The Wingham Advance, 1923-12-27, Page 14 N e w yrsCtuds Don't yotvvaett . 9' 9944 4 feW -to tienee'ftei9041 who ree membered 'yota, aterteweettett'06...i., eagle Cctpies, Five Cent • your eaNK$ 3oob jfortune ant) Che aoy of a ItJapple /Life :Se be Lot of Evet v one of On A NEW INDUSTRY A Hustling Factory that Will Pro- bably Open Here It is practically assured. that Wing- -ham has secured a .new industry in the form of a woolen, carding and. pinning ' Mr. Matthewmao of Bradford, Eugiand, itiet a number of Witigham business men and they have an agate - merit with the Farmer's Fertilizer Co. whereby they allOw them $5000 of "their mortgage a $6;66666 for the brick building justenorth of the C. N. R. tracks. The Fertilizer Co. will "retain the red frarn& building which' is on C. N. R., property just south or . the brick building. We understand 'that Mx-. Matthew - man will ask fpr a' $25,0oo guarantee from the town for a period of. ten , years at 6 per cent.perannum.. . The industry looks to us as though, it would be a boom to Winglia.m. Mr. Matthewman has tel machines for spinnin,g which take up 5 feet x e3o feet, and three other smallet- ma- "ehines. These are valued at $4o,000. On the comniencement he will erne P[oY 25 'girls aed at least 5 experi- ,tenced men. We imagine we hear some one say, 'Why does he come to eWingham?" •The chief market for his product is ;iel Canada and he sees "where he can ..save on freight and duty. Thee,taxes ;in Great Britain are driving the email - 'ear manufacturer out of business. He bed other offera but Mr, Josh. •,-1-Iirst is "really the mao who should „get the credit for bringing him to ..Vinglaarti. Mr. Matthewman is a :personal friend of Mr. Hirst's brother who resides in Bradford, England. Naturally when. in Ontario he visited at the home of a sister of Mr. Hirst Who lives, in Toronto and Mr. Hirst ;happened in while they were there, in torrversation he learned that Mr. Mat- eheerman was looking for a place to locate in Ontario, in fact that he had ,promised several places to go apd]ook at huildinge it their towns, lint Mr:. 'Hirst- 'persuaded himto come to "Wingliarn. The coencil secured the services of Mr. T. J. McLean and the Board of -Trade gotMa-Samuel Beeped:: to go to Barrieeand look over the machinery • which' MT, 114a.tthewson has purchased ,and paid $40,000 cash for ited they are loud. in their pr.aise of what they , -foam& They, .firicl. he- "pnrchased.ae bat -gale and did not tell the Witte -ram' people anythine that • he could not ,prove when he had to. • ' The VVingliam Council held a meet- ,"itig ooWednesda3r-hight and will hold another tonight (Thursday) with a -view to -instructing the to-wn solicitor to prepare a proper bylaw to.publi'Sh in the local press for three "weekS prioi to giving the ratepaYers an opportun- ity 'of exiting on the propositioti, While Mr. Mattliewznaa wishes a ,guarantee for $25,000 for a period of :tea years, he does' net want anything for .nothing. He will pay interest on the rooney borrowed. So far as the building s concerned he siiiiply takes oVer$5000 of the Fertilizer Compaey'S -mortgage on which be pays 6 per cent. interest for the remainder of the PERSONALS IV/iss Marie Liviegston was home froin Stratford for the holidays. Mr. A. E. Smith of Toronto, visited with friends in town. Mrs. D. L. Dinsley and soe, Seek, are visiting in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanmore were home from Sarnia for the holidays. Mr. John Coulter of Toronto, r`enew- ecl acmiaintances over the holiday. Ur. D. Phair who has been ribrk- 'Mg in Wzdkerton has returned home, Dr, II. E. W. Taanlyn. and Miss Ed- na, are visiting in Detroit for Xmas, , Miss Nina EcleVa.rds of Lake Linden, '1Vlich., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Hill. Mr, and Mrs. McEwen of Goderich, spent, Xmas withh er mother, Mrs. Alex. Scott ` Mr. and Mrs. Ed. j. Nash were visitors at the latter's home near Kin- ca.rdine. Reeve Amos and Mrs. Tipling are spending tlie holidays with Toronto relatives. Mrs. 13uell of London, spent Christ- mas at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. C. King. 1V1rs. Jack