HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-10-11, Page 4Tap VANCE 'With the approach of cooler weath- er radio will stretch out over longer distances. Station WGY of Schenectady has been liettrd in Ieeland lately the distance being. approximately 2600 miles Station "WNP", the call letters of which mean, "Wireless North Pole' has been in conimunica- tion with a Canadian amateur at Prince Rupert, 13, C. The McMillan expedition receii:ted the news of the Japanese disaster through this station. When the late President Harding was passing across the States Qu his way to Alaska he spoke over radio frond station, "KSD" of St. Louis. His speech was listened to by a num- her of fans in. this vicinity. The rnic- rophone into which he spoke has been removed from service and a. plate has 'been attached to it indicating- that it haIetiusgtiiaakeldilililS) retlriliisat arkrnsaTtrats° pearinane ilt- oitiltlbeir cs:1:tuli ion!: "WI,W" Cincinnati, On `rhursday evening', Oetober (3ot) meters) will •broadcast a special program at 10 o'clock. This will be devoted to Venetian music, axel the program will be furnished. by artists from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Ori. Friday evening this week at 7.45 "WGY" SchenectadY, will pre- sent the radio drama, "The Mau of the Hour", a late musical program will be on the air at 10.30. W'WJ-The 'Detroit News. Eastern Standard Time, 58o Kilocyles) 6x7 IVIeeers) ' Thursday, Oct. xx 9.30 a.m.-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor 9.45 am. -Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a.m.-Oficial weather forecast 1.55 titne relayed by the Western Union. was used by the late president. 12.05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or - Early in Nc>vember the German cbeatra• g',overnment will deliver to the United 4.00 p.m. -Official weather forecast States, the new Zeppelin ZR -3. This 4.05 P.m. -Market reports. giant airship will .rrialte the trip direct 5•°() P•rn•-Base ball scores' from Germany to a station in New 8.30 P.m. -The Detroit News Or - Jersey, a 'distance of abdut 3000rniles. chestra, Town Crier; yocal •kelections Radio will play an important part by the Cathedral IVIale Quartet. the journey across the Atlantic. Weather forecasts will be sent out twice daily from the powerful station at Arlington The airship will also 'be advised as to the weather ahead from passing liners so that no diffi- culty is anticipated in making the journey While a broadcast station is opekat_ bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- . ing an expert listens in conseral interest.tantly on a receiver to see if any SOS signals /0.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast are being sent out by ships in. dis-I 1/.55 a.m.-Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 12.05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 4•00 p.nt-Official weather forecast 4.05 P.m. -Market reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base ball scores. 8.30 p. nn -The Detroit News Or- chestra; Town Crier; Anne Campbell, News Poet; Walter Atkinson, bass - baritone,' 10.45 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra and the Cathedral Male Quar- tet. • Friday, Oct. 12 9.30 aan,-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editot 9•45 'a.m.-Public Health Service tress. As soon as an SOS signal is recognized, all broadeasling stations are notified to shut down and stand by , until all danger is past. When station "mrjAZ" at Chicago was sending, out their daily program late- ly, a signal was picked up from a Canadian freighter approaching Chi- fdr ,sp- erators of the station inimediately rushed a message to the docks and a •tug was sent out. It arrived/ in time to assist the freighter frorn ground- ing on a shoal. Some very fine work is being ac- corded in the field of "Wired Wire- less". The transmission of entertain.- ment by this method is confined to power transmission lines. Aerials are erected near the power lines and practically the same outfit is used as the 'broadcasters employ. The re- ceiver is a very simple case and it is attached to the ordinary lighting sock- et. When the switch is turned on, an a.djustment of one dial brings in the music very clearly. This plan is already in use by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the transmission of operating orders over some of the.Niaga.ra lines. A program was sent out last week simultaneously from four of the more powerful broadcasting stations in the United States. Stations "WEAF", New York City, "KDKA" Pittsburg, "XYW", Chicago and "WOO" Phila- delphia. The experiment was very successful. Mr. Herbert Hoover was one of the Principal speakei-s. _Station "WWJ" tire Detroit News, still remains our most reliable station The clever remarks of "The Town Crier" are very entertaining. The subject of reraclia.tion by oscillating tubes has been Mentioned on previ- ous occassions in this column. The chestra; Town Crier; vocal selections Chief Engineer of station "WWI" by pupils of the Detroit Institute of Saturday, Oct.r3 9.30 a.m.