HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-03, Page 5". • ••; •,,.•••1•••
ommism a To tii, Elector, of lelorris; RudeRuri*
in Ladies and. (3aMtleinen,
CEUM THEATR 1 Panora, 1 have decicle4.1 to allow my - 1
itter-o e t
At the, solichatiOn of several rate-.
("'",,olitlilleinitiolorbeini)1141iceectiowoltli ethillte) 1.())1111Mcitorfi; , 'I, a'irs'igerYc LI.,1°ItraiSlatIV.'1:‘! Iiiiie, b•lapill.C44tInf6114°11w4
d, Thur. riii is for 1924. 1 nave served several years nag oronglit a enitunn of ',tuff and
Sat. au, 2, 3) 4, Nu on the cotoicil in natrriberry prior to wanted it printed free; a coltunn of
9 9
moving to Morris, and my record is stuff that advertise(' and boostedanie
en arr vote eaa sante, ' And the patient editor. sairl
.. by. of tb„ Morris elect- tParieir(aotegegpaittlive;gol)on(t, ,,,11.,.reeelliatbdauc'tic,:hieolietahret
'' al influenen SO elect me on Monday. iilite,(1.1ati, daoltuiriell!dlia.pulicedsifeildio,ald bosroOlfleii
ee , ,
1 ours trunte ,. .
A made in Canada picture made by Canadian Arthur Wheeler. as °Iteil tirnCS bef°re' "Y'clu make me
for Cartadian People. To the ,ElectOrs 0 Morris: 8gtdr;dY(a)ntidnl&e;le r'lr 'Iprf:tu;loitalicneoltrili(!
. To
and Gentlemen, •ing free by gad, but a nice obituary."
Att,5(,) Comedy `‘IVI- ermaid Look Out Bel w,/ N Having served you faithfully for the The editor sat in hie sanctum at the
- ... ., III past six years as Councillor, I lia.ve de -1 end of a perfect day, for six auliscrib,-.
k cided to natal' thle canal:est f.or the ree- ens had brought hard cash their hon.-
ve.ship of the township of Morris for! est dues to pay. And a inan hail stop-
, , ,
T924, i per' to male(' the paper and say witn
Mon. and Tines, Jan. a and 8, • 1 solicit your vote, and influence to I a pleasant smile, "It ranks with the li-
elect me, My record is 'before you, ' brary, school and claireh in making
• Wishing everyone A prosperous New the town worth while. From day tO
a Year, I am, day in evern way, it better grows and
X YOttt humble servant, better; the way nore,ve worked for a
Walter Yuill. playgroutid park has made ,my boy
your debtor." The editor sat in his
The, Most unusual drama ever shown ton the
screen. You will find the romantic heart-
. touching story of a bor'and a girl—and
a woman. They are real people liv-
ing in a real world back of the
green mountains in Ken-
Also single reel Comedy. Burn einfters"
GOaerich ha's the largest it'utnher of
Isteatuboa.ts tlus winter tIvan ever be-
there are now nineteen m 'the
. harbor and all of then are now in
Their winVer births.
A grand Christmas (Concert was put
"! on in Victoria. St. Methodist Churdh, on Friday morning Dec. ,28.
Dec'. 2601, under the 'direction of Mts. 'Deceased was well known (Rev.) 5. j. W.Hetlley, the church 'Was
packed. to the doors,. a cantata •ciitit-
led "'Hope of the 'Christmas City' the
leading Charact&s. were Mrs. E.
Mtitch, who todk the part of 'Hope,
:also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bachler, Mrs.
Gordon Suteliff, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
The inquefit held into are fdeath of
(Charles Bulpitt, a barnardo lad, who
was found hani,,,,,ing by a rrope in the
ibarn of Benson Cox oI tilie 6th Con.
,of Colbontr township r(ni Dec '',3rd
was ag-aiki,;" idjourned Jan. Stb,
t:rown At _rney Seager asking for it
.on „ accdizent of rumors :and so much
public' ititerest beirag :taken in the in
Ile said he liall'put it into the
.provin4ialofficers bands ,and he want-
ed amiile, time for thern to get to the
over to 'attend the funeral which toOk
plate , on Tuesday to the .'Wroxetei-
c emeter3r. ,
Alter a lingering , illness f sonee
,years there passed away at the linnan
rot Mr. H. Hennings, MrS. Stanley.
