HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 6am Mvance riteliehed at Vea r.,•eerat, Ontarl • Every `nauradae MornIna A. la te-Alla'14, Publisher Eubecriptioe 'rates. —.One 'lean 0.00; 'six snonfils, als•OP th. aCiva.ne'l Advertising ralos rn. aPalleatlens • ,Aavertisements witlieut eeecitle. at. $ections wU lie inserted ,unti), tartan! ' and cbarged tteeordia&la• Changes tor contract edvorthte: Icenta be in. the, Wilco by noon. 2 on, day. BUSINESS CARDS Wellington*Wlutual Fire Insuzarice Co. ..,1..t,...en.$4ed 1840 Head Office, Guelph Risks taken on all classes of insur- ttnce at reasonable rates. Allis:atilt COSENS. a.gena • Wingbain DUDLEY 11011WES •BARRIS1 ER SOLICITOR ETC. Ylotory and Other Bonds SoUtiht and OffIce.—Ivfayor Block, Wingham R VANSTONE• BARRISTEFt AND SOLICITOR • Money to Loan at Lowest Rates, ' WINGHAM ifferen LYDIA LION ROB RTS. istnias inY dear farailY," said Ros; as we are talkinla about fooliell things, alio cheerfully,• "Christanaft is—" she and it isn't expeasi've--I reallY don t pa..t:ceeodm„• ingv, 8Toaned chorus of need it, but—Well, there if You must kr:OW, 1.aM very fend of JaPanew VQ1COS around her. things, only I never could indulge my "Therefore," continued Rosalie With whixlls •• Your ideas are attraetlYe' reProving glance at her family, "this but you must reineMber that anything auistinas which is coming must be expensive is forbidden." difrerent!" - "That's fine," teased father as h It was a Sunday ev'ening in DeceM- rose to say good -night, "I'll have tw church and was now gathered in the big leather chaire pleaee. Nothing ex ber.- l'he Benton -family had been to dozen bOoks; an automobile, and some big living,room, talking and listening pensive, you underetand, just a trifle." to Rosalie as she played ,dreamy, reate eye's, wealorder them • all eight fulchords em the piano. The married away and put them in your box," ae sister, Alice, and her husband, Jack, mired Roealie in the same gay spirit had come over femn their home on the aer next street, and an, the college girl, .de",)yuoudesreela.ielvyevvverayttainedaodfdtyh?71.YWouh'ia'et was spending the Week -end at borne. dreadfully hard to give.presents 'toe The fourteen -year-old son, Clarke, had you never seem to need anything." Just filled his hands and pockets Wit eyes_ (lei, protested father, refreshments, and sprawled on the bearskin -rug, was finishing an ad- really do:' girls' need 8°Ine shoe- strings badly. Give me a box of "shoe - venture yarn Father Benton leaned his shaggy gray head back in Ms old Morris chair, his blue eyes twinkling as he listened to his lively family. "Say on," he urged, surveying his youngest daugh- ter with quiet pride as he watched her earnest brown eyes, and vivid, eager Rosalie nodded gayly to him, sure of his understanding, and continued: "Just think; we groan because Christ- mas is coming, and shout relief when It is gone. Isn't that rather awful when you think of the meaning of Christmas?" • • "Any remedy?" asked Jack, who was the kind of a brothatain-law that fitted snugly into the family circle. "Yes," promptly replied Rosalie. "Christmas should be a satisfying of those little dear desires and fancies we all have tucked away in our hearts and are so ashamed to show. If we did that, it would make lots of fun and not be a burden either." "I believe I know what Rosalie means," suddenly laughed Alice. "I like things in half -dozens. I would get a half-dozen at a time of almost DR. G. 11. ROSS •Ca••••••••1.111 ,Gradaato Royal College of .04Intal Surgeons .Graduate University of Toronto . Faculty of .Dentistry OFFICE, OVER H. E.. ISARD'S STORE strings and save me biting my tongue every time mine break/' and he -went upstairs chuckling at their, disgusted ` Such a dad, smiled Rosalie, as the young folks `settled for a .last few • min- eitee' chat. "Ile. never gets a thing, for hi/heel! and he