aoleise
condncted by» Richard Vidor.; Inriday, January x8
stou inastee 'Troop No. z„ FIrst Pres- 15.p.•na-Chimes concert,
byterian Church/ and No. ee of the 7,no p. ni.---Saudenart's
Calvary Episcopal Church, Pitts- 7.5o p, ei,---Sport news and weather
burgh, P. foie:ease
7.45 p. .riennThe cbildren.s period.. 8.00 p, in,--Educatienal lecture,
8 p. ne---"National Steckman and •"nlealtli the Netioa's Greatest Asset,
, Farmer" market reports. ley .A. 11,,, Willis, 13, Ca a member of
8,15 p. m. -Sunday sehool lessen for the 'faculty of the Palmer School of
Jenuery zo, presented, by Dr, Be L. ;Chitepractic.
Lassning. 8,2p „p, 19. -Sunday scheol lesson -
8.30 p. nee --"Pay Your Bine Protnpt- ffraernetional lesson for next Sunday
ly Day," being the first prize paper ,disausset1 -hy Dr, Frank Willard
be the "Thrift Week" essay •contest. Court, 'Pastor Se Johns Methodist
8.40 p. tn.-Concert arranged by Ed- Episcapet'Cherch, Davenport, Ia.
evin P. Riehl, director of Knights of -9 P. /Iasi cal program (one
Counibia Opera ompny. hour), Eitwin Swindell, musical direc-
9.55p. ne-Arlingtort time sigmas, tor; 'Mrs. :Martin Silberstein, harpist;
Weather forecast. Edna Viewet, 'pianist; Sheffield Saxo-
phone etmetet.
,41111,101.10,t. of. mail represented about 13e
170,5Q0 listeners This wOuld indicate
iifiat at least that many people heard
The request and were using their re-
eeivers on at least one of the twelve
•eiKnings. The letters came from
many districts outside the United
Stetes. Some were received from Cu-
ba, Centrel America, Alaska and even
_Hawaii, Canada centributed some
An analysis shows that popelar mu-
ne was preferred by about ao per cent.
Classical musk ran a dose second
with a, percentage of o'er 26, The
lenience was made up of miscenalieeus
pz•eierences. This test was a valu-
ohle indication to the broadea.sters as
it showed the desire of the general
publie as to the make-up of programs.
Station WOR of Newark, Nev jer-
sey, has the distitsction of being heard
simultaneously in England aud japan.
This is a new record in radio broad- I
cesfing and will take some beating.1
This is reaching out over , half way
around the earth.
Saturday, January X9 :station ft34s meteisy
6,15 p, ne-Dinner concert by West- ;niers, Illinois
inehouse Band, under the direction of tE.xiblaY, niannarY
T. j. 'Vastine, Program: March 'At- pee ne me -Concert.
torney General," Kin. selection eKortielar, jannarY 21
"Faust," Gotiaod; char,acteristique
9.Q131). ten -Concert. •
piece, Darkey's Jamboree," Pierner;
"Parade of the Dolls," Gruenwald; ex-
eerpts froni "Fairy Opera," "Hansel 231•438911k1
and Gretel," Iltsznperdanek; "Dance Ma J. !Johnston shipped a car of
Turgue," Polak -Darnels; waltz, "Wine' hogs to Toronto csn ;Saturday and Mr,
Woman end Song," Strauss; clarinet F. Black also shipped ,case on Tues -
solo, "Air Va.rie ' eVinettan Strong; (147:.
1"Flower Song -Adoration," Bainard; Mr, ,jas. Gannett Itas purchased the
"Excerpts from the Mountebanks," Thos. jewitt property and Intends to
Ga.nne; "'Bowl of Pansies," Ravnard; move in ,s•hoetly.
."Dance Des Suitanes," Polak -Daniels, Miss Helen McLaren spent A -week
7.30 p. m. -"Bringing tne World to with friepds at Winghane.