Herthings, "nee Miss' Flotenee • Rae"
1' the 1ketors of Morris T'awnsiiii3; sanctum, encouraged and elated; his la
Your vote and influence is resPeet- head was bald ann his buitions galled IN
fully solicited to re-elect me as calm- but he felt appreciated, igg
cillor of our township for 1924. --BOB ADAMS M
Iw- f leslheichnteeged.ty,inIottsiehraaelslpt sie.oniflep :tt rhet:
vo°tirtw:::s4h°, irPic
f ortt e
i I E., le ction of Office/1'3
• ,
. . , ti A. MILLS Plitorie 89 WINGHAM
ant, Bluevale L.O,L, No. 766 held their III 0 a
Yours sincerely, .
W. J. Henderson. room, FridaY Dee. 28th. The fbil°w- p
To the Electors of Turnberry: W. M.--12. Forest.
Ladies and Gentlemen, D. M, --j. A, Boman,
- 1 reapectfaIly- solicit your vote and Chap.—E. Johnston.
infltence to re-elect me for my second • Ren. Secy.—C. H. Bosman,
term as reeve of the township of Turna Fin. Secy. --M. Dennis.
berry. If you think that my rn23 re., Treas.—G. Theiniton,
cord has been worthy of a second D. of C.—Le Breckenridge.
terra, give me your vote on Monday., Lecturer—W. McGee.
joaa 7th. Committeesn-H. Mathers, W. Thorn -
Thanking you, and wishing you he on. J. Ponock, R. Shaw, H. Stewart.
anompliments of the season, 'I ern, Tylers--C. Yeo, A. Thornton.
Yours icere y.„
The Season'
1,14 thank you for being' one of ill whose
fr'xendly 1c$usl prompts this token
of appreciati
perous New Year
to Ali.
annual election of officers in the lodge a
' John In .McEweri.
To the Electors of Urriberry:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
specked, she was au her 35th.,_year:and After serving on yotir 'council board
leaves to niourn her loss nor litiband for the past five years 1 respectfully
and little son, also her Ifatlier and solicit your vote and hatience to dent
sonic brothers. The fftmerkil which me as Reeve for. 1924.
was private was held Stinddy after- Wishing yott all the toMpliments of
noon to the Wr-onetertcennitery. the season, ad -i,
-r2th CON.. /1:1,70WICK
Mr. and Mrs. ReilitiLt 'iYaker and fa- Morris Couple 'Wed
rtuly visited neat Jkor4wich, on Sat
7 7 A couple of Ipdpular Morrisites 'ere
urday, " married at St. Andrews Manse„Wing-
„Mr. and Mrs, "Tlioneas Vittie' spent ham, on. Wealtiesday, Dec: 26th, by
Xmas with Ms. jtilin ',Brown on the Rev. Dr. Perine, when Bessie Camp -
1)011n -deer. bell, daughter T.13:1. Mrs. Archie Camp -
Mr. and Mrs, jairies'Underwood en- bell, -was -united in wedlock to W. J.
tertained 'their -neighbors on Xmas n.,f
night. All Tepolttaa=good time.
Mr. Ceeil iDaytan'd'John Finley Pas- ter, Miss Slatgaret, acted as brides -
sed through -the:burg Friday last. maid, and the !grooth's brother, Wes -
Mr. and M -rsr. Richard Clegg and
-marks were found on the lads body; 'la
bottom or the case. A number. or 1,3 ny
ten %tall. Young 13ulbitt had, been in -nuj Ispel.drity:‘,Xitininas in Fordwichn with netisinfanixte,sgr_reuotindi ,etiore•sitilineteitIlriads)enalauity,ual
ley, acted -as groomsman. To the
the employ of Co'. about four in,pnrlis, '(:)7 .s6,..1.,i.,°°1 Leacher from near10crescent ..of. pearls.' After a sumptuous
ronto, w411- '-commence het tam at wedding .supper served at the. bride's
No. 4 :selardl'house this week. home, the laappy couple went to their
WROXETER 1, A :fmniber from this burg spent- a I ne‘v home one the, 6th line.
The Wornen's Foreign Missionary
'Irotats sincerely,
• J. J. Moffat.
• Rev. Dr. Harkness of Ripley, forme I yery -pleasant evening at 1VIr. Percy
erlY of this Place is expected t° Preach 1Couplaniits 'last week, near Wroxeter.
morning and evening next Sunday in ;
=the Presbyterian Church.