doesn't 'want us -to .spend anything on him...He never gate much for Christmas but a few hand- kerchiefs and ,some neektiefna Hewill , Wi not tell ns any of his:dreams, and ear; his family is the best thing he could have:" Yes, added Nan, waving her hand. and Mocking flee, father's JellY. tone, "spend your tneiley for your pretty , , , R .11ANIBLI1 • M.D.. C.M. Special aueution paid to diseases of Women and t'hildren, having taken grotgraduate work in Surgery, Bac- tariologv and Scientific Medicine. Office In the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's Hotel t.nti the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. ' P.O. Box 113 ,,•,. everything I b uy if I could afro/a it. . •,Rob C Redmond It silly, I realize, but itis true -I had rather havesix medium quality M.R.C.S. (Erig).. .. handkerchiefs than one very nice one. • L.R.C.P. (Lontl). , _ , . That isn't aabit correct, but I' have PHY't ic.IAN AND SURGEON alwayS, felt that way.". (Dr: Chisholm's old Stand) • , ., "There,". triumphantly ' dried,. her .DR R STEWART Graduate ot tualvorsity of Toronto, Faculty of :Nied mile, Licentiate cr" the Ontario College of Physicians and gaurg,eous. Oface Entrance: oFFica IN CHISHOLM BLOCK JOSEPtINaSTRE.E1' PHONE 22 argaret Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine Oface-eJosephine Ste two doora south of Brunswick Rotel. Telepheaes—Office 281, Residence 151 Osteophatic Physician PArZI(ER -0 00 0J., az , OSTEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN • All Diseases Treated.. Office adjoining • residence 'next Anglican Church on, Centre Street. Open every- clay except Monday and Wednesday afterneoes. Osteopathy . Electricity Phone 272 DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS r0J0 A FOX CHIROPRACTOR Office nouns: 2 to -5 and 7 to 8 p.m, Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint- ment only. Telepone 191. R D. H. IlleINNES • CHIROPR.AetOR Qualified Graduate' . Adjustments. given' for 'diseases of 11 kinds, spedial*: . In dealing with cbildren, Lady attendant, Nigktcalls responded to. '• Office on Scott St, 'Wingham, Opt e house of the late as ;Walker), Phone 150: Inspiratio Thr is nothing too high to aspire to, 0 woman, a -thrill with your drearne, There is nothing too great to require you further creation, it seems. • The inan may go faithless and fearfill, • With doubte what the future may hold; But woman is right to he eheerful, edventurotte, hopcfu1 mind bold. Chrieletaa turn ever the pages To the story so tenderly trim— o dear little Son of the Agee • Watt bort of a Woman like you. —Clare Shipman, r obi ne, holly, and so on nae Oa onristmas cards in carn ,ttbeo1d 811,0nia,Um, bmit ;.91too trItat,,sol, .04:114 4,4.116 „nt-fd. ifiVe; .eatigt be: rodoeCtiled,a sister, "that is just what I mean." "I'll give you six toothpicks, offer- ed Jack. "Here we are," laughed Rosalie, her cheeks 'flushed with the fun ,and ban- ter and her dark hair rumpled above her shining eyes, "an average Can- adian,family, the bulwark of 'the na- • on say—" trinkets, girls, don't waate it on an Olcl codger like me.' " - "He's the best dad there ever was," said Alice. • "He always tells Jack and me: 'Now you young nest builders save your money to,, make the nest cozy, and put away my gift money for the nestlings.' " - "It's about time we got even with him," frowned Rosalie as she thought- fully gazed into the firelight. At last, after days of whispered consultations, of hiding mysterious packages, of smothered giggles and happy plans, it was Christmas morn- ing. The Benton family had filled ea box for an unfortunate family, had made toys for some sick children, taken part in the church concert and hada Christrnas tree for some little tots who lived near them. Therefore, they woke with that glad, thrilly feel- ing so indispensable to Christmas Day. "Box Benefit after beeakfast," Ros- alie called