HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-12-27, Page 2" If1"1" 11 If yot,t en 07r with Y OWEN OLIVER. I the men than to the women. sae SX4• will be ts• t bet 1end Ty it t r— PAIarr II. So the IViillionaire refused la give 'Men kept their distence, because ,filey the revolver They swore they'd , thought that "the ledies"—thea lieve it. "Yea'll have to 'sleep sooner or later," they reminded him. • "I'll have it then.," the Flapper cried.? "and veatca beside, him" "Likely enough" Ruby Green sneer- e"here, Thereds d ways called them thate--expected rt of Thtat is was the etaof things when the /text Christmas arrived; and some- how its arrivaaled them all to review d; but you needn't -do it their situation. plenty et on e Re Republic No. 1 ii,tartecl by reviewing "That's it," Richardson said" . "You their store. The result was not cheer - take your bit; and the gal; and if ing• you give up the revolver we'll swear "Seems to me," Lane observed, "it MA to disturb you," will soon be free for use as a bedroom .1141124,11414214144411141-..,.. "I shan't give up the revolver," the again. Lord, what damted swabs we Millionaire told him; "and I don't were to frighten 'em mat of it." IVIISS A MELISSA'S 'TI•IINGS. gredients and add to the rest. Judge fancy you'll disturb us. nyhow', the "That's right," Carter agreed. 'Bt 4 • . Mrs. B'eehe on her way te maraet floua from the land used. same• snan won't do it twlce. You see we -e promised thern not to awear, "I don't want ,to,".Rachardson said. "Rather raise m•yself niere to her level * * *. Their level, I mli ean." • e and Mrs. Birms with a key dBoiled Cider Cake -1 cup sugar 2 how tbingS are going to he bere, mY Not edren between ourselves." eydanogr171 yolks of eggs, butter eize: of egg, ' from her finer met at the n 11,1 dear Will Yeu trUSt 7°11ra/e1f with Miss Melasseds-empty house, .. eup in ocfbhoaireIeoducider oiovs apple hps le1.132elley,le„bf course," the Flapper agreed. "If you're riot in a hurry, Ahnira, tpand ci•voiThhhelyt,;hree women argued , with her sighed come in and hell) me With the chairs, flour. To make a stiff dough then told her that she was a loat "What's the use of kidding your - there's 1$, good e.reaturea' said' Mrs. add ona teaspoon of soda in a cup girl if she did; tore the Millionaire's self?" Lane grunted. "You mean her. . Eimis. "I promised to get things of boiling water. - past to pieces. Molly Brien even call- We all' do. Three different 'hers,' of t'eadY or the auction this afternoon." Frosting—One eup of sugar boiled ed her `dear," and "mY Poor little: n'aurse." "Everything's to be sald except the till it hairs, then acid the beaten 'white innocent," and cried. But their plead- ‘, "And we can't!" Carter sighed. n a a ' hi h r rev as" some ere s miles between us yet; and Not enough. It hos raised us a good silver, isn't it?" asked Mrs. Beebe, oftwo eggs' ings had no effect. , . • we'v time or other; and then we're doee. setting down her market basket Dark Fruit Criae-1'cup "If we stay here," the Flapper told hthrtr eau-rse' lcalnwing them; but eofa. "I did, hear she'd managed to sugar, IA cup naolasses, Ye cup short- "they'll ave Yeanever to be passed 4' Well,ev ' save that out/ dear 'old' soul—knew enieg, 1 cup hot eoffee, 1 eup raisins, pee ea a• tine eel, o afraid 0..e. -eau fixed on the Santa Claus, I. take it. - a- Those clothes its the black trunk that Therey,d-he Mere 'than. enough' to cover 2 tap, cloves., 1 thp. nutmeg, tsP• Let's take we've saved for a surpriee; and the debts without it. I suppose it goes vanilla., 3 cups flame Beat all rtogether The • • ttl e iditi' 4 - and went e. them at their ward and ge T4 - ' tin 'of Teaches. Lag y se e on on , visions and stores, as has already e Richardson a,.dd,ed; "and the plum stated. No one geld much, except RubY other," "No- it goes to the Children's Hones OUR MORNING GAME. her Lo sorae forty-'leyenth cousin or and bake in a leaf* returnhig for a seemed load of •pro- „• • . he e All the invitation to dinner," Ike little porringer and spoon to be lo the kiddies 1 • • ' ortei with their Green and Stella R s—M 11 B • e y men Pudding With it. Reads all right." kept for the use of children in sick- dressin h morning?only cried—un,fil the outcasts backed Ile held out a ship's dinner card for Delf.".