• The visitors that came to town for• EAST WAWANOSH
'Xmas M and Mrs Knol Dick- Miss Florence Deacon spent Xmas
wera r. ••
•sen, 'roronto; Miss Beth GoOdIelloi,y, holidays:at her home here.
Toronto; Miss Agnes McKercher, St. 1 Mrs, Ross- King and babe of Turn-
• Thomas; Mr. Robt. 1VIcKercher, King- ;berry, ;are visiting at the home of her
ston; Miss Oral Kitcben, Toronto; If ather,-Mr. Wm. Wightman.
:Miss Jeanette Allen, Toronto; Mr. and The young people spent a pleasant
-Mrs. Pleasance., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs
D. Walker, Niagara' Falls; Dr. Frank
Allen, •Toronto; Mr_ Harry Smith, of
"Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Depew, Toron-
to. Mr. John Rae, New Ontario; Miss
ev.criing.- at the home of Mr .and Mrs.
rim Young on Friday and at Air. Wm.
Wightman's on Monday.
Miss Janet Robertson had her ton-.
•Sils removed Wingharn General Ho -
Mar M M” -heel Stratford Mrs Pay- 't o F•cl
y c , . , • spt a n aa.
'mond Rutherfor,d, Stratford, Mr. and Mr. .and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and
Mr's. Wm. Palmer and daughter, New .children of Belgrave, spent Xmas with
l'Oritaric;OVIr. and MTS. Geo. MCIllt0S11, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Potterfield.
Stratford; Mr. Leslie McLaug-hlin, Mr. and Mrs-. Maitland Hem•y and
‘iiiavvi." Miss Irene Stocks. Toronto; :son, ;Bobbie, 'spent. Xmas with relata,
. Alex. Sanderson, Toronto; liss ives Chatham. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Love spentnnnas
with his sister, /airs, Baldwin of Ash -
Wedding bells are ringing.
ton; -Miss Janet 'Dickson, Toiontos Mr, Wilfred Robinson entertained
, „Miss Lizzie Sanderson, 'Newcastle; .the members of the High. School ,Or-
, Miss 'Eleanor Bcvington, Cleveland; chcstra at his home -on Wednesday
'Geo.- Sproal, Detroit. 'night.
'Those who arc visiting one or•
town Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson of Wing -
:etre 'Mre,and Mes, Robt Black, Totten- ham, spent Xmas with friends on the
-to; .Frank Cleveland; Miss ,th.
jeanett'e.Ritelde, oronto; Miss Kath- • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rome of Tees-
adeen .Raftherford Torouto. water, visited .for a„ fekv•days last wee -k
It ;is with regret we 'chronicle the ,at Mr. Wirt. Wightman's.
,death of the late Mr. Alexander Mc- Mr. Alec. Shicll returned to Wind-
• Dougal,who passed away at his home sore. 4
here on Dec. 16th,, after an illness of :Miss :ivIa.eGreg-or of Acton, is visit-
.calbeint Ithree weeks. Deceased was a ing With hensister, Mrs. Robt. Shiells.
mucheresPected citizen living tn. the, Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey and
%Wage 2nyears. He was :in his 72nd., children of Si-. Helens, spent Sunday
-year. 116 leaves to mourn his loSs a with his sister, Mrs, Geo. Walker.
tnidow, one daughter Mrs Alex San-
alerson of Toronto and one eister Mrs.
Daand Iieittona of Bloevale A number
'nf 'friends :from Michigan, motored'
„ Annie MMiro, Kitchener.; Mr. Larrie
" Vatilrelsot, --Midland; 'Miss Beatrice
eilinHoaven Leamington; Miss Alma Ran-
ce, Toronto; Miss Ferguson Kings-,
D L. W. Scra.n.
ton Coal
All sizes at reduced
Grate and Pea
timatit& COAL CO.
Miss May Bone 'returned to Janet-
ville, Wednesdayn .
Mr. MacDonald of Teeswatere spent
New Years at tile home of Mr. Wm.
Wighian an. !
M. Alec. Young returned to Guelph
011 Wednes-day. '
'A pretty wedding took place at the
manse, Blyela on Wednesday at noon,
when Grace E., eldest daughter of Mr,
end 'Urn D. F. Stalker, of East
Wawanosh, was united in marriage to
William J. Nesbitt, of Morris, Rev.
George Telford performing the ter&
many. The bride was pretty in a suit
of navy bine French serge and black
nat. • Miss Eva Stalker, sister of the
bride, acted as bridesmaid, and John
Tierney supported the groom. • After
the ceremony the wedding party mot-
ored to the home of the bride's par-
ents, where a dainty ;luncheon was
Served. Later they left by triotor for
London for a short 'honeymoon, after
which they will make their home on
the groom's farm in Morris.
