HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-01-03, Page 4INGHAM ADVANVE 6tnef Le radio broadcasters a - very fitting slogans avhich they up with their call letters. ttjo )DKA signs off at o arinatunicr says, "This' i$ tioti KDKA. of the Westinghouse •etr-ic. Company, the. pioneer radio Oadcasting 'station of the -wathl, flow '01; oft" At Lonisittille, Ken - y station WHAE features the cor- time each evening at to o'clock nfore signing off Old Ken -- Home" is played on chimes. a io listeners are fandliar with the ogan of station 1,VOC located at Da- enport, Iowa. Their announcer states that their station is located, "Where the West Begins, and in the te where the tall corn gravy's.' Station WRC, the new Radio Corpor- 8.30 p, m.--ConCert by Edith Lucile. NEW YEARS REsoLumoris iletion broadcaster located at Washing- Hale, piano; Rex Call, June Call, Wil- ----- tan, D. C. assunites the fitting phrase, limn Cook,'violin; Ruth Keally, To the Editur av the Advance, 'Tile voice of the Cariital." And by reader. Program; Piano solos -"Pre- Deer Sur, -- e way, the hest jazz music (if such lude eroique, - Westlake; Noc- an ekoression may be -used) originates turne," MacFayden; "Boat Song," this station. The "Parody Kinks Hall, Violin solos by RCN: Call -"Air rchestra" is featured here and from on G String," Bach; "Mazurka," illy - critical viewpoint t'heii.'r harnacmy is riarski; "Students Concerto." Violin rfect. Tuned drums are used and duet by June Call and Rex Call, "Aa- r those who prefer jazz, this station dante Cantabile,' "AfeMritiett in G". well worth hearing "Petite Symphony." Moret, Readings On feature of racrio is that it is --“Trouble Enough" and other selec- -y accomodating and ,persons of all tions. Violin duet by flute Call and tastes may be readily suited. The William Cook -- "Happy Thought" variety (.4 entertainment which is • available by the shriPle twirl of a 'knob, is amazing. One, Might -start out the evellicg bylistening to an or- -I. -hest -a selection rit Detroit, ithen a slight adjustment and the "World Crier" at KYW, Cfu'eaga gives:.-youthe latest news bulletins from the.world capitals, Aricither adjustment 'would plcduce a good classical solo from, 'NV,- an I hey also given me rayson fer CED at iron, and this could be .fol- .6.55 p. m. --Dinner concert by Wes- aitch wan. lowed, by a technical address from tioghouse Band, under the direction of •No. Wart -I resolve to vote fer the AVGY at Schenectady or possibly .a' Vastine. Program: March, 'Port by-law, belavin that theer -isn't a bet - play by the WGY plays. Then at • Arthuz-"; Seitz; evening Idyle, "Sunset, ther place than Wingham in -the whole Pittsburgh, (14,..-DICA) the. Little Sym- Festivities, Dreamland," Barnhouse; cannellini fer slipirmin yarns. ',holy Orchestra or Westinghouse 'Sauce Orieritale," Lubomersky; ex- No. resolve to slitroilte Band could entertain, There is no cerpts front "Sicilian Vespers," Verdi Charley Sutton an .Lavi Lott aff me limit to the 'variety. The writer who -waltz, "1„."Estudirntia," Waldteufel,bal- harse tfiradin lisht beeaws thin lads is far front being an expe-rt •bas been let music from "Rosamunde," Schub- now as much about a harse as I do. able to pick tag 23 •different pingrams ert; gatx•ol„ "Knights of Oltl," Keifer; (Be the same taken shtrack jack ve, GOT -two BASS- InicKei-,8. 