HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-10, Page 3Piss* 4100,110 solo m
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T !A4 t'' upon court r iind w76:1: v S+e STORE "VIN IAIEN,TERPIS
Cas*Omerso R
�e t ea�ed with'ldndness and cunsiOerallaf, and we posit'rely ;guarantee a 'aIr
Everyone, It we tail to please yoa,:,,wIthii4Mereltandlise sapayllted •tor, yours Juspection, we
i>rivnriiahlysret rn your money err xetio rge for oii]lxe>r l ere] iridis• 11•pr'eierred Ibis eon.
s duration drakes irery pleasant for :you to trade With use 'tate ' weleame eolmparison.
J nommanwasawal■il■I*I■a!UNI
Y s an bili
■.; . xo doronly ;.Silk. •Hose, .Black,
Bron, Satr,:Grey worth 2IMC
$,x:'oo sale.price aD
3 Pairs $i.00
iwI .Ia*IIa■■®a■■11®■®®®■®®■■21■®■■a®■arl®■■lmaisall®ilr®■■■®■■■anana®s®®lligs' iaM1ISI®N®®N®SS®S'®INE■®®aZI
Ladies. Wool Vests, re
$x.00' Sale Price. .
0114111116 Nana
qt mg, Furnishings,
opt s
;co doz men's Braces reg Men's and Boy's Caps -3
• Ladies Cashmere,Hose all shades"� _ .
and. sizes Regular $i.00 35c sale price doz only reg $r.50 sale pr C
sale price .•
~ 5/9 C. Only 2 Pairs to a •Customer• While They Last
Ladies dresses all kinds, Mater-
ials, Caifton, Crepe, Tricotine, Paw
Twills, All Wool Serge, all sizes
;and fashions.. Come in and look
them over, every garment is of the
Latest Design
Boy's Ribbed Worsted Hose Boys Suits 2 Pair Pants,•
regular 85c sizes 64 to MG reg 15.o0, sizes a8 to Z ChM
ro Sale '1011 --FC 34 Sale ,Przce• ......•_< . •-- • •
Men's Fleece Linderwear Pen -
mans, York Knit
en-mnans,'York"Knit Regular ft' re
$a,25 sale price,.. L°
Mens Heavy Tweed Shirts Men's and ! Boys . ]heavy 'Perdanana All Wool 'Ribbed
all sizes reg 1.5o sale • Tweed Caps,,£ur band (� underwear, ail sizes APrice..... ._. _ ....._,,, reg 2.00; sale price..__. • Re,
reg. 2.o0 sale price.- r - .
NEW, TRAFFIC No flanges or clamps are allowed any permit or license.
'LAW g i the Act that trio-.
' . on wheels, which may in; any way in- Anew, provision m t 1 A
i -.the road.. torists will appreciate is the linut of
trio -
Motorists Should Know Require jure tlten' da s re hired for' the serving of
New Act be bought, . "sold or Y q
merits oftCars must not , .. ummbnses. In the past unnecessary
wrecked if the manufacturers' -serials ..
--= time has elapsed between the offence
High- :urnUer•is" defaced or removed:.
a . zst .the new k rforce i of the summonses.
On Deceln�Jaer 3 , vehicles which with cheer. loads and the,servrng
-way Traffic Act' came some
:'years No v tons cam use the °axe limit of tett days may however be
+`hottt:Ontar•io. Frit' 1 t
throughout permits. Such extended by g
the traffic laws of the Province ` have h t
been covered by .three separate .Acts.
• 'The M "`t Vehicles Act `dealt with the
weigh more t tan en: ded magistrates in Gases when
roads mi without speciald that offenders could not
begranted byheautli- it is evident
permits may
oi•ities having (control of the : roads be served. or were intentionally avoid
o -or ,in `service of sumanonses.
in general. such as villages,' towns, cities, towel g e
t i Loadion of motor vehicles g • iA•lnnitation has also been placed on:
� of Vehicles Act, contained ships, counties and the Department of
:thee the time during which civil action for
peed,isiz governing ;•tate• weight, Highways.
