HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 5INGH A VAN -- ...,... - ' ' , • a ., ., f rpm' ,_,..: long and feet. of • ' ' a box.',and for it Fruit ' . ___ • . • , ... , E, ,, . Nit that songht Bum- dome .. Pam- badly here'at • came about since"... -a -haves ._ . , . 'selecttflM. -, -than? ,ege ' '. ,Y,fitb- ' v;ra: . , .,pris.e _.........___ .._ ... _ . . __ __rte....-. titeiu to what, they Were to replyto certain -thitige . Pharos:ill:W*0d, Imest IlkelY ,ael thein. Irhe king therr„erria perivered jtiseph to ,aettle't,liero and to' froin artiong their nutril/erethe ., br iv' t of thane IP in -lb. them in charge. , a .es • 0, the, roYal herds, Traly coala '‘ of fire were being heaped, on lite heads of 'Joseph's brethree ' vlises 7-10-jacctVsh'ilesslug - • Anal Joseph brought. in jaeob Ina father, and set him. before Pile:Mehl' and Jacob' blessed Pharaoh, And p4araoll said illItO jaC4b, how Zild art And Jacob ,eaidartite Pharaoh, the' days' of the yearti of MY Pilgrim.- tire an .buildred. ,end :thirty years feat atid evil have the :days Of the Years of hay, life been, and I have riot attain- ed unto the days,. of the . years. of- tile life of My fathers in the das of their pilgrimage, And tacob. blessed Pha.r- ,a. oh,,,and Went,'', eat from before Phar: oh. , • , :,..;d-'--. After the royal ,pertnission had been 'kr ,tl'ille 41 1atd °di' of JosephGS he' 81L 1-5Je)°,Ste>ipelh tpor esseetnt it!' 4.. • . , 1 ,eu his dathert who seluted the Kti g • , a 1 s T Itwas an unu: slulai , 13 P ,sinig ' .- • , . . • a. • as o in (..,_..i:gtlhlyteryttionstieei. that when Noiviittlaitrlop11,.titelsindf:a.tcli,:tia6..13rt:t. Mice 'Y.ertr, naturally expressed. iiis..ahr: by ingtoring, his .aae., ,Itle got . -a very- extraOrdinary• answer.' "Mylife iulS been, a Pilgriniage liked() that of rray, fathers ..but• the years have beett „ la, T t . a rest , n. arid , evil . h s• was in go t . to that of Abrahaln. and Isaac, .v.tho were one hundreal and sev, enty-five and mie huudred arid cightY. l'esPect.welY, where.aa Jacob wee Only ,00e hund.re 4. and; thiety. Then, . too, nenther Ader,a- liMii tfOr I'''5aac had IPa 'a liflea:‘.:s.°' °'g.i- ,tated. so full of distress attit 'nail-ger:a of, tribulation and anguish.- ies. Jacob. had fieetri -the .day -the. ,fied, rem ile wrath, Of. his dbrothert. Eaau., hp fp the time. cre fits remenral to EgYlat' • . . • ..VeAl,Isfte:r•Ioti•ilis2-...i.iort. ii,Iterview. ,„ Jacob 'again :i;:ks5ca, 'Pharaoh', -atid. left the' Ceuta ' in conapany with joseph,:.wlio• now lost notime in • cornirieriag .the ,5ettlement Of his People in tile land.of •Gosheri, the land.'verdrire, tying -along dm eastean ' batik' of the Nile. They were to be but tratiaients lit the land, is the five 1)retlaren , had. plainly indi- 'citted to Pharaoh., ."For to sojourn an .tha.'s,nd at:E1 4,,,,e coeie;,, ,so. th,_ait it waS' wrs(lorn onJoseph s part. to Keel/ 'heal eeretrate troth the' Egyptians ev-harreteer'ded 'shepherds as a very -Ion; '. . ea • - - , - , ' . class, Thus ausPiciouSlY ' Jags 0- . I., le ''' -- ''' f tl '-, caildreli roS la rael War; eo"ourn a 1.l. i hi EgyrItt: It L•t.vas: Liel)egoinitig of ia.„ ttew epoch iii the history of israe , dating the eongmencement of their ex- - . ..-refuees istenee as .a Sepratiite nation, t, . . - , , . . . lAtoiLt. MISSIONS. . • ' - . . • Soinurta Among the, Indians , . . . .. Because ,of .their . non -conformist principle:8-, the Pilgrim Fathers fled ' • ' • frongland and settled la' Amerac rri E ia during 'the time 'of the tYrannical rui eti of A.rehbishop , • Laud. This was it . I6•29. ' Ten years -later a young man b3:, nanie,, John Eliot, 'in coinpariy 'of sixty others _fled .acrosa the Atlantic and .joined the -Colony... He 'was edu- cote& at -Cambridge, a brilliant student ••• 1 1 ; H h - ' a d Greek A espec.a..y Ai e Jew ' n • , .. . . . . year after' has arrival. he was settled . . as pastor, over a small . congregation at lroxbary, now a suburl) of Boston. • to this work.- ' fie. becae In addition m deetolte interested in the ' natives,. sto- died. their' language. and preached in 1646 in the chief's wigeran PaPhablY 'the first .serinont • eder . preached in North America in a. natiVe etongtle." He.g-athered a number, afterwards call- :ed. 4)i -eying Inedianat •into, a community . . . . andatagght them tire arts- of civil tied" for the said, .,",I ,f01 it' a.11soltitely neeesSary- to carry on elvility witli re- ligiOn " Indians fr8in distant 'pla•SeS . ' . 