HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-09-27, Page 1••AT;Tri,,,,r1•714q01,Yffiliqi,f,,f,c;11!I ••~-44,-.,,,airi,••• • • vgiatmafayaaaa • ..• • ta, COPieS, Four Cents. WINGHANI, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 192 3 • • MAN TERRIBLY BURNED • Edward Hammer Touched Live Wire —Inittries Probably Fatal • • Edward Hammer, aged ,30 years lies • in St.Joseph's Hospital, 'Toronto, pro- bably fatally burned bout the body as a result of corning ,in contact with a live wire while working on the Hyd- ro -Electric 'system near Dixie, Ont., - Sunday morning. Hammer, who is a married man with, a wife and little child living at Wingham, is also suf- , fering from a compound 'fracture of the left leg. According to fellow Hydro employ ees, the injured man was helping to string one line across another when the two touched, causing a short cir- cuit. Hammer was immediately rush- ed to St. Joseph's Hospital -where it was fourtd necessary to resort to tran- • sfusions. Three of the Hydro work- ing party offered their blood to save unfortunate man. There is how- ever; little hope for•his reeffery-. Mr. lianuner's wife was Miss Jean 'Carruthers before her marriage. She -was motored to Guelph on Sunday and -took the radial from there on Sunda.y atternoon to Tpronto, tater reports state that Mr. Ham- ! vier passed away on Wednesday. Paul's Church Notes •- Sunday Sept. 3o, Rev. T. B. ,How-. ard, B.A. of Christ Church, Listowel, will conduct the services, Adult Bible Class.at 2.30 pin. Monday, 'Oct. 1st.; regular meeting -of the A. Y. P. A., everyone welcome. " luesctay Oct the Deanery Con- vention for the Deanery of Huron will be held at Seaforth. A large ‚representation is asked from Wing - ham. • Thursday, Oct. 4, A towelshower, in aid of the Bazaar, will be given at • 'the home of Mrs. W. G. Gray, all the 'ladies of the congregation ,are most -cordially invited. Choir practice each Friday evening • Remember—A welcome awaits you r.at St. Pauls Church. All seats free. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Stock, • • inen.ts, etc., -at Lot 27, loth con. of • West Wawanah, ,o'clock 00 ' ,Xhursday, Oct. 4th. Edward Hain - Prop., John Purvis, Auct. .FOR.. SALE—Two young calves. Thonnori 621. • ' -FOR SALE -'-Muscovy Ducks for • breeding. J. • E. Wright, Lower Wiiigham. TIM AT TIIE FAIR To the Editur av the AdVance, Deer Sur, • — 1VIebby ye •tink 1 -shud be afther wroitin a few lollies about our base - hall club, an givin the byes a wurrud air jiraise, so to slipake. An, shure, 'tis the bit av praise they do be desar- vin ay, fer didn't they defate the Irish noine av Lucan, an it takes shinart min .to bate the Irish, so it does. Av coorse;,1 don't purtind to undershtand 'the foinelpoints av the game, though I heir shtood furninsht what they call 'the fursht base rnanny a toirne; an lasht Sathurday I wus on„the band shtand wid the naygtirs. Wud ye be - lave it, thim fellahs knew rnoore about the game than I did? Tisn't aisy fer a Canadian to admit. he knows less than. a &tun the shtates, aven a black wan, but 1 belave 1 cud hould me own wid anny vtruit av thim in, a harse,thrade, arr at wurrukin an elick- shun campaign. Annyway our byes do be playin good ball this sayson, an I hope they will kape,it up, to the ind. Mishter Morden is a terror to trow balls wid that lift hand av his, but whip I wus a bye I belave I cud hev done as well rnesilf, fer, shure, I used to trow stones at black' sh.quirrels in the tops av the trees an harruclly ivir miss. Manny a toime we wud hev had no mate for