HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-10-04, Page 41: eileaelieeesieeeeIa4eee.':i1;• "ee'eeeee"',441"'"II"e"'", ROOL PAXR all Bone, NO. 8 East Wawanosh, a Os 2, oi,man Coultes, No, 9 0. East N1/4rawariosh; IVIary May- ethoie No, 13 East VIrawanosb; Zora No, 8 East Wawanoah; 'Mary Ye -C Stewart, No. 17 East 1,t0eleetel, caamaey w.4rtteor",) • 'N East Wawanosh; Eileen McCallum, No. 8 East Wawanosh, Any Pet -Cleland Bone, No, 8 East WawarlOshi Mary Hunter, No. 7 East Wawauosh; Zora Bolt, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Clark Johnson, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Francis Jackson, .14 •Canologton, •NO• '7 East Wawaanoshe • niesh; Videtta eliaiuney, NCI. 7 East argavet Erwin NP. EaSt W4Wa- 'W.a.WanOsh. B.P.Ree-Eileen McCallum, No. 5 Morris; Jno. Clark N. 3 Morris. 'Nos 8- East, 'Wawanoah; Burl Cunning- 'Tnrnips-Harvey Cook; No. 13; 'ham, N. 8 East Wawanosh; Harry Clarence Yuill, No, 3;Robena Young, StapletonNo, 8 East Wawanosh; N. ee; H. Irwin, No, xi; Jas McCrae Videtta Chatnney, No. 7 East Wawa- No. , xe; Beryl Cunningham, No. 8 nosh; Blanch Cunningham; No. 8 Handkerchiefs -- Marion McCauley, East Wawariosh; Cleland Bone, No, No, 3 Morris; Beryl Cunningham, N. ,8 East Wawanosh, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Florence Pen of three B.P.R..--I-TarrygStaple- Blair, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Mae tOn, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Videtta Coulter, No, e Morris; Alberta Shield Charnney, No, 7 East Wawanosh; No. 9 East Wawanosh, Chas Scott, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Doll's Kimona-Marion McCauley, Eileen McCallrina, No. 8 East Wawa- No. 3 Morris; Beryl Cunniagharn, No. nosh; J'as Henry, No, 13 East Wawa- 8 East Wa-wanosh; Mae Coulter, No. Vosli; Norman Coultee, No. 9 East 7 3.[orris. Wawanosh. Best elressed doll -Mae Coulter, Pen o.f two, B.P,R., home flock-- No. 7 Morris; Jean Higgins, No. 7 Mary Ctuntina•ton, No, 7 East Wawa- Morris. nosh Goldienosh; Geo Mitchell, No. 5 Jar Tomatoes -Agnes Coultas, No. Morris; Alex Robertson, No, 11 East 9 East Wawanosh; Jack Clark, No.3 Wawanosh; Goldie, Wheeler, No. 17 Morris; Alberta McMurray, No. 4 East Wawa.nosh; Burl Cunningham, Morris; Isabella Campbell, No. e No, 8 East Wawanosh; Harry Staple- Morris; Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Mor - "ton, No. 8 East 'Wawanosh. ris; Latta Hawkins, No. 3 Morris. White_Legliorns-Rutle Cole, No. Homemade Bread- Lizzie Coultas; /7 East Wawanosh: Annie McDonaldNo, Morris; Jessie Campbell, No. No. 8 East Wawanosli; Sta.riley Black No, 13 East Wawanosh; Wm Black, No, e3 East, Wawaanosh; Art Scott, No, 13 East Wawanosh. White Wyandottes-Bruce Cham- neY NQ. 8 East Wawanosh,y Harry , Jackson, No, 5 Morris; Norinan Coultea, No. 9 East'Wawanosh, Rhode ISland Reds -Clarence Yuill, , No, 3 Morris. Black Minorcas.e-Eileen McCallum, No.' 8 East Wawa -nosh; Jim McCall - .13•1111' PmWawanosh; aWanosh; Clark 8 East Wawanosh. . Broveit Legliorns-Bruce Chamney, n No. 8 Easi Wawanosh; Ross Robin - 7 Mors; Isabella Campbell, No. 7 -Morris; May Wightman, No. .13 East Wawanosh; Agnes • Coultas, No. 9 East Wawanosh; MervYn McCauley, No. 3 Morris. : Apple