HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-11-08, Page 8ars tri a Ete'IE :'h ith 'in,eaaverIne' ' i 11 G's s r.e- + a, browns, lawns, taupes Isi Barb ., , ry styles 1 gree browns. Sizes 16 to 44. eci s, 9 Thursd y Friday a „d Saturday UMI mom x Essnessilimens MORRIS There passed away at his .home in Winnipeg on October i6tli., after a few- hours illness with •heart failure, a well and favorably known former resi- dent of this locality in the person of Samuel Irvine, in his sixty-fourth year. Decease& was born on lot 6, 5tlliste, of Morris, township, which lot being -the 200 acre farm taken up from+'the l ,crown by the late 'Robert and Mrs.i Irvine. He, being the only son, shar-I ed with them loyally the experiences .of pioneer life, . and continued to re side an the same farm i}tail eleven. -,rears. ago, when he moved with his I family to Winnipeg. His wife, who was Mary Jane Ferguson formerly of St. Helens and his daughter Mary Jean pre -deceased him two and: three years ago respectively.Three sons, who did serlce in France, and four daughters survive: Mrs. Fred Stewart and William of Los Angeles, Cal.; Horace, Scott,' Grace; :Eleanor . and Doherty of Winnipeg. 'Three sisters also survive; Misses Jane and Eliza- beth Irvine, Missionaries in Shanghai, China,. and Mrs.1,V. H. Ferguson of Toronto. Two sisters pre -deceased him, Grace, who was for many years a itissionary under the China Inland Mission in the Province of Hiang, Si., China, and'Sarah who diect in Morris The subject of this notice was in- dustries and honest to a fault and this combined with his breadth of, reading A is kiff '1,11 p f m Snow ue Any Day Now And it w i,uld e wise on the p .,rt at those who we : r boots such as °;shown by this illustration t•1:; see that th • y are fixed for bad weal . er. 1 x✓t Monday: Thanksgiving Day Storey Clbsed Ali Day We put •on new uoftonus I x new rubber s 1st most reaohuule prices,. W is a Chine before the h. Sy se s 1 uetne ir 161 THEWWGHAI :AD1ANla a nd genial diSlaositiou Won , Hint a large circle of , friends. He was staunch Liberal iia polities and a life long member of the -Presbyterian C.=1t.trch and ctid mucin to further its interests, occupying many positions of trust ttnd honor during his long', resi, deuce here last winter, while in this locality, for several weeks,he renewed. friendships with old ` schoolmates,. friends, and neighbors, all of whom regret the Sudeten passing of one who was a highly respected resident of this district, and took such a prominent part lea the life of the community. LUCI~"NQW 'rhe November meeting of the -Wow Tanen Institute, ns•tt lute, of Lucknow, was one of the most interesting of the year. The chair, in the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Gollan, was occupied by Mrs. . R. Phillips. The Teeswater: Women's Institute was the guest of the local society and the visitors furn isled a fine program, as follows; Pa-, per "'T'he Road to Happy Health Land", read by Mrs, Clarke; 'solo, Miss Rhea :Brown; paper, "Our Ca- nadian Ensign", IVIrs. Linklater; solo jean Reddon;• paper by IVirs. Thomp- son. A debate was put on by ladies of the local society on the subject, "Resolved that success in life is due to charac- ter more than tp circumstances!' The judges, Mrs. (Rev.) ; Osterhout and two Teeswater women, gave their de- cision in favor 6f the affirmative. Mrs. W; L, McKenzie and Miss McLeod spoke for the affirmative and Miss McKay and Miss Nicholson for the negative. Refreshments were served by the Lucknow society and a . most enjoyable afternoon . brought to a close, There waswa large attendance at the meeting, which was held in Car- negie Hall, BLYTH Mr. R. M. McKay left on Monday, on a hunting trip in Northern Ontario. There died on Sunday, Nov 4th, Hannah Hope. Beloved wife of Mr. Frank Bainton, aged 43 years. Ser- vice will be held at the late Home,' Tuesday at one o'clock, after the cere- mony life remains will be conveyed to Chesley for interment. A Fowl Supper will be held on Thursday, Nov. 8th in Community Hall,urlder-.the•auspicesof the Wo- men's Institute, in the evening a con- cert will be held in the auditorium,. everybody is welcome. 