01-e,T, CA, HANE, UG'1-11.4UT.45?''' o ANfr USE , .Those TICKETs: 01-4 'THEM WU r:Ofra,. GAME!) 5 C) x9t.s • Here we are at the begumin av a new jrear,, an iviry Iasht livin wan at•- usis aff to a fresh shtart, so to shpake. Mosht av us heir made rather a bad jawb av tings in the gasht, but nom. - teen. twinty-foor will give us wan, inore chance befoor the sun goes down w -id., us. 'Tis the toirne fer makin • good resalooShuns, fe, ,aven. if we do not kape thiin awl, they make a chart to sliteer by, as Mishter McKinzie Ring Koehler. Vialin trio -- "Love's Old, s= about the platfoorms adopted at Sweet Song." Violin solo by June Call, Grit Convinshuns. "Tis a good idea "Souvenir de Subeck," Reichew. to 'be afther 'takin shtack ay oursilves 9.55 g. m, -Arlington tirne signals. wance a year, =physically, mintally an Weather forecast. morally. Yis, an tpalitickilly too f er tbzt •inatther. "?2` -`"""-Ys Jan- St"' „ Ant • sindin .ye lisht av rne good 12./0 p. rn. -- Noonday concert by resaloashuns fer 5924, as appmded Daugherty's Orchestra, from McCree- 'hereto shpakin. as the lawyers slipake ry s lung room MOCK PARLIAMENT The Young People of the Methodist Church will hold the secondsession of their Mock Parliament an Monday evening, januaryt-,7th. the main topic of discussion •being the Immigration Bill of X92.4, a coPY of which appears below. If the entbusia.stri • exhibited at the firSt meeting is any indication' the basement of the church will be filled to over -flowing for this second session and those wishing seats are advised to be. on hand well before' 8 p. m. Every one hitereSted is cord- ially invited, not to attend but to take • e part in the disciassion. IMMIGRATION ,BILL -OF 1924 Whereas Canada is a Nation_ within the- COminairskealth of,British Nations, and whereas this grand and glorious country of ours came originally to be a , notable colony of - great Britian through the a.gressive, perserverance of our pitineer forefathers and the indent- • inatable courage:Of the heroic soldiers Howdy, /..aa/s, It was the witching =who cia.imed the British Isles as their, native countries, and whereas We, the ' hour when all was hushed and ;dark. descendants of these - great ' _people Sudden.13,- the'midnight was broken by gave unreservedly'of the flower of our a crash from upstairs. , - ,.. Manhood in the last Great War, toin-, "G -g -g -goad Lord, -What was that, dud -dud -darling?" exclaimed the timid csuonretinfrileaendecIethofofthooust cgoruenattr7ideaanlds' tifoler young Adonis.. • . which the British Empire is so widely, dlning' the' course of a single evening- serenade, -"A Toi ("To You"). 'Czibu- Fry aff faiire Years ago' indade 1 shad re;lkufeedr,%gfgagthlienrgdcr°10PsPeirri,g a hint," 'he- known, and whereas Canada is among . , WWI -The Detroit- News ka, tuoye ette, Moonlight xis Florida hey had smse enough niyir to putthim -- ..._0_. the last of the "great British possess- s. Eastern Stantiard Time Storm; overture, "Poet and Peasant," on.) - ' • , • No -wonder a metropolis latag,hS at h:"1s to require immigrati°11,- we the i •• (517 meter's) ' • Suppe; "Marceau ,Alila" (Wild Plow- • No, Tree -I resedve to kaPe the a, village, A -village thinks a barn fire present -Parliament of this -fair, Domin- Thuraday, jam "3 . er) Losty. shnow shovelled fer the ould conPle is mare haaportant thania divorce. ion feel the - necessity of certain re - 9.30 a_m.,.