Pie-Aga.tha, Coultas, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Agnes Coultas, No, 9 East Wawanosh; May Wightman, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Marion Mc- Cauley, No. 3 Morris; Robena Young No. II East Wa-wanosh; Hazel Mc- Gregor, No, 13 East Wawanosh. School Lunch -Clark Johnston, No. 8 East Wawanosh; ,Alberta Mcl\fur- ray, No. 5 Morris' Annie McDowell, OD MORK; 1 E rflQAM etel)VANCE , 7'hurisdty, October 4.14., /903, • Pe INT "sf,OU (FrOINI1-0 SPEAK -1'0i M, "(11'' nosh; Robena Young, No. xi East East 'Wawanosh; .Mary Hunter . N. Wawaa.nosh; Lizzie Coultas, No. 7 e Wawanosh; Avin Rutledge 'No 3 Morris. Homemade 'Candy -Jean Higgins, No, 7 Morris; Hazel McGregor, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Clark Johnston, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Annie Mc- Dowell, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Flor- ence Blair, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Cleland Bone, No. 8 East Wawa - nosh. Gladioli -John Clark, N. 3, Bob Proctor, No. 5; Dorothy Stapleton, No. 8; C. Stewart, No. 17; Hazel Mc- Gregor, No. 13. Home Garden -Willie Grasby, No. 5; John Clark, No. 3; Robbie McMur- ray, No. 5; Cleland Bone, No. 8; May Wightman, No. r3; Beryl Cun- ningham, No. 8. Geranium -Cleland Bone, No. 8; Mary. Robertson, No. er East Wa- wanosh; Dorothy Stapleton, No, 8; Agnes Robertson, eeNo.' rx East Wa- wanosh; Goldie Wheeler No. 17; Paaech sewn on, grain bag --Blair No. 8 East Wawanosh; James Mc- Beryl Cunningham, No. & Gibbons, No. 8 Ea.st Wawanosh;Jno son, No, / East Wawanosh. Crea, No i7 Morris; Mervyn Mc- Begonia -Velma Wheeler, No. 17; Clark, No. 3 Wawanosh; 'Coultas - re Ducks -Bruce Scott No, 13 East Cauley, NO. 3 Morris; Velxna Wheel- Eileen McCallum; No, 8; Doris Scott No. 9 East Wa.wanosh; Jno Stewart' -Wawanosh; Eileen McCallum No. 8 er, No. /7 East Wawanosh, exanose; - 4. 'In A., TrAirt I' 4/ n'•,.4. r IR' 0- Alt ,1-1TTLE PAN$ 'Tert.14:, 'THAT .SHa SQ- To (-Cete ienceeed e,SUE,-r NOW AND WOU latiterr 46,N $VN./ HP:4 Asi‘10 BE*Nrcte8 `f0Pu teolAreE A FAC NPR.. WHAT HAVK You A`•( 540R. F ?« `IV 1,teere: 'ilea ay rare eraertoricr.serweakeireeNi1.44 .e• • °ANA.1, LCD oKu-r GUtN/1 McDFM?'' • 'Gibbons, No. 8 East Wawanosh; May Wightman, A No. 13 East Wawanosh; Wawanosh; Henry Finlay, Turnbarry; Lizzie Coulter, No. 7 Morris. Jessie Harold Kerr, No, 9; Stewart Sheldon Ca.mpbell, No, 7 Morris. No, 3. Pair knitted socks-ejessie Canip- Maarigolds-Harvey Stapleton, No. bell, No. 7 ,eforris. 8; Graham McDowell, No. /3 East Handmade Apron -Mary E. Hunt- Wawanosh; Kenneth Mowbray, No, er,' No. 7 Morris; Lauretta McBurn- e7; Vernon Channeey, No. 7, ey, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Angela Onions -Ruth Noble, No 5; Geo Gibbons, No. 8 East Wawanosh; May Noble, No, 5; Zora 'Bolt, No. 8; Cle- Wightrrian, No, 13 East Wavvalioeki; land Bone, No. 8; May Wightman, Jessie Campbell, No. Morris; Lizzie No. 13. - Coulter, No, 7 Morris. Onions Extra -Angela Gibbons, Best darned woolen aock-Mary E. No. 8; Floyd McCauley, No,. 