I Mrs. Oliver Campbell spent a few
'days last week with her mother Mrs.
MeNatighton Wroxeter,
11ifts. Alex, • Callas and family- of
Winghain visited with Mrs, Coutes
mother„ Mrs. R. t, I-IetheringtOn,
Mr, HarVey Dennia Spent Christ.
AS with his parents Mr, and Mrs,
Ernest Dennis,
Society met Friday afternoon with a
membenhipi'cif lio, a paper on "Colon-
izing Pioneers" was given by Mrs.
(Rex.) McKenzie. Roll tall "Thoughts
of the New Year". Collection $4.5o.
Mr. Fames Austin and Rev. McKen-
zie were Toronto visitors last week.
The.young p'eople'smeeting Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Deyell who , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and child -
evening was taken bY Freda Duffyand Mr. Robert Shaw took charge of '
services in Knox Church on Sunday. have been in. Toronto forethe Past few I ren spent Xmas with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. Henry Johann.. A male choir con- services Morley and. miss Gladys jorden week,s spent Christmas a their home.' Jos. Simpson of Culross,
sisting of Messrs. Wan. Irwin, ,Peter
Kackney, Fleming Ballagin and. Geoleft on, Monday morning for their new We are Pleasedthat Mrspencil is ; • lefiss Annie Cameron of Detroit, is
Ratthe.rforcl rendered pecial music. A
home in Clinton where they have pur, quite improved in health. Mr. Deyell spencling her holidays with her sister,
solo by Anrs. Ed. Renwick' route. They will both be very much
Wingham, chased. a grocery business also a mad will return to the city in a day or so MrsElTiffin.
wag lunch enjoyedler
where he will finish several jobs of ` Mrs. Jas. Barbour of Fordyce, is
. 1 spending a 1 ew days this we.elc with
Mr. told Airs. Robert Scott of Wa- inisse in this community but we trust
carpenter work . i
enanosn, nisited Sunday at, Mr. John and fed certain they will make a suc-
MrsRichard Wghtinan of Ann Ar- ' her daughter, Mrs. Bele McClenaghan.
Da,riing's, • cess of their ll.CIV venture but we sure hor, Mich„ is visiting her brother Mr. The young people of the 'Methodist
-mrand ivirse-George Mueer'nelen Nr1..it,- -,::.11-111:santheir pleasant- smil-----aad Henry Johnston and ,other relatives Churcb intend holding a social even-
. ', a
ed at Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell's. MorleY's whistle. Wishing them every in the vicinitymg in the near futureand nave nail -
Miss Hanriali Stokes visited at the
success in their new home. :Mr. and Mrs. James McGee and tern slides and other good talent.
home of Mr. James Atistin. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geddes attended family spent Chrismas at the home of! Mr. Ernest 8parting of Kincardine, with another car near Dung,annon,
The Misses Pearl and Florence Dou-
the Fraser—Shaw wedding in Bluevale Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Weir, Turaberryis spending his holidays with his gra- damaging Mr. Zinn's car, unabling it
Mrs. D. W. Campbell spent a few nclparents here. to go any farther, but got it repaired
MrsFrttrik DouglasClifford
glas spent the week -end with Mr. and onmNiLwNYoetz.tarl.1 _ve,tric.,..inip has ta. ken, .4
days last week with her daughter Miss Jean SillipSQII Qf Lope:Ion, and in time to come home the sti,ine even-
. , .
mr. end Mrs, George Fierd arid fa- position in Mr. Wade's store.
milspent: Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. At the Wawatiosh Nomination held
lelyndinan, Gorrie; Mr. and Mrsjack- here on Monday the old Council were
son ,and 'Miss Blanche :Irwin, ,Wing- re-elected by acclamation namely: R.
ham; at Wrn, Irwin's. ' .. WBuesohcantat, n,Rliacehaevreder
; Stalker,
There, was a y-ouri man named Jimmie
Who saved all his strength to play tesT,hceotitlritacnilylo
rsfrie.nds of Mr. Albert
He went to churth Sunday, taught Cole of- Blyth, were shocked to hear
school on Monday, of his sudden demise on Saturday of
And likedall the girl that were spirny. last week. For years before moving
'We. wish to thank Timothy Hay for to Illytli Mr. Cole and family were
his weekly letters to the: Advance, as honored Members of Knox Church
they are both interesting and hunter-. congregation here. They have sym-
ous and also wish him a happy New pathy of the cornmunitY.