America,' prepared by "Our World." Mr. awl Mrs. M. Masters of Bel -
7 -45 P. m, -The children's period, grave visited relatives hey Sunday.
8 p. na-Feature. The Wroxeter Dramatic Club will
8.15 p. in. -"Foreign Trade of the give their pear here Wednesday an.
!tiled States,." Howard C. Kidd, pro- 23 in the Foresters all. The ;title
fessor of foreign trad.e, University of is "The. Colonel's, Maid". It is :a
ittsburgh. comedy. in 3 acta and takes over two
8,30 p. m,......."'Share With Others hours. It is something that is taking
Station EnDIKA (326 Meters) •
Westinghouse Electric
East Pittsburgh, Pa, 1„
Eastern Standard Tiree
Thursday, January 17 t
6.15 p. i. -Dinner coacert by the C
Fort Pitt Hotel Orchestra, Harry °
aeie., xppductor.
7.30 p...re.-Weekly- chat with the
farmers,- by Frank E. Mullen, radio
-editor, 'ttenation-al Stockman arid
ay," Rev. Hugh Thomson Kerr, pas- ; well an:11 all Omelet -tern out and hear
r of the Shadyside Presbyterian them, It is coming- under the ins-
hurch, Pittsburgh, being the fourth pices of L.O.L. No. 766.
f the series of "Thrift Week" talks. ------
840 P. ma -Concert by Westing.,
house Band, conducted by T. J. Vas -
tine, assisted by Christine Raunn so-
prano, and taliver C. Aiton tenor;
,Fa.riner." 'Ethel McTeak accompanist pro ra
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church,
Belgrave, held their first meeting of
the year on Wednesday, Jan. gth., at
the home Of Mrs. Ernest Geddes.
7.45 P. ns. -The children's period. Selections by h -and, overture, "Merry Seventeen ladies being present. After
8 p, menneNetional Stockman encl.{ Wives of Wiedsor," Nicole; excerpts the usual preliminary, the subject of a
Farmer" .nieettet ,report. Ifrom "A Summer Evening in Ha- new lighting system for the church
8.15 p. ns -Farm program continued., wall," Wheeler; cornet solo, "Carry was discussed and it was decided that
8.30 p. m.--Btedget Day,' by ...A.A C. !Me Back To Old Virginny," Brand.
the Society purchase gasoline lamps
Robinson, president Peoples Savings lcaprice, "In a Woodland Glade," to replace the oil lamps now in use
an Trust Company, -second in the , Homes; valse, 'Espagole," Corbin; and which are practically worn out.
series of "Thrift Week" ;talks, i excerpts from the "Bartered Bride," The business of the meeting being
8.40 p. in.-Copcert by the KDKA 1 Smetana; potpurri, "A Night in Ber- ended a social hour was spent and the
Saudek, conductor, assisted by Lillian 1 lin," Hartman; "Patrol Guard Mount" hostess assisted by Miss jean Geddes
little Symphony Orchestra, Victar1 Eilenberge soprano selections, "Hear dispensed of a dainty luncheon. A
Canuti, soprano, and Frank M. John- Ye, 0 israelt" from "Elijah," Mendel- hearty vote of thanks was tendered to
ston, jr., bass, from the studio ol Win ssohn; "Annie Laurie," Arr. Eliza Le-
Eein Stevenson. Frogmen: selections 1 Innen; "1 Bring You Hearts Ease,"
by the orchestra, march "Liberty Branscomb; tenor solos, selected.
Bell," Sousa; " Mighty Lak a Rosenti 9.55 p, rn.-Ar in on time signals.
1' gt * m . -
The ethodist tehurch
Nevin; "Lullaby," Nevin; 'The Ro-; Weather forecast.