3; Mari- Hunter, No, 7 Morris; Alex .McBurre. on McCauley, No. 3. ey No. 8 East Wawanosh; Jessie Wren House -M, McCauley, No. 3 Campbell, . Morris, Wiwanoph; Neill Potter, No. ix Turn- Hemstitched Towel -May • Wight - berry; E. Marsh, No. 9 Eaalc Wawa- man, No, x3 East Wawanosh; Laur- nosh; Cleland Bone; No. 8 East Wa- etta McBurney, No, 8 Eat Wawa- wanosh; A. Vint, No, 8 E.a.gt Wawa- nosh; Agatha Coultes, No. 9 East Wa- nosh. , ' wanosh; Isabel Campbell, No, 7 Axe Haleille-Stewart Sheddon, No, Morris; Agnes Coultes, No. 9 East 3 Wawanosh. Wawanosh; Blanche Cunningham, No. 8 East Wawanosh. Henistitched Handkerchief -Jessie Campbell, No, Morris; Hazel Mc- Burney, NO. ie East Wawanosh; eitiaeah can tarigh rri, 7,1'n R East . wanosh; May Wightman, No. 13 East Wayva.nosh; Isa,bella .Campbell, No. 7 Morris; Agatha Coultas, No. 9 ' East.Wawanosh. 1 Quilt Patch -Beryl 'Cunningha.m, I Wawanosh. No. 8 East Wawanosh; Marion Mc -1 . Wawanosh, Maraaret C niung- 5 lb prints of butter -Agnes Coul- ast e No. 17 East Wawanosh; S. Shed‘cion, .vert, -ham, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Norman o. 3, John Stewart, No, 17. Collection Mci,unted Leaves--Ber- No. 3 Wawanosh. ,coultes, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Wni tes, No, 9 East Wawanosh; Jack Clark, No, 3 Morris; Lizzie Coulter, No. 7 Morris; Arthur Secete, No. x3 East Wawanosh. , Light layer cake -Agatha Coultes, No, 9 East Waevanoshi .eilay Wight- , .. nice Breen. No. 9 Wawanosh;. C. Johnstrak, No. 8 Wawanosh; C, Bone, No. 8 Wswanosh, • Collected native woods--Norrnan Coultas, N. 9 East Wawanosh; C. loan, No. Ease wewenoehl 14r- Johnston, No. 8 East Wawanosh; Neill • Potter, No. ex Turnberry; C. nice Breen, .No. 9 East Wawanosh; Stevrarte No, el Turnberry., , Agnes Couleea, No, 9 gwi-wwymnosh Nail Box --S. Sheddon, No. 3. Wa- Bla‘k, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Mil- wanoshi H. Hawkins, No. 3 Wawa- tleerd lgasou, No. 7 East Wawaanosh. nosh; Bruce Chamney, No. 8 East .4; Whife' Egga,Haael MeGregor, NO. ..WMY,....riosh; Bob Proctor, No. e Morris'. No. 8 East -Wawan0Stil Mary Wightman No. 13 "East.WaWeleOsh; Dorothy. 'Vincent, No. 8 East 1,Vawatif.,sf..11' 11°444 Scott - East' WaWanoslii: Brown Eggs-BOb Proctor, No, 5 Morris; Jas Henry, No, 13 East Wa- 'D ••• • Yuill N eseeena oung, No. re ast Waala- v the r • o' 3' nosh; Mildred Mason, No. 7 East Wa- Cosmos -Jean Biggins, Nr5'. 7 wanosh, Morris; Hazel McBurney, No. ix Dark layer cake -Bertha Cole, No, -wanosh; Hazel McBurney, No. re 17 East Wawanosh; Agatha, Coultas," East Wawanosh; Annie McDowell, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Agnes Coul- No. 8 East Wawanosh; Zora Bolt, No. tes No. 9 East Wawanosh; lvtay No. 8 East Wawaanosh; Flo 'Blair, Wightinan, No. 13 East' Wawanosh; No. 13 East Wa.wanosh. ; Letta HaWkins, No. 3 Morris; Angela Pair Rabbits -Alvin Potts, No. II' Gibbons, No 8 East Wawanosh. Turnberry; Mason Robinson, No. 71 Bran Gems -Agnes Coultas, No. 9 East Wawanosh; Jennie McCallum, East Wawanosh; Agatha Coultes, No. No. 8 East Wawanosh; Les Vincent,. 