HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-12-27, Page 4'ON r lber 9 OR, P L./on-it lea ' HObjert; 'RA teet(ea., eLL. Int INA OM ovER, .1r)wELL PL/(A DT OLU r•srevrry•••*". • ,vvik OR1 4r; A (iv A eete wishes to extend the Seasoe's Greetings to its ,t.:11;k.143. The holiday spirit is oadeast from every station. S ninele and entertainment -ed on a more lavish scale ever before. rhis se,ason of the year brings the rrcl bittiadaY of radio. Two years Christmas day short programs were sent ont and the response from isterkers was so favorable that the -gorge Corporations lard out plans for the installation of high power broad- casting stations. When so much has been accomplished, in. such a short l ice who can foretell where radio will amateurs of the United States nada are conducting -a series of permients during this month with ,".rt view to reaching out across the At- antie their friends in England and France. Of course all their messages are in code and on wavelengths rang- ing from Deo to 2oo meters. If the transmIssibri of code is snecessfuI probably speech will be tried at a la- h. tat. be' ee hrt q- a .rfr Vvr, „.„ Station KDKA (326 Meters) W esti taghouseeElectric, East Pittsburgh, Pa. Eastern Standard Time ThittreiJe.y, December 27 6,15 p. m.: ---Dinner concert from the RIts Theatre, I'iltsburghz Pa. „7 p m ,--Weelely chat with the Itiatmers, by Frank E. Mullen, radio editor of the "National Stockman and Farmer." 7-15 P. m. --"National Stockman -and 'Farmer" market reports. 7.30 p, m. --Feature of interest to iarmers. 7.45 p. 111.—The children's period. 8 p. n.—Chamber of Commerce alter arid sons' banquet. 1,1,34e p. m.—Special late evening concert by KDKA Little Symphony orchestra and assisting artists. Friday, December 28 6.15 p. in.—Organ recital by Lucile Hale,, from the Cameo Motion Pic - re Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7.ze p. m.—Radio B,cry Scout meet- ing coudinete.c1 by Richard Victor, scoutmaster, Troop No, 1, First Pres- byterian Church, and No. '32, Calvary Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7.45 p. re.—The children's period. 8 p. M.—"National Stockman and Farmer" market reports. 8.15 p. in.—Sunday schobl lessoe, "The World for Christ," for Decem-' her 30, presented:by Dr. R. L. Lan- eing. 8.30 p. in.—Concert by Mary Hunts- man Caldwell, soprano; Josephine Clark, contralto; MaMe: Lambert, vio- lin; Donald Rohrer, accompanist; Mrs. 0. E. Lysle, reader. Program— Reading, "The Strap Hanger," "The New Ford." "After Christmas." Vio- lin solos — "Minuet , ,"Pa.derewski; ''La Cinquantain,' Gabriel Marie; "Cavatina," Raff. Soprano and con- , tralto solos to be announced by radio. 9,55 p. m.—Arlington time signals; weather forecast. Saturday, December 29 6.15 p. in.—Dinner concert by the Westimehouse band, under the di- reefion of T. J. Vastine. Program -- March, "Fairest"' oft tbe: Fair," Sousa; 'Cabin Song" (Item the-Cotte•t-Fi-eld.) 'White; "Chinese Patrol," Fliege; se- lection, "II Trovatore," Verdi; char- acteristic piece, "Goblin's Frolic," O'Neil; Cornet duet, "Call of the Sea" Smith; tone poem, "In Lover's Land," Pryor; "Eleanor," Dappen; "Serpentine Dance," Herinan; "Mem- ories of the Opera," 'robarti. e.30 p. m.—"Bringing the World to America," prepared by "Our World.' 7 4_K children'sepericid. p. tie—Feature. 8.30 p. m.—Concert by Westing- house band, T. J. Vastine, director, assisted by P. A. Collins, baritone. Program—Band numbers: Overture '"Barbero f Seville," Rossini; "Dance Se-lpes (from Damnation of Faust) Berlioz; "Arabian Divestissernent in the Seraglio'," Cazartetive; The Datc're of the Serpent,' Boecalae; Zapriee, "My Love and Tolaani; "Melodies," from Stephen Foster; waltz, "Golden Showers," Waldteu- ael; excerpts from "Offenba.chiana," Offeebach, Baritone solos, "How Dear to Me the Hour," Carr, "He Was Prince," Lynes; "The Birth of Morn," Leon; "Good Bye," Tosti. WW,I--The Detroit News Eastern Standard Time 517 meters Thuesday, Dec. 27 Saturday, Dee. 09 9.3o a. m,— Tonight s Dian nner d ;, a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9.45 a. m.