The Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 10VIII"l'N ?,i lel ,tia1;�.f, q l MatION
NE it j
Cl race oaf C13h'aDi¢u Cre':e '1111•esscs, ex.
a .
ce atl�o r , al values an: d quality
Crepe, :Browns, Blacks, Co.
Hors. ? e ., up to $35
ee our I4 d
Ja ary Clearanc
n 9
r • r t. _
d Suits, �'h�ld�r � � , ail
Ready t �� v v ear.
Jan . , ars price o 'Men's
tf'•y vercoats an S1;its.,
scut n, en's Suits, r
$20.00 for $12 95.
,a vaprurw�mnuuNZWiNrR+hnNier; a„yr ,�«: lu :�:y w �i,. .-,+,a.
'lite stormof last,.Suttday was very
severe, making it-•tihnost nripossiblc
for traffic there -were no preaching in
either 1.1,•toleett's or East Ashfield
Mr. end 1iJr•s. Mercy Graham of
Slteperton spent New Year's Day
with the litters parents Mr, and Mrs,
Dttu'ial Alton, of Lance.
Miss Winnie Cunningham of Port
Albert, spent New Year's day with her
sister Mrs, George Lane, of Lanes. •
Ng Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint, Mary
tl and Elsie, of Belfast, spent New Year
Day with IVIrs. Viet's brother ThosnaS
Taylor of St. Helens.
Mr, and Mrs. Adam Johnston Myr-
tie ,and Gordon motored to Mr. John-
ston's sister Mrs. Arthur Ctrlbert's
near Dungannan and spent New
Year's day with diem.
Last Monday came off very quiet
there will be no election, The old
I3oard was returned by acclamation, as
Reeve, follows: Reeve, kr•an.. Johnson; De -
piny Reeve,. John Jamieson; Council-
lors, John Famish, John ,Campbell,
Thomas Sullivan. •
Miss Johnson of Turnberry, resum-
ed her duties in Belfast school.
East Ashfield W.M.S. held - a very
successful meeting last Friday after-
noon, Mrs.. Adam. Johnston presided
in the unavoidable absence of our
president Mrs. (Rev.) Cummings.
Co.; ;..edi t$
HITECHURCH village for Came years. Mr. McTav-
ish made a short and feeling reply.
Sorry to report the serious illness i'} he gathering; all joined in singing,
of Mrs. Eimer Tiffin. "We Are All Jolly Good Fellows. _.
Miss Elsie Stewart has secured a Speeches were made by the council
school in Culross. Mr. Mac Stewart :men. All expressing their regret at
.1 -ewe -fled to University on Wednesday.' Mr, McTavish leaving, After which a
splendid lunch was served by the
wives of the councilmen.
Mr. J. R. Gibson who has been re-
pairing his saw mill is now ready for
On account of the stortn on Sunday.
the attendance at Church was small.
Mr. and Mrs.. Alec Butler and son
Alec of Clinton who have been visit-
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melons,returned home on Saturday,
Mr. Wm. J. Steon of Simpson, Sask.
is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Jas.
'Mr. Wesley -Tiffin has been on the
sick list lately.
Miss Valetta Tiffin has secured a
'school in Moorefield.
The young people of. Whitechurch.
-and viciuity held a surprise party at!f
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Slither-
'land oti Friday evening. Ali report a
good tine.
Miss Nettie Cottle and Miss Olive
Owning to the severe storm on Sun-
day a few_ faithful ones ventured out
to service -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickson and
family of Tees -water also Miss Mar-
garet Austin and Lloyd Zinn • spent
New Years at Mr. McNeill,. •
Terriff are expected horse from the!