-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor 9.45 a.m.-Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a.m. Official weather forcast 11.55 a.m.-Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 12.05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 4•00 P.m. --Official. weather forecast 4.05 p.m. -Market reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base ball scores. 7.3o p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. Sunday, Oct. 14 , 11.00 a.m.--Services of St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral broadcast from the cathedral. 4.00 p. m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. Monday, Oct. r5 9.30 a.m.-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor 9.45 am. -Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast 11.55 a.m.-Arlington tirne relayed by the Western Union. 4.00 P.m. -Official weather forecast 4.o5 p.m. -Market reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base ball scores. 7.00 p. m -The Detroit News Or- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111M1111111•1118111.11111111M1110111111111111111111 .M f.,VrOpt a a We Buy All Eggs 45n Grade a 'According to the standards adopted by , the Canadian Govern- I merit You are invited to come and see your eggs graded. We also by Creani on grade.a. A premium of 3c perpoun' d is paid for butterfat grading number one over that of number two. • . ' 111 Your highest market for Eggs, Cream and Poultry a Maitland Creamery, Winghim United Farmers' Co -Op. Co. Ltd. Phone 271w. .1 0,,,,...„,,....„,.,„........„,...„...,,„...„,...„,...„„.....,,,. _ ;:, School 'S....:uppli.e _ , . i 'N a I 1 I a. i I a i Ili I i‘ a 11111t-1 We are read* with a large stock of all kinds of School Supplies, including Palk School Readers and Public School Text Books. Drawing Books, Writing Books, Scribblers, Exercise Books, Note Books, Slates. Crayons, Paints, Lead Pencils, Etc., Etc. We have the stock to give you "Quality and Service." A SHARE OP YOUR TRADS iOLICITSD 0 a is = 8.ss s ELLIOTT -I OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL . -,r ii i Agency canadiati National Railways. ,--- a 11100111011011118011100111810 tasimooliciainanoimisuroamamiatimanami ."1(0.) vs(4es1704 Go Fila$T 414" tP Mt!. HORT' OODy.' Thursday, October Iith., 1923 Musieal Art. Tuesday, Oct. 16 9.30 a.m.-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by theWoman's Editor 9,45 a.m.-Fred Shaw, popular pianist and songster; and Margery Richmond, pianist, in their "Ironing Day" program. 10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast 11.55 a.rn.--Arlington, time relayed by the Western Union. , . 12.05, p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 4.00 p.m. -Official weather forecast 4.05 p.m. -Market reports. 7.00 p. m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra; Town Crier; Mrs. Annabelle Tolle, soprano; Miss Tolle, pianist; Alf. D. Fleming, baritone; Rev. San- born, speaker. Wednesday, Oct. 17 9.30 a.m.-"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor 9.45 a.m.-Public Health Service bulletins and talkon subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast 11.55 a.m.-Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 12.05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 4.05 p.m. -Market reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base ball scores. 