HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-15, Page 1'
„ aelerefr4let: meeliereenT fan 4
Single COplee, FoUr Cents,
, the Editur av the Advance, .
eer Sul,—
Av emerse ye wuddent be afther ix-
piektin much av letther from me
this wake whin I he' awl thiln Chan-
inaytins to attind. Shure' are
eller shanudia. a forve shpot fer tickits
fer triesilf an the rriissus 1 wuddent
• want, to miss army av •the intertain-
• enints, at all, at all. An good shows
• They are,' barrin webby that some av
• thim heir rather too much av a Yankee
-flavor to suit an,' buld Britisher and
Tory 'pike mesilf. ,Whin wns wat-
, chin that fellah on Sathurday noight
• change his face so often, I- wus slitreck
wid • the idea ay what a good pollyti-
elm!). he wed inakee-aishpishially-a Grit
wen, An the lad telt" the talkin dolls
wed make a: foine layder fer, stelae,
• they eves ,oily stmakin what he made
'aim say loike. the back binchers in
Parliamint. An the spache ay the
Judge• wus purty fair, forbye a few
chesteuts had heard befoor
frurn ree bye that what te France -evid
the arrmy, He tould us it wus honest
• areaeenorable fer Great Britain to pay
• ;her debts,' but didn't say -if he tought
wus. daycent fer his counthry to
eake,the money, ishpishially that part
:a.v it that wus shpint fer •inunishuns
•dafther the United Shtates wint into
the war an wus e full parthner, so to
-sltpake: I don't: mane what Britain
sbpint -fer her own arrrny, but what
she shpint fer .the othir niimbers av
'the firm wit° cuddent pay fer thiin
thimailves. The prisint •situasItun .is
this; Great. Britain an awl the British.
• Dominions are payin.M. full, Germany
'has. ividintly .paid awl she iutinds to
pay, Franee wont pay till she gits the
...money Out -ate Gerrilailye an none av
•tbe other counthries can pay at all,
at ell, barrin Uncle Sena, who got
• rich out ay the war, an has mosht av
the gowld av the wurruld pock -
its. 'Twas a- quare war iatoire wid
• Britain carryla the heavy ind av- it, an
, • thin Payiti the ixpinses av both soides,
ter that is what it cones to in the ind,
an gettin not-hin out av it but a It av
cirnitaries in France an Flanderi, an
• , -mandates over haythen counthries she
orlidn't na.de, an that do be coshtin
••Tn.() Pc to hould an civilize than they
arae,worth, ivir will be.
STiure, I didn't intind to be wand -
away from me subject in that
e. •way. shtarted put to wroite about
• the maytina in the big tint, an want
to say that they are good, an nobody
•,• shud miss thien, a.vea if the talent
• comes frurn the Shtates. Don't be
tinkin I. hey annyting agirz the
• ,pa.yPle av the Shtates personally. Whin
• -eye mate thim as, man to man' they are
•good fellahe. I shpint two years in
-Missouri, whin a young man, anethe
• ixpayrience got droivin mules in
that SI -gate his been useful to me ivir
• Since. Witlotit it I nisir wud liev been
so successful ayther ha.rse thradin
•or poll3cticks, Mosht av min are loike
inules fer shtubbornness, but ye kin
gita lot out av thin], if ye wurruk. thim
roight, an kape „otit out ay.' the way
•-w.hin they kick.
a rnusht,clo'se fer 'the missus
is aiurryin me up to put on a clane
tailar befoor-goin to the Chautauqua
• dutirtairimint. • Am sorry this is so
• short letther, but niebby I wroite.
'ario6re nixt toirrie.
,Yours till nixt wake,
'Timothy Hay.
AUCTION SALE—Household ef-
fects consisting of chairs tables, side -
"'board, stoves, bed -room furniture,
•••and Other effects, at the residence
•of Mrs. Carrick, John St., on Sat-
• urday, August 25th at Po'clock-.
T. R. Bennett, Auct,
• .AUCTION. SALE--Futniture and a
• quantity of Fruit at the Queens Ho-
• tel, on Sat,, Sept. est. Considerable
valuable furniture, also I Ford in
good condition. Z. Lockman, Prop.
T. R Bennett Auct.
VOR-SALE--e-One good 'second head
• pump, 35 feet. piping. Apply to
• Jesse Button.