May Prosperity in the
New Year be to all
who said it with
Box 42, Tel. 142, Winghem
• WROXETER Mrs. Robert Johnston, Blyth.' Ur, and Mrs. John' McGee. of 13er,•
1 Mr, Robt. McKercher, of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deacon and gra,ve,. spent Xmaa •i,vith Mr. and Mts_
and Miss Agnes McKerclier, of St. -baby of Guelph spent Christmas with John IVIcGee.
Thomas, are spending the Xmas vaea- Mrs. Deacon's father and mother Mr.' Miss. Lila Emerson' of Kincardine,.
tion with their parents Mr. and Mrs, and MTS. Wm Salter, spent the Xmas week with frieudS in
W. S. McKercher, • Mrs. Victor Haines and baby spent Kincardine.
Mr. Geo. Sproal, who has been a 'few days last week with friends at Mr. and Mrs, Archie Anderson of
working in Detroit for some ,time, ar- Ripley. • St. Helens, visited on Thursda3r, and -
rived home an Monday to spend the Mn and Mrs. Thos Abram spent • Mr- and Mrs, Irwin Henry of Belfast,
holiday week with his parents, Mr. Christmas with their daughter Mrs, 'visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs...
Wroiceter is losing one of 11'
Miss Edna • Gibson. of Wingham Robert Purdon.
'ravish has been manager of A. Munro Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and family
eRobt. D. Golley,
and Mrs, Chas. Sproal.
and most highly respected citizens in visited her friend Miss Laura Case- Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Butler and, son,.
the person, of Mr. D. M. • MacTavish More, '
, Alec. of Clinton; spent the week-emt
with her sister, :Mrs. Orval. Tiffin.
who has accepted a position as man- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riseborough and Born—In Whitecliurcla, on Thurs-
ager of the Farriers Club store at baby returned to Toronto after spend- day, Dece'27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
' ' " Tiffin a son,
. 1
the first of the new year. Mr. .Mac -
Brussels and will commence his duties mg a few holidays with 1. an Mrs.
Thos. Congram. i -
late Alexander Munro and has been Thos. Congram, ' 11Altleirsts isWviinsli.4:tiieS;i:C.FIteltielErnsilli )g-stilearmM.°esi, Port.
late & Co's store since the death of the visited last week with Mr. and Mrs,
clerk. of the village for a number of randM anaila
years. Mr. and Mrs. MacTavish and .•
Alton, Belfast,
Elmer Wilkinson of Toronto is , 6 • Messrs, Frecl Newman and Harry Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love, Marnoclee
•spending New Years with his sister and the, newly- elected officers, were:
'BELGRAVE two little daughters will be greatly WHITECHLTRCH
for prosperity and health. Bradburst of Toronto, spent the New spent Xmas with the latter's sister,.
Mrs. Wm. Baldwin, Lanes,.
,New Year' Greetings to all., 'missed but have the best wishee of all
• Mrs. Scandrett and daughter Cor- Mr. and Mat. John Farrish of Cour-
rine, are spending the holidays with• ey's Coreers arrived home Friday
Years day at the home of Reeve and
friends at Blyth.:, . MORRIS night, after a thre.e week's visit with
Mrs.. in West Wavaanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy, Proctor spent The Box SoCial at the stone school Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnston of the la.tter's sister, Mrs. Dr. Bender,
a few days with friend's here. ' was a decided success and credit is Petrolia, are visiting -with. Mr. and Chicago,
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson of 'Toronto,' due to those that took part. • • Mrs. 1-lenranMcGee and other relatives . Belfast L.O.L. No. 499, held their
. .
was calling on old friends in the vill_ Miss Margaret Campbell is home in East Wawanosh. annual, meeting, last Thursday night,
age last week. , with a sore foot. We hope ,it is soon . Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer are 27th. Election of officers was held'.
spending the holidays With his parents I Mr- Norman, Eaton of Flfilt, Mich. in Orangeville. They were accornp- installed for the ensuing year, W, M..
Mr. • and Mrs:. C Wilkinson. .
Mrs. T. Proctor is home after Spend- gar- •
1 is visiaing lus sister Mrs. George Ed -n annul by Master Richard Wellw-ood, Bro. Thomas Fergusan, In. M. Bro.
