HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-09, Page 4t fed at "Int Oita, Ontario vet'!y. Thllradaa Mernin0 Q it2ITi 1?'ubliaher 1?t Ala ` rates; -- QLio year, pt11' alb put tithe, $1.09 to 'advance. ,vet`ti Tin retee on application., dverideentents without„speckle di - r 'dice:es Will lie inserted until forbid ehargesi, accordingly, d 9tna +s~hanges : for coutraet. ,adv rt Beta be in the office 1)y noon, 1',o-.. YC BUSINESS CARDS ,Wellington Mutual Firs Insurance Co.. Established 1840 1;ead Of71oa, Guelph 1s15s, teken on, all classes of insur- able property ma the cashor premium note system. •" ABNER CO&1~i,NS, Agent, Wiugham DUDLEY IIOLNIES ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. V sea,ar - and Other SolidsBought and Sold. Office -•-Mayor Block, WinghAfl 11ANSTONE BARRISTER" AND .SOL-ICITOR Money to . tame at Lowest Rates- WINGHAM DRg G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dents! Surgeons • Grsduete University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry FFtGE OVER H, E. ISARD'S STORE TIM WINollAb ,A RVA NCIH;'. Et c .or'own Poo* Making air James. Jumpl An excellent story cone ruing the persistent attempts of an American War to interview $lr Jalutes Barrie is beiiag told, I go I simply -oust see him before back,” said the Annerioen lady. "I want to tell him how 'greatly I admire hi= and hie work, bet nobody will help me. I have introductions to several of his personal friends, but they all say he would not like it, and would think • them unfriendly if they attempted to Introduce me to him. Oue friend of his -made a most ridiculous suggestion. Ike said that my only way was to go to Six James's ohambeee, sit down out- side the door, and make a .noise Hike a ,lost child. If Sir James heard me, he said, he would be touched and open the door to look out, 'and would so be delivered into my hands. `+ `But,' I asked, 'what would be think when he saw me, a middle-aged woman, behaving like that?' well,' said Mr. X., 'you must erica, told the writer the other even- be tactful. Didn't you say your daugb- ing his secret for keeping his kande ter had written to him for his auto. graph? Well, you must get up at once VV. w 111 11111)12 1 B.Sc, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and. Children. baying taken list; your hair had been clearly last postgraduate work in Surgery, Bac- cut by a barber of the South of France. I put these indications together, and— I sawyour name on your luggage!" "News of the Weak." "I never tattenapted to make a for- tune hi my life. There is only ons sure rood to niaceeese That is the road of service,` "1 dop t believe in the theory r .ot. thrift as a uecessrry basis for a for tune. A mean should always save enough to provide for certain neves- shies ---sickness, to seetere a home, and 510 on—on the same basis that a -ran should not take a railway trip without haying money' enough to buy a return ticket. "Mon mild women should devote their lives until they are at least forty to one ideal—that of.. inakiieg themselves as efficient as poseible in their bust - !MSS or profession. If they do that they will make so much money after they are forty that all the money they scrimped for and eaved before they were fatty won't matter." Paderewskis Hands. The king of pianiets, M. lladerew- ski, who recently returned from Arne- supple. "The night before I play I turn my and exclaim with dignity, "I under -hands over to my valet, and he rubs stand you'have been corresponding 1 my fingers until they tingle," M. Pad - with my daughter, and I. am here to erewski said, know what it means." "Then he takes one finger after the 1 in the "'Naturally, he will not want to ars- other and turns and twists it cuss such a :matter on the landing, palm of his hand, always turning the and will ask you inside; and there you one way. That makes the, fingers sup - are.'" pie,' and keeps the knuckles in good working ceder. "Then he rubs the palm of each hand very hard—as hard as I can bear it. Just before I go on the platform to play I have a basin of hot water brought to my dressing -room. In this I immerse' my hands. "Hot! I should say so; just about 9.s hot as itis possible for a maul to stand it."' The Gabby Scoredi A joke was played on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by a French taxicab dri- ver recently. The man had driven the world-famous creator of "Sherlock Holmes" from the station to the hotel, and