Miss Alna Izon is visiting, with her
enusin, MrS,, Gegrge Walker of hnsat
Mrs, John Campbell is in Windeor
visiting with tier son, Mr. Chester
Longman tind famibr•
Miss Annie Kenntsdly, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs John itennody of 2nd.
of Kieloss telt Tueeday to trein
for a purse in Goclerich nfisriee I-Ios-
Pital. We wieli her success.
Mrs. Andrew VQX was in Galt last
weelc visiting with her daughter Miss
Mr. Wm, Stein of Simpson, Sask.,
visited last tveek with. his sister, M
Wm. Perdon,
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ininde
daughter, Marian of Waseca. Sasl
who have been visiting, with her pa
eists, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, le
on Saturday to visit relatives
Wroxeter and Toronto.
Mr. Francis of St. Marys was
these lea.rts testing the dairy cows
Mr. James Dow's herd of shorthorn
While here he called on his unc
Mr. George Cottle.
Missee Doreen andefuri el Ptirdo
visited with their aunt, Mrs. Irwi
Henry of Belfast.
Miss Nettie Cottle is nursing in Rip
ley, this week.
The Young People of the Methodis
Church are holding their social even
ing, next week. Besides the pictur
slides a splendid program, is bein
Mr. Alec. Simpson, who has bee
with his sister, Mrs. Musgrove., o
Wingham, is visiting with his sister
Mrs. Frank Henry.
Mr. Alex. Kennedy of Winnipeg i
visiting with his parents, Mr. an
Mr, avid Kennedy, sr. It is twenty
years since he was home and .he wil
be vvelcomed by many old friend.
A few of the young people spent a
pleasant evening on Thursday at the
home of Mr..and Mrs. Jas. Falconer.
Mrs. Wm. Martin and Mrs. Mc-
Beien, visited friends in Auburn last
inn -nand Mrs. Haggett of Blenh
event ehe weelc-end at the home of her
Parents, Zr. and Mrs. Alex. Emerson.
Mrs. Seeanghars and son Andrew,
of Anhurn, spent last Thursday with
her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Laidlaw.
A few young people spent a pleas-
ant evening on Fida.y at the home of
Miss Tena Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid and family
of Ashfield visited on Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. W, R. Farrier.
Mr. Jarvis, who has spent the past
month with his daughter, Mrs. Reid
returned on Sunday to his home.
les the Editer tie the Adeance,
Deer Sur, -
a sorry matt 1 am intoirly
that I didn't down to London to
the big shoreed in honor av Mistter
Meig'ben, bet em tetild it wild, hey
been no place fer an fellah 'Mite
Inc wid a lame back. Whoy carin
then heir thine tings in the Sianiner
toirne labia a "lot av ottld lads cud.
go down in shtoyle, in mites, inshtead
av bein jammed into railway thrains
loike a lot av harses bele. shipped to
market, arr mebby aint as baggage
re- add frind Sneath? I beleve,
in makin tbiin governeniut railroads
ad pay ixpinees, but, &Imre, it isn't dacint
r- stp fer the whole ti 1 1
• to take good motley frum e lot av
p, once a lot a
ft cint Tories an thin melee teim slatan
harses, as I said befoor. None av th
byes who whit down are noin ann
in- kickin, bein as they 'hey the rale ould
of Tory shtuff then an don't moind
s- little ittpinse arr inconvaynienee whin,
le it is fer the good av the partly. 'Tis
diffrunt wid Onto Grits. It vend take
ra a Gerrnen bomb to stair thim out av
n theer thracks. I nivir bela.ved tinin
shtories about broibery be the Grit
parthy an fer good raysons. In the
fursht place wheer wud ye foind a
t Tory willin to take money fer his vote
- an m the nixt place wheer wud ye
e foind a Grit willin to put it up. Now
g don't let sonie fellah reverse the
charge, as the tillyphone girruls say,
a an troy to make ye tink that wid the
f Tories ready to give, an the Grits
, ready to take, the case anoight be dif-
frunt. If annybody puts up a yarn
s av that koind to ye, don't ye belave a
d wurrudnav it.
