HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-10-25, Page 10■ at NI ■ ■ ■ mg s trg ■ ■ a ■ ■ II ■ Women's ,Misses and C hi ldren s ft SI ISIONOIN JINNI* 7,77 THE WI1 tatl4* :iiNPV4N E �. T.hursday; Oe1t • exlimmillios1111111001mosommamegam ■■ gaina INN1111110111111 111 10 ■g■1151■■l1■I11■ i111111srN IrN trig F et. kl , sg23 o Nov: valit: I 1 rices Dry Golds, Ladies' Ready -to -Wear, ',Fur Coats, Furs, Men's and oys'r Clothing, Hoose Furnishings, !Rugs, Linodeurns, C..;,ngoleum ;gs, Window Shades, Draperies, Curtains;" Dress Goods, Silks, t .+,Elton Crepes, Silk:' Dresses, Velvets, Satins, Staple Gourds, Cotton, Sheetn.ngs9 Shirtnn.gs, Prints, Gnughams, To ell.illag,- Table Linen,' Linen Sets, Maderia Linens, Wool r►:;la.nkets, Flannelette Blankets,, Flannels, Yarns, Colton and Wool B. ts, .Hosiery, Underwear, Sleepers, Night Gowns, Gloves, Sweater Coats, Corsets, . rasslteres, Fancy Goo ds, Etc. EVER. T G iR y+' E King Bros. 5.., le will be a Real B:. rgainn Festival trom .start to $xlln.Ish. Kings' Sales have a +reputation of being genuine.' y g _ y ovv Orthe Real Savings they have made in the past, and this 'i'i„rritt lni.yers alw'a'ys lo forward to Rina' ��FrcnsO Sales they lin year the savin s will be greater than ever. Just think, right now when you require new Fall and Winter Clothes, the prices have dropped amazingly. Once more it has become inexpensive to dress expensively, to wear the best in Suits, Overcoats, Dresses, Fur Co .0 Is, Furs, louses, Skirts, Etc. at very moderate prices. Not until you have actually seen our Fall and Winter Stock displayed, during this great sale will you be able to believe that such values are possible. Wait For It. Watch For It. Coats, 'Suits and Dresses at Greatly m Reduced Prices 111■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ You will appreciate the comfort, style and value of these coats made in the latest styles of Velour, Bolivia and Marvella with or without fur collars and cuffs. Sale Price9 50 to 'S9 0 50 15 Sample Coats and Dresses Less Than Hall Price 0n -sale Saturday morning,: made of good quality ma- terials of silk and wool. Regular values $22.5o to $35,00, your choice for .... _-... ....... . ...--.. .1. 1 ® New andllstUUnctive Style ■ 111 Dresses Reduced ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ All Wool Flannel Dresses 1 a 11 ■ 1 ■ •■ 1 1 ■ ■ 1 11 ■ Especially fascinating are the Fall and Winter Dresses of Poriet Twill, Tricotine, Canton Crepe, Crepe Satin, Charmeuse Satin and Silk Velvet all cleverly designed in this season's latest models, all sizes IA en and colors. Sale Prices ..._..__..- as mm ! 15 and '�'2 �� 19.50/ 22.50, ; 33.50 Very neat Flannel Dresses in this Seasons latest eyed -9 50 to g113 50 tions, Sale Price a�+e? Fine Botany Serge. Medium weight Sale pt 0 to 9 Pricey d a 'Ls .6**. Children's Winter Coats and Dresses Pretty dresses for little girls of 4 to, 14 years made' in very attrac- tive styles of All Wool Serge, Flan- nel and striped ®5 to n p 0 Lustre Prices Stylish Warm all ages with or rill lars vn , ■N Prices '111- p • Ittianfs Ci 11 1 ■. Boys and Girls Warm ` Winter Clothing of all kinds Winter Coats for without Fur Col - to 12.95 is and Fur Robes Red .. feed Neat styles for babies in Coats of imitation: fur also robes reduced 20 per cent.'. 111 Worrren';s Underwear, , Flannel. ette Niht Gowns, Silk and Wool • Underskirts, Princess Slips and ■ C isoles Vests and.Drawers, Blur er nd Combinations Wool Re Si1kUs atd\Wool, :Union and Cotton • Underwear front the best mannfac- turas, 'VSatsorE"s, Turnbull"s, Pen- n man's, Stanfield's all standard I makes reduced -to per cent. m LiMem Sate 3 Old Bleach Linen Table Cloths, 'f.'ablo l+ia'pkins, .Matched Sets, Lin- en Serviettes at; wholesale prices buy how alts save rntoney I I j Down Filled Sateen Comforters;"- Cotton Fill- ed Sateen Comforters, White and colored Bed Spreads, Wool Bats, Cot - Bats? Quilt Lining and Sa- teens, reduced 20 per cent. 110u s e Furnish- ings at Rock Bot- tom Prices dur- ing this Sale. . 