HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 8The Winglimn Mvattce
WinollPera, OlrieRletee
fayery Thursdae Morning]
A. 0 Se11134, Publeaner
letilsecription. epees. One leer,
62900; Inautbs, $1.00 let saveace.
Sedltertising rates on epplicati°n.
etevertleements without specific de
Feetions will be insegted nude terbie
and charged accordingly.
Changes tor contraet edvertlee-
eaents be le the office by neon, e
Wellington Mutual Fir
InStaranee Co
Established 1.840
Head Office, Guelph
Risks taken on all claeses ot thee.
ance at reaeonable rates.
ylotory end Other Bonds Bought and
Office---Niayor Block, WIfeehare
Money Ito Loan at Lowest Rates.
The latest figures on automebile ace brake, and the drives were reeleteen
cidents for the last year indieate that to report back with the deee,ctive breke
the number of vietiene is on the in I •fi-xecl for re-inspectiosi. In 2,23'e eeeee
crease. Consequently it is high time both brakes were defective and the
that some resolutions be put an
feet which will d.ecidedly lessen this
slaughter of humeri, lives.
For the pedestrian 1 suggest the
followieg resolution: ,
"In 1924 1 will be thoughtful as I
amble along the public thorouglafare.
I will carefully observe traffic rules
that have been passed in the interest
of my safety. I will co-operate with
erivere were fined, the penalty usually
being e2e.
A brake inspection squad a ten po-
licemen has aceomplished this work.
They. were toicl to stop, delversof
cars, particularly a the hea.vy type,
Make rennireg tests or brake e and
steering gears; and, if found faulty, to
see that they -Were put in good,con-
motoriets. I will -watch street caee and dition
staad in the safety zone when, waiting Their method is first to signal an
foe them. I will keep to the right and approaching truck or other motor ve-
avoid jay walking.
VESotarrioN Y mOroniST.
Then let the motorist resolve as fol -
serve signals. will co-operate withi man making a note of the distance it
hicle to stop. One man gets ot
seat of the ear by the driver'," and,
undee his instructions, the driver will
lows: "I will think ahead. I will obi proceed to start and stop, t e pa
d trians I will demonsteate my, takes the can to stop under various
pe es .
erating a car in traffic. I will keep At a epeeeel of 10 miles an hour a ahn
ability te drive skillfully before opispeeds.
ne in good working order." 9 f eet. at 15 miles within 20 'feet; at
The good old h rze I used to drivel rsometenee wish he
wee° alive; he emmethitg lacked of pep and pow,er, he hit up
zeven mileti anisette. He had his fa -alts, I must allow; but so has
every eheen and cew, He'd, sometinies cut up menkey slines,
and ver-ae hia tail areued the 'Mee, end use his feet, with iron
eeles, ,to kleke the dashbeaae of holes, and driven batty by
the filet; he'd grip the bit apd clese his 'eyes and try to climb a
,s ,
Dob -
barbed wire fenee, an .animalebereft of eense. But taking Deb -
bin pro and con, len sometimes eorry that he's gone; when my „
old bus is full of tugs, WI far/teas in the sparking A eg ,,evli n
tires blow oat or strings break down, sonie fetteeeegen leagues
from town; when I am stalled for lack of ges, a long night in the
rain to pass; King Richard'e pleeint I then indorse: "My tee cent
kingclom for a horse!" When metercycle cops dravemear and
was pushing my old wain earn° sixty parasangs or so, where
tell me that I must appear before the jurist and explain why 1
and sceptre for a horse!" When reckless drivers hit ray car and
thirty is the clip to go, I cry aloud in my remorse, "My crown
from it e bearings knock the te,r, and 1 arn Itraticked about a vers,t,;
I'cry aloud, artiid the gorse,
0 ,
ete theternyanink seapende.re burst,
"My 'silver .coekeeieeeefiee, e'horse!
• Sillkors? Sbalk) $mtise.
The Boaee of Trade 'weary now be-
ne held In London ; ieto the altelline-
Eteneeseef the loes of the Ill-fated Tre-
vesse: ilea elvep another opportunity
foe tlie retelling of one a the greatest
epics of the sea. .
