The Wingham Advance, 1923-09-13, Page 1'"•• ' „ s:es'• / I 1 ^poses Wingham Fall Fair, Monday •ers. , • Big Championship School Fair Para e, r. mission ,25 ,‘ • Single Copies, our Cents; WINGHANI •••••••••,...11, ONT,„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th,i923 •WINGI1A4 WON AT LUCAN -Ball Team I,s Still Climbing to the, Top of the Ladder The Lucan baseball team ,received he surpeise of their lives on Saturday ' afternoon when Wingham went down ' arta defeated them in a semi final ; North Wellington League game by a ' score of 7 to 1. Lucan has a splendid ' team, and the next game between f these two teams which will be played 1 at Winghani on Thursday afternoon ! will be a fight to the finish. In con- 1 versation With a couple of Lucan ! playees after the Saturday game they 1. admitted tleeir surprise at their defeat ' for they claimed the Goderich boys ! had assured them that when they de- :1 feated Goderich that the Wingham 1 team wouldn't stand any show at all. i The wish evas probably father to the ' thought. ' • 1 • The game by innings was: .-• I; Wingham .......... .....,... 00002o31 1-7 Luean 00000100 0-1 ' Robertson of Ailsa Craig anclMernp ' of Listowel made good umpires. : In the 'fifth innings with one man ' on second base Norman Geddes batt- ; ed out a home .run. Another nice , Play was a hot grounder stopped by Morden and pitched to Donahue at ' second and from him to Howson at , first putting both runners out. •In all ' Wingharn 1fad`t4 hits to. their credit. I Called to Her Reward • There passed away at Ethel, on ' Tsiesdiy, September Mil, Mrs. Samuel 1 Arnos. at tne ripe old age of 96 years. ' Dr. Geo. H. Ross of Wingham, is a ' grandsott of the deceased. " , Button -Hole Contest 1 , There were 56 Members of the Wingham Women's Institute present at their last meeting. At the -close i of the business meeting, Miss Olive , Cruickshank B.A., of the _McDonald Institute, Guelph, gave an instructive address on "Home Economies" Which , was much appreciated by all present, Miss Bertha MacKay*. contributed a solo The Wee Hooae Among The Heather" in her usual pleasing man- ner. A button hole contest was held at which, Mrs. Clegg and Mrs. Hal - penny wer,e the judges and awarded the prize to Mrs. Geo, Walker. A splendid luncheon was .served... EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ....... AUCTION SALE— Of Farm Stock ,ancl_rain on Friday, Sept. t4th, at Lot 13, Con, 2, Morris: Jas. H. Van Camp, Prop., T. R. Beenett, Auct, AUCTION SALE --.Horses, Cattle, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc., at Bluevale ' on Friday, Sept. 2rst at a o'clock. ,See bills. Harry Di - 'meet, Prep.; John Purvis, Atte- tioneer. FOR SALE—Hereford Calf.. Apply' .t� Mrs. Hawkins, Lower Wingham. , FOR SALEL-Splendid home, one of the best sites irt Wingham. A good buy, whether you intend to take . eseesseseion this fall or not till 'spring: Large frame house, hot °and cold water, all conVeniences, garage, etc. Will sell in . a .few •days.. Apply to R. Vanstone. . •#OR SALE—Chevrolet auto iri good condition,. must be sold at a sac.ri- Bee this -month. Apply at -The Ad- watece. , FOR SALE—Large base burner coal heater with oven on back. $8.00 buys it, and it is in good condition. First here gets it.- The Advance. „ FOF. SALE—Repeating Shot Gun, in good condition. Apply at Bruns- • wick Hotel. , FOR SALE—One McClary "Pandora" range in first class condition. A . •seiap for quick sate. Jas. Masters, . Bluevale Ont. —.— FOR SALE OR RENT—An up to • date store itWhe centre of the town of Wingham, r For full infor- mation apply to J. G. Stewart, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. CABINET MAKERS WANTED— Best of wages for lick -class work- ' men. if you live in Witigham there is no need to move, as the train con - election is good for week-eilda., And- rew Malcolm Furniture Co., Listow- -- IIOIJSE TO RENT -8 " rooms, bath, electric light, furnace, garden, will build garage, large kitchen, coal or . •woOd range with. hot water boiler :in hoUse. Apply to Mrs. 'Win. Shoe - bottom, dornee Mintde and Patrick Sts, . eeesos..........- se.