when he received his fare he said, "Merci, M. Conan Doyle!' "Wiry, how do'yoia know my name?" asked Sir Arthur. "Well sir, 1 have Been in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris; your general -ap- pearance told me that you were Eng- teriologe and Scientific Medicine_ Office to the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's Hotel end the Saptist Church. :iii business given careful attention. Phone 54..' P.O. Box 113 ® bL `The bachelor -author, George Ade, must have his fling at . marriage, and at a wedding the other day he said: "vire bachelors on an occasion like this n. rt Redmonda'f, tut r • are thought very little ,, b 1>e me to say that, were I editor of a newspaper, I should insert all mar- riages i,n a column headed 'News of the Weak,'" NI.R.C.S...(Eng ). L.R.C.P.'(Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO1' (Dr, Chisholm's old stand) L STEW Graduate of University. of Toronto, money before that age" Faculty of Medi -clue; Licentiate o, the saved any enteric College of Physicians and Mr. Henry Ford, the motor -car king, Surgeons- reputed now to be the richest man in Office Entrance: OFFICE' 14 Cl-HSHOLM BLOCK-. 4OSEF'H1NE STREET PHONE 20 How to Become a Millionaire,, "No man should start to make his fortune until he is forty. I never Y ii1L e General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto+, Faoulty of Medicine. Oilice Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones—Ofilce 281, Residence 151 OsteOphatic Physician the world, has been making observa- tions on the quickest and bappieat road to wealth. --AND i THE WORST IS YET TO COME Collarless Premier. Amusementhas been created in War- saw by the efforts of • e. Palish •mews- paper to open a "Cravat Fund" for 111. Witos, the peasant Premier, who' ab- stains from wearing either collas or +tis, . large sum in Polish marks was , stated to have been collected within twenty-four hours. The Minister, when presented with the subscription, declined to accept this token of the solicitude of his compatriots, and the sum was handed 1 car Red Cross. ' over to the a aSa7-141". 1V1-9+0 Neglecting the Best Crfli Iursclit , . iA.gust ?IISF hl j;i,. Lightning is one of Nature's `brae; 1 began to chafe otlaere ebout t'heil' fawrer• tieal-jokers, .teed there is no limit to and said he`Would show tba:na that, i the dramatic •tricks that it will eiala Daring a recent thunder -Storm a wo- men raised her arm to Close a winddw. There was a blinding, flash of Uglit, and, although no injury resulted, to the woman, her gold sieve bangle disRla- peai'ed! Not long ago, in Natal,' a duan was discovered tied in knots be lightning. One of his lege was intertwined with his arms, while the other leg was twisted round his neck. The nien re- covered and the Bents straightened out. .In Norwich liglitnJiig cut half an inch off the rim of an inverted,tumbler uninjua'ed, was 'ftiuncl standing guard on a'tnblo and left the tumbler sitting overthem. as it was; it wire done so neatly that Perhaps the Meet com'icai part eyes the glass might have been cut by a played on the dial of the clock four A much -laden apple t•ree was struck one need be afraid, 11 bemead, front of a floor and blear two bila+yts ora his horn, said, this' madlttrn •41axt nothing could itliui°e hin4, . 3o lis seized the horn and, standingin the deeln uY, blew a long blast•. 'Tine eci heft,' nk died away. when :a 11•ghtning ,fifesh• s'trucit him dead! None of tibe other men was touched. A 'grim discovery Woe made q i �tlie banks of the Mistsissippi ri.ver .after:a terrible storm. Two email boy's had set off to the river with •a: dog whiek • they intended to '•deown. Liglatnla'g struck these youths, and when allele` lifeless bodies were found the dog, diamond. The electricity also set the played by .11ghtning'•wee that.of cook, hours in advance of the true time without stopping .the crock. Lightning played a.. dramatic part during a meeting held by a provincial preacher, who had just asked his'aiidi by lightning during the night Next morning, when the owner;' iiiSpec,ted , the tree, he found that aj;rhe apples' had been evolved to a turn, and were all ready for breakfast! Durt'ng a storm in Texas t15"o INe- ence "11 ,lightning sthauld ,strike this gales and two' Mexicans were sitting tent to -night, how many would : be on a•'bench;; A halt of lightning struck ready for it?" There was thea,a flash ane of the Negroes, passed