The Wingham Advance, 1923-12-20, Page 5r(
Th adAY, D e ero bet. X0e$
tr. 0.4,10)
• For Big Stock and Big Value in
Useful Christmas
▪ iOr all members of the family
• See our display,of Useful Gifts in
am our Men's Wear and Ladies'
Wear Stores.
N i '
al HA.NDKERCHIEFS—In great variety
SI eold in Fancy Boxes or separately, Fancy
II Boxes at 35e, 500, 750, $1.00
TOWELS—A large range of Fancy
II Turkish Towels. See our sets in Fancy
SI Xmas Boxes
INFURS—Big stock of Coats, Stoles and
IN Chokers for Christmas Gifts, at reduced
a 'range of Silk and Wool Scarfs in the read-
'!" ing colors, specials at 1.00, x.25, 1.75, 2.5p
1HAND BAGS—See our stock of _All
Leather Bags, best colors .____a5o, 2.00, 2.50
SLIPPERS --Big value in Ladies Slip-
perS, see our range of Kosey footwear at
a.r.25, 1.39, 1.65, and 2.00
▪ -
COATS—A stylish Winter Coat plain
111. or fur .trimmed makes a fine Xmas Gift, on
sele no-va at Greatly Reduced Prices
II • HOSIERY—Big value in all the best
IN Makes of Silk, Cashmere, Silk and Wool
Hose, see our specials at 85c, noo, 1.25 2.00
111 KIMONAS—New Stock of Kimonas
• and Bath Robe, see our range- atBargain
GLOVES—See our stock of imported
Glos.:es for Christmas trade, our French
• Xid 'Gloves, long or short makes a useful
in gift `
• Other Xmas presents are, Silks, Sweat-
ers, Wool Caps, and Sets, Blankets, Boudoir
IN Caps, Camisoles, Linens, Dresser Scarfs,
NU Baby Bonnets and Robes, Lace Collars,
Beads, Rugs
NECKWEAR—A pretty tie makes a
very nice gift, big selection •here at Real
Value, see them at ___-. 50c, 75c and noo
BRACES—Special value in 'Fancy
Boxes, also Airnbands and Garters in Sets,
or separate, prices 750, 1.00, 1.25
HANDKERCHIEFS—In big variety
for Men and Boys, plain aand initialed, all
prices --
COLLAR BOXES—See our range, they
make a useful gift, see them
MUFFLERS—We have a large stock
of Silk and Wool Mufflers, see our values
too, to 2.50
CLOTHING—Big stock to choose from
see our New Model's in Suits and Overcoats
for Men and Boys, at reduced prices for
Xmas trade
-BATH ROBES—A fine range of New
Patterns and Fancy Colorings to choose
from, see them
SOCKS—Special value in Mens Fancy
Silk, Wool and Silk and Wool Socks, at
50c, 75c. and Leo
SWEATERS—Make aeeyery nice gift,
we have all the Best Makes m new patterns
see our special at _et _..4.75
Other useful presents in Men's Wear
are Cuff Buttons, Silk Shirts, Soft Collars,
Fur Caps, l36ots, Shoes and Rubbers, Um-
brellas, Underwear and Pyjamas
11, E. Isar
1.11::!i 114
wiNpuAlvt ApvAN
, Continued froni page three
report .was tal<en up in cormnittee
with Coimcillor Alex, Neel) in tl'e
;The committee rc.ported having met
three times since the jtme session mid
having visited the Home on two oc-
casions .en which visits conditions at
the. Home were found to be vefy sat-
ifi‘etsoerpytt.c tank and latero drains dlad
beer) installed at the .County Horne.
by day labor at a cost of $1596.45,
for which the plans and specifications
had been prepared by Comity Engin-
eer Patterson. '
The several 'accounts of the initiates
having nioney to their credit, were
carcfnlly examined and found correct.
There 'is ,a.t the, present, time to the
credit of the paying inmates „the sum
of $4545;65„ There is also in addi-
tion the sum of •S000, which is to be
paid on an order of the connly judge,
as well as a ouse and lot in Exeter,
the proceeds Of the sale of which are
to be turned OVCF to the' county.
