The Wingham Advance, 1923-12-06, Page 8911NOM NI St 101111 St MN igen 111081114 0111110 1.14 VS' $NG ANI .i .D W',AdVCE ENNONOnrnMnINWn . BOO Thursday, Dec. 6th,, .lege. MUNINWII B YI'H M Harry Johnston, hes perehased in a grocerybusiness an Hamilton .and. wi11 take possession at once, We Si wish Harry ahundent success, A number of out citizens will at-` a 'tend the meeting at Clinton on Tburs- INI' day, this will be thefirst meeting in SI this district in the propagation of the tooted churches. 191 'Elie I-Iame Nursing i-uid. First Aid 1n Course under the atcspices of the Wo- men's Institute will be held. in Me - 'u moral Hall .commencing 9n Monday, Dec. 3rd'. Miss Pitt of this 'Depart Hent will be the instructor, 111 The McLean Mission ]3and will have Ei a bazaar and 'supper in Community wL h to thank our customers and friends ,to their liberal patronage during the"Stoupe. i de verat” and wishto remind you that the sale ends Sat., "'ee 1511h., The next 10 trays our e stock otlred at exerptiottallyi. w prices Qn Xmas & Winter Goods E ds, +w:n Sat., �miw.mrma mr�aiaiuuou:rywaa h nd, .tall red Society g ram a1 20th Century, erco ts, Fairs, Sand, Loyal '.0.0110, 40.90, Salle... .$27.50 Ie'' .I1Q>ld Y'i,utag Wiens ra,i Ian overcoats `... -$1.7.95 $17.95 Mei +'5 a, ; ,l;lYoung eras. smart ('r . odel snits, regular 27.50, Sale-, $1.9®75. c°yka : ifs Gen ; I. ' e It ,l r- { ; r ryt . P ,; rli ody and C.. r- rt:tvele' Smeels ; L98 Hem's Cb GIA yes sees Lined ....c$L19 enll s.. *41/ehrokk it" 100 f l°ell° c nt. W 4, :l1 s ,tint and draw. ers .. $1.19 a°rlllln ett ' en » ,.,, na's Ova ailatnrai r.: 11 Wo l!{1 Nom 95 t3.-.;filet,:.w :; ar... $L98 Khaki orld Shirts . ,75e Fit . e DRi II in.reeche "- .,,.$4.947 hit,n°es;1ng Gowns, Smoking bets, bored Christ ^ ::; s Nec r ( we ,l, r, Sit ' Muffle s, Fine Shirts, : i1st-,myes, 511-, Hose, less 20 per cent., spec - 1 lly ,'n <t zed for CI r1st `t s as SW "ater Coats ,..,2.69 to 4.98 Window Sale, S.. turday La. Chesterileld 1tress (Overcoat' , Ales Sill _ . a dnal Hose, 1 .9 reg 2.50,'s ale , ."..... $L39 The well . known Barrie. cloth Ulsters, r "g 35000, s le ,,. .$28.75 60 boys s-.,;> a Sat N!� Y SATUli7i'AY G Sugar per 100 .... e bag to a e' alimony ." S a .p, .. Oat,:, , 1 7 fibs Salmon, 2 tins.. Ca ; adL �.! n Cheewre.. Corn, per cat 11 aces, 3 lbs; Suit . t $6.95 i! CETIES .. $1.0.47 Sit r mer .4 cake 25c 25c .35c per Ata 25c , ..10c ........;25c roalveorrxesnosalaamozeo Christmas Suggestions - La les hiIlxe-t= Gloves, •e,g os - fiery, Silk scarfs, 1(1;u:ndker- chiefs, Paras Is, L 1 i " n. s, nurses, ' wets. li!Petting new goods for lash 10 ys Llkaole sq yd Oilcloth . ......43c yd eraant Table, fried t l{• all Kayser Silk dose:.:.. $L89 Hose & Gloves,.25c, 35e, 49e= English' 1'lanelettes ....39e Children's Vest and Draw- ers 49c 11 .Ulliderwelr less '....20%. -Raw Silk, special by y ,r79e Silks, `1 gess Goods, Sheel - lungs, Flannels, less , , .20%. _gyp i' , R. p� els. n aby. s ti,� on `•' . r ' r + . r :FI5e L dies Dresses,` Silk,Ser„ �1.. Crepe dresses lss 20x. Special silk and w;.i"ol, tr co- thie ?n I serge dresses $9.75 Come early, see window ow ► LI Ladies Cloth Coats, Beaver- line trimmed, " 29 to , cle:'r: r .,. $14.75 Burberry Style Coats $14.75 Ch lelrenns Silk and Wool ose 25c Buds 7MI.ri,1 is f ill rcl! i.k�rCE ®1dl . 59c FREE BROOM Sat. Morning Only With everypurchase of $xo or -over we willgive' one "good Broom free. Do not ask for a broom. Saturday afternoon Groceries not included N Halt Dec. 15. Mr. and Mrs'' Thos. Stewart leave ® this week for California, having dis- ;'; posdd of their house last week to Mr:. ,.Y Robert Johnston, of East Wawanosh. It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart to snake their home," in the Sunny South, . 