—Public Health Service bulletin and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 am—Official weather forecast /1.55 a. m.—Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 3.00 p. m.—The Detroit News Or- chestra. 3.30 pan. --Official weather forecast. 3.35 p. sn.—Market reports Sunday, Dec, eo 7.3o p. m. --Services of St. Paul's ett •1140.1niiveg10011.1111.10111111. SUNDAY AFTERNOON o God Of Bethel, by whose hand ,Thy people still are fed; Who tftrotigh the weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led: Our vows, our prayers, we now pre- sent Before thy throne of grace; God of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race, heart." He accordingly prohibited Episcopal Cathedral broadcast fr(nn Through each perplexink path of life slanderous talk, persumptuous con - the cathedral. Our wandering footsteps guide; duct, deceit and lying amongst his God acceptably must be pure, for a fountain cannot send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter, Nov. 4th--Vcrorld Wide Prohibition— World's Temperance_ Sunday—Ps. sox: -8; Prov. 2329-35. Two of the raiglity kings of ancient times have left their stamp on the world in the wise directions they laid down for the guidance of their peo- ple. King David made a solemn vow to God that he would rule his family and his court wisely. "I will walk within my house with a perfect 3:90 p. m,—The Detroit News Or- chestra. Monday, Dec. 31 11.55 a. m. --Arlington time relayed by the Western 'Union 3.00 p. m. ---The Detroit News Or- chestra 8.3o p. m.—The Detroit News Or- chestra.; program by Marcus Keller - mann. Tuesday, ran. x 9.30 a. in.—Tonight's Dinner and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9.45 a. ma—Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a. m.—Official weather fore- cast. 11.55 a. in.—Arlington time relay- and a thousand Tears as one day, we ed by the Western Union. t bring Thee thanks and praise for Thy 3 p. m.—The Detroit News Orches- blessings, "more than we can dumber, tra. with which Thou bast crowned our 3,3o p. m.—Official weatherforecast. lives during the year now passing. 3.35 p. nea-Market reports. May grade, mercy and peace fr°rn 8.30 g. m.—The Detroit News Or- God, the Father, the Son and the Holy chestra. Give Us ea.cli nay our daily bread, servarits and courtiers. King Sol - And rze4ment fit provide, onion prayed; i.vhen he , began, to reign, for a wise" and tmderstanding • . • . 0 spread thy covering wings a.rolind, -heart and in his writings, handed Till all' our wanderings cease, down to posterity, we have the out - And at our Father's loved abode come of that' prayer. Among litany Our souls arrive in Peace. wise sayings. none is more to the point toda,y than bis warnings against . Such blessings ,from Thy gra ous the drinking of wine. He not only hand cautions young men to beware of Our humble prayers implore; forming the habit but tells the out - And thou •shit be our chosen God, come. It surely leads to poverty of And portion evermore. both body and soul. (P. Doddridge). Nov. nth—Some Missionary' Teach - PRAYER ings of the Psalms; PA. Almighty and eternal God, witla The psalmts pouring our his whom one day is as a thousand year, soul in this grand song of longing af- ter God, not for the Jews only, but for Gentiles as Wen. There are three distinct petitions in it. The first is for the prosperity of the , Jewish church—"Cause, hie face to shine up- on us." The second is for the con- version of the Gentiles—"thy saving health among all nations." The third is 'that divine worship may be setup' among them—"Let the people praise Thee, 0 God." The lesson for us is Grhost, rest andbidon us all, hence- forth and .for :eele.Aen. Wednesday, jang2 8,3o p. m.—The DetrOit News Or- ' REVIEW chestra; Grace Martine, soprano; the five Virginians. Station WGY stio Meter) General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Eastern. Standard Time Thursday, Dec. 27t11. 745 P.m.—Musical program by, the Fort Orange Society Orchestra. Friday, Dec. 28th. 6.3o p.m.—Children's program. 