7.00 p. he Detroit News Or- chestra; Town Crier; vocal selections by pupils of George Carris. THE HOUR, OF FATE What is the hour of fate in a young man's life? I should say 7 p. m. That hour is the spring board from which most men leap to suc- cess or fall off to failure. I am also convinced that 7 p. m, is the fork in the roads, one of which leads to character and the other to lack of it . There are twenty-three other hours in the day, but there is no hour so potent as this 7 p. m. Why? This is the answer: A. man's waking hours are divided be- tween industry and leisure. To a majority of mankind seven , in the evening mark a the end of work and the beginning of leisure. It is the hour when a man makes a choice of the kind of leisure he is to have. If he turns to the leisure that means improvement to his mind and body, his soul, he wins. If he turns to the pleasure -feeding frivolties, he loses. It is a cold-blooded proposition, but it is true. Genius is ninety-nine per cent. hard work, and the best of leis- ure is a shift from one kind of work to another kind of work. Ninety- nine out of every hundred men who Win in the world use the time' when they are not at work in activities which look work to the loafer -Vic- tor Murdock in Association Men. JOHN WAS RIGHT A short time before his death. John Wanamaker, in a talk with the adver- tising manager, of his Philadelphia store, declared that the public was be- ginning to resent the awkward bulk and the meaningless advertisements of the average newspaper. "If the newspapers are goieg to save themselves and be useful to the public and useful to the merchant who ad- vertises in. them," said Mr. Wanamak- er, "they will have to double, their ad- vertising rates. Thus they would be able to reduce the faithful advertising to its proper proportion and to cut out the waste and false advertising altogether." "News papers would come to a new dignity and a new usefulness," contin- ued Mr. Wanamaker. "There would be morn in the newspapers for the news of the world and better and high- er employment for the men who cover the news, edit it and write it. The double -truck advertisement would be- come a thing of the past, and possibly the full-page advertisement, too. Cer- tainly the full -Page advertisements would continue only where there is something very genuine and very im- portaiit behind it." That was the message of the largest retail store buyer of newspaper space in the world! Clerk's Notice of First Posting of \To- tem' List 1923, Municipality of the Township of Turnberry, Co. !of Huron Notice is hereby, given that I have transmitted or delivered to the pers- ons mentioned in section 9 of the On tario Voters' List Act, the copies re- quired by said sections to be transmit- ted or delivered of the list, made pur- suant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said niuniciPality to be en- titled to vote in the said municipality at elections for nietnbers of the Leg- iSla.tive Assembly and at reitlnicipal el- ectioesand that the said list was firet posted up at lily office in the township of Turnberry on the 8th day of Oct- ober, 1923, and remains there for in- spettion, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediateprtaceedings to have any errors or °Missions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated Oct. 8t11,,, t923. W. R. Cruikshaelt, Twp. Clerk. All nations whom Thou mad'st shall come And worship reverently Before Thy face; and they, 0 Lord Thy name shall glorify. Because Thou art exceeding great, And works by Thee are done Which are to be admired, and Thou Art God Thyself alone. 0 Lord my God, with all my heart To Thee I will give praise; And I the glory will ascribe . Unto Thy name always,. (Scottish Psalter). 0 Thou who art the High and Holy One who inhabitest eternity, help us to bow before Thee with reverence and godly fear, yet with the confi- dence of children coming to, a father. Thou didst commend Thy love to- wards us in that whilst we were yet sinners Thou didst give Thine own well-beloved.Son to die for us, Grant unto Us the presence of Thy Holy Spirit so that we may live for Him and do our part in sending the gospel message to others. We ask it for His sake. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 14, 1923 Lesson Title -Israel, a Missionary Nation. Lesson... Passage -Exodus... x9:x-6; Isa. 43 :9-x x ; Isa. 45:20-22. GOldell Text -Exodus 19:6. Exodus 19:1-6, In the r7th chapter' of Exodus we are given an account of the notable things that took place at Rephidim; first. the murmuring of the people a- gainst Moses because of the lack/of water and the miraculous source of supply; (verses 5-6) then the battle between Amalek and Israel in which "when. Moses held up his hand Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed (vii). . From Rephidim the children of Israel marched into the desert and encamp- ed before Mount Sinai.' In: the 5th chapter of Exodus we read how Mo- ses and Aaron requested Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go on a