HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-12-13, Page 31rhttr i4a1',, II,e(;. 13tlio x94 ! ,r; Hanna i3 u, i�Ntrt�i ter" ;no t,p ,FirOT,f1014141 dr AIN; .e Continues unite( Dec Owing to the immense success of. our "Store Wide Event" we have decided to •.offer our $60,000 Stock at greater reductions than ever presented to the people of Wingharn and 'Vicinity . season of the year, 20 toy` 0 Per Cent. Discount Off� New `iter and Christina. erchandls J; Oga itar i'F L�• S Is 1 M f - i ..i eacoaaao 0-0.4 eirr r � . 1r CA ;, 'ef tefts for:. Red ped` Chirutmas Overcoats—A real gift a smart tailored overcoat in fawn or brown, 3, piece belt, raglan mens and young mens, sale prices $16.75, gat $18.75, $24.75 A nice Blue Suit for Dad: One of, h r Hennas All Wool -Botany Serge Navy Nav Suits,Mens and Young Mens ; New. Models _ ._. _...._ _$26.75 A good strong Tweed Suit Men ;ar and' Young Mens, all sizes $14.95 New Overcoats for Boys less 25 . per cent Greater reductions on all Mens and Young Mens and Boys Suits and Overcoats for next:ro days Men's :Christmas=Gloves,; Silk Shirts,• Belts,. Cufflings, Leather Goods, Silk Mufflers, Dressing Govirps Smoking Jackets; ' -at Sale: Prices ar.na Greater reductions on au work •' goods—Overalls, Shirts, . Mitts, Flannel Shirts, Socks, Riding g Brit- ches, Underwear - ,New Boxed -Christmas 'Neckwear, an appropriate Gift, 49e, 69c;,•98e o. A Borsalino for brother, Reg. $7.5o '.Sale • $5.50 Brock Hats' 83,98, new Winter shades and, 'styles Mens Black Fur Coats $29.75 Men's Barrie Clo'th'Ulsters $28.75 GROCERIES Oatmeal 7 lbs Raisins, per Ib-x5c Prunes 2 Ib .;. __ : _...._..25c Dates 3 lbs ass Walnuts, x lb Sugar` special, Acadia Granulated per zoo no bags for .Saturday only _25C Great reduction on Ladies Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses Ladies Suits reg up to $65.00 entire stock at one price.:....., ,.,..,$25,00 Plain and Fur Trimmed moo Fur Collared. Coats; Beaver Trimmed, Coon Trimmed and plain;,._ __.::» $x3 75, $2o.00, $29.75 Chidren Coats and Dresses on sale A beautiful gift—Hudson Seal. Coats, Sable Trimmed, plain Seal Pursian .Lamb, Sable Rat Coats, big sacrifice an all Fur Coats and small furs • Wool Gauntlets `, Remnants—Galores to choose from Raw Silk, special ird.:,_. :,_..7gc All Linen Fowels-_..-._. . Corduroy Velvets, white and all colors 75c Chaznoisette Gloves . __-...._•4oc, age Canton Crepes, Velavellas, all silks on sale Ladies Silk and Wool Hose reg $,2,50 sale ,_, _.._ _r.._:..._._ $1,25. Pure Silk Hose ._..___.-__ .W�M7gc Sheetings, Cottons, Flannelettes, Underwear, Galateas, Prints 20 p, c. off - Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs, Silk Underwear, Blouses, Camisoles, Para- cols$ Maderia Towels, Fancy Goods, Purses, Leather Goods, Corsets, Sweaters, Silk Sweaters, Handkerchiefs. Greater Savings. r:I til titasimmuntinouniummansisiss; alMiewarmisansai1lu nimmiaumuspommir itenammenonsons 111111111s11!1111111111111ii111Mial '„■Ri BO 1® G i 11i1111liRlNdtlil�lil�lil<roll!