as she hurried to the -kit- chen to help her mother. A little later she drew back the t curtains and. let the family file into so the statesmen the living -room where the li 1 peec ! Speech! cried Father sun gh danced on the red and gold decorations Benton waving a sandwich at her. and the tree sparkled and twinkled "And yet we are ashamed to show our desires and dreams that go to like a loving and joYous spirit all over. Across on corner was a big make up our inost precious possession, placard which read, "The Bright Ben our own individuality. Why shouldn't ton's Boxed Christmas,"and under - Alice have six hankies if she wants neath was a pile of boxes big and them? Let's all confess and then have some fun for Christmas, instead of wonderine. and worrying what on earth to give, 'thereby wrinkling our dispositions." "Very good," approved Mother Ben- de ,0 ..,light as she found the I-hnono mewnoewas_ tOelallE__con-teritealvt_ar, ot th, e _1;101171.1_ front' of the fireplace. . „ sacred "Mother fi t Jack brought a large bo t 1 rs , decided Rosalie, so x o her wrap- ped in matting with labels of Japan • over it. Mother actually blushed with "All right, I dare you, briskly sai• d Japanese sills for a waist and b 1 tam the tray with iris decoration, Jack. "I don't like neckties for a • • , • - ' °,° She eaw many things ,-that were of quaint stones about Japan. Christmas present but I would like the , in the early morning -Father slip- strange t° her? ;It a Pe'ssill°':* gs1111:1:-.c.se TinirwNGa -seia Pet, ••••••., aDVAN01.1 t ".)1. ristittag 1924 HOW BLESSED ARE THE YEARS or PEACE THAT FDLI.Dvv-IvAit.,i LoNo.s.rnAira, HOW SURELY, DOES THEIR PASSING HEAL THE HEART STRINGS TORN WITH, PAIN, UNTIL THE aumielsli oF OUR GRIEF FOR THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DI Df IS, LIGHTENED SY THE MEMORIES THAT',COME WITH CHRISTMAS TIOE• FOR 'TNEIR DEAR SAKES WE LOyED,AND LOST -n*SagNOE sTAivo,. FOR ,ONE DRIEFMOMENT`WhIlLE WE PLEDGE 'To ,THIS ,SE,LOVED 'LAND, AITH.AS STEADFAST AND AS DEEP' e . ARTHEIRRWHO` DIED THAT MIGHT ,KNOW THROUGH ALL THE' YEARS TO COME • THE-jOY, OF LIJSERTY. eas.e`a „ —WILLIAM BANKS, V74)tfit' e, • .4;471k t, ••,›* )1:),/ -N,A‘-t• `••:' ,) j • ‘i..A etsi, ) `Yi sra aela 4ft. 11 e' Adte4 •-;-• lcor 4' t)' found an envelope from Jack which that's pretty good," and chuckling and held money and said, "For my self- twinkling he palled out of the small denying wifle to buy' six Pairs of box an aut'o, several dozen book e and gloves at one time." As she looked two leather chairs—all little pictures up, Jack, smiled at her and whispered, cut from magazines. "Let's go on our spreee together." "I got eyerything I asked for," he "Mille is a music -box," • laughed grinned broadly Rosalie happily and held up a silk "bid you look tinder the tissue - opera -bag, new pieces of music, and paper?" asked Rosalie, "maybe the tikets for s.everal concerts in the-com- shoe -strings are under there." ing year. "What treats I have in store for my music-lovitg ears. My lessons are costing so much I didn't suppose I could go to such wonderful concerts." "I'In next, pass up forward please," called father, who had insisted on be- ing the' last. "We got you just a little joke, daddy," Rosa.lie said, comitg over to him with her hands behind her. "You never seem to want us to spend any money on you." - "I should say not," agreed father, taking the tiny box from her hand, "I like a good joke about as well as any- thing, and you girls need, pretty things and must not spend any of your money on art old fellow like ine. Well, well, "is there another joke' on .1 -tea" and father wonderingly took out a'thin flat parcel from the bottom of the hex. The family crowded aro-and as he opened "They kept corning th me andasking what you wanted, and .1 told them your Morris chair was all worn out and iumpy, and 3toulad wanted a big leather chair