„,„..-fonightss Dinner', .and „a, 7.30.p. m. ---"Bringing the World to -livitt nix` t thare to 'us. It gives me" a -• ___0,-..... , StriCtiOnS in: immigration in order that -gecial talk by the Woman's Editor. America?' pr.egarea by "Our World.-" jawh whin I'm not husY, an kaPes Another popular bedtime story just' our people may not be overwhelmed 9-45 a.m.-Public Health Service 745 P. ra.---="The children's period.' l' me faun sittin arround the -kitchen so now is "Say, we ought to have More with foreign elements whose interests -bulletin andtalks on subjects of gen- 8.r5 p. th.--""Budgeting for Better nluch, an gittin in the 'road ay. the cover, are not our interests; whose aims are -erril interest., - Llusiness," Dr. Charles Reitell, pro_imissus whin she is shurapin the ihrre,.. , • - ..._.0_•, not our aims, and. whose civic, religi- To.25a.m.-Official -Weather forecast, feasor of accounting, • University of 1 ' - - - aus and moral ideals 'do not rilcasure 15,55 a. ni.,--Arlington tithe relayed pittsburg-; - DoNlloa:rft°o°rM-iLterersEollliTott• toat5GirtodeleriTC31-in , . ANTVLEAD IS FOLLOWED . up to those so long championed by the 'bY the Western Union. , . . 8.30 p. 222....concert. by the Westing_ fer the Childers Aid Society. I 'am "-"YH'ne,1 ait,11;:paewreedetsaelit.711 itoow.eat'"•igcernedatanAtsn!loT.-hsearx;ficitrreatbeeaint4enthaecitregeass- 5.00 la, in, --The Detroit News Or'- house. Band, under ' the direction of tould that lots av poOr childer, niver . • thestra. T. j.- Vastine, assi.sted by Charles Wil- had a ginad father to peryoide fer thim "I do?" the -fair one answered, "Where do you want to go?" 5,30 P, rii.---tOfficial weather fareca.st.. bert Foxien, terror; Fenton Neal .Wal- loike moine had, ,art some ay thirn naeb- (r) That citizens "Of German birth. .3=35' P. tn.-Market reports. , . ter, piano and accornoanist. by nivir haeliwan at all, at all. be prohibited absolutely froth entering Even. ta the -exaggerated .ego here this couritry as immigrants. ' 850 a. na..--Tite Detroit lqew Or-' O.55 P. -m.-Arlington time Signals= stiNhfh*erEip°sivite7-tmS1 raels,nlav.knvitbnielcaPpeaptehr: comes a period Of ,deglation. - chestra.; program =presented. by .the Weather forecast - .(2). 'rliat.'p'ersaiis of•South Europe etice Ice ,Crearn Co. , , ' paid in advance, bein. as . mosht a • and -Asia including the. Ilalkan States 10.00 p.m -Dance music by jean thim newspaper min hev little waives Character . is what .• takes. you to -he limited to -an ,immigratiou Quota Goldkette's Orchestra, broadcast from an. big families, an nade the nioney, , 1 -leaven; reputation. is tb.e- thing you . . one hundred,persons ,per year. ' the Graystone hallr,00rn. ' .'." GETTIN THE AIR No. Siat---1 resolve = to reince me cash at the PaYing teller's window (3) That natives of „, China, Japan, .an p. ;I -v. -The Detroit 'News Or- shmokin. 