HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-10-25, Page 1Secure your Single Copies, Four Cents. •KICKED BY A HORSE Tickets Now for "All Aboard' Mr: Huttori is Very Seriously 'Injured •While driving out from town on Thursday evening, Mr. Andrew Case- Inore's horse scared just after leaving the pavement going south on the Bel-, •grave road, and kicked Mr. Casenaore on the arm Mr. Hutton who was dri- ving with him leaned ,over to take the lines when Mr. Casemore's arm fell limp when the frightened horse let drive a second time and kicked Mr. Hutton in the stomach, badly injuring him.He was rushed to Wingham General Hospital where it was found necessary to operate on him and -where he is still in a very critical condition. His- many friends wish for his very epeedy recovery. • Boy Injured ty Saw While operating a circular saw an the engine of his father's threshing •outfit Saturday, William, young son .of William Edwards of Howick, sus- tained severe injuries to his hand, the result of coming in contact with the saw. The bone of one finger vvas severed, while two others were badly lacerated. TIM MEETS CRANE PEASE To the ISditue av the Advance, Deer Sur • ' Whin walkin down the shtrate on Dollar Da Y who ,shud. 1 mate but nae, ould frind Grine Pease., He has been called be that nanie 'so long that 1 al- mosht fergit what hi. furst name is, It sharted,in this way. Manny years ago, befoor Mishter Hall bought the Advance, this fellah Pease wus .an ould bachelor livin be himsilf in an ould log house, 'and awl the girruls had given him up fer a losht oppor- tunity, so to shpake, though he wuss- en't half a bad man to luk at whin he had a elane shirt. Well, wan day didn't he give us the surproise av our loives when we savaehim welkin ar- round Wingham Fall Fain wid the widdy Grane, an it sames awl he nay - did wus a shtart, fer purty soon he wus ‘goin shtrong wid her an the byes• wus yellia Grane Pease at thim whin they dray along the road in wan., av .Billy Dore's new 'Shtoyle buggies. They wus married the nixt wmther an lived happily ivir ,afther, as the shtory books say, but the . neme shtuck, an Grane Pease, he is to this We wint into Charley Lepaed's Sanitorium an had a glass arr two av ginger ale an talked about ould-toimes r half an hoer art rnoore whin he ez to mes "Tim" sez he, "I see ye are ittin too be quoite litherary inane Lo be ray -din yer letthers in the Ad- ance iyiry-waac an ginerally .shealein hey not much fault to foind him, but the wan la.sht wake wus a ishappointrnent to me," he sez. Wud. Ye moind Whit me fer what ray- on" sez L "Rayson enough" sez he, Whin ye make out that whin the end canes wid us ould fellahs, the moslit ✓ us will be a total loss, an no insui-- rice, .afther wurrukin harrud awl our ives", he see, "I am surproised at ye 'im, thay,e shud turn out to be a oy'killer in yerould age, a zegular ishturbei= av the .payce, no betther han an alarruen clock shpringin a ickens 'av;a noise. at foive o'clock in he rnarein, 'whin a fella:h wants to hlape," sez he. - "Mebby tis betther" •sez 1, "that her are suchetings as alarrum clocks the wurruld, fer top ma.ntiy av tad lads are ashlape at the switch, the Whole thrain, av cars rieshin n to a gineraa shfnash up" I sez "If e got what is comin to us we shud e coort marshalled an. shot at sun, oiee, so we shud." 