HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-23, Page 69,15 aen—Public Health Service (bulletins and talks on subjects of en iera! interest,' e0,25 a,m,.—Official weather forecast, 1 1/.55 a.m.--Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 1 12,05 p.im The Detroit News Or LMN �w. 1 chestra, 3.00 pan, --Concert by Schmenan's Statim WGW of Schenectady is} Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. c ifs riiir; large cash prizes for the best 4.00 p.m.—Official weather forecast, alay written for use by -radio, There `1'45 p.m. Market reports, it ie certain conditions ttached to the 5.00 p.m.—Base ball scores. contest and these are theroughly'ex y:oo p.m, The •Detroit News Or chestra, concert by Schmeman's Con - planted each evening, This iiia good, cert Band. broadcast from Belle Isle opportunity for any radio listeners' Pack. with < literary aspirations to make 'a Friday, Aug. aq mark for themselves, The Chicago Board of Trade sta- i 9.3o a,an, --"Tonight's Dinner" and a lam "WDAP", located on the Drake i special .talk by the Woman's Editor. Hotel has been. introducing M. Ed. ; 9.4'$$ a.m—Public Health Service Squires on theirgrograins lately and special talk by the Woman's Editor. his efforts are highly amusing. This! 10.25 a,m.,—Official weather forecast. artist is the possessor of a very strong! 11.55 a:sn.—Arlington time relayed soprano voice and he can also get ; by the Western Union,. over the music with an excellent 72,05 p.m. The Detroit News Or - baritone voice. His imitations of chestra. , h non s er bySc me m—Co t ac 00 duets by'.Caruso :and Melba are very 3• p amusing. He plays his own accom-1Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. aniinents. I 4•,0O p.m.—Official weather forecast. p arrived ? �,o5p.r.—Maa•ket reports. • ,,. Commercial radio has now at sucha state of perfection that it is! 5.00 pain—Base ball scores. possible to transmit a message to al-; Park. Detroit News Or- ope the larger cities of Eur -i" 7.00 p.m: The and have a reply within three chestra :Concert by Sshmeman's Con - minutes. I cert Band bleadcast from Belle Isle A new hotel is under construction . Saturday, Aug. a5 in Detroit,' It will be 30 stories in!` oa.m.—"Tonight's Dinner" and a Height and every one of the iice.'•special talk by the Woman's Editor. guest rooms will have radio service., 9 45 am—Public Health Service This is a feature which should appeal'. .bulletin and talks.on subjects of gen- to the traveller who has no way of I era! interest. spending a long evehing. 10.25 a.m.—Official weather forecast. Station WI.W'of the Crosley nlanu- I 52,05 pan.—The Detroit News Or- facturing Company'of Cincinnati. will. e�aestra. broadcast two radio weddings short- i •00: :m. -Concert by Schmenan's ly. One will be sent t,t thelast week 1 Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. in Angus 'September. the next, the first week 4.00 p.rn. .—Official weather forecast. in''September. Any owner of a radio 5.00 p.m.—Base ball scores, set may be present by listening in at 1 i 3o p:m.—Concert by Schmeman's Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. Sunday,.Aug. 26 the proper time. Almost every station these days has a motto which they announce fre- quently. Station "WOC" of Daven- port, Iowa features the following an- Monday, Aug. 27 nouncement, "This is station "WOC", 9,3o alp. --"Tonight's Dinner" and a the Palmer School of Chiropractic at special talk by the Woman's Editor. Davenport. Iowa where the West be- gins, and in the state where the tall corn grows." In order to give their motto more prominence this station has . decided to put on a contest to discover just how tall corn can grow, Any boy or girl under twenty years Silent. 9.45 a.m—Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a,in.—Official weather forecast. 11.55 a.m.—Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 4.00 .in.—Official weather forecast. of age, and residing in the state of o5pxn.--Market reports. Iowa may enter, At the end of the .00 p.m.—Base ball scores. torn growing season they are to sub- 5 `_.-The Detroit News Or - mit height of twenty 8.30 ; concert Con - stat the averageg chestra; by Schmenan's stalks of corn and the contestant cert Band broadcast from Belle Isle Slaving the tallest stalks will be the Park. ' winner. The winning stalks will beTuesday, Aug. 28 placed in a glass case and will be ex- hibited at the station. 9.30 a,m: Tonight's Dinner and a special talk by the Womens Editor.' W W J TH E DETROIT NEWS. : Eastern Standard Time. (58o Kilocysles) 9.45 a.m.