HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-09-13, Page 2obtain 3 curia of TRE wipswavt ADvANcili . . ,•'1' . , ........t...1.f.M,....—,............,........tmo,.....,.....m.,....frow.,-........r.,,W,,mmo....,- .,•.,^ m*,...*,—,,.......-....,..--,-,-,.............—.,.., , . . .04,,,,,,,,,....-•-pl,,,,........,...............,.......v...t.......« r...... ...,,,,,,—,-....-m., s ..............,... , y ...rot* e1ll0Claid. ' 1'S P asene,,,,-...--,--------,--,.................-....„--....-----......„----s- wo.,..,...,.........1...................... *II. . . . 'The ' ift Of The' ds The 'class. in, pleYsice were studying . . . magnets', - Atter. a number of expert- . meats the. teacher took several 'sheets, , . . . .. . Asitet for a felicio#'112. 11403 Pactinage to F,,,conomicai SPECIAL DIETS FOR. THE UNDERNOURISHED CHILD. A ebild May be undernourished after an acute ilhiese or opePatiot, or because of a tendency to tubereulesis. WY -PEARL FOLEY. of' paper and a, box of steel filings. .At his biediag the pupils SPrillhaed She (Copyright.) • filmset eat the pegeers; tlee fine partieles leolted like grains of send ttleet might 0 fallen from .the bead 0 a heed- OHAPTIZ XV.--(Cont'd.) "But you no even reepeet shim, less child. Chu Sing was as good as his word,' Missee Tu Hee." • "Now, sued the, teeeber tea Oe of A meuntain chair and runners were "I have no one else, end in spite ef the hoes, "take your esaPer of filings ell, Uncle Weng liked him. No, 1 ghall axle plaee it on top of that magnet," at the doer surprisingly soon. It was decided that Su should ac- rilarrY Lunnee, dear. Now, please TTh.e. by did,sa, ansnthere was company her new rnietress, fer added let us tajle a something else." e alma, s...41meng, the L1esL In to Tu Hees already full cup was the But Lim wasn't quite ready to droP en 2' fact that Lwn had diseppeared, No the subject. a seemed the linge had arranged one knew where. A. rumor had reach- "And YonematrY him in rrienth?" themselvee In beautiful stymin.etrigal, ed Chu Sing's ea-rs that she had eom- Patterns. Every particle -en the'paPer vigilantly kept from Tu Hee. • else was brushing and eame around in Out of confusion the magnet had The ntountain chair was borne front of her. mistress, Her hands brought swiftly through the hills by agile run- werked nervously and her Vice was How jumbled and scattered life ners, dusk was just falling when Te almost an angry wail. seams, ae times! How'canwicked,. Hee entered the courtyard of her "You ca,unot marry hien In- mema. nese an good/sem beta be werkint.,. home. Yes, it was hers tow. The say no --the gods say n" raandarin had left his beloved child "Lim, you forget yourself!' tor the glory lot GeV How can we re - everything he had possessed—every- Tu Hee had sprung to lier feet. eoucirie JoY and storrowealeve and hate, thing?—no, not quite, for the sacred Then in a softer voice: "Don't, please, life and •theath? How can there be anti ruby was to go to Prince Tsoo. Tu Lun--clon't act like tlais. Master Chu plan to things? " mitted suicide: but this report he Lun dropped the long Strand of hair oeemea ta 'have emend its Proper place. Hee had not questioned her guardians that her pleasure and satisfaction far not. It is to be doubted if her great outweigh all the 1"esta.blished preced- sorrow allowed her to grasp anything eats in the world.