-...,-, 1, A IT It." tr?.....,...1 T -T.......... ALWAYS BLAMING SOMEBODY Io the Editur av the Advance, . • Deer Sur,— A lot av payple do be complainin ✓ harrucl tonnes, anivirybuddy trow- n the blarhe call some wan ilse, Shure is the ould shtory, as ould as the htart av tings, Whin. Adam blamed an Eye" blamed the shnake, an tis the same to -day. 'Whin annyting oes wrong nobuddy will take the lame thimsilves, The U.F.O.'s lame the oultl.parthy pollytishuns, an hin make a "veurse mess av tings, tiernsilvese the Frinch blame the Ger- ea.ns, at i the Gerrhans' blame the rinch; the Grakes blame the 'Eye- alyuns, an the Eyetalyuns the Grakes reland is a Donnybrook fair 'wid virybtiddy blamin some other fellah, he shtorekaper blames the payple ho wont pay theer accounts, the ail'Coads an mannfacterers, blame the usigh cosht 'av labor, an the wurrule- n matt blames the hoigh proices, the 'lurches blame the divil, an the miss - is blames me. Mibby if we awl wud ttind to our own bizziness, shlepe ight hours a noight, do widout tings e can't pay the cash fer, go to Church oftiner, an kapse Away frum he gasoline pumps, tings wud be bet - he r. Tis silfishness.that'sthe cause ay •he whole trubble an iviryeran theayin o git the shtart av the other fellah. ot in a manly shtraighforwarcl way, riike in a harse thrade, fer inshtance, hin the p-arthy av the furslit part an he parthy av the sicond part, as him lawyers say, both bey an 'even hance; but in a mane underhand Ittoyle.loike the hoired man shlapin ndlier'a shade tree whiniver the boss s away to a U.F.O. picnic, arr a rick layer, arr painter, arr carpenter hargin twoice the money fer doin alf wurruk he used to do in a day. In the ould days the harreedest work - nest man wus considhered the besht citizen, but now the fellah who kin it along widout wurruk is a shmart ad, an a.wl the girruls do be runnin fther him. I read a shtory in the aper the other day that musht hev referred to tings as they were Civility arr thirty years ago, on the farrume. A.hoired man wint to his boss an sed e woos goin to quit. . "What's • the rnatther?" asked the aerumen "Ye promised me a shteadyejawb," ed the hoired man. "Ati isn't it shteaely- enuff fer ye?" asked the farrumer. "Not a bit av it," sed the hoired nan, "D'ye call it a shteady jawb whin- hey tree are foor hours iviry (tight wid nothin to do- but fool away he toime in shlape?" The shtory didn't say whether the rafted titan slitayed wid his jawb arr not. 'Twas loike wan ear thim spay - hes in parlymint that lave ye in doubt s to what the minibir manes whin e gits troo wid it. belave in plain hpakin an plain livin mesilf, so I do: Did ye rade about the shplit be- twane the Drcaryoites an the Maw- rinsonoites? It manes the break up av the farrtnners' masheen, but what ilse cud ye ixtiect frum a parthy con-, saved' in silfishness an. barn in sin, so_ to shpake? Av coarse iviry sin- sible man know e that the Tory par - thy is composed, av the onry trooly loyal, pathriotic, sinsible, honest and sound businiss payple M the cdutithry but aven the Grits wussent awl bad, tio matther if I hey sverruked agin thim fer fifty year, more arr less, as the lawyers say, to be on the safe soide. I will say this fer the .Grits that accordin to the little loight they hev they belave in the fewcher av this counthry, an hcv• nivir troid to shtir up shtroife arc to devoid . the penile into groups fer the sake av houldin ay/flee, but 'tis • a pity they heven't moore sinse in ,pollytickle matthers, but I belave some av thim are beginnin to see the loight. I wus talkin wid wan av the besht an ricliN est farrumers in Huron County not long ago, a fellah who wus a Grit awl his loife, an his father befoor him, until he, jilted the U.F.O., an wus surproised to hear him say that he belayed he wucl. vote Tory nixt Wirer. Perhaps, seein he is a sinsible man, ',I needn't hev been surproised, at 'all, at all, but it proves what I tould ye befoor that whin the U.F.O. parthy goes to shrnash in Ontario, if we luk sharp we kin git awl the otild Tories back widtts; an a lot av former Grits wid thitn, 'Tis a matther that requoired consiciherashute. Yours till nit wake, Timothy yay. PERSONALS -:. Mrs. Ed. West is visiting vvith relatives in Chatham. Miss Vera 14IcKenzie, is visiting with friends hi, London. • Thonias Forbes visited with Morris friends last week. Mr, 5, F. Gillespie of Irquois, Ont,, is renewing acqttaintances in town. Miss Dorothy Webster of $t. Hel- ens, is visiting etith relattves in town. Miss Nellie England of Lueknow is visitieg her aunt, Mrs. Robe Deyell. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Stevenson, spent last week with friends in Tor- onto. •‘. Mrs, Howard Eilers of Decatur, Ill., is visiting with -her sister, Mrs. w. C. Reid. Misses Bernice Thibideau and Ag- nes Heintzinan, spent Thursday at Brussels. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLean of Ar- thur, spent the week -end at the home of T. J. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. W. 5., Fleuty. have re- turned from a delightful motor trip through Michigan. Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Deans of De- troit, visited at the home of his moth- er, Mrs, Peter Deans. . Miss _Margaret Drummond of Hen - sail, spent the week -end at the home of T. 5. 1VIcLeati, Diagonal Road. Mrs. W. McPherson and daughter, Miss Yvonne, spent the week -end with Mrs. John Watson at Lucknow. ' Mx. and Mrs. John McNevin jr. of Duni-as visited. with Mr: and Mrs. Robt. DeyelL also Mrs. Art1 over Sen- . day. . :UJNJX • about half clover, tt cents in my pails oe tee cents if you find your fins at house, clover 13 ceets if you find. tina at house if not satisfied , return honey, get your motley' back. Jalnes fl. Casemort, R, R.„4 Wing- hatn. Mail Orders taken. 'LOST—Between Listowel and Wing - ham, one black oxford. Finder , please leave at The Advance. ".1sTOTICR TO RATtPAYERS—Sat- urday, September rsth, IS the last day for taking advantage of th• e per cent, discount for prompt pay,- • Meat of taxes. ,STI:(Alztp—Vratn, farm of Jas. 3t4 lige, Morris, 26 terkeye. Fist et. tuitab1y watdd . • . Safe from Tokio Quake Many Wingham friends of Miss Caroline MacDonald; daughter of the late Dr, ,Peter MacDonald, fornier residents .Of Wingliatn, will be glad to know that she is safe and well. Miss MacDonald has been in Tokio for sayeral .years ' engaged in social service work. The Methodist Chttrh • - Sunda,y, Sept 16th '1923. a.m.—Subj. "What I Believe," 2.3o p.rit—Stitiday School. Now that the holidays are over, let us reach 200 on Sunday„ „ 7 p.m.--Stibj, "The Mart Who Had His Prie, and Got It. - The pastor at both service' title Moriday--The youttgeeee lige lie Chttrch, vial be "V-ditt.... jr‘c members of thc...,-X* they -say tool along comes a guy to •College. local livery barit on the pretense of rch.,eike Chtirchallsa Weir," H Oald PO* Aing water and helps himself to in.l'ursday (' male; 15lotend a horst collar.' Well ho asagear4eteate• ,alit in the act and, probably "Our ',:Ladiere, and litolal fOttid hersel/ tilink Iceidtd by. now to uut out ane-Ycittngiiis •wattle( With, greater ettres .avees, A0-0,..4, habit in winemtn, bpra olocetelii 'ion know out y, we'll publish your vlte • Miss Luella Campbell has returtied , to Walkerville, after spending 'the sum -neer with. her Mother, owing to: ill healtli. • . - Mrs. Fred Flern and daughter, MISS Norieite of Thessalon are -visit- ing. the former's 'sister; Mrs. T. J. McLean, Diagonal Road. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McComb and Mr. and Mrs. WM. Douglas of the town line, Harriston, visited .with relatives in town this week. Mr, Alex McNevin,° also Mr. Joe McNevin, Mrs. McGaw • and Miss McGaw, all of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell over ,the week end. Mrs. John Henry of Edinonton, Alta. accompanied by her daughter, Miss Charlotte, is visiting. with her brother, Mr. W. J. Henderson, Blue - vale Road. Mrs, Jackson and daughter Zetta, of .Clinton, accompanied by Mr. and Mra. J. Patterson of Kansas, visited last Week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.' Scott, Diagonal Road. Mr. Josseph Austin of Waterloo, at- tended the funeral of his uncle, the late Robert 'Austin last week. The deceased's brother, , Richard, was