HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-10-11, Page 7, '''..'!....i',''..'.''.• --..•'•'•'•c'-. . •..•:. ' • ' •'''• '. .' .• •• ST. . O....R.,..•E•..,,S.•.••,..:.l.'••O',.F....'W...•.E••:..L., • L. ,[ KNOWN . . .• PEOPLig-•••••••• aelse Alarm. e When, the Prince af. Wales thanked ills People taeother day for the hon- ors they shoveered upon, him—a1- though, ae a matter of fa.ct, he is quite as happy when they treat him likp an ordinary human hen --I recalled a Story ethis grandfather waich sug- gests that sometimes oue may over- ' eatireate patriotic zeal. King Eclevard, Then Prince of Wales,' wirac,t ;travellieg.incogetto through,Scot- , ' land, and he paiticularly wanted, hie identity to remain coucealed. One day, in a small Highland village, he was surprised wed disturbecl to see a large flee, flying over the school-hou.se. He wondered .how' they had dice' covered his, secret, and desPatchecl messenger to make inquiries-. The ines.senger brought back good news. The lacly of the school -house was merely spring cleaning, and had wash-, ed the flag and hung it up to dry! A Prince of Wales Story. Here is :the late.st story about tlie Prlece of Wales. During his recent tour he asked. a certaill mayor how he ,•• would like his. (the Prince's) fob. The mayor had been• gleaming over the 111 , ' Prinee'e programme for the -week. So • '- he replied; • "Well, sir, Pm thannkful my job's only for a year, and not for life, like yours.. ; i,11] „ The Butterfly Girl. „There is • only one girl naturalist in London, and hEr name is Mies Gert- rude Rosenberg, of Kensington. She managed • her father's shop during the war, and was such a success thet she has remained in charge ever slate. • She superintends the breeding of moths and butterflies on the prenaises. Cc,coons reach her from all parts of the world, and she places them in the window to hatch' out. Every day 'when she opensthe .shop she is greeted by brillta.ntly colored insects that did not exist the night before. Mis,s, Rosenberg is young and pretf,y, • and the •title of "butterfly girl" suits • her admira,bly. • She is making rapid . progress- in her uninque occupation, • which -she says is a most fascinating How London is Defended. Wonderful mechanical ears which never fail to listen and only hear what is meant for them will be part of Lou - don's defence from air attacks when- ' .., ever the next war breaks out. Experiments are being conducted at - the present mcannt with an entirely netv sound detector which can work automatically and needs no human at - The Territorial Anti -Aircraft De- fence Brigade now in training have •• not yet experienced the help of the new instrument, which le only in its testing stage. It consista of an elec- trically cOntrolled mechanism" so sen- ,eitive that it can be made to pick.up ariy preeletermi-ned sounds. •• •It is more than human hrits. sound differentiation, and cannot err. It does • net sleep, it does not require rest and • recreations eir furlough. • The scheme for the future air de- fence of Landon or any vulnerable fixed point within the radius et hostile plane „action is this: First, a far-flung ring of the new ' rklIP etri on 1 grill 11 ri txra.rrri n »papa -hi n. Next a barrage of searchlights and an aeroplane patrol zone. Then an unbroken circle of guns for • night barraging or individual shoot - Inside them a searohlight area and • another aeroplane petrel.' , Finally, another cluster of guns and • searchlights. The central figure of all will be the • district defence commander at his operations table with his staff, plot- ting, as messages came Inwards., the course of hostile targets. A turn of a • telephone switch will enable him to - issue orders simultaneously to every gun and lightin his command, and by wirelees telephone to the aeroplane Squadrons in the air. • He will tell the 'planes to "Step up a thousand" or "Step down so much," according to the ascertained height of the raiders.. He will naine the ma.ster • guns for barrage fire, and circulate such information to his subordinates as may -seem desirable. Otherwise ecarcely a werd will be spoken in the • operations room. One Family, One Home. People have eaid that New Zealand • Is socialistic. •That is quite wrong. She is fiercely individualistic. The • policy is: One man, one farm; one • family, one home, 'A, legislattve sledgehanimuer broke up the big es- tates. They think that it is, better for it cOuntry to have each. farmer owning • his own patch of earth, cultivating and imprOving