10 tree poipes a day, -Tis liel-e and now' - and India he- limited to an. Imrnigra- stra, • Since Santa brought a radio all peace betther to break'aff bad habits be de- _.0......... tion Quota of Joao per year and that FridaY,, Jan-- 4 - and quiet are fled,. grecs, so ay coarse I made mesilf a, It begins .,to look, says the E,ditor, an. enti.3„ fee of siano.,per, head - be It takes us hours and hours to get 'our , prisint av a poipe ,..wid a bigger bowl; 1-nr at 7Ti Win not commit the silt of dy_ ittiTaotnioatfladt n s,,,ecial talk by the- vxr.,,tn„n,s Editor. httle lad to bed, fer New Years.. (The missus sen this I, g "C ' 9,-30 a. 31-1. , "TOnight'S Dinner" and . - filLagwelthinlitlIlliegrealetsepattoitilleos i„..„-',:„.„„ a, m,___puhife "Aeath, servic, ,As soon as supper's over -he -will climb -skame is no good, an shprtmg that'. • , -°- students, qualified to enter -university l--'•-l'irins =and talks on stihtt‘cts of gen- 'n--1-3°11 my Iqiee ' ' • . • paid wan on' rrte about theknjuit. who 1 ...„...,...-.,.. . - -, .- , , Arid Say "Oh Daddy, burry up and, tut aff ' his dog's tail a ' ece , at . a, WIt'gbain "motorist of anotnet . --, . whose .entry fee shall be nil unless How is your car running? asked one whose uprnber shall not be,Innited and `5.1.".;27..Lot.Fiei.a.i• weather foreca,,t. got ,i,„„,e ,..tady, toime -so it Wuddent hurt the baste sal That's wilat Puzzles nae " z-eplied the . , they decide to remain in this country 1 t g ,i-, ne, ' _. ,55-.....a.„ m„ -__Arlington time relayed 1 \Varlt the betitinze story, broadcast much,) • -• after their graduation from university other. ,by, the ,i.vvesterli _ T3213,4,311. , from -s,-,,Itslijalpgrron, -No. sivinI re'scdve not to /mon-1r f-r.O.Tinher.u...rcaotttpnatrryts ganirdlsa arriaecrevzaieneishwirni.g._ te:,thizenenashfiepeionf t$h5jo,sacotiol'isnhtralyl ub,eiticilf il:artgile.at. 1 2 p, im„,__Danec music by Jean Gold_ so just set up , ' faclio to please your, the U.F.O.'s sc.) ha.rind anny maare till :s Orchestra broadcast from the , , . (4) That •no foreigner be grantedkett • - ,• . , ,.....0, - „stone Baitro oIm„. I ani go to sie g untfl I hear of little son, , , yat see :if .ly jari make Tories av thim. . , Tia an auld sayht liliii:7""",„'„,„ , tet: -.!s much worried, and :sits where Ileen n, resident of th Reddy Fox chestra. ' . . And' all the funny animals that live .1.1gialc:-.Dre(Afivaiec$00%.Vsde Illnif:2ZpV1.ta4 ‘3,\4dFvoitillinitto7 tlael:itie gone P - lir ylellihecrOintl'atvbeeglitilvee ' t .'-ladC°11enaktrYthle,°Er ntegn- .5.00 a in Detroit News Or- _ . .., '..,---- ,,,..- _ wha,t e, it, go and look iat tome of the movies. , ?i7:..trlaanligduaegalel. renzea'tnsaogn :I) ,-147,,TPi weathe recast. inside that box," ' ." I won't shtop to considh.t.' . - • ... . British ng 33 t, tl':,.' 1%-„,...._-112i,e.ke_ii-t 'grpc.,,,i't-i-N-''...e.i.,,i,k,.. . - -kurt, 1 -rt -:11=--ti-s,----- -11:1-1:adie,J1---I:ktLill-thn" iii-Y-1-"..ea‘riflgxlar.11:-N11/212.--t"flirtLi4----tiritTuhe:i -t,',...1-1'e---Y ,iL„rel __14...a.,.____1:6'4._(-2,..1-_-__IsErQUESTIONS ' - .aisileA')e-IxrripTmellriair'nactiidt ii. __ , ,,,..iiii.o, ,..t.ark. ro r i rtihctis' ilft.cutc)rhatltlitsrtYssavti, e:heStra: Arnie Cathpliellit Deirbit Ne -W -S ;1,b,glit.:e.'d•Vii-e'e o' -i' Battery' "13' arel triZt teed. ) Ir°M ma al alu)r , 1 ' . n1,4)°r*' ine-d7?-1-alk-ead tia7 ''V't --g-rani.6.