That amazing "sixth." sense which
enabled forty-four men to navigate
two small boats for nearlY 2,000 miles
over the Indiee Ocean is something
feW lauds -men. eppreciate.
Sea .instInet e,realite. A sailor
pan feel his ship under him like a liv-
ing thing. He knows its meo evell
erhen he is asleep in his -bunk. 'He can
tell by the feel of 'the deck under hie On her at nigetstee "curl orbed raoon
Iced pool e that rairrer hack a dim re-
Gaunt shadowed syreenetey of leaf and •
'rest aeabeeques
Am:ether important factor in the sail-
sel. As soon ai he eoes on board he snowS,
good or badeship. But cennet des,- perfection. ,
cr - the difference hi these smells. Bleached silken grasses,- patter
Although all the compliCated naviga- wind strewn seed
tion instruments of the , modern liner With all unconseicias grace. .
threeteri t,s kill his eietli sense, the —Marie Brunie Gila
Thureday, Iantilarr 10, 19,14.
'VViPter 13eNitty.
ni lime the, 'proud mile bsauty • cone
scions earth
nricites' fallow fields ,
'geld, •
eteeete Ole bowlder gems in einge ef
And spends, nor entities' her wealth..
• ,
When pride is overcome by winter*
, dearth,
preoccupied, in guarding life from eeld,
Herth dogs not heed when beaireeel
ghost returns
And fills'her hand by stealth.
feet if ths eeego is stewed properly
mad the weight equally distributed.
He ma,y not be an expert stevedore,
and he knows nothing about reetacen-
trie height, buthe has an. instinct for
theee things..
of lace.
or's• sixth eense, is the smell of a ves- She eseare the vast enchantment of the
can tell by her emell -whether she is a Rayed wheele and sieve/ star
of brief
sailer still • rethiae his stren,ge,senst- • ees-e—,stee---,.---
tivenese, and When he retires from his • Elizebeth Wins:
naele beeelgee• est is. elle favorite name. erelong .
. •
a human barometer end can foretell the giris of to•-deee4 ' ' -• •
the approach bf wind, rain, or snow A census of girl students the
fa -
Gardens and the Thing•
s a long before the Meteorological Office mous eseelle.sley College, Boston, Mae'
tInal inechanical features of my rel
iaa-1 car, p , _.__________„
to ass the test reust stop ea in
miles an hour within 58 feet. This me draw sweet sustenance „froni the Grow in Gardens. For the we he leads thessalior has to the .surosris of the,authorities, that
If the public, both pedestrians and 20 miles, within Se feet, and at 25 , Tree Doom.
motorists, would make such eesolu-
dons for 1924 and, taking then) seri-
ously, would really try to carry them
out, many thousands of homes would
be spared the sadness such as has been
brought about in the past by auto-
mobile accidents.
IVIunicipalities aleo have some re-
sponsibilities in this matter. Ordi-
nances can be passed foe 1924 which
Will help the peosile in carrying out
their resolutions. Some very good re-
sults along this line have been accom-
plished by the Bureau of Safety of
New Yoek City. This bureau has been
inspecting brakes of cars to see if
the owners have complied with the
local regulations.
The bureau has just closed its first
year's work, arid during the last
twelve months '73,635 motor vehicles
on the streets have been inspected. Of
test is made with both the foot and the earth
emergency brakes, and if either braise without devouring meat that's slain;
will not stop within these distances at with casing bark to fit one's girth
the ,speedeeneieated the brake is eon- Ancl stand unheased in wind, Bela,
Sidered detective. rah,
Gardens and t.tte things that g;re
• gardens,
I like them all!
In. summer, peas and bea
' And squash in fall.
ia to be made of very T1Th tough stuff, but un- "Elizabeth" nevi heads the list; and
detneath hie rough hide,he always re- that, of- a clase nuriabering 4n:there' ,
rnains a, eland of nature, a strangely are twenty-six girls of that nerne.
and most responelve heart In the those whohiser them include: Dorothy,
and cantee. sentient creature, with the warmest other names and the number of
Gradt.ate Royal College
apiritual affairs.