FOR SALE—Cer of C:erncet, just
arrived. Apply La I -I, 13osman,
Bluevale. Phone 32-61o,
FOR SALE --- Well bred Shorthorn
Cow,. 5 years old, supposed to be
• in calf. Apply- to, j. E. Wright,
Lower Wingham.
FOR SALE—A snap for geick sale
a eonple of 32x3i Aero Cushion Tir-
es with good. easings, Robertson's,
Garage, •
TENDERS—Will be received oti-de
before Monday, August 2oth, for the
caretaking of S. S. No. 8, East Wa-
wanosh. Further particulars on ap-
plication to the secretary, Robt.
Scott, Belgrave, Ont,
—For bargains in used cars; Ford
touring, 19.18, Hasler shotle abserb-
ere, 3 new time, lieteee, engine just
overhauled, less than $200.;• Pont
roadster ht fair condition, tires gotid
$roo or treatest offer; /921
• roadster With commercial box start -
et, in splendid running order, 3 new
tireenlees than $30; 2 good lieed
Coupes g right prices.
ItOR $ALE, — An iron force Pump,
brOs •cyliftder) 50 feet of pipe,.
• as gdnd as new. W. Clendearting,
Whale St
WANTF.1,D—A Saleslady, one with
expenenee peeferred, Apply in
Wil'ititg. only, • W. Greer.
Los,s to Planning of
About $xo,000 •
,• A serious fite occurred at Myth an
rTitesday at noon, when the planing
mills caught fire and were completeely
destroyed. Mr. Cockerline, one of
the proprietors, left the building • at
12 noon, when everything was appar-
ently safe. When he returned 12.45
he discovered the place full of smoke.
He immediately phoned to the engin-
eer of the fire company arid shortly
afterwards the. fire bell rang.
It was only a short time before
water was playing on the flames, but
they had such a start that nothing
could save the building and all the
firemen could hope to do was to save
the stock, which they managed to a
certain extent.
The loss will be about $ro,000, with
insurance of only $2,000. It is a se-
vere loss to the town as the mills
kept quite a number of hands employ-
ed and as yet the firm has not de-
cided whether or not to rebuild.
Married at Delhi
Mr, George Muir of Turnberry was
united iri marriage at Delhi, Ont., on
Wednesday last to Miss Dalton, Mrs.
'Robe Meir and Mrs. Thos. Wallace
attended the wedding.
• North End Grocery Sold
Mr. W. C, Armstrong, who recently
sold his blaCksinith business to Mr.
Chas. jobb, has decided to remain in
Wingham, haspurcha.sed the North
End Gre.).cery from D. Watson & Son.
We understand that Mr. Watson has
not decided what he will do, or wheth-
er he will remain in Winghain• or not,
Married in Toronto •
couple of Wm ghain s popular
young people were mar,ried in Toron-
to, on Saturday, in the person of Miss
Ellen Feline Breen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Breen -of Turnberry,
to Mr. Roy Gordon Gannett, son of
Mr: and Mrs. William Gannett of
Wingham. •-
The Ad-vance extends congratula-
tions and best wishes.
Fine Country Residence on Fire
On Tuesday afternoon the red
brick residence Of Mr, W. J. Hender-
son Bluevale • Road, mysteriously
caught fire. When Mr. W. a, Boyce
was on his way to town he noticed a
blaze near the roof and he and his
assistage,,drove the „ Hendereon
farm and 'greatly assisted in putting
out the fire. The flames had worked
through between the walls and. several
bricks had to be -pulled out before
the fire could be reached. It is esti-.
mated that the loss will amount to
82oo. It was indeed fortunate that
the fla.mes were got under control.
Regular Lions Luncheon.
The Lions Club held their regular
fortnightly luncheon on Friday even-
ing at the Brunswick Hotel. Lion
R. S. Williams and Lion A. J. Walk-
er were in charge of the luncheon and
entertainment. Mr. John W. King,
M. P, gave a short talk on the doings
at "Partiament and Mr. G. F. Ronald
of Toronto, gave an iigeresting ac-
count of a recent visit to the West
Indies. Mr, W. H. Willis presided
at the piano, The Lions presented
T ach Kennedy with a club bag and an
address prior to his moving to Toron-
to, Mr, Kennedy made' an appro-
priate reply thanking the members
for their kindness.