'also.' asking. to have' tile beitefit of Eliot's teaching and in the course of -his long v 1 des nroatreach ' ttlehi-410-- '' u-k---vv.r.sg. fered, much exposure and fatigue. I 1), .. have not been dry ,• he writes on one occasion' "front the third day of the . , , tveek until the sixth, but ta t'ravel, and , , . t night -pull off nay boots to wring my a ' ' ' ' stockings,, -and on with therri, an .so . ' elope cbritintiet' ' In spite of ,such hard • and. the ignorant and violent o•pposi- tion and often the ,evil example , of sonic of his fellow--countrYtnen , he 1:Oath-rued his heroic lab•ors. Io, 1650 he was enahled te• realize hisacherish- ed scheme of bringing 'all his people , . . ' NO°..t'' k 18. Miles to one settlement at . le , , . from Boston. - 'There lie .trained.,prea- chera arid teachers, and in 1600- fonnd- ndia ed a chur • 'ith several ns who eh .vt, I lie deemed .worthy of herng baptized . e a awnodtkrepcetorvsz;egretcliie alsnedritbsy-ein6P,7n4er.tiTieiriee He no Were 1-100 `PraYing Indians': F . - ever :to see, his life-long labors ed, how , . sadly marred., In the rising of the In= dians againet the whites in 1.'675 the praying „Indians wcie cruelly treated by both side. Scone of theni proved faithless and' Eliot hiniself Was,reViled. and suspected by the whites:, In. his last illness, when 'there was 4. dark el° d mien the work of the Gospel ainong the • Indians. lie nraYed, "Tile . , , . Lord revive „and prosper that work, 1 , . . 1 arn and grant ijiat itamay live when dead..th The answer 'canie,thought not perlia.ps .as he 'expected, for by 1726 the• church which 'was founded by hint aSaa extinct: (Rev. J. A Grahsin). h i t a, - ' r e a a ,,. •'' - . 11 hi Y . • a ao Of e of/. . .. -- - I• , ki. ' ..' „ ,,,,,,1 Of • I) Pi i i II i vimm.0 1 ii // et. f ii int ot to, 4 .Kd 4, t o . mode , in . . ' ' ' Crasaa. which er, p.atea ,,,the bettasine. him. Hazel piled it in Ott/ wltli ,at ftoil.bah.e II:rid:, IobseTtehrle thoughi cid brought fliriona pains to her , , . ber man must sti'ain every ),vould llightea, ihe burdea ,isrilif 'strength. 'she-na.d. Ind with ofehands ,to the testr, the /oleo gathered' thietk, 'on the_ _miLad010... Bin judged teat the, ampnan .atwl:anctri•-tofInt1.841:lettnb.:11btotataled'Ild,etn,Slte,hd.t, with it saddle hartile. ' tieutten Preatlidt,:t1.1t;Irheiane'tkettiaalain , e , ., -.1. le e the hay rose in a. neat -.stack. another lOtarl Oft my mind. / ' ' ' ' ' shilnee:wel'Ibblienfenalan-bdesalivaliie Setthonttb,t1.1:benite)afttieIre±•ewetou% haying a' atorm hit us. We ivouldn't gre----there's moose enough to - . army ranging in thatiow gronrid sou'the. ' all'aiw'reZrri:th:e.v171.1:1.dheinlrnesths,ittistiortetitai:reed;s, HaZel. observed reflectively the law of life is eiv,rfulli, harsh , . , • ' ,you tribal ,•Ilill. isolation is ' •' thing when it is so absolutely. plete. Suppose something Went There's no, help', and'. no ,meSey-•-a. lutely none, Nature, when, close to her, is- so ioela.orable." Bill'eyed her a'second. Then his. anus around her, and Slatted' . hair tenderly. tfiT.,,, 4i. ..- • . , get-cing on your riervee , '`" " little person? he asked. • going to go wrong I've been country too often to make mistakes get carelese. Life Isn't a bit . th here than in e human ant What dees tbe old, settled coantry to You when yeu have ne.itb.er nor job? It treats you worse worst the North ean do; for, the price it denies you access • ' ' , abundance that mocks you shop window, tied bars you . nooses that line the streets. . . . et erything needful is yours for • ng No No, little person, I don't . the lf life is nearly so aw o as it is where the mob struggles daily liread.' It's more aboveboard here; more tm to vidual. But it's lonely sometimes. guess that's what ails you." bh, pout!" she denied. lonely, so ,long, as I've got • aometimes 1 thialga of something Perling t° you--slekness,and d 1 h t " an a I t n . "Foreet 't I" Hil .xl t d ,,,, I.. a a. 10r e the worst of living in thia ' a • a 1 ().!.l17,t1',y-it makes one, iatrespective, ' foundedly conselous • and so con' , puny atoms we human beings ,,after all. But there's less sickness here than any. place. till I get that cabin built, • • • fiaeplace at one end. We'll , - cotnrortable and things will , ' , litile rosier Thie thing of . ' • - hurry and hard' work gets bodyae rierves." , , The best .of the afternoon ii nspent when the laaystacking hated, and Bill deelared a beltWsheanhdtltlheefisrteath:dwestuenpkeetopincl;alsh7; In the open fiap of their tent, pered in, his ear; , , , "You mustn t think I m complaining or lonesome or iinything, - I 1 k 111 l'ind when ma te reroar s •-etoday. . , a -. n I'd I lova ton heap, e d , anywhere with you. And land t.ruly at horrie In the (,)nly-enly sometimes I have feehil-••• as If 1 were afraid Ctliet'e 1;10' noonntainS, and a. , .. ti) be seoavling-as if We pasieelstoowr„somBeitiirtinagr.enw her , , , en, ,, j ' .1 • mill' — t t tat s , us t mood, it at genie seasatioo up here 1 a indefineble foreboding. All oflhe-wity places of the earth Nit efrect, if one Is' at idi imaginative. ttlie Waimea of eyerythilig, aternal stillness. It would -,, , . ir. riervO5 tO tiVC 1010 ithrittl.