12 CON. HOWICK VIr. and Mrs, Henry Woods spent, Sunday at Mr. Will Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. John Wriedt made a business trip to Mildmay. Mr. Dick Bennett, purposes holding an Auction Sale Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Vittie is working- in Gorrie with .Mr. Wes. Palmer atthe sawmill. Mr. John Galbraith is working with 'Mr. Dick Bennett fora month. EAST WAWANOSH Rev...R. Peters of Dungannon call- ed7 g on friends on the 9th on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and Alice of Seaforth spent the week -end with relatives here, Mr: spent Charlie Campbell last r P week with his son John of Aylmer. Mrs. Anderson. of Toronto is; visit- ing with her brother, Mr. Elisha Walker. Mr. and Mrs, Will Hopper of Sea - forth spent the week -end at her home here.` 1,{iss Grace Wight ran is in Lon- don this week attending the Women's Institute Convention as delegate for the. Junior Institute. Mr. Sandy Young , 'of Guelph is visiting this week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and daughter, visited with 1VIr. and Mrs'. Norman Thompson of .Donnybrook on: Sunda'. Glad to welcome Iter. and Mrs. Ro- bert Scott to their new horne on the th. - 9 Mr. and 'Mrs. Gersham Johnston and. children, East Wawanosh, nosh, also Miss Nora and ,Beatrice Johnston,, Whitechurch, visited with friends in Dungannon on Sunday last,, Miss Irene .Carr, Dungannon spent. last week. with Mr. and Mrs. Gershotn Johnston: The Literary Society of Currie's school re -organized with Jack Per- due Pres. Miss 'Nesbitt, vice- presi- dent. and George Taylor Secretary, Mr. J J Kerr attended the Provin- cial S: S. Convention at Stratford last week. A report next Sunday after- noon. Mrs. \'Vn, Wetting spent a few clays with friends at Lucknow and Holyrood. Mrs. W. J. Currie is attending the Women's Institute 'Convention - in London this week: Mr. : ndr ew Currie and Misses Etta and Ethel Currie also Mr-, and Mrs: W': 3. Currie had a very pleasaant mb- tor trip to Exeter and Stratford, Barn Burned to Ground While threshing Wednesday morn- ing on the farm of Joseph McInnes, one-half mile west of Teeswater, a fire broke out in some mysterious way inthe straw shed, into which the straw wa5'^bcingblown and -the build- ing with all its contents, was destroy; - ed. A strong wind was blawing at the time and on this account the doors of the barn were shut. With diffi- culty the separator was got out of the building, but sot before the blower' and back of the machine were badly' damaged; `•The Silo with its contents was also destroyed, The threshing Outfit belonged to Duncan I(ettnedy, a neighbor, In the excitement Mr. I .enriedy's driver, which was in the stable, was forgotten and perished the flanges.' The circumstances is a Severe foss to Mr. McInnes, who had an, excellent crop_ stored in. a large and convenient barn, It has been aScer- tained if he had any insurance. The pupils of the continuation and public schools had just .:been let out for their forenoon recess, and Ott see- ing the flames took French leave and in a kw Miiltites were at the scene of the fire. Mr. Jolla. McInnes is a brother of De Melinnuss of Winghatn. ss rfY Y (Under new nuuvagersient) bright and Sani t a ry Special Dinner Parties ar- ranged for„, small deposit; 'required, by phoning 263 We Airn to Please Private Dens and Special Ac- commodation to Ladies ' Hours of Service 6 a.m. till