T_Ipon instructions of the committee'
the Inspector and Manager of the
Tiothe had disposed of the drivitig
The connuittee re.cornmended that,
in accordance with the motion of
Conneillors A. E. Erwin and W.,_M.
Knight, a grant of $50o be- made?" to
the Huron County Children's Aid
Society to assist in defraying the ex-
penses. at the Children's Shelter.
. The committee recommended that,
in accordance with motion. of Coen-
,. cillors F. J. McQuaid and. Wm, H
Coates, a grant of Stoo be made to
is the members of. the Mother's
ance Board of Huron' county to ,be
ell divided as follows; Chairtrian, $ecp,,
IN, secretary $25, and three remaining
IN members $15 each. The, committee
• recommended further in this connect-
.. ion that the Wafden and Clerk be in.-
▪ structed to draft a mernoria.1 to the
• Provincial Legislation asking that the
a Act be amended so that hereafter
NI such renurneration be borne by the
..11111: Provincial Government.
MI The committee recommended that
1111 no increase be niade in the anion -lit
• ot
O4 a p525 allowed the public school'in-'
111 spectors, Dr. J. M. .Field and Mr. J.
alE. Tom for travelling expenses, etc.
Minittee composed of Councillors M.
111The Huron County Horne Com-
illa Armstrong, B. S. Naylor, R. J. Miller
a and. F. J. McQuaid, reported, which
mare, -as she had become unmanage-
• able; and had procured a suitable One
lc instead, ,which transaction had been
a carried out at a cost of
• The tender for bread for the Horne
▪ by Mr. Rivers at the rate of $4..00
• per hundred was accepted.
a The contract of installing a new up -
• ,to -date sink in the basement of the
,m, Home, at a‘ cost of $140 is being com-
l. pletecl by Mr. Hawkins under the
11. direction of -Mr. . Torrance and Mr.
▪ The eeport of the Road and Bridge
• conunittee, coil-tea:teed of Councillors
N G 13. Hanley, AnTipling, R. Buchan'
an,, J. McNaughton and W. J. Spot -
ton, was considered with Councillor
B. C. Muni -tinge in the. chair.
The committee reported having ex-
amined ethe count S bridges over the
stamouns amassamissaitsamt
Ismailasmaianamar MONEMENIIIIININE 3111111 amsons I
concession of Stanley was found to re -
Wed, and Thurs. Dec. f9 and so
A storY with,a meaning, a comedy drama of every day life
Fri. and Sat. Dec. 2/ and 22
▪ William Farnum in 'Without ComPromise
III • Yon_ vsillsee how &hard fightina two fisted Sheriff subdued
the Lawless Element of a Primitive Frontier Town without the ail
N 'oea gun
Mon, and Tues. Dec. 24 and 25
a You'll leap. to your feet and shout when you see the eager
KINLOSS MAN FREE Bayfield river. The bridge on the .211d
Richard Portice Found Not Guilty quire repairs to its approaches, guard
NI . ,fence • and stringers. Glen's bri 1 e
si Of Stealing Cattle
c g
was found to be in good condition,
1.1 th v I "d
area ge was found to
Richard Portice, Kinloss- Township ,Y,711,e e
be in need of Irwin its a ocl cs
l farmer charged. with the _theft of 19 g , P
head of cattle from Robert anci Thorn- widened,
• as IVIalcohn on Lnibe , was f und y adjoining L mbton and M
„ .
ail court sessions at Walkerton on Fri'-
NI day and was
washed that an automobile could not
$I The jury retired at 5.30 o'clock and
Nov- r o count a
The bridge at the corner of the
id -
▪ not by a jury at the county
dlese - appeared to be used but very
little. The approaches had been so
honorably discharged.
pass in safety. It was proposed to as -
when court opened for the evening
certain the wishes of Lambton and
sitting returned their verdict; i
Middlesex counties with. a view to hav-
The case has aroused' a great deal
of interest .throtighout the district,
ing, this bridge made passable.