up from Galt for the funeral. • Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Thompson bf Toronto and Miss Anne Thompson and Mr. Stevenson '‘of Walkerton, 'visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Hayden, Victoria St. • Mrs, W. Garbutt an 'daughters, Dorothy, Gwendlyn and Master Vic- tor have left for Brampton and ,Tor- onto after visittag her old home at Whitechurch : before returning to Winnipeg. Rev. Mr. •Wadell, pastor a Wing - ham Baptist 'Church, has purchased H. T. Thompahrn's • dwelling on Pat- rick Street.' e Mr. Thompson has moved in over his propertyon corner Josephine and Patrick Streets, • ' Mr. 'John Elliott has returned to his home in Superior, Wis., after visiting with his sister, 'Mrs. John Nichol, Whene, lad Mr. Elliott com- menced work at the operating at the G.T.R. station here and is now chief dispatcher in Superior. ,Mrs, Dr. Stuthers, was in town one afternoon this week with ber brother Mr. A. T. Cooper of ClintOhe- Bsefore her marriage, Miss Cooper was a teacher in Wingham High School, she and her husband are now mis- sionaries in China and are home on fu rl ou Friends visiting at the home of Me. and Mrs. Gallaher during the past week, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kit- chen, 'Miss Ada Gallaher, Mr, M. Sanderson, Wroxeter. Misee Oral Kit- chen, Mrs. Scott, of Toronto, Mrs, R. Dane, Mr. and Mrs, Laird and daugh- ter, Mildred, Gorrie,'" A Pioneer of Wingham Probably a few of the older resi- dents of Wingham will remember Alexander Osborne, who was for a short time editor, of the Wingham Times, This old gentleman celebrat- ed his 88th ,birthday at his home in Penctanguishene on Monday, Sept. terth. •Mr. Osbrne was a resident of Wingham over 40 years ago, and while here was an enthusiastic Odd - fellow and, .manber of the Metho- diet Church, Stole Oats at 2 a. m. Subsecttetions ata.cto per rear, TOWN COUNCIL Treasurer Finds $129.13 Long Since Forgotten -- " The. postponed regular monthly meeting of Winghani town council was held on Wednesday night The only member of the council absent was Councillor A. Fietheegill. The Council 'received a bill from the Sick. Children's Hospital 'and also a legal letter in regard to same. The child in question was A,dmitted to the hospital on Oct. 28th, but the cetineil was not officially notified of same un- til late in January. The Council will further look into the account before making payment, The usual gist of accounts evere o,r- dered paid when properly certified to. Councillors Mitchell, Willis and; Smith took objection to an account being paid for putting down new side- walk and pulling up old one from the Queen's property on John Street to, Edward Street. Mayor Elliott ex- plained that the matter was promised last year to -save an injunction being issued against the town. The matter of thing out' •the steps at the corner' of the Queen's building was talked over by the entire council and filially The Canadian National Exhibition decided Imola', but the cont • inuing of dosed its gates Saturday after sur - not discussed in the presence of these the sidewalk to Edward Street was passing all previous records in at - three councillors. The work is an im- provement to the street, however. The Mayor and treasurer invested the sum of $2000'of the town's money which would not be put in use for another year, in a first mortgage on farm property. This met with the ap- proVal of the entire council. The farm in question recently changed hands for the sum of $5200. The treasurer found a nest egg of $129.13, being a balance for patriotic purposes put in the bank some years ago. The Council agreed that it shoulchbe put in the general account for the present and on the suggestion of Councillor -Greet- it was decided to retain it for the purpose of buying grass seed and flowers to plant around the new soldiers' monument in the spring. Obuncillor Mitchell reported that the fence at the cemetery had been repaired and grass and weeds cut. The cemetery is now in pretty good shape. Councillor Smith brought up the matter of wiring the hall, and the 'chairman of the property committee, promised to