--6aUrn::31r7: loan.Of $T'a...;--,,oloO--..'oo'''''toj'iIb'IIegr'epl'a-i'.dT:t",t-e,dnt'; t),„1,e,a, , ..,;.. th,t1„:: at Zste r , Piaiti.t; Rant arns,e,d, with those ,of .A-7, t N -n,. Eight„.„4 f,e80-ive. to bn.v a new 4 Shotild. say. I have, replied the Rent,. equal 'annual pa.yments, without, inter- 'SaturdaY, jan. 5 Or else the rheostat is loose rubber collar art iiicktoy wain jawn 3 am a Inartled MalL est, commenciia`g the fifth year after 9.30 a. na--"Tonight's dinner an Like breakers rolling beatilY 11Pon ai:wans will do me a whoile yit,, an be '1,',ne "-igre,iatP °I susPic5nn-' en- ttobe(air6ItsueTottrblo'iigga0,11,0iiTC:rtd.rilcaguudrlailliti:":13alrer:sinalaal)tni-jedoc.:1 ' there's a mighty roar Hatinit as his nixt sale. Me ould „.-, _ ' = . special talk by the Wontan's Editor.. ,roCky shore; swannt. fer the sale, I. km save tin rants erallY scen-'-eu- o,-Public II.ealth Service etim.es when I get =tuned lit on i arr mebby- a qua rther, ' • at port of embarkation and all those n bullettris and talks° n sableeff of gen- And s°m- ces T 3, .y,, i No. Noine--I resolve, if I am shpar- -There once was a la 8otcnrs old deacon, sualering ,trom hereitary diseases be era} in.terest• „,„.„„_..,._., ...„.„.„.0„,or fore„,st My tteigiabOrS. set, at), •v="bistit...s--- likee a! ed till nixt summer, to not shpintl so '`)"." temPeratr'e h"lwaYs va' s sPeakin:Lrdused. , . I 'Till the frei ht a ent w te -1 (7) That every umnigtant be re-, . = 30.2i, ,,.-rn---„L'!...u'c'.12"'"' A ' fleet of ...-slains at olav- , 'much taime sht ncli ' • „ . i 55 a na---.arungton tune = re nye -- - „ ,,..t_ ,-, - Inert o,ir .......,e time 1 get the bloomm ishtrate earners, but to jinelhe bawlin This short little quired. ta produce a certificate af goacif - by the rn butons rn, I belay, "Get this package of books fer they'lielrooral character from their Clergy -man s.00 p. ni----The De4oit s ,-- / thi"g tO WOrkill ririht " club if tbe byes will heir chest -re- ... t inst hear "Good Night. A uhTpuls They bov neyor br...',ard. ay be- , --o-- 1 (8) That all immigrant.s grofessiu:$ . ,- . I" Bernice Shaw left for Barrie When they arrived good old Santa ^ ',C-3 n 171 --()ificial weather °recast - "- ,1 ,,, 4,- - „ , ; foor fer shure, ev. t le s itralg t „, , . .. ., 11 Iss , a.) w ere it las secure p esented each one with a fine orange. I - - ''. T I, 1 1 " h et "woman =0'ets her complexion On tO believe in Mormanism confuscian- 01 Wednesd ,. h sl i . d r ' 5 pm.--atarket reports, good wife said to e, oye in me ., a , a a s ea y a , n / . ---. f , , ' ' 3 . he d 12 ht, a 13 lid a about as quick as a inria shaves, -Isla' and Agnostteistil, be refused ad- a school It look eight dozen oranges to go L'Sernces 01 St. Paul's It suPPer things were done, l wance, maxmy years ago, L won the Sundayt Jan. 6 . , Iniiss.on to tins country- Mr. and Mrs. John Anger of Fergus, over the bunch. This was a great -3°- -.. - - - hd - ro About the thne-aTellow gets taught 1 P ril- ---"- k L /-=''. " ti B Jr. - " - - c,s risk -„e rowns to listen in l championship av Western Ontario ideapal Cat.,it-IL al oto. „-c2-1 t- Thly .-11 h 1 .. - - li / r ' 1," h h s f 1 oR wit is ue I n 1 it; _I---- a s at inn er pile -in arse s oes. o far as - • - MORRIS Miss N.' Fitt of Wingham, spent much appreciated.