Colvin and son, Jack, of Teeswater, visited with Mrs D. 3. Boyd this week Mr. VVilliarn Hancock of London, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, sr. Mr.' and Mrs. John Davidson are visiting their daughter Mrs. Chaso Hawkins of Preston. Mr.,Joseph Coultes also Mrs. Sellers. of Blyth, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Saint. Ma Franlc McDonald of Detroit, 's .visiting with his parents, Conduct- or and Mrs. McDonard. Mr. and Mrs. Alex .VanAlstyne have moved to town for the winter and are living in Merkiey's roopai. „ Mr. Dolg, Orillia, brother-in-law4.of Me. T. J. McLean, underwent an op- eration for appendicitis last week - 'Mr. and Mrs. Folsom- of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of the attei"s mother, Mrs. Wm. I;lettison, Mr .and Mrs. John McCallum, Mil- ton, spent over Christmas oetifh Mr. end Mrs. John/Kerr, Lower Wingfield .11er. and is, lomas Leakey G d TI ‘L k f ;"3,tiocatelinoiespe1it ,,Sunfla.y.at the home ttieZ-111. - - Mr. S. Bennett and Mr, T. J. Mc- , Leal.). who went to Barrie and inspect- ed. the machieery which Mr. Matth- ewman Purchased are very enthusias- tie over the project tuid he..-ve valued the property purchased at $63,000. A woollen mill properly "conducted, -with an experienced -man at the hea.d ,of 'it should make good, but assuming the worst and that it went broke with the full $25,000 spent, the town would ,be ahead...for they could diaim the me- tchinery and the building. The latter EVERYBODY'S' COLUMN of her' mother, IVIts. Wm.:Pattersoo. Misses Margaret and Mary Robertson of Toronto"alao Christie of Blenheim, spent the holidayat their home here Mr. and Mrs. Percy Powers of Guelph, spent Xmas at the home of ier ,mothet, 'riVis. Robinson, Frances LL FOR SALE—OF will exchange ,registered Hereford, two year old, Reason for change is that stock. is irelated to bid. Thos Taylor, East . Wawaeosh. .Phone 6-6te. WAN'TED -- Boarders or roomers, convenient to High School. Apply at The Advance. WOOD VVAN'TED—Tend.ers will be received by the undersigned. up till Tuesday yen. f3th. for delivery at the Wirigham Pirblic School, of 20 cords mixed wood, 30 10 32 loches in logth. W. T. Booth, Secy. of Board. _ LOST—A diamod ring. • Finder please leave at W. R. Hamilton's Jewelery Store, liberal reward. Mr. R. L. Stevens of London, spent e couple of days at the home of his nephew, Mr. Reg. S. Williams, Iliag- onal Road Max Stewaet, Arthur Irwin, Harold Robinson. and Miss IVIary Cosens were home from Toronto University for over the holidays 1VIr.• Gordon Moffat of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ford, Ont, spent a few of the holidays renewing ac - can aita teeees in town. FOUND --A Vox skin muff. Apply at Willis Shoe Store. Misses Jean' and Nettie Christie and Miss Velma Johnston spent Christ- mas in Lucknow at the home of their Mod, Miss Bessie Abell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forsyth and baby Thenna `of Bridgeborg, arc visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, sr, Dr. and. Mrs. 1-lamb1y are away on a four weeks, holiday. The doctor's office will remain 'closed until about the end of January. Master Jackie and Elaine Radford are" epending thete Xmas holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex VanAlstyne . Miss Edna Mitchell of Toronto spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Councillor E. J. and Mrs. Mitchell, John St. Mrs, Chas. Barber spent a few days with her daughters, Misses Florence and Annie in Toronto, The young ladies accompanied their mother home for Christmas. ' Mr. W. A. Galbraith, Wingham's ef- ficient town clerk and tteasurer, is spending- a few clay S in Torotto, with his brother, Mr. Frank Galbraith. Mr. Jack Holnee's of Havana, Cuba, spent Christmas with his patents, Bar- rister and Mrs, Holmes. Mr. Hoinits will not return to Cuba, but hes been transferred to New York. ONT;„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27th5 1023 tife, VA; Krt 01;-.4714t' "oral tot w 0 Artr#7:*: A 6.