HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-12-13, Page 7eet
Dee, 3th., x923,
elbtrry Christmas to all
NM .01091
NECKWEAR -A pretty tie makes •a al
very nice gift, big selection here at Real III
Value, see them at ,.....50C, 750 and e.oci
For Big Stock and Big Value in
for all members 01 the family
See our display of Useful Gifts in
our Men's Wear and Ladies'
Wear Stores.
HANDKERCHIEFS -In great variety
sold in Fancy Boxes qv, separately, Fancy
Boxes at -35c, 5�c, 75c, $noo
TOWELS -A large range of Fancy
Turkish Towels. See our sets in Fancy
Xmas Boxes
FURS -Big stock of Coats, Stoles ad
Chokers for Christmas Gifts, at reduced
range of Silk and Wool Scarfs in the lead-
ing colors, specials at _Lao, 1.25, 1.75, 2.50
HAND BAGS -See our stock of All• e
Leather Bags,bestcolors_-.....e.5o, 2,00, 2.50
.•SLIPPERS -Big value in Ladies Slip-
pers, see our .range of Kosey footwear at
...._..._.....-.__.._.'.25;x.39, x.65, and 2.00
COATS -A stylish Winter Coat plain
or .fur trinamed.enalres aline Xmas Gift, on ,
sale now at Greatly.Reduced Prices ee
• HOSIERY -Big value in all the best
malres of Silk; Cashmere, Silk and Wool
-1-loseese&-ieur-specialt-at-15c, 1.00, x.25 2.00
KIMONAS-New Stock of Kimonas
and Bath Robes, pee our range at Bargain
Prices ,
• GLOVES -See our stock of imported
Gloves for Christmas trade, old- French
-Kid Gloves,leng or short makes -a useful
Other Xmas presents are, Silks, Sweat-
ers, Wool Caps,andSets, Blankets, Boudoir
Caps, Camisoles, Linens, Dresser Scarfs,
BabyBonnets and Robes, Lace Collars,
Beads, Rugs
e e• pee'
; enie-
0 0 0
BRACES -Special value in Fancy
Boxes, also Armbands and Garters hi Sets,
or separate, prices. . 75c, Loo, 1.25
HANDKERCHIEFS -In big variety
for Men and Boys, plain Eland initialed; all
• ,COLLAR BOXES -See our range, they
make a useful gift, see them
1VIUFFLERS-We have a, large stock
of Silk and Wool Mufflers, see our values
to 2.50
• CLOTHING --Big stock to choose from
see our New Madels in Suits and Overcoats
for Menand Boys, at reduced prices for
Xmas trade
BATH ROBES -A fine range of New
Patterns and Fancy Colorings to „chooee
from, see them ---
• SOCKS ---Special value in Mens Fancy
Silk; Wool and Silk and Wool Socks, at
..... ....50c, 750, and Leo
SWEATERS -Make a very nice gift,
we have all the Best Makesin new patterns
• see our special at .. -4.75 '
Other useful rpresents in Men's Wear
are Cuff Buttons, Silk Shirts, Soft Collars,
Fur Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, -Um-
brellas, Underwear and Pyjamas
11. E..Jsard:4c. Co.
Wed. and Thurs. Dec. ezth., and xsth.a
An Epic of the Canadian Woods. A Canadian Made picture
taken on the Ottawa river. From Ralph Connor's Strong Novel.
• •
iToronto, on Thuriday last.
f The Foresters -held their oyster sup-
per Tuesday evening at tile home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Don't forget the Box\Social to be
held in Glenannan School, Dec. 19th.
'Ladies bring boxes, also the Christ-
' •,rnas tree and entertainment to be
en in in Eadie.s. Church, Friday, Dec: 21.
• Mr, and Mrs. Kerrnath spent Sun-
day with friends in 1-lowick
Mr. and. Mrs. Russel Bloomfield,
Wangliam, spent, Sunday -with. the lat-
er's mother, Mrs. Murchison.