--Brucefield tor - spent a few days -with relatives here. treat for the boys and girls and was 't orar ` he /ids himself slipping at Sunday with Mrs. j. H. McLaren. respondence in Clinton New Era 111111111111111111111i1111111111111111‘ili11111116111111111111111111111111111*21111N111811mvinimayam,pinfinowt*, ii •.... , 44.0.°:PEAf IV ... . it ill ..,. _4 rx..4: IC i CP88171- Cream.. 6 i N The best niarlet for your cream is right at home at the MAIT- The best paying product of THE FARM to -day is cream *n -S. We GUARANTEE' the TOP MARKET P • RICE, payments twice I a.month. " Asleus' about our price guarantee. • Maitland.Creatnery, .Viringham - United Farmers' Co -Op Co Lid. Phone271w PT" - e Are in Nee of Money And respectfully request all who are indebted to us to make settlement as early in January as is possible. 11 I The Leadi• ng Shoe Store ot Huron County Phone 129.••• Winghaolt, Ont. 4.111,1111fillkeilli1.11MINtlkInt...110VVIENtia1110•1.1, r The stations all are signing' off and I cud show- than lads a iew new leakin," lin. their home 'arid- visiting- with relatives liere at present. ' to his store one = night last week. . . . ii'ttlthedral. . =1 m i Before they came tried it out, aitcl Itin see theer isn't muck differ in thet,i,n1„, Mr, ana Mrs_ Wm. Shoebottonl Afr. and Mrs. RogerOke spent Igew Hugh's many Winghain friends Yril xibe8irc 5.00 p. J0 er:ytni."Itt, -was fin:, l; rites, v ,-rocry o: ,t; 1.11 and ets ave .c:vi,reseitked at Mr. Rob:rt. GI oilieY's „.last Mr awirt \hreyreiGatair\,,yieiss8t.:tfsteD,ies6ttoiriviientil:011,a:_ be glad to know of his success. - use E--el-rie So when the Browns arrived. I saido these resolooshuns, an if I hey lcipt I pulled in. Tray and Davenport, atidt No. Tin -I resolve that, if ant, •• h stattons o'er the line hvin nixt ..e.ew -ears -ay rade over Boys, drop a = some umsic,--liaitinsville, Ind. Dem- Mrs. Victor Haines and 'baltY sitent home for a few da s t PresbYtery of Maitland Station KDEA Pittsbuirgii, Pa. 'this is the best nig-ht yet, tlaim to make mesilf some hat -ruder, o n 4. wig e as a n w ... n . ,..,, wi so n a ce c tan„e or le e - '3 1 h e electrical Mr a d Mrs Coling of Ripley Thurady. January ard. .. Just fit the pltones upon your ears and -1v.aris. *Tis betther to kape oil the up; q p ayer ill 114 lee 0 am p r . r. , I ... er., I ' I '''''' ' re a ler Iti and INfrs klev Canteran and t , • Brussels. The special meet 1 '' w Doc, 28th, m the Meltulle Church, ' 3- ••,. ••-•>. -C n v) r '- L li- KDKA I-ittli. t see what. I can 'get." s grade awi the toime.,, ,. . _o_ , I r, es 1 fin on. is In ca e to deal with the can from Tem., ' Cifel,,,,t,-, risde.- the direc- I Wishin awI nit rayders as good, a. . . . . . - . Master Ward of Turnberry spent NI 1_, re Hatite ' gt ' ho e I] d 1 • '6 1 Anotner strange thing is now pretty xmas with her mother mrs, E,,, Gray. froin. Stratford forth c holidays. , ple Hill and Holland, in the' .Presby- derat a few days last v,ree with her patt.nts et who rhe Presb3rtery of MaitlItrid met t is quite poorly, 'We hope she ' sisiited 11'y lkirs 1 I worked a.way two' weary hatter -4', and.13,-,ear as. they kn. remain. nixt wake, ithey look in the drY goods stgre 'win- Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Abraham