-, and the rest to keep or sell as on the last journey. Then the inspection. The menu on the front was crossed out, and he had written gmte Let me tell ewe the board pleases. Wasn't it just like on the back. Richardson had been in - you of an excellent Plan- to hurry up Millionaire said a few words in ans- . rnatters. We make a game of racing wer to the vituperations of the two -with time at our house, A small hour- ladies. , glass, intended as an egg timer and "It is you," he said, "who are it purchased in the ten -cent stare, is clanger. Wait fill they're in drilla tended far a school teacher before he Melissa to think of tempting a sick ran :away to sea: and wrote a good tot's appgite with a shiny porringer, hand. whatever became of the rest?" "Castaway Island. Christmas 1920." Mrs. Beebe dabbed her eyes sud- denly. "'Wean"' it, though? MY, mY, K OF MONTREAL ANNUAL MEET1NG. At Aantisil Mtng of tSena ef Montreal Sir Vineent Meredith, Garte,tht Preeldentviw E3ualrops anti Anrioulteral COnditions in Canada and 'Peale With Prineipal Featureg cif Revision 9f Siena Act. Sle Frederloic Williarne-Tayler, General [Stammer, Emphasizea Neceeeity In Cenada for liedeetion in .C.og of'LlyIng a'nd Texatien. onportun1ty of obtaining a thorough know- s Imre bon derivefor mallY Years Pa4 ----------------------------- 0°dof present conditions, as well air to amtia More froaulaeSerf Profits than from th° ou0loalt: for -the /leXil Year • la. Canada, Wa4 the ilivestanont of riew (4141141,- A 40144144 .441144 it 'afforded at the r tea 33 eit a' eacesia (aerate) is coma when edi'"""' ntee,-ng o 1 ti n The President,, Address. Sir Vihcent 'Bart; President, in hi address 'M shareholders; said, part -- 'Our banking' year has' been ono of many , per.. PleXities. Our profits, * common with banks at 1'0°,1°. 0nd abroad, are, not so large as during War 9°.". ,ebeeeeding hilt I Xe(i) .sore It has been gratification, far ,yan, to. Imow we have be,a4 '140 04/ PAY Our 1.16Ual dividend ad 4411 as a two per Oda,' hOnna. ' 'Vim' lessened profits are duo partly to the fact that taistomers have leaned loss heavily tipell us, but, chiefly, because we felt ' that ILI, view of the 4099141111Y untoWartrclevelopments 41 the bank, ing world; ottr cash reS7.rves should be kept ex- ceptionally retrong to enable Os to lend , 0 -Id if and whon called UP011. to do so.. • 4.„.'0,`Iiero is also the Incidence of ranch heavier t°114,1mx to be a011sidered In connection with tho Want* sheet. Our resonrees,, hoWeVer, aro . 00 large and our, earning power ea:constant' 1...ati 11°4 bo misgivings . ae to the mitintenance Of sub. stantial profits, • , • ' Tile Batik Aot Revision. • 'The ,rovised Bank Act embertics no novel min- oblee• ' Thu Poword and privileges' of the banks remain very Much as before, neither enlarged nor contracted; but provision has boon 'made in the way of wider authority of , auditors. and . heavier responsibility of directors, by which means .10 is hoped to strengthen the safegoards 'for depositors ,and !'sbarcholders. It is true to say that Ito*, iver. rigid tho law, the solvency of baniter-as for that mitter, ' of al/ -business—depends upon the Integrity. diligence and poispieuelty of the inan. f0z7,1341o0,,antaenndaeditetertuiconotpineruactifionto soaciapue commerce, restrained by conelderations of safety, but not so hampered ris to prevent fair prellts under prudent direction. In this 'connection 10 rsaY bo observed , that, despite the notion-, held In soma cinarters respecting the profitable hatoro of banking..1 capital hae not greatly. sotighe this source, of investment, In the quarter ,century from 1870,, to the..papital of Canadian banks remained stationary, and 101 the subsequent twenty. years of rapid cernmerplai development, less 'than, . 