=. r'-- --- • , we're only after a stake --then . I' S.1 tPaletTantwPitlilr.teisttiot. ditttlelee'C'lillailla>tg");(>1"Preell ng by Igoe river tor. a 1011 ,, Ver wedoe World - ' i estate. up and go' to sleep • ' ' lead -game sport, or you'd • . leved lo g ago," And next day tO Hezel . Attaching lam owing the heavy, „,1 . Mite( ex on. the toundinitri their Winter home, It all seemed ish, 'that heevitierai of heart an = a • . e soli' (bias metaled h r. ...he feetiv !nippy They had plenty fa a ten, brief mnathst Btu woad id f' gold treat the treereire a stie o . • , of the North, and they would 1 n . • t . WI 10ala y easy s age& lai , !wood.? it , *Ail *hoer, tour....4, ' i It ...1 1 , eb o an r t. "... , A. , . ,Voriltrie filitelrep theta ha 4 loctIng thittatbet stattnt* vi oho.dniro.* tootr.tt 111.1t liteoishod , .. . 4 a .. . .1intria. •fille• t /14 a, fa. -44 , -ipip,' Beeu.hnintl' ,oth:t• m ds 1 lodnit tahnied, beak aa• - nerve She , what ,two pair of hay Whe..1 , reached . willathy., eeehti ••,--, ;,...- "That's . can balm ohee go huh_ feed (M to the • • ,' But still ; don't . a terrible ' emu- wroncs bs-0.- you get ' he put be r ., . -. • aireauy, Nothing s in Wild or • . harsher heaps. da money than the lacking - - to the in every out of the . Here, the talc- think harshere h . for its open and the Irani- 1 "Fro not you. But hap- accidents, "Tla d . a a bie atilt o, . - of what are, chance of ' Walt with a big he more look _a everlasting on every- Was still tend.- holiday. she WhIs- Billy -bay, .: b e happy , In) 'really wilderness. a funny I look up they :seem , aere res- • . elose to ', • It e felt -a foolish, the out- product' and .the be hard on flat ' all the ''. 1. utlaa oat.latge., You're a h Ill i . ave 0 - eitting b3" lettalee c - ., ' • oa 100 fool- Whioir ae e -. w , p 1r of food. 4,14,4 bandit jointer no in .1, 011 a to totro . ... ... the 'ettifiltt' rii*Oatitt ttl*: ISN'Iliiii,Pla'at „ pooped is ' JO faitt oS , yily 'OP. ear"' Of 4'..t,#101.ht filliiY'' tiara th,pir,' stock liltt.. . , After thtsd ,,filli pima liada tilea tror.eo . Hs table' trent by ,41:11,0g.z.k1413:41ciitl.w'or,geasre,te,.4,,pepo..sol.,•thieihttfaa,(thtttrleorigghth,41: So,'their "L'I"' alai, elanteltaPerOttirot :huixte . ..uhee:.e.r... ., seeding .1. ed3 °II hight,S. t• a -ere, radrit, .h.‘4112', F''''el' Lae r Erlfit aiiirictehrrija$11.,LtIsh,eprucleobiranIg7a:edrysillili; brand,y hiPnetites jack Irrest spent , next Chriermaila iti/c1 hrtgbi: 11: Sitttrit- A. daY year 0110 of rhhaure back. ", Bask he cautioned. , the northwest ' sil-iii.niag on a, , "All be careful?" .., Not tne bouse . •elPfl stood frwek cept teir ,,,,,,,,o1;ednot.tilemsuu:bp: since greeter that chance ney of .. thesaky, a miniature roughly ply of me o line It behooved are, Basel • is es, d h cording Then • Bill had her especial knife 11 1 as' ••" .4 tea. 141).1w, she casino, e pa pattern, . . of 'sinew place. of her brim her at h "Goodness lime, ea t " , fire nenrly She coals husband's aparlts be cooking Ontslrle, the looae waveriog gotten 110 orter portent -.tan st. On the the ha'() the No pending With she 4,4Cra ^ of t In the tlie Ilturtiliended,,in eiriat her ton horaes 'trolls eoti'll;fritt - ,, 4t6b1° • hol'i6 littli, . . ,to slieltita conatroetioa ',the , 'rhea frost liki Wkttlik 'fodder It was 'of that ifilli iw 0 . , !neat . the 'larder the' aUcceeding .4h1:Iilrhaet each II, tilaelt Chrbilthle.$ . ell , Idonething dining the half Slinee, bred a ineasant fre.c.'d or Roaring the after ' • with 1.1.0,,r,‘"1,t5l,`, • ,i,e,(1. right ' more mote .. tne ebeve the a. thin part their vomiting atirred, dry .711.fliztlhed g - wriehed and , to she curled painstakingly for 11 1' . r haa• 1 ' :,A ell,se,rootel One thom,, nortlieeal', ISIII tied from imy, tl.lea 'shot ten More ott hadal 'simple e°Idt wintt4pL other . gayly ecN7331,Sien dozen ,,. along ilghtS two Sill uttertnost. ell3sIng that • again 'n Hinton than and .ataek the place eat of of fireplace volcano woed out t was them - se t her co.mfort thole. . r! 0 ei I, Ala, . ,Illh1 al, .. -...