HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-11-15, Page 1Hospital 16111 qji °nation Days, 'Thursday and Friday, November, 15th- and Single copies Four Cents ARIIILSTICE DAY SERVICES Rev. H. W. Snell Preaches Very Inspiring Sermon About ferty-five veterans and sold- lers in training marched to St. Paul's —church on Sunday evening in. charge ' of Majors Pettigrew and VanWyck arid Lieut. Copeland All available seats in church were in use and chairs filled the isles. Rev. Mr. Snell preached an eloquent ser- mon apprepriate to the occasion. Mr. James Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Allen, who was home for a short vacation from Huron College, read the lesson e Solos were sung by Lieut "A. M. Forbes, Mr: C. Templeman and Miss Bessie Abell. Mr. Ken Carter sounded the last post. A large wreath of poppies were pla- ced on the pulpit by the soldirs of the town. Splendid Social Evening The Lions Club held one of the most enjoyable fortnightly dinners on Friday at the Brunswick Cafe. It was ledies' night and there were about thirty couples preSent. The tables were daintily set and the program was all that could be expected. Instru- mental selections by Mrs. C. E. Jud- son and 'elide I-Iazel Brandon; solos by Mrs. R. S. Williams and Mr. Gor- ion nechanan enA last lea net leas a quartette by Messrs, E. Pettigrew, 3, W. McKibbon, John W. Hanna and. L. C. Young, which took the house by storm after 'they had recovered . from the shock of being caned on by e• Geotifellowship chairman Tipling, Rev. Mr. Seel! gave a splendid, address. Mr, T. C. King, the chief lion was in. the chair. After luncheon.a couple of 'pleasant hours were spent ii the club rooms at progressive euchre. Died in Welland There passed away at the home of her on, in Welland, on Saturday, No- vember loth., an oldee,nd highly re- spected resident formerly of Howick, in the person. of Mrs. Catharine Wig- gle's, aged 78 years, widow of the' late Henry Wiggins. Her maiden name aires Catharine Wray, she was born in Mavis township, in September 1845. 3 -Tee husband predeceased her 3o year. ago, alsoone son, Sanderson and one daughter Mrs. W. 'McIntosh passed on :before her. There are left to mourn her loss one son, J. Thomas Wiggins of Welland, three brothers and three sisters, name- ly, Wm. Wray, Manitou, Man., John and Jas. A. Wray of Turnberry, Mrs. Win. Crane, Burlingham, 'Mrs. J. J. Nay,..Ninge, Mae. and Mrs. R. J. Breen Turnberry. •'The funeral was held from the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Montgomery, Gor- lie, on Monday, afternoon to Gorrie cemetery. Rev W. A. Finlay, pastor of Gerrie Methodist Church conducted the services at the house. and grave. The floral tributes were many and beautiful ' Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wiggins, of Welland and Mrs. B. H. Miller of Toronto.—Gorrie vidette 'please copy. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Choice young eat- tle at 'Geddes Hotel Belgrave, at 2 , on Monday, Nov. 19th, , 35 young Durhams and Plerefords. D. E. MacDonald, Prop., James Tay- lor, Auctioneer. ,AUC'I'ION SALE -- Horses, cattle, 16th. twoultivasustomplaituamamosi our Donation WINGHANI, ONT., THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15th, 1923 ogasemsrs*sa•sownuroauuaustpoarvaso4twqsmma.aeaomssssgaoo,pms.*...my....., COURT OF REVISION. A RAD -ACCIDENT The Conrt of Revision of the Asses- sinent Roll at for the second tine this year on Tuesday night. The members present were Mayor Elliott, Reeve Tipling, Councillors Haney and Fothergill, Mr. C. Burford told the court that he thought the $200 increase in his assessment was too muck. He, acknOw- ledged the improvements which he put on his home would cost about $300, The timbers were rotten and he was compelled to either side it or brick it. His property was valued at $165o. The Mayor asked if he would sell for .that to which he replied that it was not for sale. Reeve Tipling re marked that it was poor encourage- ment for a man to improve his prop- erty, whereupon the assessor, J. McLean reminded Idle. that the coun- cil wanted him to raisethe assess- ments where they should be but a few of them took chills when. it fell their lot to sustain such assessment. The matter was left