The Wingham Advance, 1924-01-03, Page 7Ittisd , aw,iy 3, 1924.
Stopping the routh of
he new bograer had llat been in-
frodueecl to a grotty of boardeas on the HACK ETT
Mimes and: .Their 0
frerit Peron after dinner and iniMedi-: Variation—Acker,
ately began to 'L am a widoav,' Raial Origin—Angie-Saxofl.
i i the course' of the con, '
she datligeg 'Source—A given nare.
versatioa, my husband lias been dead. -
two years awl. a do not intend to mar_ Hackett hi One Of those ancient Aa
RaCial Origin—German.
Souree--Geegraphically descriptive.
Probably a greater number of falnila
Berg, Bergman Berg.
names originated geographically in
t f
, , ., .,
James "Whitcomb Riley alway$ en.
JOYed a Joke even if it -Mere Pn hita-
aelf. An arroasing anecdote of the poet
which Mr, 'Mareus Dickey tells ie the
.matuo'ty a. J'anies Wiiitcemb Riley,
occurred when Riley (Mee leetured In
the town ;of •Delphi, Indiana..
The 'night Ot hie appearance, we
girl is, With me and the boy is. ataYing, iiik , weat it seems h . g . gone Germany' than in any other opuntry., read, Riley iselefit 4adt• ,tille til,f1c,e of his1.
With his grandmother 'this Sninnier 'be- e , . avin , Berger aads its 'variations fall. within friend, Dr, Snaith, a Ittle loom sop
trause,his, Iiin.gsaate Weak and the oe ithie claseifieatine. . , ' . arated frOrn the alaill 0:fnee by tl, thin
though • a ' tremendoes degree of
t,or said he ',aught. to nee on a fa;rp, au, change since 'the ' earlY daYa Of the 1 , Students f, • tit 1 istories of our- partition that Ian ha tway to the Pell
t -y again. I have two ehildren. The go -Saxon names is far from be -
M p r :„ . I Christian era, i names hate' aserilied Many- reasonstoThe ilext Morning g weirnantcall-
et: heeen ua hotie•eheeraage
,rom very•cloge,eanectiOn which.i irt Gernattny's noMeti- ed at the .offlee While; 'Riley was etill
. . _
. •
nd. ',oil" nolan• to boaedtfar a year or, eXists between,so reaey naraes and tile ielattire, but the MoSt: logiCal -sieeldrigh She Ilad,a biting tongue and
, awe, I 'make. all, M3s own clothes and' ds trona Whieh they ,te t t eir twit of it appears to be in the fact tbat was nreau leettagainet 'all fors of en -
calm; my owla fiats.. My hasbaad left igin You wolild 'feel inatifieCin assulli- 'throughout the'most otthat laed with tertainmeht and the doetor knew' it
„ ,,
ma independent; but with tWO children lug t4at-te criglnal Hackett was one Ithe exception of these sections of the Here W45 h1r4 phanceto get °von with
hase, to be careful of expenses. The ,NVh0 haelCed something for sone Pur- north where the ,Searadinayiiin in-' tile Poet for some Joke that Riley had
reason came here was heemise a pose or other, that possibly he was a I fluence predominated, there existed Played on him'.
'demi who lived here last summer re- gi'eat warrior, with a reputation for nothing in medieval and ancient times After. Prescribing for his patient he
coinmendecl the place to rne. We ha -se dispensing rough treatment to his in the way of triltal nomenclature or said as she rose to go: "By the way,
two rooms and like to get holdof ememies.. But nothing could be fur- organization. There is no doubt that did YOU hear Riley last night?"
tribal organization and the custom of
tribe members bearing the tribe .name
in 'some forms as a distingniahing
mark gave rise directly to the more
Modern system of surnames,
Surnames did not become connnon town, sponsored hrBillins., Mark
Twain 'and Longfellow. •Bardette says
in Germany until several centuries af.
tier from the truth. "yes," she replied.
"Did you ever waste money so reck
good washwoman who will do your -
lessly before?" asked the doctor.
"I never did!" was the reply, "The
Hoosier poet genies up here to our
waists recently , and not hold. you UP
for. it."