111. • Alex Niacon held a sale of .House mg hold ;t•, and it£his �Saturday move to Blue- tit!it vboale,rne whwith a ere . henephinetends malcing his v, Large quantities of baled, hay and t p turnips are being -shipped from the sta.' ,,. tier here, most Of them going: to the Southern States, where the crops, have not been as good as in this locality, The hunters who have, Been in the is north country deer hunting • for the eel past two weeks, being' Messrs:. G. C. iu McTaggart, with a party of Toronto ;.0 hunters, -:and R. M. McKay, Robert 1. Somers and G. A. ,McLaughlin and Bert Allan a party by themselves, have all .returned,each bringing 'a fine i deer. They all report having a most. enjoyable time. e. BELGRAVE ® Mrs• T. Proctor and Miss Hattie• are. visiting with 'friends in Windsor, IN and Detroit: ® Miss Wade spent • Sunday at her ni home in Fordwiele Mr, and Mrs. 'Torn Stewart, spent Sunday 'with the, farmer's brother,: ® MVlr, and Mrs. John Stewart, Mr: and ® Mrs. T. Stewart leave, this week to spend the winter in California, e® Belgrave may not get Hydro, but thanks to the Women's Institute, we 1s have one fine street lamp now with 1i moire to follow, fis I he Misses "'Christie of Wingham, Is, were the guests. of Mr. and Mrs: Mil, ton Lake for a couple of days. ®1 The people of the village were very M much shocked to hear of the death of ar Mr. James Stewart, Wingham. Mr. eSfewart was at .one time a resident of """7"""*"--* "'°" ads In Wigg: gal LEATHER TOP It U' B' ERS SUCK ''AS SHOWN IN THIS Ii1,LUSTRATJON We have an immense stock on hand. We°also make 'these kirld of boots to order with instep" of "high instep", in fact almost .an r ,kind you can sig.$est; Buy the kind that 'are shade in Winghatn They : Ar the Best ILLI tow The Le ding Shoe Store of Huron County Phone 129. Belgrave coming here as a young man MI; taking 'up, blacksmithing' and made ▪ hosts of friends- while here. Mrs. N ; Stewart and friends have ..the • sym- N pathy of the community; I UMMEMEMMESSEEMMINSIMMIMEMEMESINEMAI BELMORE' The Women's i oreign Missionary Society,: met Friday ,afternoon, mem- bership 12. Opened by ;singing and prayer. Minuteso f last meeting read by secretary, readings by:Miss. Agnes Rutherford and Mrs.. Wm. Mundell. A paper on. "The Call of the.Church Through Her Messengers" by Minnie Jeffray. Collection $q..ro. ingbam, Ont. Rev. -McKenzie, was on the sick list last week. The Sabbath School have decided to hold their entertainment on Dec. ieth., this prornises to be -a good one. Each scholar is asked this' year to dress a doll for the bale for the West to be packed Saturday Dec. 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of Wa-. wanos1i, visited Sunday' at Mr. 'John. Darling's. The December. meeting o,i the Wo- men's" Institute will meet Friday after- noon of this week at Mr. and Mrs. Wiry. Mundells. Mrs. Golan of Lucke now is expected to address the meet WROXETER • BLUEVALE " Miller Procter carload .Mrs. Geo. Allen spent a Mr.Mr er P oct r shipped a ca toad ®, few days in the city last week. 1 of turnips to the States on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Johnston of ( Mrs. Chas. Enwrikght of Toronto, Brantford, were visiting friends in is at;pres•ent visiting relatives here. Wroxeter and vicinity last week. Mr. John McLaren is on the sick Sorry to say Mrs. Copeland is un- list, we hope he will soon be O. K. IN ._.,: _ n i e for e cne,+.- agar$. Uer TLIG Dee- '�cc ,-'ve�z-azv�.... _ dy recovery. F Mr; .H. Hanirnond made a business eel Mr, Jack McLean who has been coti- trip to Moorefield this -week. c" fined to the House with scarlet fever Messrs. Reuben and John Gentles for the, past month is able to be a- have returned home from the North. round again. Mr. R .J..Scott shipped a car of hay ler. Alex. McDougal is on the sick from here Wednesday. list, we hope he may -soon be O. K. , Jos.. Underwood has purchased Mr. MI again, _ L. W. Ruttan's residence in the vil- Rev. Dr. Brown will preach to the lage and will move in the near future. young next Sunday. His son, Earl, will now have 'charge Mrs. Geo. McIntosh of Stratford, of the farm- spent a few days in town recently. George Haney has sold his rest- 111 Mrs; .Cornwall from Page's crossing,: dcnce to Mr. L. W. Ruttan, who gets called on friends in town, last Friday, possession