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The Wingham Advance, 1923-12-20, Page 7
2 10 STORES OF WEL KNOWN PEOPLE RI I Bre la "17 NT 11lit'llES Surnames and Ign the Blood is Watery ROWAM Hations Robert, Re and Impure. 4 Retitle. Reuott Peeple with thin blood are More eel), Racial:Origin—Irish, also Enellsh- ma. one ha Ir 11) eS. ret IAVerp, xy eleaPael Story. jest to beadaehes than nal-blootlealeoarce—Given nerne, else geogrephe WALLAGE Persone aed tne form of anaemia that eat. imay Varlationa-sWaille, Wales, Welsh, Sir Robert Baden-Powell eau elways Afflicts growing girls is alumet always 13y far the majoritiee or feentliee Racigin- Me recent dinno al Ori--IVIlddle English. be yelied upon to tell a story worth , • . . accompanied );),. lleatlaches, together beerieg namee in this: gr 01.IP are Or. Source.e-Deseriptiae of netlanallta•• retelling, ' At er f the , with disturbences of the Federation Ilanialing Clubs he lee digeetiVe aa- arleh Origin', but net ell; tor one variee 'In tracing bac ir the faintly' isaine of of • )asee an, •,a.nmeiag lucident ire Which 1 ga•n3' ' Whenever you have constant or re- vat England frexa an independent instences in whiall Pecpliar charlge$ • tion, the name alma develoPed In illodia-• Wallace Yee run across a number ea , he and tile wife Were concerned While . eemping inn, 'woad belongirig to, oneifcae.crering headaches and pallor of tne s ouT op. , )1076 tocee place: Fee.thonnost part, , they enow that the blocal IS thin The largertoa the teed Irleh source e however, the narne's developmeet en a has of ,the,newly-rich. . . sited . perm'- and Youe efferts ehauld be :directed. of the nell1O IS tb.ee given name Pf eeen regular': , . , .14(.1Y 13adeall'eweli : 4 p i to-waga building up your, blood. A fair "Rohan," which, liberally translated, It orieleatecl eulname. , Bet eion..to put up -.a tent in tley Weed. Af- trf ... eatment with Dr, eVilliame' Pink meens "Me ,choeen one." Tee "O'llog-there: are evieencee teat at aa early ter eome Itesitation,eauaetien Wei -eine will do thee end. the rich, red IrtUriS , to eS 0 the neareeMequivaleat te, periorl, before tee feematioe of fernilY, fortacomieg. the eld Irieh opening, trace hack irr7baines had 'becomd, 'become aural ancoin- tsee MeinSisted the landowner. ' "But yen 'Meet MrIng the General nearly every case to: e ellieetain of' this plete throeganut ehiglantl, it also cane° e e' ; Her ladyship poiuted out, the Getter- tiame who wan a descendant M the, to -he usea RS A given name, with casee , n-1,- who wes busy unharue.seing line of O'Dea. ' • here -ad "there where its use of a . ' ante The bilaer source is from: the givea family name developd anew exoen the. harse., ' ' ' ' . ' . . • • rir. • "Good heavensI thought "red," Reedit is met erith :most fre- In the begiening it was a eurname, ,! ' he was tall, slini, and—well, harelsonael" always in the form of a deserted:ye ad- you run across it in the old records bloocl made by the,se pills banishes tee headache. More distuebances to the health are caused by their blood than most pee. Ple have any Mee of. When your blood is impoverished, the nerves stif- fer from lack of nourishment, end you may be troubled with basomnia, neur- itis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles subject to strain are undernourished and you may have nuescular reeinna- tism or lumbago.. If your blood ie thin and you begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try building ip the blood with Dr. Williares" pink Pills, and as the blood istrestdred to its normal condition the trouble Will disappear, 'There are many people who owe their present state of good health to Dr. Williams' Pink:Pills, and most of them, do not hesitate to say so. If you are suffering from any condi- tion due to poor, watery blood, or at:Trinity, and was spending the -long weak :nervesr begin taking Dr. Wil - at Pink Pills now, and note how vacation at Petworth in Sussex I your strength and health will im- had got my lectures ready, and time prove. You can get these pills through hung' rather, heavily on my hands in . any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at that quiet place, when it occurred to 60 cents a box from The Dr. Willianee' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Teat hint?" exclaimed the landown- name, or sobriquet "Ruadh,;' meaning given mane of Wallace. quentlyanathe IrLsh nomenclature, but purely descriptive of nationality, and ,How "Q", Became a Novelist. Sine Sir Arthur .Quiller -Couch be- cantemKing Edward VII. Profeseor, of English Literature at' Cambridge, he appears to have, laid aside the inmate* of rot -fleece he' used to wear as "Q," end leesuined the, gown of literary critic. Some years ago Sir Arthur told how , .came" to write "Dead Man's Rock." .