Miss Mabel Stokes spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
land Ballagh, znd., on. Culross. .
:Mr. a.u.d_Mrs Rov Hastinas„ Morris
spent Sunday- at •the home - of Mrs.
Win. Haugh gth, con., Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGee spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mare
'MiSs Frances Bennett, Wingharn,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes.
• Mr. and Mrs: Tripp, lelisg Francis
and Margaret Tripp spent Sunday
with Mr. aral Mrs. Robe. Aitken.
The Foresters aee holding- their an-
nual oyster supper at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Mr.' and Mrs. R. C. Weir spent Sun-
day at Mr. David Marshall's.
MisS Edith Metcalf spent the:week-
end at her home here.
The hay pressers have been busy
MAS hay along the line.
.CIIIVIAS GIFT The W. M. S. of ...Belnaore`held thei'r
. . .
On at
every Christirla.s list there, is some one who would appreciate a sub-' inmerest.iwnginr H. mriduanydelbtohuendliaorm.
ye. of
scription for he Wingham Advance. Such a gift -informative, entertain • -
ing and educative -will keep -alive the Christmas spirit :tie Mr David Marshall has purchased
lee hundred a new Ford Sedan. ' Be on the look-
-eand sixty-five days of the year. It will bring to, mind once every week the out next Spring girls.
thoughtfulness of „the giver, It is of equal interest to men and to.women, "
young and old. - •BLYTH
No other gift you can befy for $2.00, will so completely. , reflect your Mr. J. S, McKimion and Mrs. iMc-
. , . mthe home of Dr. and Mrs. Milne over
It , is i Kinnon of Toronto, were visitors at
Mc -
kindly thougtis
and at the same tme pay so delicate a compliment.
always aceeptable. rt, eets one's needs and suits one's fancies, the week -end,
, many of our old subscribers will, as they did last Christmas, give to ae,,, Anumber �f our eitizens attended
their' most cherishednfriends at a distance, a years subscription to the Old, theluneral on Wednesday of the late
Horne Paper" • . Mrs. Mary Curtis at Clinton.
, - The local branch of the lipeer Can -
Send the subscription on to us and we will mail you a Gift -subscription The
'Bible -Society held their animal
Card to enclose to your friend. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE meeting Ari St. Andrews Church on
, ---.... Sunday evening with. all theotagre-
,gations uniting. Rev. C. A. Tiffin ga.ve
I3ELMORE Mrs. Wm. Muedells when Mrs. Golan. a very instructive address en the Bib -
Spoke to an atteutvei
. audence. Mrs. le. •
The 'olner resutents of the village i,
were sorry to learn of the death of
Clark Renick, Huntingfield; rendered Who'll !lift for 1923 Council?
Mr. James Stewart, Wingliam, at
a solo, Which was enjoyed byall, lima Evangelistic services are hat* held
To lere. cheon of sandwiches and ealte Wan aet- in the Methodist church here.
time village blacksmith.
Stewart, and daughter Mrs. Fergitson, v -
ed topped ,off with honey hi the • Miss Betyl Pollard was operated on
we extend our deepest sympathy.
coMb, provided bY Mr. Mundell, for appendielti4 at Clintori hospital
e 4_,,
The womeres poteiga mivannar3, uroague -a.pleasant afternoon to a dose and is getting along o. k. , _
Society took eller& of the Christ Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renia, Hunt- $1.5o was received from the Wo -
Endeavor, Sunday eViiiing. Mre.,10 n ingfield, Spent Monday afternoon with Men's Institute Fowl Sttpper and iNoe$
, taking for her subj4t "The Mission- Mrs. Underwood, HoWick, viaited 'oAll1C, err. c'aleladi Mrs, Carr VCtlarttrd'have gone to
Gowdy Salem, addifessed the Meeting' Mr, and Mrs. Janies Delights.