W. M. S. pin found on the street.
Owner' may have same by calling at
The Advance,
Residence of the late J. J Cunning-
liam for sale or rent. Apply at resi-
dence or to Frank AilcContiell, auc-
Remember the Orange deco ratibn
service on Sunday next, August reth
at 3p. in. All orangemen are invited
to attend. Cut flowers wilrbe carried.
Auto Cover Put, in Ford Coupe by
mistake. on •Thursdaya Would . the
perty -finding it in. their car kindly
leave with L. ,Kennedar.
The people who do the loudest talk
about the money the Chautauqua take
out of the v3cinity are in most eases
the people who send the most of their
money to the mail order houses,
Ma, j. G. Stewart, real estate dealer,
reports the sale of Miss Mulvey's resi-
dence on Carling Terrace, to Mr. J.
W. .Brown of Sudbury. Mr. Brown
and family will move to Wingliam,
about the 1st of October.
Mr, Richard Wilton of Turnberry
Was the judge cif the Oat fields in the
Meld Crap Competitions at Chesley
and Hepworth last week. Dick knows
good oats when he sees them and
we'll venture he left the score with
each prize winner too arid told him
why he had docked any points.
Coats--Snits—A display from the
best manufacterets of Montreal and
New York Models. • We are also
showing e much larger ratige this sea-
son than ever, Only the best popu-
lar price. You are welcome to..visit
our ready to wear department• ,
Hatine. & Co
• A very enjoyable everting 'wee
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Haery Allen Tufnberty, 13, Line, Mon-
day, Aufgut 6th, when Dr, Mintie
Reid Allen entertained a riiiinber of
girl friands.,, The Oetasion being a
fattcy cup arid sancer shower. for Rete
Walker. Daring the evening , there
was sanieg and triuSic after which a
dahty 11111600a Was terired.
' ' • ' , , . • .
• Mr, Jas. G. Fyfe of Shelbourne, is Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gamier mid
e n -wnto. !baby, of Windsor, spent fhe weelc-end
• a°quaintan9 Ileft Geo. Atieley Osbawai1 M d M: rs Gershom Johnim
of , s visit- witha." an
irig with his mother, Mrs. J. Ansley. Miss t An -or
Annie Breer has returned to
Miss Ada Haines spent a few day
' tawriefter vieithig with friends in
Iasi week ,with Gerrie friends. Londo•
e. for the Past few weeks,
d,„iss Mildred Musgrove is spending
Chas.1 isiQuirk, of Buffalo, is visit-
ing 1fath r,Mr. John Quirk,
a: week in. London, • Diagonal Road,
M. C. S. VanNorman is at his '
home here. Miss Bernice Thibideau visited
Listowelon '':Vriesday and brought
Miss Myrtle Bennett spent Satur-1
her cousin Miss Una Carder home
day at Orangeville.
Mr. Stanley Hutchinson is visiting with her.
•friends in Toronto and Alliston. Mr. anel Mrs, "Wallace and their son
Miss Ruby Clark of Toronto is visit- Bruce and Mrs. Schlegel of •'Toronto
ing with her sister, Mrs.O. V. Hayden. irnotored to Wingham and spent the
' Miss Loretta Sturdy of Galt ' week with Mrs, MeGavin.
visiting at her home here, . I Mr. E. Hinton Of 'l'orcnito, also Mr.
Mrs. D. L. Dinsley, and son., Jack are and Mrs. W. lVfacDonald of Bronte,
visiting in Owen Sound. motored up and spent the week -end
with their friend) Miss Hazel Little,
Mrs. Robt. Beattie visited in Tor-.
ordo last week. .• Mr. Anson Robinson of Atwood,
Mrs, Robt, McGee and son Jack, renewed anclnaintances Wingnaln
spent last week at Kincardine beach. •this week. Mr, Robinson is manag,er
Miss Francis Edgar is visiting in of the Bank of Hamilton at Atwood-
Kitcheuer. Mr. Win. Sirripson of Chicago and
Mrs. Boyd is visiting with her dau- ' Miss Annie Shemson of Bassana, Alta
ghter, Mrs Ivlanning i London,are visiting their, sister, Mrs. A. H.