West this week.Mrs, John Peterman has returned
=Y ,y�_�__ ,r:asir_:o,, —eta!: from Fergus-
--_'-""- :. ' sari's' """'v��—."-sx-�-"1:3 s.�..,.t-' i - _..�.: r
Miss Hannan Ste, -stokes of lite lute,
credit for the standing he has in the visited Monday with Mrs. Eleanor
i+arnter's Advocate Contest. We' hope efrra
to see his name still higher on the list 7Th se' who took in the play Friday
before the contest closes.
evening were well pleased with the
Mr.George Bean of:Goderich
ed withhis brother -in -lawn; Mr. Amos. perfornmance. .The'sum of $48.4o was
raised, The Institute ladies: have
Cornelius for a couple of• days last
P y purchased a piano for the hall..';;
e. t
vin'` to the'lack' water here
' t7 gof
i4lessrs: Chas, 'Gillespie; James Pat-
has b 1- trink r
been no s at !
ring`on ie iic ye
terson and Stanley Thompson left for Detroit last ;week.
This week :it will likelybe flooded,
with water from the creek.
Mr. and 11Ir, er inJohnstonan
5. H , be johzisto d
The annual meetingof the Sabbath
Helen, who have been 'visiting tvith
School, held Monday evening, shows
relatives in this vicinity returned last
the school in a prospering condition
week to their home in Inwood.. over 100 scholars on the roll. The of-
fering and Mrs, Ilerbert. Laidlaw andfering amounted to:over $too: After
.Luella :spent New Year's with Mr, the bus ries affairs of the 'pectin
:and Mrs. H. 111cClenaghan. t
Miss .I' ue11a Conti rets me 1 toTOr- luricli was served.
C,o u c Mr•. Robert Baird has a new gravel,
onto ort. Saturday.
walk -t
in front of his residenceNt ise Annie Henryl a'esihis
Mt, and Mrs. Hydanan, Go.rite ate
week'for New York. New Years dinner at_George Nerds,.
Mrs, Agnes Grill held a birthday' r --
party on IVtonda.y afternoon. {
EAST WAWPNOSH 4 nuinlaer of our citizens will attend
•.:h (lie banquet to 'S,}r •Arthur,Meigiro i at
On account of the storm there was' -London -on Friday.
no services in -Calvin :and ftricic char- Dr. Annie Ross of McDonald Insti-
cites on Sunday, - trite, Guclp}r is visiting her mother and
.the Women's lnslitutc of Donny-, sister Mrs. 1.). McGowan in East Wa-
brook held an alit Cone social evening eranosh,
and i
at the home of \Ir, Mrs, oe .r•
aJ There dict. .}n � London Jan. ;th.
�- Every
i... _y- a°
C;lmamney on 'Friday evening. ;;ver7 Mrs. Jonathan trendy aged 56, The
one was to dress gas their parents and body was conveyed 'to the home of
r seters g The -ib y y
€;raxxdpa.ent. did years ago. C e ev Mr, Thomas li;ern%clm: Service was.
ening was a Mtge success as these old conducted by Rev. George Telford
time styles made many good laughs. i followed by in.terment ilk l.Jniou come
Miss Lulu Clianxitey returnect''to To- Wednesday,
ronto: on
W G )' :Ivirs.T arries . I-iuchste 1i1 eeturned
Mr, ,Clayton`Robirtson left on Sat- from Toronto having visited friends
urday to work on one of Mr. 'Morley for a couple of weeks.
�ord2ns mail routes in, Clinton, IVT'. Walter Magill :'will beaken to
'the' Godericb Hospital this week' for
iciti ..
Ian A e aticlrfi.fOr appendicitis,
lS, '
�7'i2t)'XE'I'EI2 � n P r pP
Miss'�'Pearl Gidle spent New Years
1 Y 1.
Bev, l)i•. ,hIarkxress of Ripley toren with I-lespler friends.
r this place, 'cache t� Following er alto of .t r s a d r a
, p �is the result of theMuni-
P 1 { • ,t,r,
: sermons here last'Sunday ci al Election, ' held, on lvlonday,
7. p /
Ii'l:v° :CJ.r. 'I.,iowti, of Wroxeter and, Milne by acclamation for sec -
Rev. Mr. Finley of GQrrie will ex.- l and term,
:,ihrin e sal its next Sunda
g' f J. Y � i Councillors:— Mr.Howard Bruns-
.. " ,,.. :.. Chambers,
Mrs. Geo. Town who has been very;cton Mr, G. Arf. C.hambets, Me, Colin
noorly for the `past few weeks,%s nol ..;rtgal, UxJolla deffrMr.
improvitg her rnaity friends would. smith, Sid MeW. John -
wish to see her.We hope to see her
around a again - `'
.xr r soonn again, 'First four Councillors cle.r.tett.