•"1"l was in 1886,"' he: said, that the Rem of novenveritingenecurred to me. Atallat time I was a classical lecturer me that I might write a story of ad- . -venture. "Treasure Island' was very popular at thatalme, and the "shilling shocker' was a power in the land, so I thought I would try my hand at sotaething of the kind, One day I: sat down and be- gan 'Deed Man's Rock.' ' "The thing seemed to go pretty and by the end of the 'vacation I had done nbaut half of it, and had got •my 'character e 'alto a frightful mess. "When I returned to Oxford a friend :not 'hold of the manuscript and ad- -vieecl ine ,to anish the story. I:got threegh it in the following Easter , vacation in Cumberlaild, where I was climbing. • "The book was accepted at once, and It cattle out in 1887. So, you, see, I have no harroweng ,tale to tell of the early trials of authorship; it was very simple in my case." The Court Adjourned. Irawyereplayweight, and poet, Judge E. A. Parry-. is eleo an admirable ra- conteur. - • • One of his best stories concerns the great Lord. Mansfield; who "paid little • attention to religious- holidays." . • He', once even suggested that the courtemight sit on Good Friday. Th members of -the Bar were horrified. Sergeant ,Davy, who was in the case, bowed in acceptance of the propose. tion r • ""If your, lordship pleapes; -but your lordship will be the first judge teat has done -so since, Pontius Pilate!" 'rite court adjourned until Saturday. Plant With Brains! The mimosa of Brazil is a plant which reveals 'Deere "intelligence," per- haps, than any other.: .A. footfall, a light touch, or any sudden disturbance canse the leaves to close together •deritflearaigtaa* tnatighettney had- -st-dden- ly, wilted. Grazing animals, are attracted by , the light green leaves -of „the miniosa. At their approach -the plant will begin to droop. Tlee attractive fresh leaves, of a moment before look dry and utter- ly unappetizing. The „marauding ant- mal•,does not fancy the .driedsup din.- n.emend so it Moyes on. Should the however, be par- ticularly exungry, and inclined to in- veetigate further, he gets some nasty pricks from the- long sharp Maras with which the etems of the plant are studded. He is soon canyinced that meal in this epee would he a.cconn panted by much pain, so lie goes. A rew minutes -after the danger is past the mano,sa will resume its usual appearance aril loolt as green and fresh es ever, .- Daddies. would rather be the daddy Of a romping, laughing crew, Of a bright-eyed chubbyladdie, And a little girl or two, Than the monarch of a nation, In a high and lofty seat, Taking empty adoration From the subjects at his feet. I would rather own their kisses As at night to nae. they run, Than to be the king whe misses • All the .simpler forms of fun When his dreary day is ending, He is dism.ally alone, But when my sun is descending, Thereertre joys for me to awn. Be may ride to horns and chumming, I must walk a quiet street, But when once they see me coming, Then on joyous flying 'feet • They come racing to me madly, And I catch them with a swing, And I say it proudly, gladly, - That I'm happier than a king. You may talk of lofty places, You may boast of pomp and power, Men marturn their eager faces To the glory of an enure But give me the humble station, With its joys that long survive, Fell the daddies of a nation Are the happiest men alive. dition to the family name, distingulela' in such forms as Owen le WalYs, Ing one branch. of a. family from au- meaaing "Owen the Welsh." It was other by lea coloring, which explains very common, too, for even th,oee why we so often meet saeh terths in days the 'close knitting of 'tee bonds Nan, and even Scottish history as "The Red O'Connor," "The Bleck 'Douglas" and the like. But only under yery ex- 'deptierial circumstances have ' eaele qualifying terms developed' into real family na,mes in. the „Gaelic. tongue. The. usual course would be for slice a word first to beeorneea given name, —Edgar A. Gueat. Canadian Exhibits Ready Empire Fair by April -I. between England and Wales had be- gun, and there were many men of Welsh blood scattered throughout tbe„ former country. It was just the sort of distinctive descriptiou that a man's neighbors would pick out by which to differentiate Win, said it was also na.