—A. M. Ae • beyond the fact she still had a home. ----- ' t Details did not in'arest leer. Whatever SEASONABLE RECIPES. Uncle Weng had willed mast be right, Sing is my promised Inisband." - It may be that while We are in this *1.4 ,SWIslisilislaissuakAlirlallimarStillaWitotosimuiewam eSt it. A universal 01118t01111, - ler that benefits Nut- ty body, d'ila•Aids digestioa, cleanses the teeth!' soothes the throat, thing to remember Sealed in 18 Parity PaakaS0 "Yes, yes. I no say not to marry world we ehan net be able to eee tiee ' him, I just say not in mouth. Two i -t ' nflni e plan that takes account of ell months I say—eh?" • tud "Two months?" Tu He looked at Ulna° fit's 't-hen1 into their proper awhv places to bring glory to God and good Application of Music. - to his children. Nevertheless, can we The Talmo ef musee as .a means' of her nurse in blank- surprise. lie must have more calories per day two months?" FLAVOR 'LAMM reatIVAMMal, Mat Cucumber catsup—One dozen large and there the matter ended so far as than the normal child, for he needs encumbers, one quart of vinegar, one Tu Hee was coucerned. "I no can tell." not wait until! that day when life will simply greater in quantity. The stem- the cucumbers before the sun strikes expectant forms were lined up. Gladcan tell, Missee Tu Hee Wait, often the child lacks a normal appe- used. Peel the cucumbers and run chair. Eyes were fnrtively wiped and ten to you, lam, when you can give inereaged buing and repair ma_ tablespoonful of salt, one-getarter tea- As the big gates .swung open to ad- Din's- handa were tearing at, each aPPeae to us like filing,s on a sheet of mit the young mistress, hundreds of other frantically now. ful of cayenn terial. But the diet cannOt be made sPoon e peppe r Gathee cries went up as Tu Hee's face ap- I can only say, two months." ach capacity remain.s the same and them and keeP in a e°°1 Place unr41 peered. between the curtains of the "But how can you expect me to lis- bite. alo the extra calories must be tucked -in the sarne bulk of food. • On the other hand, the diet must • not be so concentrated as to cause constipation, for that in itself will aggravatee the lack of appetite and general lower body tone. ' So add milk, eggs, butter, cream and gelatine, wherever possible, to make each dish more nutritious. Do not increase sweets; they vrill make a false gain in weight -without nourish- ing in the fundatnental sense. Keep the fruits and vegetables in good pro- portion. THE CHILD OF SIX WHO WILL NOT DRINK MILK; A 1,600 - CALORIE DIET. Breakfast—Orange, apple, baked, add spices, sugar, salt and vinegartli radiant and flowers 1310o/fled everY- "Drat that girl for makitg me a or prunes etc. Cereal cooked in one- , quarter water and tb_ree-quaters 'milk where. Tu. Hee wandered about, traitor to myself. I always vowed I'd and let simmer for fifteen minutes. „Bottle and seal. Use whole spices tied . - gently ' never let sentiment lead me by the in double boiler; toast, butter. Diluted touching each dear, familiar cocoa or milk, flavored with cereal . . . d object. She stood hesitant at her 'Pose, and here I'm letting it pull me coffee. theta through a food -chopper. Dram husky notes mingled with the cries of off the water. Heat the vinegar and -welcome.. pepper and salt to boiling point; pouri As Tu Hee alighted, her cloak slip - at once over the cucumber pulp, bottle ped from her shoulders and she stood and seal. Cucumbers bottled in this befere them, a slim, girlish form in make a particularly good voice faltered as she spoke leer greet - 'serve with beefsteak. her sauce to way retain ilia' fresh flavor and mourning gown of white. Her ging to them, her servants now, in 1Chinese. Her little unaffected speech Grape catsup is new to reeve. It. finished, the entire assemblage pros - requires -four pounds of grapes, two trated itself. Standing there on the tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one table) steps of her home, her eyes sweeping her nurse's strange request. spoonful each of cloves and allspice,' over the bent forms, servants of ad "She does not -like, Chu Sing," she one-quarter of a teaspoonful of my). ranks and ages, faithful every one, a mused. "She thinks no one is good mine pepper of desired), one cupful at wave of comfort swept up and enough for her child, dear aid Lan - of vinegar, one teaspoonful of salt iegianeekt engulfed enveloped her. Their fidelity and al - her and she no no reason. for your strange request. • Lim shook her head. Her hands looked as thongh they Were having A pitched battle. give no reason -1 e say wait. „ "Nonsense. • You are ill. We are both ill, Lunneen dear. Now please make ready - my bed. I'm tiaed—I want to Sleep." When the door had closed Tu Hee sat with folded hands pondering over nee!" Thus dismissing the enignia Tu Bee and one and one-half pounds of sugar, longer felt alone. rose wearily and crossed to the Go - t With. a delicacy which Tu Hee had dess of Mercy, where her anguished Waal' and stem the grapes and steam given hint credit for, Chu Sing peltions mingled with the incense she offered up . - them over water until soft. Put not through a. colander or sieve, discard- had absented himself at this her home - t' which s .through the .sieve The rooms of the palace were soft- CHAPTER XVI. mgthe skins and seeds. To the tior-I coming. -- in a cloth while cooking an remove guardiat's study door. Dare she go up to Irma Culver's heathen temple." leefore bettling. Grapes, of the acid ina But even. as she asked the ques- Helen Claymore laughed good - /0 a.m.—Caramel junket or creamy . variety are preferred to very sweet tam her hand dropped. So/P.640.w she • ones. , humoredly. blame ma.nge; ewiebaek. Dinner—Minced chicken in cream ifelt her .heart would break with the "The factis, Mrs. Ashton, you have Concentrated vegetable soup endoc-', keen, such a big •heart that sentiment some - k poignant memories of . the ex - sauce. Baked potato, beaten creamy ture is convenient to have on hand Visite, intimate hours spent there. times shoves you." with milk, green vegetables, bread and and consists of one quart of tomato' Closely followed by• the watchful ' "Tut, tut, you're wrong there, Helen, butter.. Cooked fruit with rice cooked . . Su she moueted the stairs to her nay dear. I never practice the foolish. . pulp, one pint of corn or tiny Lima apa'rtm beans, one pint of okra, one small on habit of cramping my own or another's partly in milk. „ - , t . ents At the top she paused. Supper—Vegetable cream sou . The perfume of flowers enfolded her. happiness. Oh, I won't deny I wed to P, ton chopped), one-half cupful of 11 , but th toast and butter, custard •or tapioca. n arc o e ica a waxlike A h f d I' tblossoms try i when was young,e chopped sweet red pepper, one ' and curved above her, and her feet sank years have taught nee the emptiness cream. one-half teaspoonfuls of salt and, in a carpet of lotus. Soft music .dat- of this self-sacriflcing piffle. God three teaspoonfuls of sugar. Cook e1 out from the recesses of the spa-. bless my soul, what's that?" . etomatoes, pepper, and onion, put the . " emus corridors, while tenderly, feel- ' "It's only the runners changing the PLEASANT ICITCHENS Color is an important matter in -the through a sieve to remove. seeds, and ingly, a chorus, of voices reached her:, weight to another shoulder." kitchen. From a mistaken idea that cook down to about the consistency' of "0 Gift of the Gods,,, so wondrously "Why, theyshandle us like sacks of d, dark colors make the work easier catsup. Add the corn or beans and fair, , potatoes, and to think that girl in- ullLet our love lift the rod of thy veigled rae into a man-drivet chair!" by making less cleaning necessary, too okra, which have been prepared as for despair." "It really isn't• nearly so bad when many kitchens are painted and paper- canning, add the seasoning and cook Tu Hee's grip on life tightened. you get used to it, Mrs. Ashton.," ed in eolorS that depress and discour- all together for ten minutes. Pack at Such affection and loyalty demanded "FPrn, so my mother nsed to tell us age the worker. This idea about the once into hot jars, and. process in that she no longer nurture her own when she brought the castor Oil bottle value of color is not a fad but an water -bath or water -seal