. ary Call". The next nieeting will be latelY with Mrs. Fleming' Ballagb; California for the Winter.. leas
taken by 13ehnore Managing Bard a The Misses Hazel and Pleeeelee Angeles ig their destinatiOn• ,
Topic, "Christien Brotherhood." Donglas spent Monday aft eriadonwith Dec 3rd. to Lath are dates of , the
Don't forget the 5. 5- • Entertain- Miss Licargaret Austin., HOtne Nursing CoUrse beixtg put on
Malt 'Friday evening a good program
Mr , ceaii eleeree was a Stinday Nri... under auspices of the Women's Triad -
will be provided by the children. Sit- itor at Mi. JrattloS Austin's. tute. . -
ver eonectioh. •.., The elek ig hearifig completion, tied A fractured collar bolie cine to
A very enjoyable as wen as profit- Jack Prost will be welcome any time Httgh Vraeer by an upset in hi $ ek'
when lie struelc seine new graVer in
able meeting ,of the Wornen's Insti-
,tnte was held SatOrday afternoon at 1eIrs` Peter Hackney retell -vied front returning from. Londoo.
Fri. and Sat. Dec. 14 and x5
1Buck elonesin "Boss of Camp 4"
a A tensely vibrant melodrama that pounds, throbs; \ roars, ee-
1 : plodes. A story of two -buddies who were pals in the great war, el
mi arid their experiences afterwards in the mining game , i•
IR •
• - Mon. and Tues. Dec. 17 and 18 N
• Hoot Gibson In "Dead Game" ' la
a Hoot's latest hair-raising, Western Romance. ". •
IIII Also Reginald Denny in Don Coyote in "The New Leather Push- •
IIII ers", 'and single reel "Cured By Radio." , N
1 .
a • Amateur night to be shown after the `ipictures- I
Open to anyone •-
Prizes will be awarded according to the applause of the audi-
ence. i
1- , g - •
Hear Wmgham s jazz Band.
N ' " . Prices x5c and 25c •, 1
County Council Objects to
The Huran County Council con-
cluded its session at noon on Friday.
Comteil acqUiSC.Q(1 in the motioo
of Councillor A. ft Neob and A. Tip
ling, to petition the •Governinent tO
place Magistrates in the •sevetal cen-
tres of the county, as formerly, in
place of the county Magistrate sys-
tem at present in fOl'C, 1111(1.er C. A.
Reid of Goderich. The motion of
Councillors W. 5. Milne and A. Tip -
ling to memorialize the Provincial and
Federal GOVer11111entS ti? 114C their best
interests to have Albert coal put on o
competitive basis with American an-
thracite, was also favorably dealt
Not so, however, that of Council-
lors W. J. Milae and,' John Douglee,
tliat the Proeincial Gevernment be
requested to pay aa additional ao
per, cent, of the cost of -Provincial
The Council approved of a very
strong resolution in. connection with
the much discussed diversion_ of water
by the Chicago Sanitary District, as it
was affecting, the levels of the Lower'
Lakes to the considerable detriment pf
navigation, as prepared by Councillors
C. A. Robertson, 132C. Ivlimnings and
'W. J. Milne. The resolution is to
be forwarded to the Provincial and
Federal authorities, as well as to the
Ontarie Hydro -electric ,Commission.
The Cotmcil decided to petition the
Provincial Government to amend the
statute sip that county officials paid by
the county should be appointee by the
county, and not, as in Solite cases at
present, by he Provincial •euthorities.
The Council raised the insurance on
the county Court House building from
$to,00la to $is,000; made grants of
$soo and $100, respectively, to the
Children's- Aid Society of the county
and the Mothers' Allowances Board
as remuneration for their services
during the year.
The Council decided that, contrary
to the request of the public school in-
setectors for an increase in their al-
lowance of $525 for travelling expel"-
ses, no increase should._ be made in
this figure.