-----• -------e-aae-'-- .a... Working After moccasins . she d • strongly rs met 1 lin out" ora it, old ang egittnst wind 'ribbon:a It 'he - even blaae. threat': Of ti senae the discarded end to the lanee-toothetl - stable trait athOlialta Snt• r Stu a Ihe ereetioa. -of,. the herries, NildwaY e. (Stroll tarok Mew ood * foot ' it cle5reti tO imlillent tioielmil liI6 Olatila. tiieliettees 'therein. lia tilt -so -CI 1006-0 to Ile-St/0 ander. tile taritm ' nereariary . 'to titieband , for moring might be W ' li,noting. . J1 twit MOO la .1n/tea 'afield; It toOk , days to haute In Oa a .eled, . Jr) a etock of frozen expedlent of ineat- _ wits „wittily -*implied- .ri-gid'i'Y 1"1g.bbeglecl ' Its Snows •deepe.ned- till sn°111410" be- BM began:So strthe by, the atiy,8 s like glitteriag pen- • ' graitild' 0 10E4, 'areal', 'Cuille. . TheY mos, , - . Of ' the' hhartaY oft a roest of cari- Ha.z.el had saved potatoes. 'With the etry:011seilli, And after sablerying , of a morning tilt 1,71111' Bill's 'trap line, they nenn Didnring. their There aaduld, he bony 4lfla ''rnrsl'eth' f •-"sr-l- .°41 all •"IP"'straillt-t‘ t.". , after the first of the eet opt to go over trap lines • rive the (-1"r he 'was ' 11.1Tlittl , e person." "She's blo-iving out of. The sparks ere ' - • high.. Keen Your eve . . ' h ahe related `Pit , . - e • .. ' fiftY Yards, l'-'.°Parale.d stelae. A.t the etable • • . of lute, a low hum- stirr°11111ing firift% El- 'aliere Bill daily re- ,Ifyooftohrollar- fheerrs.aees' pthaerrke,... of soma overlaid tbe the top. But there was catastrophe. , The china- ' yawned wide to. smirks and ash .like when the fire was or an extra heavy sup- /aid on, When the of the northwest the fair over the stack. to watch wind and up - her breakfast . • he e, bin el order a t di ' 1 : e- housewifely instincts. up ill the chair which constructed for with only ex and She was working on A ,r ti '"' e e. ,,,...„ .;...,,,, Alreail the tail ',.- o 1 „ thou t 4' ,,, 0 he °Yen; strugg1ed b ICOgilig dC5per106/ a . then rairoeal to It rieloed up ,iti tbe trt *Heir in the •ilitter no, itatetiled their bare 'one' Bill ltiaosela drew bar , , , , iiii stared al It ltixedt I*Ce until Harel'tinaidi hie lima "Yon' Waltettafil thet didn't your bi said ti "Bill, 'Bill!" she ol strifiY shrugged' tda kePf.' Ids ,ICAge flThli 0 ebtatilitelabouseze.itst, rtahishiy:r.wls , bellt,h It ',seemed an. it :time bin' tt '110evring :e3P , , anovia level was en till .., hleek--edged :Pit that and , sparks. That at , . 111.111,11yrapeCelliott4illtigto. ,fitseh,:r11; eartnething besides the. a RI 1 •s la 'I ' 1 , Poke e. aeni Y. hi the stneldering hehP. 44 i r I , rive est of Ca cod , e•rery blade of grase." mutter. "'rhea" esin't b' like deer." 1.4e11e11070 idsialtyltitIlicsie(Isiol forio-wed, , 'When he o rifle slung In. the eroolt tried again to-hreitic the alootheeis Whieh. mit h, than any harshness •o het calf-'nti'- „ ..':E:111" r.ril 8° sctrrY1 it s. tel 1 knotte, do,?" ‘9Dt"1 Ruh!" he 51.1°1 hIlve l° (lie be'llere InY wit" be with li full bell ia n their- 11 nd Merei f Even then ahe had of hie, hitentioe. Sliel( . , • • , . Pleadldigla. bet Ike' wits hereee, ,his. teeth hitin his binder lip Ronan] , . , - • . eed site t..tew hie eYes '''t.„..flP,a1,111trit.lt. he' °Ire we ule tam, victoria area. i )eed 1.r, . . She uride•r'''''''tf):‘")d then '. Pre5Sed 'hard over her , he.flatedga.t1511;eha-hsetielriteci,titebetri.i her the rifle apet Sir gieSSage of dearth. Poi the motnitains flung , back and forth•lo e vc sibilant voice of the IA the stillness. - Numbed with the ..e, the elemental ruthlessn ' threw herself on the b the relief of tears.. Dry. nearted, she waited fo coming, and dreaded' i time she had seen her ' wi h cold critical 'an t , g terminable tinate. she li the click of the late „strimg tight. He came at last, on • his rifle as he stood it : had no more than see was bending over her. on the edge of the is his arm across her, at her gently so that she "Never mind, little p pered. "It's done arid I stashed at you the we a fool man's way -if sore he alvaays has to body elser'' ., U -non -m, tarn r 'JF.IC "I know it my fault almost - go out and tl big . without thinking. being sorry doesn't rr enee. But please --I '1 - ; aei able over It r11 "All right; I won't ever tie careless abo again, , The North YV: ., . - v neay alth it. The a ar and r we e ge thrill . .. wir, make utiatake5" . • . see thet." She s ontarlly, "It'ia a Teri frightens me." , "Don't let it " he sal long a's we have e strength w,e can .wi stron aer for the exper , n . , , "How can you prosp without horses to paelt eskeil. after a little, ' .,tut of here 'with all ha ve ?" "We'll manage it," 1 i.y.