immediately. Mr. Haney has been in poor health during the GODERICH past year and has been living with his Harold Hedley, son of the Rev. J, son, Will, at: Witigham. ' Hedley; glad the misfortune to Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' Locicardt, of W. break his wrist at the High School Braveibourg, Sask., spent a few days on wedues day last,with Mrs. Ina Lockardt, t Wel- ding targe number of boats are expect- lantrarn11 lvnrs. L. Ia:''Dutf of bJe1- d, c spe ding a few days with the inn ed to winter here, two grain Boats are forixier's mother her. Mr. Duff i already here' and the tt1i Forest ar- ef s. rived here on Sat., Dec. est, editor of The Welland Telegraph. The County Council is now in see-. Miss Jessie Ilolnies underwent ail sion here and: as Mr. Robertson had resigned the position of keeper of the House of Refuge, it will be •necessary for. the 'council to make a new appoint- ment, it is understood that their are maniy.a,plicatious for it. hey are spending ..t few days at Tor - The view elevator is completed and a onto targe quantity of grain in .it, and the . L. W. Ruttan is moving into George new' dock. at the elevator is well under Harvey's house, ' which he purchased. way. t recently, and Mr. Joseph Underwood is moving into M.t-, Rattan's. la DIj NGAINNNOIcT u Mr. Ralph Didier is at present visit-- WHITECHURCI-I I +' ing at Golden Valley, Parry Sound.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and son Raliston spent, Sunday with Mr. I Stranger Given Two l!liorths and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of St. Helens Mr, and Mrs. Len McCienaghan, and . 'The peculiar behavior of a stranger children ,spent Sunday with Mr. and,- .•, ori the Carrick and Flowick'townline, Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw, east of, nein-tore last Saturday morn- Miss Greta Fox of Wingham spent ing attracted the attention of the resit' Sunday at her home here. dents of that section, and upon going Miss Ida McQuoid visited with to investigate, they found a rnan about friends- in Lucknow over the week- pj 45 years of age, carrying a knapsack, end, sitting in the snow on the side of the Owing to the illness of our teacher] road under a.tree, He appeared so Mr. Gowans there was no school on is sato and ttnconimunmative'that they Monday, thought it advisable to report his pre- Mr. Thos. Rowtcliffc of Exeter has 11111 settee to the local authorities, and bee i hunting in these parts for the MI Constable Schntidt, armed with a war- past week and staying at the home 1111 rant, overhauled the man, halt a mile of Mr. nand Mrs. Amos Cornelius. 111 east of McIntosh church, made Miss Lavina Carrick returned on I no' resistance and carne peaaeablyr Friday last from a month's visit to ,icer who conveyed l lilt is sill the officer t toTarr' Sound, she i w o3! 4 did not return this MN Walkerton, where he appeared before year without her number, but during11111 County Magistrate McMa.b. 1 -Ie gage the hunting season, sent a deer to her i,WI hie name as Prank 1•Iartesday Sirup- home here. aotl!, born in Liv'erPool, no relatives in Whitechurch is beginning to ' be Canada, no xtioney, had been working quite a little town, besides cement sts hist pear Stratford, had spen' eight- there has been, quite a lot of rctsairs coo niontias at E urwaeh andcuirtcen and palating done to the hoeuses, and Months in an Ontario A.tylwtlt The 1Zobt. Carrick has pia tip ;fine veli-! xtl*gistratc aettcenced him to tw:s anda :rritxtltttg across the frt'oarid; b�t1'hs in the county pail, and the .