Miss Margaret McLean of Toronto Musgrove. "
is visiting'at her home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elliott and son,
Or. and Mrs. Ford and son, Frank,. Clark of Belrnore, visited with Mr.
are camping at Point Clark,. and Mrs. Gershorn Johnston, East Wa-
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thonipson of
Toronto ,spent last week at thelrorne Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tindall aeft on
of Mr. and Mrs. 0, V. Hayden. • Wednesday morning for a throe
-avfass Viola .1saed. of Toronto is months visit with relatives at Indian
isiPeie.ending her holidaYs at hHead, Sask:
her home'
• • Masters Dean and Stewart • Scott
• Mr. Chas. Quirk of Buffalo, is visit- spent'a few days at the home of their
ing ;with his father, Mr. John Quirk sister, Mrs. George McEwen at Gode-
Diagonal Road.
Mr. G. H. Mooney and family -of D. Lownsberry and Dr. Wesley
Ripley, spent Sunday at the home of Jackson motored from Philadelphia,
Mrs. T. L. Jobb. - and are visiting at the home of Mr.
Master Harvey Cunneyarorth of and Mrs. Thomas Scott.
Toronto, is visiting at the home of his Mrs. John Ritchie has returned home
grandfatber, Mr. J. Little. after spending a month with friends
Mr. an Mrs. 011ie Thompson and in Point Savior, Stephen's Bay, Mus -
sons, Rae and Jim are spending the koka.
week in Stratford and London, • Miss Agnes McDOnald of Detroit
Miss Charlotte Styles from Nia- and Mr. ,Harold Newcombe of Gode-
gara Falls, is visiting her- friend, Miss ' rich, visited at Stewart Cowan's on
Harriette Sutton.-
'1°Htilt.S.13AYI A'liGUST 15.th, 1923
Mrs, A. E. Simmons of Brandon, 1 Mr. arid -Mrs. Gerry Willis and daii-
Man., is visiting with Mrs. H. Hins- ghter Dorothy of Toronto are visit-
. . 1 Sunday.
ling with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Hill of Toronto, is visiting T 1-1 Willis-,
Witr-lieldieleitlier, Mrs. Ca:Prick, John . Ur. and Mrs, d'eb. Fund of Tee -
1 onto visited. :at the 'home of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Crops of Brook - Mrs. Robt'. Jeffrey, Glenarmon the past
lyn, Ont., are Visiting at 'the home of week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currie. • Mr. Clark Hayden of Elora; under -
Mrs . F. B. Stearns . of Painsville, I went a critical c.peration in Guelph
Ohio, is visiting with her parents, General Hospital last week. Mr. Hay -
Reeve and Mrs. Tipling, Leopold St. den is a brother of Mr. 0. V. Hay -
Mr. Ernest and Arth'ur Agnew of den 6f 1Wing.halm
London are visiting their. uncle and Mr: Thos. Walters of East Tawas,
aunt, air. and Mrs'. Chas.Sutton.'Mich., is visiting with, his sister, Mrs,
1 1LT14a
A, 11srleriers left these parts for East
Mr. Harry Austin of Erie is at
pre- It is over forty years
sent relieving as operator at the C.P.R.
1 Tawas,dieting Mr. Hutchinson absence.
Miss Ea.fescliffe Musgroveof113uf-
Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Cook visted.,falo Homeopathic Hospital is spend -
with their son, Cecil at , Pe Huron, lag her holidays at the home of h.er
last week. .
I parents, Mr, and Mrs. Aa H. Mus -
Miss Dorothy Randall of Stratford,' grove, .
is visiting with her friend, Miss Etta) 'Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woods arid
Currie. ' (Laughter, Versa, oL.Grinieby, and Mrs.
Mrs Leckie and two daughters of 5, C. aelcie -atiA two ilntig-hters Tea -
Milton, are visiting with her mother, neve and Rfarioin of Milton, are visit -
Mrs. Thos. L. Jobb, Diagonal Road.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woods • of
Grimsby; are visiting withler mother,
Mrs. Thos. L, Jobb, Diagoual Road.
Mr,. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, spent a
day last week in. Clinton, 'visiting with
Mrs. T. J. MacLean and Miss Elean-
or, attended a wedding anniversary in
Arthur last week.• ,
Mr. George Boyd, spent his holi-
days, last week with his brother' Will
in Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs, . J. King of Ethel,
spent a day last week at the home of
his mother, Mrs, Wm. F. King.
Mrs. Wm. Hickie of Owen Sound
spent a few days with her inother Mrs.
King, Lower Wingliam,
Miss Annie Tayloe of Blyth, spent
the week -end with her friend, Miss.
Christie Robertson.