dinner barrin me shicill at trowin shtonesi An, the way thim lads kin run! I rnusht admit that 1 don't belave 1.. cud hev kept up wid Dr. Jar- ge Howson in the besht days, ,an. to tell the truth 1 wus somerunner trie- silf whin I wus young. I remirnber wance av runnin awl the way to Clin- ton widout shtoppin to git soine med- icine fer me poor ould • mother; but that is another shtbry, as me frind Mishter Kipling wud. say. An the quickness av thim byes is surproisin. The shtroiker will hit the bali. wid a drawn shtroke, an away it flois up in the air, the fielder houlds up his hands an it diops into thini an befoor ye kin count wan he shlams it into second base and the fellah theer catches it an trows it to the fursht base man who is waitin fer it, an all bepor the fellah who shtruck it has toirrie to get to fursht base. It Manes two min out an the' ind av the sivinth innings fer the visiting tame ,wid the score wan to nothin in favor av Wingham. Me -bud frind Mishter Linklater, who at - finds awl the games, says I hevn't got this roight, fer whin the ball,was cau- ght be the fielder the man who shtrucic it wus out annyway, so he wuddent na.de to brea,k anny ricorcls runnin to fursht base.) Well, mebby the ball wus rowlin along the -ground whin the fielder got it, ye kin hev it yer own way, lout it shows the folly av wroitin about what a- fella' dussent undlier- shtand, tis loike a U. F. 0, troyin to talk pollyticks. I tink 1 saw ye at the Fair on Toos day afthernoon, but I wus slipakin wid inc ould frind Jawn. joynt. M. P P at the toime, arr I wud hev gone ove to wheer ye •WUS shtandin aytin an oice crame cone, and, pashed th toime av day wid ye. 'Twas a good show, so it was, an a caidit to th byes who had the runnin av it. Th marchin an drillin av the school chit •der plazed me betther than annYtin ilse, fer a shina.rter, broighter -clayne lookin lot • av kiddies ye cudden foind annywheer. Afther the-childe got throo • wid theer purformance, -lift -the misses in the -Women's shitoot tint- hevin a cup av tay wi Mrs. Sandy Batiks, Mrs. Peat Bogg FOR .SALE --- Ten little pigs, extra • good: Apply to Chas. Campbell. • • Tel: 24 -624- -FOR SALE --Weanling Pigs, correct Bacon Type. Get premibtn for se- lects.'Jas, H. Currie 3-6r9. • , ,WANTED—' Immediately quantity of dry cedar rails. Apply Western Foundry. Co. FIGS FOR SALE—Two brood sows due end of SePteMber. • Also ten ' young; pigs. Apply Wm. Web- ' ster Route 2, Lucknow. bunch' of keys. Finder pleaSe leave at The Advance. •',LOST—A purse containing a latrge stun of money at Fair Grounds. Finder please leave at Advance and receive reward.• 'REPAIRS—Sewing Machines repair- •' ed, Raymond, Ideal, New Rollie, and all other makes of sewing ma-• chine, needles for sale by A. W. • Webster, the tailor. Men's suits ,Made for ten dollars and up• that it. Shop over the Wingham Ad- vance Printing Office. FOR SAY-X—Large base burrte.r coal • heater • with .oven on back. $8.00 • buys it, and it is in good condition. First here gets it. Advance. FOR SALE—One McClary "Pandora" range in. first class condition. A snap for quick sale. Jas.' Masters, -pluevale Ont. FOR SALE OR R.ENT—An up to towndateostforeinignhathme centre of the • For full infor- mtion apply to J. G. Stewart, Real 'Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. II. S. FIELD. DAY Anikatal Games Keenly Contested in Wet Wea.ther Owing the very wet and cold weath- er.,on Friday, the, sixteenth annual games of the. Wingha.in High School held on the campus were not largely attended, There as keen interest