. ,
"What on -earth did that woman tell
us her family, affairs Ler like that?"
aaid -one of the boarders, when the
newcomer had left'the group,
l3ecause she's wise," said her bus -
rand, ."She has evidently boarded be-
fore, endslietkeows'tla_at her best plan
is 'to explain herself to 'everybody the
'first' day: Any ' woman who comes in-
to a .boarding house and doesn't Seem
t�, be Willing to talk about her affair
immediately, 'becomes .ae. object of
mystery' and of gosaip. "You, women
who don't have anything to do but;to
sit around the house -all day and com-
. - . '
ment on the •newcorrrers wonder who,
she is and how rolich. Money she has
and if she has no ,husband you .wonder
what She doe* for a living.' Now you,
' know' all about that woman. She's
given it ' straig,ht." ,
"I wish she nadn't," sighed•his1 wife.
'Now we haven't got a thing to talk
about until,' the next new. boarder
The source of the name on the coil-
rary, appears to have been a very
peaceful one, though just which' ef two
possibiliti•ea it is, likely to remain for
all time a question for conjecture. It
came originally either from the Anglo-
Saxon ward fpr' tenaple, or that for
fairy. , The more probable explanation
is that It came irons one an one case
and from the other in another. In any
event the name was Ealhere. The
two possible sourced ate "ealth," . a
templeS and "aelf," a fairy,
When the -Normans came to England
their Latiniz,ed tongues were unable
•to, twist arounde the pronunciation of
Aelher.e or Ealhere, and, they corrupt-
ed it to Aucher, from which it finally
developed into Acker. and Ackett and
ter they were established in the north. he la pure gold; I say he is pure ab-
ern and western sections of Eirrolie; We! If I had my money c—aed whek the actual ne cessity for sae_ Scarcely had she uttered the words
names did make itself felt there was when flip! over the partition came a
no prior system of tribal surnames, silver half d°11ar and landed on the
and very little in the way of unbroken floor at her feet. In their joint as -
inheritance of °States among the no- tnnishment the doctor picked it it')
bility on which to base them. Hence and- suavelY handed it to her; she left
men turned naturallv ,to the games of the office, wondering where it had
the Places In which they Iived, and to come from.
geogratillical features of those places. In a few moments Riley..aPPeared-
"Well, w:ell," said the doctor smiling,
Berger simply means a mountaineer,
or more literall3r "berg were," moun- "I did not know you were awake."
tale). main as does Bergmann. "I was not awake," drawled Riley
-.15 AR Indication Tbat th
Thin and Watery.
The first elan Of reeurnatisea fre-
Appreciative of Year's Work
and Has Confidence in
The Wisdom or the Elephant. . . .
• The following 'sig ed e °In
a The' real teat of 'mail -bat . • - .m -ss message
Henry W. Thernton, K.13.E., Brest -
dent and Chairman pf the -Boards , of
Directors of the Canadian National
Railways, to officers and ernploYees of
the' SY:Sten:isle published In the Decem-
ber issue of the :Canadian', National
RailwaY's 1VIcigaziries
AO traveler. the nanie. Tenant To Officers and Employees: .
ras onde. riding, horseback along a ' I 'wish you all a Merry Christmas
and a 1-lappy. Nett- Year. For 'twelve
months we 'have been engaged in a
joint -enterPrisee and any success we'
have met with his been largely 'dile to
the ,fine spirit and efficiebt service ren-
dered by Officers and.
1 thank for the way
yd -u have responded to the 'denial:ids'
upon you and far the excellentsservice
yoat have .given the Company.
pecially, I :Wish to thank those emi
ploYees., who come:in contact.with the
travelling mih,lic for the courtesy they
have displaYed. They have, indeed,
treated -every passenger on our rail-
swaY as a. guest of the Company, with
the result that not have our men
found satiefaetion .in' 'their work but
they ,have, materially added to the'
'good topinion of -Mir:undertaking
insthe, minds of, the public, "
We •vsill 'face the' oncoming year with: enthuSiasm, cetrage, and a de -
according to Mr. •Samuel Derieux,•• is
the ability, to meet an unfOreseen- difa
'faculty, to grapP116 With a 'situation for
which, neither training nor instinct..