, I uudershtand Mishter Meighen had
some ae, tlaim Frinchies on the plat-
foorm wid him in London, an, shure,
Win glad to hear it. -Thim lads are
awl roight if we kin only git vo-
tin Tory agin, the way they. used to
do in ould Sir John A's tonne. Av
coorse we didn't na.de thim its 1917,
an at the- lasht elickshute we ,cuddent
git thirn, but now wid Mishter Mc-
Kenzie King houldin conversashuns
wid Mishter Crerar, it is toime fer us
Tories to be shtirrin oursilves, arr we
may hey to shtay out in the co,o/d fer
a.- long toime, an Ottawa is a could
shiest fer Toriee wid the Grits an 1,1.
F. O's runnint .the counthry. Av
comae Mishter Crerar. an Mishter
Dunning say they wussent ta.lkin poli-
ticks in Ottawa, at all, at all, but jist
came dowry frum the Wesht fer the
roide, loike me frind jiggs wint to the
funeral. bet that whin me frind
Mishter Mattliewrnan gits shtarted he
will be able to put up a lot hetther
yarn. than that.
Our 1924 Council got on theer new
shkates on Monday /might ler the
fursht toinie. undershtand the oice
*us a little thin in shpots, so that
they didn't troy anny fancy shtunts
yit, an wud, advoise thine nivir to
troy anny, arr some av thim will be
cuttin figger eights wid theer hales in
the air nixt Decimber. Av coarse I
,heven't annyting in pertickular agin.
thim byes in the Council, but they -will
shtand watchin, Whin we had Quid
war, h,arses loike Greer an Tipling an
Elliott a-rround the Council board we
somehow cud shlape in pace, knowin
that the town wus safe, but wid' a
shprinklin av otdd wans, mebby it
wad be as well fer us to kape our oyes
on thim.
Yours fer a wake back,
Timothy. Hay.
A great many- people are takingthe
advantage of the good 'sleighing draw-
ing logs, and wood. and hay. Mr.
John joynt, M.R.P., has his teams
rs, Geddes for her hospitality. The drawing' logs
next meeting will'be,held in March, Helens, 11.°n1 the faxen formerly own -
to ..his saw mill in. St.
ed by John and Neil McMillan.
A few of our young Orangemen of
mry," Nevin; "The Atonement of Station WOC (484 meters) • ro.00 a. m. -Meetings for prayer and
didaY January 2otle, 1924-
Pan" (permission Schirmer Company) The Palmer School of Chiropractic praise. e
natermezza end Dance of the Nymphs Davenport,- Ia.
pies, Hadley; Gems from Stephee tr a. ns. -'Morning Worship "The
Eastern Standard Time Permanent and Transient of Pente-
Man Acte, and Dance of the Har- Thursday, January 17 cost."
well; "Uncle Remus," MaeDowell; 7,30 p. in.-Sandritan's visit. "Sins of the Tongae, Women who
Foster; "To a Wild Rose,"- ManDo-1 6.45 p. in. -Chimes concert. 7 p. rn.-Evening Worship, subject
tches Dance," MacDowell; "Littlei 7.50 p. ni.--Sport news and weather Gossip and Men who Svvear."
Flower Garden," BtieI; march, "The forecast Monday 8 p. ne-Social and Liteary
Enalt of America, Pryor; bass and ease p. m.--Infusical .program (onel Evening.
soprano solos, selected. hour). P.S.C. orchestra, Gerald M. Weds-sesday 8 p: week ser -
gess p. -Arlington time signals. Barrow, director, featuring Is and -vice of prayer and raise.
a:Xf7,40P9,P1' •'" •
Every hotiseN,Vifeknows sh.g can save money at any one of the
DOMINION STOtES . That is one reason why we have a million
customers each week. AnOther reason is DOMINION quality.