160,- 000,000 Was added: Banking resources, apart from. •, in order to maintain an orlerlUa Iloto General .Iyloonder,'s Address, .1Preder1010 Williams -Taylor, G000001 Manager• in his review et the affairs of the Bank during the year, said, Part:— Oltuada's econondo nositlon will not bo sada- factory until ,Wo succeed in balancing our public revenge 'end exPerlditure,' Including railways, ' "For the,,tiroe being we 'ere 10.1101,0940151 14 111140 ' distinct rOsPeots,,, two of which eve gonfalon, to 411 countries engaged In the war from the beginning and a present endeavoring' to balance 'their budgets, vls.: high qa$,t, of living and high.' tAxittieu',' Further, Canada is coffering front lack. of adentiate PoPo. 101109 - "As .tho first tIVO handicans tinnthlsh Phan doubtless attract a greater volume of iminigratlon atid, what is still mere Important, ' we shall retain the people ,who conto, ao well ' our. natural in- crease. Therein lies economic salVation - for' the Doridnion. The.' remedy is . our hands and Is PraCtioable. We 'have only to conduct. our per- sonal and public ' affairs mere economically than do our noighhas In that moot , wealthy and free - spending or all countries, the Vnited States.. • ' prioeless Advantagee. ' "Meanwhile we most not ',lower our Flag, nor 10. there any occagon for doing 'so. Canada has Priceless advantages as a place tO, te, work 101 . and to play in. These shOuld be obvious to all—as.2 indeed, they aro , oar friends . lit the United' States, who nor; have $800,000,00,0 or more • comniercially invested 1u Canada,-.7and they will 1 without qUestion . attract to .us 1.11 the fulness of time the. people to need. • ."Prosperity in .nieasine cannot, however; re - tarn to the country until agriculture, our chief .industry,. becomes again more. -profitable. The lot ini tho farmer Jo the ,last few years has been, hard. Ming, to low prices for products and Wall .cost of reaulrensents. „This Wortunate' ,stato of affairs still pers1sts. It Is ,tno result of worldwide, not local, conditions, and is by no means 'confined .to .Canada. Agricultore,, howifier. cannot 'be perman- ently depressed. In -the' 'nature of things" anl, Im- MMement .10 bound to ensue, .but- the 'burden. In 'the Meantime bears .heavilY upon. Oils druhistry. For your Paformation; of ,this Bank's current loans ,Cripada, upwards of $31,000,000 are to . the agricultural communitY., A Vidim of Unjust Suspicion. A certain young Man wao al:yea in a Middle-Westera, city was made happy on his last birtb.day by the present of a handsorae umbrella, given him by -the lady Whom be expects sh•ortly to marry. On the first showery morning the; evening. he proudly- stepped forth from his door, the timekeeper and each child endeav- ors to slip inth his or her clothes with - I'm glad you told me that! I'm glad out turning the glass more than twice. something is disposed of in a way she must have liked th plan for. It must have hurt her so to think that all her other lovely things wou/d have tsa be sold to strangers. Poor Melissa!" "Rich Melissa she called herself when I was fool enough to. call her that once," said Mrs. Binns, glaring through dim glasses with a kind of fierce pride. "She said she wasn't go- ing to let herself be made miserable in her last days by mere things, no matter how fond she'd been of them. Still she did hate the idea af strong - "I should think sal Poor—" 'Don't you 'poor' Melissa, Menden! She was above it She—look at this note. Read it. There's one to go with everything she cared most for; anal it they're sold to a dealer, I'm to ask him th pass the notes on. This one belongs to the blue Wedgwood set,— the Helen of Troy teapot with the rearner and the Inendeid sugar bowl to match, Read it, Ahnira, read it." Rather shakily, Mrs. Beebe pulled -the little note from envelope and read it aloud: " 'I hope whoever buys this set will enjey it as much as I have and enjoy treating their friends as much as Triy great-grandmother' did, who owned it first. She was Sybil Faunce, a fine housekeeper and hospitable woman. My grandmother and mother kept the set carefully, but when I was a little girl I stole some sugar from. the bowel conducted in Braille' and she has been -x117 .CA1LitliCr earprieed-ine In Mlle _ I octi...4..e.ti ceensiderably by her father. closet, and dropped the lid and brake it. If you really like the set, I thought perhaps you might like to know a lit- tle about it, and I can. only tell you. this way, for it won't be sold till I am gone. Sincerely yours, Melissa Mar- den. P.S. The teapot pouradvell after the first cap. You have to be careful ot to spill while it is very full.' " "She said," said Mrs. Mains, sniffing frankly but in a voice of triumph, "that after she'd writthn her letters the people she wrote them to didn't seeri like strangers at all, and she wasn't troubled any more, Since she hadn't any Ifin, she was glad th have them have her thingasesheefailteeaata her li.a1.