HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-12-27, Page 3111!:11I1 no;nie. 'tt'lltIrite,,•11,1,"• 11 • EVEN YEARS TORTURE Headaches and indigestion Ended By "frult.a,tives" The Martolines Reit Medicine Like thousands and theueands of other sufferers, Mr. Albert YaNter nt Buckingham, Pala tried loaany realedies and went to dOetOrs and Opechdists; but nothing did him any geed. finally s, friend advised him to try " Froit-aetives " --now he is Ito') • AS hoiesays in a letter: _ "For seven years, I SlIffete(1"terribly from Readaelies arid Indigeption. bad belching gas, bitter'tuff evould Wine up in My mouth, often :vomiting, said "was terribly constipated. I toolt Fruit-a-tives an4 this grand fruit mediciue made me . re)ca. box, 6 for $.2.50, trial size 25s; At dealers or Sent by Fruit-a-tivea limited, Ottavtai.Diit. TPIE OLD MAPLE TREE Written for Advance by an old resident of Wringliatn, Mr. T. A, Calhoun, who now resides in Lotidon,) At the foot of the garden, Not planted by hands With -wide spreading branches An. old 'maple stands, 'Much the same in apnitrance As others you see, - But to rue there is iieme Like that old maple tree. Other ,trees in the „garden: More 't-tttceftil -and fair, ve long- slender , -branches Like plumes in, the air, • There are fruit trees and flowers , But no'ne have "lot -ine The charm that belies ovet- • The old maple tree. In winter It Weathers- . The wild starmY 13161st,' It's roots have been tested, • But al w aYs held ast, nii,d-surniner drought Like' a breeze from, the sea You will find in the shade .Of that old triaple tre,e: tgli up in. its branches ;„- The.first robins sing, .„ Where the t>fiol calls 'o his.. mate in the spring, And nothing so grand In creation for me As the neusic that floats From- that. old. maple tree. In autumn none . fairer nature is seen.................'. Than till§ tree in •its mantle , Of crimson and green, No flowers or trees --, - Have suck grandeur foni . , That's -why:Vsn iii love With that 'old rnaple• tree.. By Bertrand W. Slaielek °rationed front last week SYNOPSIS. ciff.AhTtlit. T --The story opteee'.inethe warp 'at • ,Graoville, Ontario,' „: where !Ales Tielltfit Weir Is' itimplinted est 0.:utertograljhor Iiit't3ie-,.6fftee'tif Harrington'and Bush, I21,he li engaged Jack:. learrose"f a youngreal estatet,agent. -and the -wedding day le set. While waliclittr,'Vidth him one Sunday theY Ineet,Mr.,pnsn, Razors employer, wile for the 'drat time. ,seetos to notice' her at- tractivenesa Shortly afterward; at hir re, quest, the-:,becontes his private stenos - replier; 'After , three month's' Mr. Bush preopeeisernarriag.e, which Hazel declines, and ',after • a 'stormy weenie In • the office Hazel' leaves her employment,' Mr. Bush warning-Ito:the would make her Sorry for .refusins him. 'CHAPTERIBuhmaltee an effort, by a, gift Of.' fiewers, to comprornise.Hasel the Wads of :her friends. She returns them. The next day Bush le thrown 'front his horse and -.fatally hurt. He. sends for Hegel, who refuses to gee hint before he dies. Throe day e afterward It le- an- nounced that he left oh, legacy .of , He ',rim reparation' or ay eatorte . may hare. don. her,:" Hazel .reicognixeo DA once,"Whatntruct1,fl fl1 be put upon the' words. Bush ha he;. revenge,. jrAPTuR Tri -Jack klarr,ow,,An %fit or :Itiallous,1rage, detharods from Ila-zel explanation of Roshli action: Ifs.zel'opricle la hart, and:' she ''refusee. ', The engage- Ment- , Is _broken:- and dete,troines,Ao Itlavi',GranYille. She seeetiti, advertise-, • ment,for-a, 'School teacher it. Cariboo Meadows, British Caltimbia,' and securer the ,eithation, 11 itstter tttOgle Cal414 01ifc e' iirtT tied Mill rij»eht!Pr loctieh t 0:1 '911.10:t. And she •gat tIttO bed, tbkt1b t* berflelf, deprtekeed WIVOlitt elePt for a thue, her *Jeep Toro - Seta *to hy Morbid. dreams; and aoire, Weitkenedtofitid her *Yea full F1i0 did'not.lolow why she ery, but cin- she eild till her Oil- lieW Fro' moirin-and the heavy feeling itolr Iratittit growl. if 'llanYthileg, Mot, hliteAde, Rho *witched eon the thin eltrethin btLlb ' °tee her. head, eno .teeehaen , ,Itter ',puree fer another liendkorchioti, 7.10r tingliell drew forth, with the bilt f9Itled Oaat vaPett, ,Iyhtch Doomed tO )17-psketieett her, lefixedly did she remain