ever since they were lit- tle tots. Rosalie said that when a mah had wanted something foe twenty years it was time he got it." " "Especially a man like- our dad," murmured Rosalie. "What's the matter with dad?" shouted Clarke who was grinning on the. edge of the circle. , "He's all right!" shouted,. the family the paper. "What's this l"---arel be in unison and they gerrtly and firmly stared in amaze/milt-at a cheque for led Father Benton to a chair and generaus amount:and a slip which choked his protests with -loving hands read,a For the Big, Bouncing Better and bear hugs until he promised to go Chair Father has dreamed of having, 1 down town the next day on a shopping' with' enough left over for -Bully trip of his own. • Books." For once Father Eent,on. was spe,ech- Thuroday, December 0. Christmas IVIusif:t the Night. Christmas curpi to the fne "St Ke.viv tenmsi *"bySier 1 Christmas mitars are gleaming, Sou,hliinram ieit }IeB in da, ragehjanreeSarsd streaming. kfl lmthe Heaven. 1 t tir Though the inn is 611, the !feast • Greets the world's sweet leaven; Bethlehem, thou art not lea.it, T Dark and silent,was the land .Where the shepherds guarded, Till there shone the Angel -band, And their hearts rewarded, chant so lovely sang they then, We too hear with gladness-- "Peace on earth, good will toward rnln,, Jesus ends your sadness, If the shepherds leave the sheep, Who will watch and tend therri? Faithful guardians must not sleep, Else the wolf will rend them! Yet the angel --bids them go, Seek the sign 4o lowly; He will keep their flocks, they' know, Shepherd bright and holy. When they'found the Child of God All that heard it wondered; )3ut,these things, made known abroad 'Wary. kept .and pondered. Babe of Christmas, giant us part In their adoration, And the grace that filled her heart-.-'. • Raptured contemplation. Why shouldst Thou have blessed us so, Sought the. love of mortals,' te'irning down to earth below, F`ar from Heaven'sportals? Dost Thou know, 0 Saviour' dear, How this. vvorld will ,scorn -Thee? Men will hate Thee; though they fear, Thy poor Mother mourn Thee! Can it be Thou still wilt stay' Shrinking net from danger? Can we too see Thee this day, In the holy Mager? 0 for all Thy fancier -dove, Happy is aur singing, Hymns to, poin the Hosts above, .Bells -'of Christmas ringing. "—Eliot Whits: Death Defied by Music. "musie whiCh evokes the normal ex- panSiVe emotions makes for health' and ha.ppiness,"'earitee Dr. Agnes Sa- vill 1 "Music,. Health, and Character." • Sho seeks to prove.that a half-hour of listening t o the right kind of music will -heal certain diseases more surely than medicine. - psy"Tchhiecaflseeffte4chtaotf mtilues:fcl)riescl°elinniontalotiiillagl rather, than intellectual implies, of necessity, that the condition of the less He coughed then he choked, then Interest in His Work heart and circulation is modified in handkerchief. Finally he cleared his itwasold-Bet CChristmasas receivedal) a yChristmas 'and s lxYebael; souoms eemmoatnionnencuiPIslee:s.aantriasted ocforibtlionocia- he blew a- resounclirig blast into h throat and turned to mother. "You from farmer Bull. This was for driv- pressure, a slower rhythm, and a ilam- told," he said reProachfdliy. •ing'a cow half a mile to pasture twice 'er action of the heart, with coesequent " "I did," mother Placidly anawereda day improvement of the general health. He was just as happy ae a ooy I ' avi tells o an experiment re - An Ideal C mstmas could be, for he could spend the money. centlY conducted in an asylum, That hight he came 'hone er, rho'uTiihetopii74'20.