�Al11ilINlIl11l1!®!!l�itldiUillil11111®lll�lN�Ilil®Il!!I!!■NtAlll1111l�lllil<#IiI�lE1�11iiN11111iisR I � `� - 1111I�IililUl�llINIIIIIiffg•II I iI11Ui■IItrIU =-f aughtcr J'ew:'eIery theli AtOld e aable Jewelery e Store ag stock The uevfrest and largestoek north of Toronto; of Fine Jewelcry of all kinds, Diamonds, Watches;` Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass hinn:. tvnrv. ]EbOnY, Leather Goods, Umbrellas, Walking Sticks,:Pearl Beads Coin Purses Mesilic' nia . -- _ . Goods � , gs,'VpiTlCiil9a!ta�a�. .1 tc w . Novelties, a New ,Fane Back Combs, Bead. Neck- lets and Braceletsare greatly worn this year, we have then Of all kinds. Cut Glass is being sold more this Kezar than g ;�► n swell. We have just received the largest shipment of Rich "Cut Glass that ev- , me in to Win alm er Ca h �� • Ai Starts at. Deo, nthEndsSale Sat D29th a Gigantic T'hls is not Sale, or a Stock. Redu�i�n Sale. �� it « "Naafi the on ey Sal.eff. Not 20 Q. •I V RP's <.-- _, w Per Pe ena�� � Off, � f But t ,All Off. ” ''� I Ilrli I ` 111111110111111111,111111K ��� 1 LAST DIAMONDS CUFF LINKSAND PI . NS We are slaughteringrt e . he largest -stock of Diamonin Huron s Co., artset in they newest' monists, Gents' Ring, Diamond' et in plati- num[;, 'r5 x- caret blue. white stone $85% Sale w $e0000 $aso Ladies' Diamond `Ring, -:w m:aoaao $225 Ladies' Diamond I2iftg, _1$a.oq ' $a15;,Ladies' Diamond .Ring, x65.o0 . $x75 Ladies' Dimon dRiiag, . . k3;.oa $x5o Ladies' Diarnondingixa.oU.• $85 Ladies' Diamond $+75 Lad&ed;' Diantend Ring; r 5a ogi" $qa?' Ladles! btaanond Rigg • '48.00 $5o Lacc es,: Dla.,mond I2ingA,,.�•-•. 5.00• $4n Ladies 13ianiozrd Ring,_ 25,aaa $35. Ladies Diamond Bing, 23,00 25 Ladies' Diamond -a z • . L dr DiamondIt'n x oa PEARL 'BEADS r Beads ran - o strings of Peal 8 .00 a String, be sold '. S45 sa at'half rice. p GENTS POCKET ;WATCHES 1 new* and Most We have •the n e reliable time ' pieces that are ing in price from $5.00 to made, all to be sold at Slaughter Prices. Diamond Bar � p1 ins, Gold Bar Pins Plate Bar Pins,:. Diatn- . ont1 Scarf Pins, Gold • Scarf Pins, Plated Scarf; Pins, Gold Cuff Links, Plated Cuff Links, all 'tobe soldaPricet Slaus,'ghter LADIES' WRIST WATCHES Ba E tram ' e _: as• fires x cLxXa �•••J3,]Y the . , newest: shapes anld ,styles to Choose from. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT - 263; George Beattie 249;- Albert Rin- toul ,'238; Harvey Groves 238; Harry Gr0ves234; Jim, Cloakey 220; Harry Total 300. L. Cragg 248 F. Angus;•Fry x74; Violet Mellor 165; Mildred Sr. IV 223; E. Lott 218; •V..Fox 208 E. Ben- nett 207; M. Robertson 205; B. Ed- gar 205; L. Thorbpsori''`x98; M.Weir -194; E.. Dolan .185, H• Mitcri'ell x85 M. Carr x84; G. McDonald 179; J. McLean . 