looking at it. A, adeset of plain white. Polren walked rink data A A ainh, nemee end crooked liner that naosring NMI Task i -ler in 1410 Arms, stood. for river,* with ilaadatil patehes. _ , • . , that =leant 'mountain rang*, Sale had trucks, staring, aleeifilgt *flt reluettast ian ,litiere-efilll'"Wagstaff's map, : belleye the evidence of blete.laiskii, Mir his eitered at It along, tireei' Then hrewe,wrinkled, He Put up one heed she toned her itrnensilvind rate *thong .aud.ahstent} ran It trier hie chichi.' :, . theInterminable- .etringof $t* on ut vender if • reit' got to'itiii ,p'biiiii of C}[A2TIIIB IV -Car -boo M&uows is in a -wild part of British Columbia arid zel," shortly after' her arrival, losegi: Iter" way While -wallfing in the weeds.. She- - wanders until night, when, attraoted by the light of a ,earapilre,: she tfirnel-tb",•it:::• hoping- to find soniehody who wilt' guide her home. At the lire, she recognixeS character, 'known to Cluribob Meadows ae rWitestaft.'-i•oistlitwhad,,,veen her at her boarding house there. 1.70 proralses,:to take her limit° 'In the ,morr,- Ing,bat 'she lg. compelled, to spend, the- higlittlti the, woOdD. , CHAPTER",.V--2"fhey. ,Ittert.,.•next",••day, Basel supposes, for Cariboo Meadows, but Wagstaff- finally admits he is talfilig her ' 1115 'eabin the mountains: ,Be is ro- .apeetful and -,;Consideratel,:-: and, Hanel, though protestin.g. indiznantiy, .he/pleas and has to agOompany, him. - CHArcElt the "V.Vrorstaff,„ provide/ft 1-Tagel- -which" had ' been left.,,lry" totiriste. --There -thej.t..pe.eti the Whiter. ,tIf"agstaff feliss,her. he loves,' her, beit .1n- her,Andigoatiorrat,her f`abduc-;. Von" she refuses to lister: to'thim.. , . DL.W. Scran ton Coal All sizes at reduced prices. Nut,Stove,Egg, Grate and Pea acLEAN LUMBER & COAL CO. amparest.oloollowelvteseorasween.flamm, 1 pt.: 10,.;0; 10 1111A 141,, 14; t 11.1“1011 t1110 toll him hor they w 1 bou,10. /laze! was already monotot liotwit,i, patismi, with hh-1 100 the stirrup, and moiled witimsletilly her over hie liorse's hack. • • "I forgot sotnethintr,'" said ho, tine, went haeh Into the ealoin-whettee to, Shortly 'emerged, bring bl$ bane 0 0h00.1: rbper uiton some- thing 'woe written in hold, angidni ittiorric, 'Ichoi(sie 11;iikhl nctlifsetle otlei *leaf tt might be, and laughed amused, Ity, for BM hetd written: "Var. and Mrs. Iniliato Wsirstsft 11001 home thOir trieilds oft and Swung up into his ?Addle; a� ettirr June tile twentieth." :141esyto j•otogattedhe actift;ottleutzhabe,corpethiney Top aid Idelred .tiackward at the cabin drowoing VileettlY heeler its Selttilheil !roc Booing Bill reached Out Orite 11111111 axtd led it acmes Hanel'al oho* dem. "'Attie person," he *aid nehorhno "here*• the and of one frit!, and thluglitt','. he Sititl:PIIPWIt^ beginning of another -the longest 'hog 1-e1perstoa, Is it your asteeil botlyesr either et uat has ever, faced. How demi till- 0110, ft/44:10016p, trri* Whenceinorthevardina the ikreiften.waen LO 02by,s .111Sa!:notad :the distPee, .eisd the litutt7" seehetirofrortival, And,looked, at her nrateh. 'Then a feherishactinitr.toole: hold 'of her. She -*Idresied, 46t ;her. - Is it really youl" lit leek to lent* f-14 course it 15 135°, ° Cried She caught his fingere with a utticko 101101y, Mid With fWI) dierAgard tor 11614 Prestooxc ' kat- (Vise*: "All trails le Ir' Ilk t " alike '• He tertian alii,eiOgestd.lierelid PlAdliee! :pad; Nokia shining. ryes', .Heirin- se Iv.' her lartO 7:11t4 ifcilt10": Pr,eifirfrOt,t to lr• Idt: them together."' atilteeoe from rundee' the '.porth 'end *fhlied.r.te tha .11, ,*: • : r . „. ' th.„en hetallt.hie• head* OW -hat aeoeen • • That ,done; she .set her *Obese* in . GOYA, doLait.on, thetiteaniar .,,ierwft ..sopihe , woo the 'aialen.:and., &triode herself, .int the that, dayt let,eilit;CO,4.1d' looked sieoinoefir4lho home, ; her " ptce:' pr.010.0 lent andfolkintettly; et .1tereeelsoltedietill•: ettenee ttt the Presient , *htuift.kol. C11.11_ ret,*_..1*,,e*-ent4e'e, tee!..Heeeee,!mreen*S. linent** They weie ilithagein,#e ,Werria,!earth *one lboather'llienth; neither'. tee **.c:o.F Per 40471t, vo!ifir el!nro' eedri Were their eabin, their hicks ProPP:id 4. *stuffed 'articles into :it, regardisis, of et, lair before P0144 heliolviDt ,4*0... hat daY''Af 'the meieth is tisk NOTICE TO CREDITORS , CHAPTER VII --With the corning of VrIng- Hazel Insists that NITsgstatf-talte tle,r out ctf tho.pouneatilsi .N.ge 9rieleivel'8 co` pershade her,to marry Iiini.and stay", but 'tin her persistent' refueal, .ha, aceorri- , panies her to, Bella- Coole, ,from where she can proceed to Var:couver: CHAPTER VT/I.