and Airs. Erringtori of Dungannon, ls tery of Owen Sound tb Rev. E. Jane CaidYc-ell-II ar a 1(i, ,‘,SPrafir,; Ni-- what came through the phones • I t' h tl I ' man Tate, tenor- Mrs. Edna G. Mars, '\"-N,las nothing bet strange melange of dow and how -ugly they look hanging Master Ros spent Xinas 'kvtla. Id f 'Timothy Ha -y. • - • vis, mg e. rves eie us weer. Kennedy of Cranbrook and Ethel, The ix histie -, and grOans in ti;e back yard., Robert Aitchison of Intievale= The young people of the Methodist call offered a, stipend of Si 800 paid aecompains, , _... . ' -I Pro -z -ii -p: Orchestra se. Nit ,,, S, cl s le:CI:IOUS - Overture, "Rosarriunde,". And Tortes dim and distatt to o ,A 00,0,4 sh„. s'eltubust; "'Dances of Elizabethan, cotton and of wheat, Days,-"strin --a ensemble; "The Last While Peter Mink,. got sadly _ed 1 The Arlie Marks Concert Co. put . WHITECHURCII Chord" (art -impel solo by J. j. Harvey) with "oroper things to eat.'" 4 on three geed entertainments in Wing -:1 Miss Amelia Leaver ' turned to Sullivan: "11,1_oly on the .Share." Grain- A prize fight in East Pittsburgh ming- hant this week. Their last play "The i London, on Wednesday,. . ter; "Processional , from "Queen of , led 'with a tenor song „ , 'Sheb a," Goldm a ilt; "Pomo and Cir- And blended with a lecture oft the , lesSon many seri-liana would , make t Ashneld (nee Florence Kennedy) is mstatieti," Elgar. Soprano solos-- Chine game 'Mali Jong". la Person carry hame.. Mr. and. Mrs. I gradually improving .tillo Til die Naelat " Bohr"" "Serea. After the thing was aver and the; Perlin are clever entertainers, the fat- I i," Salter; 4 Home From ,`-chool., Browns went through ,the door 1 ter is a former IVinghain girl, a grand - Rohrer; , , 'Bo, Mr- 'Piper" cut.,61,. They sweetly said "We never had. so': daughter of Mr- Brockenshire, who ;- ,-,..„ los...--ma 1,,,judy i',06," StaiCk-, nice a •thr e before." i for some tune was photographer here.1 1assd "Mighty Lals: a "Rase," NeYinti Sign our Name wit' elena; "jean " S-ros The radio is wonderizil; iiint tint This Nyeek we inus gain draw the i Friday', January 4th. you sit there titan of a tangle of friends to the 11110 p, ma-Naanday concert. And twist a dial arid just . ...,, • Or • 6.15 p. ni.-Organ recital by Liteilt. mitsie 0X the air, 1.- a von not pnribsli items o 1-fale, tram the Cameo Motion Picture Perchance one day some ard. th 1 . we know 'who it is from "riteatre, P3 it sbutgh E a. will bit upon a plan , sy budget arrived. this week ' 7.1F; p, 311,....._Radio Boy scout Inca- To cut out interference: Oh h ‘1.,1 couple a"f gags in it, but we ' -, iog , conducted by Richard Victor. jr., thrice blessed maul arc not gublishiner same without the turc al the otriter-• If yan do not -outinaster Troop NO. r, First Pres- - tired of climbing on the roof tci bytw-ian. Church and Xo, ,:,,-.$2. Calvary tinker -with the wires, 1 qtiick sale, to take the responsiblity of -writ- neith CI do v,-.... 1 11:13L5(.4C/P a) Church, Phtsburgh• Pa, nd knock things down the ch n _ 745 p,. ro.---The- iilildran's period. which much upsets the fires, ' -- „ 8 p, 'm---"Natioiral 'StOckman an titer" 3) 3,a00,:l i'epOrt, ti p, ir.