165; H. Field x58; M. Carr x58; R. Rae x585 W. Seddon 15o; F. Fells 44; A. SkeIding 144; R. Hopper 134; L. Bennett 132; W. Col- gate 129; B. Brown 123; W. Brawley 123; K. Reid 118; K, Williams 117; L. e erinan 116; Armstrong to8; J. r . Fitt 129. Sr. Second B Leila Wild 3xo; Kenneth Lott 281; Shirley McCracken 271; Laverne Williams 263; Beverley Small 26E; Donelda Fixter 244; Earl Gray 239;. Catharine Vansickle 238; Robert Chet- tleburgh 224; Dell Walker 221; Edna Stoakley 216; Percy Clark 192; Willie Lediet x68; Harry Templeman x66;. Bruce Campbell x58. P t 6 R Jr.,Second Stu dy 95, Class A. Total 3 0, ' honors 2 Jr. Fourth pass 204 Vivian Tiffin 323; Alberta 11 `10taa r. T7•_ i MacLean • o BettyTaylor oo- Vera 400, honors Sou, . n... s-320__ , 3 4 3 3 - 339;,E. Macl ay 320; 11$:. Redmond 320 I ry 296; Dorothy .weans may; Jaen N. Taylor 3195 V Lennox' i6• G' Burgman .279; Fred Mellor 274; Jiin 3 ®, 29o; M. Mitchell 284; C. Deans 283; R. Copeland' 282; C. Cart 272; C. Pi - lou 27o a Allen 268• M Mitchell Snell 314; K. Solvers: -313; L• Smith 311; B McGee 309; L. Hopper 304; E. Lepard 295; E. Ross 292 F. Carter 264; W. Gurney 264;0� Homuth 254; Ls T. Gibson 248; C. Coutts 232; R. Sut. tan 232; B. Armstf-ong 220; P. Hannah Marks 475; honors 356. M. King "' � 409; . �V,An Angus 393; N. :Coutts': ago; M: Currie 389; 1. Smith 381; K. Smith It..376; J..Tiffin 372;; M. McBlain .369; t J McKibbon 369; J. Dinsley 357; V, Miller 355; B. Fox 355; E. Barrett. 354; A. Sne rI. .U1C1iSon 35a, A. -vue,l-35x7, t.:: Broome 346: V. Pilon: -344; 'P. Mo - 111 1 it A• VIII 1 Much time and cars has been taken to aekct aur XMAS &tOCk this year raX the latest goods manaactu'Ired, aill at Slaughter Sale Prices. Csatne iaa and vee stock. No trouble to show goods. 'atterson, Wingharn The Great Watch Doctor. Phone r7. Ce �,Watch Inspector. IA _!.f oar "Dec,!fat c t tl2alC �ttte 5a s ewere1PStore Ilea altersrngherdsStreot Patlt>yFarDx�,eo,a3 4 � Cracken34i; E. Blue 339; R. McDon- ald2 33z; J, Lepard 3�7, J• Carr 327; J,..Ellacott 325; G. Welwood 318 N. Ritttoul:308;.M.'Coutts 308; C Blatch- ford 303; C, Phair 297;.J. Beattie 294; E Stoakley 293; A. Coutts 289; M. Campbe114284;;M. Templelydan 283; H. Browne 283. , 3 i , ,�, Angus 282; D. .W, Mil- ler 278; L. Haydort' 237;.1. Skelding 226. 'Jr. -Third Total 400, honours 300, pass :t40. Evelyn Reid 350; Jean .Copeland 331; Agnes Louttit 3o8; Wilma Dow'2go; Isobel Net -trap 29o; Jack .Brackenbui'y 280; Nettie Dow 271; Elnora McInnis 259; Alvin Hammond '255; . Arthur -Stokes .:257; Stanley Casxipbell' 254; Eva Honiuth 25x; Mildred Bisbee 25x;' Parker Campbell .246; Jean Mitchell 244; Sarah Roberson 236; Reta; Hastie 232; Forbes Colgate 23x; Betty,. Walk- er 230; Olive Tiffin- 217; Ross Harri- son 2x6; Catherine Fry, tog;'Gordon Davidson 202; Joe Molr 19g; Prank Hopper 195; Marguerite Ludwig 594; Scott Mitchell x93; Maurice McIntyre 192; Edith Zurbrigg 184; Irene Sutton 180; Harvey Burgess x78; Esselford MHenargaderresotn ,175;on Ch159;arlieElla: FinItae lay 166;149; Mas Bert' Mitchell 13o; Willie Broome 1,x4; Margaret Clarke err; Hayles Ito• Mary :iii stop 8r. Second A Total 