-On parting, Wagstaff ' gives eye] Sile discov- ers later contains 0.200 and a,rnap which 1'011 enahla,"her to find her .way to the cabln If she ilestree to go. bacit... At (Van- couver ne,tasel , plat:a to 'return, to 1 1 b' t- n" the train realizes" that she gagehe tolinteireed eteatitlY eon ,tlie•1'1* Pat H leg 111 d [hilt tornfortably, Again*, a• log? wedded Puree, .',wheasia delter folded • Bill *egh. rea-Oe._ e*.r,00ed *.er 141; ne„Li40:___41j4_,40,,,ma, iiren ,intri *eta itt stare -men: " ..• *, : • nOtchtatinliettlenprirOlie.,n'OtintainAe ' Aladnihen eent *.a: the .da'rkrailintd"X°*ePtel,„ir trai. •• seen', whichtinonnnotill, lingered., Beside tinker doflightieviliked the: 111001 Rereed,Ell:',,,, aa ritaidge, dribbled' ,n Whip of ihritek iteheed ''.berdn'd!the .1A.t PaY 107 th du emelt!, airatoki,,i. iwied , e. nesonn '.nplend doeinethe Wide. ritichei .of 'the, "IA.. •1:41 - - . re.i*t1s1 swarogrofr. intern „ tees and Meek Werth Thelenelerd .netaite the erceeehea, lrott. Alden...think Ineinhil,' did Yr 1.a Izs ths elear, thin sir Of hthitt nine to .A.st p. Basel teak ease 'look ihi.atisktat'wittn,her-blanahliagefani'eriallh' - al tones .of whit -• • , . to make suro Theri,ihe got, Saftliglinter 04.41ip4,1.04: atidated*alee,lifid Weis nireald in the tie aisle, took. up her finite -area, and bait 70t1, ';iflaiit',714.ra"n!IP''!1?:71.itPY hush., with the ear: -.it, tha. i)s,,:isice ,tAtraid • . " 411,1u#,voni,a: 14110 gpc..,* giVe thWear Portern • " "That Wan, jnat.tahtnar tit.'dainerattS,' ,ieteged;aabanitstn,,,Widii:Ar,elleti, • "Tell Matir.1/lershotinii lady --ire lower elealsha.,' Nee', leader 4,100afted te nee *'• and; liallearieenry., is ftrehiltiee; "that Hiss had to hetitie.4.0.. 4t1.'•1/44hz,hikerl:.AlthifgethAe," :the.' beetle *iffri,..'3.11.!.,Filik 411-1e0-0,4 STWair U," ihe,iatidnerith I defier tithiettielten yon aeleinh,011nee/dr 0.',164,p0.. 104 hui:Ip•At., see Tha 'Ski I will :write' Seen* and '!0,A.4",'Otdit•_,,e thinetlent elt'tikahn1thite;:heela. 00„,..pmc.dutotO.. *Oar: 451'050#4 sxpIaIn"•• • ; , NW. *sena. lieefied, She, .stood .thi.• shadow ;'ot teeeteldn, StettY, 4leiteJIAA0ed • !AP • etettere tairnaltheatdr"trrere clearing nrith'•A • the etenee ,fors st laeo iliecheit 'alt.'. ,,didante sae hove -00ilivit..4btOtti of :wawa": thti • ited's •ratogi wits brief. ,,,Ntt.lien,,,,ftek:',r,ett,r, renting 'tlitiagn,, inta les* then ..toethe. tuo lights,,wentninimisaingedotancthejedieh, • ilAe,not. you watiClied andlieteniad tonbieforest she 'tot* up. hereeamitelse Intienateeee. hole: tteed'ete., to*„44Sir n "tingle, it was a land 01 'Poen* and tantovitt no the botil.where rake had tin..." rActtplitt , • m.,0***.t1,1100t: 'dit0100 to go up to the WSBAZApt.'. '11'P ,owy hold o, idi long s* .y'o1 had to get Acton* • on7 -haVe Wive, i.',tvOr writ iliortsand dolfars Ml ioopay--- no Plata to aPetld tI save."' :1%0 1.40w a smoke ,rltig over e and watched it vanish lap tot the deeity .root beam* Nifore- ansWered. person." he, "lb Very tree, end *e thIet tnithfully- Say that *tern reeeeenity ie treading on our heels. The pesseselon monoy bus nnvo 11.0ea a crying need rith nae, Out 1 hadn't many wants when -was .planing a lone hen& end 1 generally let the Inture take care•Of itself, If was to dig hp mplile*" enough buy hooke and .grub- or anything I wahted Now that asSumerl a Cer- tain responsibility, it has boom to down on no that we'd enjoy life bet- ter we Vetere asifurecli of a cotalie- • tenet, , won't Stay here a/ways.. I'm pretty' much eoninit61 now ao are Iota But /know from past ex.- Perience!',that -the Outside will grow more alluring its tinii passes, `Tiou'll get lonosonie for eiviltzation. It's the moit. trat.nral thing In the wd.'rld.' And- when, we go ont to mitt with ow fellow vve.'went to meet' them On terms -of worldly equality. .V.71tich is to say :with good clothes on,, and It fat 'mink roll in Our Poeitet. And laSt, hut' not least,old 'while 1 love to loaf , I can only loaf ,about so long In con- tentment. Settle?. l'ye got to,he doing Something.; whether At Watil or, not has never mattered, just so it was actiori." "I saint, ai,von call liazel itOf course I do. Only limy people 111e - to loaf all the tinie. 