X r zs z 2 motor recovery of damages- occasioned by
speed, size of loads on all vehicles, in- Up to DeceinUe 3 , t> 9 S> • - motor vehicles may be taken. In the
P." trucks; and the • High- tnieks which, with their loads exceed
wading motor -cti ,and which: were past action could be brought; at any
of Travel Act set• forth the• rules ten;tons= in weight, a time, long : after detlails' of the" alleged
Y'previously registered in Ontario, may g
of the road as-.efehicing both e s .r
receive ;`special': permits to carry ,a injury were forgotten': and long af=
arid, been amen vehicles. These Acts, •niuin'load of five tons, ter witnesses could be retained. The
lied• .ine amended 'frequently result
-since niAf..
• � • • .t*After January Ise 1926, ' ,toric new Act provides that. no action shall
they, .}aereptiffi with un san that `? 1 ads nust not weigh be brought after six months following:
tisey.were.drff>cult to understand and trucks with'thea o the damage.
advance in more than eight tons. were,huse
ofaig•tor;the ,rapid adv All g garages must :obtain ''licenses
.All vehicles with tires less than 6 g g
the use at motor tae. es; not as :up to: , inches i. i _ n the De partrnent of Highways
in zdtlx,mtist not have abreat fromp a I f thed t 1
1�Duri,al2the s lit_ber :-,._-ant _._ er-1a c�_, <l t.. ;a. and must re-
than -will .-.__ +, nnct keen record, - _-- ,
a special court •t= , .- - , ,
' ' . - •. . in a •i.dth: �htis a -cue],; tire .must not luc •s sold, or vvrrea c
i comany itumn
t.a oa
and ar e-
1 During tate summer fds for each inch port to Department all motor v
a bought,
Parents of Major Pettigrew
Married" 43 Years
Men's Odd Pants all size
reg 3.00 fore—
Men's Overcoats and Men's Suits
of the finest materials at greatly
reduced prices. Customers pur
chasing an Overcoat or Suit here
will save from 35, to 5o per cent.
grew ,,lost $5oo worth of goods, Many
1 willthe ss of the
. also remember; �o
Jane Millar. Mr. Pettigrew has been
in Owen Sound purchasing stock and
provisions. The crew tried to per-
"The strongest winds over the en-
tire globe. for 1924 will be' on about ,
February 5th, April z5th to zoth, the,;
Mrrs, shade him to .go to Lion's Head by first week' in June, July 1st, October,
Forty-three years ago ire and Ad water with his'goods. His reply was 23th and December sand," stated J, B.
John Pettigrew were united in mar te-sto - of ; Pt and Mike going to Powes, of Chatsworth as he presented
nage: They celebrated their wedding River Jordan to dip. When Mike a copy' of his weather forecast for, the
,anniversary recent] the I v J P
' r was born'in went under the priest said, "The Lord coming year. For a gi eat many years .
Mr, Pettigrew
killen County, Farmanaugh Township,
Ireland: When xo years old he came
to Canada, the journey taking nearly
one month. It was on the same ship
that gentleman, Mr. Hiel, of the fain-
} ous gardens near Wiarton, came ov-
er. Mr. Pettigrew lived in Simcoe
County for `a time, and later tookup
giveth and the Lord taketh, hand as
on another.
Pat—"`Where is Mike?"
with unfailing regularity, Mr. Bowes
has issued a weather forecast for each
year and his forecasts have proved
Priest—: "He has gone • to heaven correct such a surprisingly large num-
b water." ber of times that they are eagerly
y, ,1watched for each season. Not only
$y Jaspers; said.Pat,; "I'll take
the pike." are his forecasts widely read in. the.
district bt
looked The Jane Millar went down, and her
u are or in many
Bruce Peninsula. Though he crew and cargo and Mr. Pettigrew's sections of Ontario and the Unitedabot
� land.' now Bstates. of is what he: says aborti. .
is 74 years of age he is hale and wedding suit. ;
of the 19ja
hearty, having retained much Lion's 1Ieaci was then. ,mission. January—very mild and calm.� 'Ohl
force and vim. 01 youth,: He is a lin The first Anglican minister to preach How cruel,
was Rev. Wm.. Stout Weston; first February—about the th of the
Methodist, ; Rev. Mr. Carson; first Y S
The month there will be Quite a storm of
I'resb terian, Mr. 14icLellort. wine]. and snow. Thc. balance of the
ung witness of an Irishman thriving on
oatmeal porridge for breakfast, as:
well as a Scot does. He holds the of-
flee of clerk o division court, its rads were mostlycorduroy tiaras.