it, and- reaping -the reward et ale labor, than permittine one man or group of name to control bug° tracts of- land, and to eceploy bestial labor. Individual Ownership makes for sta- bility and the sharing . of responsi- bility. It is better for the country and better for the man. . One faintly, on home, Is , act:other pelley:lestered out there. AMong the paternal measures enacted by the gov- bailment is ono to provide workers' dwellings for the toilers earning e email wage, 'Ilea ere eilabled to lair- , 'these them froni the go-Verement easy time paymente.' If you have done all you, possibly eaii you have done all you ought. .1me SUCOSS OF , . CANTASSIVM TREATMENTWell-known 'London Surgeen and reeognized authority on Cancer has created worldwide interest in the dis- covery that Ca c dos to a d 'ficiency of potassium "salts" In the body, which causes the .cells to break down and 'become melignant. In order that everyone may learn The Real. Cause Of Cancer , remarkable book has been specially written. • This. book will be sent free to patientor anyone who is interested in. the 'meet .successful Method of fighting "THE C.ANCErt•SpOtT,RGIII." The following i$ a list' of the chapters: - 1. Who Limitations ef Surgery.2. Solna Dectorii °mese Operation, 3, What Cancer Is, 4. Why 'the ,BODY OELLSDIIDAIC DOWN, IL Injurious Cooking Methods. O. Conunon Drrors in Mot. 7. Vital Ele- ments of rood, 8. Medical Windorsements .of OUr Claim. 0. The Chief Minerals or the, Body, ,10, 'The Thytnnti Gland, 11. Age When Lime BOWS to Accumulate, 12. Potassium Causeit Lime .Dxoretion. 13. Great , Value of Potasslem. IC' Parts' of Body• Mehl° to .0ancer, 15, Parts Which 'Are Seldom Affected. 10. i Dow Doctor Can Help, 17. How to Avoid Gamer. 18. Death Hate From Cancer. 15. Axtor4ai Sclerosis and 01,1 Age: 20. Itheumatism, Gout and Kindred Complaints. •1.threilgh her vol-ce Many of the lost! t6e.cfnacitsui4rellc141 :If Y•jleernii7rcQhfantilt eh his ps t;icse0. The man in green and gold. thereupoet named remarkable cOnditions• under which alone cellist he think et parting with this the chiefest of ifie treasures, Meny and wondroae were the re- Velattens uaveiled by the obedient voiee of Echo, and without parallel be- came the fame of Men Yu throughout ' THE "WINOHAM ADVANCB Iteeneemee. • , .„, 7.1111111.,r) (11` ' ' ,t •. likagnatgaM06/104eintiPtES310 "*414.4144,!,00041444/**41444W.444,4441,00, „ . BY R J. J. IVIIr)IDLET N Peovlocelal Board of Health, OnterIal ithe Mad/Jet/Ian Will be glad t9 aatrWer gl,1010tIODIN 011 tors through this: eolumn, Address hba• et 16044.1414 ROM, -Creeceent, Toronto. '• • all the then known world. By the ir-1 refutable evidence of con-Versations 16, hoary with the b.reath centurie.s andare of the feet is of the utmost binding of the bones Of the feet, there- ! Unreeorded save within dfm the emory importance to health. The eustern in fore,' ls dangeroue me children and may of Echo he mastered, orie by one, the ttlr'Ailes4aenid o:thehso-called.civilieed could- lead to life.leng infirentY, shoes bas ceeated a real wisest men. of his, dine. "foot" problem. One caneot be Sur- , , moot problems that lied vexed the in leather Pg e fee But improbable as it may appear prised at foot trouLles when We lendw although Men Yu , never cmeased. to -that there are about tsweentyseven Our boasted civilization certainly brings •Us little benefit as far as 'foot ease and foot comfort are concerned. In- co•ontries where the custom is to travel barefoot, one seldom., if ever, dwell allectiouately upon his memories bones in each foot and these are con-- sees any malformations of the feet. of incomparable Yonde, years passed. before it occured to him to bid Echo- eons, etc., with a netevork of arteries rule they. could out -distance any white resurrect from the seeuce of the ,tcutbo andnerves. Thewoeder that the mam; who sine childhdood has had his pres sll/e ofshoesthat m are ade often- feet eiampedup an compressed in leather shoes. Like practically every other ailment of adult life the harm begins in the early days of life. If our. varying weather permitted, every thing wrong with the feet is brought child. ehould be allowed to run bare - to the attention. of the sufferer lly a footed during nine months of the year. pain in the muscles of the leg. Some- His feet would thereby harden, and times this pain takes the form of a the movement and freedom of the toes cramp, sometimes of a dull pain, and would strengthen the feet and allow sometimes the -muscles of the leg tire the bones to grow