three days' journey into the desert to sacrifice unto the Lord their God. Instead of a three days' journey it was "in the third month" they reach- ed Sinai where they were to meet with God. This corning to Mount Sinai was a memorable day in the life of Moses. Once before he had met with God there who called him out of the midst of the burning bush, and talked with him about the afflic- tion of His people in Egypt, commis- sioning him to go and deliver them from the hand of Pharaoh. God then gave him a pledge that He would be always present with him. "And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee; when thou hast brought forth the people out of Eg- ypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain," Exodus 3:12). This pledge was redeerned when God "called unto him out of the mountain, saying "Thus shalt thou say to the house'of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; ye have seen what I did un- to the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagle's wings and brought you un- to myself" (verses 3, 4.) God was covenanting with His people and He appealed to their memory and their gratitude. He wanted their sacrifice Seal Inkk‘x . OW ZT S Bulbs now for planting. Prices on request. MRS. WM. SN E A TH Box' 42. Tel. 142. 'Better Than Pills For Liver Ills. Tonight . 110 jenie litteiMithIn I:11101 titittilonli,. isitir;y4oitro tuon Pio/ *top _trek ItoodschoOf louitiWitt OorreCt They at petrOptlyi, ploinUM011114 161101Y, yet issroustity. Otnermniv 'Alright Get a 20si LioS Sold by 'Walton MeXibbon r r weo ----cttkeve t,',fr tovc . cr. re' S'T,A045,114:it it* r to be a willing obedience, so Ele re- minded them of the great host of Egyptians that, was destroyed for their deliverance, and with what swiftness and security they were brought through their journeyings. As an eagle, protects the young by making it, -as it were, a part of its own body, so God brought them unto Himself. After such intimate care perfect obedience was not too much to expect from them; having' been saved by Him that which is now in- .sisted upon is that they should be ruled by Him. "Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall b,e a peculiar treasure unto me above' all people; for all the earth is mine; and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation" (verses 5, 6). By thus separting them unto Himself He separated them from and honored them above all People, mak- ing them "a kingdom of priests and a holy natigan," because living in the spirit of obedience they were all re- garded as "kings and priests unto God the Father." So today those who render obedience unto and are the followers of Jesus Christ are re- garded as "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation a peculiar people. (r Pete.r 2:9) Joseph Parker in his explanation of this passage says, we have first the history, then the obedience, then the promise, then the detailed law; and the detailed law coming after the promise becomes an easy burden, and a yoke so light as to be like a necklet of jewels. Isa. 43:9-xx--tiod's Challenge to Idol Worshippers In the years since God met ' with Moses and gave him the ten com- mandments, the children of Israel had wandered far from Him, asso- ciating with the idolatrous peoples round about! them. Through Isaiah, His prophet, He called upon them to renew their allegiance. He challeng- ed•the worshippers of idols to give proof of the divinity of their false gods. Their/ gods have eyes but they see not, ears and hear not, and they that trust in them are like unto them (Ps. 1L5). They are "the blind peo- ple that have eyes and the, deaf that have ears" (verse, 8). They are cal- led upon to produce witnesses in op- position to the truth of the things claimed by the true God, or if they cannot, to acknowledge the truth of the latter that "It is truth." Then God referred to His own witnesses and to His prophet to show that He is the one living and true God and that He was from eternity to etern- ity. He was before idols were form- ed, "They sacificed imto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up" (Dent, 32:17), "I, even I, arn the Lord." On a former occasion when ,the priests of Baal called, there was no response, though they lashed themselves into a .frenzy, calling. hour after hour up- on their gods to hear and answer; but God time and again gave proof to the children of Israel that He does hear and answer prayer; and to the truth of this they could bear witness. "And beside me there