1 -love thiS place, .trrici We might 'otay here for years and 'be asitiefied. But-" . , • °But we'd be better Eatisb.ed to stay if We luiew , that ,w,e. could leeve it wheneeer, Iva wanted to," he triter: nipted. "That's the psychology of the human animal, all right. We don't like ,• to be coerced even by eircumetances." "If Yon Made a lot Of'snoriey we cotild1 travel -brie could do lots of thing$:"'' She • reffe.eted. dont think wept to Jive in a city again. • But et•, vreuld' be niee to go there, some-• timee.", , Thee Clerk, •-aihnoved ,heintoette. roe*, ;41A,Sredilleih, (*fade ;,4,-.etiel Nir re,. and rustle soma. mete taps, turned the . key' is:nhai leek: -Then She eV- *10,40 ;4' ;.'1..**/4.dthArd l!eilf10 fo the ihiew her suitcase en mi. tiaa afit ,0141101-46re* *4*11;*" 1 tilieArve'd'O'rele*AntlinAite. tinUe went over, 'and .:threvving' titer' bilehieee and hitt:1U -tit ,e to 114),Ckf 4,P0fit' weir ee.entlet sn dew -tel'idte' gheatest height; :sat ',down bete and lookedesteadlly towardethe north, leA'akddillut'l.46*,:*41*Iii .ce'uld ***I! She .leavea, the, train at the fir,st stop. aralling‘.tp :114144.4t,' • . bere Iftgr- ' 8....111,.:r4' love; Vragetitft. and -deckles •to • go t. him. tim-,2, (she tmodeney,,ente They.atood:raillent.bathe dOeolleran tor,. 11,saring 131111•Wagotogr.., shentenenneed. aloud.. 'hOf::cooesaa I eaufindielaimr nand! with-tliat . eh.. blew at.' kiss; from - hate finger teereed :rtlia, dark arid silont .hiertla,.::palled„,,down the shade, Sad, Wont quietly tobed. , • • • lhor tbe life of her, -she could not help making iotriparisons between the ms.n beside •her and another who she gueesed weseld by -now be hearten up the crest of the dielde that overloolted the green and peaceful vista of forest and lake; With the Rabble range lying purpleteyond. • She wondered if ,Itotir- ling -Bill liVagetaff would_ ever under any. cireumstances, Intel looked on her wittntlie aeornful, angry dintrukt, that Barrow had once betruyed. Barrow's ettitude, was that of a little hey -who _ • had broken 'some plaYthing• in •a. tit of anger•end was, nowevoefttlly trytng to, -put the pieces together again. It amused her, •Indeed, It afforded her a distinctly "un-Christlan satisfaction, since she Was not by nature of a meek or forgiviuf - , CNA/PISS IX. • -.- •, ,• An Illndltig, end fleginnIna. IlYticonstionsly, by • natural aitdmila- ideal, Ito to Speak, 11111101 'Weir- ha , ab- -sorbed more 'woodcraft then ales reel- .1sed - her over -winter stay in the high:latitudes: Bill regain; had , °Pee told her that few People ;know. 'juet ' w'het they cola do. until thOy, are cow- l?* her soeond d t the samentime kind and pont,* a• Icing intainidili MS legansillana hoes 'married Wadi,' One, eneindd ..`eitheeike. eitdithr eeheed' 50 *iled was ab. wlth 3,07 'Ore*" Macke astentolt#4pt -don't my ant . , so? :Se'etPi,like‘it ;Tea efilY'daY,hefere -4°)Doeyen, :IcevorMe..innehe Aittle,par6 'keeteidiry; 55er505:4'f ' son?'" , 11„ rosined, _atter a little:, "I unladen" ebe. Plaugglad„ /Pea. little • She nodded hlgeretiP lleePet- • slogerrto, him, "if anintWe l'AgSle were "Why?" he desired...to knot". wee lei happy as we've been?"' "oh, Jutiveliopimie-becitilie Yowl" ti mi. Out his -arta acmes her shoulders man, :1:1*Paolie,"'ehe retunned *iodide- nest tilted lter head hack lie that he Tousle'. _ !oultfamalle down into her face. .'“,r40. :re! ehne4-ruli taw° wrii.7 have been a hunch of golden 9°Ft-r-Tftt. . says, haven't " theYr( he widOPered- .`:',Suraile," she looked Wet hint. ,"Bet nfou Won't forget, thin joY time if we they're nefelike you. • Menbe nee de hit real hard _going, will you, start, ihn flittering' yen, but • • • -there, aren't entenn.emen:Of your tyi,N. bird of. ill omen 'croaks again," 'Billy -boy ; and strong and capah tee the reproved. "why should eerne to era• going, as You call It?" "We shouldint," he oleciereilt ilannie do. And we Wait* On@ I hi -ever can tell what's ahead: By and tiy. when -the novelty weare off-maebe You'll get. Sie,k Of, seeing the Sara@ oia Bill around and nobedy else. :You see, nye alwaye been migood behavior with you. Do you like aim's_ lot?" His arm tightened with Et quick and powerful pressure, then suddenly re- laxed to let her lean back and stare tip at him tenderly. "I ought to punish you for saying things like that," she pouted. "Only I can't think of any effective- method. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof -and there is no evil in our daye." • "Amen," he whispered softly -and they fell to silent contemplation. of \_.' Illizel vlaited with the three of t.hem journey- northward, •the -truth of. that and able to.1underattendthings, things _to ettiteootth ho.e..,...e.a._e_.mettae: of tarb__.'elbsteinent grew .Mere :Patent :With nach nand:7 ahielros :nut Mtn. Word*. ' hours, 'went to luncheon Witt them, Ill the Estate of Margaret 5. Hohn - as, late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, ,Spinster, de- ceased. • Notice is herebY given pursuant to Section Sd, Chapter 121 of R,S.O., 1914 that all persons having claims against the Estate of, Margaret J. Holmes, rho died on or abut the Fourth day of November, A.D.„.1923, at the Town- ship of Kinlosss, are required to send to the undersigned, the Executor of the Estate, on or before the Third day of January, A.D,, 1024, •their names and addresses with full partieulars of their claim in 'writing and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by thetn.. And further take iiotice that after th'e $aid 35d day of January, A.D., t924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Said Executor among the parties entitled thereto, ha- ying regard only to claim of which he thell then haVe notice aud the Estate will not be liable for any claini not filed at the time of the 'aid distribu- tion. Dated at Winghatn, this Virst ky of December, A.D., 1923. DUDLEY HOLMES, Executor, and - et luncheon Loraine Marih brought up the subject of her coming home to Granville with them. The Bush incident was discussed and dis- missed. On the queetion of returning, H;17.ei NVAIR noncommittal. • "Of course you'll comet, We won't hear of leaving you behind. SO roll enn consider that settled," Loraine lAtireb declared at last. "We're going day after tomorrow. So is Mr. Bar - .Tack Walked • with •her out to the Letlysmith, and, among other •things. told her how he happened to be in the const city. "I've been doing pretty well lately,", he eaki. "I came out 'here 00 a deal that involved about. fifty thousand doh let's. 1 closed it up. just this morning - :1011 tee 6inrei1sion •would Jest abent hely ustai little house we had planned once. "ii'Votat you let bygones be by- gonee Hoyle?"' gaseeing day • , I Iraiatdfall nou beit'rey pride szaidleta _scared. me to hleathtY • So tinning -north with old Limning Gahm hie fat. klootch, end , two half- grown Sivvash ,,,youths, Hazel bora steadily across country, driving as straight as ' the roiling lend ttliowed, Ifor the mein that snuggled in a• woodei basin close up to the peaks that guard /Me River pees. , There came it day when brief uncer- tainty became pure knowledge at sight of it L-shaped body of water glintmer- throagli thee.fire-thinned.. mortice. Her heart fluttered for a minute.. Like it , homing. bird by grace' 'of' the rude . • map apd Lanaping George; one had come to 'the like where -the, Indians', had clamped; in, the *intern and she eoeild I:aye gone blindfolded -froin the take to Bearing Bill's cabin. , She -Urged ',het pony through the light , timelier .growth and across the meadowe wherethe mak 'grass and strange vroxleolored floWers were winging up under the ' urge of the Warm spring sun. Twenty minutes brought her to the clearing. Silk and Satin and Nigger, loafing at the sunny end of tin ',ratable, pricked up their ears' at her approach, and ebb knew- that Roaring Bill wee beaten -gain. Slie tied her 'Write to it sapling and drew nearer, The, cable doer stood wide. A brief panic seized her. She felt it midden Shrinking, a. wild desire IOC • "It might be possible, jack," She, an- swered slowly, "if it were not for the fact that you took the m011.