7.35 p. and organ recital by Aniline McCrory Evans, pianist, and Daniel Crough, organist; select- ion, "Scherzo", WGY Orchestra; sel- ection, "Tendre Souvenir," orchestra; piano and organ recital, Annina. Mc- Crory Evans, piano, Daniel Crough, organ; "Andante," from "Symphonic. .Pathetique," Daniel Carough; "Ave Maria," Opals 52, No. 6; "Pastorale,' Opus 26, Aniline McCrory Evans, De- nial tCrough; "Meditation,' from "TM - as"; "Sous Bois,' Opus 6, Annina Mc- Crory Evans, Daniel Crough; • fest]. Bambino," Daniel Crough; "Concerto im G Minor," Annina Meerory Evans; selection, "Dense Laneuide," orchest- ra.; selection, "Petite Scherzo," orches- tra; selection, "Au' Crepuscle," orch- estra 9,30 rti,—'Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9.45 a m. --Public Health Service bulletin and talks on subjects of gen- ere' interest. To.25 atilt—Official weather forecast .58 a. m.—Ailington time relayed by the Western Union. noo p. rre—The Detroit News Or, cbeetra, 3.30 p.m. --Official weather forecast. 3.35 p. ne—lalarlaet repctrts 7.er) p. m.—The 1)ettoit News Or- chestta; the Chapel Four, 10,00 p, ni.--yance music by jean Goltikette's Orchestra, leroadcast from 1110 Graystone ballroom. Friday, Dec. 28 9.30 a. ru.--"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Wornan'.s Editor. 9,45 o. Health Seirviee bulletin and talks on subjects of gen- al interest. 10 25 ante—Official weather forecast E1,55 a, en.---Airlirigton time aelayed by the Weetere. Ueion. 1.00 mr-eDanee Mtisic by jean Goidekette'S Orchettra. broadcast from the terayetorte Ballroom, 3.0o p. te..—The Detroit News Or- chestra. 3,30 P.m.—Official weather forecast. 3.35 p. roe --Market reports Zoo' P,n1.—'1'lle Detroit News Or- chestra; Anne Campbell, Detroit :News Peet; vocat nunebers by Clyde Kitt b o1 t. (Late Program) chestral selections, (a) "Mazurka '; (b) nation i th min of "great them into the world." Every one The ec s on to.corripi e a s3 p Oct. 7tla—Abraharn, A blessing to the 1924 EV INT'L FEATURE SERVICE. 1Nc• were scattered abroad and one of the ..6318rneingitilail deacons, Philip, went into Samaria RI and was so used of God that many 11-1 were converted and great joy filled the city. When news of this reached V. feruealein, Peter and Joho were sent to help Philip and to bless his work by the laying on of hands when those that had been baptized received the Holy Ghost. Thus mightily grew the .church and was established in differ- ent parts of the country. Dec. t6th—World Wide Missions— Acts 16:9-15, 28; 30, 31, 'Rom. x5; • /8.21. Paul having beent preaching in Asia Minor for over a year, "was forbid- den of the Holy Ghost" to stay there any longer, and when in a vision -he saw a man who said "Come over into Whole world. Geneiis x2:z-4;„ 18:- , that the Church has its blessings in 17,18; 22:z5 -x8. I order that the whole world may be With Abrahairi ,a new chapter be- evangelized. "God hath shined into gan in the history of his race. God chose him to be the father of a great nation; and, to work this out, sent him forth from his idolatrous fellow - country men. This was the first step , our hearts, that we may give the light of the knOWledge of the glory of God." . Nov. 'ath—Our Lord Jesus a Mis- sionary—Mat. 9:35-38; Luke 8:x-3; Cream IIIVIIIIi11101116111.111#1011101111111111111111111111111 , •:• ream The best paying product of THE FARM to -day is cream I The best 'market for your cream is right at home at the MAIT- IN LAND CREAMERY. We GUARANTEE ,the TOP MARKET PRICE, paymente twice ift Macedonia, and help, us" he went at = once and. thus ex.tended. mission U a month. ' Ask us about our price guarantee. Maitland Creamery Wingliam work into Europe, afterwards going la •• • as far as Rome, ever keeping in mind UnIltecil Farmers' 'CO -Op; C . Ltd. Phone that. he had been commissioned by 1111_ Jesus to work among the Gentiles. sememeimeimegamemmeaaregeggavestetate i'',701f.a1":111r..411E11{0111/111101 In a letter which he wrote to the Christians in 12ome he said "Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foun- dation." Dec. 23rd—The Universal Reign of Christ—Isa. exa-zot Ps. 2:8. In this lesson the prophet