x p.m. Sundays 7 a.m. till 7.45 p.m." QUICK . LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Single Meals 40c JOE LEE, Proprietor WHITECHURCH Miss - jean Egleson returned from the West last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry McClenaghan; aiidn'babe; of Belgrave visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan one day last week. Mrs, Walter Lott spent last week with relatives in Brussels. Mrs. Clarence Russel (nee Flossie MacGregor) of Toronto is attending her mother, Mrs, MacGregor, who has been seriously ill for the past week. Miss Francis Wilson of Wingham, visited for a couple of days Last week at the -home of her brother, Mr, James Wilson. There passed away Sunday, at the home•of her brother, Mr. Joe -Holmes, Miss Jennie Flolmes, formerly of Hoimesviile.. Iviiss Holmes 'rias been an invalid for- the past year, suffering coninually with nutsscular rheuinatistn. She leaves to mourn her,' one sister, Mrs. Rice and:two brothers, Mr. John Holmes of Sask., and Joe of White- church. .. Mrs. Charles Campbell and Viola, visited with the former's sister, Mrs, Harry McGee on Thursday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson left on Monday to visit relatives in Milton. Mrs. J .George Barton jr. and Miss Mable Garton spent the week -end with relatives in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry, of Bel- fast and Mrs. Anderson of St. ,Helens -isited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pur- don on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Falconer and Ernest of Bluevale visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer on Sunday. Mr. John"Purdon arrived home from the West • last Wednesday. Messrs, Prince and Wells' from Wingham were out hunting in these parts on 'Saturday. Mr. andM rs. Nathaniel Bolt and. Zora and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon on Sunday. Mrs. up as. Cornelius is laid Jwith an attack of pleurisy. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Prince and. Gladys, "spent : the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius. WROXETER Miss McDougall -of -Galt was a re- cent visitor at the home of Miss Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davey called on friends "in. Harriston one day last week. ' Rev. Dr. and 'Mrs. Brown went to T,nrl-new nn Wprl,ncA,,,: to attanA thel Sunday school 'convention. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather: on Sunday last, the anniver- sary services in the Methodist Church was well attended: the church being comfortably seated , morning and, evening. Rev. Hann of Ethel deliver- ed two splendid addresses, Mrs. Hann delighted the audience with a beauti- ful solo, the 'choir rendered suitable rintSic and the trio in the morning was well received. . "Modern Beatitudes Blessed is the matt who says grace before meals, lie at least appears well. BELGRAVE Mrs. Simpson of London is spend- ing a few days :with her parents Mr, and Mrs. McGee. Mrs. Barrie of St. Thomas is visit- ing- her neice Mrs. Yule. Mr. John McGee is on the sick list, Hope to 'see hint around again in a few clays. Mrs P. Scandrett spent a few days with friends in Wroxeter. iVirs. Rountree of '`London spent a few days with Mrs, Jr, A. Brandon. Murry Johnston of London : spent a couple of days in Belgrave. • BORN Dunkin—ln 1:'urnberry ou ' Tuesday,. Oct, 3oth, to Mr. and Mrs.