„ "We'll get out wi gold, all right, and w grg on. the way, ever) urekstrain. Leave It t ,t, . . . • ' _ M The M. -rail on,N.,n,S..dtwri.tes.• ir '. d d'ff by thaetors home -but In apideT"sair ".Fruitaretivesolind relief''so,, ' t' g0 all gone At dealers Limited,' 1 il He . For 0 fere Prom testifYllid -oh :r404anamfiSerIlle'rt:tcre37‘..11Vwe'asYt:ellarteS-d , .-a .. ' , and ,, . Tookl'Ertilt-a,tives" ' .._ eluadbe- -II in I Ottawa.; ' . , SUNDAY AFTIKRNOON , ortb 'o , it tef Jr .t ,00t. !nee By ert 'ilietallr , Sive thenks.to Godson on His emote, To titan; f-li5 'deeds make 1onwo., , ding ye to Him,: siag psalms" naro- • claim .4i5 'wontirotts,'work's eaeli one, . „ Rdinenarber all His ,wondrous, works, The 'marvels he, has done; Vhe . righteotis jodgeniertts ' of HIS mouth, ,1?.i'...1lieroberr then?' each (me. . , (SeottiSle ISseitert. ' PRAYER • Great God and, Father 'of all man- rind, we thanld Thee for an, open•Bible .n. whictit,zsae can teas; aa enhy,,wondeee •i•til dealings:With nations ' and -wlivtivin- lividuals, e :learn there 110 . all hings change bat' Thou changest .not, Thou, att the: same „Yesterday, today "aid forever, h Thou .art upor) l'hy anee,ete, ,gonernhig, arid bleseing the 3.0Iasr of ' raeli; '',.Pour out illy Spirit, alo.ns,, ,that ie ttheir relatirot with each :eti'lebrestebe:yla njah:elfotioidowaYa. ti.lipiso, nt4 altl:a- who ,ciorie tO bring, pettce •do 'earth and good will to men. In His name VIC ... . . pres'ont our 'petitions,. Amen, 3.• S, LESSON FOR JAN. xer xoaad 'Lese.on Title -=-The Long Sojourn in! Egypt • Leeson nseseagon...Gattoht,!-eraa„ Golden Text -Psalm rax:o. , Although God had 'PreaniSed the! and of 'Cailaan ' to. Abraham's seed, aad had renewed that prornise''at different tithes .te ,him, to his son pearta and 'to vii S grandson. 'Jacob, thee and Jbeirs evere hut .sojourners iit the land; wan- derine. troom -niece te ohne; onto, fa_, .,• sd., .. ti ern out of dt i t ' •Eg.y1-)t mine rove,. 1 a n o jacoh, not -his twint,),rothed, Es'ait rddas''-face , Ilie one thro,ughwhom the blessing ' promise was to be ,pasSed on to Atte. seed. Of Ain -alien -1 'and' God .. Sadie.' moves in tuYSteriOUS, 'way Hi sh Won- eters to peeform" planned•the long sot' 'jottrn ,of Jacob'sadeseendante an' •Eg- , without 'ood ' centuties ivet=,--forh di sciplinc. the ' Hebrear. mind. would ne- yet_ have ,been bolnn, hat -tuned and handed. down to ' tlioSe- who in God's goed. time W,dre to inherit the Holy retina and , mini Fair poefeosc ,tai the ' . • rri:11' ',' i • ' ' 1: , • osePo's kansin en . were t ae last ail. the inhabitants- of the -01111 teies. et. feheted by „ late, -"aairane. to. 'sLand . iiritO a.tg.ypt, fo, cot -11,: , The , vilaking,' 1c116wn of himself to his. imeth,ree; 'the aecen- ciliation 'after- long' years 'of separag tion .the ' se -sliding ' for his fathe.r and their faniilits arid. the oroviditigL for bliern in the' land' of 'Fgypt culininated art the Mniden.t.of toda-y,s teescar, ,. Verse I -An Intel -view. With Pharaoh 'Then Joseph came atid. told latter_ , , aelb,- and., said, My lathe; .and, any- brethren, and their flocks ,and their helids, and aff . that, they .h.ave are oonte out of 'the eland of d Carraan a and ;behold they rare. itiethe lattd of. Gosh- • 'When ' .. Tha ' . IIrrnit-a-tivesI . remedy i ,hagra, ' letterS ' haanrne, • Ifrl:;4 t " , • 'hack; ' .•-• ' ' ' , -' i Sillontie.0:ti:19S:::.f•tobreu5011,:ia:it.sileme ] I. : liheumatism - , , Continged orn at eek ng . Madi ........'. _ „ ma 'doubt Iii the Rheamatifina all over Canada to this !-th alltiderahn IttI,seffere.d t dt - ' - 'Amherst -and the • Rheumatic= • ' - an adavertisnmentfor took . . I:took thel/a. have rieverfelt or from', Ont. . . , _ . . 6arataaysiee Teem, ate, ,stin. hi the town of' GreutYllie,-01-3i-a-ris,°.'w-here. jean fri*tt 0.416,44.Weraedlett:;a:InaaPot[ft'Lentd h•Son. tos‘otte.shIlnifttnahohhhos. -a rig No o Jack ..ttarrow, a young. roal :77:tHit 11;:titit,Viee:ftfiCi-sti41'...ihnie- 11rzytotzt'it;I:::4:tilln6r:till)xiiir,°;11:::rataItiiiretlir7ts inglitt:i queot, 011. . bee°°1." hla Priva't°'' atqaufg."• rapher. Atter three months • Mr.. Bush r es pwitInaiI4sn:tisoftzlar.„,ii,!lineelettoo,u•yrilwbliteoce,yhrly;:,e.,x1lirr:Itiloi:r:glyinufitellocit" refill:Mar ilim.