000.0100/00000 0110o BIG SASAVINGS Be 0 0 Sh re In It. 10 MI -It Is Your Duty to Save. FOR OPENING DAY ere Early as the Quantities are Limited In Some Lines Coats 20o yd spools white M%, or black per' spool %, a ;lb full size white com 3 0 c forter Bats each..-_..._,. a7 soo yds wide striped J c flannelette per yd. a 30o yds 36 in. wide com- 24 c forter or quilt covering Best Canadian Wheeling yarn Grey and Colors per .75 c th L110111.10110, 01104101•04.10.0001001,11/111106010 Silks at Real Saving Best Scotch Fingering lb lA 1.00 yarn 3 or 4 ply per Best circular pillow cot- A A c ton. ail widths yd_..:.__ `"� Men's colored and kha- ki Handkerchiefs each 72 in. flannelette sheet- 89c ing per yd.. ,. Women'3 s Silk and 0k Wool Bloomers ® ✓ t�? ii}1 •E :.i Reg 1.25 Pongee Silk Q tt Sale Price... _.. ®e� 11 ia. ieavy Charmeuse Sat- 2.1 0 inayd. • Taffr,ta Silk ®69 and 2.30 u� All Silk .Canton Crepe, Swt'ss .10,00110 Crepe de Cbene, Satin Grenadine, Heavy Duchess Satin, guaranteed Satin Lining, Habitau Silks, Fancy Crepe de Chene, All Tyme Crepe all reduced ao per cent. AD Wool Indigo Suiting Serge 4511110,018/0011110.100/1010.01104100 500 Yds. Pure Linen Hand Towelling Extra quality all Linen. Hand towelling with plain color- ed borders sale price a yd 19c' c" Linen Cheek Toweling All Linen Check Towelling of smooth even weave, that leave no lint when drying, give g, will g ve e very satisfaction and you can depend on the wear c, 7 c, 3 3 c per yd a? Maderia Linens Old Bleach Lin- ens, Embroidery Linens, reduced 20 per cent. Table Cloths Pure Linen, sizes and alto}. , A 95 to 12.00 3 Best � Scotch All Wool lalinkets 50 pairs of the famous Scotch Wool Blankets in various weights and -sizes with pinkor blue bord- ers with body of white, grey or camel shade Sale Prices a pair 8.75, 10.5013.75 Canada. All Wool blankets Made from the finer wools,thor • oughly'"scoured with fine e'iten trap alelags .7.95_.. to• to 11 � 0 �axromn +q+ m �kse. Fa a a 14100 If you are contemplating a ma- terial for a Suit or some good gar- ment, this is a real bargain, heavi- est weight all wool man's suiting Serge regular price 7.50 4.69 Sale price_ .......... ;. 4 ci y i• it'ti�il 1 L �yiRoos� , Boys' .All Wool Tweed 69 Knickers __- • White Bleached Cotton . a yard. a7 c . 20 doz good quality Window Shades, color cream or 59 „ green size 3x6 ft • moo Yds Best. Quality Print Light or dark colors good patterns price yd 1 C 4100.101.0011, 000,0000J s ��g Skif ;ria ti .[ D.� .OAP SALE SATURDAY MORNING AT $:3 ® 1000 Bars Laundry Soap, Sunlight Soap, P. & G. Soap, Sff a Soap, � prise Soap, PalmSoap, Inffaaat olive ' °ld s' Sart y,. Soap. , Delight„ Furst Furse Furs ! Ting Bros, carry the largest and best stock of Furs and Fur Coats in Huron County, every garment guaranteed by us. You can save from'$so.00 to $ioo.00 on your fur coat now. Plain Persian Lamb Coats, Alaska Sable Trimmed Persian Lamb Coats, Plain Hudson Seal Coats, Alaska Sable Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats, Plain French Seal Coats, Plain Canadian Muskrat Coats, Trimmed Can- adian Muskrat Coats, Misses' Canadian. Coon Coats, Plain Canadian Beaver Coats, Fur Chokers in Mink, Sabre, Er- mine, Grey Squirrel, Persian Lamb and Beaver. Fur Stoles in Pox, Alaska Sa- ble, Coon, etc. All Fur at Real Bargain Prices. Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters and Jaegfettes Latest styles in Pleated Skirts, Tailored Blouses, Plain and Fancy Crepe 3acquettes, Novelty Sweaters, all reduc- ed 3.95, 5,95 and 12.95. 