*r e'Pe V -*" a,t v.ri g ,k\* tat ut °COD :Setts Ring out, wild. bells, to the gild sky, The flyirtg cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring- in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; -Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind; For those that here we see no more; ;Ring out the fend of rich and poor, Ring redress to all ,mankind. 'Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With,sweeter manners, purer laws. oagr@e C4Gred C1,4:74" FDA, ritoolv We 40 eat- ete, Ring ,out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless Oldness of the times; Ring °tit, ring out my mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic sla,ncler and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold. Ring out the thousand .wate of old, Ring in the thousand years of Peace. Ring in the -valiant man arid free, , The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring, out the darkness of the. land, Ring in -the Christ that is to be. vgt".0 POLO .1.geocA (004-49 Freare Here for :the 1E161i:days Mr. Cliff Robertson. from Stratford. . , Miss Mary 'Cosens, of Toronto:. . Saturday 29th., is the fast day of n.. MiSs Edna Mnsgrove, KingstoPatterson 'a jewelery Sale. - WANTED -- Boarders or roomers. Apply to Mrs. Skelding, next to the Public School. LOST—Short tailed triediurn sized black collie dog, white breast and half of fade, no tag, answers to name of Buster. Information leading to the discovery bi same vell1 be re - Weeded. Rueben Appleby. Phone3 on, 603. NOTICEe-Parties who have hides or skins at Pringles Glove 'Works, kindly call for same on or before Feb tst. CA RItTAKER WANTED ---The ati- dersigned will receive closed tend- ets up to Dee. 3Xst, for tatetakee of 'vVilighattt Met hodiet chetele The lowest tender. not necessarily accep- ted. H. t. Isar& BOARDERS W26;..14T/tP-I-Iigh. 3011001 irls erged. f pre • ppty A l • a t ' 'Ie A VatIce, Mrs. Levis Is Dead Many friends of Mr. L. W. Lavis and family will deeply regret to lea.rn of the ead death ef Mrs. I.,avis, which occurred' at their home in Clinton, on Saturday, Dec. 22nd. Besides a fami- ly of nine children, she is survived by an infant, Mrs. Levis was a most re- spected lady beloved by all who knew her. LOCAL, ITEDIS Miss Leah Currie, TOronto. Mr. Jas 'Gannett, Blinvale; has a miss Nellie .tieek, Leeae.efew apples- which were grown in ro22, and which" are as solidnow as the day Miss Gunsago Kehoe, TOTonto: they were picked off the ,tree. Miss Flora Gannett of Toronto. Mi.ss Olive R.intoul, Niagara Fails. Mr. Allen,„Reid.Dettoit. , Mr: Feed Manuel, Detroit. Ma, Hannah, breakman en the Si 13, has been confined to Inc: home ,attack „eaf".tousolitis Mre, 1-far1naft-has-IPStereitirned the Winghana Hospital: Miss Thehna Sanderson; Hamilton. Mr. James Gilmour who has, been Miss Foxton Toronto. , livingin A_rchyclale, Sask., for some Miss Ruth I-ockmari, London. years has moved his family to Wing- - Beth Curriee'ffiront0. e ham and have rented the Ha.nnahouse Agnes Williamson, Hanover. °II Edward St., at present occuptedby Friday, (Dec. 28th)—Cottage pray- MissMr. A. M. Crawford. er service at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mr. Archie Williamson, Toronto. i . Mrs. Alex Scott has moved her fam- Bell, Pleasant Valley. i Miss Lizzie Johns, Pt. Colborne. ,ly from the residence corner on Vic- McColernan—Cowden Nuptials ...... Miss 'Margaret Piper; Toronto, • I toria and Frances streets where they ddin oerernon3r took ACV 40.) gle , Ea.o-NA The Methodist Church Notes to a. re.—Meeting for prayer and praise_ re a. no—Morning Worship, subject, New Year's Resolutions". 2.30 p. m.—Struday School. 7 pt m...—Evening Service, subject, The other Wise Mae, illustrated with beautiftd colored slide& This set is one personally collected. by the Rev. S. T. Bartlett and is the first time .sheatte outside of Toronto, Monday—Watch Night Service, ser- vice will commence at Id p.m. and con- tinue until midnight Wednesday—Mid week service of prayer and praise. Thursday, 8 p. m.