shown by the pupils in the competing for the prizes, and Mr. •Brackenbury and his •assistants took great interest in the eventa. The senior boys' ehanapion.ship was won by Smith I-tutton,with 3o points, and the junior championship was won by Walt. McKibbon, who had 22 points. • The senior championship for girls was won by Agnes McKague with r8 points, and the junior girls' champion- ship went to Dorothy Hammond, Mau- rine Mitchell led with 18 points but was not eligible because of the fact that she won the championship last year. • The following were the winners: Girls' Events• ' Throwing Baseball, Sr., Agnes Mc- Kague, Lilian Hetherington, Mae Per- due. • r e e g r r 11 d • ROUSE TO RENT -8 rooms, bath, • • . electric light, furnace, garden, will • build garage, large kitchen, coal or „wood range with hot water boiler house. Apply to Mrs, Wm, Shoe - bottom, torner Minnie and Patrick 1:10NEY FOR SALE—Mixed Hone3r • about half clover,' It cents in my- . pails or xo cents if yott find your • -tins at house, clover 13 cents if you. find tins at houae, if not satisfied, leturn honey, get your •tuotaey back. jantes Casetnore, R. R, 4 Wing- • hani. Mail Orders taken. • • TOR SALE—Thirty Barred Rocks, • Pulletts, April hatch, $1.00 each, j„ W, Fortune, Route a Winghant, FOR SALE—A.. number of 6o lb Lard Tubs, regular 25 centa, to • ,pails ettarl5 ig catittst; et0its,iblov1:11to6trit • Malt Extra.ct, kegs 7s cents each. T. H, Gibson, Central Bakery. FOP, SALE—Car. Apply/ to Mr. llailey, Lower Winghain. sewing and Dress. • trialtirig, Apply tO Mrs. Skeldin, •Prances St, next to Public School: an Mrs: Jack Frost, Shure, 'twas a great toirne they wus hevin shwappin shtories about theer shmart grand- childer, but. I bought it wits a good chance fer me to, shlip away over to the harse ring, an ram 'not share but mebby the wimmin wus glad to git rid av me, so ivirybaddy---wus plazed, as the' sayin is. • As I sed befoor it wus a good show, wid a lot av good lookin pay- ple at it. Some came to see the show •an some to see who ilse wus theer, s'orne came to see theer childer march, an some jist came fer the roide, loike me frind, Mishter Jiggs whit to the funeral; but it didn't make any differ why they came so long as, they got them. an paid theer‘ quarthers at the wus sorry not to sec mmare young couples walkin artound to.- gethei, an hope the cushtom isn't goin out av Mebby if 1 had gone to the show in the Hall at noight wud hev had no rayson to tink so. I asked the missus to go, but • she tought ould'payple loike wud be betther home. I didn't want to go mesilf, fer 'tis quoite a shtrain on Inc ould back shtandin arround. awl af- theritoon, an I filt a touch av me ould 'thrubble comin on, but t knew if sed I wanted to shtay at home thin the missus wud be slitrong fer goin. 'Tis the wayav the witurnin. Yours till next wake, • ' Timothy I -lay. Owen Sound Wins 3 to x Winghain played in °weft' Sound on Wednesday aftertaboati, and were de- feated by the score of 3 tol. A full write-up of the game will be given, in next'week's paper. A sudden. death game will be played in Chesley on either Saturday or Monday, Throwing Baseball, Jr., Mae Van - stone, Mona. 