A very pleasant evening was spent:
the home of Mr. Jim: Douglas!
(rteevo) on ''Wednesday evening Jan, IA/CB-NOW
In honor of Mr. D. McTavish. and( There was voting Imre Monday for
family wtmq.interni moving to Brussels t thy, Council only, Robert Johnstonsoon. 'mi.,: evening., Was spent with l having been elected reeve by
games, music anti. song's. A pleasing .nation. The voting was ,as follows;'
feature of the evening was a neatly; ('come 11 Smith, 345; 1, N. Hod -
worded address •read: by councilman I gins, 275; Elliott =Milli' 24,3; 1.7 M.
Fred Davey and a cheque presentedi Johnstonc, 2i5; A. t„' Millsott, 200,
by the �.:stttc,
tr MV.ft • Wearing r to ll t• t. (defeated); David Houston (defeated)
. ? eTte14511h stelae has been Clerk of theiI`. l:trlti.n. '(defeated').
Mr. and Mrs, M. Gardner visited at
Fordyce one day recently.
Quite a number attended the ota
dire dance given at Mr. J. Chamney's
on Friday evening last week.
A few spent' a social evening last
week at Mr. E. J. Haines' and report
a grand time.,
Iter.' McDonald of St. Helens it at
present visiting at A, Rintoul's.
Mr, CF Mil till who :laspresainrs.
bay at John Webster 's last week is
changing the engine and press- from
the Wheels to the sleighs .before start-
ing out again.
Mr. George Phillips has .;the col -
tract for the school wood this year
at $3.70 a cord, twenty inches long.''
The regular monthly meeting of the
'Women's Institute will'meet at the
hone of Mrs. Dan: Geddes on Tues.,
Jan. x5 at . 1.3o. After the meeting
the ladies will serve tea at the hone
of, Nurse McCrea: Everybody corse.
I Civil Engineering
1 Fred A. Edgar
• Registered Profession Engineer
pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons having claims against the
Estate of Richard Porter, deceased,
who died on or about the twenty-
n inth day of November, A. T). 1923,
at the Toivn of Wingham hi the Pro-
vince of Ontario, are required to send
by post, prepaid, or to deliver to John
Porter, vVingliarn; Ontario, the Exe-
cutor, on or before the fourth day of
Febrtfar-y, A. D. 1924, their names and
addresses, with full particulars of their
claims in writing, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by thein
duly verified by a statutory declara-
11 ,t..,-Ion,.:}d;n en:rl-fn)ir+h day of .Feb -
Y, 9 4,
ruary, 2 the assets •of the said es-
tate will be distributed by the Execu-
tor among the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claims
of which they shall alien have notice,
and the estate will not be liable for
any claim not filed at the tine of the
said distribution.
DATED at Wingliam this eigth day
-of January, A. D. 1924.
R. Vanstone,'
uitig ham P. O.
Soiicitor.for theExecutor.+:
Card of 'Thanks
Mrs. Thomas Jewitt aiid farnily
wish to thank.their friends and neigh-
bors for their kindness and sympathy
during the illness of husband and fa -
tiler and; at the tin'ie • of his death.
These kindnesses will not soon be for-
gotten. •
tIrs, Jewitt and family
Moved to Owen Sotind
t iareace Washburn, president of the
tit \7r.T3;A andforseveralyears ace
countant :at the 'Wellington Products,
Hlrriston, has moved to Owen Sound
where lie has accepted a sirniliar posi-
tion. Mr. 'btlash hurn is well-known
in Hitrriston and has flimsy wenn
friends. Tele will be a Valuable asset
to the Owen Sound baseball team
next year,
-well. is .i ..-n- n in
Mr.; Wasliliurrt r, v known
v4"nxghanl. )-le is a brother of Mrs.
