HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-30, Page 3`bursday, August 3oth, 923'' pri tirne ve ry Y.--3Trn.'Waiter Niehol, playing the Commemoration wreath. 2. --Parliament buildings at Victoria ao aeon frown veranda. at Dinpreas Rotel. 3.--faneen of the A;sytlme Frolic at Victoria 76.C., in her ro.ynl coach. 4.--4ueen (Dore Rolla enthroned at the entrance to the Parliantex*t 76uitdingr. Til[IS year the citizens of Victoria B...0., celebrated every public spirited firm and individual a - Victoria the eightieth birthday of this garden city and for Bellingham Wash., Nanaimo, and Esquimault sent three dare beginning with the twenty-fourth of May the picturesque floats and the recently inaugurated Can- aity frolicked, During the previous week the May an Pacific motor ferry plying between Vancouver Queen had been :chosen and with her maids of honor hacl Island and the former city gave •hundr'ede of Americans travelled to neighboring cities inviting her. slaters and an opportunity to "enjoy a real twenty fourth of May brothers frons Nanaimo, Vancouver and New West- celebration. • minter, and her cousins from Seattle, Bellingham and During the three days many sports `events were Portland to join in a three day frolic in he: delighful arranged and 011 the. Thursday and Friday evenings gardens. The neighboring cities responded to her elaborate balls were given in the armouries and at the skidding to the extent of sending their Mayors and Empress Hotel. Amid the historical surroundings of. hundreds of their populace to take part in the spring- Beacon Hill, where as the name implies beacon fires time revelrna were built in the 'early days for the guidance of sailors The initial ceremony of the three day Sete was per- off the' Island coast, the picturesque Frolic Pageant formed when Mrs. Walter C. Nichol, wife of the Lieu- was staged on Friday. The Passing of the Pessimist tenant Governor of the province of British Columbia was the ;title given this touch heralded event which Placed a beautiful floral wreath on the handsome portrayed the indictment and reformation of many bronze statue of Queen Victoria which stands before types of civic grouch. the parliament buildings, in the name of the Imperial Saturday, as other days, -witnessed band concerts Order Daughters of the Empire. The landing of the given throughout the .city streets from early morning May Queens from H.M.C.S. Patrician followed this untillate at night. A home-made oirous and regatta seremnoay, a tender bearing their Majesties to the broad provided matinee entertainment at the Gorge, and the stone steps leading directly to the parliament buildings. picturesque night attack by Indians staged in these Here they were given the freedom .of the -.city by Mayor natural sourroundings recalled very vividly the pioneer Maynard and were +crowned by His Honor the Lieu- days of Vancouver Thieved and brought to a close a tenant Governor of British Columbia. civic carnival of brilliant splendour when the Queen Then came the Grand Parade, entered into by almost of the Pacific Cities paid homage to the memory- of her every automobile in the city and participated in by royal mime take, Victoria the cod. r.gn.,1,auc^..: :.:...-z: Do you desire F'..rcj Car or Truck If you have not the full cash price, would you like to have the use of the car while you are paying f s r it? To thy. se who .desire to purchase Ford Car or Truck and cannot com- pletely pay for it at once, we are able t.1 quote the folloWing terms: Down Payment consists of: -- For a Runabout (Non -Starter) $. 147.62 Balance of $ 361 For a Runabout (Starter Equipped) ..$ 173.85 For Touring Car (Non. Starter) .,....$ 160.55 For a Touring Car (Starter Egaipped)$. 201.77 Fora Truck (Non -Starter) ;$ 195.15. For 48 Truck (Starter Equipped).., .$ 223.10 For a Coupe $ 245.84 Tor a Sedan $ 287.42 429 392 445 400 465 590 650 in 12 ,t aisaate equal payments » Thin deferred payment price, the amount of the down pay- ment and all the terms of the transaction have the approval of :the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, so that those who buy Ford products oli deferred payments may have the pro- tection of a standard deferred payment price throughout all of Canada in the same manner as those who buy Ford Products for full cash. The low: price is possible because" the Traders Finance Corporation., 'Limited, who finance the transactions extend this financing opportunity only to Ford Dealers and only -mm Foal Cars. • d�0,0*M, w Ingham. oa tl11Fsk MOTOR 0014vil't1:skiY OP O;ANA:,DA, i,XMITl D, P0RD 0 NT'ARIO d.i a'+GEid.,w•.0 '''l'10 0411a 1 AM ADVANCE WING3111AM TEAM WI Shuts Cut the Unbeatable I11'eatstadt Nine When The Advance said last week that webelieved the Neustadt and Wingham.Ball Game on Thursday would be a good one, we believed it would, and we were just as badly .de- ceived as the other spectators who at- tended. In conversation with, one of the visitors, before the .game, be actu- ally stated that Winghartt team would go down to defeat as they bad every one of their best men on the job and. right up on their toes. The first two innings were the only ones when Neustadt looked as though. they had , a team. Win. .Morden twirled good ball and received good support.Braekenbury was back in the. game for' the first time since his holi- days, and pulled iii Winghans's first. run, that started the merry-go-round. Hall made a home run, and brought In two others on . a hot grounder straight to the bowling green, The first six runs were made in the third innings by Brackenbury, Walk- er, Howson, Geddes, Donnahue�and Hall, • In the fourth innings Howson and Hall, scored. Howson earne in ' again in the fifth and in the sixth Geddes and Irwn got home, the lat- ter walking in while the third base man walked after the ball which he should have caught. The score was tt to o. Ern Petti- grew kept the crowd onthe grand- stand informed as to strikes and ball, infact we believe in a few cases the umpires Messrs. Horning & 'Co. took a tip from the genial Major. SOLILOQUIES. OP THE PRINT- ER'S DEVIL (By H. F. Lockhart.) 1 pied a galley here the other day, l3efore the bloornin' thing went to press. I picked the measly thing up right away, And put it back together jtist by a guess. The make-up man he chucked it in the form; The thing went through. Olt! golly, what a storm! "John Smith will sell at 20 Pros- pest Street At the bride's hone, on Wednes- day at high noon, An old daughter, beautiful and sweet, With spotted feet, and coming two. next June," So help me, that's the way the darn thing read. I' saw it, and I nearly fell down dead. That ain't the worst. The thing went on to say: . "Mike Murphy, died last night at half past eight; No fire insurance carried, so they say Loss total, but the value was not great." You'd ought to heard the widow tear and rave— It makes me sick the way some skirts behave! "A son was born to Dr. Richard Vose, A glossy black, . and weight four thousand flat; His mother was by Danby, out of Rose— With gloves to match, and wore a picture hat." The foreman threw three .fits and clawed the air; For once he got so mad he couldn't swear. "The Gregg House burned to ashes Tuesday night, The cause, they say, was soften- ing of the brain; The noble firemen made a gallant fight, In satin duchess, made with fish- tail train." Ain't that the everlasting limit? Gee! The, way the . whole darn bunch jumped on to mel The boss he had me on the carpet, too. Gosh. He can dress a feller to the ground. I sneaked his office feelin mighty blue, When all at once I heard a funny sound, The boss was all alone --I'd give my hat To know just what that guy was laughting at! STOLEN PROPERTY - RECOVERED^ Mr. Isaiah Congrain, a farmer liv- ing a_few miles west of Lucknow, got the surprise of his life last Sun- day when he discovered that some- time • during the previous night a new set of double harness for which he had paid $S' was missing, evi- dently stolen. At the same time it was ascertained that Jim : Young's barn, a mile, west of: -Lucknow, had also been entered and a set of liar- ness stolen. Constable Gundry,. of Goderieli, as- sisted by Constable Douglas of Luck - now, was sooty on' -the trail and by Tuesday night the .harness was re- covered, though the :theives were not definitely identified . • TIie' unoccu- pied farms sand houses scattered all too plentifully " throughout this part, gives . the night hawks all toogood an opportunity to secrete their loot until a favorable opportunity comes to move it further on, There is reason to believe that if the harness referred to had not bean recovered it might now be oe " its way to the tiWensst.of the "jayhawkers," Recently Stuart` Robertson was another vie- - when he. went to use his flax -break; ing machine, he found that the mag- neto of the gas engine and all the. valuable belting had been stolen: We understand that the constables above named have a line oti this property too, and that it will be ra- coyered in the neat future, Now is'the time to• burr , the : oys th e r School Suits at gr at:Uyr red ced prices. b m BOYS' SUITS $6.75 --• Tweed and T-Ionnespunp for the smaller boy, in a nice range of patterns, sizes z$ to a8. 