1 -pire.an spa nape. etutlIsna tianq nen onne Roy Alton; Chaplain, Bro. George:
•ing a month with her daughter,' Mrs. i Mrs. Alex. Moffatt is ,visiting Miss 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, McRoberts; Ren-Secv., Bro. Wilber
Price in Windsor. • 1 Annie Linklater for a fey,' days. 1 Master Fred and Miss Nettie Lott Durnin; Pin Sec., 'Bro. Win. Cooke,
Mr. Conner of Mount Forest spent We extend our congratulations to ispent their holidays with their grand.- Treas., Bro. -Robinson Woods; D. of
. .
NewYear holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCutcheon. !mother in Brussels: C, 13ro. Samuel Cook; Committeemen...
M. Lane. Mrs. 'Howard Dowse and children I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Windsor and I Bros. Gilbert Vint, Palme.r Irwine_
Donald McKenzie of Toronto, spent I
are visiting her sister -M -law Mrs. Ar- , children of Detroit, spent Xmas with 1 Crisie Cook, Brtice Shackleton, andl
holidaysIt(heenziewith his father R. Fe Mc- , thur Edgar -
Our. Browntown folks are becoming , rick. - : Rev. Mr. Cummings, pastor of St_
' her Parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car- John Mullin. '
I ,t
Mr. Baisel Coultes of Buffalo, quite popular. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry IVIcClenaghan Helens and East Ashfield churches.
spent a ' f,ew days with his brother •We are sorry to report that Mr. !and babe of Belgrave, spent Xmas with had an operation last Thursday. morn, -
John Coultes, Henry Bosman is on the sick list. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour. ing for throat trouble, in Cottage Hos-
Rev. and Mrs. Jones are spending a i . Mr. John Bosman of Kingston, is I Miss Agnes 'Kennedy of Goderich 1 pital, Toronto, last reports he was do --
couple of weeks with friends in Tor_ 1 spending the Christmas holidays un-J.I-Iospital spent Sunday at her home ring favorably.
onto. der the parentaj roof. I here. . Mr. Robert Vint of Wingharri, spent
his Xmas holidays with his brother
and sister, Mr. Gilbert Vint, Belfast_
and Mrs. Wm_ Baldwin, Lanes. e
Dr, and Mrs. Hackett of Detroit„
spent Xmas with their relatives on the
toth concession.
Mr. Jim SETWOOd of Detroit iF.'
spending his New Year's holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel.:
Shirwood, ,...oth concession.
Mr. and Mrs. Zinn, our general mer-
chant, Larres, wintennotoring tonnam- -
ton, for their Xmas dinner; collided
• -
The roads being icy last -week more
tlian,one lady fell from grace. •
Mrs. Herd sr is visiting her son
at the general store,
GOUGIIS 41A10111$
AT ALL Drauocos.rs
Sold in Vgingleani by
1 WALTON Me1itl3ON
E n g ineering
Fred A. Edgar
Registered Profession Engineer
Quite a nenmer from these parts
attended the nomination at 13luevale,
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, George Mundell of
Drayton have been visiting with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mundell,
sr., and brother on the bottudary.
Miss Mrytle Bennett is renewing
acqtiaintanceS in these parts.
Mrs. Peter :Hastings visited last
week with her 'brother Mr, Andrew
Leggatt of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Ca.thers, and
two children; visited on Sunday at Mr.
Colin Eadies.
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes visited
recently at the home of Mn and Mrs.
Robert Ranh 2rid„ Culross.
Mr. and Mrs, George Muir of Tor-
onto spent New 'Years at Mn Robert
Mils Myrtle Bennett entertained a
few of her friends at her home in
Winghani last Friday night, '
Miss Nellie Doig, Messrs. George
and John Doig of Carrick called on
frienalS in these parts one day last
Our Annual J aviary Sale tiers you Greater Nil ney Savi g Value
1 than ever bet rf4 owing to ur strict licy of not carrying
On Winter M rchandise and
goods ov r fro one seas n to an *her.
• Get 0 1
a m
*SO 1111011111.1111111011110111111110101111.111 0111101101010
Fur Collared Coat$
Burberry Coats
Persian Lamb Coats
Hudson Seal Coats
Maskrat Coats
Dresses o Skirts
Men's Cl th Overcoa
Fur Collared Overeoa
Fur Coats
You:es Osvael:ited:vvnaot szs
IlOys' Overcoats
tOre Ruyng
000 "
4 1