- T. C. Dunkin, a son,—Walter Edward. Donation Days for Hospital The Woinen's Auxiliary to the General Hospitalare asking for the usual fall donations of. fruits, jam, jelly and vegetables on,''T'latrsday and. Friday, Nov. 15 and 16. In order to. assist those who may have noway of: sending in. their donation, some of the auxiliary have volunteered to call at each house on one of the above dates and collect any donation the people have ready, gan; Thos. Sheridan, Michigan; Mar- tha Sheridan, Michigan; Ann Jane Watson, now Mrs. drown in Burke's Falls; Maggio Watson, now Mrs, San- derson of Shclbour•ne John Watson in the West; Elizabeth 'Voting now Mts. I:astie Lind of Saskatchewan; Chas, l+oaley, socaof the first post piaster at Wingham; Sarah Fowley, George, John and. Elioabeth Brandon, who moved to tiro West, Phillip James in Grey Twp., Iinunat James, married rind livyi°s tet 0..S. A. CALLING THE ROLL num Those Who Attended the Old School, S. S. No, 9 Since the last issus so many. of the old scholars who attended the little old log school in East Wawanosh, (S. S, No. g), have called us up telling us of names omitted. -froze the honor roll which we published that we have decided to publish ahem again this week. We ran out of extra copies last,weck and litany were disappointed and that is also a reason for our 'nub-, fishing thein over again in this week's .issue..._. Mr, John Elliott, the secretary of the school has assisted us this 'week in the securing of other names, as has also Mr. Andrew McDoulgal, and 1VLr. Thomas Walters. The first paragraph contains the names of those who have gone on be- fore to'the school where God is the Master, These pupilsattended from. 18S9 to July 1872, John Anderson, Anne J,' Anderson; Mary Abram; Frank Buchanan; Mat- thew Brandon; Elizabeth. Cummings, Susan Cummings; Michael Cliff- ord, John Clifford, ` James .'Clifford; Mary Clifford, Ellen Clifford; John' Currie; George Deacon, ,Margaret Deacon; Wm. Dobson; George Dil- wortli,-Wei. Dilworth, John Dilworth, Thos. Dilworth, Joseph Dilworth; Sarah Drost, -Ellen Drost, afterwards Mrs. Thos. Walters, Jemima Drost;' Mary Drost, David Drost; Joseph Fitzpatrick, Mary Fitzpatrick, . Rose Fitzpatrick, John .Fitzpatrick; George Fowley, Wm. Fowley, Jane Fowley, Elizabeth Fowley; Mary 'Jane Fergu- son, Maggie 'Ferguson; Barbara Gib. son, later . Mrs. Grennan; Magnus Linklater, Mary Linklater, Marta I iril-;- later; Elizabeth Loutitt, Maggie Lout titt; Thomas Moore, Kate Maxwell, afterwards Mrs. Thos. Forbes, Thom-' as Maxwell, Arch.- McLean, John Me - Mary Jane McLean; George McGirr, Stephen McDougall, Maggie McGuire, Mazy McGuire; John McKay Wm. McKay; Hariet Reid, Maggie Reid; Mary Robertsot Nellie Sadler, James Shiell, 'Christie Shiell; Mary Anne Salter, James Stark, Marion Stark, John Sheridan, Sarah Walters, John Walters, John James. The following are those that we know of and a few whom we could not find particulars as to their pre- sent home orwhether they were still alive or not, Thos. Abram, of the est. line of Morris; Wm. Abram of Wroxeter, El- len Abram, now Mrs. Casetnore of Morris; W. M. Anderson, who re- sides near the school John Buchanan;' Toronto; Martha and George Bran- don, Rev. W. J. Brandon of Hamil- ton; Joe Brandon: Belgrave; Edward Cummings in the West; John T. Cur- rie, East Wawanosli; Geo., John Isabella, Joshua and. Jane, 'JoshdNellie .,, Coutts, we think they all reside in the West; Robt,, Currie, now in Wingham. John Ducat in the West; John Alliott, the, present secretary of the school; James Elliott . in the West; Mary Elliott, now Mrs. N. Johnston of Myth; George Fitzpatrick of Wawa- nosh; Albert, William and .Kate Fitz- patrick in Lower Wingham; Thos. Forbes, Wingham; Robt. J:' Forbes in Morris; Andrew and Matthew Fer- guson. in Wawanosh; Janes Golley, in Morris; Mary Anp,' James, John, Rebecca and Elizabeth Higgins; Jas. Linklater in' Turnberry; Wm. Link - later in, Wingham; John Linklater in Teeswater; /Caroline Linklater in Lower Wingham; Thos. Linklater in im the West; Maggie Linklater, now Mrs. MI McDonald. :of Goderich; Kate Linlc- later, now Mrs. Andrew McDougall, Lower Wingham; James and Mary Lobb in Alberta; ;John Linklater nowt oil