sets for the beauties of the Messiah and • kingdom. When =-. towards complete obedience to an un- - J • • seen God. At different times God Jesus when. tipon. earth combined in appeared in, different way to Abra- himself every- form of present day ham and renewed his covenant with mission work. He was a teacher, a. Turnberry, Nos. 7 and to Morris. him, always assuring him that in him preacher, a medical missionary and a Nos. 7, 9, 12, 13, East Wawanosh. " 11 f 'res of the earth shall be social worker, andit was compassion Pupils examined 1438. New defects found 76. "Defects terminated 46. the i glories. of his Jesus •of. Nazareth was born he ful- filled the prophet's declaration as to descent; and As • he geeev into man- hood- hisc haracter again fulfilled the prophesy, being bound as closely to his nature as a garment is to the body; and under the gospel reign con- ditions described by hiin have been in part fulfilled. "Peace on earth, good will to men" come into being as the I d i sPread through- out the world. Nurse's Report for Nov. and Dec. Visits to Wingham Public School Winghath High School jt -Brus- sels 5; Wroxeter 2; one visit to each of the following: Gorrie, Fordwich, Bluevale, Belgrave,No. 4 Grey, No., 9} know e ge of Jesuss Messed." This ha.s been fulfilled in for the sinful men that caused him to the corning of Jesus Christ, t a- viour of the world. • Oct. 14t1-4srael, A Missionary Na- tion—Exodus to:1-6; Isa. 43:9-1.2; Isa. 45:20-22. The children Of Israel had reached Mount Sinai, the place where God promised Moses He would meet with them. God had brought them in safety thus far, and, having recleaned give his life in this way. He came to do his father's will which was mimed up in"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should notpe rish but have everlast- ing life" and not to be ministered unto but to ministcri and to give his life. a ransom for many." Nov 25th—Christians Called to be them at the cost of the lives o a los 'Missionariee.—John 17:18; Matt. of Egyptians, He expeeted their wil ling submission to His rule, saying, Christ is about to lay dowa-his intention has been made by' Hon. "Now, therefore, if ye will obey my work and he commits it to 'his disci- George S. Henry, Minister of Public voice indeed, and keep covenant, ples to carry, and in today's lesson he Works and Highways. The new law, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure prays first for himself and then for which supersedes all previous statutes - aueeta re na--....tertenertretta_eagram; ea- ttlierne above all people." Through them -"As thou hest sent me into relating to vehicles and public high- , hiS . all—natione atiferhe carte; ilia werld, eeen zo heve T .1cn-- qent 1 Miavseembodies a number -of changes ' cl i i 1 ;no sis of Plaine visits made 171. N. M. Robb. So Autoists May Know A concise synopsis of the new Motor Vehicles Act, which becomes law, in the Province on January 1, 2924, is to be prepared under the di- rection of the Department of Public Highways and distributed among mo- torists of the Province With the 1924 '28:16-zo; Acts t:6-8. license pla.tes. Announcement of this solo, "Berceuse," Edward A. Rice; David's greater Son" %litho loved us who has taken Jesus forahis Saviour the act has been made in order that "Prelude," 'WGY ,Orchestra; violin are blessed n e conun' contralto solos (a) "I never " , ; r and gave Himself for us His fol- belongs to him body and soul and has every use of motor vehicles may 1 e M ) (b) "Gossiping," Sally McGrath, Mary lowers are -spoken of in the same some share in letting others ',hear the Ina:de cognizant et the changes, net solo, "Tommy Lad," Sally Mc- hoed, am holy nation, a pecu ia Peo- efe, for thus s he fitted know and 'Upon returning hoine yeaterday af- YOUNG no idea the time saved with a Toronto Engine and a Toronto Grain Grinder on your farm. Think of how muchtquieker 'an engine will do the work when attached to your, pulper, grinder, saw, cutting box, 'cream separator, finning mill or pump. It's a steady worker, reqUires little attention, operates economically an kerosene. • 