'Sanderson, Jessie Men- zies.. • Throwing Basketball Sr, Jessie Tay- lor. Mae Perdue, Gertrude Anderson. • Throwing Basketball Jr„ Edna Hen- derson, Mae Vanstone, Jessie Menzies. • Standing Broad Jump, Sr., a Annie Ilonauth, Ida Lutton, Ena Currie Standing Broad Jump, Jr., Dorothy Hammond, Maurine Mitchell, Mona Sanderson., Running Broad Jump, Sr., Agnes McKague, Alice Williamson, Jessie Taylor. Running Broad Jump, Jr., Maurine Mitchell' Majorie Gibson, janisa Ho- rnuth., Needle Race, Sr., Agnes McKague, Evelyn Gibbons, Dorothy Snell. • Needle Race, Jr., Maurine Mitchell, Dorothy Hammond, Jessie Menzies. Hundred Yard Dash, Sr., Annie Ho- muth, Agnes' McKague, Alice William- son. • Hundred Yard Dash, Jr., Maurine Mitchell, Grace Mitchell, Majorie Gib- . 'Egg Race, Sr., Ena Cuerie, Ida Lut- ton, Mary McGregor. • Egg Race, Jr., Eva Swanson, Wil- ma Johnson, Annie Irwin. • Nail Race, Sr., Annie Homuth, Ev- elyn Gibbons, Mary McGregor. Nail Race, Jr., Dorothy 'Hammond, Jessie Menzies, Venetia Weishar. Three Legged Race, Erma Finch, Yvonne McPherson; Janisa Homuth, Edna 'Henderson; Dorothy Hammond, Venetia Weishar. Senior Boys' Events Putting, Wilfred Robinson, SnSlihthotHutton, Melville Beecroft. • Standing Broad Jump, Melville Bee- croft, Smith Hutton, Will Rae. Running Broad Jump, S. Hutton, Wilfred Robinson, Melville Be,ecroft. • Hop, Step and Jump, Smith Hutton, George Falconer, Melville Beecroft. Hurdle Race, Smith Hutton, Robert Andrew, Percy Johnson One Quarter Mile, Charles Messer, C. Louttit, William Rae. One Mile Run, Charles Messer, Jas. Carr, Elliott Fells. Hundred Yard Dash, Wilfred Rob- inson, Chas. Mecser, Smith Hutton. Running High Jump, G. Devereaux, Smith Hutton, E. Fells. Pole Vault, Smith Hutton, Percy Johnson, Peter Scott. ' Junior Boys' Events NO BIT NORU GAME Wingham Boys Played' Good Ball and Won 5 to ------- The largest crowd of the season witnessed the first game of 'the finals, between Owen Sound and Witighain, Mord.en, "bur famous south paw twirled a great game, with all the plays backing him up with air tight ball. 1 -le had the Owen Sound team at his mercy, allowing only one man to put his foot safely on the first bag and that on a very close decision. Zack, the pitcher for Owen Sound, pitched a good game, haying three deliveries, underhand, side and over, but the home boys toward the end of the game comtected with the ball in quick suc- cession did he was relived by Garbut of left field, Winfield taking left in the eighth inning. Owen Sound A.B.R.H.P.O,A.E. Weiland, ss. 4 o 1 3 o Wilson, rf. Briggs, 3b. Dasey, ib McReavy, c. Hillard, cf. Keeling, 2b. Zack,'p. 3 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 o 1 30 010• 0 0 300511 3 oo 3 oo 3 0 0 3 2 / 200170 Garbut, If. & p. 3 0 0 0 1 0 Winfield, lf. o o.t o o Totals n 28 0 0 24 14 3 Geddes, SS. • 4 0 0 2 "o Howson, lb. • 4 1 I 15 0 Robinson, cf. 4 2 0 0 0 Irwin, If. ' • 4 0 1 0 0 0 Donahue, 2b, 4 I 2 0 Johstone, c. 4 1 9 2 0 McDonald, cf. 3 0 ‚2 I 0 0 Hall, 3b. • 4 0 1 r 4 0 Morden, p. 3 0 0 0 3 0 Wingharn Totals 34 5 9 27 13 Score by innings: Owen Sound — 000 000 000—o 0 3 Wingham oot 000 13x-5 to Summary: Two base hits—Robinson, 2; Hall, Howson, Irwin. Singles — McDonald, 2; Johstone, Donahue. Stolen bases—McDonald. Struck out—By Zack, 3; by Garbut, 1; by Morden, 9. Shot Putting, Jack Fowler, Ralph Carr, Barney Brown. Standing Broad Jump, W. McKib- bon,Barney Brown, Ralph Carr. .12tinning Broad Jump, W. McKibb- on, Ralph Carr,, Oliver Fells. • Hop, Step and Jump, Bruce Vogan, Ralph Carr, W. McKibbon. Hurdle Race, -Ralph Carr, Andrew Mitchell, William Taylor. - Orle Quarter Mile, W. McKibbon, Andrew Mitchell, A. McKenzie. . One Mile Race, N. VVilliamson, A. Mitchell, William Taylor. Hundred Yard Dash, Ralph Carr, A. McKenzie, Andrew Mitchell, • Running High Jump, W.'McKibbon, Will Kew, Oliver Fells. Pole Vault, Oliver Fells, Andrew Mitchell, Clifford Showers, t'ower' Farming Demonstration ' The Ford earavan. of Power farm- ing arid transportation equipment will be located on 14eL,ean's farm at the jurictidn on Wednesday October 3rd. 