over to allow the ire] mbers of the court 'of revision to vie* the property. Ma. J. W. Scott felt he was hard hit when his assessment was raised $too. He had only built a garage and his house was an old frame one. Mr. Mc- Lean said he beleived that he should only have raised him $5o. It was therefore reduced $5o. Through an error Messrs. Peterman and Clark were present to appeal a- gainst the assessment of the building (formerly the Chinese laundry) which the had recently purchased frprn Mrs. Bell. They understood they were as- sessed for $goo, whereas it was only $55o. Reeve Tipling asked if they wished to have it raised. The increase of the assessment of Andy Taylor's house on Victoria St by $25o was sustained. Mr. Herb. Campbell, is at present in the house. The assessment of S. Morton's new residence, not yet completed on Vic- toria St., at $1300 on the building and $375 on the land was confirmed. Jos. Pugh built a new verandah at. his home on Francis St. and the court confirmed the increase' of $xclo in his assessment. Gordon Buchanan's property was raised $r o.—Confirmed. The Imperial Oil Co's Assessment was increased $soo because of the er- ection of another building—Confirm- , The British American, Oil Co's as- sessment of $5400, $400 on business and the remainder on buildings was confirmed. ' David Clow built a new verandah and was increased $5o in. assessmeet Confirmed. D. E. MacDonald's assessment was increased $25o because of improve- . ments.—Confirmed. H. E. 'sail built a large verandah and sun room at his home and was in- creased $5oo.--Confirmed. W. C. Reid was increased $250 be- cause of building a dwelling over his garage. Sustained David Procter was assessed $20oo oii his teen- building in the course of er- ection oa Minnie St and $400 on Sustained. D. Tamlyn's property on Jeke St. was increased $15o because of new ve- randah and other repairs.—Confirmed. G. 'I'. Robertson:a assessment was boosted $300 because of the erection of a: new brick garage and kitchen,— Sustained. 't• Chas, Jbbb's buildings on Diagonal Road were assessed $25o on land ad. $300 on buildings, while A. C. Adams was -assessed for building on the same street $200 on land and $3oo on build- ing. ---Confirmed. , Frank VanStone's house on. Minnie St. was treated to a new reof, kitchen,' etc. and the court confilnied the in- crease of $25o on same. A. J. Nortrop's new dwellingiohiet Minnie St. was assessed at $2000, building is under construction.—Con- firmed, Town Clerk Galbraith asked that his income assessment be increased by $too. The assessor' spoke -up wishing theie.were more like him in town. The matter Of charging the hotels a• business assessment was discussed at some length. While the Brunswick Hotel is giving splendid. accomodation both by Way of lavatories and sitting room, it was felt thee the other house was not giving the accomodation it shoutd. A well Managed hotel in which you feel you are made "evelcome is a great asset to any town. It was cited that I). E. lVfacDoriald's sale of cattle would have been held in Whig - ham neat Monday only that he could not get stable acconiodation, As it is the crowd will be taken t� Bel - grave for This sale. It is also' possible that the town would: be further ahead if the Canada Furifiture Manufacturers were assess- ed a trifle more, As it is they are employing little or no help and two splendid big factories are idle while other Ontario Furnitur'e factories are naming 'tell blast. pig; hay, implements and a too . . acre farm at Lot 13, Con. I, Cul- ross Boundary, ori Thursday, Nov. s5th. Albert Bok, Prop., John Pur- vis, Auctioneer. , ium-9:0:71.s, FOR SALE--Sintable for , rain. or , barrens'. Pringle's 'Glove Works. 'CAR.' OF WESTERN NO. t FEED Oats , Will arrive about NOV. 24t11.. soc per bushel cash off ,car. A. C. Ad.arns; Flour and Feed: . , sCHILD'S 'IRON CRIB ---In excel! 'it shape for sale. /Apply to Mrs. Geo. Mason. CALF FOR 'SALE—One week old calf. Apply to Geo., Dey, Deiryntaa. COAL FOR SALE—A car of nut and stove site anthracite, available to any person K. Paterson, White- cluirele Phone i2 -61t. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, the farm will also be offered, Lot 31 Con, 8 East Wawa.nosh, on Friday, Nov, 23rd. See bills for ' further particulars. Mrs, Wm, James, Prop, John Pur- vis, And. KNITTING WANTED—For partic- ulars apply to Miss Malty B, Camp- bell, Tureberry, phone 5 on 603. Lad Falls From 'Wheel Under Moving Buggy Ernie Fitt, who has been in the em- ploy of W. G. Boyle, dairyman, for some time met with a painful, if not serious, accident on Sunday. Along with a couple of companions they were riding on bicycles to Bluevale, where they intended to spend the /day with John McLaren and all return to- gether at night to attend the Armis- tice Service in VVingham. While pas- sing a horse and. buggy Fitt's wheel struck loose gravel and he fell head- long into the moving buggy wheels, His head caught and he was drawn around a couple of times before the horse was stopped. His wounds are very painful and he will be confined to bed for a time. Auto Turned Over On Tuesday night, John Purivs auc- tioneer had the misfortune to drive too close to the ditch_ on the new Whitechurch-Wingham road after lea- ving Mr. Deyell's where he had an auction sale. The dance fog was re- sponsible for the mishap.. His auto turned completely over, but fortunate- ly the top was down and Mr. Purvis was not seriously hurt. • Brig. -Gen. King Visits Wingharn Brig. -Gen. King, C. M. G., D. S. 0. inspected the soldier e .f the 'Huron Battalion, Wingharn unit, at the Ar- mouries on Thursday eveniilg last. The general was much pleased with the progress the boys' are making and complimented Lieut. Forbes and Lieut Towne on their success. Prior to the inspection Brig. Gen. King and Major Durilnp were the guests of Mayor Elliott and a. few members of the town council and cit- izens at a dinner in the Brunswick Pretty Thanksgiving Wedding A pretty Thanksgiving wedding took place in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, it 3.30 on- Monday afternoon, when Miss Hannah Elizabeth Alice Godkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James God - kin of Zetland,u was nited in marriage to Mr. Addison H. Fraser, `Morris, son of Customs Officer W. H. and Mrs. Fraser of Wingharri. Rev. Mr. Snell officiating in the presence of se- veral friends of both parties. Mr. andt Mrs. Fraser will have the best wishes of•a large circle of friends. They will reside in Morris. TIRE V0UND—'4De the /nth Con. of West W, aWanosb, owner may have seine by applying at this office. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS-dThers, , , „ Nov, x5th is the taSt nay to, receive per cent.: diSedtint On taxes. W. A. Galbraith, Iowa. Treaeeree PARASOL LOST-4...eft On London 'tereiri oa the—eveideg of Nov. 7th. Vieder kindly leave at The Advance at, the owner wishes It as it is a 'keePeake.', FOR, 2tine6rte tWe Year old CeSter 14Mbi a prize *leiter. Apply Gee. WigAtman, telgrave. Wingharn 111anicipall Talk The race for the Mayorality ebritest is now definitely between Reeve Arn- oa Tiplittg and Ceitineillor W. H. Wil- lis Both these r gentlemen have ana aoticed themselves. Councillor W. J. Greer is itt the ttnining for the reeve's their.For the council, Cduncillors Haney, Fothergill, Mitchell and Sinith may seek re-electioit and Mr. C. R. Wilkinson arid Ur. A. tell will be candidates. High School Literary The first regular meeting of the High School Literary ;Society took place in the Assernb15. Hall, Friday, Nov. 9, 1923. 'After the reading and adoption Of the minutes a splendid program was given. The first item was an instrumental by Miss Flora Andrew, this was followed by the in- augural address by the President, Mr. Harold Mitchell; his subject, "The Aims and Doings of the Literary So- ciety" was very appropriate and was dealt with in. a clever manner. Mr. W. Robinson. then favoered, the aud- ience with a solo after which Map, VanStone gave a very instructive and interesting speech on 'Character". '1. he next item was an instrumental duet by the Misses Williamson and Mitchell. Miss Gertrude Anderson then gave a reading whicn was followed by the reading of the journal by the editor, Miss Dorothy Snell. A girls' chorus followed, after which Mr. Bracken - bury gave the critic's remarks. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem, The Late Mrs. Paton Following it lingering illness the death occurred on Monday N„ov. sth., of Jessie J. Rintotd, beloved wife of Wm. Paton at, her home 393 Manning Ave. Toronto. The late Mrs. Paton was born in East Wawanosh. Be- sides her husband there mourns her loss two daughters, Pearl and Irene. After a funeral service' at her late resi- dence Friday, at 3,30 p. ne, the remains were brought to Winghann The fun- cral took place from the residence of Mr. Isaac Walker, Saturday afternoon at 1.30 p, in. to Wingham cemetery, T110Se W110 n,ti ended thefuneral from out 91 town were: Ma and Mrs. ,Coglilin, Listowel; Mrs. W. W. Grey, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. G.' Y. Donald- son, Palmerston; Rev. and Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, Bell:mere; Mrs. If. lelmifison, Fullerton; Mrs. J, PI. Dicksde, At- wood; Mr, W. Morrison, Atwood; Mr. G. Gordon, Atwood. The deceased lady was a sister of Mr, Albert Rift- toul and the family moved from Wing BORN Mitchell'—da Selkirk on Oct, 17t11„, to Mri and Mes. Lintisay Mitchell,' a soh. Mrs, Mitchell was Miss Alice Maim, before tier tnarritl.ge. LOCAL !TUE Vantines Incense arid Incense Burn- ers, 40c, 75c, and $1.50 at MeKibbon's Drug Store, Hospital Donation Days, Thursday and Friday, November 15th,, and 16th. Your doninion. will be called for, The Royal Scarlet Chapter, will rneet on Nov. teth., and the annual election of officers will be held on Dec. ieth, The Ladies' Guild of St. sPaul's "Church will hold their annual Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Sat. after- noon, Nov. 24. Particulars next week. Don't fail to hear Ethel J, Gainger in Methodist Church Sunday, Nov. 18. On her last appearance, the bchurch was packed, and chairs placed in the isles. The ladies received over $too from the‘sale of poppies on Saturday. The money will be used exclusively for patriotic work among veterans. Congratulations to Mr. Howard Mc- Donald son of Mr. and Mrs, T. T. McDonald of Wingharre who was married in Toronto on Monday. Starr Phonograph Records, new se- lections, A large , range to choose from, Mitchell's Drug Store. haat to Toronto in 1909. Wedded in Toronto A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the DovercoureBaptist'Church at p. in, Saturday, Nov, loth, when Margaret M. daughter of Mrs. Eliza- beth Pocock of Winghem was married to Mr, Fred G. Fox (t.f Toroeto. Rev. Mr. Mitchell officiated, the_ bride en- tered the church on the .arm of, her brother Mr, G. E. Pocock and wore a charming gown of brown velvet trim- med with fur with fawn velvet hat and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and hattolibole mum, the bridesmaid, Miss Helen Pocock, cousie of the bride wore a hetuta crepe gown with picture hat of black velvet and carried a bou- quet of yellow Chrysanthemums, Miss Margaret Kennedy made a charming little flower girl, dressed in pink and carried e basket of buttonhole mums, the groom was supported by Mr. Harry J. Hibbert of Toronto. Mr. C. W, Pocock, brothel: of the bride and. Mr, P. Pocock, anted as ashore about thirty fine gttests sat down to a seine - noes dinner, prepared by Mrs. 14. Fon: The gifts were both taitfterous and costly showing the high esteem in Widtlt the young couple arc held, Friendfrem Guelph, Grimsby The members of Huron Chapter No. 89 of the order of the Eastern Star, wishto thank all those who assisted in making their play "All Aboard" the success which it was, also to thank all those who took advertisements on the programmes and -who attenaen tne Mi and Mrs, M. Fenn.of Parkhill, pla.y"either evening. spent Thanksgiving at the home of PERSONALS Mrs. Lorne Dale has returned from visiting in .Blyth Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer motored to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Fred, Manuel was home froni Detroit, over the holiday, Miss Edna Mitchell of Toronto, was home for the holidays. Mr. Wes. Ansley was up from Tor- onto over the week -end. ,Mr. Phil Dyer was home from Orangeville for the holidays, Mr. George Boyd motored to Oran- geville and Toronto last week. Miss Margaret Pettigrew spent a few days with friends in London, Miss Agnes Williamson was home from Hanover over the week end Miss Irene McDonald spent the week end at her home at Kintail. Mr. Corson Boyce of Brampton, spent the holidays at his hmne her. Mies Gretta Huston, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Isard, Victoria St Mr. W. Robertson, BrSuipten, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Isard, Victoria St Mr. John Elliott of East Wawanosh spent Thanksgiving' with his son, Mr. Stanley Elliott at Hamilton. Miss Mary Coultes of Loe.don, spent a couple of days with friends in town last week. 