see the electricians, at once in the matter and get the best possible. price: He also brought up' the matter of the erecting of signs of welcome coming into the town on all main roads. This matter was or- dered to be done some time ago, but owing to Councillor Haney's father's sickness he ..evas excused. The pro- perty Committee has completed very little thus far this year, but expects to get well under way at once. Waterworks Discount • LOCAL ITEMS Two color work and 'rine half tone work are specialties in Advance print - The Advance he's added 12 new names to their subscription list dur- ing the past two weeks. IL.O.L. No. 794 will hold a Special meeting in their hall on Friday even- ing, Sept, 28th. Initiation. W. Bro. S. C. Knowles will Assist in the worle. Several Winghamites witnessed the eclipse of the sun on Monday after- noon, 'life lower left hand corner of the sun was hidden from view for a time, The regular, meeting of the Farm- er's Improvement Association and the Junior Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber, Wing - ham, Sept. eg ae 8 o'clock sharp. _ Major 5. I. Hartt ex-M.L.A. who made many warm friends in this vi- cinity while organizing for the Orange order some time ago has been ap- pointed by the •Ontario Government as overseer of Crown Timber Agents. 1 -le served overseas with a forestry be.tallion. lust as we were congrattdatiug our- selves that'Wingham had nopetty thieving such as is going o11 in al- most everyothwil in Western Ontario, .4 we believe what the papers say, and we guess they know more than The Wingham Utilities Commission at their meeting on Tuesday evening decided to reduce the cost 'of water By allowing to per cent.. discount off the minimum quarterly rate of .$2.25 This discount however will only be allowed for prompt payment. They Liked Our Paper Mr. and Mrs, MacFarlane have re- turned to their old home in Windsor and 'Wish to thank their kind friends and neighbours of Wingham and vi- cinity for .their right royal welcome during their stay with their daughters the Misses MacFarlane of the Junc- tion. We enjoyed the reading of your clean little paper The Advance. May you all prosper. Happy Family Gathering The home of Mrs. Margaret Gibson of this village, was the scene of a very pleasant event on Thursday af- ternoon, August 3oth, when the mem- bers of her family and immediate re- latives gathered together to celebrate with her the 78th anniVersary of her birth. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in races, games, etc. In the evening lunch was served, after which the balance of the time was spent in social chat, etc. Mrs. Gibson was the recipient of numerous gifts and also many congratulations. Those pres- ent on "this occasion were:—Mrs. Jane Peel, sixth con., (sister); Mr. and Mrs, R. E, McCallum and son, Gibson, and Mr. Jack Gallagher, Teeswater; Mrs r R. H. Gibson and son, Otto, New Lisleeard; Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Gibson and Misses Mar- joria and Thelma,' Wingliaini Mrs. Ida •Willis and daughters, Misses Lo- la, Valeria and Edith; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Willis and Mr, Sullivan, Brus- sels; Mr, and "Mrs. Alex. Hill and four children, Mt. Forest; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mr. Clare 'Harris Master Howard Harris, Misses Stella' and Beryl Harris, second cone Mr. and Mrs. Wm Montgomery and' dau- ghter, Helen, Messrs, Robe and :Ken- neth Montgomery, Mr. and MrS, W. J. Roberts, Merle arid Wilfred, of town, If all the family could have been present there would have been eleven more, viz: Mr. end Mrs. Ed. Gibson mid seven children, of Prince Albert, Sask.; 'Messrs, tdwin and Harry Montgomery, of town, who were: away at the tithe, • It is hoped by all that Mrs. Gibson, may long be spated to etijoy many more like eventS,—Fordwieh Record, tendance, Total increase over last year was 120,500, making a total at- tendance this year of 1,493,00. Wing - ham did her Part to swell the crowds this year as usual. . The Epworth League of the Wing - ham Methodist Church opened on Monday evening with about forty pre- sent. Rev. Mr. Ceagg gave