°0 .ivina,ssanPeJ aw3leodapilefoor. hiatlfwaard,- a' whip, aiid his- mother eXc"laiined:':',gl f°unda .that all resPoll'ti,ed to the' 1 , "E inasheioax, odd nithyu that mishriepiidY°ur C ?h .,11rl st , a ethers became Insnireesifhiees sP-lal ins deT hrPe'taet lt:°Jms ee;e: Just 'a year ago I was invited into a ily went to a "Candlelight Service" in "Yes, I bought it off one of the farm ' ' ' With sinw rhasin' the Worst .neig-hbor's house "to see the children's a nearby.church, stopping on the'way hands" Bert .ropiled proudly. "Yon oases were soothed, evpn sent totsleep,. - Christmas" and went under the nes- home to see -a wonderful creche set After several experimon is it was noted can't expect a fellow to work if he taken impression that it Would be a tip with loving thought and care bythat all- showe 'nil° - v , t don't have the tools to work -with." d: 1 -1° e 111 e,n . pleasurable experience. It wasn't. To a friend and neighb,or. After di•nner "Reciter," continues Dr. Savill, see what should have been the crown- 'there were Christmas stories, Chr' t The Horie Fa t rYi1 -quotes 'the vid f 4,• -1,1 e A rrt- • 4-. 2 18 - r, „„, , , , ,, C ° e enee -fl'OM l a e es a ,._. -Ina_ 8nnots_nn., v_.--ptt.nioc_rittlIca, nn —_ ,...____ ,f.1.1.rral .....1-1-1 .....r n. nn•rt-r• 4 -yrr, d',.. rrgs/1r1r.r1C n a....,_+., ...-11-14, 4.. 1-• •-,t.• 1 - I .°1(1,1t,a,11")1 idjen turn.ed into a conausedt.cvonrepl.exf- the irictroxlta, and the.... -1, ,came bedth.ne Christ/1%as, lad been - having ;'.. run rnuaie for the victims of-:-tOr's-nftlal- -an--; Y of exciternent was a posi i gine . with its e -citernents nua ant'ci t` • d th T ' . • , i pa ions ioun e village The room was simali, t.lie too large and the hanging of the stockings, tfee -was decorated in Et most hap- y Katherine Beebe money to go on a real necktie sPree • ' "You bad children," she said softly hazard and inartislic way- yards of pod quietly downstairs while the rest of the blacksneth s shop filled her with *tit, tears shining brightly in her cloth' on which Santa Claus pieta/as of us 'waited for the music which was wonder,• ' plaineively, "I adore chocolates—but • • • all I1. -Y. 1111` -'self" Alse'" and be sighed hwiapPy :yes, "you shouldn't have done had beer, printed for the -Christmas the signal that all was ready. Then When she got back to the cottage 1 • , it, but it is very sweet." who ever heard of such a silly man? trade were stretched along the wails; not with a rush, but with deliberate' elle burst into the Parlor in a state of His pathetic expression made them Already, .an was e‘ -,a aiming over va,reaus paper bells, wreaths and fes- Intention not to lose a, sing e. iii , we ,, laugh d then N 'd thought -her shirt -waist box which Jack and great excitement. • . 11 toons were hung on available pieces descended the staircase together. On "1--iaddlr,"'slie said, "I've just seen a an en an said ' Clarke had made for her'college room fully: "If We had plenty of money we Might buy such things for d had r d with the delft blue she, antfer' 1 of urni me, an profusion..., , . . anditof gifts the landing it burst upon us aid Oh ei:e 1 , - made a mistake." maanNoevnhseenmsea),1,cessahiodrsedsald"dy at once relalmecl, The MUSIC Ilaa to but every oue of us is saving for some - ourselves' lainlced bestineA Dutch ilower scene, odd taalc stock of these as I gazed, saPa tree,. SParkl.ing and beautiful in the ecl the floor, chairs and tables, I the beauty oht' it alit . Th ', :' vas 0,o1; ' ' i be varied according te the degree of thing bigger and better and so we Delft dishes for fudge parties and a • "No I haven't," she persi-ted ea the illness-Llively and impassioned, posedly spell -bound wit interest and -firelight which filled the room! There have to count our pennies I think it table -cover, with quaint Dutch maid- delight. I saw at once that quantity, were the stockiugs, bulging!, There in saw 11, , . , - He was Just,nailing on its back feet, . , _ 1 jr: He had one nearl '1 i' -he I 'less lively-, or even slov,•. • It was oh- ' ens strolling around the edge showedY in s (t`, served that false notes aggravated the "Christnias certa.inly should be' a is a nice