over the of lightning, which killed two meni. on, "the ,platform injured tato preacher dangerously, and knocked down e num- ber of .the listeners. In South Africa once several natives were cowering in a kraal during a beast. The sightless man regained his severe thunderstorm when one men vision, but the horse was blinded. Mexican between them, and struck the 'other Negro, killing both instantly. A- blind man 'was being led 'liy a horse along a country lane when a'., fleet of lightning etruilc both man and t • Morning. • "Canada needs more ancestral homes, more riveting of'families to a common spot; we shall have a better country, a finer patriotism and a high- er sense of responsrbility when we have formed the habit in Canada of clinging through many generations to the same spot of land. The city may be well enough as plaos to be young. in, but . not for the years of wisdom that should come with the mellowing of age." In them anxiety to pay off the mort- gage or to buy mare land or build an- other barn or silo, many a farmer and his wife lose sight of the only farna. product that is of lasting benefit to them -the boys and girls. By the time the desired end for which the parents have toiled is attained, the boys and girls' have become men and women. And .remembering the long hours of toil that eeey endured, iii: c- ticall-y without remuneration. and the absence of any real plan for recrea- tion and amusement, these young people have rebelled against their mode of , living and have gone` to the towns and cities. Here they find wages better, hours shorter, compan- ionship and recreation more acoess'ible. With the increasing shortage of farm labor and the laecessiey for greater production, it behooves every farmer Carpentier—Shipowner. So keen are Georges Carpentier and Francois Des+camps, his friend and manager, on everything British that their daughters are both to be edit-; ca.ted in English schools. De -scamps is also keen for his boy to be sent to an English public school. There is now also the firm of Car- pentier and Bas :amps, fishing -boat owners. Georges and Francois have invested money in three big French trawlers, which do paying v'vork along the coast of Boulogne. 111/ A PitRICFR roan: - a_A71e E szeaseeiee -- P I .M. ()STE°Pa'rHIC PHYSICIAN �1 r l p y, :t Osteo ath Electricity. Alt diseases Too Many Do. treated. Ofilee adjoining residence. Centre Street,` nest Anglican Church (former ly T)r. MacDonald's). Phone 272. Office closed on Monday and Wednes- day afternoon. DEUCLESS PHYSICIANS Dr. a IL OX CHIROPRACTOR s ?tike Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday Afternoons by . Appoint- ment ppointment only. Telepone 191. DR5 D. 11. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Ointments given for diseases et RII;. kinds, specialize in dealing with elrildrea. Lady attendant. Night calla responded to. °i tie on Scott 314 Winghain, Ont. (iia crouse of the late dao. Walker). Vetere, 2 to 8.;lii p.m. Evenings 7 to lam., and by eppolatment. Phone 150.. gab "That's a shady scheme!" "But think of the clear profit! and his wife to take shock of the equip - A Sugar Beet Harvester. meat of farm and home, in order to. It is said that a machine for topping lighten the tori and shorten the hours and digging sugar beets promises to of labor that are so surely driving the. eliminate much of the backbreaking work of harvesting. The apparatus just As I went striding •thro' the 'porch of afford to lose his boys and girls when he needs _them most. And, if improving the home and living condi- tions will tend to keep the young people on the farm, no farmer can of erd to neglect the home and the manner of living and thus lose the faanr'a bent meet, • drawn Into the green -walk, " the trembling horn Of an insect rover questing for the sew Brushed my ear. Then a fairy gun Snapt' in the brake wbere the small folk &weai. And an 'elfin watchman cried "All's well!' A Trifle Ambiguous. The Harkinses were entertaining two friends at dinner: Atter Mr. Har- kins had helped them to roast beef, he happened to glance at the other end of the table, where his wife sat,'. and observed to his horror, that the sugar bowl was the old one, with both handles broken off, that usually graced the dining table on wash days. • In vain he endeavored, by mysteri ous nods and Winks, to direct Mrs. Harldns' attention to it. She • i her did not see or would not see the muti- t'lo kind of talk