Warden B. W. F. Beavers of Ex-
eter has announced his intention not
to seek further honors in the Council,
and is retiring. • The • Conservatives,
according to a time-honored custom
in the Council, have the choice of the
Warden next January. , •
The names of the following have
been mentioned quite prominently as
being in the 'field for this coveted
honor: Reeve Alex H. Neeb, Stephen;
Reeve J. Walt. McKibbon, Winghani,
Reeve Francis McQuaid, McKillop;
Reeve Wm.' J. Spotton, Howick;
Reeve Alfred E. Erwin, Bayfield, and
Reeve Wm, H. Coats of Usborne.
November report of S S. No to,
Total enrohnent for the inonth 43;
school days 21, aggregate ettendance
855, average attendance 40.71, percent-
age 94.67.
The names of the classes are in 'or-
der of merit and are based upon daily
work and weekly examinations.
S. and Jr. 4t11 classes -Annie Moore
93 p. c.; Jean Scobie 85 p. c.; Nettie
Lott -81 p. c, Russel Gaunt 72 p. c.;
Wallace Conn 70 p. c.; Dawson Craig
69 p. c. David Henderson 68 p. c.;
Scott Paterson 66 p.Edna Morri-
son 61 p. c.; Laura Conn 6r p. c.. Clara
Purdon p. c.; Isabel Purdon '60 p.c.
Edward Wadel 54 p, c.; Grace Rich-
ardson 52 p. d.
3rd class -Russel Moore, Gladys
Garton, Chas. Henderson, Agnes Wil-
son, Robt. Henderson, Eliza Wadel,
Clarence McClenaghan, Ray McGreg-
or, Bruce Martin.
Sr. 2nd. -Fred Lott, Ella Wadel,
George Garton, Athol Purdon, John
LV11, N3CV.1,1,,G.I.S.J, ,pd,I,;
Jr.- 2nd. --Millan Moore, Mildred
Scobie, Ruth Moore, Edna Wadel,
James Henderson, John Morrison.
est. -Merle Gaunt, Long McClena-
ghan. • •
Pr. -Stanley Moore, Norma Morri-
son, Hector • Purdon, James Wadel,
Jack Gillespie.
P. Gowans, teacher.'
4EiiciDi tBoisi'ol. addressItfge
,, tree enter
eBviebrlyehcodiays8 iantvie
It4d5._ Service at 2.30.
Chas. Cathers is under the Drs: care
Quite a number of relatives and old
to Winghain cemetery.
at 7.30 p. rn. Admission 2,5 Cents,
13rown preaches every Sunday brings
but we hope to see her in her tistial,,
with the grippe last week is better.
neighbors from Salem attedded the
great interest, Next Sunday he will
preach mostly for the children, but
Mr. Geo. 'Lane who had a tussel
he underwent an operation for appen-
Children free.
' The very fine sermons that Dr.
impressive and was listened to with
good health soon.
funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Simmons
home from 'Wingham Hospital where
out a full church. Last Sunday his
tainment he the Church. on Dec. 2oth.,
We are sorry to learn that Mrs,
Master Wen. Weir ' is able to be
We are sorry to report that Mr3.
health at present is not the
best, but hope by the time this news is
printed that she is better. '
Ur. and Mrs. Chad Henning are
to be congratulated, a little baby girl
has come to gladen the home.
The Box Social and concert which
was held in II S. S. No. xs on Friday
night last was well attended and every
thing passed off grand. Miss Barnard
and children deeeree praise,
Are You Helping the Editor
It may only be the niatter of one
year'S subscription that you are be-
hirid or yon might add joy to the gdi-
tor's heart by renewing right away for
next year, The Editor can always
find an outlet for the cult, juSt Make
li a Chriattnas present end send it now.
pecial Value
Paisley Silk $3.00
A splendid qUalityfor Blouses and. Trittim,,,
ings, two 'tone effi
ect n Paisley Patterns aoiri.