--Suriday school 105500 f a 6, prase n t ex/ - by Dr. R. Lure" had a moral that surpassed the Glad ta report that Mrs. Hogan of AR OR,SAL s, 6 miles , rain Wing- •,4icres to =esatirl:aciol,.a„ilartad ' lance timbered; 'frame 'hoUse d bank barn, well ,aiatered.' So in place Of radio evenings in theEd. membaner winter just ahead. lin the West ,for Jtkst wind uIj' the,.'graimOldtone dragged itata let her go, 511St04, Week. worked in'the Ottaw DecembOrr 79.2a Sydney Itoe.,jtoq7hq ait. One tithe. yho 1111 r 1\1.r. and Mrs_ Wm, Wellings of V‘ a Churcli gave an oyster stipper on Mott- monthly with Use cif manse and four vanosh spent Xmas at John day night. ilierc was a 'good tiirri weeks' holidava, 1sSioner fr-ant the c out and all ha.d a real good time, .1 IA' s ot Mr, and Mrs. Roy Forsyth of Bri- Miss Mary Stewart returned to her tions of Cranbrook and Ethel spoke of dgehurgt also Mr. Forsyth and daugh- school at Ailsa Craig on Wexlmisday, the estimation in which Mr. KennedY ter Rubjr of Wingliam, visited at Mr. Mr- George Met/al-mid gave a New was held among them,but as it was Andrew CaSemare's last week. V -ear's party to a number of friends an advancement they did not wish to Mr„ and Mrs. George Tili-VeY are on Tuesday night, all present had an place any barrier in the wny of bi.s ;Siting at Mr. Duncan Campbell's. enjoy-alale time together, acceptance. The call was- gut into Mr. George Greenway of Bluevale, -Rev, mr, jobostoxi of 13erVie preach- Mn Kennedy's hand and was accepted -sited at Will Abraham's last -weelt ed in the Methodist church here on by him. The court allowed his' trans - Mr, and Mrs. jesse 'Wheeler Of Bet- SuadaY and gave a fine New Year's Iation on after the last Sabbath in De- beirs last week, Mr. Russel jerrnyrt was` appointed as sels ,ivas appointed intcrimmaderatar grave visited at Mr. Duncan -Camp- sermon, oembet, meteod, of Brus* BLIIEVALE . R. Shaw took charge of seivices at Presbyterian church on Sunday, Mr, Harold Holmes of Detroit, was tome tor a couple at clays. , Atri and Mrs, and fa- mily spent Sunday with Mr. E. W. min n. IttiSs Florence Halt and Master No an Hali Wroketer, spent a few days this viceit with relatives here, Mr. Edgar Me:Michtiel spent a few ys with his brother, Robert, at Kit- ertier, 1 Strath Termite, the new trustee for school in glace of ale vacancy • of Mr. jibs. Masters Whose tertn eXPir- As this leaves two vacaucies isitins cd this year. part of the preSbytery the committee Quito a miuber rif autos wore Ont on rearrangement was mstruCted th- en New Yeat'S Day atid a few stalled look oyer the field arid make different in drifts about three feet dettg in spots, grouping of thc congregations so that This WaS the first seat winter day of in each case the minimum 8a1ary could this season. he paid by each ngras ew p, The in - Mr, Eldon McKinney of Palmerston, taint. Moderators were instrinited to Was home over the week -end, iiia at i eefield Mr, Hugh Berry, 'our enterpriSihg store keeper, Sent Out ilreitationg to e 1. 1' 5. S. 0, .3 'Pock. '111 and No, /04, Stanley to 00.10 get stated supply'for'. the pres.ent, And until suell thues as the grouping would be completed, Rev, Mr. 14eLetid was appointer/. Convenor Of the earximittcsa ton rearrangement it) the place of Char- les' CI:Winning, who asked to be ,reittaa4