- taral that the same apPellation should and from this develop into a fatally' be applied to his eons. Thus it be - name. So with "Ruadh," the family name developed from which is proper- ly Ruane. But the similarity of sound between Rowan and fenane has often lett to their interchange in English spelling. n The English family name is proper- ly Roan, 'which was the, common medieval spellings:cif the name of the city Rotten, in France. Settlers in England from foreign cities quite com- monly' came to be known by the names of the cities or countries whence they he eroclier darfoldsi ite eaffarirl t April% toech, the lalecovere genes Of r d „ • rl'e maest ark • 7hexielecegtee et:aeons, full of raight; While elowile swells tlee Pod And rounds the peace, •ami in the night Tee mushroom b..eisste the sod The Winter falle: the frozee eut as heeled wee ellver bars; Tim snow -drift beeps against the hut," And night is piercer with stars. ---Coventry PatMere. 1.,ight. "Woradere never cease" le an old saying, and certaialy as true to -day as ever it \vas. The simple electric -light switch by means of whioh e morn can be flonled with brilliant light, or, even a whole town illuminated in a moment. was a tremendous (step in advance, but we are now promised a liget which never goes out. There is aothing to pay, except the original cost of buy- ing, say, hall a pint of liquid air. Youl pour your liquid heist into a bulb, and the resultant light is said to be euperior to electric or any other known lig,ht, except Nature's own brand of daylight. Tele light, being, In fact, radio -active, will remain good for seven years or more, when the bulb may require re -filling. It- is claimed aLso that this liquid will eventually make coal and. all power a thing of the past. If that is the case, the real abolition. of smoke seems to be in sight, for although. elec- tric power is emakeless, there will be smoke as long as fuel is necessary for its generation. came 'a family ,name of sorts quite early,, and even developed a ttse as a givenename, though ,:cie tr, rein the use of family names for, ba,ptism did net become a custom until long after the ferruation of family names was cern-. Thus in some instences those bear- ing, the name or Wallace are descend- ants of some one who bore the given name of Wallace. But for the most part they, are descendants of ancestors originally Welsh. The Department of Trade and Com- merce has received a cable stating the Canadian building at the 13ritish Ena- Dire Exhibition; Wembly 'Park, will be oomple:ted February 1st, and the ex- hibits in place_ April lst. The Cana- dian building is much faiithar al- vanced than any of the others. Much difficulty has been rent through -lack of facilities for transporting supplies and .materials to the grounds. Labor costs have been greater than anticipated, but it was felt it would be more econ- omical to go ahead and secure early completion than to be at the mercy of employees toward the operang og the exhibition, when all buildings would be necessarily completed at any costs. Both Australia and New Zealand ad- mit that Canada has stolen. a march on them and secured greater results, "I wish naer," said the lecturer, "to tax your meMory." A wail in the audience: "Has it come to that?" ,Ask for !Milani's and take. no ether, WavingHair by "Wireless." Women, Will .eceon be 'able to have rieeir hair perman.ently waved at home with the greatest ease and without any eislci. An invention by a young Aus- tralian is now being eprieeted for this perense. It is claimed that tne n.ew vermeil. ent waving. inaohilie will do away With • the use of eleettle wiree in heating the curlers. The latter are heated by stealer and the heat by, meang of Which the wave IP effected never reaehtle belling po tat. this readson even dyed hair can be .ra sutoessfuty... iuLCfl the bale. bete been wowed . . . d each eerier and eaSeeted 'with it t clasp' instead \vith string, it closed in a velvet -covered cushion which the heat is con:dilated, lase wevirig, inachince have bel linetalled, in many Itairdreasera) Er 036, he, ancl•.