The bridges on the eliddlesex-
ancl during- the three clays that the
w17-62-110;''''e'*as ih eshesion liseerin-g the oeeee- !eseean'InOd 'and
ence ie tour too 1 las 1 Y,
• ed. the Mutt Creek briclg,e and the Aux
the,ft.' Saubletbridge required to be widened.
it The charge arose out of the
Id, f to seine bridges on the Usborne-Hib-
s p, 19 eeac,. of cattle from a pas- 10
a.nd the Usborne-Tuek-
"11 ture field on his farm. 01), inestiga-
°from 'IGIaloolin Bros., kieloss Town- Small repairs .were found necessary
tion the Malcohns found -------
- a car -
lid' lead of cattle similar to those stolen
had been,shipped to Buffalo! by Thom-
, as Harris:- One of thc Malcolm broth-
ers went to Buffalo and identified the
cattle, . •
1 According to 111 ry o John
sto f I -la
.ris, of Ripley, he purchased the cattle
from Portice, giving a motor car in
part payment. He in turn sold them
to his brother, Thorrias Harris, a cat-
tle buyer, who shipped them to Bid-
' falo. I-Iarrist declared that he allow-
ed Portice $4o each for the cattle and
gave him in part payment a car val-
ued at $600. 1 -le saw the cattle on
Pertice's farm, he swore, and later
took back the car when he found there
was a questiem of the ownership of
the cattle. _ --
Charles Stanley told the court that
he had assisted Portice to drive the
cattle to Ripley, and they delivered
them to John Harris. Portice, in his
hearing, he declared, had asked Mar-
tin Freiberger to swear he had been
at his (Portiee's) place when I-Iarris
was there, end that he had not sold
Harris any cattle, Freiburger had re-
fused. to do this.
Portice, talled' in his own defeese,
declared emphatically that he was in
Kincardine on t night of the ellegee
theft, arid that he had spent the night
with his parents' there. 'Phis was cor-
roborated. by his parents, William
Stout, a grocer, testified that Portice
was in his store on the night in ques-
tion and bought some groceriea, The
receipted bill for the groceries wee
pi -reduced by the defene,e,
Andrew Carto, a Kincardine garage
main testified that the accused was in
his place of business at 10.30 o'clock
on the night question.
Neighbors of Portice testified that
there were no strange cattle about his
farin near tbe date in questione
It is not known 'whether there will
be it further inve.sttgation in the case.
Hotvevet if Portice is tot guilty,as if
certainly appears, no doebt he will
make the fellOws svveat who tried tO
implicate eine The trowe made Ito
staternent to this effects Colin Cato-
eron X. C,, °wee Sound, acted
for ihe erotme and 0. E. Xleie, of
Walkerton, for the defeose.,
el thousands in the crowded etands eyes focused upon one man swing- BI
a bat and waiting. One of the most thrilling breath taking
climaxes ever screened.
ALSO COMEDY Pi -ice x5c and 35c
Coming,D. W. Griffiths" Way Down East."
teltich Christreaa shopping' has been
done, though the weather. does not
suggest the Christmas season, but
peobeely before a week from Tuesday
we may have the frost and snow that
are rieeded to make the festive season
A very enthusiastic meeting was
held in the Council Chamber a week
ago wheu a Chamber of Commerce
was formied for Lucknow and. sur-
rounding country. The officers elect-
ed were as follows: Pres. Robt.
Brown, Secy. Wm. Porteous, Treas.
I'. S. Reid, Vice -Pres. for -Lucknow R.
Robertson for Kinloss Ernie Ackert
'for .Huron ette. McIntosh for Ash-
field, Pilo. Vanish, and for Watvanosli
K. Cameron. There is a wide field
for echle useful organization anti it is
hoped much good will be 'accomplish-
ed by bringing town and country to-
gether and all erakieg toward one
Many from here took the trial
Of R. Portice who tvas cherged with
stealing cattle mid Joseph Gamble
charged with forgery at Walkerton
last week. '
Are, Mr! ee, Mackay who has 'been
butter Malte.e at Silverwood's Cream-
ery. here .during the past sumreete has
goat° to St, Marys and hie place here
has been taken by Mr. Ruseel Conn-
iughairi of London. Mr. Cueningliam
comes here tecommended beg -
bad teveeal years experiettee itt
some of the largest creaineries in On-
eario, SilverWeod'e, LucknOw Cream-
ery ie rapidly making a riaele for itseli
by the quality of its butler, having a
etaceling, weekly Order for a large
( tmantity of butter for Hamilton and
St. Catharines and now orders are'
I coming from large dealers in the U. S.