'Tis rraxin yer ietty fers, ye are, Tim," sez he, "an orbye that ye are tiff to bad slitart rum the beginnin," he sez, "To hear e talk ye wud tink the whole wurruld us out joy rcaden wid avvl sails set, . n the daoiver shteppin on the gas, n no lookout on the bridge, wid or - hers to go 'full sliteanr ahead, an awl he passingers dancm an card playin n the saloon. Shure, 'tis awl a mis- take intoirely we ye, sez he, 'The mosht av. the.payple ere honest, nd kapin puety straight on the road, onsidherin, how mannyosoign poshts heer be pointin differunt ditick- huns. 1\iloshtly ivirybady is doin a air share av the wurruk in this moun- hry barrin a feav. retoieed ‘farrumers vho are too ould, an some who be htill shockin to the farrums to get n aisy livin." I saw it wus no use argyin wid ould Grane Pease, fer the only wan who Yid ivir bate him in a, discushion is his nissus, an she jist tells' him she does - et agree wid his (leas, an sez "so here", an tells him if is tbinie to do he chures, an that sittles him. Yours till nixt wake, • Timothy Hay, • . s EVERYBODY'S COLUMN g e • wid • vid ii AUC'TION - SALE—Feeding Cattle a ' and Cows,' at the C.P.R. Steck 1 Yards, Wingham at 2 p.m. on Sat- t tirday, Oct. 27th, 22 Herefords and e 9 Polled Angus Cattle all well bred. " D. E. MacDonald, Prop., Jas. Tay- a lor,'Auctineer. • . c'' AUCTION SALE—Choice Cattle and 2 Greif' at lot 6, con. 8 T 'b , Turnberry a (Lewis Farm) at x o'clock on Tees- I day, Oct., 3oth. T. W. Fortune, a Prop., John Purvis Auct. • ifaUCTION SALE—Whitechurch pro- perty and household effects, the , estate of the late Mrs e jas.McClena- ','. gban, will be sold in Whitechurch oon Friday, Oct. 26t11 at 2 p. m. T.• R., eBennett. Auctioneer. • I t "AUCTION SALE—Of Polled Angus ' iti •Cows, Heifers and Calves, at •N. < Half Lot 16, Con. 13, West Wawa - nosh 2 miles S. E. of Lucknow, on < October-3ist., to ,commelice at 1.30 1 o'clock • p.m., 2 Cows, 7 years; 6 1 Heifers, 3 years; 4 Heifers, 2 years; I 5• Yearling Heifers; I Bull,. t8 1 e-nonths. 8 of the cows have calf by I -side. These cattle are closely relat- f ed to MacGregor's bull, "Kilmer- 3 xsoch," Brandon, Male Terms— 1 Three inonthe' credit on, approved joint notes bearipg at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. E. • Smyth ( McLean, Prop., John Purivs, Auct. t i FOR SALE—A snap, •Clievrolett 1 touring car in good condition. Ap- ply at The,Advance. ; ; LICENSES—Mt Deer and Trappers i Licenses and necessary pert -nits. , Geo. H. F'hippen. 1 .FOR SALE—Coal Heater Base Burn- 1 •;Cilia good condition, Apply Mr ! Boyce. . ' .... . . TOR SALE—Oak Heater, Art Hur- on Base Burnet ,and a Portable fire • , . grate. W. C. Lepard. :FOR SALE—Apple barrels. Apply to Witighain Salt Co. FOR SALE—Purebred white Leg- horn Pullets, bred to lay. Apply B. Patton, It Bluevale, e. . EOR SALE—Car 55 cents off • about Oct. 27th., FOR SALE CHEAP—House ble ancl one acre joining VVingliam. Advance. of Westera Oats the car.Will arrive A. C. 'Adams. and sta- of Choice land; ad- Apply at The FOR SALE — Gurney Oxford Coal heater in good Condition, also half , dozen kitchen chairs. A•pply at the . • Advance. ,, , FOR SALE—Frame building abbut , e0x4.0. A lot of good, pitie in the " beading. Apply T. C. King, FOR SALE—A few choice Yorkshire Sows, due to farrow about Oct 20, Apply to Beninger & Cruickshank. — FOR SALE -3 good Breeding Ewes pure bred and Grade Oxfords, also litters lof young pigs' • Apply to john Turaer, Con.lo West Wawa. nosh, Lucknow P. 0. FOUND -Package of Grocery's left ill •,car, by mistake on Saturday night , 40pposite Rae & Thontpson's, Own- er may have same by applying to Jas. E. Currie, Route 3,Wingham, , , ,.. '1HORSE FOR SALE a-- Choice three year old heavy gelding, sound, brok- .en, price Very reasonable. Apply to. R. A. Spotton, at Monumental Works. .. FOR SALE—The Wingham Horti- cultural Society have a quantity of , 'Fall Bulbs to dispose oa. Enquire of Secretary, J. E. Cove. • "WANTED, -5000 Cedar Rails, Apply • to Wingh,abi Salt Co. ' FARM FOR Lot 33,- Eat ,of. ehbice land, 'acres of tile.ge, .;,piature. Comfortable large bank good orchard , °tie mile frOni • POI- • prizes ' 4, eilo,4010, SALE --Concession 12, 'Wawanosh, 150 acrea well watered, rio remainder bush and frame hotiee, ba,r0, Straw -shed and Six miles front. town, ebutthes and school, and teterts, app' t0 Pi ,0,i'', ,10P Mrsl .tr1 trtilviii,11„1,47,.