345, pass 200. Gordon Smith 336; John; Cruickshenks 318; Merrill Cantelon 356; Rae Thoinpsoa • •369' Mary Dobie 299; Helen : Beattie 297' ' Billie Cruicicshanks 288; Mart* S'cett llitlat llil itlaglftpilliam X76, Matiay Earl 272•;: Lavine DtsrruXs lil�id�h�f111�11�11Miil�(MliMiIiI�iN�iMi0lll�ili�lNI�IIIl�1l�hI�III�If11�I11t�1l0hlMlll�lli�iil�(Iif�116�111 IA1�1i1� Thompson 252; Leah Robertson 248; Arthur Aldington 233; Reta Forsyth • DRQNCHm MI TUL�E • 9e9 MVDL Read this true statement "1, Mr.. 'Clayton, have .offered hem Btoraclditis for years and found relief only in Bucltley's Bronchitis Mixture. 1 consider this to he a wonderful remedy'. Alla wouldn't be without it in the house, and; 1 aura firmly con - 'Armed that it eaved my life. • Mrp., W. Clay ton, gig U*hrk ge lAve,, Toronto.. Bnckleq'A to rgeraar sxth ed to areliese with the very first dome, cough., colds and laronoliitis. Get a bottle at your druggist's today, W.'I K. BUCKLEY, 'irID 1., , LINII 142 MtiTIJAL St., rOxtONY'o Per Sale in Winghanr by WALTONc. ;�. M KIBBON The A. 18. C. of Life t. surannce u Policies liar the Mutual Life of Canada are A. I. If yowl are not already a policy holder: 3, I. If an agent has not salted oil yea. C. I. r-•.gy m.. , Abner CosenS •' ' T. Boot '''Oreiientatives for Wingltssii' ane District ,a 228; Fred Howson 212; Lillian Sneath r81; Elaine Small 175; Roy McIntyre 172; John Pattison 162. Class B, Total- 320, honors .240, pass 1.92, Margaret Taylor' 257; An- na McGillivray 234; Herbie Fuller 224; Mary Smith 219; Dimples Stewart 185; Audrey Reid 180; Mary Hirst 177;. Jack Beninger 165; W. Henderson 141; Willie Bunn. 134; Minerva Finlay 133; Sterling Williams 120 Harold Skeld- ing lop; Hilda Fitt 74; Jack McCall 63; Harry.Brawley 48; Fred Saint .43. First Book Total 200, honors 150, pass 120. Class A. Mildred Field 200; Jirn Weir 157; , • Mildred Reid 195; Frank Cragg 193; George Brackenbury 189; Rollie,Hutton:x8.g; Marian Mason x87; Reggie Broome 184; Vivian 'Uanteion 182 Laura Clarke 381; Marian Fry 18o; Velma Carter 178; Laura.Groves x76; Stewart Scott' 175; Bobby Mc - Blain 175; Rex McInnis 174;Arthur, Stone x73; Lyle Ludwig 17x; Ralph Saint 170; Carl McKay 169; Lorene Holler x65; Margaret: Aldington 164; Gordon Lediet 160. Class B. Marian Mitchell :t53; Ber- nice, Cloakey x53; Dorothy Forsyth 153; Murk Elliott 147; Percy Deyell 147.; Constance Colgate 145; Norman Lediet X43:; Ruby Fitt 139; Annie Chittick 138; George :.King 136; Mae Gibson 132; Preston 'I,ediet.13o; Nor- ma McEvers 127; Robert Scattergood ,114! Leonard Bok no. C•. Primary Giese_total A,aoK. . honors z. Fra - ,..53. rt ices Scattergood 180; Dotothy 179; May Wilson 172; Frank Col- lar 168; rPatsy. Williams 167; Harold i Finley ,x6r; George Bisbee 161-; Lance lot Browne 155; Beryl Mundy 145; ! Winnifred Carr 141; Chester Stewart. 125 Stewart Ritchie er6; Marvin Smith zoo; Albert CartSpbell 92; Fred Horne 68. l C ass . 13, total. 