-2Z-Vailtiasees 'were a band be-• Ween her and ever so many new friends she hadn't had time to meet,. That was IVIelistal Will you call her 'poor' Melissa now?" "No, I wandt, Susan," said Mrs. Beebe uneteadily, "but if some of those city folks don't run it up too high, I believe buy that Wedgwood set myself and go without a new fall never had a letter from Mel- laSes, and I'd like to have one even ore that I'd like to have Helen of Troy." ----- CHOICE DARK, CAKE RECIPES. "Messrs Richardson Carter and f umbrella in hand, and boarded a pass - The ladies laughed scornfully. The as meet any one Lane ask ihe honor of the company 0 Ing street car. He found a Place on sailors invited him one of the CrOSS seats at the front, It's great fun/ , yet It does not cattse of them without his revolver, d v 'man to . son, a bright-eyed child of six or 1 ?" • Flap - Otherwise please retain for selves. The boy regarded tlie young man followed when there is hut one child seemed to have grown older. ' (B4oltletgertthan directions ion tirf,) with frank interest and after he had in the family, for a race with time can "Yes," he told her. "Give me some "If "Intoxicants pittadserinilicanh adthteornloyti sufficiently studied hie face permitted be quite as exciting as a race with more things. I can take a lot on the n e and will f tch fe kin " ' that the Stranger carried ' The child's to ,7,ealcler tn.-. the, saillearella !-benther. Let me warn mother, though, - rightearin Dona , Yoa'aq. eviarloaded17, brekensetree, and leave pucf.dinu; there hie -,PY'is • that my experience with children has "I'm ris big as you nearlh e , r coo g. . . . countenancie gained animation. • he taught me that thes.hourglase must' be "Not so ' * ad * "Don't know as I'd have mentioned claimed treated with respet and not used as 1 maarn aa my Not so old and strong Yea „ Carer • • , . . the 'booze, tdemurred. turaecl .to his mother and in a shrill' a plaything, oth,ervirtee it Will hale dear. Meit- and wo- ^ "Toxicants," Lane amended: "You've vole cried: e . got to learn th talk, proper, DaVe:". 'Isook, ,marcana„ doesn't that." look its charm and will no longer, be inter- '‘, all inereseIwant to warn you---" ti wsing time mites 1 think that-:-They-ve .been rat - Bait," she interrupted, "it You real- "1,wai afraid,'" Richardson explain- just like paPas umbrella that he loet?" ht be thinking o lag l Georgie!" whipper Misses Green, Routes and Brien te Christmas ditner (rnid-day). If ac- cepted please 'return the Christmas pudding for cooking and bring cups across the aisle from a lady and her quarrels and cress wordaa-------------- h an. The outcasts -disappeare o er th do. Then, too, this plan may he per asked.' She was very quiet and and tw° small plates and teaspoons. seven, e among the children t mselves is apt You real y think that. the ------------- ea rig y, ViColetS-7rarad Man. .. Two Plants had slating up in one corner • of the hothouse, although: the gardener had been oure that he had renieved ,all feats., They lhoked, so beautiful there against tlie row of yearigtoinateee that lee decided not to disturb them. For ,a while they- both grew vigor. Misty. Then one appeared, to languish, Whereas ilea 'ether grear luxuriantly., Soenthedirferende was striking, ane 'plant hadi se' far outstriPped the 'other. that the enialler, cut cid'frorn tae light, waa aaadY to; periah. The garaenei. puzzled. . He, re- moved tha eal•th frene round the planta and .lifted. thein roots,,and all; he anflne taeni giad the earth with a •iiiicraacopei anti. ,made tee. ,The explanation,.Was clear. The roots Of sthe largerailant had reached, out toward ' the, earneiiiof the plat. -where a pinelleaf aitrate of 'soda had been 'spilled: • with the aid of th P°11dOrfal• etimerantethe plant had soon ------- Brien. but If e e OF d , crowded its neighbor. Moreover, in ha along.