idea, Rose." , • , no quality,. . , • a .. ' illness, thad been the domirruit the chosen places were the gifts! And that some of her.,taneie,s had been dis- idea and that, a group of grown people what 'were these? For each child one ----.0,---•-.. time to help people realize their little covered and gratified. , had been enjoying themselves with special and long -desired treasure, an A Christmas Phone Message. littic consideration of the .chilciren's electric train, a sled, a tricyele, boeks, , _ , -----aa--- dreams " smiled Alice. • A . deep groan made them all turn Difficult to Comprehend. viper bites.. When ..the patients were • senseless or pining aveay, music alone chuld. cure- them." • , •Matthioh, an eye -witness, describes how,patients in a can,clition of, collaii,eie ,weroegradually snatched from tile jawe of death by ,the aid ofsmusic. `Clarinets; and drums, were .used, anti it tee • enuelmwas arresteil the reSult was ex- ,eeedingly serious- for the patient, Who "Very well " replied R " hastily and 100k. at Jack. Ho was aganeas or desires( • -three. gamee full.of promise of future 'Hello! H 0 Ma er will have a Benton' BOX Bellefit for curledup omt. the floor against chajr, Christmas.," hugging ,his brown ,collaialget in. one ' There', were breakable -dolls in hag-- atd for, the use of the children This, old phone mage such a -clatter! -ard. Time" to -little Harry, but Harry racticable ink§ and, blues; there. tog -ether. beki of ',the.' biggest blocks — • ell / What'sthe tt ? Pallier was trying to madam Stand - “Let's take each one's special likes and 'lorighigs and make up a whole box of them, as falicy or 'jokey or pretty as possible. We will decide =Ong ourselves on some Ohe subject for each one when that one is absent, and thet we will all knoar what to buy." "I need a regular tool -box," an- nounced Clarke raising his tousled head tram the Tug. "That kid one of mine is to good. Club together end get me some tools and a boa, and seire wood, that's what 1 have to sayl" "Dse your head, sonny,"' suggested ,Tack softly, and "ducked the paper Clarke flung at him. "Rosalie 'Is the musical one, end Nan ie the college one. and Alice Is the balf-cafeen one," men -inured mother, "and Clarke--" "Stop, mother., you'll be giving all serts of secrets away," warned Rosalie quickly. "Who t abou youPself though?" : Well," hasitated .10:other Behttaa' aothitig- her White'eaaten, "aa long: aae. fe, d . P P erne an Waving nt envelope with lus Were numberless toys having neither that coald be found. In each' stocking p ay c ion , con n,Wsa ove coinucopia :full of good:- ma onaineejiyinimitaticek feanivnetlionpeessidd"i'lnligifteku'oohf eT_Isa,edaerehiefs, hair ribbons, ,dish tow- ,ies, candle's, ,nuts and raisins, while socks 'and neckties had, all been under -these were several' little toys 'thrills. A bill that is big enough for ztveri a part soieum-of chos...n. as Jokes or for the foolishness onT?.maigshtotyteneefolic,,tiae lesellahrtx-painnlhan order rdens,, it was chaos come again and without which -there can be no real "What have you got behind ? the children seemed fairly bewildered Christmas In this fainily. The chil- suddenly agkad Clarke. you with excitement. den's gifts to Father and 'Mother and „Go away, little ane,,,• 11 in caonroaystict;ortelciiasnre'tth!keless f‘sstival theirs to each other were given at the eus- gack, shoving something out of sight, which stands out in my expe-:;th-ileinsetel'3otts" 11?,0711,a,ka5.31:' 'table' a' Linie-119"red but the family gave .him -no peace until many a8 the one most nenrly. afterinath o.r. this Christmas .of fudge and ehocelates.. "Let's have on the twenty-fourth a small tree fortunate g'uest 133; tour o'cloelt in he sheePishlY Prochleed several '6°x -es proaching• the ideal. 