W. R Hamilton,
Ninety '9'eara and Well
Mr. 13, Gerry writirtg to Brussels
friends from his home in Fort Wit -
';ire having extra fine
weather at the head -of the lakes, not
art's" slpows" nor much heavy frost. Wood
and. coal dealers are having a poor
Winter bat the consumers ' are coming
through o, k Wood cutters • in the
bush are calling for snow as they can, -
1101: bring the cordwood and pulpwood
to market and they are depending on
the delivery for their wages, Nelson
Gerry has been cutting wood by the
cord on his farm.but as they have to
cross -<t large river are depending on
the ice for a bridge,; I -1e has 7 black
fohxes on the °farni, tlie' woodcutters
attendingto the•foxes. They are a tied-,
i reed css of course. We -are all' as
f; our age tiii-td permit of.
wellas t g andp 1
The x3th of January is my birthday.
1: was born Jan, 131h,, 5834..
13y the above reference it will be
seen, that r<,. Gerry will be 90 t'eats
of age ott the 13tht inst. 53 seems to
be a lucky No. ,after all, Mrs, W:.11
'Willis of Wingltainis a daughter of
;�lr. Gerry,
mw nm
Robert Carrick of Lucknow, 1-lale
and 'Hearty
Few old -dimers, at the ;age of 83,
are to 1w seen worleing inthe harvest
field, and still fewer g of thein. are Lobe
found an•ront;• the harvesters who go
West lit the faliy Robert Carrick, or
Lucloov,” auecl 83, not only travels
with the excursionists but he works as
a harvester on his own homestead at
the end of the journey.
• .Robert Carrick was balm' intBever-
ly Township, about three miles from.
the City of Galt, on September ' 29,
1841. Ten years later •he ,inoved to
Brantford, where he spent Brat years,
coating to the Township of •,Ashfield
in June, 1•857. With the exception of
three years'. from `.1860 63,''le'lived in
the Township of Ashfield for about 5o
years. Tn 1867 the married the eldest
daughter of Rev. Alexander Grant, a
Presbyterian nminister. Five daugh-
and two sons were born to ''Mr.
and Mrs. Carrick, all of Whom are liv
ing, :except one SCSI Who died in\early
During -the time of -his residence
Ashfield Township, Mr. Carrick wasa
prominent figure, in the life of the
township:• He 'was auditor of the
township for malty; years and was a
tax collector for (3 years, He was:,
also auditor'' for the County of Huron.
for 3 years, Mr. Carrick left Ashfield
in 1906 and; went 1ves4• and spent
about a year in Saskatoon.
In '.007 105. -vent about 7o miles from'
Saskatoon in thetGobse Line and took
up a homestead, where. he remained 13
years, coming to Lucknow five years
ago,where he has been a' prominent
figure in the town's •life.
Last 'suinn•rer, t'Ir. Carrick went
west on the` harvesters' excursion, liv-
ed in the shack on hiS farmthat he
honxesteadccl 18 ye311s ago and spent
•his t'imt working 411 the „iaiyest field
and hauling grant to the elevator,
Mr. Carrick_on the 82nd anniversary -
of his birth, September 29, 1923,
might have been ,seen • sitting oe a
late fall, robust in health, after Ins
loadof grain driving to the elevator.
He came hone from the west in the
harvesting experience and when •the
Reporter interviewed him, he was
splitting wood with as much vigoras
some young inen put intothe task.
In religion, Mr. Carrick is Presby-
terian. Asltfield Township honors
thispioneer who :did his part in laying
the foundation in; the earlier days for -
the present prosperous and progress-
ive township and Lucknow is proud', to
own hire as one of her prominent citi-
Toe the Electors of Turnberry,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please. accept 'my sincere thanks
for the 'splendid support given to `me
when you elected me as Councillor
of the. Township of Turnberry for
I shall endeavor : to do fell in my
power to advance the best interests of
the township.