A., proving conclusively that an ar-
ticle of superior quality will sell it-
Rumors has it that Lucknow will
again have a picture show. Mr,
Burt Reid will be the proprietor and
he intends to have it going by Christ-
mas if possible.
Miss Edna Rivers of Goderich Hos-
pital is spending a weeks holidays at
her home, in, town,
M.. and Mrs. Ed. Racine of Sault
Ste. Marie 'visited for aefew days with
"Mrs, Elliott of town.
Mr. and leirs. Lyman Malcolm of
Winnipeg are spending the holidays
with Mr. Malcolm's parents here.
Mrs, Osterhout has returned from
Chathent where she had been attend -
leg the funerel of her sitter, Mrs.
Chas. Gatmage.
Mr, Wareer 13egley who has been
visiting friends here has aeturried to
his home in the West,
Me T. E. Srnitfi gave 'a demotistra^
tiOn, of entertainerient by Radio at the
Centre! Garage on Saturday eight,
Several persons expressed themselves
as well pleased with it.
WM. Meee'enzie ehipped catload
of fele horses front /tore ore Tuesday,
The engagement is annotinced of
Wintared jean Evelyn Gordon, dau-
ghter of the late Dr. D. M. Gordoe
and ef Mrs, Gordon, Leckitow, Ont.
to Ma I-Iarold Roger Allet sort of the
late Ur. William Allis of Mrs-,
Attie, Lucknow Ont., the marriage to
take ,elacie or; Christines motnieg.
ersinith boundary. he approaches to
Black's bridge oii the McKillop-laul-
lett boundary should be widened and
Ball's bridge will require a new floor
itt 1924. .
The Holmesville bridge a.nd the
Sinamerhill bridge were examined and
Sound to be in good repair.
The county bridges in the town of
Wingham Were also examined. It was
decided to have certain repairs made
to the south approach of MacKenzie's
bridge, which have been carried out
By Mr. Tipling.
The county bridges on the Bruce-
Turnberry and `Pruce-Howick bound-
aries were found, to be in good, condi-
Michael's bridge on the Howick-
Tuenberry boundary required a new
floor, evhich, was authorieed through
Mr. Spotton.
Day's bridge at Wroxeter and Bay-
lor's bridge on the Howick-Wallace
boundary were found to be in gooe
On the Elam -Grey boundary some
repairs were found necessary to the
approaches of two bridges and the
Brussel:3' bridge in need of a new
No .new bridges were found im-
mediately necessary, although it is
eepected that a emall bridge will be
required. in 1924 on the Usborne-Hib-
beat boundary.
It was carried on motion of Coun-
cillors G. Hanley arid C. A. Robertson
that the name of the late D. A. Lind-
say be placed on the paysheet for the
December session and amount di-
vided among his family of six child-
ren, the latter to be caeried out by
Reeve Oswald Gime Goderich
township and that the ,Wardee and
Clerk draft a letter of condolence,
It was carried, on motien of Coun-
cillors V, J. McQuaid and 5., R. Col-
lins, thet the County Engineer fureith
the. Ree•ves of the several municipali-
ties of the county with a staterneet
of the total disbersettents on comity,
roada ,in their respective muiticipali-
ties detring 5923, the saki stetemente
to be sent out before the nomination
It waS cerried, motion of Coun-
cillors A, Neel) attd J. Hayes, that a
' 4:11I 1,14 r .;1,10
• Paisley Silk $3.00
le A splendid ceiality, for BlOuples and Trinlm-
ing,s, two tone effect in Paisley Patterns 4oin.