.._ .,, .month will mild, calm and dry..
t r lent cut admiration
]ween mental efficiency YQuad .walk it om. t oo�r
Couples w March—very incl,],
l quite mild and
April—first half c t z
1 dry .
but from 15th to zoth there will be a
ver ro ounced storm of wind, rain'
and snow. The remainder of the
.moi ces.f farmers:n in will be very mile.
ch more titan two weel.s without gond miction to the recveship Of v, Tier Barents were sttc Freeborn, who is now'practicingmonth wz v y
Mrs, Pettigrew, - - • pounds c z2 1 committee of thelegis. a o 500 p 1 d byof younger inenr Y
axror to be married;
dmaiden name .n 'o over
-whoser caixie from Wiarton, v
A doctor' - received carry ,i total -weightteatcr r•
Dints zn ;the P.rovrnce ande required to report all cars or trucks Robert Tohiisfort alter 1 M
6" nches in r q P � roads axle -deep p
lature held public sittings, at various
. than � moo them, within six days.. ]hey are
truck own pounds Lot tires over z
'the opinions of motorists,
ers manufacturers and police l 600 ounds consequently an 3 -in
ideas receive it"was eci e ale vex ^ood. owns , ieisq. ,an June—in the first ten'days there
artd,thc , Broken .or •£aced tires will not be While the above is a blref outline ot, either ;,rvur;,, taxi. t_. I Y n , Lastnor 7.o P as while Mr, Pettigrew was in
laws in ,one d she has It w
i`ct t 11 traffic 1 tires must have , i al features of the Act it is se v .. t • are
though not perfect 'health Permitted and all solid1 the ge le tthe hotel business the Scott Act w 11 b e strong and persistent
. 1 T f pt
1 H
ough on y a was Margaret T3oyle, was born zn , in-
.ee in the fall of the year:
Inch remain on .their premises for ' otin ,man nits been elected by accla-to f'ownship, County of Wellington, e first doctor to locate was Dr.
width the miximuni per inch in width w y gTh
1 officials.
result of the information secured is . 0 P _AR
As a.,.es pounds.reason. 'ford
d'I'tire may q 80o Magne
d dd
:the c l;; lith' Sue•c _.S;;iV•. year• He
ess ul •
1a..orty years ago the family. move to
'coilso t • .�' reeve or xrs o Tanen s < r u t an er ec i <. •� r ,-.. will e very to ._ :. ,r is a� „ Pl t ra P ... as '
e` Highway is . ,
Act to he known as the g Y � bine ,here are at least); spirit of Doth There as no a
A 1 d f h afraid: [ the Y
winds, with heavy rain: and frosts
q of between. the dot of owners or rivers o ve i a rucr o lace a - < re issed.
s presented to -the q inches Y ter tresses P<
fig Act. This Na 1 oF the councillors. who are quite to hair m her 'glossy black
. les to stud i the requirements. of the three ... . g. • y g _ • r • • �, _ with a strong possibility of snow, an
inn the 1923 and tate road. c � ,
i aassed.di g . with� �r and'weblack are as brilliant Seeing an itpenznt,. for ,x grave -took- 1 t veek.
legislaturession of
d 1 rMarch and familiar them, • c`liable of filling the position !arid her eyes
Duran . the iziant,lis of Act grid become f r>i• •-" d Mrs. 1.'etti•rreae rain in the as a -
rslatuze and it would.. bt � memories as in, Uusaucss il2r, and ... • . *sec there will be
session of the legislature ..., : ,• � e than.. •n its ar• ,issued Ueheve ai-c aSJririrrt: far the .torxor. - I when lighted Trp with July the first n 1
•.. require- (.A rel motor trucks rat..d at mor All licenses 'cud pet i
It f • 1r e
from of its require Pgirlhood, old the hotel d U g
appear fr ,perusalthan D f Pu bl High -1 they were in g heavy mins and wind. The remainder
leaves tittle to bez s she avis noted sold th
azients that rt •les anon of r ,' , F� IfSI'.L�r-t•,:, In iter younger. d<y .. _ of the month will be desperately.