Thanking you again and wishing
you a11'a prosperous 1924. I am
Your humble' servant,
Roland Grain.
Quite a number of the young people
of this vicinity enjoyed a social even-
ing last week at the home of Mrs
Archie Campbell whenher daughter,
Mrs. McCutcheon was the recipient of
many useful gifts.
Mr. C, G, Campbell has returned
{ '
from Toronto where he has been
spending a couple ,of weeks.Those who attended the Ball in
-'rill euale:last -week- rep o rtoha-v s•-hra:.a,-
a good time.
In Memoriam
Westlake—In •loving • memory ; of
",li iecl Jan. 3 11ti.,
E-Iarr Westlake, o t1
Y w
9 • r
Some''day, some time, 'our eyes shall
see, •
we loved
o v
The face s
our hands shall clasp in his
Sortie dciy. P ,
,And neverbid farewell,
--Mather sisters andbrothers:
; s5te s
Rainage To' Mr_' and Mrs. James
Y• Edna dna Cvyler) of St,
Ilclens on Net Years Day, a son.
Ma Detroit,
McElroy -1n Grace �Ilos ital, l c ,
on..Dec., 17th., 1923, to Mr; and Mrs,
Earl McElroy,' a son, (Elden Earl),
Marty ,of our :readers wile have
known. ,tinct• read ;the Family, herald;
and''Wcckly,,,Star of Montreal for thir-
ty, forty and even fifty years still friar
vel at the ;constantly increasing ex-
cellence of that remarkable, far m and
family journal.� As cacti ` year• ” suc-
ceeded another it seemed that as 'far
Cas was humanly possible the point of'
perfection :had been reached, but in-
evitably:this astonishingly .,progress-
ive paper would launch some new fea-
ture ,and :make: improvements here and
there that would, add irnrneasurely to
its at>t•activeness •arct Valttc, And so
Cot- the coming season all who wisely
subscribe' to the old reliable Family.
1.-lerald and Weekly Star pray depend
upon rcceivittg ; even greater value
than :in the post, with many pleasant
surprises: thrown in, - One of:-tlxe nice
surprises this year is a tmiost beauti-
fill picture of a rettearkably lovely "The entit}e<1 WonderfulId'er-
oine," whielt will be given free to each
,11AniesdaY, J'an13• rY, xo,"x9 1.
Clearance of all Winter Goods at Greatly
•- --- Reduced Prices ---
Heavy CoatIfings and Dress Goods, Sweaters and Pullovers,Under
wear and Knitted Goods, Hosiery, in Cashmere
and Woolen, Scarfs - and Gloves.
MEN'S WEItk -Winter Overcoats Ful Coats ' s .
Overcoats, � Men's and Boys
>d$ i
'w in`s B®
Boys' Overcoats at bargain prices, Svveaters and
Scarfs, Hosiery and Gloves, Overalls and
Smocks, Hats and Caps•
ILL Phone
am aa mum
Nits. Richard Clegg is visiting; her
daughter, Mrs. Les. Earl of Ethel.
Mr. Torn. Vittiepurchased' apacing
horse from Sam Burke of Wroxeter,.
Mr, and ,Mrs, -James Stewart and)
family spent' New Years at Henry
We are glad to report that Mrs. Nel-
son Stetnol is improving:
Mr. Thosnas.Nichoi's sale was .well
attended on Thursday' last, 'all sold rata
good prices.
Mr. Dick 'Bennett. shipped. a car load
of cattle to Toronto last week: •
Mr. Tom `Vittie delivered -four- head
of fine fat cattle to Gorr•ie on Satur-
day last
atur-daylast at a fancy ,price.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Laird and fam-
ily spent New Yeats at 'Henry Zini-
inering's on the 9ti1xcon. of Howick.
Mr. Joe. Sanderson is in Toronto]
this week with'a load of cattle.