has. 'Prepared, Here is good ex-
.., „
"A Man's a Man, For a'
Lord Kitchener, who was essentially
a military man, was not readily im-
pressed with the importance of any
civilian,' He had become •rather for-
getful of names; and it has recently
been told" of him that during the 'Great
War the accounts' he would gave .of
momentous conferences with cabinet
officers, parliainentary leaders and
other great fol'ip often filled his hear-
ers with 'mingled- horror and amuse -
•wearily, .."blat there are times --there
are times—when suffering from night-
mare—that I—that I reach my trous-
ers -- and my pocketbook -- in my
queratly a main and swelliag of one of
the joints, If this la not treated
through the bleed, which is the eectt of
the diaease, tee poison spreada—af-
feCting oteer joints iimr tissues—somc.
times rhellinatiem attacks the heart
and is fatal. .
A remeay that has cerreeted many
as* of rheatuatiam i$ Dr. Will:lama'
Pink. Pills: These pills enrich arid
purify the- blood so that the poiapnotta
rheumati in -atter is driven out of the
system a nature inteeded. IVfiss Ger-
tie Define, Washago, Orit., was attack-
ed with rheumatiain and found relief
through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She
saya:—"About a year ago I wad at-
tadted by rheumatism and for two
weelta was confined to my bed. The
trouble was so painful, affecting the
joints of my. limbs so that I could not
stand aleae. Mother had a box of Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills in the house and
thought they migb.t help nae„ I began
taking -there, and when. I had taken
these pills got a further aupply, with
the result that the rheumatism 'van-
ished and _I was a well girl. I may add
that my mother and two of my sisters
have also used the pills for various ail-
ments with equal success, and now- we
are,never -without them in the house,"
If you are .suffering from any con-
dition due to poor, watery blood, or
weak 'nerves, begin- taking Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills now, and note how
your strength and health will improve.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by lean, at 50
cents a box from, The Dr. Williams
1Viediciae Co., Brockville, Ont.
, •
Sunset and Wild Turkeys.
Constipated children ean find prompt
relief through the use of Baby's Owe
Tablets. The Tablet$ are raild but
thorough laxative which never fail to
regulate the bowels and stomach, thus
driving out constipation and indiges-
sueh casual phrases as: "There was a fevers. Con-
ment. They were likely to contain_ tion; colds and simple -
chap whO said—I don't remember his
name , but he had curly hair."
road, in India, on both sides of which
1 correspondiiag forgetfulness of a
grew a dense' Jungle. 'Suddenly• his
. . name famous in an alien line of
, horse shied 'violently, and Mr. Tenant achleyernentwas :once shown by a Ile -
'saw, coming toward. him ta ' huge ele- ,
. — -, , . hag County -politician, gtill a little new
. . , . - , . , at the' game, who aceorapa.nied an old-
phant unattended and balancing on'his
• tusks alitsavy. timber that he was evi-, . . , , .
, . . , . t •• .er hand to ,.Amesbury; •MaesachuSetts,
ederitly carrying from a sawmill, to the .a. goad many year ago for a quiet ses-
tslalipfards.- , The timber filled the road
shut with the local leaders. As they
-from , side to side; and Mr. Tenant
left the haIl together after the meet -
could net possibly`pass. * ' - • - .
ing he observed. cornplacentl'y to his
companion, "Well, we've started the
and rider, stepped ,anct.tureed side- bail all right, and I guess me can trust
, 'em to keepagegoing. T.licy don't seem
wise. Then lie backed a short die-
- h of a crotivd' but 'there's one fel-
Mlle . ,
tenets into , the jungle 'and, leaving
room for horse and rider to, pass, low among 'em,—I don't recall his
'mit hs 'dsirectione that. they
, nanie, but he had a, long face and eyes
should go an. ,But a' horse is terribly like the late lamented D. Webster,—
afraid of an elephant, and -11r. Ten- .