—Ruth Gra m. °ate 't° me, except Molliethink we Thathstwahh ran line size ed the mot or warningly. they are in clanger, don't yoU.t ink we00 up eat, ought to go back to -night to protectP 1-1rnae.t ide "-Papa was looking for kis 'umbrella them?" was 1111Z Seems to re'ld:amas just this morning," persisted the boy, "Pm not, sure that they want to be, 1Ve av that shot s vie staring hard at the young man' et im arty ff Mt -1g ter. • BLIND GIRL WINS HIGH HONORS IN 'SCHOLAR- SHIP. The brilliant educational progress of a blind girl was disclosed this week when the name of Miss Sadie Isaacs appeared at the top' of the firet -dais in the English honors lig of the 'Uni- versity of London. Miss Isaacs, who deceives her B.A. degree, wins also a $500 award for the George Smith. studentship. She has been blind since her eighth year—she now is twenty two, having log her sight folloyeing an attack of scarlet fever. The young woman began her ,edu- cational career by winning - several scholarships in the elementary schools and entering the university three years ago. All her studies have been Chopped Apple cake --8. cups chop- ped apples cooked in 1/2 cup 'molasses, cups sugar, 1 cup shortening (half 8 arid 10 years. A 16 -year mze requires' a / nian nature. Human nature's good butter arid lard), 2 eggs, 1. map sour -2% yarde of 32 -inch material. To, tent, solemnly ; women had tied, constructed their aworerto respect tneir, as had ain't 0 as .e , it? * * How protected, Marjorie," 10 said quietly, aDidn4 wan -‘)t m'uch Yea ry ,, nfr e "YeSr. Yes 1 .But he found , it," , said "Not really 'and truly." .,Carter eesh . r -ae -71 the lady, censcious that everyone in e , ,,, thought. , e liked Mm, and "Or the Flapper crieo. "0! p'raps she's better off than Some! peo- that end of the car was paaring atten- Mr. Franklin? I do!! ''' ' '4 And you pie. I was a•ound Flatfish Bay iii. the tion to tae dialogue. ' . dark the other night;I 'au ht " a me" . o when , c g Why, m in , said the child re - will, won't you?" Y Power," he promised those •d h laughingproachfully, "you -know he didn't rind "With all m ose woppers. I heal her "You shall be my little sister; knil I'll like anything,H h it, You told him he didn't know teach you to shoot; and you shall keels 'Eric Ishec11 appelug Ms elYras. a s. . 'Eric! y line's enough to keep an umbrella Look, the revolver." caught. Come quick. Oh!. Hurry up, ' mamma, that is just the kind of a, "I think you shell keep ita' she de- old silly!' V 'h h d d ma ery appy s e SOLID. e cided, "and—if I shoot ansr one it * * HaPPier than SOM8 other handle-- • wouldn't be yea, but myself. So—" peepsge • But at that moment the young man, She laughed at him suddenly I "- "Ah!" said Lane. "I' don't see you considerably embarr,aseed, signaled think that's got you!" can blame him for not standiag by tae conductor and left the car. ' "God bless arou!" he said. "Yes, and letting a, drunken chap mess his a, that's got me, all right didn'•t mean girl about. And we know the sort that I felt it necessary w ec great big sis, aren t you. Very far I lcnow, and behave ldce that, Strewth, from it, as my intentions go; very far I'd corpse him! Mates, seems to rne indeed. I mean to b,e a father and a Franklin only did right. There was mother and a big brother to you; and, no other way to stop it." era nwrctA •rnyiAlf_ for any_ other thouaht I _"Oh. that!" said Richardson. "Dare rburt, my dear, I've lived, and I know.; say he did, but he's get no business I'm so anxious to be all those relatives; to take advantage of a kid; what he to you; and to -day has been such a ' must have seen had a fancy for him." warning; and you have heard what; "And he had for her," Caeter re - those women have said of us. That is; minded him, "and very likely means really why I speak. Forgive rne, child,' to do the right ,thing by her." for a much older man's straight word "If he means that," Richardson —the only one, hope and pray, I'll said, "I don't say that I blame him speak to you on the subject. You, tho,,I1 so much; not if he's decent taller and must remember that the affection , means to marry her when they . go which will grow up between us—has off. My God! I'd give half my life if been