• •under-�tialf the. rated: load outside=,of cit ways in which tart admrnistr J�II}C)tv{r r ,i � e5sfutl iogetliei
:: c and built a d , •
n must not carr more lin U the Department
o. ic. r
_. de one to Y X .: 1 _ e and bake r
shop' close by;
t y.
its the pr inwt, o, the thine h head Her motto is our was brought agents of the De artznent of water local a S p f01 the
g f d b boat, enough
;i cheer winter supply.. Boats were supplied warm and dryuntil the
1 b d d f • g• t situ incl later very a s
sum -
It zs e`�tr elnely cis} to Ile heh 1 tF y
sired. T m the coin Permits and mark'• for bans, twatt
1 d towns separated from the Act as vestedt b 11 A
a Cr Ola her 7a c
1-)ii1)'•'11Y,kiirt'• Y• " ental keeps her and Mea or y
daughter t not t b Never give 'rip w P
\I bg
st dancer : in
the various divisions ,of, traffic lawssl for purposes.
Iic the same period all other vehicles are Department l
l' " eed equipment, garage 1 1 t I1 b
half Dol and
many wv is t icy ran suet ti and dr
and r r n ice creamparlor
., ons -deal with. - c un t nthe f s cars tla
Separate sect, 11II 1 t Yi f 1 if fit
stand. - 5ep townshipsf
, ties to
g can U
municipal e
']1' be tiro
t v -t < 41
September—first week w
e has a belt,,,• time, thazi'ri;(1 beau !around, bus front day to. day,,
she Y
bkailied direct from the lore is we vt "qr., Cr . ; grit fir y accomp as ling e or 2 August—t ae first tic p le mon
zi~ 1t isn't the c(t.ne,of and confectionery in connection.. Iter
a�ororito nor £coin the I celitis• to paY ;feat -of dancing with a tumbler will be dry and warm, with the latter
T '� ,• r : ! — , unht from Owen Sound
sue 1 as . sp ,
licenses weight and 1 restricted ' to a wheel. load of 25o
•uses; chattfgeurs r s for each tach of tire width,°
• d res o sibility:1 pounds 1which there' is at least one in each
load, rules of the Toa,., P 6 , .yvitliout'`s ecial,perinit: countyof the: Province. Chauffeurs,
s tnactioa engines, etc. , P .
All -Other
for im , Motor tracks utast clot carry a load. licenses and garage licenses can be se-
riotlier :inzportaiit feature is tate stat -1 r
un Y e• ter than that for which they are cured only from the Department at
ing. of the penalties. for violations of ,lir rt
Act . imznedi- registered.,
the 'rte urea
nents 'of. the ,
.ately following, ; the description of
these r•equirementsr
n ortant points
.A•feax,of the snort, n P P
are briefly summarized as follows:—
ollows :--
The speed limits are the saine as.
before, viz: 2, utiles tin:. hour in the
country and 20 miles ltz reties, towns,
and villages, with limits of to and xa
miles an hour' in corporations and in
the country respectively, past „inter-
sections where the view, is obscured.
Notwithstaxidieg the speed:limits
stated above, anyone' who, drives a Mo-
tor' vehicle recklessly or negligently.
air in; a manner dangerous to, the pub-
lic is liable to a maximum penalty of
$200, shall be liable to :imprisoiunent
upto 64 „days, and may 'have .tl'ze per.
or the ear cancelled for a period
not f e months..''Where;
not greater thaii'siic
greater: th'ui. 4b miles an hour
a 'speed tothe
made the offendet is Subject
is i
All' vehicles while carrying~ loads,
•:tending over the tear for more than
five feet must carry a red flag by day
and.a red light at night attached to the
rear' of the load.
Bicycles are required to carry red
lamps or reflectors at the rear.