9 East Wawanosh; Goldie Wheeler, 0, 8 ,Aast,. ,Wwanosh, „ . No, 1 x MOrriai Lizzie Coulter, No. 7 Cat -Peril Higgins, No. 7 Morrisj' Iteleareel Florenck Blair N"O. 13 East 2ora Bolt, No, 8 East Wawanosh; Wawanosh; Hazel -Mc OrneY", To. 11 Hazel _McGregor, N9, lee East Wee( East Wawanosh. Wawanosh; Flo Nethery, No. 13 East No. 9 Morris; Marion iviceauley, M21:118` • . Vineralie Bruce Scott, 13 East, Griddle Scones -Jessie Campbell, I East Wawanosh; Geo Michie No. 5; Mae • Coulter No. 7 Morris; Marjorieck- 5; ey, ig- as ay, ert eer,. Hamilton, No. 7 Morris; Harry Ja Son, No. 5, Dahlias -Willie Grasby, No. John Clark, No. 3; Hazel McBurn NO. Eaast Wawanosh; Ferrol H gins, No. Morris; Maargaret C nington, No. 7 East Wawanosh. Asters -John Stewart, No. re; J Henry, No, 13; Robbie McMurr No. 5; John Clark, No. 3; Herb Hawkins; No, 3; Videtta Cha,rnn No, 7 East Wawanosh. Sweet Fes—Mae Couleer., Wawanosh; Lloyd McCauley, No. 1Yl 313. orris; Agatha Coultas, No. 9 East Est WaWanosh.I Wawanosh; Agnes Coultas, No. 9 Dog -Wilmer Brown, No, 9 East East Wawanosh. • Wawanosh; Dorothy Golly, No. 7 Oatmeal Cookies -Isabella Camp - Morris; Mausel Cook, No. 13 East , bell, No. 7 Morris; Jessie Campbell, Wawanosh; Les Vincent, No. 8 East ' No. 7 Morris; Agatha Coultas, No. 9 Wawanosh; Harold Irwin, No, 11 East Wawanosle; Bernice Breen, Turnberry; j. Bridges, No. le East; No. 9 East Wawanosh; James Mc- Wawanosh, I Crea, No. 17 Morris; May Wightirian, Pigeons -Mary McCauley, No. 3 No. 13 East Wawanosh. • East Wawanosh; Ed Marsh No. 9 Lemon Tarts --Beryl Cunningham, East Wawanosh; Harold Vincent, No. No. 9 East Wawanosh; Annie Mc - 8 East Wawanosh; C/ark Johnson, I Dowell, No. 8 East Wawanosh; James e No, 8 East Wawanosh; Calvin Rob- McCrea, No. 17, East Wawanosh; 1 Phlreiz.-jas McCrea, No. 7 Morri Zinnia -Dorothy Sta.pleton, No. Agnes Robertson, No. II East W wanosh; Alberta McMurray, No. Isabel Lester, No. 3; Dorothy Higgi No.. 7 Morris; Margaret Cunning -to No. 7 East Wawanosh. African Marigolds -Isabel Cam bell, No. 7 Morris; Alberta Shia No. 7 East Wawanosh. Coreopsis-Mary Robertson, N n East Wawanosh; Arnold Vint, N 8; Bruce Charrthey, -No. & Calendula-Robena Young, No. E insole, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Cele- May Wightmaae4 , o, &ast Wawanosh; Clark Johnston, NEast Wawa- 8 s. 8; a- 5; ns n, 7 P- 11, 0, o. 1/ 211111111111 111 I1ill1111111111311111111 INCH 1111/1111 A Pf4 1111E11 11 weingan d toe as Hindi si iss m irr g We Buy All Eggs vn Grade According to the standards adopted by the Canadian Govern- I - meat 'You are invited to come and see your eggs graded. We also by ,Creain on grade. A premium of 3c perpound is paid II for butterfat -grading number one over that of number two. ti -11. You': highest market for Eggs, Crearti and Poultry pi • I. Maitland Cr emery, Wingha.m . United Farmers' Co.Op. Co. LtdL, Phorie 271W. stnctisionromismismalialitimitganzmilmi=moviminlialiormon mum 111 111111111811111111111l1111511111111 I, 4'' 'I ' 1 111 111 v 11111111111111N11111111111 111111111E11111111E11111111111111111111 UPPlieS* ready with a I ,rge stock ot all kinds o -ehool Supplies, Inetuding o. French' Marigolds Verdin ,. Mow- bray, No. 17; Hazel McGregor, No. x3. ' 15 pressed Ont. weeds -Agnes Coultas, No, 9; Cleland Bone, No. 8; Angela Gibbons, No. 8, 15 inounted weed aeeds-Clark Johnston, No. 8; Marion MtCauley, No, 3; Lagoard James, No. 9 Wawa- •"sBile.ets-Dorothy Higgins, No. 7Wa- wanosh; F. Blair, No. 3 East Wawa - nosh; Goldie Wheeler, No. 17 East Wawanosh; C. Robinson, No. 7 East Wawanosh; D. Kerr, No, 9 East Wa- wanosh. Carrots -Gordon *Naylor; No. 7 East Wawanosh; Alberta McMurray, No. 5; Agatha