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itsplay cjf. I
r '411 Dress Company, $ Toronto will
, S
in give a display of new Canton
• fal
i 1 Crepes,' Velvet, Tricotine and
Jig Serge Dresses and Evening
t Gowns in our Ready -to -Wear
Mr. and Mrs, Marvin. McDowell
and Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Mci3rien of
Benmiller • were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, James McGill last week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olver and Mr,
and Mrs. C. Nethery motored to
Springfield to attend the wedding of
a friend there last week,
Mr. Geo. Cook and family and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Cook, spent a day with
Mr. Kenneth Cameron, viewing his
orchard and. packing house. They re-
port the fall apples all packed and
preparations for the packing of the
winter fruit well under way.
pg.E vitx1‘.ronANI
Mr. Gebrge McRoberts and Mr, E,.
Hanes and their neice, Miss
Winnifred. McQiiillin motored and
spent the week -end with friends at
Laurel and Amaranth and Caledon.
Mr. George McRoberts and Mr,
Will Snowdon, and Miss Winnifred
Haines and Miss Winnifred McQuil-
lin and Mrs. fames Snowdon motored
and spent Sunday with Mr. and lVfrs.
Mathew MePherson of Orangeville.
Miss Winnifred Haines haS re-
turned home after spending a month
with her sisters Mrs. James Snowdon
and Mrs. Robert McPherson,
Mr, Charles McQuillin spent the
week -end with his grandmother, Mrs.
Robert Haines.
A representative of the Diana The Belgra.ve branch of the Wo -
a Department on
men's Institute will meet at the home
of Mrs. Jas. Taylor on Tuesday, Oct.
t6th, Good. program. All ladies ,_ cor-
dially invited.
„„.,•11 Mrs. W. K. Whaley who has been
,Imiivisiting her sister Mrs. T. Wilson of
L'i I Owego, New York State, her niece,
r. mrs.Willock, White Plains, ,•and: her
NI aunt, Mrs. Wm Newcombe and fain -
01 ily of .Newark N. J. has returned to
11 her home in Belgrave after being ab -
1 sent over three months.
111 of
Afternoon, Oct.11
Teeswater, Ont.
Tuesday Oct 16th.
11 You are irivitede
at one o'clock p. m.
Your opporttmity to buy Good
.3 la Hereford Cattle (America's most
Hanna o Limit
a 4ea a popular Beef Breed.)
3 H & •C9
II 3o Cows and Heifers, some with
• calves at foot.
1111– 12 Vigorous Yearling Bulls, from
•ammommossionistussummimituniessiniuma Imported Stock'
. Aso grade cattle, horses, sheep,
pigs, machinery, hay and oats.
• '
• The residence of Mr, Wm. Weiss,
-was completely destroyed. by fire on
Tuesday morning, the and of Oct.
:about x o'clock.
• The cause of the fire is thought to
have started from the summer kitchen
stove, the °family barely escaped,
nothing- save, also some $30 went up
in Smoke.
Goderich dollar clays, Oct. a and 3,
proved a great success a large crowd
•of people from the surrounding coun-
• try, were in town to take advantage
• of the bargains.
Mr. Thos. Ready was in police
•tourt on a charge of having liquor in
other than a private dwelling and paid
'a tine ot 4,50o.00 and in default six
moriths in jail.
Goderich township was deeply
• shocked on Monday after noon by the
sudden death caused by heart failure
• of Bert Lindsay, the Reeve of the
township, He was calling on his sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Barrett of Hohnes-
vine, prior to attending the regular
• Township Council meeting, when
• death overtook him.
The flag at the Court House was
• raised half mast as a tribute to the
• deceased. The members of the Coun-
• ty Council attended .1he funeral on
Wednesday in a body.
ing, the ,Sunday School and regular
services being combined and held at
10.45 'a. nt. There was a good at-
The Presbyterian Church here held.
their Anniversary services yesterday
and had excellent weather and very
large crowds both evening and. morn-
ing. Prof. McNeill of Knox College
Toronto, gave two ,very fine sermons
both morning and evening which
were much enjoyed by all present.