in a natural way. easily; the feet may barn or feel un- When boots have to be worn, care comfortable. Whenever any of these should be taken to see where they conditions occur, something is wrong. wear, both on soles and heels, so that Away back in childhood the trouble! the mechanism of the feet can be often begins. It is then that the banes studied and if there is any deformity are somewhat soft and not properly to find whether the causelies in the calcified. Any pressure, squeezing or foot itself or in the legs. nected up by ligament% rnuseles ten- Savages are wonderful walkers. As a the voice of his love as he had delight- ' ed to hear it during the cruelly brief years she had been with One wild, stormy night, however, .when he was more thn ausually lonely, he , thought of this new woeder and- joy- fully commanded the shell to ghaeup those dearly cherished sounds. Echo was unaccountably Silent at first and, when lee insisted, seem,ed to speak sad- ly and reluctantly. Then, as Men Yu listened so lungarily, he heard Yon - dna own voice in con.versation, net with himself, hut with G -orlon, his rival, a.ad through her tones there breathed a smold.ering fire of passion, ettch as even he had never heard there- in. ' Finally Men Yu rose and, first seal- ing the door and windows of his room with wax, took certain ma.gical Pow- ders from sundry vials, blending them together in the form of a. pyramid in a little earthern bowl. Upon its sum- mit he laid the violet Shell, and then • powders here and there with a blaz- ing splint from the fire. As dense volumes of pungent smoke arose from the smoldering heap, he addressed Echo in these words: 'It es known to me that your voice. may net whollyebe destroyed, but, for the peace tit mind of all the ensuing ges, I will curb your too faithful ongne, and return to utter oblivion he secrets of the dead past!" • With this book are a eumber °Lin- terestin,g case -reports, proving the great -value of "Cantas.shini Treatment" in, various cases. The treatment is simple and inexpensive, and c -an be easily taken in one's•own home. Apply for febe book to Charles Walter, 51 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Oniaria, Canada. • THE TALE THAT • ECHO TOLD By John T. Troth • The ancient village 0!Burb (as al travelers toward the icy passes of Knoregap well know) lies, a half day' journey beyond Ga,w,.on. the left bank of the River Gurg, from. the incessant murmuring of whose waters over their silver -pebbled shallows it takea its name. And a very long time ago there dwelt in that place a moat skill- ful physician, named, if have re- membered the tale aright, Men Yu, the ia.m.e of ,whos,e Isast learning had pen‘etrated. even as far as purple -roof- ed and gorgeous Sudaban, and his proud neighbors. never wearied of pro- phesying that he would some day be called as court physicia.n. to the great' King. , In his Youth Men Yu had loved and courted Yonda, the bea-utiful daughter of the King's equerry, and, finally, win- ning her from his rival, Gorlon, had married her, they two living together mast happily for three yeaes. Then came t� that part of the world the year that no man forgets even to this distant day, when the fetid breatb. of the white fever was. borne northward on humid breezes from the far jungles of Umb. It kissed, among many other, Yon -da, who, in spite of all Men Yu's wisdom; wasted away and died in the hushed space between night fade and dawn glow. One winter evening many years later• when Men Yu, resting from his laborious studies', was lost in thoughts (as ever at such times) of the beauty and goodness of Yonda, there came a kn.ocking at his door. Withdrawing the oaken bars, he admitted a maam at- tired in gorgeous silks of green and gold, and from the manner of his dress at once knew him to be from a far eastern country which. lay, men said, even beyond the fiery plains ot Huns thir, and those ot Geret. He proved, indeed, to be a merchant of storied Anebur, whose far -gleaming roofs are reported, to be slated with nothing less than, the burnished scales ofgolden dragons • overcome in old!" forgotten battles, an.d he dealt in mysterious wares and strange enchantments cal- culated to divert the mind and beguile the soul away from all sad thoughts. His trafficking was. carried on secretly for fear of the anger of the priests, who had great jealousy of the occult powers of Merchandise.