—Fred Shaw, haw popular la r pian- ist an- %st and songster, and Miss Vera Coll- ins, pianist, in their "Ironing Day" program. Thursday, Aug. 23 10.25 a,m.—Official weather forecast. 9.30 a.m.—"Tonight's Dinner" and a by the Western Union. special talk by the Woman's Editor. 12,05 p.m.—The Detroit News Or - Ifs i} ,� octant a a ight® If silage his cut too green ---or after the frost has taken hold of it—it won't make nearly as good or profitable feed- ing as if cut at just the right time. That's where one of my "Toronto" Ensilage Cutters proves ILs worth. Makes ake3 yUA independent ofa hired outfit- ' elks you to cut at the right time.` 'wr Enablesou to ref after j sinkage, too—a feature which helps pay 9r the £utter in a short while, And itli cu 3'epr :,A,trgiw rz the tinter. A. small esolIne en in% f,'o a e -tura-dent > atter. Let -fie demon - I its ' lity fgat eS t0 6U o u, ash 2i e for free 4k,, literature. DAVMS N, Dealer THE WING 1M k"r Ff°.• 044. Ole nava 'NOW; RanetWBER:sa -t-nl Goof C a ag! orc7utti.. es t4 EW t-tr4 vAisiog LAO 011,4 C'141,614 POI4F AY 01 -IS APPLE„ Iriaore tla ugt7st acrd, $9 0329. chestra. 3.00 p.m.—Concert by Schmenan's Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 4.00 p.m.—Official weather forecast. 5.00 p.m.—Base ball scores. 05p,in,—Market reports. 8.3o p.m.—The Detroit News Or- chestra Concert by Schmenian's Con- cert Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. Wednesday Aug. 29 9.30 a.m.—"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9.45 a.m—Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a.rn:—Official weather forecast. 11.55 ann.--Arlington time relayed by the. Western Union. chestra. 12.05 p.m. The Detroit News Or- chestra. 3.00 p.m.—Concert by Schmenan's Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 4.00 p.m.—Official weather forecast. 5.0o p.m.—Base ball scores. 8.3o p.m, -The Detroit News Or- chestra; concert by Schmenan's Con- cert Band broadcast from Belle Isle .Park. 111111111111111ffilltiMill 11 is if wmm m lII illpl11 1111d111Illlglglu1,mom > Iltk't'lll We are ready with. large stock all kinds of School Supplies, inetudi !„ Public School; Readers and Public School Text Rooks. Drawing Books, Writing Books, Scribblers. Exerciee Books, Note Bookd Slates. Cra7 *1.,, Paints, Lead Pencils, Ete., Etc. We it the stock to give you "Quality and Service," A MARE QI YOUR TRADE SOLICITED • ELLIOTT OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL t;rnry Carltdisun National Railways. 11-14 11111111101111 Iii Nl141110111,1101111111111111111111111111i111111 111114111 111 1111011111111111111110 11 Would Like to Shout FromHouse-Tops � That is How Mr. ,Hurnbull Feels About the Famous Health -Builder, That Gives Him the Results He Had Been Seeking For Years Mr. Arthur F. Hurnbull, a salesman of Long Branch, Ont., gives all the credit to Dreco for his relief from terrible suffering caused by stomach, kidneys and liver that would not function properly. Here is his story which he says himself he would like to shout front top of the tallestllest building in Toronto, so that people might hear and profit thereby. ( "My stomach was out of . order. After eating my food seemed to sour and I would double up with cramps. I had so much gas on my stomach that I would' gasp for breath. My liver became sluggish and I was very restless, arising in the morning tired out after a alight of tossing around. I had no energy or life to do anything Catarrh in my nose also troubled me and caused me much discomfort and embarrassment, My blood was im- pure and I often had pimples. Con- stipation kept my system in a poison- ed condition and I became so run- down that friends commented on my appearance, "My case was of several years standing, during which I tried almost everything without results, until I heard about Dreco. Have only taken four bottles, but a big improvement is noticeable. 