'Representatives frorenine out of their daughter M,rs. W. F. Burgman. the twelve lodges in this district -were present at an enthusiastic past mast- ers' meeting held in the Masonic Hall, Wiligharn, on Thanksgiving Day. Rt. Wor. Bro. Samuel Wilton. of 13russels is the presiding officer and Won Bro. R A. Coutts is the aecretary. Don't fail to see and hear the page- ants to be presentel in; the Methodist Church, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Nov. igth., 21st, and 23rd. In addition to the pageants there will be drills, choruses, solos,. duets aand na- tional anthems of various countries, Congratulations to Mrs Win. Tom- kins who on Thursday, Nov. Isth., celebrates the goth anniversary of her birth. She is a remarkably smart old lady and does the finest • of fancy work withont glasses. Mrs. Geo. Ma- son, is a daughter of Mrs. Tomkins. The Ladies' Guild of St Paul's Church: will hold their annual Bazaar in the Council Chamber on, Sat. after- noon, Nov. 24.. Particulars next week. The many friends of Mrs. Arnold Edgar of Wtoxeter, will be pleased to know that she is improving, after a couple of weeks of serious illnesa Be- fore her II eiriage she was Miss Clar- ice Moffat. Councillor John MeNevin of Dun- das, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell for Thanksgiving. Mr. Mc - Nevin used to be one of Wingham's highly respected citizens. The members of the A. Y. P. A. and many friends who were present enjoyed a talk by Dr. Irwin on his recent trip t6 Great Britain and the continent, including the battlefields of the Great War and the field of Water - too, 'on Monday evening last. Dr. Irwin made his subject very interest- ing with many details of the famous places visited. A program of music recitations and scripture paper was also given. Dentists are recommending better tooth Brushes The old-fashioned kind are no longer regarded as satis- factbry and many regard the Dr. Wests Tooth Brush as the best Be- sides these we handle The Hutax, Challies, The Prophylactic, Dr.- Mun- ays, The Dentix etc. See our stock and ask us about them. Mitchell's Drug Store. Look at Your Label Our mailing lists have been correct- ed up to Tuesday of this week, If your label does not show your last payment on subseription, be good ell- ough to tell us. If it shows your sub- scription in arrears kindly pay up now. We give reductions on all dailyepap- ers. You cat. save 50 tents and the bother of sending your subscription away. St. Paul's Church Notes Sunday, Nov. 18, twenty-fifth Sun- day after Tritity u ani,, Mattiel and Holy Baptism:- 2.30 p. ne, Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p. in., Ev- ell Song Thursday, Nov. tsth, a miscellan- eous shower in aid of the bazaar to be held Nov. 24, will be given at the home of Mrs. Roe, by Mrs. Roe and Mrs. W. F. VatiStone. Friday, Nov. x6th, a meeting of the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. Geo. Allen at 8 p. nt Monday, Nov. 19ththe losing side in the A. Y. P. A. membership con- test will give a banquet to all mem- bers of the society. Remember a -welcome awaits at St. Patfits Church. 'All seats fret, Mr. Andrew Cole of Jamestown, N. visited with friends in town over the holiday. Mr. A. M. Crawford and Mr. Geo. McKay are in New Ontario on a hun- ting expedition. Mrs. John Wallace went to St: Tho- mas on Sunday where she will under- go an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. James Stapleton has returned from Toronto, after spending a month with her daughter Mrs. Fred Beattie. Mrs. Ansley left this week for Win- nipeg where she will spend the winter with relatives Misses Luella Hopper and Jean Ross spent the holidays with friends Id London. Miss Marie ivingston of Stratford Normal spent the holidays at her home, Victoria St. Mr. Geo. Vanner of Toronto, visited at the home of his cousin, Mr, -Frank Vanner, Josephine St. Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Shuter St., was a visitor with friends in Londes- boro this week. Mr. Will Finch of St. Marys, visit- ed with his mother and sisters on Vic- toria St. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nichol an daughter, Dorothy, of London, spent a few days with relatives in town. Mr. Howard Gray 9f Niagara Falls, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Gray. Mr. Frank Quirk of Hamilton,visit- ed lidelen Wilson of ed his father Mr. John Quirk over the -we Macdonald Institute Guelph, spent a few days at her home on Edward St. Miss Jean and Margaret Vanstone, were home from Toronto for a short holiday. and 'Mrs. Oliver Thompson a-nd mr family, accompanied by Miss Vesta Fox spent Thanksgiving in Stratford. Misses Evelyn and Mabel Angus of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Angus of town. Mr. Alex. McNevin, Mrs. McGaw of Goderich, also Mrs. C. Kerry, vis- idecl with lir, and Mrs. Robt. Deyell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Currie and chil- dren spent Thanksgiving at the hoine of Mrs. Currie's parents, Mayor and Mrs. Kemp, Listowel. Miss Minnie MeGreight of Atwood, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Catherine Inforrisort if Turnber- Bluevale Fowl Supper The sapper and entertainment in the Bluevale Presbyterian Church on Monday evening was attended by a- bout 360, The supper was all that coeld be desired and the programme was splendid and included. addresses by Rev. Dr, Perrie, Rev, `It C. Wilk- inson, Rev. Mr, jofte8 and J. W. King, M. P., instrumental selections by Mos - ars. Armstrong and Savage; readings bet Miss Luella Shaw and Mrs, 'W. J, Henderson; whistling selections by Miss Rena Deesorn, solos by Miss Mc- Intosh of Stratford and Mr. A, M. Forbes, atid quartette by MUM'S. Mitchell, W. 13, MeCoel, H. Lloyel and Pl. Hopper, Will Be Called For Subscriptions $0.00 er year. MI itimfiniiin ommisowsil Me 61(40,400' Steke it 11110101011011101ffinie - , . . . .._ _.,.. - .61 i= i OUR EVERY DAY CUT PRICES 3 i . - i -- Save You IVIoney gier We pay postage on mail orders when cash aecompanies the rd A few of our every day prices: 250 A.B.5,&C. Tablets .. rgc 250 Cuticura Soap ...230 x.25 Pierces Fay. Prescp 990 3oc Beecharn's Pills , 25e § 200 Snap „ . .... Etc., etc, etc. I a 1 EXTRA SPECIALS—While They Last 75 Sheet Writing Pad and 25 Linen Envelopes 25C, for — 2 cakes of Harmony Glycer- ine Soap and a 25c SPonge for A $1.oci Auto -Strop Safety Ra- zor and 350 Shaving Mal, Cream for ... . .. . . . . aardt7111; 2 cakes of Lorie Cream Bath Soap and a Hand ina, er Scrub for 4,4%,,llta• A Big 25c bar of Castile Soap for 19e. McKi bon's Drug Stor elld, — a niigg Stteaefrin Sasre mmmomemmm num 111 est., 1116111111111111111111111111111118111111111 111/1111W111111111 11110111 111 last week. Mrs. W. J. Currie a East Wawa - nosh, attended the meeting of the Dis- trict Women's Institute which was held in London last week Mrs. Mann went to Selkirk last wee,k to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lindsay Mitchell, She was accompanied' by her little grand daughten Miss Addie Proctor of London Nor- mal spent the holidays with her par- ents, Mn and Mrs. Miller Proctor, Bluevale Road. Mrs. McGill and daughter of 'Toron- to spent Thanksgiving at the home of her daughter; Mrs. (Dr.) HambIy, John St. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Irving and Miss- es Edythe and Phemie of Lucknow, spent 'Thanksgiving at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A. G. Smith, Vic- toria St. Miss Mary Robertson of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Robertson, Mrs. Robertson accompanied her back to the city. Mr. Will Reid and one of his me- chanics, Mr. Fred Scattergood are in New Ontario on a deer hunting erape- dition. We understand Mr. Reid had on Tuesday last secured a deer and Mr. Scattergood a fox. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinscliffe, al- so Mrs. P. E. VanNess and children of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs. H, liinscliffe, as did Mr. Wra. Hinscliffe of Buffalo N. Y. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Longman and little son of Windsor are renewing acquaintances in Wingham and vicini- ty. Mr. and Mrs. Longman lost their bright little six year old girl last sum- mer after a very 'short illness. Misses Viola, Mabel, Clara and Mr. Ted Isard all of Toronto, also Mr. Chas. Isard a Brampton, spent the week -mid at their home here and en- tertained a number of their friends, Monday evening. The Misses Williams, also Mr. Cliff Collins and Mrs. Collins motored from London and spent Thanksgiving at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, Pat- rick Si. Mr. John E. Davis of Toronto spent Mrs. C. McGill and Miss Kathleen McGill of Toronto, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs, W. R. Ham- bly over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Chapman o Bridgeburg, are spending their honey- moon at the home of the groom's sis- ter, Mrs. A. J. Walker. Mrs. Carlyle and children, also Mis- ses Agnes and Wirinifred Walker of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs, Jas, Walker. Mrs. Wm. James and family, wish to tharik their friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. Mr, Arthur.Irwin of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Spent the holidays with his parents, Da A. J. and Mrs. Irwin. Mr. Cliff Garrett 'motored up from Windsor and spent a few days at the hotne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Garrett, John St Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R, Davidsot and son Allen of Moinington, motored up and speet the week -end with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kittg, Turnberry. Mr. Clifford. Robertson of Stratford Spent the holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Roberteon, Diag- onal Road. Mr, George Cruikshank and Miss Olive Creikshank of Guelph, spent Thanksgiving at their home in Tern- beM"Yea A, Cosens, Mrs, T. T. McDon- ald, Wt. 5. A, Kelly attended a Wo- ineti'S Bantle( Convention iti Toronto a few days in town. e was acco - panied home by his another, who will spend the winter in the city. Miss Maud Davis will leave about the end of the week Mr, and Mrs. Bell of Hamilton, Were guests at the parsonage over the holiday. LoMndr.onj,r asMA. ibeanvidP of Huron of °I1Ciengoea' College, Toronto, and, Mr. Jarvis Lut- ton of London Normal School spent the Thanksgiving holidays at their re- spective homes Mr. and Mrs A. J. Hall and son, Donald, of Kingsville, were guests at the rectory over the holiday. Misses Annie, Florence and Eliza- beth Barber of Toronto, spent the hol- iday at their home here. Give Away Money People- who buy Christmas Greet- ing Cards from Peddlers and pay what they quote per dozen are simply han- ding money away for nothing, You can get better quality stock, much more neatly printed for less money at the Advance Office. Call and see for yourself. If you have purchased this year's cards elsewhere you will be pretty sure to buy your next seas- on's greetings from us if you inspect our stock. You are invited. The Methodist Church Sunday Nov. lath., 1923 This Sunday, has been set aside as Special Young 'People's Rally. The Pastor will preach Morning and eeen- ing. Sunday School at 2.30 p. Special music by the choir of 35 voices. They will be assisted by Mrs. Ethel J. Grainger of Toronto, soloist of High Park Methodist Church. Mrs. Grainger is very popular with Wing - ham people, and we feel sure, she will be greeted by large audiences. At the morning service the centre seats will be reserved for the young people, The "World in Wingham" will be !presented by our young people, by way of Booths, Curios, Pageants, Drill, Exhibits, etc., on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, Nov. igth., arst. and 23rd. Special music each even- ing Come and enjoy a real treat, Offering received to cover expense. ananamcamemeteisrasossmonmszoimswo omen's f For Fall Wear we are show- ing Women's Oxfords of 'Un- usual Beauty! CHOICE SHOES — Better Shoes is what we aira at in all our special lines of Women's Footwear, OXFORDS AND SPATS are going to be very popular this Season! We have some beautiful mod- als in Dull, Bright or ,the New Colored leathers. May $4.00, 5.00 to 7.50 Show You Our Oxford Be male ? spare no pains in fitting Our Oxfords por ectly. GREE 11-P4 000D SHOE STOW