continuously grief. Others had a claim on her tnind DIA, hut habit doesn't deceive he, no, established and proved fact. Experi- ments with colors conducted upon our returned soldier boys who are suffer - it does not." If Helen Claymore hadn't thorough-, ly understood the enjoyment her com- panion was deriving from her railings, ing from shell shock axe of the utmost for two hours; or under five pounds and body. She hada duty to per oixn, ' steam pressure, for sixty minutes. orl a purpose to fulfil and life was coin - tinder ten pounds 'steam preesir-e for her. ' forty MBut another surprise awaited her, inutes. Remove the jars from'. the most ladsome one of all. At her _ 'interest and importance to every busy the canner and seal at once. Tin cans, bedroom door she begged Su to leave the -uphill journey- might have damp- ened her spirits to limp remnants, but country housewife. shotad be pltniged. immediately into ner geeene ear an hour, Somehow she t-tainn knew,. as the saying goes, that Let -the colors in your kitchen be cold water and cooled as quickly asi could not bear that unfamiliar hands the old lady's bark was worse- than light and Cheerful. In this respect, 'possible. When cool, store in a dark, ignore the prevailing fashion and have Ary, cool place. what you like best Yellow makes sunshine and cheer. Light blue is cool. Silver gray is soothing, One farm 'Woman gets the greatest satis- faction from, her kitchen done over pink. "I've alwnys loved pink," she 'says, "but I've, had to live lotg years 'With drab and dark blue and dull 'green. My pink Idtchen makes nee think of apple blossoms and roses and ',Tune mornings even in December. I had the choice of decorating the par- lor or the kitchen, so I chose the kit - ellen. And I had it pink." You may smile at the idea, of a pink kitehen. But if you could see how it lightens the hard work of this lover 01 rosiness you would realize "11-4'••titirdaitilltiellteellaraersalligatistereg.„'te Mr. Man* Yon feel Lir obtoy' s healthiness right down into the pores. After 1,ifobuoy — you feel cleaner than you hsVo ever felt etfore. The clelight arta cogifort of usiee Lifebooy ere fe MOM around the world. ne otiot404001hes offE0' LIFEL1 tif.:ALTI4 A .11$1$14e 111116 86e-e'tel. should attend her just yet in the little her bite, .and that mider the crusty room where no stranger had ever surface was a heart whose. bubbling entered. Here, too, love had been at might any day burnat through. work. The big rose -shaded. lamp was "You'll be -surprised and , delighted already sending its soft glow over the at the little piece of heaven you're go- ing to see in a few Minutes, Mrs. Ashton:" .. "Yes, I must admit 'Irma Culver dainty furnishings, but even its cheer- ful radiance could not stifle the lone- liness that surged over her. It was short, -lived, however, and was smoth- was alwanis a homemaker. Nice wo- ered out in a Warm, passionate erri- massIt very but for the life of me 1 s brace. meat understand her comingback to It needed just such a familiar face this heathenish place. There, s an ex - as Lun's, and her old crooning tones, ample now of cramping selessaceifice, to open the flood -gates of Tu Hoe' s and what good did it do them? In - pent -up emotions. The old nurse was stead of staying home and worldng up too wise to endeavor to hush the heart- a nice practice, like any ,sensible young breaking sobs; she let her child weep physician, he must run off with his on, cuddling her token bosom as if bride to this -pagan land and force hie' if she were her baby again. 