„,74,11.47,10111.1rg.1 „ t „ . , , Local Talent Play in. Wingham Town Hall IVioriday and I uesday Oct. 29th and 30th. • WI4GHAIV1, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th 1923 f . LOCAL ITEMS Teeswater Cider Mill' `Making ap-' ple butter every day, cider on 'Dues - Overcoats — Another shipment of Boys' and Men's Overcoats received at Isard's this week. See them, Their prices will interest you. • Mr Vance Sanderson's Ford coupe came to grief on Sunday evening- when it struck loose gravel near Auburn and turned over. , Save Money Buy Now --King's An- nual Sale starts Saturday, coxne early and share an the bargains. • Winghain people who knew Dr. I',er- guson of Teeawa.ter, were grieved to hear of his sad and unexpected, death which occurred on Monday night. Wingham U The Wingham Commission have decided to hold their meeting e at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in place of at 7.30 in the evening on the znd and 4th Tuesday of each week A girl in Cincinnati sues for $5,000 because she was squeezed by a mar on a crowded street car. Most men don't realize that they are bestowing a $5,000 gift every thne they indulge in the national pastime. Rev. C. Adams, Chaplain of the Na- vy League of Canada, addressed the A. Y. P. A. at St. Pauls Church on Mon- day night. The reverend gentleman spoke in the Methodist church on Sun- day morning. Bridge Caught Fire . One of therailwaybridges between Belgrirve and,Wingham- caught f ire -on Sattirday and- did considerable damage to some of the heavy timber ueder- neath before it, was: fitally -put out by the .crew of the London, Huron and Bruce.. Horse Must Be Claimed Carrick Township Council have giv- en notice that if the awnd'Iof a horse, which has be'en pasturing on the xoth concession does not claim it withite certain time steps will be taken to have the animal shot before the cold weath- er sets M."' It is believed that the hor- se has strayed a considerable distance e uniting ahead of car& Hotel Guest Robbed, One of the guests at the Vendome on Fair night forgot to lock his door when he went out in the evening and sone light fingered persoo entered the room and gOing through bis club bag helped himself to $48. The loser at- taches no blame to the hotel manage- ment but imagines it was some out -of town sneak who was ,on the watch to loot.---Teeswater News. • . Dollar Day Prizes Th prizes awarded at the Maitland Creamery on Doller DaYa were as fol- lows: to the person bringing' the largest amount of produce, Chas. Car - fen WaWanosh; to the person coming the longest distance, John Martin of West Wawanosh. The prize for the best cari of cream was the hardest to judge as three were equal and -Mr, Hirst decided te give $x.00 each to Chas, Martin, Junctioa; Ed. Higgins, Turnberry; and Andrew Carle of Wa- watioeh. Those receiving Electric Irons don- ated by Wingham Utilities Commis - Skin for the largest purchases in lhe Hydro Shop oo Dollar Days Were wan 1\tio Chas, Bleckhall, whose Pee - chase wait $49 and Mr. Lorne Basker- ville on a $35 purehase. The lady who got the Electric Lamp presented by W. R liatriilton, jewel- er, does not like to see' her name in print for fear of burglars getting wise DOLLAR DAYS Win lvlord,en Made an Excellent Bill Dollar Although the weather was cold and showery on Friday and 5;asstarday, Dol- ar Days were up to what the merch- ants had hoped for. In conversation with several of the merchants they in- formed us that they were much pleas- ed with the iseecess, of the two days' business. The chase for Bill Dollar of the Wingham Advance continued until he