Spotlights will be, permitted; pro-
vided vided they, are stationary and are at-
tached to the left of the motor vehicle,
with the light directed: to the• right-
hand side striking the road within 75
feet in front of the vehicle, -Movable'
spotlights are not allowed,
• bl the most outstanding
change iii. the Act is ,deaf providing for
the recording : of eonvictiolis onIthe
permit issued for motor .vehicles and
for the ;cancellation of.the;permits on
three con iction.s for certain offenses,
.� v provided
1 errtzit; cards will have space .p v •,
ori, thein. for the recording of ]convict-
ions, and motorists • wlio� are stinamon-
The new Act has been published in
a converzieiit booklet forth and will be
mailed oft application to .the Ontario
Department of Public Highways, Mo-
for Vehicles Branch, Highway Admin-
istration Building, University Avenue,
Toronto, •
A. G. Smith, has been appointed to
issue ttiotor :vehicle, permits at Wing
ham for _the third year.
When you hear anybody complaining;
That tunes are the devil for trade,
time... in ex-
he takes up your
-easel losses made,
Just tell him to, take off the sackcloth
.And;. put. on his flat 'and, come :out;
• .lave
same ionaltzt,h And nttmagistratesu gtei t these in Y011 can very. soon. prove
ill be tion .oilier than to ,treat zt ' - edw 1 Once you eta on tho move
no option.• ..... � � � tit older•. that tile , magistrates ... y g
ra an d court ithere's ` lenty °of business about. 1
teClcless d v g
`at least four may endorse amount of 'That plenty Tail lampser and
be of• �. i � llation of per-
ere ircd. to Pio-: the fitTes, and the cancellation
eaitdle, power clad ax nb ii oii the Though it isn't like 'x9 or '2o
. ,. a utnber Slates. ,ititts, rix matt],cases, delle d i l 0 1d succeed
erly ilius t s are
the' standing Y of ictions and the above When airy darn foo c u
� . ::are on the road number of c z v , . • 4 , 1' a .: got to'hike around' good ;.
e light a _ ,,,the procedure is necessary , ui.ordet that Aad dot v
light t carried on the left side tvill,._ ` Arid plenty
one lg t i itn know ]tow y a, p
b magistrates may, .. , man
shale: foe, a g ,
tf ,:li clearly feet
,0.,,de To rake hi, the orders, you tiled,
be, allowedconvzt:t ons leave been:ma ,
!ne :; est fioin the previous : t :..• : ,1 � want if you're
ca,of- t vo bund d f . x t Wlia.t else clo, you way
distan • Magistrates retioi'.
,. .,,,,,: , � Bite an At the came tin're rxt. , ,: •, . :
front and rear and ear, ,' W
i nest'r�'
r of
- io
.;ci ns to
all coij,•c i t o ,
front and red,to the rear, time for There oughtnt to be any doubt
. ,.s who may y
1' -Ii w'va
bins aectioii_by p'1a y ; y, . er
cekof itrdland t 1 1st .d .o the If eel hunt out your buy
�' ° +,.� misconduct or for violations of y, ,,.
• and if not in good of , � ii e a trzet•
police Polite
oli e ni,
kayotlthem r peat' o u the driver to do lisztthereunder suspend ' o "tca cancel Theresaplen y of business about.
ka,vc t.11,rrm properly adjusted.
bearrin� her burdens, wit z: yea an ancy co:acing n *27th, when frosts aiid rain may be ex-
inter. The
ttitrl girls<,
marriage the lived in mer and camps in w year
their Y.
wearing east. year's' hat. i dc- . After; _ Pec I am w•<u t ) part of tl encu
keeping hotel for five around the greater the P October—verymild and dry,until
test the styles th+s winter. L'ion's Flead, P g
1 d M P tt' iew s lack
Wc. like
is 5o qt
" lett :vz the side srrcet; it Y
ears which at that time was a brisk lu .a patronize rr.