%tuzi.11 teWleray be had for the, hInne. POI' the pur.DIA0 0,f beating' 'the .water, tleeee are,' dee:Matted to , 8111411 gee ring. wedon. has an iron -mine that has been in to'n!.:in.uous operation since "the year'Magna.Charta, Was Signed- Select Your Hens for Breeding Now. By Sam W. let -life,. Too maey poultry breeders leave be selection of their breeding hens till January or February, instead of se- lecting them in the Fall, when they go., into their winter quarters. Of eourse it ie not suggested ;that thee sholild lee mated up then, bet by pick- ing oaf tee most desira.ble birds foe next year's breeders they can Separated, • alloveed free ranges, if it's available, until real severe weether sets ill. Eggs from these birds during the winter Months should be a secoad- ary eonsid.eration only. The main point is to have them healthy :end in giiod vitality . when, eggs are required for hatching. • Therefore_ mash and other egg' proeucing feeds should be limited; supPlemented .by a ,a0d3 and muscle, building 'ration. Care must .be taken, not to over feed, or by spring the hens will be too fat tolay. If you have any hens which have layed.,right up- to 'Deeper or Noveei- ber, lin g right onto'them; also if you have trap -nested keep your 150 -egg birds and over,. If you have a staples of haMhing eggs fearer -Minh stock they axe readily disposed of, and even if they only ley a cenPle of settings' at eggs you. know you may have chicks well Worth while from their eggs, While• -your breeders 'ehould have goOd care and attention, abundant ex- ercise is absolutely necessary, ,with out which you _cannot expeet the muscles and fenctional organs to have the energy needed for 'subsequent -utilization -or-the apnwere trn resiet verse influenees.,.. Do ,not coiatemplate using pulte and hens which you have • "forced" for eggs, under artificial lights, as there - sults in fertility are usually disap- pointing. Keep an eye on your cock els, pick out the quick maturing, large framed and good typed birds to heria your pens. If two or mere males • are to. be teed in one,' men, get them ancustometl to each other before breed- ing season; this will insure peace and contentmeut in your breeding quarters. Breed only from good males, for re- member, the male bird is 50% of your breeding pen. n • "The feiure of the Nation cannot be' ent,rteeted to the ehildren unlese their ddecation :in -chides spiritual developinentaae-:Preeident Harding. --- • • reara—e----e•---erree"---esereeete*--ear--easetsMagergermamm" -,:ntnnettte Come to the Lectures, Demonstrations and Practices at the ORA ri ©To tiltural Cikge 1924 — SHORN COURSES --- 1924 stock' and Seed Judging — Two and lorbunts—Feb. 4 - Feb. 16. weelts)—annuary 8th - late. Market Milk, including Mechanical Poultry Raistrig -- (Four Weeks -- jaetrigeraticin—Feb. 18 - Max -ch. 1. ',Tenn arY 8L11 - Pebrusry end, Contleneaa an,c1 Powdered Milk -- Horticulture ccerses; IVIarch erd - March 16th. Frilit and Vegetable Growing ---.Tan. Ice -Cream, • including Mechanical eery alet - February end. Refrigeratien—March east. 28 Floriculture and, Landscape Gerden- dreamers" 'and •Cheesernaking ing—Feb: 4th Feb. 1.60., Coerse, Inc:haling Meehaelleal Re- frigeratiOn—Mar, 24 - Mar, 28. DairY CoUrseSt Course for' Factory' Cheese and ' Bee Keeping' (Two Weeks)-•-Jan- I:lettere-raker:4 etinuary end -- 'eery 80-1 - January 19th, March 1411), • Drainage end, Drainage Surveying Cow-Testing-1am. 7th - Jan. 19th, (Two Weelts)--.Tan, 8 - Jan. 19, Farm elst Feb. end. Partu Power, including. Tractors, • and Cream Testing, GasOlirie Engines, etc (Two Werelrea—San. 22 - Feb, 2. , incleding Feetory alanageine,et Thew eoreads aro planted lb 'neat the 10ourr hients of tarrodro, f :tethers' eons, dojtenreo, palmy.. store lesaaseert: sea lelretuaeriter eels ass es &se es lees ,essis tor but it alert period riming . All reurria sto tree, trier the pleontlen. 0 the :Uhl atnreoe, l'Or ' tebbrh a. oololl rOgistra eon' the hinter radhtle. • , . .4. Orange train the home 'enrroundintro, Intel, la suet ease, inatilgel in th 0 things ' In schloh ;;tra aro !Wattle:K.1, exebange of .oxoorlenee and 1 re iretrulretront at Ictiorledo, will as •vit: geed, eati to semi 011)141 Vollran that onheale 50 eat eattreed rayt on rolleroya. Wrlto for hook - let desert:rear, the 01)111501 reld` oak for ralhetry' et ItOtate. • . S, 13, RrIX'N'otns,•1,..k Le •STEVENSON, A. M, PORTER. 13 ci A . , ' . . 'Presideet 1)irector Of inetension, • Registrar mene.................emenememmeme,.............