the ad- dress. The League will give an at Home next Monday evening and will have as their guests, the students of the Wingham High School and the Business College. Agents selling printing and Christ- mas' Cards get a 40 per cent. commis- sion. Who pays the travellers com- mission? We pay no traveller, no city rents, and do not ask as much for our work. It is only when the talker quotes up in the thdusand that the cost begins to look small what does it look like to receive 1. bill bead with the R. J. Lovell stamp -on it, when the people know that The Ad- vance turns out good. printing? A special meeting of the Women's Institete will be held in the Wingham Council Chamber on Saturday evening Sept. 15th at 8 o'clock. Members of the committee appointed to solicit donations for the dinner at the Fall Fair, will please report at this meet- ing. All members are urgently re- quested to be present. The fourth Semi Annual Confer- ence of Maitlandi Presbyterial, will be held. in. St. Andrews church, Ripley on, Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 1923. Morn - ng Session, opens 10.30. Afternoon •Session, itt 1.30. It is expected Rev. Mr. Cho, of Korea will address the afternoon session. All auxiliaries are requested to send delegates. There passed away in Wingham General Hospital" on Sunday Sept. 9, Peter McKinnon of Lucknow. He underwent a critical operation and his condition could not stand the shock. The Medals won by the Wingham High School Cadets at London, are now on exhibition in W. R. Hamilton's shut!). window. Remember that The Advance will stock a better grade of Christmas cards and you 'nay have them with your name and address and an appro- priate verse of your own choosing printed in type to match, and all at a great reduction in price over what you used to pay, or will pay if you order from agents. , • "The flapper, looks in.the mirror, shakes her bobbed bead,:smears on a little Inore paint and, Says; "Well, clothes, I'M gOing down town, if you. li$9';`1,41 , E . • • E • FR, . TOPS,..BALLS, TINY TOT SOAP, • , LEAD PENCILS, LEMON SOAP FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE A Rexall Top with every purchase of Klein.- - zo Dental Cream for 35c. • A Playball with every purchase of ptChn,141'0'• • . Tooth ..Bruskfor 25c. Tiny Tot Baby Soap Soap with ever; purchase ' of 'Tiny Tot' Baby Talcum for 25c., . A Lead Pencil and Eraser with a hiKSr1.13,-,::' bier or. Exercise Book for 10c: :2 •. A' 15c cake of Lorie Lemon Soap with ery jar of Lo rite Lemon Cleansing' = '' Cream at 35c. • , McKibbores Drug Store 72to cP,ALC$1.1fo Slam Winsharn.• Ont. - Phone E4,.. -en 111111111111111111111111111111111B1111111111111111111111111111119111111/111anzionstimminimintoucialionuisilwri!, , A New Serial Story Don't overlook reading the Ad- vance's new serial story on page 3 of this issue. The title of the story "North of Fifty -Three." Read the opening ,chapter and we think you will then want to get everyone that follows. Notice to Exhibitors Will the persons who purpose ex- hibiting at the Wingham . Fall Fair, please send their entries to the Sec- retary,' as early as possible. You can not expect service if you leave your entries to the last day. W. T. Booth, Secretary. Worked in., the Rain Wingham Fall Fair, Sept. 24th and 25th. Several of the directors had a bee on the grounds" on Tuesday after- noon and did considerable work, even though it rained inest of the time. President Isaac Wright and a loyal few directors Are untiring in their.ef- forts to make the fair a success. Hydro Beauty Spot Supt. Herb Campbell and his able assistant at the Hydro station, Mr. Isaac Walker, are to be congratulated on the neat appearance of the Wing - ham Hydro station. The small' piece of ground around the little brick building is a place of beauty. Neat flower beds show the careful attent- ion they receive and on the bank be- hind the building to the right the words "Wing -ham Hydro" stand out clearly on large white stones against a back ground of coal cynders neatly rolled and raked, The hydro inspect- ors tell us that this is the neatest sub- station in Western Ontario, The same