11 lll,�tl 1. Arrow Collars, all the newest shapes at 3 For soc. r 1 f11111 11Ht �11 1 3► �.toi4.114; i F r, aai Men's Braces 39c to 69c 5o doz, White Handker- chiefs Slag • a dozen. SPECIAL REMNANT SALIN 500 Remnants—Silks Dress Goods, Cottons, Linens, Flannelette, etc. price &fitI1.00010.01016000-0411100000011b 01001111.000011010101,01/0‘ Corsets, R.edueed Corsets, Brassieres and Cotsetlits, at big money saving prices, Gossard Corsets, Nemo Corsets, we have a cor- set for every fig- Q ureto sale price et 4.95.: p c Ladies' Gloves New fall and Winter Gloves are here Chamoisette Gloves, Kid Gloves Cape ' Gauntlets lined Gloves ; Sale. prices per pair '69c to 2439 rmirrl NIC owirrrtis •.�. t 8. ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ®. ■ . ■ ■ ■ 448E ■ ■ g ■ a a ■ ■ ■ ■ 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ is '. ■ ■ ■ . C Announcing : the ,Greatest Val- ues Ever' Offered in Men's, Young en's- and Boys' Suits ': and Overcoats Men's High Quality Overcoats Best materials and high class tailoring arethe out standing feature of these coats. You can have your winter coat ata clear saving of from $zo.00 to $20.00;' Sale Price IN$14.75, 19.75, 29.50, 33.50 - -11 Grey and Nary All Wool English f., Botany Serge Suits for Men room These are Suits of better quality and will appeal to cc) the man who wants a Suit that 27.5® 33 CO 1:012 will give wear and satisfaction .... I' as , .J Men's Imported Tweed:Suits Special Sale of Sample Suits and broken lines taken from our regular stock many are less than half iA price,; Sale Price Saturday... •95 Young Men's and Youths' Ulsterettes made from the best imported Cloths with half belt and belt all round have double s'y 9. p_ lining, Sale Prices, 12.50,' 16.5o i13(Dya Y wu Pant ..,ULs A boy will obtain much longer wear out of a Suit with two pair of Bloomers, we are showing this seasons lat- Mrs tominest "styles in fancy tweeds and navy serge Prices• U "'1-rims:4J Small Boys' Suits Suits made of All Wool Serge, Tweed or Corduroy for little' chaps from 3 to 7 years with High Neck Salec�• Prices 3. 995 to v.75 Small Boys' Overcoats New style Juvenille Coats for boys from 3 to io years with Heavy Wool Lining, Colors Grey, Blue and a (itto''". GM Brown, Prices.......; ur•n�s . 2'•n7J Overcoats for Boys y Warm Coats of all wool tweed overcoat - e• Greymixtures, tail- oreding in Brown, Heather''„�, in men's styles with belt for boys from 12 to x8 years, sale 1 1 di'75 to 16 50.,,. prices • High Grade Furnishings. Borsalino Hats $5.75 King and Walthausen Hats ........._ $r.gs to 3.so Mens Pongee Silk Shirts, all sizes ..$z.g5, Men's Fall Caps 95c, 1.39. and x.69 Men's Negligee Shirts , .., ,. $a 69 and 2.69 Underwear Values That Will Command the Attention Every ver a. yi�n . ina + a000 Garments, Shirts; Drawers and Combinations sfromtrie•best. makers Stanfield's, Penman's Turnbull's' Watson's Tru Knit in light mediuirt and heavy all wool, silk and wool, Merino, natural wool and cotton Watson's Medium Weight Combinations, gttaran;reed not to shrink, sale price ........... .. ..:.. 69' 50 dozen Penman's Fleece Lined: Boys' Shirts, Drawers and Com - ■ a ■ ■ ■ ▪ . ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ 111 ■ _ ■ . ■ Shirts; and Drawers per binations in all wool and. fleece, ■ 9 Q� . lined less 20 'per rcent. garment ....� Penman's gz Natural Wool Stanfield's Bine Label Shirts 111 Combinations less 20 per cent. dis- and Drawers on sale less'so per la ■ ■ ■ g Pi M■glt■PiNII■■ ■it■/■1N■11 count. half holiday this year. Store Closed Wcd.>�esQI��, Afternoon, ,-October 3 �. st, the last I�Eat Phon 110111111 was .cent. RS'