"My dear, I belie you eay your
prayers every night before going to
sort of activities municipalities ca.n And a green color for a. face;
To have ------a-ves inetead of hair
This is ' only an indication of the
ir_terest themselves in if they are real- Never to. move through life elzewhtre
ly anxious to protect their eitizenstBut root forever in one place,
from accidents. Theee are numerous' 0, what a strange life there must be
others that might be incorporated in.I In a broad, earth -rooted tree!
the New Year's resolutions of the I
municipal officials which will take' And yet, men say, when stricken sore,
. i •
20; -"Mary, 18; Katheeliee 18; Eleanor,
17; Marion, 16; 1-lelen, 15; Margaret,
raduate University of Toroeto 15; Lmulee, 12; Ruth, 11; Frances, 11;
Facuity of Dentistry
Gardens. and- the folks 'het work in
, They are ray eriends.
Along some garden evalk•I visit and
Till auteune, ends.
Alice, 3,0. lelioda, 3; Dorothea 2; .
Amuses the Horses.
He was a raw rearu.it, just enrolled
in a, crack cavalry regiment, anC1 ,waS
:paying his first -visit to tile riding
"Here's your horse," said the in -
surgeons ,
..Tuliet, e.
----.------- Lea
mother,, who was partieular about
Quite Safe.
B Sc., eale, C.M. A. little girl went to see her grand -
W. 11. itAhl
Special attention paid to diseasee of
Women and Children, having taken
ltgraduate work in Surgery, Bac-
teriology and Scientific. Medicine.
Office in the Kerr Residence, between
the Queenei Hotel end the Etaptiat
ea business given earetul attention.
Phone 54. P.O. sox 113
kite!,,I)i. C. 11:, Ili()
IVI.R.C.S. (Eng).
L.R.c.P. (Lend).
(Dr. Chisb.oines old sta.nd)
Graduate ot uneveceity of Toronto,
Faculty of medleiee; Licentiate o' the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office Entrance:
br. Mart C. Calder
this number 10,517 had one defective
. .
Trees shever a space just ae they're
felled; •
A sentinence sweeps their inmost core
operation by motorists, pedestrians quelled --
and community officials will greatly As if, from base to crowa, they tried
—Harry Kemp.
care of those people who haven
enough interest in public safety to co-
operate willingly..
A combination. of care and co -
That by their downwa,re rush is'
reduce met.or accidents in 1924. I-Iere To walk but once before they died!
is a triangle a poever that should get
irito action at once.
Two Causes.
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto.
Faculty of Medicine,
office --Josephine St. twe doors Boatel
of BrunswiCk Hotel.
Telephones--01thee 281, Residence 151
Osteophatic Physician
My Radio,.
When earth is iron hard with frost
And skies portending enow,
I love to sit beside the fire
And hear my radio.
It tells me of the barren wastes
eVlaere summer never smiles,
Alaska's frozen hills of. gold,
Tbe gray Aleutian lees.
No station do I have to call
Nor to a wave length tune,
But I can listen to the pines
Along the Mohawk croon.
The rush of icy Arctic seas
Where terrible and white,
The bergs are moving crowned.
Sapphire and chrysolite.
VIM 11 a, T1 mcoullI)
V. 8. Utilljauli, -
All Diseases Treated.
Office adjoining, residence next
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272
Dr. J. A FO)C
Office Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 pen,
Wednesday After130011S by Appoint-
ment only.
Telepone 191.
A Good Answer.
Condescending Lady (to her -part-
ner)—"My b.usband is very jealous, se'
I only dance with exceedingly plain
The partner—"It's a good system; I
follow it."
No agriograras break in upon
The monologues that speak
Of snowy plain and frigid lake,
And still uncoequered peak„
No static trouble steps glissade,s,
Or blurs arpeggias,
My radio's the winter wind
blows. _
--Minna Irving.
• Not to be Spelled.
He had juet obtained a job at some diseases and disorders of t e •
railway works. I This is the overshadowing news of the
"What's your name?" asked the world ot medicine. :What this means
timekeeper. to the ten -billion -a -year crime problem
"Patrielt Cahill," Wae the reply. 1 is beyond immediate erase, says a
"How do you spell it?" inquired the New York magazine. Its importance
other. 1, to all mankind is incalculable.
