HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 711,
AF fi� YV:•fd.'M ,7fH.FxM AD W 4.Nc)t.
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tI�NI�fl1�lai�0113�111�8lf(�fllU9[JllMli(itifl l 1�111E�f al,fifdl{;�Ili�l :
This, a great Stock Reduction Sale, a most important sale for everybody co coming
is�t®o ', at a tone when you need the goods.,Our
stockheavy and must b , reduced by several thousand dollars. So down go the prices regardless wholesale a -
saes, we place this gigantic stock at your mercy without thought of profit
-fluent must b
mplicitio•iyiur co. Jan
and continues for r two weeks, Ending Saturday, January 19th.
-feared out,
}r^' . ;4 '.�Yi/yl 171�113�11I$�!II9�lilf�lilis�.
Men's and Boys' Winter: Cloth -
ing at aBig Saving
Hundreds of Overcoats ., n d Sults
t top ick Born, Bachelor Brand Art Kraft
• and Fite -Rite tailored suits•at clearance.
sale prices.
• See the =-new model Over°coaa1s for
X ~ young men 3 piece Belt and Raglan
• >Shoulders, sake , . ..; .$20.00
15 Men's Suits, Standard Sacque style
tweed mixtures, sale. .$15.00
• Men's and Young Men's Suits, : Fine
X Worsted and BotanyS,erges reded
to,, .: .$24.00, $20.50 and 826.00'.
:Men's Fur Coats, ' best quality Skins,,:
X well Made and No 1 Linings regular.
$45.00 valine sale. :'$35.00
Men's 'lilt, wool Sweater,: Coats and,
:ullovers, Big Stock to choose from,
t .. 20q off`.
. • Boy's all wool Jerseys,' button'al the:
X neck, reduced to . .. $1.25, $1.491.
A good
and strong
ha nl d slei-
with every
Boys' S nit
or Over-
coat on Sa-
turday. .,
Men's Heavy: Overcoats and Ulsters,
Grey and rown' mixtures, saale....$15.00
• Boy's Corduroy and Tweed Caps,
ret sale. 25e
b .M
Men's Heavy All .W000l Shirts : and
Drawers, clearance price , .. -$1.19
Stanfields L)ndervi ear "Blue Label"
Shirts a,nd Drawers, all new goods,
Sale price . , , . . , $2.30
I(111x1 (81 llAM!!>llllll/IIIIEverything
j , l�+�i I ti d. r.
.Boy's Rubbers, sizes 11, 12, 13 sae 25c
Men's Underwear, Broken Lines, sale . $1.19
10 Stoles, Badger, Grey Wolfe, Lynx, sale $9.00
12 Top Skirts, serges, poplins and tweeds $2.95
Chamoisefte Gloves, Black or White sale...25c
Boy's Sweaters, your pick, sale ..... ... 81.00
10 Boys' 2 piece Tweed Sults. sale 3.75'
Ladies' Pink or Blue Crepe Dressing.
Sacques, sale . . .
Ladles' Winter Coats to clear at
A. few Fur -Neck pieces on sale at .
Wool Toques 75c value, sage .
Check Ging&a•anas,'per yard . ...... 1.7e
Be.on hand Saturday Morning at 8.30 tor.
these Red Hot Bargains they'll go quick,
Overalls Headlight, Snag Proof,
;Lennox, and Bog rands,;.see
.our .heavy Snag Proof wants' and
Overalls reg. value $2,50... $195
Men's Sheep Skin and Mackinaw
,Coals, clearance at lest. ...20%
:Men's Strong Work : Shirt s-
at :......... $1.19 and $1.39
.. Men's Trousers, Bag range to
select from, clearance less ....20
Men's plain '"anal fancy patiern caps,
_your pick for .50e
Men's Linen Collars, :broken lines,
"'Tooke Brand" to clear.... ...10e
Men's lleavy:Wool Work Sox
Men's and Boy's Winter Mitts . and
Cloves, Best makes
. Men's and. Youths Sport Jersey Pull-
overs, clearance .. .. .........52.95
Men's Kant K k Collars sale. .. 29c
Men's Felt Hats New Style in leading
Colors .. .. $2,00, $2.50 an $2.75
Boy's. Suits, Bloomer Pants, two piece
milts, Reduced to $4,95, $5.95, $0.75 88.50
Men's Socks, Silk and Wool, Cash lar erre
Lisle and ail Silk Sock, sale less ....20%
Men's Boots, Solli d Leather, good strong
weaning Boots, sale price..... $3,75•
Men's and =r:.oy's ,' .cavy Rubbers, Low
anal High top at clearance sale prices..
7 cakes Castile Soap for
Dutch ':Cleanser
Shredded Wheat, 2 for. ..
Large Bottle Extract
Fresh CocQa, per lb. . , .
.25c �Coru.Flakes , ...... , .... 10c
.10c ' 3 lbs. Dates, for ... . . 25c
, 25c • Royal. Yeast Cakes ..... 5c
10 lbs. Granulated Sugar and 1
lb. 75c.Monareh Tea, Black
10c or mixed tor 1,00
Great Money Saving Chances
in Ladies' Wear
Fur Collared Coats, new models, made
of good English Velour, Beaverine col-
lars, sale price . 15.90'
Canton Crepe Dresses in >rnlsses' sues,
$20 to $25 value sale .1.5.00
Corsets on sale, cl • arance at....... 95+1r
Hair Nets, single mesh, 4 for. 25c N1,
- Clearing Lines of Ladies' Wi , rter Coats
at.............. 3.75, 4.50, 5.00,.
6.759 9R �f1'
Heavy White Flannelette, a Is pink, 7
g i od 'value at 25c, sale ......... .....19c
Children's Repp Rompers, sale . 98c
Blankets, heavy, fine quality Scotch 70
Blankets, all wool, sale ....... . , .8,50
Dress Goods—See table of '4 cess Goods
val ° e >up to 1,00, sale .: .. . 50c ;
Sale of Hosier ,r lack and co.l�,.red ev
silk hose, also black and he ,. Cher cash-
mere t ose, clearance sale ". . ... 95c ;
Pink stripe wide Flannelette ........20e
Shit"fis, Cottons and Sheeting at e-
duced Prices. ` .;;
Scotch Sw .rndown Fl .y nnelette She ,• is,
all white, l .:rge size, regular p ice 3.50 2
s le price . .. 2.95
Women's Sweaters, all wool, cleaara,,..�
ce . t ' .. .2.95, 3.50, 3®95
Dress Goods Silks, Canto ; Crepes,
Velvets, Coatings S.. le,` Less: .... 20%ro
Women's, Misses' and Children'sµl.Traw
derweaar, best brands, less ......' fi 20/0,
Ladies' Shoes, br ke: r lines to cle,.r
out at 1,69, 1.95, 2039,'2.95
Balance of Ladies' Fur Coats at a
Saving, see t <<em at „ g
$75.00, 85.00, 95.00, 100.00 and /19.00
10 pieces 25c Gingham, on sale ..19c.
Fine quality White Cotton, sale . .21c
Wir dew Blinds; Curtaii,s and Curta1n. pat
Materiaals less 20 per e; oat.
Floor Hugs, all sites avid ki»ds less 20%.
wille on Sale in Ladies' Wear and Men's Wear