—Choir practice Miss. Annie.' Wetter, 'Toronto, -Mr. and Mrs Harry.WeltortSarnia, Mr. Earl Johns, Toronto. Mr. Fred lsard, TorontO. Mr. Fred BeII, Detroit Mr...Corson Boyce; Brantford. Mr. Kirkwood Hutton, BrusSels. have lived. for several years to the - place at the home of Mts. E. Hart, . cottage on Frances St. opposite the Greeneeuee,. on John Street, at 8.30 on Christmas, morning, when her eldest daughter, A traveller was heard to reina.rk Eva eVerona Cowden and John mc_ that in very few towns did he notice Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John more daintly dressed. Christmas -win- McColernan of North Bay,,Ont., were dews than those in Wiegham. married by the Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, 1 - One smart young lady we noticed ' B. D. Mr. Hai -old Cowden, brother of • 1111181111111111111INIIIIIIIII The olida 444 1414:(131 N pecla 'FREE . With "every $x.00 putc e of Rex. all Remedies. we will give you "FREE" an aquarium, consiSting of a Globe, Gold, Food, etc. We aleo have a nice 6o ounce globe with ornament, a, Gold Fish and sea shells for $1.00 The "Gift Problem" is easily solved by a visit to our store. There — are nurnProus articles at $r oo and under in Ivory Ebony ChocelPtes, Stationery, Toilet Articles, etc., etc. • Phonographs $39 00 and upwards on easy payments Kodaks, Cameras, Pipes, Cigars 8r etc., all prices, N 1 Winehnut. Ont. ibbon's D** St e42_,...tota 111611111111111111114111B111101111111111111111 lit re. Phone 53 111111111111111 Dr. Redmond's Mother Passes . 1 MARRIED Dr. Redmond returned. on Monday ILinklatei--Sadler Friday, Dec, from Lansdowne where he attended 2)st, at the horne of the bride's par- thd funeral of his rnother, who pa.ssed ents, by the Rev. Geo. Pugsley, Rd - away on ;Wednesday, Dec. loth., na Josephine, only-. dattgliter of Mr.. her YerebarTe'rt;aatftteir foruesriaweeneckeof s to MDrr.s'Ejitlillesets SWadeill-LoifriSkltartaetrilr°oYi /less as the result of an apoplectic Haileybury, only son Of Mr. arid stroke. Iyfrs. Wm.'s Linkiater of Winglianz. m"ris Has Balance IVIr. R. Bert Abell, manager of the From, the annual Financial State- Dominion- Store, spent Christmas at ment the following particulars are his home in Lucknow. gleaned: Total receipts $66,625; s ges $einmge ri2ts; ginracvluode$7R96o;a dsschaonodu PrTettiteY raDaercreiatrigbeei,rv aWs :odideitnngn z e d, on s 316; drains $8,144; salaries $to8o; turday, December 22ncl, of Dr. Fer- tion expenses $76; stationery, printing, mentie E. Reid -Allen .of Wingham,to etc. $186; Board of Health $127; Law Dr. Augustus Reginald Diftral of Ash - costs $623; sheep killed $,Soi charity tibula, Ohio. The bride looked_ partic- $481; debentures $11,83o; rniscella.ne-„, ularly lovely, in a simple gown of oals't $336. There are 16 Municipal white brocaded. French crepe, trimmed Drains. Total expenditure $42,563. ;with rhinstones and caught at the left iside with a beautiful rhinstone buckle. Her tulle veil was bound to her head by bands of orange blossoms. she wore the groom's gift, a green gold and platinum pendant set with pearls and diamonds, and she carried a show- tvir. Jarvis Lattonee Lortd. o_n. oe,e okrre 17Vin" Tompkins- _who has land,Miss Annie Hiapfer cotisin of the with, the throngS of , X., mas shoppers I the .bride, supported the bridegroom, Passed her" cloth MileStone. .1bride, assisted her. -rb. bride, gowned Mr. Jarries:Perdue, Sault Ste. Marie. 'Mr. Chas, Anderson, Hamilton, If we have overlooked mentioning in white alltyrne crepe heavily beaded Miss Addie Proctor, London. I your -friends ar visitors in this paper, ' - ' Miss May. Williamson, North 13ay. don't blamueess.tus. You did not tell us Mr. Cherie Isa.rd Brantford. of Your g Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener 'Many happy returns to Mr. Hiram Lower Wingham, who cele - '`Mr. B. C. Brandori of Hanover. with irradiscent beads weartng a bri- dal veil and carrying a hoequet of roses and lilies of the valleyoentered on the arm of her brother; as Miss Edith Kew; played the wedding march Smith, brated his 84th birthday on Monday, The nuptials were performed taider an evergreen arch through which Dec. n4th. The biggest bargains is yet to come Mr. Henry Aitcheson of Sarnia. ori Saturday 2eth., the la.st day of Pat - Mr Forest Wilson of Leamington. terson's Big jewelery Sale, Mies Eva Boyle of Walkerton. Mr. Herman