Miss Dprothy Bugg of Toronto is
visiting her cousin Miss Alba Gal-
Miss M. Oliver is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry William
Patrick Street,
Miss Bernice Thibideau and Miss
ing their mother Mrs. T. R. Jobb,
Mr. John Ratz of Golden Valley,
Parry Sound, and Miss Lavina 'Car-
rick of Wingham, spent the week -end
at the latter's home, and called on
friends in Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bugg and faMily
of Toronto, have spent the past week
visiting at,the home of Mr, John Gal-
braith. Some fifteen years Mr. Bugg
owned, the hardware and tin shop now
owned by Mr. W. J. Boyce.
Mr, Wig Gnest and daughter Miss
Verna, left on Tuesday for a trip to
Vancouver. They will take the boat
at Sarnia. We all wish them a pleas-
ant holiday and a safe return.
Miss 'Jane M. Stanley of Detroit
visited a few days last week with her
sister, 'Mrs. Wm. J. Shoebottom,
of town and on their return will visit
friends at Seaforth anct, Grand Bend.
Mr, and Mrs. Robertlalack of Wrox-
eter, announce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Margaret Jeanette
td M. Reginald 0. Pye, Toronto, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Pye, form-
erly of Harriston. The marriage to
take place August 25th.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo., M. Bildsen and
Agnes Hemtzman of town, were daughter, Marjonk of Alma, Mich.,
visitors in Listowel on Thursday. motored over and spent a few days
Mr. 1iind Mrs. • W. E. MahOod and at the home of the Misses Fleuty.
family of Kincardine spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. W. 5 Fleuty and son
the howe of Mr. J.. M. Graham. Harry accompanied them back to
Michigan on. Tuesday.
Mrs. We D. Button and children
have returned to their home at Van-
guard Sask., after spending a couple
of months with relatives in Whigham
Lucknow and Teeswater, 'They also
spent a few days in Winnipeg with
Mrs. Button's sister Mrs, Penmeigton.
'Miss Mary Park of Dungannon, is
enjoying her holidays with little Miss
Gertrude Deyell,
Mrs. 5, H. Sim of Stratford, re-
turned home'on ,1\ilonday ,after spend-
ing the past week at Mr, T. R.
Misses Maria and Estella Bennett
are visiting friends at Ballantyne Ave.
Miss Jessie Thowsoti of Harriston,
spent a, few days last week With her
friend Miss Lavine King,
Mr, A. M. Crawford is ita Dutton
this week attending the funeral of his
Master Elliott Plews, Toroato, le
spending his holidays with his ceuSint
Elliott Johnston, EaSt Watvaiweia
Recruiting the 33rd.
General King, Officer Commanding
Military District N. was in towe
oil Thursday aed made final arrange-
ments for the reorganization and re-
cruitieg of the 33rd Battalion. A live
young company will be formed at
Wingham, and will reeeive pay for
probably two evenings drillieg each
week from now on 'during the fall attd
Whiter evenings, It also expected tha.t
Mr. W, 5, Boyee and Son ila.rold, the boys will foral a hockey club,
visitm ed London duringld
the •OEach recruitwill he giVen a rifle aild
„ „
I-Totne Week. I -le met several other- there be pienty at anwintlitien
ix/embers of his family and old aeeo- for practice. Reetuits should apply
ciatea at the re-aelen. to Lieut. Retry Towne.
Bones of Indian Well Preserved
in Gravel Pit '
While getting gravel out of Henry
Sellers' gravel pit on the 3r4 line of
Morris, one day last week, Mr, Jos.
Hogg-, cattle upon the skeleton of an
Indian, The 'teeth. were well preserv-
ed and the ,bones„ measured over siX
feet in length.. 'Thera/were also sever-
lhe gernains of this Indian must it Full weight Chocolate Bars„.7 for , ,2
al arrow heeds found, nearby.
'have been buried about one hundred a- .
, Sniteeriptions ,$°,00 vier yor.••
Years ago, as the oldest settlers do Maxixe Cherries (Chocolate eicrverocl) 011B
net remember anything of any person al cl Took 69c it
.being buried in that, vicinity.
- The men: an this beat of statute el,
labor reburied the bones very rever-
Prices Away Down -
At the Teri Days Clearance Sale 11
25c Vtu.sh .
of Tsard & Co, big value in Men's F.,. • A T oth
and Boys' clothiner, You will +make LE
worth savings
while at this sale.
