HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-30, Page 8lk rt Taconite Dresses, heavily etnbrol - eretll French Triico ue,-20 Styles—ln Styles-1new numbers -sizes 34 to 44 1 gaa 111 1 316 s'1d $20.00 x Fall Coats 200 New Garments, in fur trimmed andP .lain Coats, our line this season is complete than ever, al moret•�o�.n�► rices to suit P all—You are invited to look over our n "' 07 Fall G I, ods x Men's Store it $1.06 a Shirt Sale o $1.00 100 NotAf Sih'tiey Detpartgs . in malting S collars, sport styles and regular negligee shirts, every one must be s i`Id, Sale Price ;■ '■ Hanna & Limited COg, 5® 411>•■1111111111■■11t11111■11111111111111v■■•■11®■■■Dams■■ $1,00 111 ■ ■ inuoisiamutuannammissinsassemzuganasel Isard's ®� GLENANNAN 11 I Mr. Hyndtnan, of Gorrie is busy G d111 with his dredge on the Fortunehnraita Sunday DMr: Jas, NlcEtiven fromlS. S. Marie ■ Mr. Alvin Sinitic is spending is :spending his holidays with his fatli- ■ while with friends at Leamington. • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Procknow of er, John 11chwen, B. Line. ■ Walkerton, spent the week -end. at The Anniversary Services of Knox ■ ■ • •,w WN 13EL!iRAV'E Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Barney of Ex- eter, spent Sunday at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stonehouse.. Mr. and Mrs. Menore of Kingsville spent a .few days with Miss Fanny McCrea. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg of 13. C, aro visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Jaines Grigg Rev. T. Davison, wife and two children of 'Merlin are the guests of Mr, and 'aid Mrs.. JA. Brandon, While e calling on their many friends in Said arottnd I3eigreve. Mr, and Mrs. Dave McGill of 'Wing- hani spent Sunday with the Misses M Gt ills. Rev. Pentland, wife and daughter of Ravenswood and Miss C. Pentland of Dungannon are spending a week. with the Partner's son at the parson- age. Miss Ella Kettjhebaw of Lucknow spent a few days with iter aunt, Mrs. David Scott. Nurse Cottle of Whitechurch visited with Mrs, Geo. 'Jordan last week. 'Mr. and Mrs, N. J. Wray and daughter of London and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Lambeth spent a day with Joe Brandon. Dr, B. Anderson who has been touring through the United States, most of the summer is spending a few days with his father, Mr. F, An- derson, Mrs. D. Anderson and family of Preston spent the week -end with -Mr. F. Anderson and his family. MORRIS On Monday evening of last week .a few old friends met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Campbell to spend a social hour with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. E, Beckman and little Robert of Kansas Cty. Mr. and Mrs. Beckman motored from the southern city covering a distance of 1400 miles, They carried a tourists full equip- ment, tent, stove and cots and were not in, a house from the time , they left home until they landed in Morris. Mrs. Beckman moved with her par- ents to Kansas some 35 years. ago. Mr, Beckman is a pensioned police Newans left �^ officer having served the city for 20 1. - ! ., Monday for their new years. They left on Saturday, taking Positronsin Wroxeter and Wingham. . in the Toronto Fair and Niagara Falls and. expect to be home about September 8th. Mrs. John Kennedy and Miss E. Wylie of Guelph, spent a few days at Mr. Will Abraham's last week. Mrs. F. .Cassells of Fresno Cali- fornia is visiting at Mr. James Colley. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beckman of Kansas City, returned to their home ort Saturday after spending thepast two weeks in this vicinity. . Mr. Ward Gray visited - friends in Grey last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. McIntosh, Mr. l r and Master Mrs. and M s.Fred Hedley Kenneth, also Miss Annie McIntosh and Mr. Harold Norman of Kinear- dine, spent Sunday at Mr, Thomas Abrahams. Mrs. Alex Coutts and family are spending- a few days. at Mr. R. Heth- eringtott's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rintotil and fancily ADVANQ BLY"114 Mr, William Henry and. daughter of Kincardine are visitng at the home of Mr.,James Beatty, Rev. George `Telford and fancily re- turned pu Friday evening, having' spent their vacation with friends at Carleton Place, One of the oldest and highly es- teemed, citizens, Mr. - fames Hamilton, Druggist, passed away on Saturday, August, M5', at his home, Dinsley St. for the aged64years, out of respect e , deceased the town flag is at half mast, paying a Silent tribute to his sterling qualities of mind and heart .fdis wife;' predeceased him.several r. Mrs. R. M. years. One daughter, M McKay survives. The funeral took place from his late hoarse Monday afternoon and was tinder the direction of A,F.&A;M. Deceased being one of the oldest members, •interment took. place in `Union Cemetery. Mr, Joh Quirk of Wingham at- tended the funeral of the late IVIr. Hamilton, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Riddell, left o'a Tuesday of this week for a visit with friends in the West. There died on Wecltiesday, . August 22, Mrs George Hirons aged 64 years. BEL;tViORE The W F. M. S. will meet Friday aft'ernoon at 2:50. Mrs. E3enziett, London is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Darling. Mrs. Arnold Stewart and little son of Streetsville, also Master Mac Gib son of Gore Bay,called on acquaint- ances"and friends in /the . village on Monday. Mr. Charles Aitken is moving his household effects to Listowel, where he has secured a position. Mrs. Wm Wilson, Wroxeter, visit- ed at Miss Ellen Flemings Sunday, and Miss Margaret Linton, at Mrs. Jeff"r`ay's:. The Women's Institute will enter- tain, Gorrie. and Bluevale members at Mr. Wm. Edwards, Saturday after- noon. Mr, and Mrs. Herd and family visited old friends at Kinloss Sund,ay. Miss Hazel Douglas and .Amy ■ . of Brussels spent Sunday at Mr. J. ▪ 1 Golley. BLUEVALE Mrs,. Griffiths and two sons return- ed to Montreal after spending the past two'• months at their summer home here, ' Miss Grace Coultess of Listowel spent a few days last week with her grandmother. Mrs. Snell. Mr. Whit. Stewart visited relatives at Gorrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gannett spent home of Thos. Stewart. Sunday at the ho le Mr. and Mrs. A. J. , Ferguson and. family of Auburn visited with friends here Sunday. el Mr.and, Mrs. L. B. Duff of .W Wel- land are at present visiting with re- latives here. Mr. David Hutton front. U. S. is at present visiting with' his father here. Mr. W. H. Willis of Winghatn preached in' the Methodist church on Sunday= morning and gave an excell- ent sermon: Mrs. Douglass of Toronto is spend- ing a feta,- days with her mother, Mrs. R. Duff, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leggatt spent wit relatives at ervie. `' Presbyterian Church, Bluevale will other friends ■ the home n of ort thee TotMr. rollh. . Stokes and e held on the first Sabbath of Octo- Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell,Mrs. Hawke, M Mitchell and Miss Ag- We g We have just passed rn- ■ to Stock, Shipments of • Ladies', Misses' and 1 Children's Fall and WInier i O ! 5 You will ■ v.,.a.vo , ¢vaa vvill Find our New Models At- a tractive and Our Prices 1 Right, ■ 1111 ■ ■ ■ New Dress Goods, Crepes. and Silks. Sweaters, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear Corsets, in Best Makes., Values in all Lines Unsurpassed, ■ 1 ■ Visit the ClothingStore What ' about your New Fall Suit or Over � z ▪ coat; Shi nems of Men's and Boy's Clothing ® are Now in Stock. ■ Take a Look at Our "Fife Rite" and "Bach- elor" Suit and Overcoats.., Our New Styles are 1 1 er, 7th. Rev. Professor John Mc- awce, rs, r _ Neill of Knox College, Toronto, will nes of Winghann visited recently at take charge of these services and will Mr. David .Fortune's; preach morning and evening. • Miss Irene McKinney of Bluevale Miss Ethel Johnston has returned is the guest of her friend Miss Addie home after- a visit with friends .at Breckenridge.Gorrie,. rt MissHannah . Stakes visiting.. Miss Zelm_1. , urvcy r ent . a few with her sister, Mrs. Wm.Baliagh, days with' Miss Elsie Stewart at Teeswater. Winghatn. Miss Mary. Haugh is taking in the Mr. Chas Johnston and Mr. Robs: Ezhibi'tion at Toronto these days. McLennan are on a trip out West. Misses Myrtle, Ede, and Frances Mrs. Ed.. Johnston spent the week - Bennett of Wiagharn spent Sunday end in Gorrie visiting at the home of with their friend Miss Emma Hardie. her mother, who has her son, Mr. R. Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell attd C. Sperling, home for a short Vaca- family are visiting at Mr. Wm. Camp Lion - from Vancouver, 13. C. bell's. Mr. T. S. Clegg and son of St. Mrs. Manley and daughters, Ida Louis, 14lich., who are on a motor trip spent Wednesday with his cousin Mrs. Ed. Johnston, 1st line. They were accompanied by Miss Clara King, of Gorrie. Dr. Art Shaw had the misfortune to have his new ford coupe badly wrecked one day lett week. He was meeting another car • on a narrow road and the other ear hit his doing considerable damage to it. Miss Maly and Mr. John Mowbray of Holstein, are at present visiting with friends and relatives around. here. I:)oziald and, Miss Effie Milne of. C herrywood, spent a few days this week at the home of Postmaster R. ANK AMALGAMATION Bank of CoMmerce 'rakes Over the' Bank of Hamilton Wingham is-. one of the Canadian towns that will be seriously affected by the Bank of Conitnerce absorbing the Bank of Hamilton in that it is one of ;.the few places that will lose a bank, as both of these institutions have branches at Wingham. The Bank of Hamilton will lose its identity, but as yet it is not known whether bank- ing will be carried on in the -Hamil- ton or the Commerce buildings: It is also as yet a matter of speculation as to whether or not Mr. C. P. Smith will. reattain in the banking business in W inghani Amalgamation of the Bank of. Ham- ilton with the Canadian Bank of Com- merce will be effected as a consequen- ce of the consent of Rt Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance, . it was announced last night. The "Bank of Commerce takes over the assets and liabilities of the l3ank of; Hamilton, and the latter passes out of existence, after a' career of fifty-one years. This marks the passing of one of Canada's staunch financial institutions, which will be regretted from a sentimental stantdpoint. The Bank of Hamilton shareholders will have their, stock exchanged for Canadian Banlc .of Commerce shares. From Hamilton comes the statement that the amalgamation" of the Bank of Hamilton whale.the Canadian Bank of Commerce will be on a basis of share, for share, while a prominent and in- terested financier of Toronto, says it will be on a basis 'of a valuation of Commerce stock at 1g5 and of Bank of Hamilton stock at 15o . In the latter case the holders of Bank of Hamilton stock will have their shares taken over on the basis of two shares of Commerce, plus $6o, for three shar- es of Bank of Hamilton. Officials of the Bank of Commerce stated that the amalgamation was be- ing made on terms that were extreme- ly favorable to the Bank of Hamilton. There was no" question of financial difficulty, it was stated, but a big con- sideration was the fact that under pre- sent keenly competitive conditions banking could be carried on' . much moire economically by larger units The managers at Wingham,.Messrs.. R. S. Williams and C. P. Smith wish to assure depositors that their ac- counts are perfectly safe in either the Bank of Commerce or the Bank of. Hamilton, and there -is absolutely no feels of losing one cent of money. and Edna of Chesley were visiting ■' friends on the ninth line. mi Mr. Robin Campbell took in the ■ Excursion West on Friday. ■ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Douglas, and ■ , family,' also Miss Lily Ortnan of •� ®(Lowick, were visitors at the hone of p Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. ■ 1 Miss Mary Aitken is the guest of ■ her sister, Mrs. Neil 'Reid of Paisley. in Mrs. 1'laxtoe of Toronto visited ■ last week with friends on the ninth. ■ 6th TURNBERRY ■ • Harvesting is about over. • Wray Breen went West to Tugaske, a wish him good luck. ▪ 1 Mr. Newton Allingham of Wallis- ▪ tein, acco.inparied by his mother, uncle ■ , Anthony Netwon,' and his two child ■ ren, Edna and Willie, motored up and Winners. M1, spent Sunday at the home of their ■ ; cousin, Mrs. James Wray. ■ SII Mr. 