1bandages and drugs an dirty good -for- - all, Lun." "You see, I'm not very brave, after t nothings who gave them 110 thanks. It was half an hour later. i And what did they gain? Nothing, ab - TU Hee solutely nothing. Instead. they lot in a dressing-gowu of white silk, Was their ehiid and made tragedy of their seated at her dressing -table with Lan llama in her old place behind the ehatr, un-, "But think of all the good he has coiling the heavy, dark hair. done in the world, Mrs. Ashton. "But it was such a -wonderful stir- Where in all .America will you find a prise to see yoo, .Lunnee, dear," con- man who has benefited -children as he tinued Tu Hee. "No one could tell me has? very much atout you. They have been trying to -find you for a month. paper above a magnet? Then, we shall see everythings'in its proper 'place; then we shall see the perfect pattena. Heads Canadians inl-ondon Col. Sir George McLaren Brown, who has been re-elected president of the Canadian. Chamber of Commerce in London. The chamber now has 133' members. Sambo Scores. A medical boa•rd. was, testing the mentality of a negro soldier. • "Do you. ever hear TOICO5. Without being able to tell' who is speakin,g er wibere the sound. conies trete?" - "Yes tuli;" answered the negro,. "And when does this otocur?" "When. I'se Widen over de tele- phone." Too Much for Aunt;„ An elderly lady of very prim atud dignified appearance was seated near a young :couple who were -discus,sing th,e merits of their automobiles. s "What color:is your body?", asked the young man of the lady at his side, meaning, of course., the -body of her "Oh, mine is pink. 'What is youre?" "Mine is brown with yellow stripes." The old lady' was astoranded and - promptly left the room in indignation. A STYLISE BLOUSE. 443. The model has the new hip band finish, and the popular "front 'drape" in cascade effect, Figured silk was used in this instance. One could use crepe, or georgette, or, combine two materials, using crepe for the body of the blouse And georgette for sleeve and jabot. The Pattern is cut in Sizes: 8.4, 86, 88, 40, 42 44 and 46 itches bust measure. A 88 -inch size requires 2% yards of 40-ineh material, Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c iii silver Or stanips by the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 Viest Adelaide St., Toronto, Allow two weeke for receipt of pattern. An Supplied? Insurtenoe A.gent (aver phorte--"le this Mr. JOne,02 Hew veouild you like Yeur child to reeeive twenty - live theillarS g Week after your death? 1\l'evir, Beech--"Verg much indeed, thank you. with "ofluek. By the way, de you SunOS" the' wifo and elkild MI ba rd's: Llelbeent gor tbandleuff, • t• Mrs. Ashton sniffed conterapttously, I "Arid a blessed lot of good it has 't d and when tot even Chu Sing s-ueceeded done either of them. t asn ease in obtaining a trace of you I fancied their hearts or they wouldn't be run - terrible things " fling back to this forsaken hole. But went out of tny head, I guess," then. what's the worldaft.7.- 11111 but a expleined the old nurse. "Wet through, rubbish heap of sentiment ess my I got, that lawful day, the day I first soul, what Indian war cry is that? I. khew you disappear and wander away. declare if it isn't that girl of minel • Some good folks took me in and look ,Sentimpnt is driving her to her doom., after me. Fever, they tell me, but too. Well, well, 1 may be a dried-up news your coming marriage spread bid woman. but any heart Won't be very queek and I hear this -morning the death of me at all events." 1 improving.' the mind is now beginning to be realized. . IVIustio has the same nand. training value as Latin, Greek, and the higher forms of mathematics, with the added advantage that it can be taught. in the lower 'school grades and need not be discarded when the tetedent leas .conle plated hes education. Authoreties- have gone far into the compariaon of the absolute mehtal concentration required in the study of mathematics and of musical art, and the consensus of opinion seems to be in. favor ot musee in about the ratio of 3 to 1. That is, one hour of 'uteri? sive application in catleulus or higher mathematics. This, does not apply to the mere playing for arrauseinent or an a per- functory way, but to real reconstruc- tive inecha.nical and-artistio work, s•uah wo-old requked in the study: of solos or etudes upon the piano, 17/0.