growing up between us ---is the:some one watild have me then. Happy, affection—the undemonstrative affec- you say she sounded?" tion of a brother and sister. Forgive "Laughed like a child," Carter cle- me!" clared. "Didn't sound as if she'd any - "1 'd d theta you 1 "And did he igo sharp when she deiaire?Leyes, but I'm a iitti•ie careful of "I admire You very much/ brother,"; thing on. her mind, either." She -'‘D° the kind yibuy nowadaya." you believe in spirits,' THE CAPTIVE, I trust that day will never dawn. When thorough Scrubbing of a floor, And careful baking of a scone Is all that I'm existing for. The meals that stretch in endless queue, The things to make and the things to do, ' So often done before; And Pegasus, forever gone, Disturbs my burning thoughts no more; But far in the Olympian blue Scales magic heights I never knew, t,o ern. von f hap Bhielt Dick used to be. If 1 againstme little si,s—but you're a any ono was to• catch hold of some One the same corner the hungry roots had found. a rich Compost of decaying leaves. 013c3ying the only -law that it knew, the violet became stronger Irian It choked -out the ,life of th,e other plant. And that is. as it should be, for the violet knew no other law. It is scarcely necessary to point the lesson. God made one law for the plants, and -It is a -goad laW ter them. Butler us there is another, a law, that transcends the natural law. "Bear ye - one an.other's 13urdens,"•said Paul. You are' stroeg? Beside you a conarade s•temblea? Stop and. give him a hand! Ease his burden! Rejoice that You areseturdy enough to carry your own hardeu and can also lift something from off the shoulders af the weak. "Scalped!' A Scottish footballer Was as bald as a billiard ball, but managed to keep it con -de -a -led -ay means -of- cap atm wig; -la one match, however, as one of his opponents took, a red-hot shot at the goal, "'Wiggly," got his head in the way /.? s of the ball and the wig and cap were r knocked off. When the lira player saw the result of his shot he seemed thunderstruck for a moment, and then exclaimed: aGuid heavens! I've scalp- ed the mon!" tne 0. , pp , very much. And that's that! a, s * called, did you notice? Richardson And you don't think we ought th go asked. to -night?" "By the sounds," Carter thought, „ !dale," he said. "It would otly en- "he did. Heard him laughing, too," 'aiiinan-yesia, and we can't -save themaa "And kissed her?" Lane suggested. "I don't believe they are in danger," 1 "Didn't sound -like that," Carter -she -told him; "and if they are, I be- stated. lieve they cat save themselves." 1 "In fact—well, mates I've been h th ht have them a bit He might think her second thought was right. +hey irdsindge • leen drana; and they found some more Ball I cried Lane' "A Man and ner first thought was mistaken but wcm g • be a sort of father to lim." Were in danger that 'very night The he'd A DisINTY FROCK FOR THE of the "mistletoe" berries. Thee* was 7°Inan t°getlierr• a man that's •bar,, LITTLE MIS,S, great troable, which led to the second (1rt3t• And a big girl- like her's w°rse. "Well," Carter asked, "how about 4539- White wool i ili secession, after a 'very painfel Scene.I us? We're men that ain't near forty; I e woo- ena---e with fig- But the women were ood w i e m ured challie is here portrayed. Figared esti alon - itl w that al 't' i e w i omenn , and they suffered nothingg woesoellthna, lai a Plain voile would also be attrac- few kissee. The Men, who were not etshitehunir;; daenepdermataeldcg,eyneen 17e'le'emegteZI-1 tive as well as plaid suitirig and plata brutes even in drink, -were soon con- ey carried sailcloth s s you call go on respecting her. 11 While toiling here I met hoofsgoona The Pattei-n, is out in 4 sizes, 4 6 the next day. might feel like that It's all very well Unetirred by fiery, fairy , / and. stores to the place to which the --Elizabeth Fleming. evlien you .respeet a woman enough:I red by their tongu-es and their feel ' -ve nt to behave' woolen. The sleeve 'nay be finished que • !tears and Were egaerned and pe 'tent Y°11----s°rt you a r • 0 it e without the peasant portion t talk upon Mee and women and hu- teapapling at the door. 2 tSlis soda/ tsin baking powder, make sleeves