The C. N. Ry. employeefrom here
went to Palmerston on Sunday to at-
tend the funeral 01 the late Mr. Es-
sery telegraph operator at Pahner-
ston for the last 34 years.
Mrs. -W. J. Masters is at present on
the sick list suffering frees an attack
of tonsolitis.
• 'Mrs. W. Ferris of Detroit, is vish-
ing her aunt Mrs. L. W. Ruttan,
•Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of
• hogs to Toronto today.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tate of Mar -
spent the week -end with the
former's parents at the manse.
Rally Day services were held in the
5\lethodsit Church on Sunday morn-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kitchell from
south,of Wroxeter called on Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Fralick last Sunday.
Mr. Percy Copeland. and Mr. An-
son Galbraith returned from the West
last Saturday.
A large number from this locality
attended the Gorrie Fair last Satur-
The Anniversary Services were well
attended. Rev. • J. H. Osterhout of
Lucknow, a former pastor preached
two eloquent sermons to a full
Church. The Fowl supper on the fol-
lowing night surpassed all previous
occasions. The weather was all that
could be desired. The programme
was well rendered by those who took
part. The proceeds .amounted to
Miss Laura Gilmar 'from north of
T3elmore, visited her sister, Mrs. Ed,
Bennett recently.
Credit Given. Usual Guarantees.
J. PURVIS, Auct,
Send for Catalogue to Thomas
B. Aitken, Teeswater, Ont.
Sept, report of S. S. No. ro Kinloss.
'Registered. for the month 43, aver-
age ttendance' 37,72, percentage of
attendance 86,56.
The standing of the pupils is based
upon daily exercises and weekly ex-
Sr. 4—Annie, Russe Gaunt, Edna
Morrison, David Henderson, Wallace
Conn, Scott Paterson, Clara Purdon.
• Jr, 4—Nettie Lott, Jean Scobie,
Laura Conn, Dawson Craig, Edward
Wadel, Grace Riehardson, Isabel
Sr. 3rd—Gladys Garton, Eliza Wa-
Jr 31d—Brtice Martin, Agnes Wil -
'son, Russel Moore, Roy McGregor,
Charles Henderson, Clarence Mc-
Clenaghan, Robert Henderson.
Sr, and—Ella Wadel, Fred Lott,
George Garton, John Garton, Athol
Purdon, George Ross, James Rich-
Jr. 2 od—Mildred Scobie, Millan
Moore, Ella Wadel, Ruth Moore,
James Henderson, John Morrison.
Primer—Merle Gaunt, Lorna Mc-
Clenaghan, Stanley Moore, Norma
Morrison, Hector Purdon, Jack Gil-
The person'who lost a side- curtain
belonging to an automobile on Satur-
day night, .on Porter's gravel road,
near Wingham, may have same by
calling at Oliver Stokes.
Quite a number from. these parts
attended the Anniversary Service .in
the Bluevale Presbyterian Church on
Sunday evening.
Miss Edna vta ntn c p rti• the
week -end with her friend, Miss Neliie
Inglis of Howick. • •
Mrs, Sani Marshall,'Mrs. Win, Mar-
shall and son James, visited for a
couple -ow days last week with friends
in Morris, and alao attended the
Brussel's fair:
Mrs, Thos. Appleby ,visited last
week with her sister, Mrs, Wm.,13a1.7
lagh near Teeswater.
There was no service in Eadies
Church on Sunday owing to Anniver-
sary Services at Bitievale.
Miss Edna Lincoln spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Inglis of Carrick. '
Mr, and Mrs: Joe Kermath were
Sunday visitors with friends' in How -
Ontario Cafe
Beleiving .Wingham citizens
are desirous of a good sanitary
Cafe we have made extensive im-
provements, such as re -decorat-
ing, painting and papering of the
premises formerly known as the
New Star Cafe, but noir under
new management.
We have a real city style Cafe
at your service and solicit your
Only best grade supplies used.
Opening, to take place on •
Saturday, Oct., 13th.