•II r , , ., ' .. ., . . P , AP.TER --eraush.nualon, to effort, hy a eft °f II(dwers. te PealPrelals6 11a -sal In. the minds of her friends. ' Vie returns thorn, Taie,neXt 'day ;Desires th'rown irem' hti hereo and f,atailY hurt, 'He sends for I-Iax'el, who returma, t,o,see, htlii. beror• he dies... Three days, a.fterward It is an- rinutlOOdtliat he .ler,t a e1tacV of 15.0340 to rtirahysainnin.N: oir-arralian foe artY wrong h*1,,,, T/„..2,61,,,..ogni,,, p,t, once what coneneletiOn will 4 put upon i .„htt..(qUI:dS: B1,1•Sh ortdireleg084S,Rragtel.1-c-iLqa111:31,iatrr:10,voierwirl."In. ' a ft' Hazel an expianationor utisiee aciten. Hazel's:pride aat-nyrItt; .1,1afrioeiltafti:ntj.cr,s,-,,9,,,i, h e Grathtitie. silo seeti daldn'tinidelynnegetiig:e(i ,rnent ter re sehool tea,dlier at Cariboo geadofi!si, British Colitrabia, 4a4,1 omelette; tnotallalatlen, , ' . „ . :,z;etiya;ildi:avrh-Pcf.lia.;:"eir,yinrtt,;.alafV1tnIlloci---rir,r,tri.ainwbrertill'ictarrliiiilve,tva..:1)a);.idact,:loawd.aeri.3nliedesid5e.-IsbaeiTtycl-,. the light or a cainPf-ire, Elie turnti to it, hoping to -ilnd Somebody who Will gvide her home, ' At the ^Ilre she recognizee ,charaeter•kneWn• to geohoo meadows as 'acoartag„ aliti "Wagstaff." who had seen ete, at her boa,1 slIng hotse 'there , He ereroleem bp take h'er home' In the Morn- innigolithitil•Ilatehleie wroet.n,eilinsmop.eiied to spend the par . rah' 'r, I er,aCal-ileaSED0Raaay,„.--aer ,t,,,?",..,,rit',etea mt eandeoxym,d11?auyi Wagstaff finslly ftdrn....s he is .tairma her a,cabin tri the .mountaius, x...,,-,_, re re.. rpectful and coneelerate. atal I-Tazel, thoup;h protesting mdignanny, lz"helpless aim ha.s to R,CCOMParly him. ' ., preoyatiaaePsdeattazevi al,--tiet.itt tchi6ethaieir,irgaiew.whicaheali,aerad -been left by toorists. There they pms Ore. -winter. .71Phstere, t°11s bef li? leves her, but in her indignation at her abduo- th iisten to him. CHAPT11:11 VII---WIth. the coming ,of e„.pring Haze' insieta that wagetag. take her outror the mountains. He endeavors „ aa persuade her to ma.rry hina and stay.. bat -on her nersisteet refusal, he accont- pa:file's her to:Bella Coola, from where she-eara proceed to Vancouver. , . CHAPTER VIII ---On parting, NTa.gstaff dh e discov- givHazel a package whish es cee_taetriaLTeohitiaelrnsni,htisnodattetrawinnayotweil?ibt Wm attain it she desires to go back. At Van- aeou,IBIr eurt ritta„aszeptinelanis. to retur.n, to Gran :dug ,1,),i1;,,,..rat ;11-1.1i,-rth:..nt.;•ajencifleeaslige othtaGdbmile. 4.Y Fine leaves tba'tratn'at the firsestop. ' ' . ' .. ' CHAPTER. nt•--Vrith the aid of Hillis map she finds her -way las.ck, and the pa travel to a 'Hudson Bay post a.nd a.re married After some /months they decld sto,,o• tgalcrearr:her into the mountains to h n Bill Is confident there Is gold. . , "Do 31du realize that it a getting late in the /ear?. 'Winter, may come -bins I -in, gide of ten days. And nie caught in a rock pile, 'veith no cabin to shelter- intr best girleand no hay Ian to feed my ',horses! You bet it bothered me." She hugged him synipathetically.; arid smiled down at her. ' ' in sailing now " he con- 1 the tinued.. "I know that basin and al . ' country beyond it. It'e a pretty decent camping plaee. and- there's a fairly en." , ' , ,,ft .E.haraolr he'd. pregrously ' commend, I Jeeph to send ro -• his l'itheia and 1,•..11, his folks and to driak. e proviSion , for their tratisporta.tiaretnithout *Ilia,. tile 'old :hia‘ri, his' father' :°°t-ild not i have CrOsSed the hot inferag,ertingecannie I try.. It ,was'wheildraerib Sasia•the•Silag- i gons and th.e provision that ''hadebeen i'1111(le fof his comfort' that his 'spirit, 'ire:sive& aild:.„ he' recrigniaedd that his s ens had told, him the truth- and that once 'again -he was' actually to see, 'the . • ,„. of hie belOVaeldso-JocsoernPilin,,a.nde, 6. 3.6'5,, of. 'Pharaoh had ePti to send wordeto Ids father, dial he divotild give fain e•lia hi.S. the good. of the land of Egypt iiml,thattthey'Should. etia thejariof the land. ,. in. sa- doing lie Was exPressing is ,aPpreeiAtiou of of the ' Place ' JoaePit, • filled' as the • ehi,ef inillister of Pharaoh's COdirt ''''' It Was, but to. be expecteddthen that on their. a'frival feisePh tv wird, .at..' ()OS:0 ' make knO-wn .to rldharii.oh where. be „„had . tor eated thearedin the land of UOSilell. It try; 1 region -of plenty A --ich p1.5, e teral-'e‘ottetrv well, ed-P;tecd '' foi• the to ' ,, d' .d. ' t . • . --. - . ' drasing or flocks - and herds .and.- at the LS MI 11,01,.E.1 j0$- s'aind- tiale: nOt 1,.'0.0... a ' •• i ' t ' ' - '''' eph.'s okv,r1..p4i,pe Of ill?Ode .so ,„that lie tiltie-ht 'keep .in touch with thein,.' as . he ii i i• haa ' ' • a '' I • din' ' 1 '. ' h ' e - ' - - -• .., • said, Therc will .1, riourjett thee; fOr yet thereare. 