, he's got. good, practical ideas; he
ant's horse continued- to rear and
Suddenly -the elephant, seeing horse
knows what's what and what'll get Us
not loice him to pass. - : - , whTehreet:practical" person whose name
plunge; i the man himself, interested exlSt
to see what would happen next, did Ing
the politician had forgotten' was the
poet John Greenleaf Whittier, wha
the el 'tient backed; still the horse
' 1)eep,er and deeper inte the jungle
. • • , • , wet's' indeed . practical risa he was
reared ' .1. plunged. At lastlthis-
:teriniaatiOn to establiSh still higher
our Standard of service. . .
sWitn', your continued co-operation
and support, I am confi,dent the day is
riot far distant when we shall justify
the.. wis'dom of thodeewho 'were .re..
idealistic 'when it came to polities. Of
pharat I , the piece of timber dovvn
. ,
the identity of the person the forget -
and, pus \ pg hard against the under-
. . . , , fill-- pdlitician was promptly, informed,.
growth,. dt.iaPpeared.' -Then Mr. Ten- . • •_
, .. . • . , • to his -vast astonishment. •
rs ' ' 51 ast -' '
ijrn a poet!" he ejaculated." A
• ,
A siaort distance' down the road he spoesible for our . National Railway t .tpe
• - poet that wri es poetry!as soon
treeasetede teie_a_anta 10 eared _itaek T.I.a_e_aeLetwaSytalt_em. and ,nwlake_ a_ _have_ ex
nected. sou'tto tell- the he. was
Source of profit and pride to the la-e-o-Ple- —** — "t • —
phant ,came out of ,the jungle, picked.
un.the liniber with his tusks, balanced
it witlabis trunk and; turning it round
in the read, went on his way with loud
snorts et indignation and disgust.
The warrior died thatayar might pass;
child-e-'-itt the ,unthinking mass
That cheerthe ,hagga.rd troops' re-
Watches with spirit thrilled and -burn-
Reading within the bayonet's dance
The werld'old falsehood of ramance;
Tints, war perpetuates its' power
And (Irons quick seed from its spent
--Daniel Henderson,
Playing Safe.
The steels salesetan, after painting
beautiful word picture, said; "Now,
Mr. lonas, you know this company
baseit got it dollar $ worth of watered
stock in it,. How much are you going
to bay?"
"Young man," bo said," "the trext
SLocir I buy is going to have four leg's,
T will water it esyself,"
an artist that does hand -painted flow-
of- our Doininion. -
(Signed) H. W. l'HOB.NTON,
lAthile jam is an excellent breakfast
dish, marmalade is much better be-
cause of its laxative properties,
Spanish buil -fights, last year were
responsible' for injuries to 22,000
The Magic Touch..
'In the 'old daYa whatever Ring
Michas touched turned into gold
"Yea; • lint in these , clays, Whatever,
Ring torte:a-es tairus fateany:thihg
you '
uroil16 rather sit on ; pumpkin
L'we it, all to anYself than to be
crowded on a velvet. cuebien.---
Siteeeas istean't sitimppcsin." •It i
• Organized., 'pee.,:start.itted,• captUred b
cornea*. Senseatier.ratee* WiiiarcL
Bayer" and Insist!
ors! That raan't a man!"
Diseases Registered by Your
- Finger Nails.
All aerious diseases and accidents
are recorded on your fing'er-tip.
it you have a dangerous illness a
plain straight ridge Will show itself
acres$ all ,your nails. Some weeks
elapse before it is visible, because the
growth of the nail is affected at the
cerning them Mrs. Gaspard Daigle, De -
main, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tab-
lets have been of great benefit to my
little by, who was suffering from con-
stipation and indigestion. They quick -
ay relieyed him and now he is in the
best of health." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cts, a box from The Dr; "Williams'
Medicine Co, Brockville; Ont..
Gray Roofs o' Gloucester
• • .
• .
There mey'. be lanes in. Devon halt hid
among- the 'downs
And hedges rank With roses in little
' Breton towns,
But never was so brave a sight since
alltheworld begun
As the gray roofs. o' Gloucester a -glim-
mer in•the sun!
