HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-09, Page 3IT 44. 41 ThuradaYN August 4th., r9 salsga � ••••iii�i�ii1�MMisiMii■�N■NNI�1�IMS�NN�II�iI1I�IM 124 la The House C) Qualit NIII SI ■ ■ pecia: Summer. a UE'S Goods ■ ■ MESSALINE SILK A fine quality Messaline. Si11t with a soft finish exceptional for dresses, Navy, Saphire and Jap Blue, Taupe; and Grey,3 6 in. wide. Regular value $2.50, at $1.95 a yard. BLACK DUCHESS Extra 'hey Black Duchess Satin, our own special, guaran- teed quality, 36 in.: wide, reg. ' $3.so. at $2.95 a yard. CORSETS $1.00 D & A Corsets in a special clearance line from our regular stock,•,made Of white email, siz- es 20 to 30. Regular $i,75 to 2.25, to clear at $i.00 pair. VESTS 25c Ladies' and Misses' Vests in New Collar Pleatings at__.... ■ short and ;no sleeves and straps, goc and $1.00 yd. ■+ in sizes 36 to q.2.. Regular 35c • •• all and 4oc, special 25c each. • Gingham Dresses 2.19, '2.95IN • ■ ■ �./ • ■ LI . OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST OUR PRICES RIGHT immilisI■simmomm■issmonIuR■lRam u mamil r VESTS 49c Ladies' fine quality Vesta, in . shortand no sleeves, sizes 38;to 42, Regular 6oc and /5c values at 49e. BLOOMERS Ladies' fine • cotton bloomers in pink and white, sizes 36 to 40. A special clearance line at 5oc pair: , BRASSII✓RES 49c A special clearance line of Brassieres in pink and white, made frofn fine white cotton and cotton jersey cloth,all sizes, re- gular value 6oc and 75c for 4gc. Ginghanis 25c and 32C yd. mi ■ Voiles and Ratings _...:.-w._sgc yd. BLYTH 'to, is visiting with her cousin, .Miss Mr. Joseph Stothers, is visiting his Annie Robinson. daughter, Mrs, Roy McNeill, Sarnia. 1 Miss Lulu 'Chamney of Toronto, is Mr... Roy Sims of Toronto . spent spending her three week's holidays at the week -end with relatives. • the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. A. Cook, Toronto, is spending Joe Chamney: part of his vacation in this vicinity Miss Laura Robinson is spending At' the evening service in St. Andrew this week at lake at Kincardine, Church, he sing '-• a solo, which was Mr. Norman Wightrnan and Miss much appreciated. • May Bone, who"have been taking the There died in Hullett on Saturday Arts Summer Course. in Toronto, re - morning, August 4th., Mr. John turned to their, respective homes on Grainger, age 68 . years. Deceased Saturday: was afflicted with'• heart trouble for Miss Laura .Bone is visiting this several weeks. The funeral . service week with her friend, Miss. Ida Ball. will be held oil Tuesday at his late of Clinton. itome,•con. 12, Hallett, under the aus- Mrs. Robert Lynn and daughter, piees of A. F. A. M, Deceased being Isabel of Shoal Lake, Man., are visit - a past master of the local lodge. A ing with her brothers, Mr. Jim Young widow and five daughters, mourn for of East Wawaitosh and Mr. Samuel laic, demise, Interment will take Young .of•Wingha'i.. place in Oak Chapel, Rev. James 'Misses Janet and Mary 'Robertson Abery, of Londesboro, offieated. are visiting relatives in Morris. Ur. R. M. McKay, attended the Mr, Sandy Young of Guelph, Mr.' Mitchell races on Monday.. and Mrs. Noble • Young and children Mrs. McDonald of Toronto visit- of .Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr.' ed her 'sister, Mrs, Jas, Huckstep'this and Mrs. Jim Young. week. Miss May Menzies is visiting rela Mr. -and Mrs. Si H. Gidley are in tives in Exeter;. London this week attending the .Re- Iver. Alec. Shielis of Windsor, spent union of. Old Boys- the week -end at his home here. • Dr. McIntyre:and, bride have taken Mrs, Joe Thompson and baby, Alice up residence in Mrs. Arnistrorlg's spent the week -end with her parents,. house, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson. We are 'sorry to reports the Condit-. The Misses Pearson and Mary Cun ion of Mrs). James