may also be said of the secretary's books. Auditors have re- peatedly said that W. A. Galbraith's books are the ,best kept of any in their territory. Talk about editors making an easy. living—Mr. Henry Adams brought a' potato to this office Tuesday, ap- propriately named the White El- ephant, which weighs two and one quarter pounds. it certainly is a whopper, and even if nothing else comes in We'll be able to hold out for another week without straying. When a traveller`for printing has the nerve to walk into your office and criticize your account forms or your letterheads, looic out for him; in most cases he finds out what you paid for your, last order cuts the' price $1.00 or so, and secures an order frdm you for 25 or 50,00o, something else and tucks on $10.00 or so for good measure. Don't take his word for it that "The Advance can't do that work or meet our prices" but find out for yourself. We know of a large order that came into • Wingham this month that we would have given the same quality of paper and at a lower price. Fortner Pupils at S.S. No. 9 The Advance intended to publish the names of the pioneer scholars of S. S. No. 9 Wawatiosh, (Currie's School), but on looking over the list WC find it is so incomplete that we have decided to postpone the publica- tion for it couple of weeks or until a more accurate list is available. Will Put on Splendid Play The Order of the Eastern Star, Wingham, has contracted with John B. Rogers Producing Co. to produce one of their latest, and best musical comedies here hi the near future. Tbe title' of the show selected is "All Abroad." and is from the pen. of the late junic McCree, New York put the stamp of approval on "All Abroad" a short time ago, when it ertjoyed at extended run on Broadway, Rehear- sals are expected to begin about Oc- tober tsth., under the personal direc- tion, of one of the ahoVe firrns expert want to come along hang art. producors, • Hydro Costs Reduced 9 • Wingham received the glad. tidings from the hydro commission that hy• - dro costs to users will be reduced ' from Sept. rst„ 1923. The cost for ' floor space for both domestic and coinrnercial lighting is still 3 cents as before. The domestic 1st cost rate ' is reduced from 6 cents to 5 cents per • kilowat hour, and the 2nd cost re- mainesehe same viz: 2 cents per kilo- , wat hour. The dominercial rate is re- •, duced froni 12 cents per foot floor • space to 10 cents and the first rate, • °'• is reduced from 6 cents to 5 cents • while the second rate is reduced from e..2c to cent. The total reduction, for consmercial lighting will be aleout e6e per ce,nt. There is also a 10 per cent. redttction on street lighting, same ' • I to take effect freen January 1st., 1923, No change has been announced ia , power rates. . • David Campbell Visits Home Mr. David Campbell was up from Toronto, during the week in connect- ion with the sale of the house and chattels belonging to the estate of his deceased father and mother, on. Minn- ie St. Mr. Campbell is recovering from his recent adventure With the bank robbers in Toronto. A bullet passed through his body and the doe-• " tor was able to remove it from his back by merely breaking the skin, , His many old Wingham friends were • glad to see him looking so well _after his thrilling experience. Mr. Camp- bell says he could identify the fellow • who shot him but that he only got a • glance at the other two robbers_and did not learn until afterward that . there was at least half a dozen in the gang. If Mr. Campbell had had a. gun. with him there would at least have •• been one of the robbers who would • not have got away, Shoe Week ept. 17-th 1 22nd. You need New Shoes IM1.4110.0tIONNIKIIIIIP.TRIT.01.0,10{0/{1.106111,01.0,1M.....b.N01.157.0.1,1.0411.11.001.1411611.04len1., 1 GET .THEM NOW! .reateamageermnamottsotocKomoottesoama.e.sems.astoomompemanss.weesmeanea Next week is ShOe Week all over Cana- da—The time buy good Shoes. We have.prepared a splendid display of many lines, something for every rnem- ber of the family. REAL SIIOES=REAL VALUES Come in and look over our New Pall and Winter Styles. re• , , THE, 0(11631) 8140U 81C)'