-,effeettiltte toenne a Men eould have taken to ever' atom of affection Iliad for you I don't feel bitter any nioTe-I simol. doter fetal at all:" • "But you will," lie said 'Just give me •ft obanee. I wee it 'hot - leaded jealous fool but 1 never will le again'. Glee me a chance, Hazel." "You'll have to.: make your own lsnrlOeil," she -said delibetately. "I re - tease -to bind myself In any -way. Why should' 1 put thyself out to mate you happy when you destroyed ell the faith I had in.yee? And 1 don't think Pin going to care ---except, perhaps, in it friendly viraY." And With that Barrow had to be eeeteilt, ' • At dumk of the following day she' and Loraine Marsh eat itt dat- tening' their n•eliee against the Isar dow, taking it Ittet 'look at the envi- „Nuts Of Vaneauver, at the train yolled tlieough the outskirts of the city. Ha - gel ,tOld herself 'that elm Wag going home, Barrow, Smiled ftleadly Meta- artee•over the eetth EVeh so, fille 511I1 reatlettS: far Ohtelilte ?that* Was eetoothina laek ..neelee „. ha that lawless,headlong faahlion yenrse 'You ,leellted. te. lote how_ X felt about It, ' fairer • than any nuta- X ever. ;km*. would ,have done under -Me- alateeelnet cunastancese reii6sse It until I got beek Into the,diptie wodd. And then all et once I.:found anyaelf, for you -and for these .old forests and the monntal.ns and all. So I came back.” , •, girl," he. hiesed.her. "You'll never be sorry, I, hope, It took some nerve, too. . It's a long ,trall from here 'to the' outside. But thiat north ;Celan-, teyL,nt gets itt , your blood -if year blood's red -and 1 dou't think therein any water in your vein* lit,tle person. Lord t I'm afreld, to let • go of you for fear you'll vanish into nothing, liiro a Hindu fakir stunt." "No fear," lliazei laughed. "rye get *a pony' tied to it tree. out .theie, and foUr..Siwashes and a. camp 'outfit over - by Crooked lake. et 'nehould vanish re., ldw1,eeire a plain trail for you to fol. rdBedill,nisaliond, alter dence, "it's a huhdred and1orty miles he our way and got Married. Thep to it Hudson's Bay post where therants Oar* back hero end lantana, our bouov- a mission ligd A preacher, Let's be tin ,skre you giune to start in half an boom? he asked, holding her off at arinha length admiringly. "ran gime for anything, or X wouldn't be here," elle riterte& ,«Alt tight. 'YOfl. lid watch an ex- hibition of speedg pnektug," Billae, dared -quad stra.ig,Ittwayfell to 'work. followed Idea Omit, helping to get the kytaks packed with food. They !caught the three hOroutsf and it'll .Stripped the pony of Illazelie riding gear and.platted tt peek on. him. Theo he put her eaddieOn 811k4 your private neSsiint hancfp forth,i' Bill told ber itinghtutai. s'.1r(n141 ride ,bieri With More plettente SAWA Vint d1a. 'CAA Aret time,Vatin't /Ott' .Pkegietitik tbAY. headlo,ng Sight. Brit It peened, Mut knell' that for good *or 111 aim, would arinrer turn bach. , • Oe the soft turf her footetene OW* 'forth no sound. She gabaedethe deoe- wey as ellently as it shade*. Bearing Bill faced the end of the long rtoimi hat he did riot see her, for he .war aluraPeit try' the big chair before the lireplagek, his chin sleek on his breast, eternal Straight ohead with abent eyes.. In all the ditys she had been with hire he had never seen him look 110• that. Thnt weary, hopeltrOs eienteasloit, the wry twist of MS 'HIM,. wrung heeT• heart end dreW great her a Yearniiiiii little Whieper. l',' He come ant of his Oh* like a pint - then And when hts eyes belts6d lit the dabrIvitY he etige10111 1*. idetde "'Yes, dear girl,' it would," Bill agreed. "With,a -chem. to belp you en- joy tildes. We can 'cle.things together that.itwoldp't do alone, and you couldn't. do alone. Remains ein.17 to•get the wherewithal. And sinee, I 'know how to numage that with a niirattrune atnount of . effort, I'd .1111e to he abost it befoie eornehOdy else gets -ahead of Theagli 'there's small chance of that." , ‘, "We'll be partners," satd She. "How wIll we divide the profits, Billumr "We'll spilt eeee," he declared. 'That is, I'll woke -the money, and 5-ou'11 spend it." They chuckled over this coneeit, and as the desk closed elawly they 'fell to planning,the details. 