200, ,honors ' ism Frances Currie 18, ; Margaret Scatter- goodood 163;Vera Mehr es x ; t g n 61, George Robertson 148; Catherine Nortrop 140; Alvin Smith 76;'Clare Pilon 74. Class : T s C Total 200,':honors xSia.: EIgin Coutts 176; George Mason 165; Peter Moir '160; Louise Des ell Barbara Colgate 125; jam Preston+ of � 114; *Doris Buchanan 104; Jean Mac- Donald go Helen Burgess 8g;, Ray - meted Carter 88; *Tena Reid 52. Class a Total 95, honors 75. anis . Hunt 82; Winifred Small 79; Beatrice i+0rsyth 67; Alicia Wilson 62; Narita. Groves 56; *Ralph Hammond 5z; Alvin Lediet 36; *Stanley Mender son' 31; Frank Angus' 26; Harry .Riess 2r; Audrey Paterson 10. * Absent, Papa Named 'Tern "So you ou 1-a e twins s v w n at ynsar house?" said Mrs, Nabor1 the , to r J a+1k 'x'esw sunt," lie said soberly, "two ''o thein,-' "What are they going to call than, ttty dear?" "Well, / don't kilo* for sure btx t '1 thick their names is Thane der end htn ..i athat's � l; -1, cause the tante papa called them when the tloc., trar canto by and told kills about them. +nan�it;l The e' exklllg of the third day 0(eat eail xtmravealed CIU dusk.'14'athleinrpll,was Pa eu1 toaonrd .ethe,tiurbpe ;a tatt uNit- , tie rneity knoll, az'd;pointerl riot.* toll - dozen pin odlozenpin frointe of yellow' ;li;etrnr 1 ral71 diatantly in the deli,',' "That'S :BellaCoons," he tolcl "Aid umies'e theJ!'ve. made. a' radia :1:i076;arig:, in cl1e-[ sailin calte�'tuir a flte ,rrhh,alhe a. ieoat clear toki.e tt v ,k:r:. C-tAe'Tt'll -fill;; The T, inokr was told. talc trtr!ka rhea '-ad�n ,;'t e Bill i ai 1,flff; I:, <I ? v.t c l ii as 'Yrms: grimy Bella t.eolaa hotel to thc. "There ain't n'drary, pas'c'n.€,,ta.' told her. ' "L.lxey're nkasitiy caanrtnraf„ ikon. But you'll , have the .captaliWitai wife heou. ;she taatptlep*, to "he matoczingaptrien. tripyo," When they were aboard and tttu cabin _ boy. had Shown thee to • irwolanpn;odic3gkne1tfdedewisa3hflen'gneanmveloepe firt yint. , ".dere," he said, "is a little rt easeye 3 hope you won't let any foolish peJ134i stand in'the way of using It timely. :: i sante easy to rete, I dugit out of 111ot:i2' Earth, and there's plenty more w3.ts i,$"„ it came freers. Seeing that 1 depri sett you of access to Your own, money ,a:ra all your personal belongings, yon ry°» entitled to this any l'ay•you 1:00k at it. end T maul to throw in a bit: of "gnu tultous advice--i-n case you should.,eraat duds to go back to the Mencloerse `l'' prribebly Ioeked high end lour for .ye , Fust there is no cht3nee for thein., i e learn where you'activaily -ltd get` t unless you yourself tell therzi. 'T most plausillle explanation- rind if ',Fola go thereyou must Make .some explerea- tion--would be for you to say that ;fro' got lost—which is true enorrgiz—u,• that you- eventually fell in vittl'u party of Itadtans, arid 'later on'cow nested up.: with a party' of w` people who were traveling toasty, That you wintered with there, end MeV put you on it steamer and sent yon 221) Vancouver when spring opened. "That, I giiess, is all," he conclrld slowly. "Only I wish"—Ilea caugTrt,l/sa by the shoulders and 'shook her ger —"I sure do 'wish it could -have b dit Brent, Little' person.'Maybe seat: time when I get restless for. 1'a companionship and, come out to esa'r in, the bright lights for a wii l0. I ss pass you on a street somewhez' Tis a world is -very small. 