now. again, "So yo' done lel' yo' service place?"Till all along the greenwood gwine tank t' meh lak he done talk to began to shout— was hout was out: efired. o "tenet le your occupation?" asked Straightway a stirring, And: clear down wind— Sharp as .little white teeth gnawing iemond-rind- Came the pin -point piping of a mass. couched wren, Day -was, at the haver and she dozed as `W sale— dare ain't no white man d . birds , open, his wife!" The wing -way was f 'then R The . ile su EMERGENCY 'ITT FOR AUTO. After one of us' had suffered blood- ' poisoning from a' slight eutreceived while changing a tire, we decided to take no move chances and set about immediately to get together a compact outfit for first aid treatment �,rur" list ' comprised' the following aitrcles ,`'Ad hesive tape, absorbent cotton, gauze' bandages, liquid court-plasteraro. matic spirits of: ammonia; hydrogen peroxide, :surgeon's disinfectant:' soap, iodine, boric acid, vaseline, scissors, sterilized pieces of old linen; sealedin a wax envelope, witch -hazel, healing ointment, baking -soda (for buries); mending tissue, , stain rentover, needles, thread and safety pins. The° articles were included last five. .• for rep airs to clothing. All dry compounds were packed in small boxes or' —Asa Davies:ears, as ` cardboard .mighttiro beCom$ young people from the farm. While the modern rural home may, cost more than the average farmer. resembles :a potato digger" in general feels that he can afford, yet he can not'. the judge sternly "I haven't any," replied. the man. "I just cir.n ate around, so to speak." "Please note," said the judge, turn- ing to the court clerk, "that this gentle- man is retired from circulation for e. outline, but in front of the lifts that remove the roots from the ground is a revolving disk twenty inches in dia- meter, so adjusted by a spring and r !ler. these it measures the cutting.. distance from the top of the beet in- stead of from the ground. Immediate- ly behind the disk are. two lifts that remove the beets from the ground and deliver them to an endless' chain eleva- tor that frees them of dirt and dumps them out behind the machine. As the top and head ofthe sugar beet con- tains an acid, that counteracts the sugar in the rest of the root, a bar - Teeter must measure the beets and, cut thein at the right place. crushed. All liquids were poured into tiny vials of uniform size, labeled,and aced in a tinwafer box; padded; Safety_ First or Never. cotton.pl- Care was taken always -towith set While so much is being' said about the box away so that the bottles were safety runes for factories, mines, street in an upright position. crossings lir the cities, on children's After castingabout: for a suitable A receptacle for all the things, we de - time for: farmers to consider. accident cried in favor of a large, heavy lea - time for then p oeket=book,' in vogue ten ;years p Every summer the newspapers re -;ago. It; was of ;convenient size and Resource is not an accomplish- - ment; it is the innate power of falling back upon oneself for new methods of meeting circum- stances. It is invention; it le courage it is doggedness—the practical expression of a mind that refuses to admit defeat: • Sure to Make Hie Mark. The son of the house had been home for his summer vacation, 'and Dick, the hired man of all work, had listened for hours to his tales of -college life. 'tSJhen the boy went back every mem- latedplsee of ware, and his patience' ber of the family tucked a paroei gave way at last. "Clara," he saki, with some sharp - nese, "do you think we ought to use a eugar bowl when we have company without ears on?" Her Eccentricity„ "Odd cr:tilre, isn't she?" "Oh, terribly so!! Why, elle owns right net that the reason they haven't a motor ,car is because they cannot afford 111" A Many -Sided Problem. ioversew icy:,, called a. young i ,other. i Yes, ma'am," came from the nurse.! it?hen the baby has finiehcd his 3 lay him ill the cradle on his aide, After -eating, a child Mienid 1 wales' li0 on the right side, That re -1 suets the pf`eseure on the heart. Still I fieetive1y) the liver L. on the right i Atka. Perhaps, atter all, you'd better i lay Mitac 00 the left side. No, I'm sure 1 the book:; ,said, "right side.' On the whole, 53ettee you May ley the baby' MI his back 'till i hsve looked up the ttiitlt,kor -hire the -140.3013t" ,I ele: !attic 'iitildes' tit thorough examine, tt •y'ottt^ et eti al pretubermrio ," Auld tine' llkrerioiegtst "hut 1 een:let' tell tee se _ ""Dotee xlo,t tnitl . Ptt1•, hu • lI 5est1 aria 't of itl."iti `"'• surreptitiously into his trunk, "I put something in there myself," said Dick, proudly, to one of the young daughters. 