It is a comfort to know that you car?t go wrong in anything you
buyat your grocery. Ever3rthing on our shelves is of as high a
quality as you can buy anywhere. Here you. find the nationally
known brands you have bought for years. Here also you vvillfind
our own special brands, of high quality and low price. You will
do better a the red front DOIVIINION STORE.
10 cakes' -
3 cakes
3 f9r
Large padkage
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- ILK1V/ON tql0Z
E-7-thaosio -
ti C.0110E',
.‘*2 itirJA
No. - hforjC
No, 3 tin 2".3e
8c PEACHES -Pound
67? Za 3 St.CHALESorCARNA-
P 19
4,1 or 1 5c
, /ION MILK-Bab3r size e for
1 1 TIONMILK-115 62k tat f0r
PLOUR-24 pounds - 84c
BMX COCOA -2 146. baga driti..r""
Dominion Stores Exclusive
Brand -1 pound tin -
3,6 pound tin
$rxrd11-4 eta
target thi
tielfast, egg, are very busy preparing
an excellent program for their box
Isoeial which -will be held in their hall
Friday evening r8th. come and en-
joy yourself. •
Mr. Angus Nickelson has bought
the property formerly owned by Mrs.
Jas. Borland, he now owns nearly all
the business part of the main street
of -Belfast.
Mr. Prank Moran of the 8 con. has
returned to Detroit to continue his
tevork there, and his sister Miss Irene
has returned to Winglxam to her stu-
dies in the Business College.
Mrs. Vint, Mary and Elsie were visi-
tors with Mrs. Sam Thompson, last
Saturday afternoon. -
The V.F.O. and, V. F. W. 0. held a'
joint meeting in the club house at
Courev's c-orners last Tuesday even-
ing, the delegates for the convention
read their reporte,,Mrs. T. J. Lennon,
j and Mrs. George ape for thaV.F.W.
i 0. Zed Mtn; -Z-T-Lernion-rOr- the-Ve
Last Friday night the members of
Courey S corners club held a card par-
ty and other games an report a pleas-
ant time,
Mr. and Mrs. John Little of ro con,
have moved back into theirhome they
formerly lived in four years ago.
The W. M. S., of the Methodist
circuit will be held in Hackett's
church on Thursday afternooft se.
Ur. R, D. Cameron of Lucknow will
give an addrese,
The Rev. Dr. F. Louis Barbor Bur-
son. of Victoria College preached in
Ha.cleett's Church, Sunday afternoon
and in Blakes Church in the evening,
on educational work, subscriptions
were received.
Mr. Jas. Culbert and Mr, IsaaC
Stothers of etlentett has bonght a new
Rev. M. W. E. Treleaven of Luck-
ahna dy Npvritl is ss taarrl td pi sb
r es busy buying
s intg soon.yiig up hay,
Luck -
now occupied the pulpits in St, liele
ens and E,ast Ashfield last Saturday.
Mr. Russell McIntosh visited with
Mr. Gorden, Ray of Turnberry.
Mrs, Fred McIntosh and daughter
and little boy is visiting at Lorne
Lairds this week,
• . i
Mrs. Nelson Sternol is not mprov-
- ing as well as we would like.
A number from the burg attended
Sam Burke's sale in Wroxeter last
Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie, enter-
tained their neighbors Friday eireeing.
Mr. Robert Brawn lost a fine cow
last week,
zsp- acres its from 'Wing -
ham, elose to school and church.
no acres cleared and tillable,
balance timbered, frame house
aed bank bath, well watered,.
hatgam, for quick st4 .
,Inatzettlise 5xtat
idling-11am Boy to Wed
Mrs. Christena MacDonald, Gro v e
St., Guelph, announces the engage-
ment -of her youngest daughter, Bea-
trice Muriel, to Mr, Gordon M. Young
c f Toronto. The marriage tortake
place in. Chalmers Church, Guelph, on
hursda.y, Jan. uten.