'With a Toronto Grain Grinder, too, you'll save hours on every trip to the mill. 1 how it will fill your needs, either for coarse or fine chop, efficiently and economically'. All built with extra capacity. I'll be glad to discuss these— or any other Toronto tabor -- saving equip- ment—at any time. Or let me give you , -some tree lit- erature. Nyci 111 •••••---••••-•- 8111111111111111111111111111161111111115 VN HALL. a NIG "Fazierite," the American Trio; clad- chosen generation,RI' ON o ome • a royal priest- must form a part of t Christian. Carney, a.ccompanist; trio seection, a as the children of Israel—"A — gospel message. To this en 1 "A d M PFaYer Suicide in lb Grath; selection, "Andaete Melodique" e." dO the Master's will. ternoon Bea Cox, of Colborne, was III trio; cao solo, Romanze, Etrieet a • Burleigh; contralto solos, (a) "Ba.by" Natoris• Josh. itt-4; Ise." 2:2-4; (b) "Baby Dreams," Sally McGrath; 19:23-25; Ezek. selection, "Idylle," orchestra Moses being dead Joslatia was in - Saturday, Dec. 2oth. structed to lead the Israelites over m. ---Dance music by Jed,- Jordan attd meke a place for them int Albany, N. Y. they as God's chosen people, wereto of fire and resting on all irk, the house 'always seemed to be a wIlling e-nd • Symond's Orchestra ,Hampton Hotel, the midst of other natiens from which, • et % t—Israel in the IVfidst of the Dee. 'and—'rhe Power of the Early ' shocked to find the lifeless body of M '''‘• Lmduay E. Perrin presents the Popular church. Acts 2:1-4, 37-42. Charles Bulphitt hanging y a rope Jesus told his disciples to tarry in from a beam in. the stable. Life had Jerusalem until they should receive been extinct for some time. in 'Pentecost this power was given them, of age, was a. Barnardo Home boy and 2 A ARKS power from on high. On the day of The boy, who was about 18 years aell . . . . R La 1 E 54 . . the form of- eleven tongues had been with Cox some , years and '"' . a , STARTING DECEMBER 3ist .114.00111P rrnlinn , assembled. The clustrious vvorker. No reason can be Crosley Manufacturing Co tutees that followed became like to outcome of this -Wee a marvellous wit- given for tbe rash act. .1 Station WLIAT (3o9 Meters)—The shine as lights. They, daring the cen- where they were • . Cincinnati, Ohio. their neighboring tribes in that they nessing for qad among the- crowds Coroner Dr. Hunter visited the Am . Cenfral, Standard Time rebelled against God; artd set up idols. of .strangers gthered in the city oh- scene and an inquest is being -held a Thursday, December 97th- God, true to los promise that they i serving the .Jewish feasts. Every Loses Good Pitcher ill 10 P• m.—Christinas program of ea_ t should be his special people, sent 1 man heard the gospel spoken in' his Friends of Mr. Win. Morden gath- ILI tette cred music by the Choral Societi' of prophets such as Isaiah to bring Him : own tongue by these seemingly the St. St. Paul's M. E. Church, anent- to their remembrance. Isaiah fore- I leawas ered in the Lyceum Theatre oe Fri -lar rned men. The effect day evening aind presented him with! 21, nati, Ben. C. Deeamp, director and ac- told the coming of the. Great Deily -,that as many as three thousand were a gold watch and chain and a set of NJ companist- Rev. Fred Riley, pastor. erer, who should establish his kingladeled to the- followers ,of Chriat. military brushee. The following. ad- aam Heights are -Crying Alloujab; (b) shall flow unto it." Jews and Gen- to all nations the gospel l of jle.osattdress was read by Mr, E. Pettigrew, el Chorals; (a) The Watchman of the dcnn in righteousness and "all nations Thus was began the spreading ab to his .es wordwhile' the presentation was made by•Z Larrib of God, the 1 -leavens Adore tiles were to be united in his gospel-, Christ in obedienceIM..,..r..m.,A,r. M. iCnraAwl.ofroeriedn. ? , RI Thee; (c) Fear Not, Mary. Tenor fold, but because of the watk.edness; to the dlsciPies—"Go and disciple alt. O n Thee. Choral, O'er the Distaet would be destroyed which did OITIC. Dec. 9th ---The Outreach of the Early Dear 'Frimd, t scla Your Wingham friends - have tal solo, The