Hall of Detroit The choir f St I s Church held Mr. Harvey Aitcheson of Goderich. a Chrtsttnas tree and social evening io Mr. Harold Mann, Toronto. Mr. Everett I-Ienderson, Detroit. Miss Margaret Flynn, Detroit. Miss Greta Ilueston of Toronto. Mr. Merchant:—You...will have a tra- She wore the groom's gift, a beauti- Th o ' Radio is Fast Approaching Mr. and Mrs. Carl E, Judson install- ed--kradio in their suite at the Bruns- wick Hotel this week It was the Attwater-Kent type sold by A. M. Crawford There are now a dozen ra- er boquet of Isalarney roses, white or- clios Wingharn, and we understand chid s and lilies of the valley. another dozen people are almost ready The bridesmaid, Miss Elsie Stewart„ to instal. The editor had the pleas- I was charming in a gown of Plaided tuor ea of i altiisgthetneirn ganidn noeniecenoi night hct arpeteenmt l green of Columbia roses and wore a georgette crepe, and. carried a Milian sending him Christmas Greet- gold broaCh set with a tourinoline and ings, They were in Chicago and he oti diamonds, the gift of the groom. Mr. his exploring trip on his boat in the Melirlle Edge of Hamilton, acted as Artic Ocean. strands of tinsel threaded their way. The bridesmaid was gowned in sand cantten crepe trimmed with gold beads. During the signing of the register Miss Doris Hart, sister of the bride, sang, "The Harbour of Dreams", af- the Parish Hall, on TuesdaY evening ter which about twenty-five guests sat last. Each member of the choir was down. to a dainty wedding breakfait ithe recipient of a beautiful gift, pre- The bride's travelling dress was of Mr. George Doughesh, Detroit. ' I sented by some other. member of the saud crepine trimmed with karaliska !choir who drew their name, fur, and her hat and shoes matched. best man, and the Rev Mr. Cragg per- formed the ceremorty. The wedding music was played by Miss Maude Bei1 who iook-ed pretty in a dress of mauve Gathering of mcpougall Clan A reunion of the McDougall Clan took place on Christmas Da.y at the, re satin trimmedwith silver rtbbon, She home of Mr. Audeew .McDoegeo.., wore a, diaitibad. and .:5-a-pf.-ii}e- the gift of tlie groom. The groom s gift to the best man i.vas amythest tie pin, andi the bride gave. to the girt friends who, assisted, bracelets of car- ved ivory. Friends were there front Ottawa, Kitchener, Stratford and Teeswater. Alter the wedding breakfast Dr. an Mrs. DuVal left on -their lmneymoon Lower Wingham, those preseet were'; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDougall and family of Petrone; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McDougall of Saskatchewan; Ma and Mrs. George Fitzpatrick; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kerr and Mt. and Mrs Chas. Carter and their families of E. Wawanosh; Mrs. Wm.' Ceaser, Miss Sarah McDougall and Mr. Leslie Mc- Dougall of Belgrave, and Mary Mc- for Hamilton, Buffalo and New York Dougall of Wingliam. The only ab- State, after 'which they will reside in sentee of Mr. McDougall's family was Aslitibula, Ohio. The bride travelled Mrs. Wm. Griffin of Ingersoll. in a Ftenelt dress of black satin ctepe Miss Frances Lockeridge of Niag- yeller eall on you in the next few days ful muskrat coat, The groom present - are Falls. soliciting orders for counter check ed the bridesmaid and pianist with Mr. and Mrs. Torn Brandon, Bay- books. If he does here what he has lovely French Satours end the grooms field. done in other towns he will tell you man with a pair of gold cufflinks. Miss Mabel and Evelyn Angus Tor- that he is the only one you can buy The happy couple will reside in from that local agents have been dis- North Bay. onto. • continued, "Pay no attention to him but save your order for the Advance, we are still selling check 'books, and are 'prepared to give our customers Keep ",your eye on Patterson's, Big slaughter' Peweiery sale; ends Satur- day 29th.. ' Mr, and Frank Lockeridge and three children. of Detioit, Mr. Howard C. Gray of Niagara Falls. Mr. Jack Maxwell, Toronto College of Pharmacy, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cross of Brook- lyri, Mr. Jas. Allen of Huron College, Irondon, Mr. David Ferric of Ktox College, Toronto, 'Miss Clara, Miss Viola Isard, Miss Mabel Isard, Toronto. Mt. and Mts. A. J. Bush. and little daughter from Buffalo. Dr. Ernest Linklater and bride of Haileybury. would be in a great deal better shape than it is at present. When th,t law is presented let us all got together and give it a boost. It will mean a thriving industry arid that is one thing that Witighain needs; it will also mean few ne wfairdlies to our population and employment for 25 ladies as well as 5 or 6 experienced The committee who ate working with the toaril.of Trade and the coun- cil ere \{essri. 