Dopn't Invite a Slump r-
e_xilTpecttatTI:Tkee}p4rii:Talljhrt-CaharisiTm''''''tlas droti'ss.h'L
now that the holiday is over, but
rhete is no reason why you should in-
vite a slump in business, by simply
letting things slide. Though they wit]
slack up a bit, the public isn't going
to stop buying and ese merchant who
gets the business is 'usually the*one
who is aggressive in going after it.
Don't neglect your advertising, and to
help tis Out, try and get your copy in
early next week,
St. Pauls Church Notes
Thursday, Jan. 17-A donatioa tea
in aid of the work of the Women's
.Auxiliary will be held at the home of
Mrs. Robe Allen. All the ladies are
cordially invited.
Jan. 20 -Second Sunday after the
8.3O a, ii. -Holy Communion.
II a. rn.--Mattins and Litany.
2.50 p. m. -Sunday School and Bi-
ble Class.
7.00 p. in. -Evensong.
Monday, Jan. 21 -Annual •estry
Thursday, Jan. 3r ---Reserve this
date to hear Bishop Dewdney of Ke-
vvatin on "The Great Northland of
Gann)," detailed announcement af
meetings later.
Remember a welcome awaits you at
St. Pauls Church. All seats free.
High School Literary
The regular meeting of the Wing.
ham High School Literary Society
was held in the Ats'embly Halle Fri-
day, jau. Ix 024 with the xst. Vice
President, Dorothy Snell in the chair.
The Seeretery Miss Louise Hanna
read the minutes of the r,preceding
meeting 'of the Soeiety which were
adopted. The following program was
then rendered.
Piano Instrumental, ietiss Caroline
Reading, Miss Margaret Pettigrew.
Vecal Solo, Miss Mona Sanderson.
Addtess, Mr, Harold Mitchell, sub-
ject "Napoleon."
Vocal Duet, Miss Eva Rintoul, and
Lc>AtidtsdereHssa,"Ma.r. Georg E. Fa,1cortela
subject "Public Speaking."
Instrumental Duet. Missee Etnia
Pinch and 'Yvonne MacPherson.
Reading, Mr. Theodore Robertson,
jotiroal read by is Marjorie Gib.
meeting clonted with the sent
Critics Remarks, Mr. Wilbur nald-
the National Anthem
Thnredaed j. nnts?,'Sexertbe ;One'
I 111101101111iiomoliono4olowolial cot licommoutio101111111101iiiiiipir
The best paying product of THE FARM tet.daY cream
LA;rzliheclatArniviaL1Rteyt for your erearn ie right; at benne at- the
Es a month,
Ask -us about our price guarantee,
Maitland Creamery,Wingliant
Ullittd Farmers' Co -0,p. Co. Lidl. Phone 271w.
'nun, Fri. and $at.; Jan. 17,
IMon., Tues., and Wed., Jan. at, 22, 23
A Western Drama, Cattle Rustlers, adventure and romance
1 .
n. A Western Drama with a lot of Comedy relief
jiv beildr ' Matinee Saturday. Five prizes will t I,
Chn 0 Luz,. ma
ii ky Ticket holders. Prices xoc and aoc =
III • Don't forget the Lion "Minstrel Revue" Jan. 24 and 25 all'
liammamm i is wan ins a lin ,
i ...,_ _NEE ENE inna- Is mosimirs I= ill NEE ...."*
-......... mi immoutammil IC MI Xi
Mrs. Oliver Thom
The popular Worthy
Iniron Chapter No 89 DI
Mistress of
nee, E„a.stern,
Hockey Schedule
The following hockey schedule
have been -drawn dp in this district:
Junior Group
Jan. 56-Goderich at Clinton,
fan, *2.8--C1inton at Goderich.
Goals to count.
Jan. 14a-Kinca.rdine at Wingliam.
Jan, 17---Winglam at Kincardine.
Jan. 21--Inineardine at Wingham.