'Demonstrations of threshing, silo filling, wood cutting, potato digg- ing, hay baling, and other operatiorts will be givett also moving pictures of fa.rni. and ptiwor inachinea , and sub- jeets of ittterest to eye*, One) mission. • ' • • ••• '••.."••"10"•••••.'ar.."•,..',a0 ' '""4,•••,,; Another Landmark Goes The old footbridge across the Maitland to the Racing Park collap- sed on Thursday night. It was an old landmark" arid was built over 5o years ago, Locates at Dungannon Rev. Gordon Rintoul, with Mrs. Rinteul and little daughter Marion, moved. their household effects into the manse at Dungannon on. Monday. At the meeting of Presbytery *hid' convened in Ripley on Tuesday, Mr. Rintottl was duly appointed as stated supply for Dungannon and Port. Al- bert congregations. Bases on balls—Off Zack, 2. Hit by pitcher—Geddes by Zack. Left on bases — Owen Sound, 1; Wingham, 3. • timpires—Kellerman, and Davidson. Continued on .page 4 -:- PERSONALS - . Mr. Wm.. Mundell of Crosshill, visi- ted a few days with Mr. Robt. Cottle. Mr. Frank Fuller of Grand Rapids, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Powell. Mr. Jervis Lutton, left on Monday for London where he will attend Normal. Miss Helen Wilson has gone to Guelph to take a course in MacDon- ald Institute. Mr. Andrew McKague has returned home after taking, a load of- cattle to the Old Land. • — , MethOdtat Church Notes Sunday, Sept. soth, 5923—to a. na, Meeting of Prayer and JPraise, 11 a. m., Public Worship, conducted by Mr, T. A. CoOper of Clinton, 2,3o Rally in the Sunday School, Currie's School is joining with ours 6n Sunday. Our aim, every pupil, parent and. friend of both schools present. Let this be a big rally. 7 pin„ Eveniag Service, coriducted by the Rev, A. L MciCel- vey cif Teeswater. Tuesday, 3 The W. M. S. are holding their fall rally, Every woman the church in- terested in this society, urged to be present, Let tit get awayto a good start in our wonian's wor Mrs. Jack Sproule and three chil- dren of Goderich visited with rela- tives in town. Mrs. Griffin of New York is visit- ing her sisters, • Mrs. 'Paddock and Miss Coventry. Mr. Calvin Clayton of Port Hope, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Robt. Campbell and relatives in town. Mrs. Young and. daughter, Mary of Toronto, are visiting with her sis- ter,.Mrs. Buchannan and Mrs. Thos. Field. • Mrs. A. Baxter and -daughter Mar- garet of Walkerville are visiting with the former's sister, Miss Jean Mc Farlane of the Junction. Mr. arid Mrs. H. Carson, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs, S. Carson of Port Huron, spent a few days in Stratford and 'Toronto last week. Mr. and'Mrs. S. Carson have return- ed to their home in Port Huron, after spending the past week with his, bro- ther, H. Carson, Shuter St. Mr. and Mrs. Sleaman of Kincar- dine are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W.J. Henderson, Bluevale Road over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Carson returned to their home in Port Huron after visiting with the former's brother Mr Henry Carson, Shuter St. Mr. R. E. McKinney is at present relieving agent at Brussels, He en - tends relieving for some time. yet af- ter which he will take his permatient position at Acton Ont. Mr. Alex McGillivray and his sjs- ter Miss Christiana McGillivray of Port Elgin, visited their brother Mr. Archie McGillivray also Alex Mc- Gillivray of Paisley