'I feel like a new man. I can eat anything and digest it without being troubled with cramps or agoniz- ing gas. My system feels clean and I feel and look much healthier, I also sleep like a baby now. "I ani trying to make plain what my troubles were and what Dreco has done for me, for the benefit of other sufferers and only hope that they will ggiYe this wonderful medic- :�e byortunityl i^, help them as WINGHAM CHAUTAUQUA (Continued from page I.) that went under. . We bad the advant- age of 2000 years of Christianity and. science, and we had not availed our- selves of the former to the fullest ex- tent. The speaker in giving a few person- al reminiscences confessed to having been an atheist. After ah argtun i to with an earnest young rector of the Episcopal Church he went home and read his Bible extensively. After studying carefully he became 'convin- ced that the centre of civilization was christianity, In the decline of religi- ous feeling he trusted that the close union that existed between the United States and Canada would become. closer. We all spoke the one lang- uage, and had the same ideals. Upon the shoulders of the English nations rests the hope of a solution " of the world's present problems. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wells presented Hello Folks, the man w.ho isn't a most humorous farce -comedy en - good for anyting else" can always.tell. titled "A- Pressing Engagement and galso sang' a couple of very fine duets, auction of the The �� dranflalle production week,' "Cappy Ricks",producedmore laughs than have been heard in Wing - ham in many a day, • "Cappy Ricks" —Peter B. Kyne's' well known char- acter—was ably presented by a splen- did company. The plot centres about Cappy's troubles with Matt. Peasely, a young captain, who goes into the steamship business in opposition to Cappy Ricks, and finally marries the only daughter of the.. old sea dog,, It is' seldom that Winghamites have an opportunity of enjoying a comedy •of the type of Cappy Ricks, played by so talented a group of artists, and they showed their appreciation by • turning out in numbers .that the Big tent was filled to capacity. Without doubt one of the most im- portant m- h le-. contributions to clean, whole- some o pnt oxta some amusement for Chautauqua au- diences has been the presentation of well-known' dramatic comedies. Such They like a guy with a car of his favorites as "It pays to Advertise" own. and "Nothing But the. Truth" have A woman doesn't think her dinner been `presented in former seasons with tremendous success. party a real success unless she feels The musical production "Gretchen incapable of -getting up next morning. from Holland" was presented by the --o-- Montague Light Opera Singers with That's the weigh "with these wo- special scenery and with picturesque men"wailed the scales as a buxom costumes. The production featured a lassie stepped on. Quaker Romance. —0-- Frank Preston. Johnson, newspaper - other Half the world wondersiing how theg man, sociologist and lecturer of Iowa, half makes a living after taking delivered a notable address,.pointing you' how it should be done. —0— She is so fat that the only thing she can btiy ready made is her handker- chief. —0--- I 0— I saw a scene the other day, And then. I seen a saw; Now, if the saw had been unseen, Would the scene have been unsaw? —0— • Some men don't feel at home, un- less they are down town with the boys. —0— You can't very well avoid work. on Sunday, however, when you have a blowout five miles from a service station. —0— THAT TRIED FEELING ride with you; iris w Ride and theY , g andyou walk Walk, along; For the flappers these days are set in their ways— so many holidays, —0— A Wingham man who believed he knew all about parrots undertook to teach what he thought to be a young mute bird to say "Hello!" in one les- son, Going up to the cage, he re- peated that word in a clear voice for the way to community prosperity. He'. community showed clearly where no com y can prosper where the farmer and the merchant clo not go hand in hand. "A farmer can not get along". said Mr. -Johnson, "if he buys his seed and. cattle on a retail market and sells. thein on a wholesale market, not put - several minutes,_ the parrot paying notdug on a price for his good8 but tele - the slightest attention. At the final in what he is offered for them."'. ""Hello!" the bird opened one eye, gaz Mr Johnson said that the man with ed at the man, and snapped out, pedigreed stock is usually a pedigreed "`Line's busy." man. He urged the rural people to —o— better more faith in consolidated schools, SHE SHOULD better teachers and school nurses, "May I kiss you good night?" making the' amazing statement that I should say not," . . while our sympathy goes out to the. But she. didn't. children in the heart of the cities, yet —0— the death rate in the rural sections i,s Say a sure sign of refinement in the higher aanoaag the children and show- ing the reason to be that the school; nurse and school doctor in the city see to, it, that the health of the chil- dren is taken into consideration as well as the education.;, Were