The gray ,roofs o', Gloucester and all
the world a -dream,
And every sail a glint of gold. upon a
scarlet stream,'
And 'Wharves and streets a glory as
the crimson sun went down.
To melte a magic city of a little .sea-
port town,
And still will remeMber when. all the
apringe are old
And, all the -sails are tattered and all
ri R are cold t
When•.all-the tales are ended and all
the yarn is spun,
The gray roofs o' Gloucester a -glim-
mer M the shn!
—Gordon I-Iillinan,.
'Unlike the sportsman with a gun,
the man who "hunts" -with his eyea
alone is never disappointed. Mr.
Archibald Rutledge, writing in Field
and Stream, gives- this pleasing des-
. ,
creation of a pretty and unusual sight
that he once saw:
I was walking down a trout stream
one ,October afternoon ewhen, the sun
was low. On either side the laurel and
rhododendron bushes so overhung the
water that further progress was 61111 -
cut, and ha:d almost given up trying
and was stepping from. a stone to the
shore, when I saw an unnatural sheen
coming farm some object thirty yards
dovsnstream. Crouching on the rocks,
I peered through the laurels; There,
liaing either side of the stream and
It is alwa,ys safe to send a Dominion
Easprssa Money Order. Five Dollars
costs three cents.
taking their sundown drink, were
thirty-two wild turkeys! 1. Could count
them readily. They drank in peace
and departed in peace, for I never
showed myself.
One such glimpse of wild life as that
is worth: many a day of effort. You
can remeinber such a picture with
pleasure long after you have forgotten
things that are far more "important."
Eggs of the dinosaur, laid 10,-
0.00,000 years ago, were found in Mon -
root, which is invisible. But when it
does allow it takes many months. be- golia by an. American scientific party,
fore it frows to the tOp. These marks
' who are taking them to Peking.
may remain for yearS, and the more
acute the illness the more prominent
are the ridges,
Break your wrist to -clay and it will
probably .he 1325 before the resultant
ridges have vanished from your nails.
In this case, however, only the nails
of the broken arni are affected. The
other hand remains normal.
Sudden diseasea stop all nail growth
in the same way as they often affect
the hair, and the fingers then look as
if the nails had been cut straight
across with 8 ei,..s0r5
Nervous afflictions canoe deep
grooves aeros,s the bails. They also
tassume.a patchy iappearance and will
• UnlesS you see the name "Bayer" on be very brittlefel-seine thee.
After the.attack the new growth will
be very thin and finger-tips will,be ex-
ceedingly "painful, The thin neW
growth gives the impression of a deep
deet over themoon" of the nag, or on tablets you are net get-
ting the genuine payee prOcinet proved
sa,te by millions and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three Years for
C'olas . 'Headache'
Toothache Lumbago
Baraelie ' ' Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspiria"
oaly. Each unbroken package eon-
taina prOPe.r directions. Handy boXes.
of, twelge tablets coat few cents, Drug-
gists ,alse sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Martufaeture Of
Monoaceticacidestor of SalleYlicacid.
While if, is well knOwn that Aspirin
;Means Bayer Menefee:tare, to assiat
the public agaIntat iMitationd, the Tab -
Iota of Bayer COMPittlY Wil lie stamp-
od ',with thelt genetal trade mark, the
"'Bayer Creas."
Setting Her Right.
Mather -- 'Co -me in this minute,
Archie! 'HoW often have I told you
not to, play With those tough little
Arciale—q WaSe't Playing,witli them.
I was ,getting ready to show 'em they
aren't:half as tough as you think they,
' The world's record for a grain train
is held by the -Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, on -Which a train a Mile long,
comprising 125 alga, with a total
weight of 7,94(4 tons, VMS hauled by a
single engine.
Only Fit for a P.
Tretme—PTiav ..rnistter. kill
some o' them persimmone on
there tree? Guess they're only
feed a pig -with, anyhow."
Farmer --"That's all -- help
" •
—From the New York Woi168
Possession. The Dignity of the Beadle.
g y '
I say,I•OWItt a mountain,
Having bou.glat it fair and square,
Oh I own its waters
Tumbling dowifthrough maiden hair
And its secret, perilous pathways
strewn with leaves - n
1 -own the earth with its, warm brown
th antod paitivteirtrn
- Giving
- things;
And the friendly .trees -wherla the
twilight brings
The little, sleepy, winged things home.