Visit us and note our improve-
...Hours from 6 a. in. to i a. m....
JOE LEE, Proprietor
Last Thursday evening tbe
bors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
gobt, 131ack, 4th line, Howick, and.
presented IVIis's Helen 131aelc with a
handsome gift of Adam's Pattern sil-
verware, Mrs. Thomas Lovell read a
very suitable address following which
Misses Lily Doig and Elizabeth da-
thers presented the gift, The friends
had alt enjoyable tine the remainder
of the evening. T,he address given is
as follows:
Miss Helen Black .
We, your neighbors and friends have
'gathered here to -night to extend to
you our best wishes, on this the eve
of your approaching marriage, We
hope you may both be spared to enjoy
many years of prosperity, health and
• You will be inuch missed in this
neighborhood but we must not be sel-
fish and what is our loss is Fordwich's
gain. Please accept this gift as a to-
ken of our esteem.
Signed, Your Neighbors.
A ,number of Tory Corner people
attended the Howick Fair and.report
a good turn out,
Miss Edna Taylor spent Sunday
with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fowler of Toronto
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: R. A.
Mr. and Mrs, William. Taylor and
Romalda called on Alf. Taylor on
Sunday last,
Mrs. Oliver Gallaway from Wing -
ham is at present visiting at Mrs.
Thomas Nichol.
Miss Violet Dodds from Listowel
is at present visiting at her home.
Mrs. Oliver Stokes is at present
visiting with. Miss Myrtle Bennett at
Lion's Head.
Miss Arnold of Winghain was a
Week -end visitor at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Win, H. Mundell:
Mr. and Mrs. William Champion vi-
sited at Hohnesville on Sunday, •
• Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor visited
at Mr. 13. Lockares on Sunday last,
Glad to hear that Mr. Patrick 0 -
Malley is getting along nicely after
having his tosils taken out onc day
last week. - I
Miss Luella' Rentoul spent the week-
end under the parental roof.
Mr. Peter Leaver visited at Mr. Sa-
muel Deacon's on Sunday last.
Mr. R. J. Scott sent three teams
to Kincardine last Thursday to get
cobble stones for the verandah of his
new home.
Mrs. Bone is getting in a car load
of grapes in eleven quart baskets this
Miss Margaret Aitken of 13elmore
spent last week with Miss Belle
Mrs. Jas. Bone is visiting in Kings-
Misses Flora and. Euthenra McNeil
visited last week with their sister, Mrs.
Wirt, Hopper of Seaforth.
Mrs, Adani Robertson and Mr. Chas,
King are visiting with relatives in Me-
e)) igan.
Miss Ida Ball of Clinton is visiting
with Miss Laura Bone.
MOB MEM t. I. 1111111111161/11111111111EURVEK1111111111111,sama
h p id OfAIli.
is "McClarys" Tortoise Cook
1 1
See our stock of Heaters and
Ranges before purchasing
A full stock of "hand- rnade"
•Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove
Boards, Coal Scuttles,
Ash Sifters,
Old Stoves Taken in Exchange.
• Coal Oil Heaters, Electric Heaters.
Phone 30 —
Everybody laughed at Bill Towns-
end when he bought the weekly paper.
Looked like a blamed poor invest-
ment, but 13111 jest grinned and said
he wuz satisfied, The he published
this notice in his first issue: "If the
prominent business man who was seen
kissing his bookkeeper will settle his
account at this office, nothing further
will be said." Next day, Bill got sev-
enty,five subscriptions, two hundred
and fifty inches of display ad.vertisin',
sixteen boxes of cigars, an' a silver
cigarette case„,engraved. That boy'll
make his fortune yet.
Mrs. Frank .Henry and Mrs. And-
rew FOx visited' with Mrs. Beaton in
Clinton, one day last week,. • •
Mr. Angus McKay left- on Monday
to attend. London Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Martin and son,,
Bruce, spent the week -end with friends
in Preston.
Miss Edythe Peddle left on Monday
to take a school in Muncey,
Miss Agnes Kennedy returned from
Guelph last weak and is leaving next
week to train for a nurse in Goderich
Marine Hospital.