and front of contrasting aet,tatory, and ' or satins, Trion • ir raii3ins, 4 enp8 of flour. mix dry in- ‚wide. ci 'that tlee men often came to their t ere be e°11tlnue("1") 1 tialh cloves and cinnamon, 1 cup mates -see re taree ea yard ap inehes these was little eoMmunicationi excePt ro ahet hS? • Pattern mailed to any adclress on —'''''''''""a"'"""'"eseasiseiresea- receipt of 1.5e 13.1 silver or atamps, lay b radually friendly relations were sicle of the ravine and called inqatriza ,,„,seeseasseesesn, -hetixer they could "do anything"; URSFc; Torbritd tifosit0j Sea ander- o Mee. afrinatimi with i3eilavue nod Slew 'York City, Offers a three yeare' CtrUlet0 of Train. leg to Some women, having the re- quired education, and deelrouii of be. nititee, Thin noepteca has esicipted the eigatshour secitere. The pupils receive entforrns of the gebooL montlile anowesieesaria straveniest etpeesee to end trout anew York. roe thriller interneatiori 010110 10tht, the Wilson Publishing Ca., 73 West ogee/weed:, end it became 11 reguier Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two habit to e.achaege aesietance The weeks for receipt of pattern, ;cause of the siesearation L'was /lever al - ;laded to eftet the origiaal abjeet alma, teary evil to Which -we de not sue- ogles and the promises to try to for- cumb is a betieftleter. Le the Sand- give, but at the cieee of the year the wich Islander belimree that the forgive:hers ma'anniablY had been ,ssrariata and valor. as ea enemy he giyeri, far, /sera isidar did the reendleg paesee into laiinself, so we gain bf the erfearied and ciesistance li" hiuis of tIndeed the format- eesali, he temptation we re- Made anY antlicatiOn for the str slist.---EmerSore ity 'of their reletions :wee due rattiest. V ell Pubsli Your Song WC W1,11 gilSO put. WORDS—To YOUR MUSIC Wit,,TSIC---TO YOUR WORDS Write for Partioulare. TIP-TOP laltiSIC COMPANY 70 Vietoele St. ,; Toronto Without Foundation. Durieg the course of construetioe et a big power plant in tire miniag coun- try of Northern Ontario the, migineer • In command had a• lanky Swede out on the frozen rises boring holes in the ice to get soundings. 'The Swede's in- thietry and weight caned the ice to sink and the waters to rise danger- "J'arrip! Olie, jeuripl" yelled the engineer from the batik. 011e glanced at ,the raging waters reaching for hie neck and returned in agonised tones, "•Yump? How can 1 yenta when got no place to stood?" $ eembe ,ritis Empire FA.hiliition Canada's Display at the As announced ia tae pres-s, the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. W. Mac' kensie King, and. the- High Commis. stoner Hon. P C Lerltin in campaay with a nutriber et other overseae pre- miers, on October e, made a tear et inspeetioa of the • huildiege in courae of construction la Wembley Perla Lon. don, for the Britieli. Empire Exhibition and mere, partictilarlY Cana4.-,a'a Pae. villon , Such gra•tifying ,peogress had beea made in the' electron. of. the Patna legs that the Exhibitions Board extenia ed an invitation to thesprexalers to pay aevisit and also entertained them et . lancheon in the Staeliuna at which . • , fueetion 'the Duke of pee,vo,nehire,- Sec - rotary of ptate'.for the Colonies 'arid Chairman' of the' Ereeutiae Council , of the Exhibition, presided. , 'Rapid s,triciesein the, erection of- the, Dominion'S building, have been ;made and the work, is neW so far eidv,aneed, " that the ahipment ef exhibits 'bea he. gun. During the first 'week in NoVein. ber four'earlatisle were started On thoojr way, 'the 'coneigthient consistiag 'ea-. tirely of, exhibits relating to the sria... tura,1 resourees of the Dontinion.' Ship- ments wil be continned now at raga. lar Intervela Exhibits for tire indus- trial, section are. also being. shipped ,frore. manufacturing centres, .Canada'e part of the Eichibition will be tousled in three baildingsn the maia building areeted and managed by the. 