principal of the High 'School at Gan M anoque; Mary Linklater, now a Mrs. IN Smith. in Saskatchewan; Christena Rogers now Mrs. C. Wellwood of 2111 Wingham John and Maria Loutitt ofIN Wt gh n,, Robert in iand Andrew Mc- Dougall Dougall of Lower Wingham, Sarah McDougall of Belgrave; Jane 11Ic- Dougall, now Mrs.; Geo. Fitzpatrick of Wawanosh; .Mary. McDougall of Wingham; Isabella and Andrew Mc:- Pherson, c=Pherson, John McGitivr' now resides at Spratt, Mich.; Rebecca McGirr, now Mrs. Wm. Baird of Turnbcrry; Elizabeth McGirr in .Minnesota; Ma- tilda McGit'r of Detroit; Margaret McLean,: now Mrs: ' Wni. Welsh, Wingham; .Hugh McLean, Hamilton Dan McLean, in Manitoba; James, Charlie, John, :Lizzie, Maggie, • Mary Jane aand Cecilia McMannis; Arthur McGuire in Brussels, James McGuire 'in Saskatchewan; Sarah McGuire in Moose Jaw; John McGuire, Belgrave;, John Perdue in Blyth; Geo. 1VI. Ro bertsort in Wawanosh; David; Robert •son in: Toronto; Tena Robertson in Wingham; Wm, Reid, John Reid and Archie Reid in the West; Ellen Mc- Kay now Mrs. Alex. Kelly in the 'West; Robert Shiell .in Wawanosh, Rachael Shie,l1, now Mrs, Chas. Mc- Connell of Detroit, Janet Shiell, now Mrs. Ab, Rintoul of Wingham; John Shiell in Wawanosh; John and Wil- liam Salter, in Wawanosh; Louie Sal- ter, Mrs. J. J, Kerr in Wawanosh; Kate Stark, Mrs. Eglestone, White- church; John and, William Turner; Elizabeth, Harriett, Mary Janet and Sarah Wadby; Thomas Walters and his sister Mary Jane Walters, Mrs. Ansley, who both reside in. Wingham; William and Robert Young, Samuel Young of Winghatn; Janes Young in Wawanosh; Henry Fergu- son 'in ergu-son'in the West; Samuel Cox in Auburn; Jane Ann Elliott, now Mrs, Jos, Johnston in Wawanosh; John, Henry and Robert Ferguson the West. FannyFerguson, now Mrs, Scott g �, in the West; William Sheridan, Wingham; Joseph, and John Ferguson in Michigan, Lewis, Sattnuel Thomas, William and Mary Ann Van stone; William and Thomas Dobson, John Drost in the West; Joseph Drost in the West; Samuel Drost in the West; Peter; Drost ' iii California; Thomas Dobson in i3riice; Nellie Hig- gins, in; the U. S. A.; Maggie Higgins, now Mrs, J, T. Currie of Wawanosh;. Elizabeth Linklater, now Mrs, Jas. Patterson in ;the West; Isabela Mc- Dougall, no*. Mr's, Leaser of Bels grave; Maggio McKay, also in the West; Robert Newcombeof Blyth; Jan'nes Newcombe inthe West; An- drew Sheill; fames Sheridan, Miehir Titursday,'Noverribet; 8.tb., xtls;; sisismaimissmoolitmenownsmitommoisesomosolistr Ic..114(19' ANNUAL WINTER . :Final Days lOt Your last opportunity t Save' on Fall and Winter Cla hin . Ladies' Misses and held • ren's Coats Specially Pric▪ ed for This Week Only ® '▪ P 15 only Fur Collared and Burberry Cats ® special price.. .. .. $16.75 ,,s' W mt ® . ® ® ®- Efi Separate Skirls, fancy all wool Maid Skirts, reg. 12.00. to 15.00 sale price ....6,95 al Special prices on MV[tsses' and Women's Dresses at Cant®n. Crepe, Flat Crepe, Silk Nely et Trllcottne and Porte, Twill, fromn ...$15.00Q�4qq t LteS® Bi Remnant Sale Half Price. rices' Men's • and Young Men's Suits and Win- ter Overcoats Specially Pric- ed for This Week ® ▪ I� a ▪ 1 Snits . $14.95, 19.50, 22.50 and 29.50 ■. Overcoats—itlen's Warns Ulster Overcoats, in Plaid hack With.three way bet.' Sale >nrie-. es . $ 19.50, 24.50, 29.50 and 34.50 m for Last 3:, .aays 500 yams Flannelette, light , and dark colors . .15e yd., :. 300 yds Pure linen H; nal Towelling 18e yd 200 ahs. ctOi Fr Yarn .. : r : , , ; 75c lb. til 200 lbs. Scotch Fingering . ...1.00 lb. 10 pieces Factory Cotton ........, . . .12c yd. 11 Men's 'Fleece Lined harts and D I S amp ers, all, sizes . . .. . .69e I oolcnCanadian tech and Can axn BXax>A 1 . twits, Otiteles Lined Gloves . , e ,,11.049 IVenAs Fine Shirts . MuR $ Wool Socks .48c : l� 1.39 001011.0 f ..4 EOM