N ▪ Gloves
Ladies Washable Suede Gauntlet Glovea,
wo• eyM do Beaver tnd Fawn, allsizes X50, '2.00
▪ Sport Hose $1.00 Pair
III • Fine All Wool Sport Hose in ribbed and
plain with ribbed top, Brown, hawn, Sand and
Black, sizes 8e to xo pair
SI/VeaterS -
Ladies and Childrens Sweaters a great
variety of styles and colors, at very moderate
N Handkerchiefs
N Special values in Silk, Linen and Lawn
III Handkerchiefs at prices to suit everyone from
to mc each
▪ Satinette Bloomers $2.00
• Striped Satenette Bloomers, fine quality,
▪ double elastic knee, shades of Rose, Paddy,
a Mauve, Blue and Gold, exceptional value 2.00 pr
▪ Table Cloths $5.25
Extra quality linen table elothse in stripes,
• dots and floral patterns, 6o per cent.. linen size
▪ 6§x82 and 72x72, special....... --------$5.25 each
a ▪ Silk Scarfs
• Ladies Silk Scarfs in plain and fancy stripe
11111•at . -------------------- __$a.00 to $4.00
• Collar laces, Neck laces, --Ribbons, Cami-
• soles, Boudoir Caps, Aprons, Towelg
mommummummummummunimmissminumnsansmummunsm OSIMMINEMMEMMair
3defsial valutee •at .
SU and Cap lned
All Wool Sweakrs
iiQves pe
to $2 CO
A real gilt 5o a man, All Wool Coataitt
Plain and V4eeks, extra valtles at oo to Plnio
Caslunere Bose
IVfen's Fine Quality All Wool ribbed
Ca,slarnere Hose • in Fawn, Grey, Brown and
Black at .. _ ..85c pair
Winter Caps
Men's and Boy's Winter Caps itt Fancy
Tweeds and Heathers, prices from $L.00 to $3-00
Wool and Silk Scarfs
Wool and Silk Scarfs acsorted colors and
patterns at to $4.00
Handkerchiefs '
Men's Linen, Excelda and Lawn Handker-
chiefs at ...... . . .. . to ne
Separate and Cambinations in all wool, un-
ion and fleece lined at right pricee
IVIent's and Boy's Overcoats itt the neweat
• styles at greatly reduced prices
• Special Sufi Values
Special values in Men's and Boyee Suits at
• prices that are hard to beat
Belts, Braces, Arm Bands, Garters
There's No 'Doubt About It
And once again.we remind you that
this is a good town to live in a good
place in which to trade, and: a good
one to keep your money in. But in
time it will tease to be either, unless
you are loyal to the town as it is to
you. See which merchants are adver-
tising in this paper and tell theni
what you want.
California Weather
• Dandelions in bleone lilac and soft
maple trees budding and live snakes
and fishwornis in the open all point
to a moderate winter, say the weath-
er-wise. Wild rabbits, too, are tardy
in donning their winter garb of white
and the balmy breezes of today sug-
gest a day in June rather than Christ-
mae. Fanners are taking full advan-
tage of the open season, and the ac-
reage of fall plowing is much greater
than for many years. Mrs. D. Mack
picked a couple of rose buds that were
just bursting in her garden at Exeter,
on Sunday, and on the same day, Mr.
John Murray of Ltickno-tv picked a
,bouquet of pansies.
True Bill AgainSt Sage
The erand jury Tuesday afternoon,
at Goderich, returned a • true bill
,m a serious charge has
against John A. Sage, of Wroxeter,
against who1
been laid under section 301 of the
criminal code. The case will develop I
into one of the saddest brought be-
fore this court. A young girl, under!
16, is alleged to have beea the victim
of the accused, who is unmarried and;
abbut �o vears of ane.
The young girl, whose home was in
Wroxeter, ran away to Toronto, where
she was picked up on, the streets by
the police andeurned over to the Chil-
dren's Aid. It was to the authorities
at the later place that she told her
story covering the past three years.
Upon this information Sage was ap-
prehended .a.nd committed for trial.
Crown Attoruey Seeger, K. C., is pro-
secuting and H. B. Morphy, K. C., of
Listowel, is handling the defense.