'Dominion. Goarernnient and. the tWo smeller • buildings, designed in ;haat mony. wtth. , the central edifice, 'watch, will ba occupthd .by. etre aisplaas .the Canadian National,' and Ca,nadian. Pacific railways, respectively. i• The main building is .,415 feet Icing:'and'3CPS feet wide' and is 'divided into two parts. The helf fronting on the lake will be. devoted. to., Den -anion Goyern. nie.nt :exhiliits, .Of , natural resourcea and•the half facing the Stadium to ex- hibits by industrial' firms Alld -corp ora- • tions. Thus:the visitor will be able to . gee in one; building the- ilatural arid .rnanufaettried, graduate of the Dentin- . • ,„. ••Enthusiaatic 'support is being, „given the Dominionee disalaa 'and prepare- -trona, are going ferward repidly. The following bodies, will partielpath pravidtag the -display in the Govern- ment,. eectionse ' Canadian. National Parks, Natural Resenrcesdintelligenee, Water. Power, and ,r0Tcf3 try ot the'DePentmelit of the Interior; , the' DorniniOn.Biereau of Statistics; the .4*.. perimential. Farms, -Steak,' e'arici. Dallas and cold.. Storage :Branches: of • , the Department ' of Ag-riculture; etas Geologiarel'iBranch of the Deparittneat, pf -Mines-; and tae 'Department, ..of se. Marine and Fisheries. The orgitaize; den of the .Canaclien exhibit is• In the , hands'df the • Canadian indieeion • of " the Da:pertinent. of Inasiiti- viattiond and Colonization • and ' the closest co-operatien exist,s•betWeen the Commission andthedifferent depart FA !VIERS If interested in wagons or repairs send in your name with this ad. We will send you an article worth $1.00 to $5.00 JACKSON WAGON CO., LTD. 1ST. GEORGE • ONT. • . „ . Meet seise erspeusiastaisiste, • '• iffee -zalwaye sati.52* the hottseFv,iie wrainventeezillf esuraras 05,10 1:012 Tliethit Efit NAM 2 stlittsli 111,04400 s IN SOUPS 9 TE, S9 graytes, savoury dishe$, and in hundreds of different ways Oxo beef cubes will make food more rastY and tatteltious. le Pas of 4, 10,50 tala 100, ne/MIRRIMilltileritilifittffilb@MitUffe$4.11,00•19”, ISSUE No. 51 '23. meets •Pertictpating. The Provincial Governments are responding fa ne une eertain mariner. The interest aroused araong , the ma,nufacturersais also tale ' ing,deflnite forth.- - As may be anticipated the display of agricultural products. will be masa comprehensive as well as those. of the Jake and sea fisheries. Grains; ,grasss es, fruits, roots, and all kinda of dairy and annual; products, fisla, etc., asial be . shownin 'Et manner•that Will bring out at once their quality and their inaport mice in the ne,tional eConamg. The exhibit of forestprodacts will be most complete Speeim ns - • e erY mmereral timber grown inatTanide- will be shown and every forest region in the Dominion. will be fully repres sented. • The specira,eiss will 136 suit- ably displayed along with a number of products te give an idea, bt•the uses -to aWria.eierhattae :different kinds . of: timber, The mineral section will lae one of ,the feature of the exhibit.' Minerals,' will be shown from practically every provise and the ores exhibited wiil. include gold, silver, nickel, lead, zinO, copper, Pyrites, and such no-n-metallice, as coal, asbestos, talc, felds-par, gra. phite, mica, magnesium sulphate, fluor- spar, and ochre. An added feature will be a ,collection of the raw materials, anasproducts of the ceramic ladustry. • All available space in the Govern- ment, section of the Canadian building will be occupied -ay exhibits frorn all parts of the Dominion and 'it es., ex- • pected that of the epace allotted to the dis-playS of manufactures, that avhich 'has 'not already been taken up will' be much' sough•t after before many Weeks: elapee. however long the peeled niay apPear before theeepening (late of the • Exhibition in April, fail, the, worlt of preparing the Dominion's exhibit is of such magnittide that it wilt require/ considerable effort to have everything le place by that time, awl there swill be no falling Off in the efferte of those in charge to secure this :encl. ,...„—....* Catching the Lhawary. The mayor of a small .thwe in Ohio, had SIX stout eons with whom -he loved ' . to parade the' market piece.. Staley taro niehed him with die basis- of a mathe- matierd joke.' 'A fine -family you havaa strangers of It?" often say, ' "Is this the wlible iin'T'Ne otc' 0 stlfisetenr18n4yet lb' owmoel4faorreeiDalcli, one at them." • "What!" the visiter would exclaine rapidly counting the aonci, "Twelve 1 delight -gel" , "No Inclecell Suet two!'"