'Hazel lit the tehroa,:•and- In its yellow glow pored 4;ver inaps , while Bill Idly sketched their route on sheet of paper. His chaps, cor e , tioute. have -a tett to, no tier WIt- 40," tihe niAdett ellti0"041`tatten et; coal4t1 the- glaining bltonal for: *op*, , oX those tonments that *1-,froyai•Itosat, 'haat and unfde.gettaleittle a.atety. wore, lierhatee. tthe' hati come *ore in hot, eluteated tenger, and ehte• had e meeilralS.API :111 bride, was pair liandtwork.of a Man She •fhirod paean,* that eometimes etertred,:n • by itc pnitewcitr. Just weer sibilifY of Mkt 'place betear,,aivein to edherts metered 'In 130' a peak Of Sentalent. was ft/etre, here strait Bin'ta. and; being a 'PM/unit, gtilie -vrierevali poarateekne. 'eaten/ale% , So she Watched , with aeon' e the 'nese and gold that Spread in it wonderful blazon over all the western sky.' "Twenty-fifth of July, eh?" he mused presently. "Stammer's half gone al- ready. I didn't realize it. We ought to be stirring pretty soon, lady. These northern seasons are so blessed short. We ought flo try and do a little good for ourseives--Inalre hay while 'the sun shines. We'll needa da men'," "Needa, fiddlesticks," she laughed. "What do • we peed money for? It costs prattically. nothing to live up here. Why this sudden desire to pa- ne the dollar? Beside, how are you going to pursue It?" 'Clo prospecting," he replied prortnet- ly. "'Hit the, trail for a place I knew where there's oodles of COatile ffOld, if you tan get to It at low water Hotel YOu like to ge into the Upper Naas country tide fall, trap all winter, work the sandbars in the spring, and tome out next fall 'with a sack of gold it Would take a horse to packt", Efezel clapped her hands. "Oh, lain, wouldn't that be finer she cried. "I'd love to" "It won't be 511 sualoth stilling," he Warned. "It's it long trip and a hard on6, and the 'winter will be longer and hastier than the trip. Still, there's a chance for a good big etalt* right in that one trip." ktv "But why the necessity for use a shaker'A. ' . inquired tlimaghtfid itfter 'a lgpee , of lave *lietntes. "1 ‘..WIP`711,e-1 what lee did, 'Whieh, -truth, •toinapie enough,- ge -worked his weir' to tt point southeast of 'lite eletetikoe. till ;they' ge,ined :ittie rise * throngli • the treetop* they could I hitch and See 'the enable inuir, 'There V111 eat olr efOit-ineh. isiek Ifitn,F104, Thig fgt01:10 tetl0r feet'lligh., This 'he hei,,vedl equate,. tles. four lint side* eif 'the Poet fuleing• re- sPootivelY the. Cardinal "peinte"aft. Os*. eienapaaa. On, time smoothed eterfatew Bill set to work, with his "poikatitnifeee • Ellie sat down and -watched •Ohile hoe , limited himself at this: And ytben bs bad'Ardelied she read, in fl ,airvid• letters: ' INTAGSTAFTS' $. CORM," Then 'he penned on a sheet -Of 1t9 - ter -Paper ri,hrier netice to ' the *Mott thet Ile. William .WaisiattrIntentled .tre gpplY for the ihirebsse of the land 'ern7 braced in an area a 'half mile. ettuarea f•whiel) the pest was the, sontheekt corner mark.. This netlee fasteruet, • to the stmetp with a• few tacks, and sat ' donee to rest frern his Ittbors. "How long do You suhtlose that wilt „ stay there, and who is there to read it if it.does?'-' Hazel, observed. , "Search me. The, 1116rise and the deer arid to timber v,-etteee., e geese?, 13111 grinned. ""The eliences are the ptipartvton't Inett long, alth wIatis and. rains:. But It doesn't matter. It'e Ay it form preset -liter] by the bind act Of British Colurrthin, anti, so long ae 1. et) through the legal Motions, that letg me °tit, Matter of form, yau hnow." . . "Then What else do yott Int"ve to do?" - "Nothing. ttit furnish the InoneY when thd land department gets around to aeeept my" appliention," he enid. "T can get an agent to tt.ttend to all. the details: Well; lek's tal<e' a loolt at our estate from another corner," Toughly escerteined by sight-. Leg a, line with the compttee, and step- ping Off gsa yards, brought them up.' on a knoll that 'conmettoleti, the email basin of which the clearing was prateee. tically in the center, 1" Bill exclaimed. “Loolt at our nanel,\vould you ; our wi despreatt . . acres basking io the sun. A quarter section is- (mita' a elturtlr. • Dot' yo* - know TI never thought lamb about it before, beetherars a piece; of the iinest land that. lies outdoors. If thls cos' - try should get a rellroad and 'settle Itta;: that quarter section might -produce alt the income we'd need. Just out of, hay and potatoes.' How'd you Illte to he it ;farmer's wife, 