• wide . ,e1e On
im Gloves
1.4adies Washable Suede Gauntlet• Cnoves,
'GreyMode, Beaver and Fawn, allsizea 1,50, 2.00
▪ Sport Hose $1.00 Pair
la Fine All Wobl Sport Hose in ribbed and
IN plain with ribbed top, Brown, Fawn, Sand anal
• Black, sizes fee to xo ant . . pair
Ladies and Childrens Sweaters in a great
variety of styles and colors, at very nioderate
1111 Special values in Silk, Linen' and Lawn
Handkerchiefs at prices to suit everyone from
.. • t, et.aoc to 750 each
Men's Suede and Cape lined
ial values,, at ,, _ , . .. . .. . . .
All Wool Sweaters
A real gift for a man, Al/ Woel Coats in
Plain anti Checks, egtra values at $4,1-.00 to $6.00
Cashinere He
Men's Fine Quality All Wool ribbed
Caalunere Hose Fawn, Grey, . Brc,we and
Black at . ... . ,, .,..._85c paie
Winter Caps
Men's and Boy's Winter Caps ancy
Tweed e and Heathets, price e from $ictoo o $3,00
Wool, and Silk Scarfs •
Wool and Silk Stark aesorted colors and
patterns at to $4,0
Handkerchiefs It
chiefs eant's., c..e41. a
.' a,v.11.11. rilearitodk7e5rc-
▪ Satinette Bloomers $2 00and -
m Striped Satenette Bloomers, fine quality,
IN double elastic knee, shades of Rose, Paddy,
m Mauve, Blue and Gold, exceptional value 2.o� pr
▪ Table Cloths $5.25
NI Extra quality linen table cloths, in stripes,
IIII dots and floral patterns, 6o per cent, linen size
1 66x82 and 72x72, special . e$5.25 each
• Silk Scarfs
Ladies Silk Scarfs in plain and -fancy tripe
at • $2 tao to Seem
Collar laces, Neck laces, Ribbons, Cami-
soles, Boudoir Caps, Aprons, 'rowels
Separate and Cambinations in. all
ion and fleece lined at right prices
ool,. tut-
IVIen's and Boy's Overcoats in the neweet
styles at greatly reduced prices
Special Suitt Values
Special values in IVIen's and Boy Suits Suits at
prices that are hard! to beat
Belts, Be -aces, Arm Bands, Garters
J. A. MILLS Phone 89
11111111111111111111111111111111111111RaillinaliniMENEMIN SEINTEN NESSIMENIMMENINEMINEMI
committee, composed of the Clerk,
Treasurer and County Engineer be
appointed to equalize the expenditures
on the designated roads in the county
for the years 1921-22-23 and report at
the January session.
It was carried, on motion of Coun-
cillors C. A. Robertson and J. F. Col--
lins, that the Good Roads Commission
and the Goderich town council be ask-
ed to get together in an effort to
make the hill leading from the G.T.R.
bridge to the Maitland river bridge at
Sanford put in a safe condition for
It was carried, on -motion of Coun-
cillors W. J. Milne and A. Tipling,
that the council memoralize the Fed-
eral and Provincial Governments to
use their best influence to place Al-
berta coal on a competitive basis with
American anthracite.
It was moved by Councillors W. 5.
Milne and J. Douglas that the coun-
cil memorialize the Ontario Govern-
ment to assume an -teditional twenty
$14- Everyone enjoyed themselves., Haines.
Mrs. John Peterman left Friday af- Masler Carman Coutts of Whig-
ternoon to visit her son William at hem spent the week -end with his
Fergus. grandmother Mrs. R. E. Hethering-
Mrs. Herd, sr., who has spent some ton.
months with her daughter at Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell,
ton, has returned. spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs.
Mr. Roy Coddle' Lakelet, visited in George Orvis.
the village Fricfay evening. Mr. Robert Galley had the tele -
When Harry calls again, don't give phone installed M his own home one
him the rocking chair if you have a day last week.
beeneerile. Fleming had the hay vantage of the poultry fair last week
Quite a number of people took ad -
pressers at world' last -week. to dispose of their surplus fowl and
efr. and Mrs. Charlie Dickinson, all seem .satisfied with the prices paid..