The Irishman seratehee his head It it almost childisll now to repeat
thoughtfully. "Indade, 01 don't that something is wrong with the
-know, sore," he said. "Oi never shpelt mind of every criminal. Men' do not
It, all' me father he never shnelt it break laws for the protection of men,
either, Faith an' Oi don't think it and in the face of almost certain de -
was ever intended to be shp'elt at all., tection'and fearful punishment, unless
Put it down without shpellin', sore.'
0 • Ws—,
e -e -e
"I say, Tom, are you troubled with
"I am. Some nights I don't sleep
three hours,' replied Tom.
"I pity you, then," remarked, Bill.
"I've got it, awfully had. I've been of-
flicted now foe' about two years. The
doctor calls it "nenrio insomnia para-
laxitise '"
Tomtgrunt-ed, and said:---
el've had it about six • months; .bat
we call it aliaby."
Family Pride.,
"You should always be clean in your
•person," wrote one boy; 'anon the sula
And *hen it's -wintertime I read
A catalogue of garden seed.
ject of personal hygiene, 'especially on
gymnasium days, because if you broke
•your leg or ,anything you wouldn't
want your family disgraced all over
the town by an unclean skin."
Emphasizing the Plate.
Content makes poor men rich
silver." ;
How lovingly she regards her table ,
"Contem-plates it I'd ,say." content makes rich men poor.
The , receuit advanced, took the
bridle gingerly, and eXamined-,his
, wit' great, carp.
• Keep. Your e . ,
• "What's it got this strap around it
'A school teacher had found her clase for?" he asked poleting to the girth.
of boys relEnglish compositions. At, last elm' emillYe., "you Se,eeeall our horses 'have
'uctant in their writing of "Well," explained the instructor, sbl-
conceived a• great idea to stimulate a keen., sense of humor, and as they
their interest—to write an account of scmetirnes have eudden ffts of laugh -
a ba,11 game. • ter when they see the recrlits tryihg
med that she was succeseful. i to ride, we put bands around them to
keep them front busting their sides!"
With one exception, the boys threw
tbemselvee at the task and evolved
youthful masterpieces. 'I'he ba,ckwara
one cheered reluctantly at' his pen and
was struck by a buret of genius. When
the teacher opened his paper, it read:
"Rain --no game.' •"
Looked Like It.
The Waif—'Say, Mr. Pouter Pigeon
did you swallow a toy balloon'?"
A Thick Skin indeed.
A Young travelling salesman in Eng-
land -was dn his first trip to get orders.
At Plymeuth, says Mr. G. B. Burgin in
Many "Memories, he met an old com-
mercial teaveler, • who expressed his
interest in the young .man and asked
• him how he had fared. •-
• 'Badly," the young ruan replied. "I
was Insulted ineIyery place I visited."
"That'is strange," said the old tree
veler, "I have been on the road forty
years; I have had My gametes- flung
into the street; I have been aa.ken bY
• the scuff of the neck and pitched down-
stairs; I don't -deny that I have been
, rolled in the gutter; but insulted:—
bed?" said' the old lady. '
'No, gren'ma," replied the ,young-
ster. •
."Why, dear! Aren't you afreid
-bed go to ea without a,sking that. the
good angelse shall Watch, over you'dur-
ihg the starkness of night?"
"No; grehensa. 'Pm not afraid, 'cause
sleep ' in the mirldle.e,.,.. •
Doctors are now teeatiag and euring had not yet guessed the secrets of the
en _____. le _ El .C.....lith,____
•--Dy.t-arw al ei, e a,ae. .- ___._
ly dependent on him. He canie bank eaten. the night before and had had no
, .
worriedandharried, and was given a breekfast' that morning. He paused
the eildocrines and of their influence position in a Wall Street broker's -of- before a :jeweler's window. He stood
upon every function of the nervous fice. . - • . hesitantly in the doorway, with ae re
systena promises to revolutionize our The strain continued, " foe the pay eolve half ferrned. Then' the telephone
whole understanding of human ben- was small, the mother- In. bad health. bell.. rang, and the 'jeweler walked td
havioe. ,• The elemeht of woery vva.s never ala the rear.ofethe store to ,answer. The
• "We know now that many men cone- sent from the bop's mind. A hardier young man, slipped, into the. shop and.
mit crime,s because their thytoid type would not ba.ve „been affectee, knocked him down with, the:pipe:
glands or otber glands are out of 'or- But this boy was fine, of spotless re-.. At .lie saw thesman fall, all control.
der. It is now certain that these putation, devoted to his Mother, and lett the boy. .1 -le made no attempt
glands control the activities of our o . _ . e either, to rob the store or to flee, and
nerves altogether, including the work- It happened that an olcler employee he was arrested, .