011, yes sypmioauctoasicouevergnigeotthottehe 1 14 West end. Any bank driver lnow. 1s ''I Be dropped biz bands, and loo steadily at her for a few cetsee , steadily and longingly,, "Good -by I" he, saiai .4/brutality walked Drat, . and down the: gengp that was Already being least Isose,. away up the wharf without et ward. glance. The Stanley D,'s siren wolee 1,1* echoes along the wooded shore: • throbbing that shook her breun amp': ,- to' �aterin dwira�.oci.: tree ti�rSdi:.-tn _ of the screw. And slowly - she be •1 into deep water, and. swung wide the outer passage.. Hazel went out to the rail.U, Wagstaff had disappeared, bit prose ly she caught sight of hiza standing the shore end of the wharf, his ham thrust deep In his coat pockets, starlit afterthe steamer. Hat l e izeieda f e tiv envelope that she stilt held in her Tisk Now that she was independent of +: she felt reagnaaixno ao, forgiving -L-41 e. suddenly very mucic alone, as, iri'' ;ata, had dropped back into the old, ileprim ing Granville stmosphere. Butt lir gust•, no answering'signsave thathe tint sg ant i h he instant and wept' u tie ill " til' p where his horses stood t id t led Liralkd huddled bin -Wings. And v; t fatir " -minutes the StanleyD turned' a lAtr,, point; and Bella Cools vas loot teat. Hazel went, bas into her, :gate and sat down on the berth. .:rreselaj-ar she opened the envelope. •`There was* thick fold of bills, her tleket andho were wrapped'. in a sheet et paape;r' s a died with dots and Brooked Bites. Site,. lnid:lt aside and eo'wsted tho :basun "Id'eaavene'l'' she whispered. „I ht be hadn't given tree ser' intactu. 'I tri need all that." For Boartli� Bill had tucked. g �txci ed a one=launched-dollaar smites in the i> lope. And, curiously enough, she ,a'r of not offended, only wisiitul that 31(:7 h ori hoon less• generous. Then she took vat the map, recognizing it as trite: Sheet of paper Bill,hied worked over to long their last night at' the rabltt It made the North more ohsareee great deal more cleat•--tto her, tot ass had narked Cariboo Meadows, the 10- catiolt odf itis eabtn, axld Bella at{tz:, anti drawn d' t e ti old ries to" ltzd slates a pre way he hied taken lies' In cad brans ht, her out. Slur put await' the matey *Ad 'thio map, and bestowed , a brier" serxtilnj-- arpon herself lb the cable mar. a�oa^ �. months its the wild lead glum her ruddy eolair, the gtoiv of $rEeeic It xm:tb teal crirzdlttou. But her fume werr • 8 iatsf a tattered and sadly. oust of date: The attar}iikebo trf 'tire str4Thetetrank lin' - 1:•.,/,SuI'rn . in the xwMteiris:. p , ;~"lte 1 ek;