was caught about 4.30 in front of The Times office. Win Morden, the fam- ous soothpaw pitcher of the Wingham Championship Baseball team made a most capable Bill Dollar and had the people guessing until within thirty minutes cif the time when he would. STREET POULTRY FAIR A Former Citizen l'hielcs It Would Although away front Wingham for some time now, Mr. A. H, Wilford has still a warm place in, his heart fox the town, and seeing by the Advance that an effort was being made to in- troduce a Street Poultry Fair here he writes as follows :— Saskatoon, Sask., Oct, /9, ten. Messrs. The Wingbain Advance• , Wingham, Ont. Dear Sirs; I notice by your last week's issue that you have in miad the operating of a poultey'fair day. Since corning to Western Canada I have gradually developed that system of marketing poultry and cannot see why it has not have given himself up. Carman Cout-hceaennaduase extensivelysisacopcopy ric) Easternfoil ts, son of Mr, andMrs, Alex. Couttseof was the lucky boy, and he divided his d Enclosedmore . my introductory writings, which has $to prize with Wallace Gurney, viliosezosqlle4 in the organization of a Poul- try' fair daY--itr. over "ibr) 'points in this Province alone. • If 1 can be of any further assist- ance to your board of trade, I would. be glad to give it, as I have not lost interest even though the distance be Adgreat between ouurss. very truly, quite hurt because that without a pa- per or without using the right words • A. H. Wilford. they addressed the rikht man, but that The introductory writing: he was quite •justifiedin not giving.TU'IKEY •FA/R I)Alt himself •ttp. Very few older people • • is • appeared: to take the seine interest this There no other way of securing better satisfaction for the Procificer of poultry than to market his surplus each year collectively instead of in- dividually. The individual system of marketing anything creates a habit of "glutting the market". I mean by this that at a stated lime all operators in the centre, where this product is dumped is able to report a very weak market. The individual system of selling does not allow the buyer the assurance of quantity. On the other hand, when all producers bring arti- cles for sale to a small centre, it is worth the buyers while to come to meet the producer, where the dicker- ing for prices, weights and. grades takes' place and that is where it ought to take place. A very snappy advertising campaign niust be operated, in order that all producers may know the dates and methodsto be used. The same ad- vertising campaign wilt give the buy- ers from a distanee, is' well as the lo- cal, d'ealers, an opportunity to be on hand that day. TMk is- a very siMple thing to &a-. Local business mem and. boards. of trad'e extendi invitation to dealers from the consuming centres to meet the producer on the day ap- pointed. The local' board of trade should melee, peeparations for the taking care of all of the Prodoce brought to that centre, in case -it is known that the dealers have formed, a combine (of course that would. never •happen in Winghatax>. - To (to this a receiver would be asked to give the producer a weight -slip for his • produce. The produce would be shipped to the larg- est consuming centre, to be cold stor- age with premision to allow prospec- tive buyers, inspection of the pack. op.e.e,4 ,olneetional work should be For sometime before the market is done, so that all poultry is prepared the sarne way, making a. uniform pack. Buyers do not want some poul- try drawn, some undrawn, some with feet on, some with feet cut off, some scalded, some dry picked etc. 5c per pound is often realized as a premium price paid for a uniform pack. If the producer produces a uniform pack, he therefore, should receive a premi- um price for so doing. With an arrangement as outlined here, you develop loyal support of the producer, because he realizes that the local business man is taking a real in, terest in him. paper he .borrowed to make the. cap- ture -With, Several boys an.d probably a few girls too did not seemingly un- derstandthat they had to carry a pa- per and be very mannerly when saying "You are Bilt Dollar of the Wingham A rally oi the congregation ot the Ye.