P-• With every purchase of a tube of "Kienzo" •
Dent al Cream
Purchased Brucefield Store ft
, g iry w to was ora ime
clerking in A. 5. Ross' hardware, has
purchased a general store in 13ruce-
field. Hugh's many Wingharn friends
will wish him success.
Whitechurch Creamery Sold
The Start Bros. who purchased the
Whitechurch Creamery a few months
ago have disposed of it to Mr. Bar-
ber of Seaforth. Since corning to
Whitechurch front Hamilton the Start
Bros. have become very 'popular and
their removal will be regretted.
Another Queer Duck
Mr. Wm. Rome, of the 8th. .Con.
west, has a-. lively young duck that is
a sure enough freak, and when the
editor saw it on Tuesday it was quite
lively. It has- four perfect feet and
legs, the extra legs coming out above
the natural ones, but the tail or hind
end of the body is a bit twisted to the
right,, It used both feet on the right
side, but the left foot sticks up so high
to be of any use. It is over a week
old and seems geite healthy.—Tees-
water News.
McLennan—Walker Nuptials
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Methodist Parsonage, Wingham,
Wednesday, August 8th., when Reta
Gertrude, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geerge Walker, Turnberry,
became the bride of David McLennan
of Grey. The bride wore a lovely
goaan of grey all-tyme crepe, hat and
shoes to match with corsage hoquet
of pink carnations and fern. They
were assisted by Sara McLennan sis-
ter of the groom and Norman Walk-
er brother of the bride.
After the ceremony the happy
couple returned to the bride's home
where a dainty breakfast was served:
The dining room being prettily decor-
ated in pale pink and white.
Mr., and Mrs. 1VIcLennan left later
for points East, the bride wearing a
navy tricotine suit with grey hat and
shoes and fitch choker. On their re-
turn they wilt reside on the groom's
farm, 2nd Grey.
Pretty August Wedding
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cur-
rie, Catherine St., Wingham, on Wed-
nesday morning, August esth, when
their youngest claudger, Jean T., be-
caine the bride of Mr. Arthur Bieman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Bieman of
Kincardine. The home was daintily
decorated in white and mauve. The
bride was given away by her father,
and wore a gown of navy canton crepe
with grey hat to match. She carried
a shower baguet of Ophclia roses.
The bride and groom were unattended
and the ceremony was performed by
Rev, Dr. Perrie, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Fitch of Astabula, Ohio, cousin of the
bride, Lohengrin's wedding march
was played by Miss Elizabeth Gil-
.After the ceremony a buffett lunch-
eon was served. The happy young
couple left ot a motor trip, and upon
their return will reside in Kincardine.
The many beautiful presents testi-
fied to the esteem in which the bride
is held by her many friends.
Wingham Baseball Team Are Now
in Semi Finals
Wingliam baseball team are now on
a fair way to win the North Welling-
ton Championship, On Thursday
afternoon they defeated the Palmer-
ston team, their only rivals for group
honors by the one-sided score of 18
to 5, in the Wingham town park. The
Palmerston team made their only run
in the first innings and from that on
Wingham boys had things their own
way, A goodly Crowd of Palmerston
spectators came up with the boys.
Wingham boys are to play the first
game of the semi-finals in Stratford
on Friday wheu they play against
In the Thursday game here Win.
Morden pitched one of his old. time
games arid had the visitors pawing
in the air, Hall landed on the pill
once scoring a home rue. Irwin and
Geddes each made three base hits
twice and two base hits were the or-
der of the day. As an umpire Rev.
Mr, Kellerman of Peisley is in a class
by himself. Fte is as good as the
beet we haa seen, Mr, Statiley Kemp
of Listowel gave good satisfaction as
base umpire.
We shouldesee sortie good ball in
Winghate during the next touttle of
week& Let's ali get behiad the Wing..
ham, boys ad help put the committee
on• their feet 1)q- 'giving thew our
shillings as Well as our sympathy,
. • '
CKit,b0119 s Drug Stc)re
7alear ..,e-reeRa „Vero
Phone 35
Wingham. Ont. •
James McGee Loses Barn, Crop,
mplemqtits and Hens
The fine barn belonging to Mr, Jas.
McGee, on the 1st line of Morris, was
completely destroyed by fire on Mon-
day evening, with all the season's create.