"This Means that science has churn of' this young 'man and soon cynical. to say .that the boy sinfply
brought the matter of human conduct tempted him. He luta a tip that a cer- committed a preraeditated assault., but
or misconduct down to a physiological tale stock 'would go skyrecketing and lost his nerVe at the sight of a falling
. Couldn't Possibly Have se al,u,ch.
Friend—"But, my dee,r, yeas. bus-
band • probably,' dias more sense' etlien,
you think." e, •
Wife (grudg(ngly)--"Well, .that may
be; but he egulen't possibly have -as .
much. a lie ,theeks."
• i lands But to -day our knowledge of
ali opItAciro
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments given for diseases of
• all kinds, specialize in dealing with
childree. Lady ettendant Night, calla
. responder', to.
office on Scott St., Wingbara, Ont.
1 house' of the late Jae 'Walker)
Phone 150.
they are abnormal in ,some respect.
But if abnormalities amounting to
smile farme of. actual insanity can now'
Small Sailor. be definitely cured, and if the next ,en
Robert lived.. in the country anelehatle„years are likely to being ,forth ad -
never seen a sailor. .. 1 vances undreamed of to -day, -it 1 begins
must be very•small men.".
"Papa," he said one day, "sallore 1 to look as if the criminal problem
might have to be taken out of the
"Why do you think so?" asked his 1
father, hands of the pollee and the lawyers
and put enth the hands 'of' the cloctoes,
"Because," answered Robert, "I roadi And
e needieel men will do a 'Mech.
In the paper about one who wept to , better job.
sleep on his watch." .
. Progress.
am'Progrees. At my bide%
Age old customs melt away;
Constantly the warld I'm ridding
01. the things that eattee decaY,
New inventions ever springlag
At the beckon of, my hand,
To a, futler Tito are bringing
All the World whereort we stand.
If you'd eerie me and adore me,
Pmw, arid bend the knee before me."
ings of our brains. of the same brokerage house made a
Now, it is perfectly easy' for the
.,Stronger Than t„pYe.
Finally, he resolved on .suicale, went
to New ,Iersey, bought a revolver,. and
'went hone to end his life: But desire
to see the girl and. bid her farewell.
oVer.came" hen.' He saw. her ',coining
flownthe:etre.et, ran dut, pleaded in an.
irra,,eional , manner, ensiled . happily
, ,
when she seemed,. to. limner' hirn,
bought hema drink in a soda shop, and
staitee to ,wa.11.C. with her -again. She
was_ nervoes lest she be seen. en', the
street with hien .and 'the' acthe. report-
ed, to.laer father, to she 'proposed that
they enter the perk. , strange rage
make big 'profits. All the boy nee e 'select' him. He 'w.hlepee 'out the re -
and even to a chemical basis. Men do man. But how explain such Premeri-
aot err because they are evil, but be-
cause of chemical disturbarices in that
vedv,er and emptied it into the girl's,.
to do was to take a little of h m s tat on in a boy of timid, sensitive body. , Then he turned it on lin self.
money and plunge. HeSeoelld rePlaee ehe,raetee? Dr. Schlape ;Duna. that alit it was empty. He had to be drag- -_,
it a few days 'and lie prosseeteus. s _
chid 'chemical btilance of the boy's ged away from his beloved victim- and
rnarvelloesly intricate machine, the
human body. It would be going too
far to say that we understand. the
treatment of all criminals to -day, but.