But I do not own the. arching sky
Or the great, soft winds that whisper
• by
When shadows purple my hill at night.
These and th
eir brother: things; the
God owns,
rs, not
MY Love I own in 'his white, white
• For he gave unto me his heart of
And fiercely my two frailen
hds shall
keep .
His suddenest dedire.
The swift, unsullied lips he bends to
me are mine,
And mine the hands that never tire.
But oh, his Singing self goes free!
I do not own my lavers sour,
And all his :tinctured dreams I can
btft dimly see
Inviolate within a crystal bowl.
The beauty 1 am tinhungered to pos-
Through empty hands slips lightly
All hidden and intangible earth love-
My wind, my stars,
God owns, not I.
—Kathryn Worth.,
ray Love's young
All the °Id -fashioned beadles.)
churehes have not been merged into
the modern, "church °facer." It was
oily some two years ago, writes, Mr;
David Catiabertsen. in Revelations of a
Library. Life, tlia,t 1 viSited one of the
city churches in Scotland, and when.
I asked the beadle at the entrance
-whether I could bet shown to a seat he ,
replied: "just 'gang your way Inside,
.sir, an' tak a look ratan% an' when you
see a seat whaur ,yau think you would•
be comfortable just step inside!"
We haveenother .view of the beadle
In the case of a minister Who, Wialaing
to show his appro,batioe, told , that of-.
ilcial that hie office had a :dignity of
its awn, as 'well as that of the elders.
"That's what 1 aye think o'," the
beadle. replied,- "when I see the eiders
on the Sabbath forby there's
Several o' them; but who, ever ,heard,
tell o' mair than ate beadle? And
what's naair, 1 had raither be a dear -
keeper in the Lord's house 'than 'dwell.
in tents .0' sin. Themla Dauvit's words
imd. they aye come back to me When 1.
compare myself • vvi.' -the elders!"
Mixed Conclusions.
It was Robert's first visit to the Zoo.
"What do you think of the animals?"
Keep IVilnardia In the ho8es
Cutting it Short.
A butler always annoyed his mia-
tres•s by announcing her -visitors separ-
ately. For inatance, instead of saying,
"Mr. and Mrs.. Kilkelly and the Misses
Kilkelly," he would call out, "Mr. KAI-
kelly, Mrs. Kilkelly, Miss Norah
keliy, and Miss Kate Killeelly," men-
tioning each member of the faintly by
His mistress told him on her next.
"At Home" day to make the announce-
ment shorter'.
As it happened, a Mr. 'and, Mrs. Pen-
ny, with their grown-up son and a lit-
tle daughter, were the first to arrive,
whereupon the butler electrified bis
mistress by throwing open the door
and shouting, "Threepence -halfpenny,"
- Many races of mankind are exceed-
ingly susceptible to intoxicants, among
them being. Red Indians.
inquired Uncle Ben.
After a critical inspection of the ex- Use
hibit the boy replied, "I think the ken, -
have I garoo and. the elephant should change
fit t'
your -
London's largest pumping station is
to be erected at the Metropolitan
Water Board's huge reservoir at Lit-
tleton. The building will cover an
area of over 20,000 square feet, and
120 tons of coal. will be consumed
every day.
Ask for Minard's and take no othor.
The rune and the School
Earnest parents, Who would appreci-
ate the problonas of the school depart-
nent, and whO really want to assist
the -work of education, may -find some
of the following suggestions helpful:
Don't expect the teacher to control
your child if you have failed at home.
Habits og obedience and respect for
authority must be learned first at
Fathers know year eons Mothers,
know your daughters. Children who
have been taught always to confide in
their parents can be trusted anywhere.
Find some daily home claitiea or
chorea for your boy and girl to do, arid
they will come to appreelate in seine
degree the sarcifices you are maltieg
for them.
Don't give children much spending
money. Let them earn it; otherwise
an excellent cpportunity to acquire the
ii,abit of thrift is lost.