Holy Ghost Shall Come Up- of jeresalem, God's chosen city, it nations and lo I am with you alway. ' " " Moantains. Soprano Solo, My Soul to Pass after the corniag of Christ 11P- thtIrch—Acts 8:4-8, 14-17, 225. The pbarisees were enraged to find Your with deep regret that you tel Doth Magnify Thee, Mrs. Liebel. Bees on earth. • have decided. t6 leave your native a Isa, eeee-3; sed the Yeses, religion, so they plan_ town a.nd have accepted a position 'i — recitative, Joseph event Forth from Ott. 28th—Some MisSionary Teach- that Stephen's death hed not sttppres- i i a aiilee, Mr. john Yoakley, jr. Alto inigs 01 the Prophets. solo, Once, in Ro3ral David's City, Mrs., Jonah erticetta Micah 411-31 ZePh. Ilea and set ha motion a general per- Franki, Christints talk by Rev. Fred ' secntion of the infant church. They Riley, pastor. Trio for woolen's voic- In the first passage there is a clear, The A. Life Insurance Policies in the Mutual Life of Canada are A. 1. If you are not already a policy holder B. 1. If an agent has not caned on you es, And there Were Shepherds. GI. call to the Church to spread the gets- ---•-ee----,--ee---d------ee--e----a als (a) An the Angel of the Lord, Pei, for God has promised that his (1)) Hark the Herald,Angals Sing, e.b- 1,vord shall not return to him void but ligto, Mrs, wail; (e) L6, God, oto. great numbers shall be gathered for Goa Has come, "the Gentiles shall come to thy light, rt 9. nn—Concert by he Pennsyl- and kings t° the brightness of thy vania Railroad Orthestra, Logansportrising. division. In the orcheatra, j. 111. Boy-, The passage from Jonah teaches us et manager; F. W. Miller, pianist; S. that God is rich in mercy to all. that A. Seagraves, 'W. Sabatineei, G. Rance, H. W. IVIeyer, ld. A. Scott, W. Brown, D. R. Ilerd, F. Sabatina, G, Rance' H. 'W. Meyer, M. A. Lawrence, Ployd, Garland,'Charles Trbaugli and George, caIl upoe him and that in every na- tion, it Nineveh as well as in lerael, he that repents and turtle from his evil way,a shall be saved. Irt Micah we are given. the outcome Popular selections furni1id b the growth of the Christian church by the 'National Aasociatioe of Broad- --universal peace will follow world - casters, "Every Day," "Our Little wide ,;preaching of the gospels for rlome," "Bobbsy," "Santa Rose," wherever it prevails it makes rrien "Wolverine lluesId ," "artheia" and g&itle and eaey to be entreated. othee entribere. Ethan the passage in Zephaniah we (Baldwin piano,) .4. • , Abne* Cosens W. T. 'Booth tepresentatives for Wingliato awl pietrict gather that the lipa that eteettld eerve eetteitenereteetteenent„etee„t„„„ert,„„,,e,e, the city of St. Thornas, Not because it is custome.ry to of- fer remembrances at the time of part- ing but belause of the sincerity of out appreciation for the interest you have taken ia the sports of Wingham for some years, we wish yop to accept these ernall gifts as a slight token of the esteem in which you art beld by us. . youe cheerful clispoaition eild the m rit of whole heartedeess ie which • you assisted on our ball team shell ev- et be green in our nietnOries, W We hepe for the welfare and suc- , and her. PLAYERS IN ALL NEW PLAYS AND VAUDEVILLE MON. EVE. New comedy of romance and youth • is "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" All'new VAUDEVILLE, Featutres between the acts by a Arlie rdarles SCOTCH LADS AND LASSIES in "A Breeze from the Land of the Heathe " a 1)EILUN A & ABDEL Entertainers de luxe LINDSAY E. PER.RIN Favorite Comedian -Dancer WILL L. PHILLIPS Cockney Comedian CLARE,NCE KANE Premier Boy Vocalist 1 EN TIRE NEVV P A Y S AND I cess of your futute and' trust that N • . your personality Will gain for you IN hereVAUDEVILLE EACH EVENING -1 abundance of good luck wver you IN may • be or Whatever' you may be en- • . gal Wingham eitizAs' 111 generali and Note These Rienannablie Prices '.50cr, 35c, ,25; Plus Talc " particularly baseball fans will be sorry • sewts may be resetved now at matibb r• s on a ng tore. to her of Mr, ldordetits rentoval from • TIldmas baseball. team for To24.. town.1, Ile lias signed up with the St.