1Teeswater visited Mn and Mrs. Mc- Mr. George Bannernia.n of Rivers -
!Neil on Sunday. dale has been spending- a few days
with his friend Mr. Arthur Edgar.
PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND The event of the season will bethe
i,ox Social and entertainment a.t the.
Rev. Dr. lea.rkness of Ripley. Elected Stone Scheol on the evenieg of Dee
eoth. Every effort is beiug put forth,
Moderator to make it a Success. Mr. William'
Elston will be the genial auctioneer..
Be sure and come and show the C0111"
church, ANingham. Rev. Dr, Harkness preciated
or Ripley, was elected inoderator for A most enjoyable evening was spent:.
tee ensuing six months. Elders from at the home of Mr. Addison Fraser.,
I the. various charges • presented their' Bluevale, when a number of ids
. •
!commissions ea members of the court friends gathered to practise for an
!for the coining year. Rev, C. Cumin- I entertainment being put on at Vic -
ling, of St. Helens, sent an excuse for toria Hall, Jamestown. After eons -
his absence from the meeting. The pleting their practise they all gather -
;clerk was instructed to call the atten- ed together and presented Mr. and.
' tion of Rev. J. P. McLeod, of Brus- Mrs. Fraser with a beautiful Casserole.
!sets and Rent T. E. Kennedy. of Gran- The address was read by Miss El-va
I brook and Ethel, to the fact of their Ramsay while Mr; Alex. Shaw
;court during the past year. - I ly talsen by surprise Mr., Fraser made
absence from so many meetings of the the presentation. Although complete-
; A. ea LI 1,-oin- ) (.7r; S ramiefe --rep ly after' which they all
! worth, was presented by the
; moderator, E. F. Chandler, in favor of ' The remaieder of the evening
interim- I sang 'For They Ara jolly Good Fel-
IW. A. Leitch, of Kintore. It
ised annual stipend of $1,,,soo, paid'
Pr°111- vas spent in inuaic and dancing.
• '
Imonthly in advance, with use, of
inamee, atid four weeks holidays. rhe THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY
court did .not consider that the call
I ' ' 1 I
, was sufficient y signec ad sent it There is always a way to rise, my lad.
I back for more signatures. Provision-. Always a way to advatice
!al arrangements Were made, however, But the road that leads to et'oura Sue-
; for the indnction of Me Leitch, in cess
!industrial service Mr. Tate, of Blue- and Strife,
I case of les acceptance. L. Perrin Does not pass by the way of chance;
!formetly of ; meeter, wilt preech the it goes through the nations of Work
vale, will a.ddress the minister and 'Me Through the valley of Persevere,
Chandler of Walton, will address the And the man that succeeds while
'people. The moderator of presbytery others fail
Dr. R. Harkness, is to preside. Must be willing to pay most dear.
! Discussions of the remits sent down
I The treasurer submitted his mutual
Pesteoned till For there' always a way to fail, my
from the assembly was
the march meeting, .
statement, which showed receipts of Aiii\dhvtlai3e.snttleNnva33:.otItofisiliiddea't the foot of
$542- re, with all eeleenditute of $424,55 the hill • -
and a balance of $117.64. The finance All sought for an easy ride.,
committee reported e levy of 20 cents So on and up, though the road be
per family to meet expenses for the rough, •
The Presbytery of Maitland met on
.1 ruesday, Dec. tithe in St. Andrew'skm,ittee that their efforts are being ap-
per cent .of. the cost of the'Provincial
highway due. to the large percentage
of money re.ceived from motor licen-
ses. The Good Road Commission re-
commended' that no action be taken
on this motion, since it would mean
• . .
that the Provincial Government tymeld.
be asked to pay the entire cost, which
the Commission felt was hardly to be
expeeted or that it would be granted.
Huron county council adjourned
Friday noon on motion of Councillor
B. C. Munnings and A. H. Neel) to
meet in january as per statute.
. Mr. end Mrs. Percy Copeland from
Wroxeter visited in the burg Sunday
Mi, and Mrs. Robert Brown visit -
ad With Mr's. Brown's mother in Mild -
May em Sunday.