Where ehildren are far enough ad-
vanced to .have hoine study, be sure
that they regillarly set atitle the same
tine for it eVery day. Rogula,rity 18 a
good habit to acquire.
Don't believe every report your
child brings home. Children de not
all lie, but Most children hate a streng
imaginatieri whieb leads to operate in
their own favor when they are guiltY.
Don't take the part of year
against tho teaelier before hearing
both sides. In nine cases out of ten
you will find to year embarrassment
that your child was wrong; and in the
tenth case it is better to suffer a slight
injustice than to destroy the teacher's
influence over him, e
If you have a complaint to make, go
first to- the principal -of the school, not
to the superintendent, a board mem-
ber, or the editor of the newspaper.
The principal knows the facts best and
can give the readiest relief. By g.v-
ing the principal the firat opportunity
to answer your coMplaint you help to
prezerve cordial relations betWeen the
home and. ,school. That helps your
child, and that 18 the main thing.
Don't expect miracles. Not all child-
ren are equally apt The school trains
minds, but doesn't furniah them.
Don't apply the adult standard te
the -work of your children. Don't up-
braid your boy because lie can't do
8111110 as well as yeu or your book-
keeper can. Try to remember how
many times the teacher made you
stanci in the Corner for blendeaing
over the seine auras when yea were a
Don't critic:fee every negi thing that
the 8chOo1s aro attempting. Ceriabler
where yelir busieese -would be lf
sun treed tile Same inethorla and the
sante equipillent that -Were used "when
yea were 0
Mother! Give Sick Child
"California Fig SYrup
Harmless Laxative for a Bilious,
Constipated Baby or Child.
bus, feverish, or
sick, collo Beatles
C , and Children love
to take genuine
"California F 1 g
‘7ON Syrup." No other
4 -""slaxative regulates
- the tender little
bowels BO nicely.
It sweetena •tlae atoraaela end starts
the liver and bowels acting without
griping. Contains no narcotics or
soothing drugs. Say "California" to
your druggist and avoid counterfeits!
Insist upon genuine "California Fig
Syrup" which contains directions.
.1; troy.e Ywur:
More Phosphate if you want your
complexion to clear, 'eyes to brighten,
and akin to become soft and smooth,
Thin, nerve -exhausted people grow
strong on Bitro-PhOsphate and dreg-
gista guarantee it, Price .$1 per pkge.
Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East,
Toronto, Ont,
Gargle several times a day with Mir
ard's in vvater, It e11.1;s the fungus and
gives relief.
ta-T-14-r--- -
BICOMMENDED &SOLD BY mulacters 6.01raCIA0SI ,
%;;Irrt ros. :MCC "LYE; GANG ZOOK CO. C5YC104.V.VY
"Pape'a Diapepsin" is the gaickest,
surest relief for indigestion, gaseS,
flatelence, heartburn, sottrnesa, or
storna,ch distress caused by acidity-. A
few tablets give almost immediate
stomata relief. Correct year stonaach. '
and digestion now for a few cents.
Druggists sell millions of packages of
Pape's Diapepsin.
On Facei, Caused intense
Itching* Cuticura tiealst
sufferel great anno3raance front
severe pimples on my face, which 1'
segsea attrilmted to' the use Of
,eie41 poor seal% ,the
were hard, red and rather
)> largo, Orid toterd; 'They
were scattered ral over
My face end caused In-
s:btlng. fvby 100e lookecl tib-'
two menthe,
read an advertisement for Cutb-
OutC Soap mild Oittment end pur-
chased some. dowa seetri improve-
ment, arid in two triontfis I Wee
healed.," (Signed) Mina Hula.. Mc-
Arthur, Miscollehe, Prime Edward
Beautify yota skin tay dl13 000 of
OatittfraSosp,Oloiroobtatid Talcum.
ittd, VA 01 1?ra. XiAit171)Al.t!
Saitplotmh Vree1,$11tnIt
0118t8, $602(ic.01551m519,18UG48. ThIeOnO51,
fgrairetaistas Sato sigareggitisset vats,
seser*gigsgegsuss;a7-0.40. r:sais*.7,;(14.,,ass.