This is the only case to come before
Judge Dickson at the December ses-
sions of the peace.
Sent up on Forgery Charge
Joseph Gamble, the Kinloss farm-
er, who is alleged to have passed him-
self off as. Bert Thompson, a wealthy
cattle drover of Kinloss, to Lawyer
David Robertson here, and who after
getting the latter to identify, hiin at
the Bank of Commerce as Thompson,
is stated to have got the Bank to cash
a forged cheque for $35o, was arraign-
ed before Magistrate McNab here on
Friday afternoon. Miss Wettlaufcr,
stenographer in Mr. Robertson's law
office, identified Gamble as the man
who came into the office on the day -
of the forgery, and did buginess
there. Manager Crozier of the Bank
of Commerce also, identified the ac-
cused as the gent who had cashed the
forged. cheque. Jerome Bruder, the
cashier, who handed out the money,
wouldn't swear to his identity, but
stated that he had given the culprit
who presented the theque thirty-four
$ro Bank of Commerce bills, one $5,,
bill, two $2 bills and a 5c. bit, the bank
having charged 950 exeliange for cash-
ing the cheque. The cashier in the
Bank of Hamilton. at Ltieknow was
present and. swore that the day after
the alleged forgery in Walkerton,
Gamble had dePosited in. their Bank
at Luckuow thirty-four $xo Bank of
Commerce bills, along with some bath.
er motley in making a depotit to his
ectouitt After hearing the evidence
the Magistrate sent Gamble up tor
trialaarid as bail, which w4s fixed at
$5,000, wasn't forthcoming, the prisen-
or was remanded be the Walkerton
Jail, Where he was till ensconced at
thne of going to preta, He has elect-
ed to be teed before a jury, and hit
case will be dispOSed Of at the Detern-
bet'. Cotirt Sessions which open on
Tuesday next,--Walketton Iftertild.
Mf. and Mrs. A. Haines and family
of Lucknow visited at Mr. W. X.
Champions on Sunday last.
Mr. C. R. Martin who was pressing
hay in this vicinity last week, has mov-
ed down to Donnybrook and is at pre-
sent at Alphonso Bayles.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Ebenezer
visited at Ma C. 13. Martins on Sun-
day last.
Mrs. Voy who ha e been visiting at
Mr. A. Havins lately has returned to
Mr. Elliott Taylor's again.
Mr. Peter .Leaver started his gaso-
line engine and rip saw one day last
week and,is ripping bottoms and other
niaterial that is useful, it \works fine.
Mr. Richard McQuillan visited at
Mr. Haines one day recently.
Mrs. McQuillan sr. is at present
visitingat Mr. E. Haines for a few
Mr. Elwood Barbour had the mis-
fortune to sprain his ankle one day
recently, We hope he may soon be all
right again.
• Mr. Peter O'Malley is making a
grand improvement to his lane from
the house to the road by giving it a
good coat of gravel.
Mr, John Rintoul who has been. in
the North West for the harvest.
returned home again looking fine.
Mr. Wellington Nixon visited rela-
tives at Fordyce on Sunday last. ,
Supper and Presentation
A very enjoyable time was spent on
Tuesday evening at Kinloss, when a
number of Mr. T. 3. McLean'a employ-
ees and friends for the rant two
on the Kincardine to Arthur highway,
gathered to do him honor. They pre-
sented him with a handsome Leather
evied Chair, Pipe and address
Kinloss, Dec.th , 19 23
Mr. T. j. McLean,
Please • acc*ept this gift not for its
intrinsic value, but as a slight token
of our appreciation of your presence in
our micht and to show the high es-
teem in which you are held. • Your
kindness during your short stay will
ever be remembered and it is a great
pleasure that We as fellow Men will
always look back upon the days spent
together. :Semi have shown that you
possess the highest virtue of manhood.
Your cheerful disposition and the spir-
it tend whole heartedness with which
you entered upon the important and
difficult task set before you proved as
an inspiration to us as workers and
has won for you a place in the hearts
of your many friends here. We hope
for the welfare and success of your fu-
ture and trust that your personality
will gain for you what is to be desired
where ever you may be or in whatever
you may undertake.