• Men Yu had often heard of these -things and Was glad to see them with his oWn eyes, but steadfastly refused tb buy, saying that he had no ivieh to be de verted either from hie labors or from. his sorrow. a • Amazing Appetites. Our feretatherel seem to have been mighty men, who thought nothing of riding 100 miles a day or of perform - leg feats, of pedestriaaism from which we Would shrink. Is.. it peseible that we are becoming more feeble because we do not eat.enoagh? - Even fifty years ago meals were far MOTE) heavy than they are now—one has only to read Dickens to realize this. Our grandfathers' would have felt starved on the diet that most of us find sut. fficien • But if we go back a few centuries, we find appetites that seem amazing% Louis XIV. of France, who had the re- putation of being - a very moderate trencherrnan, used to 'breakfast off four cutlets, 'a whole chicken,. four or live,eggs, and some ham, The records of' a dinner given by Henry VHI. show that each -guest con- sumed nearly half a stone of food. The fish course alone included eels, ear Mon, pike, barbel • (now conaidered quite unfit for food), mullet, and stur- geon. Catff Catherine de Medici oered her guests. a feast in 1545 at which the roasts alone—there were a dozen other courses—oo.nsisted.of peacocks; bustards, pheasante, capons, herons, swans, cranes, geese, hares, rabbits, deer pigs, quails., and dacks, • Aflast the merehant, seeing that he was- obdurate, confided that he had yet to reveal the most truly amazing thing of all. Feeling in his turban, he brought forth it tiny, violet -colored shell, within whose labyrinthine con- volutions he asserted there dwelt a Ipirit, it mere Voice, called Etho, who, While invisible to any eye, was cap- able of reproducing, as on a veritable mtrror or sound, all that had fallen upon the ear of max since the world was but a little pellet 4f moist clay, rolled betiveen the thumb and fore- finger of God. Men `Yu was teemend- ously interested at hearing this, and asked the merchant for proof et his in- credible Matins. The letter thereupon colanianded Eche, and the phyeicion at erica hea.rch qttite plainly, the con" fused babble of strange tongeee hi the streets and bazaars of tar-otf, Easteen cities, the tirikle of silver-tongued bells cm the anklets of damming girls, and the weird, long -drawn cries of palette praying for their minanrets at he going down of the sun These Weeders, and especially the est, conviamed Men Yu that Echo would indeed prove 1, meet invalizebte end diverting eel -apemen, end turther, eaw tile poseibility ot dieeovering THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day It is warm and bright and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and • colic, and unless baby's little stomacIr le kept right the result may be serious. There is noth- ing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels., break up cotds and make baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi- Mne dealers ;Or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , Down lo the Sea. No reountairt path, no meadow way, no road 'Urging me inlan,d holas my feet ter • long; , Across my beck the salt wind's flick- ing goad . Is laid; and In my ears the wild, • blue song Of dista,nd waves is sounded. I am To run again the highway to the sea, Through sun and fog, thraugh silver mist 'and rain, slInca,ptured by the green aema of a tease.' ' I reach the wildowastes of the singing , sand, Where White surf bloasoms briefly break and die, Where earth'li pebble in the eon's curved heed, ' And shilling meets a -spire to the sky, Where jade dark' drums • their lonely - 'challenge heat ' Against the rocks.; amid where to die were sweet. --Faith Galdwila It is eatimated that there are 40,- 225,000 tone Of the hest iron ore in British Coluiribia, these resonrces hay- ing searcely beee tOtmehed yet. •ISSUE NO, ..4o....)23. tunes to suit fashion rather than com- fort, there is- not even more foot troubles than there actually is. One of -the first hints that there is some - HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE SYMPT S? If You Have You Are in Need of a Tonic Medicine. Are you pale and weak, easily tired arid out of breath on slight exertion? Are you nervous? Is your sleep dis- turbed? Do you wake up an the morn- ing feeling as tired as when you went to bed? Is your appetite poor, your digestion weak, and do you have pains after eating? • If you have any of these symptoms you need a tonic, and in the realm of medicine there is no better tonic than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, restore .shattered nerves and bring the glow of health to, pale cheeks. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is shown by the case of Mr. Horace Cuphill, Woodward's Cove, N.I3., who says:—"The first indldation thatmy general health was not good was a shortness of breath after the least exertion. Thenmyappetite be- gan to fail, and after eating it seemed as if -there Was a lump in my stomach. I grew so weak that I could not walk a hundred yards without resting. Then I was taken with a numbness an over 'my body and was in a sad plight. was under a doctor's care, but as I was not getting any better, I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The fleet few boxes did not seem to help me but my wife urged me to continue their use and I got four boxes more. Before these were gone I could eat a fair meal, the 'numbness was leaving me and I was feeling much better in every way. I took the pills for a while longer, and felt that I was again a well man. I still take the pills occasionally but have had no return of the old trouble." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at fit) cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Borax as Precious as Gold. Borax is used in every household— in talcum powders, eye lotions, medi- cinal powders, and soaps. And Yet, four thousand years ago, it -was a rarity almost as prectous as gold.• ' In the days of Babylon the only known, eources were in a few salt marshes in the Gobi Desert, north of the Himalayas. It was collected by native. Small 'Hilalayan sheep car- ried it slung in bags round their necks down the steep mliuntain-sides into India, and it was then taken by camels to Eastern Europe. • It was used by goldsmiths for clean- ing the airface of molten gold. Only by means of borax could the crude metal be refined and worked lute rings, amulets, and breastplates. Nowadays the United States pro- ducesmore than 40,000 tons a year. Thirty years ago its richest source was' a -Californian deseet called the Death Valley—a place believed to be the hoitest and driest spot on earth. A company supported by British capil tal woelted the mines. Until they built a railway ten years later the produce was hauled by mules over 165 miles • of uninhabited desert. A new borax mine, believed to con- tain. ten -million tone, has been dis- covered in Nevada. • The world will now have far more than it want sy un- lese new use are discovered for what was once a rarity. China's Milflons, China is, so over -populated that there are always, many more coollea than work for them. If at any time all .of China's coolie millions should find employment it would mean that trade and business were going at top speed in the republic. NT CO OH Rub the throat and chest with 1 iv] 'nerd's. ALso inhale. • It gives quick relief. tilia/rataday, 11, 19n, „41,444r ;he. ; „ 'iLliatla,,,744.in.silikillt4449 yozt rq_ your own a k fa r (10DEO •voog iggf;2' fiyeen Lad) ralnerletteerrama=marll'art0=19Effintaa.. nra=enclunamerseramerunrenemskomm rbreAla Ad; " ' VP.it to -Ala.! NAAr:Aaft!".... +e, , "U eVetruX 441,4 When Ignorance Is Bliss. A monareh of pork packing who has founded hisown dynasty was contin- ually badgered by his socially aspiring wife to -be-eel...eh his palatial residence in the classic manner. Asa concession he ordered a pla'ster cast of the Venus de Milo to be ship- ped to him by express. 'On tts arrival It was unpa,cked in the great ballroom, but to hie dismay both arms were missing. "Gosh darn their hides; they've smashed her," he murmured. "I'll sue them." He did—and the company paid his claim! Ask for MI/lard's and take no other. ' • • If you are bothered with mislaying small tools such as pliers and wrench- es, or even hammers and jack-knives, give them a coat of bright red paint. You'll still lose them, but they will be easy to find again.—H. C. L. i4 saieei -r.1,-towxmra, Dentiete--"Am I hurting •yo,LL . Smart Patient—"Oh, no; 1 make. it a 'rule to groan twenty minutes , every clay for my health." ' ' Keep IVIlinard'.a Liniment In the house. It appears tous-there is much truth in the following: deacoe of a church asked a man as .he entered the House of- God, ."Have you 'come te serve the Lord?" The man replied, "No, I have been serving God all the week, now I. bave Come- to worship Him." Classified Advertisements raze soxas—etarei• racer ere Diane .(Booklet). Nine' years' experience I./moiling ' foxes. • 26 cents. Dr. 1tandall, Trnro. Nova .45cotin. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies :Book on - DOG DISEASES IRTUTATED BY StIN,WIND DUST !» CINDERS ,EfgOHMENDEO Cr SOLD BY DRUGGISTS 6. OPTICIANS warm FOR MEI Mfg 047,5 BOOK MURINI CO. CUICA0Q,I./.54 Don't wait for someone to be in pain to get Kendall's Spavin Treatment in the house. For all external hurts and pains —for all muscular troubles. Kendall's Spavin Treatment makes good. XENASTON, Sask., December Mb, 101 "Mense send me one copy of your TREATISE ON THU HORSE. I have need your Hand:ill Spavin Cure for over eleven 300(0 5011 found it ono of the hest liniments I have ever used for slikinds of sores. (Signed) M. 21183A10." Get a balk af your druggist's today. Regular Horse Treatment—RefinedforHuman use. DR. 13. KENDALL COMPANY, Eneshurg Fulls, Vt., U.S.A. and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Addreas by the Author. H. CLAY GLOVER CO., tee. f.29 West 24th Street New York. U.S.A. PIES fjirr FACE CU - CUR HEALS Hard; Large and Scaled Over, Itched and Burned., "My trouble begarrwitla a breaking out of pimples on soy face which. 80011 spread up into my hair. Some of the pimples were hard and large and sealed over. They caused much itching and burning, and my face was sore and red. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in two weeks I could see an improvement. I continued using them and in six weeks was completely healed." • (Signed) IVIiss Flora Noteboom, Box 52, Fairview, Mont., Feb. V, 1922, Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tat. CUM are all you need for all toilet uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Sample Eaolareoby AddreEen "Zymans, Line. Had, 8848(8. Pad St., 117„ Montreal." Sold every- where. Soap 25o, Ointment:M=150c. 1,alcuro25c. Culleuret Soap shaves WithOUIMUrry. Rightol Bag of Flour—"You're nothing but a rneaslY little cake of yeast." • Yeast Cake—"Yee, but I'll get a raise out of you all right!" -e- • dr MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are pirates everywhere. Only one breeding -ground for flare- ingoes remains in North America, and this is' on British soil. These birds have beee slaughtered by the natives of the Bahama Islands until there are now Only about 1,200 left. Wo pay inieltly and offer steady employment selling our complete and exclusive lines a whole -root, fresh;; dilg-to-order trees and Plante. neat stock oral serrloo. WO teach and equIp you free. A inoney- =icing OtanOriunity. -LUKE GROTHERS. MONTREAL eneeneremerrareememenvearenem Keep Stomach and Bowelit Right tly giving baby the barrettes% purely veil-et:11)1e, infants' and ebildren's regulator. ARS.WiNS1 OftS SYRUP brings agemelsaina gratifying results bI rutoodkinghnbaabboceoremenoveieantthdigeat 4.11 ttthrteye.sahnanruladuateteteedittin rleog trorn narebtieg, of- atos,aloohol and all '.1i* A 1 haterete ingeedi, ' tints. ' Safe tad 1 sattethotaty. ri AieAter er. g 011 • UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all .Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds - Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain , Trendy "Bayer" boxes Of 12 tab1ete--A1.50 'bottles ot 24 and 100a.t11'iargists. Afalmen is the trade 'matte crordstorod Conaaal ot Ilayer monotootoro at UotitirrAnotor et Setheylivaald,, While it in well lergitva that Aspirin motors Bayor manufaeture, tI aselet Ole puoilesaslost ttnitations„ thti "tablets ot Sayer eitiniPanY wUl bo' otatood 51111.0.64. general tto.ae, butrk, the ,q3A.Yer .0r03&", ENER'S NO P I Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound "Branchton, Ont..—" When I wrote to you for help ray action was mostly prompted by curios- ity. I wondered if 1, too, would benefit - by your medicine. It was the most profit-, able action I have ever taken, 1 heart- ily aseuro yame for • through its results I am relieved of most of his sufferings. 1 have takensix boxes ' ftari148V`i4e 3:etia)ibtilke- Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinitham's Blood Medicino, and 1 can ho lastly say 1 have never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and at) er troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the 'Great War' period 1 worked on munitions, for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which ray work oafled for I strained Myself, eausing' pelvie inilathenatien from which I have. Suffered untold agony, and X often had to give up and go 'to hod, I had efoetorod for severe yeare without getting. per, Manent relief, whoa 1 started to talto your medicines," -Mre. (loLowm Mxs Ilranchtoti, ()tit, Write to the lora B. Innklirim Mc•cti- eino cobouvg. Ontario, filr lee o or Ty )olf.)/1.,17%f'41.,'To"t*.,