Mr. McGee was working in, the mow
making some repairs to the hay fork
track, when he accidentally upset the
lantern off a beamwhere he had plac-
ed it for safety. In a moment the hay
and oat straw was ignited and flames
were leaping ha all directions. The
toal contents of,the barn were burned
including most of his implements, all
the hens, hay and oats.
The loss will be very heavy as it is
only partially covered by insurance.
A -great many autos from co wn drove
out to see the fire,. two and a half rniles
but nothing could be done to save the
Wingham Boy is Successful
Doubtless the following clipping
from the Iola, Kansas, Daily Register
will be of interest to many of our
readers. Mr. Ernest L. Bloomfield
mentioned below is a son of Mrs. E.
Bloomfield, Edward St. and another
old Wingham boy who is making
good and to whom we wish to ex-
tend congratulations,
and Mrs. E. L. Bloornfield
have come to Iola to make their
home. They came here from Fort
Worth, Texas where Mr. Bloomfield
has been superintendent of the E. H.
Keller Auto Works for the past seven
montlia. Mr. Bloomfield is an expert
painter having been employed in the
paint department of the Buick factory
for six and one-half years, in the I
Packard factory for seven years and
in the Studebaker factory for four
years. He was paint engineer arid
manager of the paint department for
the W. R. Lantz Mfg. and Supply
Company, the largest painting shop
in Oklahoma located at Muskogee,
for two and one-half years. Mr.
Bloomfield is associated with Will -
helm and Hughey, first class auto-
mobile painters, located over the
McCarty Machine Shops on South
Grain Turning Out Well
Crops in general through this dis-
trict are the best to be found in Wes- •,
tern Ontario. In Howick Mr. John d
Watters of Orange Hill; tltreslted
about eoel' bushels of grain of it fail=
sample from 21 acres of wheat. ,
Married at Bluevale
A quiet wedding took place at the 1
August 8th, when Meurena Campbell, '
bursts at Crawford's garage; an Sat -4
up by hand with a new pump until it •
A new Dunlop tube will be blow
urday -evening at 9.30. A new tube
will be given free to the first person
• ,
manse in Bluevale, on Wednesday,'
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. John
Campbell of Wingham, was united in
marriage to Mr. Thomas Rettingere
section foreman, of Guelph. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. IV/r..
Tate, in the presence of the parents
of the bride and groom.
Giving Away a Tube
guessing the nearest to the exaci iintn-
ber of strokes required to do so. Alf
car owners have the privilege of put-
ting in a free guess. Drop in.
Motoring Through Scotland
. Mr. W. H. Rintoul received a new-
sy letter from Dr. A. 5. Irwin who
was at the time of writing in Chester-
field, England. The doctor's rnany-
friencls her will he pleased to know
that Mrs. Irwin, Arthur and himself
are in good health. The doctor se-
cured a two cylinder Jewitt auto to •
travel about the old country in. He
explains it as a three seated auto with
a ninety inch wheel base, and can
easily go ao miles per hour. It has
osetsalLermobtrienoiset is
eastyra Fordcrank
, aAnd
a saver of gaSoline it is in the first
rank for they drove 136 miles on 3i
gal of gas'. The Irwin family have
motored nearly moo miles in Scot-
land, along Loch Lomond down to
Ayr, (the country of Bobbie Burns)
up to Loch Tay by Stirling. Other
places visited were Edinburgh, Perth,
Aberfeldy, Montrose, Aberbrothoda
and many others of note.
At Banff Mrs. Irwin hunted up
several cousins and Arthur took snaps •
of the fisherman's cottage, the birth-
place of his grandfather.
• Clea
Child's Barefoot
Sa dais 95c
LADIES' STRAP elp dip tz
58 pairs Patent Colt and Black
Calf Strap Slippers, low and me-
dium heels, reg. $4.50 2 *95
and $6.0o, on sale
Ladies' Canvas Slipp-
ers and 0x/or& 1 98
so pairs White Canvas Slippers
and. Oxfords, sorne Patent tritn-
med high-grade Shoes, regular
$3.25 and $4..oa, 8ale 1 0 gi
Price A.**1.1"V
Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers
$14,25 to $2.00 •
Measis Oxf0rds, Sale an Men's 'Orel)" Welrlt tla
Price . 10**1,11117 Bobts, sale pride .... 6 Vi
MeleS and .oys" "Fleet Foot" all on Sale
W. J„ C;ItEE