sve do Itnovs how to restore some to
normal and, Ueeful. life,
"Fee the peeisent we must not fell to
He co t a ma alio 1 had been effneent arid trustworthy for
Willie---eManama, will you answer I Dr. Schla.pp and other endocrine 0.., b 1 eked up for the safety of imeiety, I of money, ganabled in Che steals-, axed , , quiet, 'helpful, broken' man who teache
Why, Indeed. . ment of emotionally instable types by ' ons and rapacious criminals Who intuit ) an worry. just one more question? Then I Won't gists, Dr. Sehia,eets clinic at•the,pase.' evee though we know that they are i loSts ,several Ye al a. • ,. .; . . , . • •
There's a murderer now eerving a estheo,tnieepriseners 1:1. ttlie7 mtifcl
bother you any more." grathiate'lleed',Ical School and Hospital, '' the victims es dieeaE,,es we are •onlYi He grew thInhind haggard. A. vir- . . se 00 an, s,,e,s scene ei p teteeee
life serite.nce in Sing 'Sing, a yeuhe at night to a photo,graph of the giri.
lViother--"All ether -then. NIThat is 'New York, is already takina eere es now beginning te untleretand, But 1 teeee eelieeet leaPed int° lite ,ntind-i.eee, ot tee meeere ts,,,pe He had faii., r i t. .1 ., d f .,
la nember of these unfortunatee sent I, tb,ere are many ethers who can be !He rushee off in. en errietional storm. 011 in love . , . ' . • . . exam na ion e wee , o couise, ,
Wellie---"WhY is It that the little i from the courts for, treatment. fehe ' mired and ought to lie treatea. Prisoe.land eonfessed te hlis.eineloeers. ' TheYe, es
33o th \vetiehris a-Wel.°1eladgiMn9terldh, c>Wae°I.X1 'llstinagiblillYitydvaalleeded sgtlaancif deeine°retnig°enianl'eleT,
fishes don't drOwn before they learnt t atment ee emotional instability ' only makes them. worse and makee 1 reeeeeieee teat the Yonne man Was 1 dr:17:1;:st ant ecopti,orkii, ant8neetaaily,,, ,, b , , ,„
The girl's ertheriox father forbade the
de -
to swim?", through the Medication of the, glands c thern a bureeii ,o ' , • lereal , anything u se ci nanal and -made ,an 1 17.nliiiteelityciains nemliraerameedc;rasaysislirl,eoplystaand '
is further ad.vancea and better' entice.", they eon be transformed Into medico- 1 arrangement to let him pay back the
the, old eystemi Will eolne from this Whom we meet eerie cage in wir see% poverty began to eranip, him Woreel tedinediately there eves a obange in and t,he stresees and struggles of lace
shunned his tormenter. The bwlaosodteWoatneubeahdterlydroleitaehrboerdm,othheat(athheorre. Ito ivriiitaiccelli..
The boy was horrified at the zugges-
advising hen against a false etep, but ed in one organ end carried to an- tele chair," but the law refused to re.
legal aid savteedstitrah°enmYananfrdomintilhuoelletielaci- -
flan and
Int,ellectual center e of his ,brain ken moee' is a stilnulating substanee form -1
the emotional side kept Wh'13)Pin hiM ether)/ ane tliat he was everWeerled cognize the case even as insaeitY anqi
1 The email beginnings of this change b oy was already weeetened by- strain t d h. 't norrnal health, and h
and Mederneerislied. Treatment re- sent the red-handed 'lever to prison'
on, And the etnotions won, for the
I are already to be seen he the treat-, recognize that there are many danger- H e ere him 0
' a - t 1 e 11 i ni t e ' for life. He is stile in Sing Sing, a
Pa KrieW,
Toreries----"Pa, what is an equinox?"
Pa--"WhY. er—it Tem -
my, don't 'yeti lenow' anything' about
mythology at 4.1? 'An equinox, was a
fabled animal, herse, half cew.
Its nalne is eerived. front the Words'
'equine' and. 'ex.' It does seem as it
theS e public schools clone; teach ebilsh
rein abylthieg nowadays!"
G were nu?. into 'the world tO
our lives, not tncr,-,,ly to kill ilina
stood to -day than anY ether eaeeleitial tiveetinits, Mee assets. And there will 11' b t'
or surgical treatment 1or ereniriale. cora° a day when .niedicine will no The young clerk was .deiighted, but .