Coultas, No, 9; Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Wawanosh; Videtta Chainney, No. 7 East Wawanosh; Ro- bena. Young, No, II East Wavanosh. Parsnips-Robena Young, N. II East Wawanosh; Isabella Campbell, No. 7 Wawanosh; Clayton McGregor No, 13 East Wawanosh; P.osa. Rob- inson, No. 7 East Wawanosh. Barley, x qt -Ross Robinson, No. 7; Willie Irwin, No. Il; Harry Jackson, No. 5; Arnold Vint, No, 8; Jno Currie No. 9. • Winter Apples -H. Vincent, No. 8 from Mesoptamia, Swarm after Barley, sheafr--jno Currie, No. 9 East Wawanosh; L. Vincent, No. 8 iswarrn had left that busy hive, push - East Wawanosh; Arnold Vint, No, 8; East Wawanosh; D. Vincent, No. 8' ing one another farther and farther H. Jackson No. 5 Wawanosh; Ross East Wawanosh; Jas McEwen, No. west and eat, all urged, as in our Robertson, No, 7 East •Wawanosh; 17 East Wawanosh; Geo Michel, No, own day, by natural; impulses, by Willie Irwin, No. 11 East Wawanosh, 5 Wawanosh; Blair Gibbons No, 8, hunger, bY commerce, by love of ad - Field Corri-Jno, H. Clark, No. 3 Special for ptimp-Joe McGill, No. venture and conquest." Wawanosh; W, McCauley, No, 3, 17 East Wawanosh. Abraham's going -out was prompt- . Wawanosh; Blair Gibbons, No, 8 Puttipkin-Floyd McCauley, No. 3 ed by. soinethiag entirely different East Wakvanosh; Lloyd McCauley, Florence Nethery, No, /3; Jennie and new. Previotis to this time Ab - No. 3 WaWatiosii; Lavina Thomas, Sutch, o. 3, newer' had known only the gods wor- Cauley, No. 3 Morris; Hazel Mc- . raemammemaxamms Gregor, No. 13 East Wawanosh; Dor-. othy Stapleton No 8 East Wawa - nosh; Florence Blair, No, 13 East Wawanosh; Mae Coulter, No. 7 „Wonaer Morris, , what an idle SUNDAY,AFTERNOON Telephone thinks about?" " A 71 -FY oh, why do my people v V send out 'Special Offer' letters broadcast to a lot of dealers, when I could do so much better for them ? " Think of the time lost before they will have replies,enough to know if the sale is a success -of the letters that won't receitre proper attention .h -of tcle unnecessary expense in that big list! . A" They'd do befter to put me in charge of their 'Special Offer Cam- paigns.' I'm the boy that gets an founediefe decision "In two hours, by Long Distance , I've often so/d 60% of a Special We come unto our fathers' God. Their rock is our. salvation; The eternal, -arms, their -dear abode, • We make our habitation; We bring Thee, Lord, the praise they brought; • ' • We seek Thee as Thy..sainesehave sought - In every generation, . Ye saints to come, take Up the strain, The same sweet theme endeavor; Unbroken be the golden chain; Keep on the song forever; Safe in- the sante dear dwelling -place, Rich with the same eternal grace, Bless the same boundless Giver, --Thomas Gill • PRAYER 0. Lorde.go with us in all the vari- ety of circumstances and duty which Thy providence lays upon us, and • help us to keep an equal heart, know- ing that in all changing conditions Thou 'dost pursue the unchanging purpose. May we be Thy fellow - taborets: and sine Thou art ever 10 the convenantewith him telling him her would be "the father s of many na- tions," and that Sarah. his wife, "shall be aethother of nation," (Gen. 17:16,) The 18th chapter opens with a scene Conainon to eastern travellers. Abraham