Me Russel McIntosh of Bleacher
Sask., is spending- the winter with his
sister Mrs. Lorne Laird,
Mr. Dick Bennett shipped 270 lambs
to 'Toronto Saturday.
• .
Mr. john Finlay had a successful
Auction Sale last week everything
sold at the top price.
Mr. Clare Pritchard is wearing a
broad smile these days, its a boy.
Con grathlations.
Mr. end Mrs. Joe Sandersen enter-
tained a few of their neighbors Friday
evening. All report a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards at-
tended the oyster eupper at Arthur
Lincoln, - •
Mr. Frank King is wearine smiles
these days its a boy.
We wish the Advance, and its read-
ers, A Merry Christmas and A Bright
and Happy New Year.
Don't forget the Box Social which
will be held in the Gleeatman School
on Wedtieeday evening, Dec. roth.,
Also the Christmas tree at Eadies
Church on Friday evening, Dee, else
Admission Adults „sec and Children
Mr, Wilfred Murchison president of
the Glenannan E. O. attended the
Convention Tdeonto last tyeek.
1VIr. and Mrs, James Gihnour and
family of the West are visitit3g with
friends ie these parts.
Those who had hay pressed a short
time ago, are besy drawing it to Cslen-
annan. these days.
Mr. Alex. Baird, who has been
working Flint Michigan, has re-
turned home.
A Merry Christmas to the Advance
The untiring efforts of the Sabbath
Sehool teachers to ,rnalte their enter-
tainment a success were well reward-
ed, each little tot doing their 'part
well, Gordon Mtilvey made a splen-
did. Sarlia Clans, but we hope meet
year he will be more kind to Old age.
The silver C011eCtion atnOtInted to
coming year. And the storms come thick and fast;
C. A, Ferguson, of Wroxeter, re- There is room at the top for the fel-
miested a further leave of absence low weo ities,
until the Meech meeting of the pres- And victory comes at last.
bytery on aec.ount of the condition of
his voice. The request was granted.
The standing committees for the Bail at $2500
year are as follows: Horne Missions,
Messrs, Perrie, McKenzie, Chandlea . After deliberating- for two and it half
and their elders; foreign missionshours here today, the jury trying John
Messrs. Harkness, Tate, Jones ,
anti A. Sage, of Wroxeter, for a serious
their elders; seeday sceece anti y, te offence against a girl under the age of
work, Messrs. Overdid, McLeod, 14 years, disagreed and was discharg-
ed by Judge Dickson. Sage was giv-
Smith and their elders; 'general in-
terests, Messrs. Hardie, C11/13ming, en his freedom on bail of $2,5oo given
Smith and their elders; social service by Messrs. McLean ad Hastie, of
Scobie, Gomm and their elders; ex- Wroxeter.
and. evangelism, Messrs, McCallein,
According to the story of the girl
amination for students, Mesars. Petrie, ahe was iitvolved with the accused for
Harkness, Ctenming and their elders; three years and finally ran away from
meserg lionm, fearing to tonficle in her par-,
aged and infirm ministers,
Gomm, meereigiam, Tate and their dee -the story of her alleged relations
elders; finance, Messrs. Bradly, Hard.- with Sage. She went to Toronto and
ie and Gomm; remits eeessre me, was picked up on the street by detet-
tives, She told lexe etory to ilie. ate
Kenzie, Jones and their elders.
thorities, with the result that Sage
wee atrested,
Crown Attorimy Seager
Mr, John C. Casemore end Mr, and Sage was defeeeled by H. B.
William Elston motored to Goclerich eloapity, of Liatowel. '
last we.ek where they attended the
December eession of the (treat.
Miss Bessie Campbell spent it. few BORN
days laelt week with her uncle Mr, ilullard—Iii Seaforth on t)ec.sth
,, to
Davie lee,rnilton of leelgrave. Mr. and Mrs, Verges :Billiard, (nee
Mi s8 Sadie C011ing. of Ripley is 41.1 Mary Atinstrong) it daughter. Mar.
preSent viSiting her qtster Mrs. Victor garet Ell,.abelli.