— --Y p.revicius yearse. ' Methodist church will be held in the We had almost decided to *rule child - church on Friday evening, next, Oct. ten under 15, years of age out of the c 26th to welcome former pastor, Rev. chase, because of the rowdyism shown E. F. Armstrong., Every ariember and by a few in the chase for Bill Dollar, but that would have been a mistake adherent should if possible attend. as the two lads who shared the "Once Again" Bigger than ever One. mon- ey are of the gentlemanly type. Cent Sale, No. 1, 2, 3, at McKibbon't This is the fourth Mysterious Miss Drug Store, or Mr. Dollar put on by the Advance As a stimulant foryour businesa no- thing does so muck gooct as printing well done. A poorly •Printed letter- head or envelope ors cheap paper may do you unlimited harm. The Wing - ham Advance. is noted for its nifty Job Kay. The second time, Mrs. George printing.all over Western Ontario. Young, now of Toronto, was the mys- The Junior institute and Junior, terious lady and she was captured by Farmers will hold a Beet Social in the Miss Florence Pocock, now Mrs, C. Wingham Council Chamber on Nov. Moore of Detroit. The third lady was 1st. Programme at 8 o'clock. Danc- Mrs. E. Pettigrew and she was caught ing after the social. High School by Miss Edna Tarnlyn, Orchestra. Ladies bring boxes, Gents „ 47c and tax. ' to assist in advertising •Wingham's •Dollar Day. The first Miss Dollar was Miss Ansley, now Mrs, R. M. Lindsay of Saskatoon, and the lady whOcaught her was Miss Bertha Mac - The Graduation Exercises of the Winghain General Hospital will be held in the town hall on Thursday ev- ening, Oct. 25th, at 8 o'clock, when, graduating nurses will receive their diplonia.s. The public cordially invit- ed to attend. People who persist itt knocking that Wingham merchants never give reduc- tiotis when they put on sales should take time to compare the prices quot- ed on a sale bill sent out by a neigh- boring village store and then look ov- er Wingham prices. •• "The Big Event" Nov. x, 2, 3, One Cent Sale at McKibbon's Drug Store. •Thieves entered the cellar of John E. Wright, Lower Wingham and stole a quantity of perserved fruit and veg- etables. This is not the first time late- in Wingham: ly that thieves have been working in Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee motored this locality. Hugh Prentice had up to Kincardine Beach on Wecines- some fowl taken. day afternoon. Cominissioner Charles Sowton, of- Mrs. E. Aitcheson spent a few days ficer in charge of all Salvation Army last week in Norwich, Visiting with work in Canada. East of the Great her son Lorne. -:- PERSONALS, Mr. Harry Angus.has returned home from the West. Mr. Cecil Cook has returned home from Port'Huron. Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Crawford mot- ored to Windsor this week. Miss Olive Cruikshank was home from Guelph over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Saint have re- turned to their home in Wallacebterg. Mi-; Adam Johnston is borne after spending the past few weeks in the West. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry of Bruce - field, spent the week -end with friends Lakes, will be at Wingham Salvation Mr J. G. Fyfe of Shelhourne, mot - Hall, Friday, Oct. 26th., at 8 )1 111. ored .to Wingham to see his aged fa - Mayor Elliott will welcome the Com- missioner. ' ther and mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer motored .Men's Overcoats -200 Mens Young plaid, back, to Petrolea, on Monday, to attend the Mens winter Overcoats, funeral of a cousin. materials in latest styles selling at cost. King Bros. • Mrs. John E. Fells and family vis - Tickets are selling fast for the far- ited over the week -end with Milton 0- cleat Comedy Drama "All Aboard" and eorgetown friends. which will be put on by local talent Mr. Thomas Jones, Proprietor of Monday and Tuesday evenings next, Listowel Monumental Works, spent loo people are taking part in the play, Monday with his friend, R. A, Spotton. and they, all tell us it will be much Mr. W. j. Hilliard was in town this funnier than the play. Katchale6o re- week. He is travelling for P. W. El- ceetly put on in Wingharn by the lis Co. wholesale. jewelers of Toronto. same management. '1,11rs. Cannon of Cleveland, is visit - A subscriber stated to us yesterday ing her father, Mt Thos. Forbes, Di - that the best thing to stop a chimney agonal Road. • • fire was a tablespoonful' of sulphur De Geo, and Mrs. Joynt and babe thrown into the stove. Close up the of Toronto are visiting at the home stove at the front and open the back of his ntotier, iVIr Th osJoynt, Fran- dteafts, lift the •lid and thrown it into ces St. Nurse Helen Wilson of Kingston, is dared have been saved by this very father, Mr. Gavin Wilson, Evergreen the fire. Hundreds of dollars he de- , home to spend her hob( ays with her simple remedy .1 Kirig's Annual Sale—Everybody has winter clothing at wholesale price. Place. . i ig by lain on been -waiting for this greatest :Watley . ,Mr. Lack Keimedy mototed 'tip from Saving event Of the season, buy your Toronto, with Mr. Carl Judson on Mondly night return't t • " It is our intention to ptiblish a com- Tuesday afternoon, Pletc Bit of •the names 1 the scholars Mr, and Mrs. A. Rogers and Mr. who attended the old school at S. S. and Mrs, T. Leakie of Kincardine, No. 9, EaSt Wawanosh in our itext is- guests of the latter's mother, sue. If any of the old scholars would were carM tcall at the Advance office and rs. W. j. Pattison, John St., on Sun- • e ti look over the list offering any correc- day. tions we would appreciate it and doubt Mrs. F. Stark returned to her home less it would assist in making a corn- in Detroit after' spending a couple of ,plete record for the tablet, weeks -with relatives here. Mrs. 'rhe United armers political Aa., Stark was formerly Nurse Myrtle brie ' F sociation will hold their atinual meet- lay' ' ing in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, Mrs, I3ellinda Johnston and her dati- on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 3Ist. ghter, Mrs. Tom Fixter Motored up at 2 p. In. Mr, R. J- Woods, Progres. from Walla:cebtirg and spent a few sive M. P. for Dtifferin and 1/Ir. R. II days renewing acquaintances. Halbert, Progressive M. P. for North Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKie motored Ontario will address the meeting. '.Che tip from Stratford and spent the week - public are cordially invited to attend. end with acquaintances, They were Wm. Rutherford, Pres., R. J, SCOtt, accompanied_ home by Miss' E. M. Seey. Mulvey, King's Sale—People who shared in Mr, Thos. Bolt arid daug,hter Miss our previous sales having been anxi- Eva Bolt, have reterned home after ously waiting for thiS atittottneement, .Pending the week -end with Mr. and pleeee shop in the mornhig if Possible Mr. and Mrs. John Darlieg, Bel - more, aithounce the engagement of their daughter, Margaiat I. Aitken to Robert 5, Scott, son of Mr: John S. Scott Belgrave, Ont,, the marriage to takg; plate tate m October, ' fortinie to break Ms collar bona. Mrs. Ezra Merkley„ Mts, Merkley pereo. wito. 