condit- ions as they should be the farmer would have all the comforts of a city in his home, including' a properly equipped bath tub and toilet: The Advance was honored with a fraternal call from Mr. Johnson •who is a brilliant newspaperman as well" as a lecturer, "The New India" was the interest- ing subject Bhaskar Hivale, a native of India. Mr, Hivale is a graduate of an' Indian University and a post graduate of.Havard. In India he was editor of Dnyanodoya, the second old- est Anglo -vernacular weekly publish- ed in Bombay.. He is a christian as were his ancesters for three., genera- tions. He speaks with a slight foreign accent, but:his English is fluent and understandable and intro- duces a delightful view of humor. Everett Kemp is a humorist extra- ordinary and popularly known as` the man with the million dollar laugh. His portrayal of the poor youth seeking work and the cold' shoulder turned to him by everyone even by members of the Church, He commenced his illus- tration where the drunken father lay on the floor in a stnlior and the little lad crawled cautiously over to soothe and care for his dying mother, how when the mother had died he and his mongrel doggie, made a noiseless get- away. Sixteen years later how as a young mail, a printer, was looking r friends. for work. hungry, no money o The heartless answers he. would re- ceive,'` fitially going to a church, re- membering the prayers of his mother he entered, when. the servrees were over he hesitated and as one by one passed without noticing hien, he mus- tered up courage to speak to the mini- ster. ' That ,krn.dlyy� old gentleman, thoughtlessly could think of ne oiie who wanted a man and turned iii his homeward, walk, His spending the night in an old boiler and next da the office of a "ob his walking intoI printer, who f never vent to 'elinrclt and to outward appearance had no use for christianity, but who gruffly gave him work and food. The lesson was to those of its who go to church and profess to be Christians, The Lieurance Brass Choir on. Wed- nesday ed nesday afternoon and evening was one of the highly pleasing musical at- tractions. The Capps Quartette, a Toronto musical company were also well worth while. To the children probably .the"magic- ian and Kelly ;the ventriloquist were the most popular. September tember Departmental Exams 1? They will be held at the Universit- ies, Normal Schools and in the In- spectorate of East Huron at Clinton, beginning September 6th, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN„ pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121., of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that•' all persons having claims against the Estate of Bradshaw Kerr, deceased,; who died on or about the twent •-' sixth day of July, A. D..1923, at t e Town of Wingham in the, Province of Ontario, are required: to send by- post, y post, prepaid, or to deliver .:to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Sol- licitor for the Executor, on or before the tenth `day of September, A. D. 1923, their navies and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, and : the nature of the securities, (if any). held by them duly verif�l'ed. by a AND declaration, AN.D FURTHER TAKE .NOTICE, that after the said .tenth day of Sep- _ The following candidates are elagi- tember, A. D. 1923, the assets of 7 e file to write: , said estate will be distributed by. the, having at a Executor among the parties entitled - 1. Those who,av g writtenthereto, having regard. only to the previous examination to complete their claims of which they shall then have. Middle or Upper School, apply to on which had notice, and the'estate will not be writeteon papersthey liable for any 'claims not" filed at'the fated. time of the s id distribution. s Candidates prevented by sick- aWinghamthis tYrir- a afll ct : ns from writ- DATED at peso or u3'neu...