is sitting, resting at mid- WINGHAIVI SCHOOL FAIR (Continued from page'3.) Handmade Apron or Doll's Dress, -Isabel Campbell, No. 7 Morris; Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Morris; Ai - gala Gibbons, No, 8 East Wawanoalie Lizzie Coulter No, 7 Morris-' Ipabell Foster, Nb. 9 'Howick; Agatha'Coul- ces three travellers approaching- and, day in the door of his tent. He noti- tes, No. 9 East Wawanosh. . ',,,,' ;,,„ .,:. iw.tiiitihs forward acrtdistaonmdarbyids hospitality, he welcome NoH7lEthastPowstaewr Wawanosh; ;gamthliactreCdotEtlVds-F- - • , entreating them to rest while he sees Emaosntd, wJr,awIVan;oEshd;warodillVf„marink,oniNottt.h.9ie. 1' to the preparing of a meal for them. King of kings come to Abraham and ' Thus in the guise of strangers did the W Hirieginhastrnit'cliEed McKay refirii.efi-VA; giCa:htea gars for thereby- some have enter- tuHasiennewodtasabngels" unawares. (Heb, 13:2. Ethel TRaobbbeartsNono,. INCoo.1608roCe;olbfeiseiseie enoforgetful to oo ornetceerpttaiionn.s"tr an_ ,i Let Coultee, No. 9 East Wawanah; Dor- 13W:21th further eastern gra...cc "Aka- NCalcen4PbWella'wNaono7shM;orDriosr;ilarenHeoWlio°°wadsy: ham went with them to bring them God put His seal on the confidence 9 No. II Turnberry. East Wawanosh; Luella Rintoul, , on the way," (v, x6) and then it was 'Crochet Work -Agnes Coultas, No, He had previous to this placed on the bN:a.s4, NWoesst W.gaawstanwosalwv,anAonsghe;la Mar - "Shall . character of the man of His choice, t h in g which, I do: seeing "Shall I hide irofn Abraham that that Abra,- garet Pullen, No. xi Turnberry; Lila • Ga.unt, No. 4 West- Wawa -nosh; Ise,-, ham shall slirely become a great and bil mighty nation, and all the nations of Knittilig for girls to and tinder - Foster, 1`10. 011-Owick, - , ' - earth shall be blessed thinpehrismo':: HChorwisatrinde' R.Yottlenrgts' otNi, No. Colborne. (Verses 17-18.) God in the e of the three travellers had talked face nI-AlellaeRintiDoulay. ,Neyo; N40. WI6ewstrWawa- to to face with Abraham and now he is nosh; isbe moved to entrust him with His pur- i Olive Farrier, N. 14 West Wa.wanosh; poses. From Abraham is to spring a Margaret iller, No. 4 Wavvanosh. great nation s.� he must know how to ' M Patch__ sewn on cotton ---Dorothy guide it (Sodom, towards which they ;Robertson, No. 8 Colborne; Irene w ' were moving, was a wicket city and Woods, No. 4 Wawanosh; , Agatha., is to be destroyed. God ill not Coultas, No, 9 East Wawanoah; leave Abraham ignorant of its doom ...Louie Lawlor, No. 3 Colborne; Hel- en Douglas, No. 1 Turnbeery; Olive but will draw out his nobler traits of character by this very confidence, `Kilpatrick, No. 9 Ashfield. lAifberathhaatmthpolecaidtys masayfobrolii.s spared very bu oete I Centre Piece -Lula Gaunt, N. 4, . 1 Wawanosh; Dorothy Anderson, No. a/1 likewise perish." shown that. "except ye repent ye shall '5 Ashfield. ' 1 Wood -Neil Potter, No. er Turn - As Abraham journeyed on the berry; Norman Coulter, No. 9 Wawa- , mighty men of the country took not- nosh. ice of his 6onduct and one said to him! Leaves -Evelyn . Horton, No.' "God Is wit'h' thee in all that thou Colborne; Ward Jewell, No, 9 Col- doest," but God had yet 'to put Abra- :borne. .