—eneenan Dr. Feidtjof Naneen Famous., Arctic explorer, who is :visiting Canada as the League of Na- tion'a*Canunissioner for Refugees. He is appealing for help for the refuaees, •in efferent parts of Europe.' The Everlasting Lamp. In one ef: the cemeteries near Paris a small lamp 'was kept burning mader an urn over e grave, and ,ap. inserip- tion.on the gravestone ran thns, when gmeaseretene ente „sEtagnen tfeeneeteme leae SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs, Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel des Saints, Que., writes:— "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby's life and I can highly recommend them to all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemontagne's exrierience is that of thouSands of other mothers who have tested the worth of -Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a sure and safe medicine -for little ones and never fail to regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- ileVing all the minor ills from which children suffer. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box„from The Dr. Williams' Baedicine Ont. Short -Lived Joy. Little Thomas' mother Was -'an in- valid, and so his aunt looked alter his religious inetraction, and, let no ocea,- e'en pass to el:leo-roe some precept. One dee, Thomes suddenly said: 'Oh,dear, I wish I had wings," - I( Gan Fly With That. Maud—"So your new beau posses- ses an airship. Doesn't it make you nervous?" Ethel—"Not the kind he has. We :an heirship to about a million dollars." MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. It lost or stolen you. get your Money hack. Keep the automobile battery fully stored and the plates covered -with dies, tilled water. Also clean off any ac - !stimulation of • greenish or whitish material collecting on the terminals or metal' parts of the battery. , There should be no difference be- tween your word and your bond. Tr RIN foRYoutt YES Wholesome atsig Refreshing DoA't complain: Don't explain..The first won't be understood, the second Won't be 'believed. • You can always say more In minutes than in twenty.—Rev. E. Selwyn. KNITTING MACHINE. IT NITTING MACHINE TOOL. Self starter. Saves transferring stitches. Price $3. Agents wanted. They are easy to sell aftei'demonStra- ton. Circular on request. Booklet (40 cents) telling how to speed., up, knitting and tae -closing how long it takes to knit a pair, how much can be earned, hints on selling sox, etc. Ter- mer:, Woodland Park, HespelernOnt, APPLES FOR SALE-4GREEINI- -4-7- begs, Kings, BahlWins,' Special prices to farmers' clubs in car lot2. Beaver Valley Fruit Growers, Camp- erclown, Ontario. . EVERAL CARS DRY MILL " slab wood, stove- length. 'Reid Bros. Bothwell Ontario. This angelic aspiration was regard- ----"I'Oraa0001=2"00‘a=0Ket=>0000-mete.mseei, ed 'With great joe by the two sisters,, .,and.' they eagerly ezked. why he wisheil for, wings. ' America's pioneer" Dog Remecilea Overeo Bad reath • '0h,' said said ,Tonunyglard fly up into the air, and take Aunt'Susan with me" —Aunt Susan was- delighted—"and when I couldn'tgo any higher—I'd le her drop!" Collapse of Aunt Susan. The Alberta provincial mines DOG DISEASES • and Rove r.ssa resirect Freo .to any Addreso • btr the' 'Author; B. CLAY CLOVES CO. Ire. 120 ' Weat 24th Strata Wow Yortto U.S.A. branch reports that the coal producd El MISERY tion of the province for 1922 exceeded , that for 1921 by 50,424 tons, the fig- st ures for these years being 5,959,651 and 5,909,217 tans respectively. GAS INDIGESTION The la,ult lies not in failure, but in aiming too low. Pierre Victor:Fournier, My -enter of teeT Everlasting • La•pip • which consumes . . • only one ceatinnes•w,orth of oil ea' one hour: He. was e., good father, son and husband. . inconsolable widow continues his. business in the. Rue aux Trois. , Goods sent to all:parts of, the city. Do not fele-I:eke the opposite shop for this." . • •She --en hope you are kind. o dum ' , , He.