Mrs. David Jacicson took a stroke
last Thursday, we hope to see her im-
proving soon.
Airs. Hothern,, from near Neustadt,
is visitirxg-at Mrs. Henry Woods'.
The new rink was opened on New
Years clay: The ice was iia good
shape and the young people, took ad-
vantage of it.
Mr. John Rae, C` P R. agent at
Coldwater, and Mrs. Rae, were here on
Sunday attending the ftineral of Mrs.
Rae's sister, the tate Mrs. Hennings.
The play on Friday evening of last
week, put on by local talent was a
grand success. Despite the unfavor-'•
able weather, the hall was well filled
:and all performers filled their parts
I admirably. ° Mr. Robt. McKercher' and
Mrs: George Mita sang' solos, which
were well received, between acts. Ev-
eryoxre present was well pleased.. with
the entertainment. The' proceeds ant-
i ounted to about $90.00.
At a special meeting of the Council
held on Monday evening of last weep
Mr. D, M. MacTavish resigned the
position of Village Cleric, which resig-
nation was, accepted with regret. Mr
ome av1s'tt-ilea v,ca,. a ,..,,-
clerk since receiving the appointment.
Councillor Fred Davey` was appointed
in his place and resigned from the
Council board. The' resignation of Mr.
Davey leaves a vacancy on the board
and Nominations will be held in. the
l evening 'chamber on the e venig of
Monday, January , 14th from 7,30 to
l hl : Cin of the
Tete regular monthly me e g
Women's :Institute was held at the
home of the Misses Hazelwood, on
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John 1--Htxp-
s'? 't„��'�.,i ,t'4 •i.,.
re m ee
And respectfully request all who
are indebted to us to make
settlementas - early � �'� in
January s is
EF e
The -Leading Shoe Store ol Huron Count.
,r Ont.
Phone 129. , V�Ilin ham Oltu .
fer gave a talk on 'Woman as a 'Trus-
tee. Do -we need her?" which Was fol;
lowed byan interesting discussion. in
the roll call, which Was answered by a
,poem, many beautiful thoughts were
expressed. Arrangements are being
made for a course in ;millinery to be
given on an early date. Anyone wish-
ing in r to take part in this will kindly
leave their names with the president,
Mrs. R. Stocks. A pleasing feature of
the. meeting was the singing of several
Christmas carols, Miss Date` Hazle-:
woodresidinrat thepfano:'
p g
-. a
� t.
tat „Dale ra
3 DaysOnly, Thursday', Friday and Saturday
new subscriber and to each present N
subscriber who renews in time for an- N
other year:Truly this is value heap- 1111
cd up, pressed down and running over,
Clic ternarkable'1ife of the be,auti-
ful and heroic woman who is the sub-
ject,of the painting has been published
in booklet form, and otir readers may
obtain a copy free by sendlng a pofit
card to the Family Herald and Week-
ly Saar, Montreal;
There wasyoung't in d
11 lite a1<drc.
Who dived on' the rown of her heady
Y?'ou'd turn white as a sheet,
If 1 dared to re meat
c 1.
I sxlm.c nous thin that 1C .,.txl
11xt:bal, t s�st she
60 o e s Coats
W rxa ra _.. C a_
All this season's garment's, with or
without fur collars, made e from extra good
ulit lour,a
q a � V � r Bolivia and d I1� tuella.'
$25 Coats .... . .
Regular c14.'75,
Re >.ular$ 35 Coats :.. .. , .. 2 -�yj 5( •
Regular $45
55 Men's Overcoats
Heavy warm a:aats
imtside in the latest
'style with three piebe belt and 'land back
materials, 1 sizes.
ail s res.
Regular. $24.50 Coats
g ar $35A0 Coats
Regular $45.10 Coats
55 CI`i•itldren s Warm Winter -C,. at
0 3
isfor rl '
b .s girls, rI� yesto
�16 ears a `
4years, t less than maa'>tutfsta#arra
� $3,95,x.50 9.'75 and 14:50.
ti �
111111111111 11111111111
• Mil SA