'I want the.t boy should make his Mark an the football team this year, sure." "What did you ,give hims ' asked the young girl, ;easing .that Dick longed to tell. 9 gave him my pair o' brass kmickles,," said Dick, in a toue of tri- umph. "I guess you can't beat that!" MIil T ,RUN U SOME DAY Some day you'll dwell in Easy et'eet, and live on pie and roasted veal, it you hump 'round on willing feet, and do your chores with eager zeal. The great rewards are given those who -view theft tasks with smiling eyss, who yearn not for the work- day's close, nor ciockward gaze, with .bitter' sighs. In Ea -5Y street you'll build your hut, With trees and srtifleial ponds, and every now and then you'll cut some nice- pink coupons from your bonds. Itt is a busy world and sloth won't get the voter - anywhere; the 1avy man is in the broth, he's never right side up with cure. Some day, if you have saved the scads, and placed` them safely in a can, you may indulge in costly fads and journey in a rich sedan. You'll' have provided for the time when you are old and glad to rest, and you will know it 15 sublime 'ba have,a well stocked treasure chest. Some day you'll heave three gasping pants, and then your useful life will cease, and you can leave your maiden aunts a • thousand bones or so apiece. So bravely work and wisely eave, be sane and thrifty to the end, for from the era -die to the grave, his bundle is a man's best friend, port accidents caused by Ism matools little room 'tin ills -seat-rail; " To 'chinery which has struck stumps or make everything' instantly-acce1milee boulders in fields that are being without rummaging, small pockets or plowed, ar cultivated, or cropped.. • - loops..of tape 'were sewed to the lining farmer• living near me almost lost a to hold all the smaller articles. leg when his mower guard's caught en a. low, hidden stump in the grass. An artery was severed and' he had a narrow escape, - - Of course, the stump should: have been marked in th-e early spring before the grass became high 'enough to _hide iL Bettes' still, it should have been blasted out and• gat rid of forever. Last summer an elderly rear was killed by being thrown off his binder against a transmission chain which caught .. his clothing and drew him into the machine: The• accident' was caused by w boulder against 'which the binder struck. After the accident the field was oleaved of stones. F. A. H. Ignorance. The doctor was calling on all Mrs, Canny. She wee'' not very 111, but she always had 'some, question to asir the doctor that had nothing to do with. her own case, "Doctor," sine said on dile ooc..sten, "can: you tell me 'why it le that s_onie people are born dumb?" The doctor thought tor ft moment. "Why - hem! -- certainly," he re- plied; ".it is owing to the fact that they tome antes the world w f tibowt the' lac-. ulty of speech." The ohl lady gazed at him in tidmir- ation 'laters; now," she remarked, "Now just see what it means to have .had a physic education, I asked Thomas mare than a bund: ed times sv-hy it was, and all he could say avas,'Cense they 102" Tell your friends about this emer- gency kit. There are "ed iiiany auto- mobile„_accidents and so many little things' caii' occur br a trife'that'to be prepared is wisdom. When you need something on an auto trip, the need is •real. ' KEEP 'MOTH`BAI:LS OTJT OF GASOLINE. - - RABBITBORO DIDN'T '•eO1) S � Me. Wl', E To {oU J That. old superstitions are dying hard is shown by the fact that there still are people who believe that the addition of• camphor -to the fuel will produce wonderful power, save gaso- line or free the engine -from carbon. When you add camphor to your gasoline you simply add another pro- lific producer of carbon to it. Besides, the camphor bails that are sold in drug stores are usually not camphor, but naphthaline; which will. do ino e In the way of sooting the • combustion space of an engine, than the richest fuel mixture. It is -best to steer clear of all these expedients. And many ere'.proud of that. "Are 'You richenough fie way `slay.'; tailor' ?" 1 "No; 'my,bootlegger' is the: best 1.v t tan do." :YES ,Of COURSE ; BUT I'M • NOT `i`Hf'l: KIND A OF A 1At5.131T ? ! nth