°outlt end of his house, and OS will fife e.onneed as V. lee ed his house outside,'whi.cti has t,tltlitin e big in prevel-eo . X61 se 111 et ni operation in Wingliam Hospital for appendicitis and is getting along nice- ly. Walter McCutcheon, of I•iatnilton, visited with friends Beres Cloin Higgins and William McR.in- i� �!rda irt4a�. a SI 1121111111 1111 ding: A number of young men in the vi- cieity'are working on the railroad. Born -To Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie' Harkness a son. • A reuniter -from 'these parts attend- ed Mr. . FIazray Niergerth's sale on Monday°after•noon EELGRAVE Al box social will be held in, the stone school, 'Morris, on Thursday evening, December 20. A choice pro gram will be given the children aiid young people iayy of the section. N8➢n®ssEN E I EEENElimmossnlli]NNWenswIn®I1 Prolimonsosi eniiminmoRaw®num u.e ,: At ®„ ItErs �rr. eceinber. Salmi to iter • Ai NMI 119 RIMS tam READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS Men's Winter Overcoats, and Youths' and : Boys' Winter Ov- ercoats, Men's Tweed, Worsted and Serge . Suits, . Odd Pants, Mackinaws, ' Sweaters, Heavy Smocks, etc. Take Adv 1.'Ki'(' :I. gra.II'.iMEM tage of the Greatest Money Saving Values for Thursday, Friday as J d' Sat r1ay,, Specials ell's •,.,nd i;I Vii. s, • SHOP EARLY AS QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED verci ties and Suits FLANNELETTE BLANKETS', LINEN TOWELLING Better quality clothing for Men and Young Men at Big Money 'Saving Values, here is your chance to save onyour win - Overcoats well tailored from best quality imported clothes. ,Sale prices $16.75 :to 38.5o, :Men's All Wool Tweed Suits, Ali Wool Serge Suits, All Wool Worsted Suits, tailored in the latest ;styles. Sale prices $14..75 to $34.50. Boys' and Youths' Winter Ov- ercoats greatly reduced, all sizes frons, 3 to 15 years. Suint $5.75 to $12.,+75. ...Overcoats $5.5o to $16.75. MEN'S ODD PANTS go sample pair" odd pants in - good weight materials, sizes' 32 to 42. "Sale price $3.69. 11111111111111111.1011111101111111111100 Largest size, best make, with pink on:, blue borders. $2.69' pr; OLD BLEACH FANCY HTIC-•A-13.ACK TOWELING Beautiful fine' imported quality 500 yards pure' Linen Towel- ling 18c per yard, HEAVY SILK BLOOMERS AND UNDERSKIRTS for fancy towels, all widths, reg. Heavy labitau, °pongee ' and $.x.25 to 1,50, sale price Sgc. moire skirts and bloomers, all WOMEN'S UENGLISH colors at $2,6e. HEATHER HOSE goo yds. White Saxony Flan - Best .quality lanBest.quality Heather Hose in nelette, good.iqusiity and'"Wi'de .latest shades of brawn and lo- width at 240 yd.: vat 980 pair :BOYS' ALL WOOL PULLOVERS MEN'S ALL W,0OL. Sao yards Striped Flannelette at i5c ati!d'.ssc yd;, Less than half price, "assorted MACKINAWS colors, manufacturer's samples at $x:59, Travelleee samplers at Grocery Specials ,,. Maple Leaf Salmon is --exec Maple Leaf Salmon xg Best Cheese ,-• 2gc lb. See the Winslow Display the Store Lately Vacated by J. on Sale in King Bros.. Store. Wingham Street Poultry x000: READY-TO-WEAR S "' GARMENTS - Ladies' - Fur Collared . Coats, , a. Ladies' English. Burberry, Coats, N Misses', Girls' and Children's Winter Coats,; Dresses, Suits, Skirts"and Blouses for Women, m Misses, Girls and Children. ' ■ SiingliEigila 111 1111 111,▪ ' ■ ' 11 i ®' _■, 1 ■ ■ ■, A, ■ ■ : 111: Saving Values Ever Offered CS UC' COL-• LAKED OOTS 612aimanyo nnow®wi®®®nnisi Fine imported quality Velour,'' Bolivia and Marvella Coats, sale prices $xg.5o to $6e.5o. English Burberry' Style Coats, well `tailored, •'$18.50 to, $24.50: MISSES', GIRLS' AND CH3TL-. DREN'S WARM WINTER COATS' `•' Coats for ail ages from 3 to xg years, with or without fur col -- 'tars. Sale prices $4.85, $6,g5. to, $x2,75. DRESSES ALL REDUCED no PER CENT. Silk Velvet, Canton Crepe, Flat 'Crepe, Taffetta and Trisca- sham Dresses, all sizes ' in this season's latest styles. PLEATED SKIRTS New shades and styles in plea- $6,g5, ted shirts, Prices $$.50 to 9.75 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Warm Dresses' for, children in 4 years. Prices $°,1450,$°,1450,t"' $ 2.50. Shelled Walnuts and Alni- ends .. „ ; zc lb, i Good :'Brooms 7gc'+ Lard, 3 lb, pail of Special Price Merchandise in H. Christie. Alt these Goods are "serge and flannel, sized to 14 o x FURS AND RIR COATS Etucli on Seal Coats, Persian. Lamb Coats, :Vitt krat Coats and Coon Coats. Latest style coats, all guaranteed at big savings to you; Mum OOMM In1nI�Mn�n�9 th and 14th. Remember -the date. r.. 0.01110000