and his sister Mrs. Sara McGillivray cousins of Mrs. Arthur McGillivray. SubenOptions'; WINGRAM FALL FAIR A Splendid Success from Every Point of View 'Tile weather was all that could be desired for Wingharn Fair on Monday and Tuesday. The president, Mr. I. 3, Wright, and about•Iifty per cent. of his crew of directors were untiring in their efforts. Much work is necessary each year because ar the erecting of tents and the getting up of tables, etc. We believe that the fair board should consider the erectron of buildings. The exhibits were heavy in horses and cat- tle, but fell very- short in roots, fruit and ladies' work, while poultry and dairy and provisions were about as usual. The gate receipts amounted to about $46.00. The fact that this amount is not more can be accounted for, in more ways than one. The directors are too big hearted and give a free ticket with every me,mbership, which is uncalled for. Between 900 and I 00Q school pu- pils and probably two hundred more workers and their wives, including the ladies of the institute and the. exhibia• tors are on the grounds before :the men go on the gate at 12 o'clock, and easily two hundred more beat their way into the grounds, never thinking that every nickle is needed if the Fair board ever get anywhere nearly out of debt. Another reason for a 'great many farmers staying at home was the fact that the two days' nice weath- er was a great chance for them to get some of their fall work done after the very backward wet weather. A pleasing feature, of this year's fair was the co-operation of the busitiess men of Wingham, when advertise- ments were solicited for the prize list they "came across" admirably and a- gain, in the special prize list they were most generous. The Made -in -Wing - ham tent was a credit to the town and to the manufacturers who exhibited. 'The Western Foundry, Gunn Sonola, Fry & Blackhall, Aero Cushion Tire Co:,' Wingham Salt Works, Lloyd's Doors,. Gurney's and Pringle's Glove Works and ,,the Maitland Creamery, each had a splendid exhibit. The exhibit of an oil burner in a furnace to take the place of coal was the centre of attraction. It was the exhibit of W. C. Lepard who sells it. Hanna & Co. also put on an exhibit and promise to have a bigger one next. year.' The parade of school children head- ed by the Wingham Citizens' Band was splendid, S. S. No. 8, East Wa- wanosh, won the, first prize in the pa- rade. All who eard the Wingham Citizens' Band are loud in their praise of 'this organization and trust they may be able to continue as a band for someyears, years, and the whisper of death will only be another night mare. The Women's Institute ran an ice cream booth on the grounds and serv- ed, hot meals. Like ,the Agricultural Society there areaabout half of this as- sociation who work like slaves while the others are unavoidably detained. The usual amount of games were on hand to lick up the kiddies and the country youths' money, but they found that people are not just as easy as they look and the report is that they all lost money. A couple could not afford to pay untitl after they were forced to. The sooner this trash in invited to stay away from the fair, the better for the fair. The prizes awarded were as follows; 111111111111101111111110111i11111101111 rhe Dr. Irwin ia,Returning The editor of the Advance received a post card from Dr. A. j. Irwin, stat- ing that he would be at his office on Oct, 20(1.