Signed on behalf of your friends:
James Huston,
George E. Bannerman.
Which -was read by Mr. Lorne Sterl-
ing of tervie, while 11r. Geo, Banner-
man and Mr. James Huston made the
presentation. In thanking his friends
for the honor they had conferred upon
hitn, though taken unaware, Mr. Mc-
Lean made a very suitable reply as-
suring his nany friends of Ws appreci-
ation of the address and gifts.
About one hundred then sat down
t� a tasty lutich after_ which, dancing
and cercis were enjoyed till the wee
small hotirs of the moraing and dosed
by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."
Pined trace
' Monday's Toronto Globe contains
an account of several convictions of
people ling 'liquor. One of those
ment is Harry Wartathau who
was fined Smoot on 'pleading guiltyto
a charge oa: having liquor in an illegal
place. County Coitstable bilyers testi-
fied that liz gallons of alcohol were
found on th.o aeensed's truCk. Warts-
ntatt, WAS remanded in eustody pistil
Monday while hit couosel maket sr
tanglements OE" Payintitt of the fine.
Mr Malan Procter shipped another
car of turnips to the States this week,
Mr. Eldon McKinney is taking a
couple of weeks holidays and iS on a
trip to Chicago and Niagara Falls.
Mr. J. McLaren resumed work on
Tuesday after a couple of weeks ill-
ness. ,
Mr. and Mrs. L W. Ruttari spent a
few days this week with. relatives at
Mrs. M. Masters, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Gallaher of Belgravc spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas Mast-
ers. 4,
Miss Jessie Holmes was able to re-
turn honie this week after her recent
operation at Wingliain Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart visited
relatives at Weigh= on Sudday.
Mn R. Johnston took a car of hogs
and one of cattle to Toronto on Sat-
Mr. Lorne Ilyles spent Sunday
with his parents near Atwood -
Mr., David Patton hes ,received the
sad news of the death of Archie Eyve.1
a former resident of Bluevale vicinity.
Mr. Eyvel bad been residing in
South Dakota until a few months age
when he had gone to live in Wilming-
ton California.
He was standing by the wharf and
in some manner unknown a car hit the
post against which he was leaning/
'with such force as to break it off and
threw it across his legs breaking one
and crushing the other leg very badly,
The shock and Is of blood was too
much for his syst ern and after four
days he passed away.
The St. Augustine Brauch of the
Women institute held their regular
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Dave Chan:meet, December 5th. Msa
' Chanincy, the president, occupied the
chair. After the opening session the
minutes of the last ineeting were read
and adopted. 'Moved by Miss Betsy
McAllister and, seconded by Anne
Robertson that the next meeting be
held at night in the form of an Old
Time Social. All members of the Ine
stitute and families cordially invited.
Mrs. j. Chantney kindly offered het
Paper by Mrs. George Naylor on
"Home 'Management . selection' by
Laura Robinson and paper by Lena
Chamney. on "Canada." These were
much enjoyed by everyone. Meeting
closed by, singing "God Save Thti
Mr. John '41ie made a bushiest'
trip to Mildmay.
Mrs. Oliver Gallaway and child.ren
are visiting for a few days at Mee
Thomas Nickel's. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Carson, Mita
Alba Carson and Miss Nellie and Liie
lian Dane spent Sunday at R. A. Tar,
Mr, and Mrs. William Dane, spent
Saturday at Leslie Harkness'.
Mr. Tom Nickel and Mr. R. A. Tay.
Ior dragged the road from No. 4
School House to the botmdry, making
quite an improvement.
Mr. Albert Johnston is balsy press-
ing hay at Tory Corners.
Mrs. Harry 1-leinbecker of Clifford,
spent Monday in this burg.
Miss Edna Taylor has reterned,
home, after spending three months at
the dreasinaking itt Wingliatn,