1 1p-1 1510 I was a matter of: great interest to the' Chriattnas every month I • . ' g had been beautifully tianntied iii white the af teri100-11 the neighborlmod ehil- -.1y suggeeted. and silver by, rnother and children to- ', dren began to drop in imiiil there were ,lat‘e‘0r. h°nYsie're' Esehi°,:elletle..dbexClathrIc8elaari'inild;ihelalst gather, Father Was the one who was ' 'at lewd:: a dozen of them, one -of Whorl.), to receive the traditional shock of siar-, confided to me that "at Christina§ dwiated Ins' and PletitY dt.' gond' ''''''°°d ` I thiS -case The living 'room' tinte the — childien always got ready to Work on., .1-Itirry up with the prise n , . , n 1 ne: i o was made loVelY and •fragrant with presertts you ceuld do thing's with." other presents, I want to go down b ' , , - - ' . st Eurry Central, please he quick,' t want to spetek -to. good Saint Nick., Is this',old Santa at, the pheme? Now listen—are you all aldrie? 'I Want to whisper in your ear , Sd lOw that no one else can hear. .Did you ever get my letter? (Phoning tiro' is so mita better). ' Dear Santa there's the sweetest gift WIth.t. sent down the twenty-fifth. Among your presents have you got gratitude," _ A teeny, weeny little tot• 'With golden hair aed eyes of blue, He Was No Joshua, Who laughs 'and CrOW8- abd says v s very , ngry 'with It ts • "coo -coo"? • , sma 11 ole ter. After, slipper mol or Pin so lonesome, deal.. old Sway, . tried le- establish trimull,y relations, . Living' 'with --tny- old 'maid aunty between' them again and quoted 10 'Who only. has a at to purr, them tile' :Bible injunction appropriate to the, You ,better send the' sMallest size F.1.d'ivard," sba e SO I Can T1 1. if she tries. the'boe and drive) g s•".a was itot mttre thdt he -inclerstocci, "After all, it is no 'great matte -I'," said father, ' "You are now only 111 the foiirth grade. Whet yeti liavo gone to .,school.. longer, you *111 learn all about if." . "Maybe se," said Hearn witli a r.eas- suring smile, "The teacher saYs thbt even lots of eighth grade- boy•S' 'and girls don't understand • lon.g,it.11(-10 Ini I evant a baby girl l'or het, . , „ ` amte,,,, aoraa.iaty . • „ . . . e oughs of Norma y epaece and qg nA , Indeed ioa woks af•Lerwards the honse .-What colors thive, you now th eyee? ' '"are ybit going' to let tiee tinn ;gm dawn O'clock:di-ear 'near all Was le 'order and '01.' mY it'triehtl, ',r,-'0,-.' al'endeZVO-qS fo,..r „They Ought -to match tile 15i:test, elfies, '11,1)011 Yeur 'wrath'?" . Alice leaned antainst the planw and . . . . , . , . , . , begot to iough -50 boattibt 1110.1 .i.h.o, the tree lighted for a ,Christmas greet- that compelling reason, Surely 'this Ts. tneney ever scarce with you I .'•-•'' -.Edward s'qiitytheci it 'fiat •.'' others tutned .to look at 101 'p "f' mg to pfisser-by..Then the whole fam- Wz18 an ,ideal Christmas. - If riot, then 8ania pktase Send ltwo/ 01 up into her pleading:face.. oponed the long package that ''.Pat..her ''''''.---- ' ' , , I'm aline,st sure that Aunt V,:an. ...kby' ' ill:Well', how cis i. Sion it?" a Benton handed her. . Out dallad 4' 84• Will hOt let inc hold her .babY,.. . . of six hollow built:Inv:it-blocks 'such as Erin'.--one-for-me'L-1.1pY-very:own! 5 Coble closer to the telephone -- .children nse, and. eadi-ihold apat kagq. There were six ,i5Ostagestanips,, six New ',Santa Claita what tnalee iron -holders, six' 'handlterehiefs, six bars 'of chocolate, six bright half- How old ain T? and a hall", dollars. The Paper around title money Pvt. plenty big enough all right read, "To the spent 111 aniWerinis id 5 1 el 0 15 To hold 4 baby tight. You'll. net. -CoMet tt) send life twee-. 11 1110.11, vet:Ise:nett " for Rosalie •had dist- covered that: Alice loved to get 'sortie 'rhe aft011est kind:" ell einli retcl hear° of the filing's to attractively diaplaverl Thee., loye yen tip 1 die: ,imi trifigavdne pagea,, but Weald not la- Dear ,...ianta 4 dufgc herteLf. in tint, biggeSt, box 8 .(ad*tillAder, leaf, aatieedllg1.1:1;tt 51,