'Reg. $tz.oe, spec,, Vo 1 516/0 SUITS $7.g5 ---Sizes AS to 33, Wors- teds and Tweeds in Norfolk and belted styles, regular values $1,4,00 special a silt RAINCOATS $2x.25 -:-eco only Wool Top Raincoats, sizes 3r to 1 42, reg. to $2o.00, special-• SUITS $0.75—For Boys z4 to 17 years of age in Greys, Browns, Bige:s, and, Heathers, latest models, sizes $$ to 36. Regular values to $x.f oo Special YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $14,25 A special lot of Young Men's Suits in belted and plain models, sized 34 to 4O Regular lar value to S25.00 °M X25 SUITS $o7.ry5--•1VIep's Suits in Wors- tele and Tweeds, sizes 36 I 7 75 to 44, reg, up to $3o, for a fr m RAINCOATS $7.75--A special lot of Men's Raincoats, belted styles, sizes 34 to 40. Regular value to07 a1 $14.00, special w 11th WHY WE DON'T PRINT TT It has always been the aim of the publisher of this paper to boost every! enterprise, be it of public or private nature, of a worthy character. Boosting is a .game, however, that more than one can play. "I boost you, you boost me," isa good motto, and "we will boost together" is an- other good motto. The newspaper man can boost in a very effective - way, even by not "knocking" when people want him to "knock." He 1 can boost a great deal more by com- ing out flat-footed and upholding the good that is in an individual or 1 an institution and leaving unsaid' what he knows to be bad. But when this is done there is no occasion for 1 the person or institution which is 1 boosted to assume that the news- paper has to do it in order to hold its job with the public, as this is indeed a serious mistake. ' A news-! paper man sees and hears more things, bad or good, about individ- uals and about the way institutions are conducted than other individuals,I and it is not because he does` not know that he does not print it. It is because hehas a sense of honor; and sense of feeling, and last but' not least, a love of peace and har- mony in the community. Many things might be printed about out town which would make spicy reading, but why herald such things abroad? The least said the better. The news- paperman, however, has a keen sense of appreciation andis susceptible to praise of the right sort, and to sub- stantial business' support. He ap- preciates the spirit of the man who, when he has a few dollars worth of job printing, says "We've got a printer here at -home who is trying to help our town, and we will in turn help him by giving him the little printing we have to do," This is the true,community spirit, and it counts witthe merchants, with the doctor, with the lawyer and with every bus- iness which draws its daily support from a community, EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chamney and children a.nct. Mrs. Joe Chamney spent last Wednesday with friends in Cor- rie. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Naylor and child- ren of Chatham, visited last weekwith their brother, Mr. George Naylor; Rev. and Mrs Sidney Davison .of 1 Tipperville, were renewing old acpua• - intances on Friday last." Mr. John Menzies and David Currie went to the West on Friday. Mr. Ernest Robinson has a new tra etor. Mr. Andrew Shiell of Hamilton, spent last week at his home here. Mr; and Mrs. Thos. Robinson and children visited last Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. Joe Thompson of Seaforth. Mr. Norman Wightman received se- were injuries one day last week when his driver ;was frightened and threw turning home from his; brother's, Mn. W. R. ,\Tightman of Teeswater, when., the accident occured. . ■ is ea sinsosionamisonemmisliffaur "The Hydro Shop" lE: -r I the Winghan Utilities Commission offers the. following:Mt �. 15,40 60 Wail test �ed a guar Weed �t TUNGSTEN LAMPS su — 4 f r $1.00 Every k mp testes, and gra',,:rante1..d f.,t;id' 1500' it b , lining i ' ours. We replace ny detee- nye lamp tree ><,,1 char ,;eo ring the detective lamps ;.'u:7k et =; new ',;aaeo tfflfla t 1i DI NAT( .'i EX!!N TORONTO . AUG. 25th --SEPT. 8th The Show Window of Nations Estimated attendance, 1923, 45th Consecutive year, 1,500,0 1I Programme without precedent in its variety and extent Scores of new features and all of tlhe old that have re- tain ed es-tained public favor GEORGEOUS CLEQ AIlRA SI`ECTACLE Crowning triumph in the production of super- wants •1500 Performers JOHN. Q. RENT. M.nagig Director ROBERT MII.Lza, PresidenS III 11151111 Iii' 111®lis.n,1111tH11E1N118111 3111 1111llntgi118gin/111811111 85 AUCTION SALE-'Ptirniture and a quantity of Prtlit at the DuttilS Ho- tel, on Sat., Sept. let, Considerable valuable ,furniture, also t Fora in good eoitdition. Z. 7 ocicmati, Prop. T. R. Bennett, And. c 111 111 Ili11 111 111 111 1142111111111111111111 1111E11011112111 d 's Fa'i:orit SEE TH 1l lig) ll611In5I n11111111111118 tl 11 lar S Rt AND Itppy TR The ..1,,,:,yn EW QUEBEC COOK J 1 T LL rid for Ge .:l emit «. ns C:.ntem,.....lating, purchasing a New a ge or :r, ter this fall, we ad-; is e 4o dng over our v:, f riety. Ind Haa: d Skives Taken ,f': P ri tot Pay I, ,t ant. • OP 4 a Stove Repairs Secured P`ro1, pttyb McCLARY'S ENAMELWARE THC) PS 0 PHONE - 30. - WEAREVER ALUMiMU l X11 tae Il. III ,• 1111111f In1111111111111111k11110 1/11111111 Ill ill 91 111$1111101111111111afI 1 (ill illlIIII 1111 lt1 1 I •! l$ 11111011/1111111N11111114111114111111191111 Ill