---m"Gbee, :Teel Lbad two of 'ent. out to dinner last eight," "Pape's Diapepsin' is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, • flatulence, heartburn, sourness or G t a COLD(' 'rake ,a small pan of „boiling water gil_d 11 U. t half a teaspoo.n of MEN- . I•THOLA'I'IIM in the hot water, then I breathe the steam. It's tb.e best; Leading Up To It. A Seaman very much addicted to smoldng was persuaded by the minis- ter of the kirk to give it up. The minister was surprised wheil he met Sandy :a shert time Afterward by Sandy asking him for a pipe of to. beeco. "But, Sandy, you promised to give It np." "Eh, mon, I am breaking myself in geadually; I have not betwixt any since." Egypt .e largest pyramid—that I'. Cheops of tlie Gixeli group—contains 80,000,000 cubic reet of masonry,and the total Weight oe the stone ha; been estineated at over 6,000,000 tons. Ktep „Mlnard'il nirilerient f tile heigie. astomach distress aused by: a.cidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stameen relief. Correct your stonaach -arid ...d-ageettert now -neer e few cents. Druggists sell milll'ons. of na.ckagee or' Pape's- Diapeesin. and also the quickest way to get relief. For tale at 05 Drug Stores. WrIte for Freo Sample. THE -MENTHOI_ATUM BrIdgeburtl. CO. Box 53 ASPIRIN Say Bayer" and Insist! Thin, nervous, underweight people take on healthy flesh and grow sturdY and a.nabitimee. when Bitro-Phosphate as guaranteed by druggists is taken a few weeks. Price $1 per Dirge. Arrow Chemthal Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. CHILBLAINS Rub the feet well with :MI nerd's. A few applications and the sore- ness is gone. Unicenyottsee the name "Bayer" ,on package or on tablets you are net ;get - Ling the geniiine 'ILlaye • product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians. over twenty-t.hree'yee.rs, for Colds Head a.Ch Toothache Lumbago taraehe Rhettraatism Nettralgia Pain, Pahl Aedent "Bayer Tnblets o2 ,ASpirin" only, Each, unbroken package con, tains proper direetiolas. . Handy boxeit Or twelve tablets tost few cents. Drag - gists elSO Sell betties of 24 1.titi 100. ASpirin Is the trade Mark (re..gittered in Canada) of EleYer Manufacture tit Notioaeotieacideater er! While it is well 'known that 'Aspirin Ineaus Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against the Tab- et„a. of Ittlybr i-.)ompany will be stamp- ed with their general trade+ raark, tho `1•44Poit Pro144", Mother! Give Sick Child "California Fig Syrup" Ha net! ess Laxative for a ail lows, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, WI - ions, feverish, or 4Ick, colic Babies and Children love to take gentane aCalifornla F g Syriip," No other - laxative regelates the tender little bowtle so nicely, , "Bad breath is a iign-ef- decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowels." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup atdruggists. 15 to 30 drops after meals, clean upyour foodpassage Z and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. f 6 GIRLS! AIR C.1 OWS - THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent ''Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected Hair. _ full of gloss, lus. tee ana life short. le follows a genie. ine tonerig up °a neglected scalp* with dependable: "Danderdine." PaIling hal f), itching scale and the dandruff ig corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quiekly invig- orated, taking o11 new strength, color e:me youthful beauty. "Daneerino" is stimulating tonic -- not sticky or delightful on the hair; a refreshing, greasy! Any drugstore. .enterrienvenersomentitenmemargaistom CUT1CURA RASH 0 It aNvoeteng the stome.cla and starts the liver 'arid toWels acting without 'griping, Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California", to your dreggist and aVeld doitisterfeits! I insist, upon r,enuitie "California Pig ,• Syrup" whicli contains direetitins. Sp 'eadToNeckandArms,Itched and Burned. Lastod 3 Months "My trouble began with a raeh breaking otit on my back. My cloth« Ing aggtavated it, and 'it kepi spreads log to my neek and arms, It itched end butned so that 1 spent many a sleepless night. The troable lasted "about three months., 1 trier' different remedies evithota select:se. 1 read tin advertieemett for Cuh'etra Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample which helped me. I bought more end lot three weeks wet heale.d." (Signed.) It. Bagiaramer, 566 Hertel Ave.,. Buffalo, In, Y., Jan. 24, 1022 Cutieura Soap to elasese eral 'ptte rify, Cuticura °earl -lett to soother and heat and Celtic:era Tolman to powder and perfume are Ideal foe. daily toilet putpoeee. SnotpleVaelt hot* %ea Addroaar'Stranalnr, Len. 554, 550SS. tee St, W,Iletretto4.4 holo aNt_erto where. Soupg5o, Ointment g6tOrd 2.53`nlenreSb ItriCaltera Soeri Motorail leigleOnt tottig IS'SUE No. BaseaeS.