- • • He called upon him to sacrifice his 13 Ashfield, Weed Seeds -Ethel Nicholson, No. ham to the supreme test of his faith. I son saying "Take now thy son, thine' Weeds -Luella Rintohl,, No.. 4 only son Isaac, whom thou lo -vest West., Wawanosh; Melvin Hackett, and get the into th'e land of Meriah, No. 13 Ashfield; Agnes' -Coultas,. and offer him there for a burnt offer -1 East Wawanosla. ing.upon one of the mountains which, Drawing -Ruth Cole, East Wawa- I.will• tell thee of" (22:2.) He went. and Morris; Rube:- Errington, No; L forth to do the Lord's bidding ful- be- Colborne; Doris Holloway, No. IL Raving that God would assuredrk Turnberry; Neil Potter, No. yr Turn- fil Hie; proinise to make of him a' berry; William Webster, No, 5 Ash - great nation. In the latter part of field; Mazie Hackett, No. /3 Ashfield. today's lesson (22:15-18) we have a4 (Continued next week.) ' . e repetition of blessings promised 1 ' ' — 11511113111MBEBBERIBIEMIEMEMEMENIMBIBINIBMIII CEUM THEATRE seeking to make us like Thyself, ma' we faithfully use all outward things Sale stock to a few merchants--aril otour uhrolienress' yn iexsihgynsfeaanr. eoThpreoroegcht 1 a letter to a small list telling of that' Cadet , fact soon disposed of the remainder. our Lord, Amen. "1 can prove that getting quick S.. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 7th, 1923 decisions on important policies by LLeessssoc: p Title -"Abraham, a blessing kat in the " ' ' tx07-txh8 whole world," 22 :I5-18. long run, -Gen. 12: x-4; 18: Long Distance is the meet econons- •E. syS, 4' • Golden Text -Gen. 12:3. m • There has been no ore enduring 1,1104 name in all history than that of Ab- ., raham. With, his name a new chapt- ar 1, er began in the history of his race. le :I -4141G .0 One writer says of him: "Among all el'erreac, the forgotten millions of his own meteor, ..v * time he stands alone a recognizable and memorable figure. The signifi- cance. ace' ., nor legislative, nor literary, but of his life was not military, reli- gious. To him must be carried back the belief in* one God, It- is this be- lief and the place he gave it as the regulating principle of all his move- ments and thoughts, that have given him his everlasting influance." Gen, 12 :I . -God's command, This irnigration 'of Abraham was not by any means, the first going -out • 111111,Mille=11111SIOIX=11622111112111M111 Newspaper Wrack --Velma Wheel- er No. 17; Mervyn. McCauley, No. 3; Gordon Wheeler, No, 17, Fall, Apples -Clayton McGregor, No. 13 East Wawanosh; M. Robin- son, No. 7 East Wawanosh, No. 7. Sweet. Corti -Jas McGill, No. -i East Wawanosh; jean Higgins, N Public School ‘Readers andPublic School Text Books. 7EaWstawwaailwInlialailY. ' Mowbray, No: I Drawing gaaita, writing saaka, octit,bitrit. '- - Wheat, x qt--Frliacis Jackson, N . . , :-_, l' . tOrcise Books, Note Boo5 ks, Midair ' ' ae- Wheat, sheaf --Francis Jackson, N •Er. 5; Floyd, 14eQmi1ey, ,No. 8,; MetVy 'Crayons, Paints, Lead Pencils,, utt,, stc. . - - -, ii IVIcGaauley, No. 3, i OatS, I cit. -Bruce Chaim:my, Xo„. We have thee stock to glma Yau "Quality and Servic' I eTriA5Glie CroleklettNstis4N1 oC. ' ilteWart' l'' 'T ,• a...e., A SHARE Or YOU E TEADE SaLlEgiTEU .."Alk,„:01.'. ',-.