'huh?" • , • "Fine," she smiled. • 'Look at the view -it isn't gorgeous. It's --It's ..IC1Y peaceful and quiet and soothing. hate to leaVe.it." ;,. "Better be sorry to leave a plat* ' than glad to get away" he answertsal lightly. , "Come on, let's pike home poi.' get things ia order for the long trail., woinan o' mine.. teach you, how to be a woodland vagabond." CHAPS -Ent fr,4 gnRoutt% Pored Over Maps, While Bill • Idly Sketched Their Route on at Sheet of Paper. objective lay- east of the head of.' the Naas proper, where 'amid a wild tangle of mountalue and mountain torrents three turbelent rivers, the Stikine, the Skeena' and. the Nese, took their rise. A God -forsaken region, he bild her, where ,few white men had Penetrated. The peaks flirted -with the clouds, and their sides were scarred with glaciers. A. lonesOrne, broodiag land, the home nf a vast •and seldom -broken silence. • "But there's afl kituls of game and eel- in there," Bill remarked thought- ."4,nd gold. Still,' it's a -fierce evontry. ,for a man to take his best girl nto. 1 doan know whether I ought teckle it." ' "We couldn't 1)0 niore isoleted than we are here," Ilietel ergued, "if we ,vere in the Arctic, Look at that poor .etiman at Pelt House, Three babies io-n since $he saw a. doctor rir ElAnther .vorean of her own color 1 What's a -,1ater by ourselves compared to that. 'And she didn't thlelt it so great e terdehip. Don't you worry about me, Mr. 131/L. 1 oda It will be fun. rtn a real pioneer' st. heart, The wild ,places look good to me -when you're ationg." • 'She received her due reward for that, and then, OA long twilight Imo- ing brought the hour to it lateneee :that manifeated IWO by eantiry pawns on their pert they Went to be& With:breakfast over, Bill pen a com- • pass in his pocket, after having ground his ax blade to at 'keen edge. • "Conte On," seid he, then; 'Inn going to troneatt Home Important business," "What Is it?" she premptly damned - ed with much curiosity. "This domicile of oure, girl," he told her, while be led the Ivan through the surrounding tittiber, "15 cure only by grItee of the wilderness. It's built on unsurveyed government Itind -4- land that I have no more legal 00:1111 to thnn _atiy..,,posg-trapunt., But rrn . Long sinee Hazel had become aware • that whatsoever her husband at ,about doing he did sivittly and with inftex- ibte purpose. There Was no manager' Ing or doubtful ; hesitation. Once . his Mind was made up, he &cited. Thus, . upon the third day from thelandstalta ing, they here away eastward from the • clearing, ecross a t•racklesi area; trav- eling by the sun and Billie knovitledge of the country. • "Some day there'll be trails blazed' through here by a paternal govern- ment," he laughed over his shoulder, "for the benefit of the public. But we don't need 'em, thank goodness," " The buckskin pony bonght for the trip hi with Liteping-,„ George ambled sedately under a Pack containing beddlag, cloMe.s and alight shelter tent.'• The black. horse, Nigger. be of the e0elted ear aad the rolling earricel In a peir of keetits stet: weeks' supply of •food. • Bill led the way, seeonded by Hazel on'eavy-geited Sine Behind her trailed the peek horses like doge 'wet( brokett to heel, Patient under 'Melt heavy burdens. Off. In the east the sun was barelyclear elf the toweriag Rockies, and the 'woode were Still cool and ,Shaidewir., fall of az'Ordatie oder § train Platt fail.. tree. , There Was n� monotony in the.pasS- •ing days. Rivers barred their way, These they 'forded or .swani, or ferried, o makeshift taft of loin,. eta eiemed most tit. Haps and Mishaps alike they accepted with an equal)]* eptrit: and the true philosophy of theArail-to lake things ess they some, . When rain leinged then), there *as always shel- ior to be fund duel fire be warm them, if the 'files assailed too dereely$ 'a nitalge .brought easearienit Of thet' 111. tech day Was Something Mere' then a :mire toll of So pinny mile§ •treversede rhe utexpeeted, for -which bath •weret •••ager -eyed, lurked oti the sheeldet etch mountain, In:the 'bellow of evel'Y' tool canyota or, .itiet thein boldly he the, open, Ithked hto uharreld. Itaaring hp to where- the Ntiehaco lebouelle$ front Preset' lake, with itt lethrletin's boy fthe boat And aa /adieu • c'eitttulM tout ,