• e . zg - tale 8th, avith strong winds, ran and
tothe pennisula cry.:
'business.. Timbering' on snow and frost ,about the 9th.. . Tha
b1` t
• r'ed
e extent. Their The. work
was car i g
and strain )roves o0
1 her middle of the month wi11 be very mild
Il d travelers much ,for
hotel was we patronize ,
corning and•going continually. Many •
times every room would be occupied
and several. beds made up on the floor
belated travelers satisfied with the ac-
commotation, enjoying the hospitality
of their good-natured " landlord and
landlady. People came from far and
near to "taste Mrs, Pettigrew's cooking
and Mr. Pettigrew being a true son of
Ireland passed many long hours away
by his jokes and thrilling tales. In-
nc and roughness were not: tol-1
• elece y g
erated. '
TheYstory r is related which
Ishows their recourses. Provisionst
that time were brought from Owen
Sound by boat, which had not arrived.
and there was no fresh meat, A fes-
tidious traveler desired beefsteak for
breakfast. Bears were plentiful and
could be seen walking ahilost•arty time
on the shore. Mr. Pettigrew should-
ered his 'gun and . set forth. The trav-
eler had steak for breakfast.
There were three general merchants
in Lion's Head --Charles Vitebster,
Feank Stewart and Cope: Densmore.
Freight was brought entirely,by water
Owen Sound' in the strminer,.
trot,, Ow xt
the har-
iii. oats
calling :l ee steam b g
bor', In winter it was drawn over the
ice, When tate Josephine l .rd was
barbed, near Presque Isle, Mr, Pett.i
Mrs. Pettigrew and - A 1 d t
tired from bmsiiiess ailrl ail
ago the retired
Health broke down. Fourteen' years genum• even,, rain and snow storm
c1 *ern cold about the �2nr1
.,itr�tt't.�;.r'.atin,t'?ttrt��'•!z��tr� ,�=c
. cast,l+rr rpt r.
i.:,h z 'b"
old 'in,Wang . 'Windham' y ..
g Y
bought a ranching farm in Lindsay,
which they let, rented .the bakeshop,
which at present is not occupied, and ' TORY CORNERS
remodeled their
residence. Mr. Thomas Nickel held an Auction
They have four-: children, . John Sale ona Jazz. 3r
George of Owen Sound, ,a sort by Mr. jiyr. Arid :Ntrs. Fred 1Justoair leave the
Pettig rein's' first marriage with Miss
sympathy `of the friends and ;mei h-
g marriage, Lieut:. 8
Wallace and by their S , hors in the loss of their infant baby.
Col. E. Pettigrew, M. C., of Wing-
o Ont„and Mrs, Levi Galbraith spent tlievae•k
ham; 1lerbezt of London
end visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert
Mrs. E. N, Cooper, of Meaford: McIntosh of Windham.
Their home was known in the vill-
age and surrounding country for its.
welcome to the young people, who
would.congregate there for the sports
of youth. Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew
joining in the 'merriment, This kept
thein young, They have always kept
abreast with the times and activities
of young people: Children delight to
visit them. Their homewill long be
remembered as :a place o:(welcome and
real pleasure.
• own .fireside relat-
ing5ittirx by their w ,
tales of earlier days arid' laughing
with. ail ;tateheartiness of youth,: one
stipppo se: Mr. and Mrs, Petti-
grew to be many years younger. Their.
Many 'friends are extending to
hearty congratulations arid bestwish-
eS for the new year.
Mr. 'George Nickel of Toronto call-
ed' on his nephew Mr, Thomas Nickel'
of Tory Corners.
l hasleased 'hornas
P. A. Taylor or 'I
Nickel's farm for a number ofY ears.
Mr. and: Mrs. Ernest ,
Wylie It+rr,
and Mfrs. Albert Dustoyr and Mr, and
Mrs, Fred Dttstow spent Xmas at Mr.
Geo, Wylie's,
Quite a number front itrouitd here
enjoyed. ;their 'Christmas dinner at
Bert Wiiiglit's on the xt'th.
Glad to hear livIrs,. G. Barton of the
rith is lul roving.
r p
, o :' ie1 otirtf and
Rev. �V": Hartley f 'al la c l
Mr. JohnHartley of; 'Van]:. Leek Mill
Godenich is a -.
• JoeBarton of t
:end Mr.I1
iil� their ilio xc•r
t:cndin„_ tate beds, car tear tl „
Mrs, G. Barton,