is no Sa- viour." He is not only the supreme Lord, but He is the only Saviour. When the children of Israel 4arne out of Egypt, the Lord alone did lead them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; and there was no strange god with thern. Who among the heathen nations can bring their witnesses to prove the 'omni- science and omnipotence of their gods? If they can they shall be jus- tified. If not let them hear the wit- nesses of God and acknowledge. "It is truth," The cause of God is not afraid to be put tb the test for "great is the truth and will prevail." Isa. 45:20-22 The Universality of The prophettileisGicisPntehlis passage a- gain calling upon the Jews, and those of other nations,' that escaped from captivity in *Babylon, to come togeth- er to bear what God has to say for their good about the idols they wor- shipped, 'deceiving themselves by praying to a graven image that has no power to help. They are urged to take "counsel together" to know what to say in defence of themselves and their idols. God is a God of Jus- tice, and having given these idol wor- shippers every opportunity to prove their case He now claims for Himself that "there is no God else beside me, a just God, and a, Saviour; there is none beside me," God is not the God of the children of Israel alone but of all peoples and kindreds and tongues. He says 'Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else." The children of Israel were chosen as His peculiar people throtigh whom He showed to all the world His redeeming 10Ve manifested fully in the last Says in the person of his sort; Israel waS the missionary nation,the, special Means whereby the Saviour in doe time came atriong mem ' When the gospel is preached to heathen natioris, when Christ is lifted up before the eyes of idol worship- pers, God is acknowledged to be 1110 true God and "there is none else," God so loved the world that He gave His only begOtten Son that whoso- ever believeth in Him should not per- Calvin Robinson, East Wawanosh; ish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). "So strong is the eye of faith that by divine grace it will reach the Saviour" (Matthew Henry). WINGHAM SCHOOL FAIR (Continued fro mlast week.) Tatting -Dorothy Anderson, No. Ashfield. Em. Initials -Jean Sperling, No. 18 Howick, Darning -Isobel Davey, Wroxeter. 15 mounted insects--Jno Clark, No. 3; M. McCauley, No. 3; Clark John- ston, No. 8; B. Gibbons, No. 8; An- gela Gibbons, No. 8. _ Map, Huron county -Dorothy Hig- gins, No. 7 Morris; Warren James, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Norman Coulter, No. 7 Morris; Harold Vin- cent, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Leon- ard James, No. 9 Wawanosh; Dor- othy Stapleton, No. 8 East Wawa - nosh. Map, North America--I3lair Gib- bons, No. 8; Harvey Cook, No. 13; Edward Marsh, No. g; Agnes Coultes No. 9; Vernon Chamney, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Marie beacon, No. u East Wawanosh. Map,' Europe -Annie McDowell, No. 8, East Wawanosh; Neil Potter, No. /1 Turnberry; Agatha 'Coultes,, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Arnold Vint. No. 8; Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Wawa - nosh; John Stewart, No. 17. Cradle Song --Kenneth Mowbray, No. 17; Gertrude Deyell, No. n Turnberry; Marjorie Hamilton, No. Wawanosh., Indian Surnmer--Albeeta Shiell, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Velma Wheel- er, No. 17; Ada Phippen, No. 1r Turnberry; Vera Finley, No. II, Turnberry; Dorothy Stapleton No. 8 East Wawanosh; Reginald Watson, No. 3. A Farewell--Zora Bolt No. 8. Blair Gibbons, No. 8a James McCrea No. r7; Norman Coultes, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Ellen Nickol, No. 3; Ag- nes Coultes, No. 9. Mercy -Ruth Cole, No. 17; Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Wawanosh; Goldie Wheeler, No. 17; Mildred Moore, No. xi Turnberry; Margaret ,Pullen, No. 11 Turnberry; Isabel Campbell, No. 7 Wawanosh. Pencil drawing, 3 rabbits -Agnes Coultes, No. 9; Edward Marsh, No, 9; Jack Clark, No. 3; Alvin Potter, No. ix Turnberry; Dorothy Kerr, No. 9; zora Bolt, No. 8. Scene in water colors -Agatha Coultes, No. 9; Ruth Cole, 'No. 17; Joseph McGill, No. 17; John Currie, No. 9; Neil Potter, No. n Turnberry, John Stewart, No. 17. , Crayon drawing, flower -Doris Holloway, No. ix Turnberry; Leon- ard James, No. 9; Clark Johnston, No. 8; Bernice Wright, No. n Turn - berry; Alberta Shiell, No. 9; Doris Scott, No. 8. Health Poster -Agnes Coultes, No. 