- The card was written in Ilfraconibe on Sept. 8th. The doctor and Mrs. Irwin motored there from Stoneheage, Salisbury Plain, the day before, He says• English roads are perfect and the country is like Ont. c11' tintios park. They found the roads in Belgium and Northern Prance unsuit- able for motoririg, therefore they left their auto in Paris and took the train to Venice and. Naples via Lucerne, Switzerland. Their many friends here trust they will both return. to Wing - ham enjoying better health, • eal barga,irt:,MS11111P1101411041411/11....P.1.111,11.01.....1 9c Buys AutoStrop Safety 'Razor = This is the complete "Valet" $1..00 Setl, ft+-, nor, -Blade, Strop and Case,. And i Relcall Shairing,Cream . '. .,:-',... .:',:::::,,'.,:i'„j,,„,. II . The best 35c Shavng am On 'he:.rrt et. ritei.;',:,:all'i'''-''''''-i' El i If , ‘,. , 59c ;,.....;.....:_........... .• . . .. ..: if. tt cKibbon s Drug' Store'. = Winstham, Ont. 44"'""' . ', ritne ,'.3 •• , . . , 1111111111111111111111.1111611111i1115i11111111111111111115111N11111111111E11111l111111111i111,11111111111E1111111111111111111iii11111S11111111l'''.'"J-„,at THE TWO FOR MY, HEAVY HORSES General Purpose Team in harness, J. D. Haskins. Agricultural Brood Marc, foal at side, Wm. Ad- air, Chas. Carter, Fred Churchill; Spring foal, Chas. Carter, Chas. Mart- in, J. A. Stewart; One -year-old Filly or Gelding, Alex. McDonald, Robt. Purdon, Geo. Kerr; Two-year-old Fil- ly or Gelding, Alex. McDonald, Alex. McDonald, Fred Churchill; Team in Haraess, T. -Montgomery, Wm, Wat- son, Jas. Cuming. Heavy Draft Brood Marc, foal at side, J. V. Brid- ges & Son; Spring Foal, J. V, Bridges & Son, Fred Churchill; One -year-old Filly or Gelding, J. V. Brydges & Son, W. J. Currie & Son; Two-year-old Fil- ly or Gelding, Wm. Watson; Team. in Harness, Jas. Forester, Jas. Forester, J. Brigham; Best three-year-old heavy draft or agricultural, Robt. Douglas, J. H, Currie. LIGHT HORSES - Carriage Team in harness, A. Millson; Single driver, J. Fryfogle, Andrew McKague, A. mitaon. • Roadsters Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, Jas. Forester; Single Driver, W. J. Rob- erts, J. C. Currie, J. Fryfogle, A. G. McKague; Team in harness, John 'Weir. • CATTLE The Late Robert Lockhart An old and esteemed pioneer of this district passed to the Great Beyond on Sunday in the person of Robert Lockhart who was in his 92nd year. Deceased was born at Newtonville, Durham County; and came to the to con. of West Wawanosh owhere he farmed for about thirty years. While a resident of Wawanosh he served as Councillor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve About eighteen years ago he and his wife moved. to •Wingham' and Mrs. Lockhart passed away about eight years ago. He is survived by five daughters and one son viz: Mrs. (Rev.) 3. D. Dyer of Fleming, Sask. Gertrude at home, Rev. E. H. Lock- hart of Caledon East, Mrs. W. D. Dyer of Columbus Ont., Mrs. Wm. Caslick of Bright and Mrs. Nina Mc- Carthy a teacher in Vancouver. The funeral was held from his late residence Catherine St. Wingham, and services were conducted. by Rev. Dr. Perrie of St. Andrews Presby- terian Church of which the deceased was a long life long member. Go To Church Sunday , A few years ago on the suggestion of Hon. W. H. Taft, then President of the United States, many churches adopted the custom of having once in each year 'a "Go To Church Sun- day." The pastor and the officials of Wing - ham Methodist Church decided to in- troduce the custom in their Church this year and last Sunday was select- ed for the "Go To Church Sunday" special invitations were issued to the Shorthorn Breeding cow, milking or near calv- ing, Henty Johann, Henry