'Will Mines and. family spent New Sweaters are here in all the Best Styles 11 Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. James Wray. 11' ■ MI Mr. Anthony Holt and family sof ■ Gorrie, spent Sunday visiting their ■ cousins at the home of Mn James' ■ Wray. Mrs. Higgins, sr, is spending a. few weeks at the home of her brother, Mr. ■ Ralph' Ballagh of Guelph. ® . Mr. and Mrs: James Breen and fam- ily spent Sunday at 'the home of the ■ former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. n, Breen. The painters from Teeswater are ■ putting a new coat of paint me Mr. ■ gg Chester Hi in`s house. ■ . and Colors Pure Wool Garments at the Low ■ 11est Prices. • NI •1s 2Bargains for the I3oys 1 Your Boys lnay need New School Suits. You will Find Our Range Largeand Our Prudes . • MMIRMIM 0111111111011 We are Selling ..Boys Suits at' Reduced Prices F a:.r Two 4 W e , - - sard&C ■ 1 ■` ■ 11 illi M I iaDI IMO Kincardine `Hotel Closes Doors The ' Queen's .hotel, has closed of recently, leaving the' town short accomodation for travellers. The proprietor, Mr. George Tate, left Kin- -ttniori and r the r e just .�a to h , Kin- cardine us £ J has not been' back. It is said, he 'is. in Chicago and that his health is broken down.—Kincardine Reporter., The old saying that Winghatn is get- ting more like Chicago every day holds good. in this matter. On the Missing List Jones arrived 'home unexpectively ■ one morning and found his wife's Ir- ■ ish washerwotnan the only occupant ■ of the house. ■ "Do you know anything . of my ■ wife's whereabouts?" " he asked the' ■ queen of the washtub. RN "Faith, an' Oih don't . Misther , Jones."i she replied. "There's nary IN a soign of .them; in the wash this - week." ■ BLUEVALE Thursday; August 3oth, a,3 A FEW REMARKS ON— BOYS' SHOES School Shoes for Boys and Girls. Splendid New Lines of Sehool Shoes for Girls nd +• oys, have been placed In St"i ck This Week. This is the titne of year when good shoes are needed owing to the close approach.of Fall and Winter and we have no hesitation in recommending absolutely certain lines that are dependable in every particular, These shoes have solid leather soles and insoles and double toes, while prices are much less than formerly. Monday next being "Labor. Day" store will be closed -but open all day Wednesday next. W. H. ILL1S The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County Phone 129. YWingham, Ont. effamenmszammonsmommagnimms REMMIENEKNOMPailltillEMPEEPPENNIMMININI I sg s School Clothes IL, ■ Z_ lack ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ To Goderich Fall Pair next week, Wed., Thus., and Friday, Sept, 5th; 6th and eat. Increased prize list, :Ow in, nurses for races Thursday and Friday, 2;2o, Fern -tete' Trot, 2:30 , and 2.12 classes. Goderich putting 'n on a fine • r, are u t nianufactute s t g , dertch goods exhibit 01= made in C+a g in main building, wliiclt it will be t see. n a lotm way' o ti editing g y worth t g' Targe 'z'atidwa t inclu�dieg 'side shows an r t in,g e. i ,,• • • st ' Dull lwllDwiIMIMM1�1a11M 1 d i l d res t lie grannds Shaw: Miss Verde Proctor of Belgrave spent a few days this week with Mrs. Jas. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rutton spent a few days this week visiting relatives at Palmerston. Mr. Elem. : Black, left for the West, on Friday. Mrs, Peter King has returned home after spending the. past few week with relatives in New York.. The congregation of Johnstons church on the Bluevale circuit are holding their both Anniversary on the. Sunday Sept., 23rd and Monday 24th, Miss Wilma Shaw is spending a couple of weeks at Muskoka before rewriting : to her school at Cherry - wood, Miss Mary Stewart has secured two months leave of absence from her school: at Ailsa Craig to look after her mother. We are pleased to say she is waiting,Mr. attd Mrs. Boyne of Detroit Spent a few days with the latter's. sis- ter, Mrs. L. W. Ruttan. Mr. Thos Stewart received a car of shingles from. 13. C. on Monday. Mr. Sam Shaw and soh of New York visited this week with his cote - in Mr. Robt, Shaw. Rev, v; Mr. Tate is visiting with relatives at Marden and Toronto this week. Quite a number: from lier`e are tak- ing in. the Exhibition this week. ■ We are sorry to hear of the death ■ of Dr. Scott of Seaford; on. Friday, ■ ■ ■ ■` He was 8i years old, and well and M favorably known here., . • 11N Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of ■ hogs to Toronto last Saturday, the .$ price was $1o. WHITECHURCH who was accidently killed on his way horse from here, where he had been visiting with his brother, Frank. His hat blew off when a few miles below Bressels, and while out getting it he was struck and killed by another car. Miss Isabel Fox of Galt Hospital is holidaying at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Naylor and chile, dren of Chatham. are visiting with his brother, Mr. B. S. Naylor. Among those who went West last Friday wer"e,, Messrs. Wm. Taylor,.G. Godkin, Robert Conn, Thos. Gaunt and Fred and George Tiffin, Miss Ida McQuoid spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Scott of Kin - lough. Mrs. Isaiah Moore and Annie and Russel are visiting with her sou, Mr. Wesley Moore of Palmerston. Miss Edythe Peddle spent the week end with relatives in Clinton. Miss Nettie Cottle visited' last week with Mr. and Mr's. Ernest Geddes, 1® III la Ladies' Wear ■ • Burberry Coats • Fur Collared Coats ■ Marvella Coats ■ * Fur Trimmed Coats ▪ Canten Crepe Dress Flannel Dresses f ■ Satin Dresses NEW FALL MERCHANDISE Belgrave. ■ Mr. Gordon MacKay has secured a. position in Chatham. 11111 We are sorry to report that Mr. ■ Duncan Kennedy was forced to re- ! 1 turn to the hospital in order to have g some pieces of splintered bone re- 11 moved from his arm.! Mr., Jim Falconer and Messrs. Roy. N and Jim Aitcheson went West on 111 Friday, Lorna McClenaghan visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Herb Miss Norah Falconer is visiting with her sifter, Mrs. Elgin Wellwood, of Orangeville. M:r. A. E. Purdon left on Monday, to exhibit. Aero -Cushion tires at Tor- onto Fair. d Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent att children of Westfield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Joe Laidlaw. Mr and Mrs. Will Falconer and son of 131uevale spent Sunday with Mr. and Ms. Orval Tiffin,' Mr and. Mrs. James Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Antos Cornelius spent Sunday with Mr, Kelly of St. Atag us- titre. Little Joseph Kelly tef Detroit and Willie Kelly of St. Augustine, accompanied then home and are vi siting this week with theit grand- parents. parents. ■ Taffati tresses For ,.Boy's Boys a Blooni.er ,Suits Sweater Coat Yarns A11 Shades 'Dry Goods New Silks New Crepes Silk Velvets Homespuns Flannel Dress Serges Tricotfnes • . Voiles BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLOTHING The kind that will stand hard wear and, give .good sa'tisfact ion, Boys Shirts ■ Boye Odd B nickers ■ Boys Shirt Waists ■ Boys ;Ithaki iiickers Ties d Boys r s an M Boys' Wool Jerseys Ce liars 111 ▪ Boys Jerseys Bo Cotton Sehool Hosiery ■ Bays Caps Rain' apes 3 ®' ■ For Girls 1 New Regulation ■ Middies II New Flannel 1 Dresses .., ■ . ■ New Serge 'Dresses New Gngbatn ■ tresses ■ Navy Serge :reefers ct Our Fall Stook ■ ▪ We Invite You to Inspect � Di1 ■� ; ■ ■ ■ MMNiM� �IA�MMI�MMI M 1 S 11 111101111101011111111161111111111.111101 BROS.