Jan. 24-Wingliam at Kincardine.
n Senior Group
Jan. 15-Lucknow at Klima -Mine.
Jan. 17-Kincardirte at- Lucknow.
Jan. 22-Tencknow at Kincardine
Jan , 24---lameardine at Lucknow.
Mes, Daniel Macintosh Dead
Mrs. Daniel Macintosh formerly
Penelope Kennedy of the 2nd,, Con.
Kinloss, died in London Hospital on
Tuesday, Jan. 8, after several weeks
illness. Her husband. also one son,
Alex. died several years ago.' She
Watch for the Women's Institute -
Contest. Further information later.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Scott left'
on Monday afternoon for their bon:Le-
in West Lorne, The best wishes Of a,.
host of friends win follow them to
their new home.
Mr. Thos. Burke of Jamestown has.
purchased a. choice 25 acre farm from.
Mr. Robt. Hamilton at Bluevale.
Sorry to report • that Mr. Jas. Mc-
Gee is under the doctor's care theee-
; Miss Kathleen Kerr leaves this..
week to train for a nurse in Goderidr
Hospital, The young people of the -
community held a surprise party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kerr
:for her on Friday night.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwie and sons:
Ivan of Belgrave spent Sunday with
wheranceprarents Mr. end Mrs. $lisha
Mr.- Robert Castles of T'oronte-
visited last week with Ins aunt Mrs.
Jas. Bone.
Mr, Leslie 'Wightrnan had his head.'
severiy culla st Tuesday when a
limb of a tree fell on him while work-
ing in the busts.
welkisswitAhlifniriitiaRsoibuinmstenattisiPowege, nese_
Weddingb ells ringing on the loth.
Mr. John Gillespie had the radio itt-
stalled in his home on Saturday.
Mr, R. M. McKay spent a few days.
t us Toronto during the week.
1 Miss Tiffin of Goderich is a visitor
at the Methodist Parsonage.
Inns. Elston of Exeter visited her
brother, Mr. S. H. Gidley for a few
2 Mr, James Roes of Edmonton eisied
ed Ismother and sister, Afrs. Me -
i Gowan for the last weele,
The inaugaral meeting of 1924 coati -
ell will be held 'Monday, Reeve Milnei
will reveve the work of the venom
i departments during ‘, the year, and
I will touch on a prospece, that will be
!undertaken during the year his one
strong theme will be the imperative
need. for Hydro Electric, in this eneant
I Mr. Walter,Magill is progressing^
favorCbly after his recent operation for
leaves to mourn her one son, Jam et, 1 aPPendicitls"
at home -and Lizzie, Mrs. Neil Mc-: -------------
Callum of Langside and Annie Mrs,
McQuillan of Kinloss and :thla at;
home. Their rnany friends in this'
community extend the deepest sym-
pathy to the bereaved family.
Mr. Sandy Kennedy of Guelph, al
brother also attended the funeral,'
which took place on Friday to Luck -
now cemetery,
Fines Imposed in County court
The total fines imposed it the
County Police Court in 5923 amount-
ed to $11,1x2.08, about $2,0oo more
than in the previous year. The fol-
lowing table, secured front the Po-
lice Magistrate's office, shows to
whom these fines were paid:
Provincial Treaeurer )529.75
Prove Licenee ConirmasiOts 6175.00
Federal Go -mewl -seta r65o.ots
Conetables' fees
Witness lees 121.15
Prov. Officer Whitesideeeeta 25 00
Fees paid her pereons...---. 28040
Connty- of Heron crz.cio
Wirtglam ...
W. Wawanosit
Watclz our D. L, 4R. W. Black
Diamond Shine at the Minstrel
Revue, Thursday, awl PtidaY
Jan. 2.1 and es.
, We are prepared to pay the
highest pritted for any quality of
Hard or Soft Wood Logs, de-
livered in our yards at Wiirp