• I'M, etc., or in orchestra or band or. ganizatiens when •studying works by •eminteint composers. THE FREEMASON, Toronto. Forty- third year of publication. Subscrip- tion $1. Sample Copies 10c. Cowan Co.,.Publishers. • Warning. • It makes a fellow humble • And look for where to flee, When the bee begins to buroble, Beneath the apple tree. TieuredaY, September 13, 1923. PORT OF VANCOUVER CONTINUESPROGRESS - WESTERN -.CATENAIAY TO. . ..114 DOMIP4ION. •Grain Eleva, t,urs an' Broker- age Houses Being Erected and Steamship Lines 1' , Inaugurated. 1 Official figures. for the past year 01 navigatien ' have tdiselosed the fact that Vancouver bas the greatest ocean. • tonaee any Canadian seaport. Van- oonverte buteiness has eo developed that, itis now the itargeet grain emit on the entire Peeifle coast 'and ranks• ds• • third an the •seaboard in the volume al genera freight handled, having in the, past year left Seattle and Tacoma be • - In the year 1922 a total of 16,641 ' 'whips entered the, port. A. total of 716, ocean-going vessels with a gross ton- nage of 3,967,000 tons arrived and. de - panted as against 476 vessele of 2,946,- sO,s0xn0 e year ,t5115ei;,p0 oroevtioonuss -07 goInwterhee handled as against. 998,000 tone, , 1921. The port, amongst other things, was •cal,led upon to handle• 225,000,000 feet oe lumber; 14460,000 bushels of gran; 4$2,,q00 barrels of flour; and. 153,000 oases of apples, all of which figur.es show 'ailbstautital increases when .compared with the respective handlings of 1921. Since the war the prestige of Van- eouver as a port has inereaated in a - most remarkable manner' and it haS rapidly came to assume "p•osition of ' significant impontanee among world ports. The average monthly arrivals of ,deep-sea ships, in. the past year, for instance, was 68, whereas ten years • ago this average was 10, and twenfY years ago t.• • Expansion of Trade to the Orient. , Though there bast been n -vast in- crease in. the volume of all phases of business at the. Port of Vancouver in recent yore awin•g to the great expan- sion of Canadian tiade with the Orient and Antipodes and the greater use made of the lea.name., Canal in conduct - lug busitese -with Europe, the really outstanding development has iseen the expopt of wheat. From purely ositgnaip%eraonxtinishatepoilyeastiis iman1ai902116, batt, stheetts1 • ,af wheat was shipped in 1921. • From Ally, 1922, to Merck 31st, 1923, the .. port handled. 16,361,20 bushels against 16,146,317 bushels fer all other .Canee • dial-Pa:elfin coast ports. It is expect- ed that in all Vancouier -will have ac- counted for the shipment of 18,000;000 .bush.els the 1922 wheat crop as against 7,500,000 bushels a the 1921 . crop, and peedictions made anticipate Vancouver handling a still greater qaa,ntitY ef the yield of the Prairie Provinces, in 1923. ' • Increased Grain ,Storage. Great - activity prevails at Van- couver this summer in the port's ' d.e.avoe to more adequately equip itsell for -the new peace it has beers called upon to fill in Canadian and world - accelerate affsits. Thee is particularly - true in augmentin:g grain storage and accommodation. Government's' elevator ist„ being increased to a total ca.pacity of -868,006 buetels, amla new elevator being constracted to hold. 2,- 000,000 bushels, which, it is expeeted, will be weedy -by , the eaelY enersth.S, - 1924. By that -time, it id pokible, through other addition% that thegrain - storage aiccom m•odation of , the Port will have reached 5,000,000 bushels. •• Tire new importance of the port is naturally attracting wide- attention. ' Many companies are engaged in; or contemplating, , erecting grain 1-eleve.t- ors, and British, American -and. Cana- ' diaa grain brokerage houeeS. -The port now has its own grain: exchange eetting • the prices for the locality. 