'fie Years of famine; le:st tl,teit, and ,tba- house.hoide. earl ail • that ttio•a haat, eo_rne to .,pcivertjr." . Vet -See 2-6-LPharaoh'5 Farther, Inter, ''. - , est. ' ' .. . Afteretoeeph, romounced' the aetiv--• al of. his kinsfolk to Pharaoh he se- keted. five ent of the wnole.,e0mitatty of se.venty and presented. Jhera,' at . . Court. Ho.. had, previously instructed hi.IYINIAMMEinamaillOWnic a, ., a :' owimAii' ....11 ...o.---- billas . .. as - ...i.i7.'1,1- -,...' -.eat' t at - '4:, - •.. 1 I1 - 4, „ "d, ' a I t eca . ''''.4) .ttiS `f r • II' - a z , . .Si, , j. 'SS/ALTON .McKIBBON - . a •Mismes...01110.021110.1.....n. , 1 . .. - S { Was ir of and air When finge et work watch. and . she 'exclaimed. piled under or time snow that , , end fact , to watch glowing leaping the purr , girth ealateltg. start/lag opened a of fk 6 blit•riblg" air, Ineatiow without I rom , bil the ,out, beetitne lo gitatt 110. ...o.a........•••••••••••••¢1.1W' , a., 4 • .... .,..ti. t.,...v ., . skii.,,..,_ , ,,,::::,..a. .. ti.. 1,,:p.,.,,„?..1%,....N.• ,e,„ ere,' , ' ' a, ' d ' , '''''', a 4 tr."- ','.1' ' .. ' • yr,u,y -vtit.°1 - -. - -- - He bestowed a .rea.seuring kiss upon her. Thejr silt on the boulder for few minutes,' then scrambled downhill • . t j k i •' fi t d b lit their ro he ac -p ne a , an u i fi al d f th fil t ti even ng re n or e rs me . ° - In rna,,ny days Roaring Bill whistled anddiehtly burs, t into patches of son nit lied in the deepe bellowing voice tl , given him lais name back in the Cad boo .ceuntry. His humor was tafee- ilous, Hazel .felt the, gods of high adventure smiling broadly upon Meng .' . ' • . price neDee, At uoon, two days later, they stepped out of a heavy stand of spruce into . s in w rrned meadow, where ripe yet,. , , .ow geasses waved to their horses' ,... , , . , anees. Hazel came moot, a rresn- a:Illed deer lashed aerates Silk's back. .. Pell hesitated, as If taking hia boar- , 'Mrs, then led te where a rocky soul -if a hill •jutted into the meadow's edge. A spring bubbled out of a, pebbly .ba• sin, and he poked about in the gismo heolde tt with his foot, preeently st.00p- mg to pick up .sod.iethIng witiat. proved to heal Short bit of charred otiek. , ."The. remainS 4)f 'ilt)" , last eankpfine,„ te, imuled reminiscently. "Packs off, , rout, i a • , a rail pen Werre.th el •ith the tr „ . , ,,li„ -, '°r 41. wrie• § a 1 a• h,,, - • , ii, taa I 1 k "I , a. des y0.7:. /--, a alr ,elk`td --A - , ,7-,-...,- • a - , M \ -,-______ al ---------„_„.___,,-----"I - i ., R // /,/ . . Exi)ect , , " „ , built to Bs'r ", . 0.."' s, e . • - : - ..----- ____.....--- „........;...doet.„.------------ , ,.., ....----- ead-Ai-4-1' red..„-----dotea. Nif -..a. . cm a pair of eaa.c. -an Indian Pattern., ' a 'after an Indian grew wholly absoldoed win titel. after stitch and peatly into at length the aoreness warned her that she land e long time, she looked ., Bill's due holne any ven't a thing ready to "And here's my ' wood, and etirring the 1101 NV` ' fanned t an itli her _felt hat, forgetful 'of , lit bot that she ahotild las htingry arrival, blew lostil,v, driving- ecrosi the open in long, But she . boil for- 'MAO in the dimgerous dld not recall that im. . wben she sat. (them her moose atealte 1..., ' conla raked forest fraud The iflamee licked with br the ohlo1001" w shun eat. warned her of ilia- It •burst upon her ebroptneso. otily whet - ' -tn. t 0 to dOot to IOW out s n a Inadat, for the blaae . k h ii • t '• 'feet fit/ie a ot , lir St f0et the Sinblae rolled serest . a loOtiY inanney.• . '0,. ,'A thin pall of'ne000 , . coat or mittens to 'fetid freeta Hazel She doott get •thd' . , , Diorbana, befell'. tne 'leg their tranitatOry,, , tut:Mill, his tratia-tokehed the *laa IIOttIttillt il't' $'1*411 t'4 **rt°11**it'll* -- - a.m..* ! i •Z•V'f4;.° POW a-,, Ca v . Electrietamps . .. ''Life ..go at bound: . ' raetOrY Engintezs. TIM . . LAMPS __-'---,------------- n'„.__.-.-e----------' Ilit'' 'alt. 111 -tir 'BUY . "l• When . These.quartties Larani . Hydro' teate<I,' . t'Alt$ •' ' •,° I- ' "t2r . What to , . 11ying ' SakiSfaCtIllOn EffiellelliCY,, Long Ecorgonay ar'e so they are ..Latups are bY 14ydrio . . , TO BUY . , . . ItYDRO WIINIOHAIK UT/LITILS COMMISSION iihone, 156. -----._.___........_____..... ',4a . - •\,.. ... . - . , .f . . the intH be giveu . in' sPetted, ' ancl Oxperts. . .r....k . label darximi •..2.#0,,ct#4„. POWER °SPA 't-----rd:a.,,en...., . ydro out- and frit thief on the . , . you 4 D : ',,, .0. 