3. A. MacLean, S. Ben- net, D. Redmond, C. P. SmithJ, McLean, R. Vanstotie atid Dudley Holmes. Atter careful investigation these men think it is a good thing. Town Hall is Scrubbed The auditorium of the Winghani town ball has undergone a severe op- eration. It has received its first scru- bbing in over five years, and it looks ' • Mr. Otto Johann's sale of pur pigs was very good. charalettse, with which she wore bred coat: of 1-tudson Seal, trimmed with Isablk and a small black satin hat. 1 'Putting It Up Straight We have corrected our mailing lists this vveelc, and the label on your paper should now read Dec. 24 meaning that your Advance is paid for up till Dec, .3Ist., 1924. We felt the need of A little money to tide us over the Xmas holidays and also to pay up several accounts at the end of the year, but promised ourselves and a few credi- tors, that we would be able to pay by the end of the month. Now what has been the result? About fifty of our thousand subscribers whose subseript- ions happen to expire at the end of the year (and a few hundred others expir- ed earlier in the year) have tints far come across. If you happen to be one a those who have paid, we thank you sincerely, if you are one of those who 1 a e overlooked paying please be North Huron Plowmen Following are the office bearers of the newly constituted Plowmen's As- sociation of North Huron Cor the co- ming year: President, Allan Adams; Vice Pres., Robt, McDonald; Sec'y- Treas., L. E. Cardiff; Directors, C. McQuarrie, N. H. Cardiff, W. 13road- foot, Jas. McCutcheon, P. Doig, T. Lovell, A. McKercher, A. Gallaher, A, Crooks, R. Michie, T. Miller, W. Speir, T. Ritchie, S. Wilton, G. R. Muldoon, j, Davidsota 3. Douglas, W. Vti1II t. Shortreed, L. Williamson, j. Lovell, R, Coultes, Wni. N, Robinson, Alex. McGowan, Jas. Taylor and T. R. Bennett. Meeting of Directors will be tailed in Ione to arrange for plow-. 111 it match next °doter. v good enough to do so at once. We should take in at least $5oo during the last couple of weeks in, December and count on this in order to settle up few of our acebunts. This year a great many have overlooked tis, prob differeet.plate. W. Stokes and M. - ably thinking that the account is 80 Dolan, two trusted employees of the. small that it does not matter. Dear town, went to work with a "will and 1 Mt John Hopper, Mrs. McCrea and reader, you are simply one M almost made the transformation. They did Mrs. Pike, who have been in Wyatt for 2000 subscribers. Row long could we not, stoA at the main floor but scrub- the past couple Of weekS owing to the continte if everyone left off paying bed doh. the three stairs. The floor serious Meese of Mrs. William Hop- their paper until later or next time has 8111,C been treated to an applieat. per, returned to Thesattlen Wednee- they felt that they had $2,o0 they could ion of oil 'under the supervision of day. We are pleased to report that spare, Chief Allen, Now for getting a few Mrs. 'Hopper is progressing after tm-i Help US, by paying your little ac- itoreof the kale spots off the wall and der:going a moet Seriettte operation it coutrH arid we will help ()there by pay - the painters scaffolds AWA3t, VltitIgbanl Gcmet-Ai HosPitia lag our largo accountS. oarannealwassagara'aselNikathaam...aia=vonnainaitesecatep. We extend GREETINGS to our Many Good Friends for your Generous Support during ISO. tr.'? May Health and Prosperity arida boun- teous share of all good things be yowl during the years that are to be. --the sincere w sh of E TON; GOOD lflO. .rciRz