' fallen away fro' t f t
rn,the rict ai h,, and great, truth seettes 'to,. e ,t,
attentions of the•Yeeng man, ee'he had me,
abhormahs, The firgt attaoit on , doubt _relieve the dangerous men it wo; not long betere bit lherea6ed. was considered 6. , talreeerelliaraedcaoliitronatletSoe
, ,
A Curt by Proxy.
"Doctor," said he, "I'm a Victim eei
Insomnia. I cen't isleep if there'e the,
least noise, such ae cet on the beele
feace, for instence." • •
"'This powder will he ef/ectiva," 58'
plied the physic:lam after eorapound-
ing' a orescriothm. ,
"When do take it, eaCtor?"
"You closet take it. Yea give
the eat in some Milk."
1,..„ocatlon oi Florence.
Old wartt ticket for eller-
Tieket Clerk (after 8earohing 110
vain for ten Mintitee)—eweer; the
deuce is Morence'r
0111 "Sittleg eivee ,the
tee seat,
t to
1 I
and querter.',. defense." ,. than ever, Ile began o s ,,, the ng mans He begari to worry i relie,y need both nsoctication of the
. , eou,, tt
The Root a Evil, ', .'• The Men in the Street natUraily wondering what he otaild do to -d1s.lesid brood. 1 -le lost bit job fOr inaen-l.glandm
s and soe eoe o e ' 're
, . e
Emotional ingi.tability has,ad. on gland ' lenete 1,0 knovs wimeger the§ ie all ere- eliaege elm deet ,and leetelnee his. Ise.' time .e -Ie weedeeed alule,111y,',ah0ut andeguleatice, Notaleg of „the sort is
eerangerrierite efflicte AOnle Of f40 i'lliBe or 'whether, in bit terniinology, eerne. HO' PAW Isceeulete of Mteeeeiftil 'elle sti'eetg trying to, find another, bu't provided -for thein ilose; andethey lie
'finest and l'aregt minde araorg meu, ' therele immetliing to. it- I4as it been holdups, in the newtoapert. The ideal lacking the reselution to etter offices, cenie erinainale, These people form
Tile Meet eensitiVe aed delicately , tested aeci preyed.? It has, arid the etrticle . hen that he Might get the Venally 'there was a, secret reconeinad the, wee:third ise ear greet erimenem,
tuned. uatui'ae, the rime and women stoelee Of some of these cases a,re 1.1 nionoY for Ills /Mode bY softie see% teen, and the boy at once grew better, mitting class w,iiieli.cati be cured with
'but f,he young wonian's fathee diteov., such medical weepone as are aleoady
Wb.o shelled do the world's eeeePtlenal genlitne romabce, 1 er1111°'
' , t started out aimlessly, with tho rather lter iover foreeer. The girl yee'Clede merits, with such types, arid other see.
• The yOung 'Man tried to give her up cieliste have ,been me:icing' inany the.
eande more, '
One 01 these ' flays out legialators
:itn6.4'guoniraig)i:tiaedin)101:0,1111 1,ea:71ee,,rico'raoseitalt and
work, aro Often lee Vietliee, Sonie Of , A 'ening eeeW Yeekee et the sense, I One morning, after a eleaeless titght ere(' a frYst ,(3 the lovers and demand,' known and teet,ed. Dr. Schlepp eloee
gun into' his rocket eed et 'Of his.;fletieliter 'that he renetince has Made fifteen thousand exPere
em wind no their days in erleee, tiye ye was celled to arnie in 00- the the 1MY Pet a
while men say: "Ile is a 'brilliant man; , late War, but never a , . ,
a gebette. What a Pity he lereCI der fire, atc,,iverthelses ho had been , looee'idea in hie cline that omeortatity
straight! subjeeted to long .sutoente and. au.' reeshiSeelhe svate He passed a nta,1 and forget, hnt, ho waii already erne-
meerenty• ycart ago," Dr. schtaop I xiet,y, Which were heightened 10 ill ef. eitasie ehee and eleked. 115 5 eie.e0 laid, the task de.,
tele hee lei an interriew, "the verylfeet by the eaet thathe wee tins. only eeee,gai1i without, Imeeileg what Ite manded a will lie was ne iojge awe
game, eadoorino,'dtd not ealet and meal chila o/ pooe wide;wo titothertew. intended d9b04 it- '110 liad not 't0 e6thintoid,
I 4'1