We are pleased to see Mr. Duncan
Kennedy 'home from the hoSpital. a-
Mrs. George Garton spent last week
with relatives. in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs, John Brown and fam-
ily of Creighton Mines, arevisiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Mac Ross.
Messrs. Andrew Wilson, Roy Stap-
Mr. Ben Stafford has purchased a
Polled Angus Bull from Mr, Shields
of Blyth.
Miss Edna Taylor of Wingham,
spent Sunday with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid and daugh-
ter, Tena of Wingham ,called on R.
A. Taylor on Sunday last.
Mr. 1.1. Nichol and Miss Ethel,
and Mrs. R. G. Dane spent Sunday at
R. A. Taylor's.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson of Gor-
rie, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Wright of the t7th on Sunday,
Mr, John Wylie exchanged. horses
with the Dickett Bros. one day last
weMelic:s. G, Knowlson of Gorrie, spent
the week -end at her brother's.
Some from these parts attended the
• fowl supper at Salem.
'Messrs. Frank Wright and Stewart
Finley arc busy drawing grain on the
14t11 and isth.
Thursday, October Lith., xe,a3
• • '•"''•••,•
Rubber Boots Like
These Can Be Soied
Most Satisfactorily
• • •
• An in most cases
the price of a new
pair can, be •
ed for the price
of new soles.•
We make a most satisfactory Job—guaran-
teed absolutely to stick and to outwear
a new boot and our price is most
reasonable namely
$1.25 per pair for Rubber Soles iron" toe to
4001, Men's niZeg; Boys' and Women's 91.00.
• The Leading Shoe Store ol flurOn COnnty.
Phone 129. Wingham; Ont.
leton and Eli Jacques returned from
Dundalk on Friday.
Mrs. W. R, Farrier and Mrs. Rob-
ert Phillips returned from the West
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cottle, Mrs.
Beecroft and Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Beecroft spent Sunday with the for-
mer's daughter, Mrs. Ed. Browning of
Mrs. Jas. Falconer returned. from
the West last Monday.
Miss Lenora Armstrong, who has
been training for a deaconess in Hain-
ilton, is visiting this week with her
aunt, Mrs. John Falconer, prior to
leaving for China. •
Mr. and Mrs. Polkinhorn and Mr.
and Mrs. Shepherd of Elora, visitgda–P–--
week ago with Mr. and Mrs. ItifiberL' -
Quite a number from here attended
Dungannon Fair on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stein of I-ati%
es, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs.',
Mrs' Wm Furdon, Mabel and Ald-
en, and. Mrs. John Purdon and child-
ren spent Monday with the formees
sister, Mrs. Rintoul, Brussels. -
rice Advances!
i II 0
• Last opportunity to 11 11.11
i g i 1 Furnishings
i et a. Li NI Men's
II "PAGE HAND i 1 Hats, Caps, Gloves,
R' i 1
i • , i ri Soclis„ UnderWear,
• at the old PriFo. , ''4" II Seklivoldveaeaterr; t'eYola1111at saos'Ellee
to • *•
• , .
i Act quic4ly as i have i • _
only a telht On hand. i 1 D on SS this a e.
' MiS I
100 Overcoats Must Be Sold
Thursday, Friday & Saturday 1
Save frorn
• 1
Winter Overcoat. •
No reason whatever .*yhy,yon.
not take advantage:Of:lhIs wonder
11,4 .00fOrina ..01.'neW :Winter
Evele$,:igaratept Is ...*00:".1101161700,and
Made. from the l*esi'quain*:(4 Eugflsh
and sooitk
Rom $20,i10 900110004010.pilec,•;:eh.5h,7,
Reg $as 1110.0.•••;saite
RC1. *i to.0
It will save you Real Mmey,
• • • • • • ' • . •
Aliti)WAR/E • in erg
110011.1001111100. 01011,.
I Jai,' H. Curritto Agent •
L'' VVitightitu
, 0...L. 0.10 0.0 ,• • . • • • gd, • • ,„