Johann; 2 - year -old Heifer, Henry Johann, J, J. Kerr; One -year-old Heifer, Henry Jo- hatin, E. Higgins; Heifer, under 12 months, Henry Johann; Bull, under 12 motiths, G. Gibson, Andrew Douglas; Aged Bull, Henry Johann. Herefords Breeding Cow, milking or near calv ing, Thos. Taylor, Jas. D. Little; Bull over 52 al:oaths, Jas. D. Little, Geo, Kennedy; Bull, tinder 12 months, T. Taylor, Thos. Taylor; Heifer under 12 months, George Pocock, Tames D. Little; Two-year-old Heifer, Thos, Taylor; One -year-old Heifer, George Kennedy, .Poster Marshall. Polled Angus Breeding Cow, milking Or near ca1V- ing, F. G. Todd; Bull„over /2 months, Todd, John Shield.; Bull, Under (Coatinaed on page 5.) Teeswater Fall Fair, Tuesday and, Wednesday, Oct. and. and 3rd. . , Mr. James McGillivray, is at pi -es- ent very ill at his home in town. ' WeekEnd Sale this Thurs., Fri. and. Sat. Bargains you cant afford to miss • Geo. Mason & Son. Commencing on October ist, the • London, Huron and Bruce train will leave Wingham at 6.55 instead of at 1, 7.30 as previously. C. V. Blatchford, proprietor of the Listowel F3anner has purchased the • Atwood Bee. The two papers will amalgamate. • Monster Three Day Sale this Thin's, Friday and Saturday. Take advanta.ge , of the big savings. Geo. Mason. & Son - A squadron of the 9th Grey's Horse will re -organize and commence training on Monday night, Oct. aast., at the Wingham Armouries. W. VanWyck, Major. a• The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wing -- ham General Hospital will hold their l• regular monthly meeting in the coun- cil chamber on Monday, October 1st., •, at 3.45. • , • It will pay you, before buyiag see the stock of Ready Made Over- coats and Suits, E. Armitage & Son- are showing. Their prices can't be beat. In the recent Forsyth Window Dres- sing Competition, Mr. Gordon 13tich- anan of Hanna & Co's was awarded ' M.','""'' first prize of $25.00 for towns in • members and adherents, and those the Dominion under 10,000 population. : • who were present' know how hearty was the response to. the itivitationa -• . aanurcn, av-OLCS - S n e ations gathered in this Church, about 450 being- present in the morning and 6(x). in the even- ing. The, pastor preached powerful and eloquent sermons appropriate to the occasion and expressed deep ap- preciation of the work of the officials who had stroven so hard to make the undertaking successful. The objec- tive, acio per cent. attendance, was in the evening at any rate almost fully realized. 'The choir which was xock per cent. strong gave great Inspira- tion to the whole service. uchlarge co gr g Special Harvest Home Services next Sunday, and Rally Day in the Sunday School Mr, Gonder, a returned Mis- sionary from China will speak at II a. in., 2.30 and 7 p.m. Prophetic Confer- ence—From Monday, Oct. 1st to Fri- " • day the 5th, D. V., Rev. Alfred From - ow of the Calvary Baptist Chard', in Brantford, will speak on "Some of the prophecies of the Bible". Many pro • - phecies are being fulfilled in these days Song service at 7.45 P. In. A hearty invitation to all. Superior )40111.0.21113.1111.41114,11.04161111.41111.0.41:1.04M11•0110,1141 4101110.111004110144.1.9441484,19,MOW...44".''"""" Footwear This House of Better Shoes is ready for Fall Trade, and ig at your service ,with Shoe Satisfaction! These d a ys, when. Shoes are COSting more than or- • er 'before a n d Uncertain' •Shoes so plentiful, this • House of Good Shoes at Right Prices will be appreciated, VVE ASK YOUR CO NS1 E ATON! ' S • , • , (3'lt,f;ER • 'It'AZ GOOD axou sTbAE 1