'Three new lines anxtounoed thEiilr in- tention of sailing from the port this summer, 011e to tb.e Orient, one to Ans., ' tralie, and one to lVfontreal. ' , The Guests. If I could, pick my company, r•cl, send for Pan to come • And pip,e to roe when honey bees ' Among the blassoms hunt ' I'd make. the naiad leap &hire' , Upon the fonntalin'S -run, And coax tlee pale green; 'charade forth From silver blipitee I'd surnmennleaeop from hie sleep • To tellaffie ancient tales . OE witches, lei the micluight moms And ottleetwiti,wetohtttleaa,dballiehsg;, And Shakespeare to my rustic seat And read it with leis tricky elves Around' him gamboling, ' --Minna" ieving. ' Corrugated Calva.nized Ste& Rooling Direct from Manufacturers to Consumer WRITE FOR PRICES W. E. DILLON CO.„ Limited 189 - 191 George St. - Toronto Age I , TCHES .East -west EDOYS Best LOOK FOR. THE NAME ON THE BOX A 0. flTheo sickness go. I happy again and ' "Oh, here you are at last. We were; come her at once. wondering what was keeping TiHee told briefly of her foreed you.,1 Mrs. Culver has tiffln all ready on g the verandah, and. mother, dear; some jeureey to Chu Sing's home, touched lightly on her own fear and suffering, 210tYwealut,t1.1a.igvefIlt,eyPoenr:,e,vers are piping and endeavored ,to impress on her Chu " Bright Prospect. (About to take her first swimming lessau)—"How: is that man getting along you were te,aching MOM. ?" "Why be drowned about an -hour ago, The liavor of tee deteriorateg rapid- , iy if the "tea is exposed to the air, areal ebould never, therefore, aocept bulk tea when you can buy "SALADA," which is sea.led in air -tight aluminum to preserve its. delicious tresimese. se- eNothing But the Best. Deetor—"Madam, I shall have to pa.int your husband's throat with al- , Mie. Newrich"Please use nitrate ; of geld, doctor. The expellee is quite immaterial" Money talks, but the men who make it are generally silent .*{ r Sines sincere repentsmee. t "Indeed, arld iL's some leavening/ Lan listened in silence, not even 1.'m 11.eedi", , in.sthad ofpop, alter tit° torriary gruat% and Tu Hee knew she triloettYds,123,uebt,v 11',1-,reence'"neanirtlet 6tfaceokmemfoeur i had toterleeeived her old nurse. 1 "And you really marry this man, sense d°T't they have cme-villeled thi, Chu Sing?" earth? ,,,,,ineal . 'Tut tut I'm not a eripple ;vet. I riteObti%"ursh.,%aid'uyrtheeAvis, °p,nearfu-r-rure'd76,-/ guees I cell step out of an imitation baby carriage tnyaelf. Give int space, than go oli with the rest in a mottle s Now, Grace, lead the Way time. Of Coll'oiee there will be 116 die- thal.'s 111. tn thi$ tiffin buSiness., The niece looks play. 1 coaldd't etend that t Hke a chirire puzzle. .1.., met1 , p 11 unctuatiag the Story with leer cos- llIggirtg ve ;rust one throug "°'d ynd e*re f'°r him?" °4 (To he continued.) 10.1 1 "Ts th"t"It'"s.3;r37 in "r "inn" Lute dear?" ' Wntrors LinInieut Cuto, I Ke1g6yileatin isi2f5,34inea-tin .1 -he Kelsey wrh airgere crater. he,attvery roam In 'yourehealee. it Is easy to-operzete ape) eniete. ' .less.treitafitelthan shy ini.11 "either „heating' asi4tliocls '4',1-leatte both sine)) eistilat efiat.zes, With ,agnet satlea Seaarititeeeei leseiaagetiedeee ,R:iumoRtrt a tondiNG • 0 ,tomeexo • F JAmss,amAtrrpat.ii `15110gWil.tt ONT 4 Ai; Deese • ''',44P r - • -,„ , ''•,' •et .Not Her•Sike„ • • ; ' • Mabel—i'You've beep wa,nting ',some • stippere, Amy, and,here's our ebanee. A 'gigantie slipper sale'. ie advertised in tne pap'ers," 71: serhy--"You had beater ,get',,a, pair • yoursteff. I don't wear Inettutteeelipg ' Too Tame. Btobbneadt.do,A, thini< 111 be a . , er when I grow :Up; alter abi, inothee." latother—"Why not, dear?" . • .330bbk--."1' "WaS just faIhing les ' 4 dl -s on the,thar1,' and he says been a ealler tar tarty ytatt ntv4r bowl olutl'Areeked once."