5,0 i teta, 01411K7 . • . , — CHAPTER Jack Proat WE . All through ,the Inc ' 0001) evening. es dusk bee mantle' about. tb welves gatrWrOet to fe horses, 'till Hazene strained t.o the' Snapp! times, when Bill, wa, ebout the cabin wash talidee oe hungrier tl tenni() trot ramose tbe es. the seelit of the ,thtee of these Hazel lee ..t..a ° , 1 f). Hut when Ihebruary ;in, . ,..a.. , ., ' ti on the c landar no more, The hones ' , ' , a "mere wapc, no love, on dsrwar thst she ( toter:Ink with ,certItud , u. • n ,,la Ite ggld tigtil gt 11. log It 'tor pure gaiiielt ittitii,rkg, ,out ,t,t lit ' "I : ' forehodin•gia , .—..-. CHAPTER Xl. - Fear 151 .5 and a Reef.' Brought to it by a kindliee .road, ' Hazel WOuld have fOUrld that nook the iKlappan voyage ,a pleitgallf ,atiough • ' denv Ito beaut Pleee. §lle could th3t- ' ilin she was far boo trail weary to Op. oveelate ,the grandeur, of the Xiappan A ah ,.ange. Site destrad nothitig o mia d est and comfort and the BoYistan , to , , - inottilthins Were neither restful .nor . o tiling• They stood too grim and ° • ---" ' lonelyland. ' aloof in a. , ' There was 50 much to be done, work . _ ...,,, ' or the hands; a cabin, to Minn ,a• It 1 ,. 'Stable; hay to be cut and titackea that their. hinnies might liva through . She long Winter -whir% already her- Wed his appedieb with sharp, sting, Me frosta art night and fltirtia , , . ,, . snow along the htghdr ridges. . . , Blii Stilted the teat beeide apritig, fashinned * rude fork Omit .. a pronged willow, and littod ii handle . , . ., , :' • a a Sit to t.b to the seythe he bad ro g ' p ' • ii b •• . EOM dawa 10 die , a fIerSing . . ... , . .. - - , . the keen blade in the hear,' Smoot .The Preacher'a Hard Lot ' ' A preacher has a hard tittle,. .11 his , . hair is white; lie is too old. '. If he is a Soling man; he hasn't any experience • .If lie has teO.. • children he has troo litany, ' If She Ilea Ilene, he ' should . , . have ',led isn't "showing, a' good' ex- arriple,' , If .his Wife eings In t le ol en , ' f a ' n' she is presimung. I hp does t, she dislikes her haatand's werk. .If a . r , • a preacner reaus' hia notes tie is a pore, if he speaks eXteirmoralleouslye en isn't .d.eep -enough. ' If he stays. at . A A q , ii. tibiae .tax stony lie ooe t 1 w I) . -• lc, the people; .4 lie is seen, around on the to ,be at hoe get- Stt•eets lie oughtm ting -up a good 8,tmoii xf he calia On A poor family, ,he is playing ,, to the grandstand. Xi he calls at the home he is an artstograt, 'What. , 'earer he &es someone could have tbla hini how to dn. it 1)etter, Ile has a , . • ,. A . ,.. .' . ' . ... k . : time Irving ott ot uonattons Witten ne'' N - l, be' g.-Outil'ose• Ver e001.0 ,in. ext .o ill an editor a . . , , . a. e is an IIWPU 1110, 11 Op' lit heithimC,t 11 fiveti044. en, shoutdars, a rt the b with 'int to the credibly *boat end below do t remained; A belched misnitai d five home DIS wind. "tat- haddered with old. And then $ eyee 1�Eat now on top c sheheard hint EC on e butt IbM la er to it' I -laza , tood., with' tit* of bus arkil, She ("ugh this client tar-116re deeply ape.esiU cotmid• site pleaded What ean we' tea. "It 7 ever 'time, I hope it • nrid my bend. illy .swiat." no elear idea. .. anted up at lain ' staring nt the g neryouely at, ly he blinked. mister'. 1,11 the 11) iltS1 rifle. At of it. Siic col 'I" tier had month to teen ant that threat - house, Behind th its stimeato. a Sew second hi/Afire,. e,ebees Bey. Then the nd alone' broke Id, terrified et ess of it all, she ed, denied even eyed and heavy - o her hasband's t -for the first 111 look on her er. For an la- y listening for , every nerve the thump gainst the wail laded before hit He sat dew& d, and patting ()alders, turned faced hira, erson," he wide. over. Flu sorry y I did. That's he's hurt end jump oat S01.130- I let the fire en bunt It rap And I know •lake any differ'1 on't want to ba,' never he car talk about it, t think you will itt .auch things on't let u$ get lderness te big - It's merciless if buddei,ed rn conotrt-. itt d tenderly. "sG ur health and o out, and be ieneeY et in the spring the outfit?" she flow can we get the storii e trammed light- - th our furs and e vrtmat go Iron- • if We have. 1.10. o eie." XII. hdraWa. nth or aranrizi7 eSoulideeaddoltute. 80Z, ant on the dead nerves Were g point. Some - gone, awlan tterLy sun, orieS all hie fellows, 'meadow, drown meat. Two or, Idiot with her 'narked enether the Wolvfor aerie 100e elean. ding misted erre mild point to 01 e. NeVertheleaa, *two might, iqkOw. ological 011m0nt- h:trot) etrevtrea- continual 116/10ft V