-1 Al°ex4t8'118otbeae'rf-tsott,liceNCo,'amxrir.YMNat'ii's8e .,' , i Cook, No. 131 C, Stewart, Fo /7. __rrish Cohblers-Verriou Cliamma No. 7 taat Wawariesh; Alvin Potte .,. a .,e4 ..'N No, /I; Morris Stitch,,Xo. '84 Ma ,LL1OTT , : garet. /rWiili NO,. II t allt VittiVatiO411 VierVyn 1/1cCatiley, N0,3; 'Harvey Uc.,, , Et' 31owell, No,. x3; Litzie Coulter, No, OPPOSirt atlIttNil 1,1011b14 lArAwati6gli. 'Green MounNo tainGeo Noble No, Tomatoes ---Ferrol Higgins, No. 7 shipped by his people in. Chaldea•but 7 Wawanosh; Floyd McCauley, No. 3; no* God had revealed Himself as the 0; Bruce Scott, NO. 13, Supreme One and Abraham heard 7 I Citron -Leslie Vincent, No, 8; and answered the lieaxenly voice. It Jno Stitch No ,3 • was the first step in a life-long obedi- o. Sunflower-Staftley Black No. x3; erica to the unseen Go Bruce Scott, No. 13 East Wawariosh; "Get the,se out of .the country, and 0. Jennie McCallutra go, 8 East Wawa- from thy kindred, and -from thy n nosh; rao0 McCatil ,ey 14'6. 3; Lealie father's house, into a land that' I, Vincent, No, 8 t ast 'Wawanosh; Dor- will ahoy' thee," is.M„ Scott, No. 8 East Wawariosh, 'Verses 2 -3 --God's rewards, . 0. Knitted Scarf-- Angela Gibbons, Promise upon, promise Is Made ,to 'No. 8 Eat Wawanosh, Ikbrahani, aiv- one 'of them would' in Tatted Edge for handkerchief- itself be -,Sum ple copensation for Annie McDowell, No. 8 tast 'Wawa- leaving the present certainties for nosh; Jessie Campbell, No,, 7 Morris; the unseen and untried. tlanche Cunningham ta.s.t`Wa- will make of thee it great nation, ri nosh) Anola Ong, No. 8 East X Will bless Ate. awitnosh, . I will make thy name great, eft)Ohetdd hdt• towel -Mar- Thou glialt be a blessing, Saret Pullen, No, ti lettriiberry; Ag- I will blest them that bless thee 7, , . Agenc Catiacilatk koiliti/o4yo, ' WaWatioah; Doris 14 Scott d arO literat o,' 8' tbl)ert kl ld Vi X , • . , .14.4t.ou, , ilaa CdtiittflNo. taSt Wawanotil sh; acurse hfn that purseth thee, Angela GibbOns, N. 8 tag 'Wawa. In the strength Of these promises g nosh; Jessie Campbell, Xo. Morris; "Abraham departed. out to n4i4411 ; Agatha Cotiltea, NO, 9 ast WeWa- and wet,, fOrth to go into the land of nosh. . Cainaam"' Linen Cushion-teryl Cunning. After tattle, t'Wenl:Y YearS God agalu ham, No. 8 Pet WaviratiOsb; Angela appeared unto Abraham and renewed mi WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIAL — 1 DOROTHY PHILLIPS . urric . ne's Gal" i THE STORM OF SENSATION it 121 What you will see-Droplanes air patrols smugglers MI 4- . 4 seven " ue men and true portrayals and one of the strongest stories told. al Also Mack Sennett Comedy "Bow, Wow" 1 ' M Prices 75c and 35c R FRIDAY AND SATU DAY CHARLES JONES "West of Chicago" A story of frontier days on the Mexican borders Also Al. St. John in "Tropleal ResneorF' MONDAY AND TUESDAY ‘‘GIMMIE" VI/1th an All Star Cast. . A RuPert Hughes gory of his latest comedy &atriaof married life. She 'lad the Gintmles. gave You the Mutinies. They are ao proVgant as colds and headaches and ire trateh rnOre dangerona, EVellbody basthe Grminies, here they are: -4.1, Odder a know' itInnanit a drink, tatnrikto a ow, Ghtunie a wan, Gittunie naatth, there here by tint butvittds. Don't miss tlus 1411811 , • sominismontommomisoniiisumiminiumosomo .A.51i54:15 ifei156514544.1itli444544444i44 •