'Aie theft was not notic- a daughter oi Ur. 1801t. cd till xt o'clock Sunday Morning Mr, and Mrs, Casburn Austin and rhe police are without the alightest two children mid Mr. Jos, Austiri, chte to work on. It is believed the motored up from Xitehertet to see burglars were travelling by Motor -car, their father who recently had the inis- Some of the citizens heard it car work- ing hard early in the morning, Methodist Church Notes • Special •Anuiversay services next Sunday, Oct. 28th, Rey, E. F. Arm- strong, B.A„ B. D., of Wallaceburg, wil preach morning at It m. and in the evening at 7 p.m. Special music. Come, a hearty welcome awaits you. 1400•011.44. , Aolloituialiwilimaill'he ' —,,,D7.0,14, oiwooliimmommo*fie ' OUR EVERY PAY CUTPRICES it 1 --- Save You Money --. , : ff N. . , i. We are. pleased, to be able' to announce that owing to the,increas- = ed buying of our two Stores Wingharn and: , Harriston We Can now = E-7-. give you special prices on all goods. • ' 11-1 '''' ' ' ' ' . ' , • . --lia- Ili , These are our everyday prices until further notice, . _ , , . , LIII 11, Or' :Woerdpea.ry; postage on mail orders, when, cash accomPshies, the, I Subscriptions $0.0o per yea.e. Es 25e A.B.S.&C. Tablets . 400 Castoria .....„... . , . ,.. ...,....350 il 15 35c Electric Oil.......... . . . ... ' — .... - -19C • 550 Chases K&L Pills .....,-_exc i rg 50e Chases. Nerve Foo -r1.- ' --,29: e.00 GloversiViange Cure --89c i x.25 Pierces Fay, Prescp 94390 1.50 Pinkhant Yug Coinp r.25 = — 25c Mecca 250 Cuticura Soap ......_ , _23c --,•.---,. _ 350 Steedman Powders — 250 Beechams Pills e3c -7 11111 soc liVin. Pink Pill '----.29c i.00 Nuxated Iron ____, ' l3qc IA • SOc .IVielatholat s 450 50e ZalT1bIlk t-, ,,,, , 43c i ii- 250 Carter Ping .. -.-..--' - - -43c 200 Snap -a--- 400 Italian Balm ....... '' ... '' .....35e ,eiec Pebsodent Paste e.,.. ---450 ,— Iiii 350 Djer Kiss Talc ', zec 500 156%.I -..13 --Kidney Pills ....... .45c Eiti Thieves Ransack House While Mrs. Robert Nicicle and her family, of Howiek, were attending church at Belmore, her residence was broken 'into and a sum of motley, valuable articles and a quantity of eatables stolen. The money belonged to Mrs. Nickle's sister, Mrs. Law of Toronto, who is visiting her. The house showed signs of a rough, hasty search arid the cat was found lying dead on the floor. Burglars At Clifford Some thue after midnight Saturday burglars entered the jewelery store of Mrs. H. Wendt and the stationery and printing office of 14r..J. R. Aitelicson and carried away jewelry front the former place valued at $nsoo. They evidently, emptied all the trays in the Showcases int() 80i112 reeeptacle, as numerous pieces of jewelry were scat- tered arourid the floor. In the sta- tionery store very little is missing-. A burglar who would think of getting anything valuable in a printing office is surely not right in. his head. 'rho jewelry store was entered by removing a panel in. the deor. The thieves were evidently bent on mak,. ing a big haul that, night aet four or five other business places were tam - Remember Nov. 1, 2, 3, are 011P lo Sale Bates IVIcKibbcin's Drug Store if; 27ze e.42...cCAt &toffee Phesni% School Students Contribute . On Monday, Capt. Adams addressed the Puhric and High School in the in- terests, of Sailor's Relief. The pupils responded. with a generous collection of $62.00.