^. ing on the June Examination; proof, teenth day of. August,, A. D. lga3: of such must be presented to the De R. VANSTONE, rtnient. ,„Wingham P. O. pa Solicitor for the Executor, 3: Candidates who are at least ¢o' years of age, Application for the examination Must be made to the Deputy Minister of Education by the first of Septem- A fee of one dollar is required for each paper and where candidates write at centres other than the Normal Schools and Universities, they also bear their share of the cost of the ex- amination. it an p- - old days. was when a fellow referred it helped me,'' Dreco's wonderful corrective acid tonic properties conte from herbs, roots, bark and leaves. It acts on the stomach and aids digestion arouses a sluggish liver, strengthens the kidneys, corrects constipation and improves the health generally. Why suffer when this reliable medicine is at your elbow? Dreco is being introduced in Wing - ham by J. Walton McKibbon, and is sold bya good druggist everywhere. INFORMATION FOR SPORTS- MEN. - Changes in the Regulations under S c a 0 D n c u O s d d 1 0 the Migratory Birds Convention Act affecting the s hooting of migratory game birds in ertain provinces have recently been uthorized by Order in Council, Under theOrder a further closed season throughout the Dominion has been provided for Wood Duck, ex- tending until January 31st 1924. A s similar closed eason has been provid- ed for Eidor ucks, except that Eider 1- may be shot i the Yukon and Nortl west Territories during the regular open season provided for ducks in those localities . The open s asons provided by the Regulationsunder the leligratory Birds Convcnt ion. Act for the season 1923-1924 forOntario and Quebec are Ili as follows Ducks, Cee e, Brant and Rails. In Quebec: Septenrberx t o Deem- c ber 14, bothdates inclusive. In Ontario:, September x to Deeeni- ber 1.5,, bothdates inclusive. only Shorebirds ar Waders, including the following Woodcock, Wilson .or jack -Snipe, Black -bellied and Golden Plovers and: the Greater and Lesser rim lirellowlegs, lit "Quebec: September 1 to Decnm.- i ber 1a, both dates inclusive, 11A In Ontario: September t to Decent. ber 15, both dates; inclusive except sthat on Woo debek the open season hall be from September 15. to Octo- 1111111 bert5 both ' dates' anchasive; tq coal oil as:kerosene, QUESTION! o QUESTION! How does the busy colyumist Improve each little bunch, And write a colyum. every day Before he goes to lunch? , —0— Drove Him From Home' "My wife drives me from home al- most every morning?" , • `"My, 1ny,'I'm sorry to hear— "0, nothing like that! My wife runs the new car." 1 —0— The faster automobiles can 'be Made to go, the greater saving in time on the trip to the cemetery. —o— Say another near -bier merchant is the undertaker. —0— Wealth may, be a disease at Bryan says. We heard of a man who took it and he was confined for two years. —0— A fool and his money is a combin- ation you don't meet every day, Huron School Fairs School Pairs in Huron County will begin two weeks from Thursday. An added feature to our School Fairs this year will be a sheep exhibit. This is beim' arranged through the assistance of the Federal Bratich. of the Department of Agriculture, co- operating with the local Branch, here, The .truck will visit our. School Fairs, carrying representatives of some of the leading breeds of sheep as well as representatives of the market classes of 'sheep. A special effort will be made to sell high class mains for com- mercial flocks. A supply of rams has been secured, most of them from IIn 1 although somehave v e Hitt 011 County, yr a ` be 'been„'secured outside, .'These will sold, to purchases at cost, It is hoped in this way to encourage sheep breed-,: ing throughout the County: S, I3. Staffers, Department of A riculture, rtment g Clinton, Ontario. NOTICE All . accounts for caretaking for 'the Cemetery for the year 1923 have now been sent out. The Cemetery Com- mittee would appreciate the co-opera- tion of lot'owners in prompt payment of their accounts in order that the policy of gradual improvement of the grounds may be carried out success- fully. LYCEUM THEATRE 66 1 Also Buster Keaton in the "Blacksmith" All Children ttncier xa years of. age will be admitted free on aThursday Night if 'accompanied by parent•or gardian. WEfi'lllNESIDAY AND THURSDAY re 's•: of the ust" Pei , i!® lyne story of rite Great 1 t. �°tll4Wes FRI.;llrAY AND SATURDAY ILL a ;,'', ri FARN U M IN "MOONSHINE VALLEY” A thrilling story of a had iron's come hack. Also L Oh!'i Lane in "AllWet". ON AY AN TUESDAY \IK MAYO IN "THE I DEGREE" The story of an amazing confession. Als,n: "The New Leather Pushers" in sic r i unds, Reginal Denny as "Young King Cole" /IUII.UIIIINAUUMOMMIIMMOMMIENNIMMANAIN N11�B1�•,, ivilim angifiiglti61111i lI ntli1g1 isol1!19111�61IlA,lII�I111�11N1 mictl�AllN� too 1 highestWe pay prices ENT COME AND PROVE OUR S'l`.t�'1[`E11� tie also buy Eggs and Poultry. 1 n .. +d.. ,., • in _. atri , . Phone 271' is IWI➢llll l"a'ilkli ll' i' ICEDjl�a+tlutC m " 1 111 I Iillih111i11iIS11110t!t'0111111111 111! 1111 1111,111064111111111011,111 ![�1I111111N11111Nl11�III11111111111111M1111111111� 11 I I