9; Edward Marsh, No. 9; Agatha N-oultea No. 9; Vernon C'harriney, No, 7 East ?Wawanosh; Videtta Chamney, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Ferrol Fig- gons, No. 7 Morris. Little Boy Blue -Jessie Arbuckle, No. 9 East Wawanosh. • Public Speaking -;Valetta Chtunney No. 7 East Wawanosh. Judging Live Stock --Edward Marsh No. 9; Jno, Currie, No. 9 East Wa- wanosh; Calvin Robinson, No, 7 East Wawanosh. , School Parade -No, 8 East Wawa - nosh; No. it East Wawanosh; No. 7 East-Wawanosh; No, It Turnberry; No. 13 East Wawanosh; No. 9 East Wawanosh. Physical Culture -No. 11 Turnberry; No. 13 East Wawanosh; No. 8 East Wawanosh; No. 9 East Wawanosh. Dairy Calf -Ross Robinson, East Wawanosh; Stanley Black, No. 13. Pail Fed Calf -Willie Black, No, 13 •••11111111111.. Jno Currie, No. 9. • Agrioultural.Colt-Jno Kerr, No. 9;. Lawrence Taylor, No. 9; Orval, Cook,: 'No. 13. r pair Lambs, short wool--Grleit. McCallum, 2nd. No. 8; Mason Robin- son, ist , No. 7 East Wawanosh. Best pair Bacon Hogs-Jno No. 9 East Wawanosh; Mason Rob.. insOn, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Irwin, No. xx, Baby Beef -Lawrence Taylor, 9 East Wawanosh. • HYDRO IS CENSURED Jury Finds Cornmission "Very Lax" • In Not Enforcing Rtiles A declaration that the Ontario,. Hydro 'Power Commission had been very lax in not enforcing its rules in connection with the particular piece of work at Dixie, Ont., at whiclt, Edward Hammer, a Hydro lineman., met his death while in the perform-' ance of his regular duties was in. -- eluded ia the verdict brought in by', the jury, at the inquest held at. the Morgue, Wednesday night, with Cor- oner J. H. McConnell, Preaiding, The verdict read as follows:- • "The jury find that Edward Ham- mer came to his death at St. j'oseph's- Hospital on Sept. 26th as a result of . electric shocks and burns and falling, s from a steel, tower, No. 264, at Dixie,, Ont., on Sept 23. "Frcim the evidence, we are of the opinion that the , Hydro -Electric -- Power Commission of Ontario hav been very lax in not seeing that the - rules have been enforced on this job. We recommend, to ensure the,, safety of the men, that in future,, all men employed be given a copy' of the rules." - The evidence showed that Ham- mer had gone up_ the pole to re- move a hand -line off, one of the low- er cross -arms. The rifle, it appear- ed, was for the power to be shut offi while such work. was being, done,. According to Thomas Emmerson, the foreman cif the job, he had an-- nounced to the men at 7.30 that day that he was going to have the. power cut off. He was not stre, however, that Hammer was one of the men who heard what he had' said. The foreman stated in his evidence that no one should have gone up the pole until the power had been cut off. Although the lines - were dead on. the particular cross-- aril-1ton which Haminer was wo ing, the line or lines above were carrying ,a voltage of 110,000, His theory was that while Hammer was standing on the lower cross-aran, the current from the lines. above, when he had come within three. feet of it, had jumped across and„ passing through the body, had -made: a connection with the steel tower. Su.b-Foreinan McCollum admitted nrciPring tc,, '1" that partic- ular. job, but had taken it for grant- ed that Hammer would not have - gone up until the power had"been cut off. Must Work Together No -town can, grow as it should un- less its People' work together in its. The history of every city that has rapid and substantial" growth will show that united and en- thusiastic work of its people had the greatest part in making it grow. In towns where a few Jive men boost and work the town's upbuilding and many are indifferent and do nothing,, the work of city building is exceed- ingly difficult and the results slow in coming. If all boost and help to build tip the town it is an easy mat- ter to make the town push forward. winniummummumumummummummumum I LYCEUM THEATRE' 111 WED. AND THURS. Wm. Russel in "Great Night" Comedy "Splitting Hairs" FRI. AND SAT. It I Dustin Farnum in 111. "Oathbound" . 1 domedy "The Reporter" MONDAY AND TUESDAY EL. • ------ SPECIAL ------- PRISCILLA DEAN in "UNDER TWO FLAGS" , The Picture 11/1agnIlleent. 111 Pull of action from start to finish, wild riding and Arab m horsemen sweeping across the desert's burning sands, I IAlso comedy "Stealing Home" a real story of baseball. IM See the curves of the pitcher. Prices 15e and 350. 1111111•111 N1100011111110111•1111Molimilillilillitliiii111111111 , t