• Successful Anniversary The 57tit Anniversary of Eadies Presbyterian Church was observed last Sunday, Oct 2ist. The Rey. K. A. Gollap. of Lucknow, preached two fine sermona and the offering amount- ed to $318.00. On Monday evening there was a Fowl Supper and enter- tainment which was greatly enjoyed by all The proceeds of the supper amounted to $252.oce making the total proceeds of Anniversary $57o.00. Official Visit of Grand Matron The Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Shaver of Ottawa, paid her annual visit to Huron Chpter, No. 89, re- cently and complimented the ladies very highly for the manner in which they put on the work. 14Irs. Shaver was entertained while in town by the officers of -Huron Chapter at thehome of Mrs. Oliver Thompson, who is ab- ly taking the duties of Worthy Mat- S•aw a Black Fox •Provincial Officer Geo. Phippen and Mr. J. A. 11/IcIntyre claim to have corne across a beautiful black fox on one of their journeys through a swairip not loc. miles from Wingham. Now whether it was the "swamp" or not we do not know bat they both claim the animal trotted along ahead of the car for about fifty yet -as . At any rate they are both mum as to the exact location and da.im they may go hunting sonie tithe soon. •• Broke Into Hardware Boys broke open the back door of A. J. Ross' hardware store some- time between Saturd.ay- night and Monday morning and ransacked the till and cash drawer for money, but received little reward for their pains. They cleaned up on a few coppers and small coins. • Worthy Matron, Mrs. (Dr.) T ron since the death of the esteemed ... ana.-3 ''' Iphippen and i „,., I other. Monday morning Pellow, uor. After arriving home he began Provincial Officers Pellow and Phip- to make things hoNyl. His fa.mily be - Carrick Mari Fined $300 Lower Winglia.m got filled with lig-, came alarmed and left the house. pen appeared on the scene, entered quart bottles of whisky and part of an house searched it, and found two Sunday afternoon a citizen of Provincial Constable W. Ij. Douglas, of Lucknow, took the He Got Two Ducks !trail for the man 'who had sold the Mr. Stanley Hutchinson of the C. P. R. depot, went out on the river in an old boat one afternoon recently in (-mast of wild duck. He had lent his own boat and hadn't noticed how fast liquor, and after a 17 -mile run they landed upon Louis Martin, lot 17, B. line, of Carrick. They found • a quantity of liquor and a of mash. Martin was at once placed the boat he was rowing was leaking under arrest and brought to Wingham until in the middle of the river it sank. and from there taken to Lucknow, Loaded With his gun he. started to which is in Bruce County. He ap- walk to shore but found himself sink- peared before Justice of the Peace ing in the mud which was ahnost like quick sand so made for the boat and stood in it for a few moments wonder- ing just what he would do next when lo, he spied a duck and fired striking it. Without a boat he could not go for bird and made off s‘virruning for the shore which he reached after con- siderable exertion and fatigue. Mr. Brawley motored hint home for dry clothes. The story goes on. to say that Stan secured his own boat and went back for the duck. Two ducks are better than one any way Stan. , • ' • • •' • , • • , • ,,„„.....or)te•, • , tJ ' , , foolcal,1 , 1.1 ,to • - • • II If Johnston and Henderson and was fin- ed $300 and $44 costs for an Inland Revenue Act infraction, The fine was paid. • MARRIED 1VIcKagne— Currie—At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. lolin Cur- rie, Boundary west, on Wednesday, Oct. 24th, at li.30, by the, Rev. Dr. Perrie, Jessie Currie to id. John. Me- Kague of Culross. • NIVid10114311 • " offraerromfa"cluttfamfwvenf OC)11.S We keep full lines of all styles in Rubber toots, Many of the Rubber Boots on the market are •absolutely worth- less. •• We sell no Rubber Boots that are not of standard make or Boots we cannot Guarantee 0 IN: havelubber Iloots for Men, Viii'omen old Children. Men'• s s tNtin‘!t4'„, Appiaber Betas $4.5o to 6.00 : If tyou buy a pelt of Rubbe rZooto here arid anything goes w*AU otittio tho isitogtight every way Wa Jit G „ E THE GOOD SIXOE $1'(:)R.I4 ----e, aa