Sines is not im- nington of Toronto,- are visitors at the proving,'she was taken to the Lrvdon home of` Mr, . Jos. Chamney. Asylum on Monday. Mr Land Mrs. Wnt. James and fam- Mr. William Little Fair of Toronto •ily attended a picnic at Grand: Bend spent over Sunday with : his sister, last Monday. Mrs. Neil Taylor. Mr. Steve Edwards of Teeswater, , -:Ree oncl Mrs. _"Telford aro spending renewed acquaintances on the 9th their' holidays with her parents at Sunday. Carleton Place. Mach sympathy is felt for Mr. Fred. Corley , of Detroit, whose little son, ;'['Nomas; aged' five years passed away at the home of Ivtii. J. T. Coultes, 6th con. on Tuesday, July 31st. The little fellow suffered from eneamia. The body wasta leen to Canonoque, and on Thursday was buried beside that of his mother. A little bud plucked on. earth to bloom in: Heaven. Miss Violet Parker of Blyth,is vis- icing friends on the roth . SALEM Miss Alba Gallaher of Toronto, vis- ited a few days at the home of her parents, Ivir, aitd Mrs. A: E. Gallaher, Mr. and Mrs. Fred"Hyndman from near Gorrie, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and ars. John.. Gowdy last week. A large number from this locality 'took in the excursion to 'Kincardine last; week. GLENANNON Mr. Edwin Bennett .motored to Mrs. Wm, Lamb`and children, who Wiarton last.week. He was accom--have i � poniedMessrs..1 li ,• have been visiting with friends, in these p by Jack Gallaher e and, parts have returned to Toronto, and Howard Wylie' of this locality, and 'Nacre accompanied by Miss Edithe his brother-in-law, Ma Ed. Gilniar; Metcalfe. ' from near Belmore, Miss Ethel Hastings has returned. A large' number of the neighbors home from an extended trip' in East - and friends of this : vicinity attended ern Ontario and Quebec, funeral of the late Mr. Win. Muir, rs. Chester Loti nian and child - from g from the 'home of his brother, Mr,, ren, who ,spent a couple of weeks with Gavin Muir: of Wroxeter, last Satur- her parents here, has returned to her day. He formerlyresided:iu this nei-1i home in Windsor.. ghborhood. The friends' have. the! hasreturned Mary Aitken , re mined of synpatlty of this neighborhood. (ter holidain in Muskoka. The Ladies' Aid met at the home Mr, Robert Scott of Moorefield;. of Mrs. HenryMarkleylast Tuesday. Y Y I spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Miss Bertha Sharpin of Toronto, is ' Thos. Weir, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn of M Mrs. Mr. and -rSharpin. Robt. Sha pit Morris, spent Sunday at the home of. Mr. Jas. Longley of Toronto, speztt,mi.. and Mrs, Wm. H. Marshall, a couple day's with his father, Mr. An -1 Mr, and Mrs. .Roy Adair spent the. drew Longley and other friends re -,week -egad at their home here, return- cently, s • I ing:Monday"to Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Gallaher and Misses Marian and Jean Scott of family spent last Sunday evening with i Moorefield, have esu visiting ' Miss Mr. and Mrs!, Robert Ashton, near Grace Mitchell, and other friends in Gorrie. • I these parts. We congratulate Mr, Walter Woods' . Miss Its a Chandler and Mr.-Clif-• Gil` pasing his recent entrance examin- I ford Jenkins . spent Sunday with Mr. aton. Much credit is due to the sea andMrs. Chas. Aitken, 'Delmore. cher Miss Murdock who took so rnuchI Anbnghosewho attended the Sun - time un - tihe and energy to fit tum- for the day School Picnic last Thursday to exams.. 'tiii carditis were Mn and. Mrs: m. I V W 1 . and family, Bella andWil- ,EAST f B n y, WAWANOSH ' fred Murchison, Edna Bastings, Ethel .g. Mrs, Ater% e Brandon, isChandler,.Helen Mu1v"e lydiia lvI dg of 13 andoi , Man, y, Lin - renewing• old ac uaintanceS in these coli Alvin' Smith, Mr. and Mrs. David ,, q ?, , parts. 13reen and fatally. Elgin in Currie of 'Toronto, and' Mr. James Stokes and family of 13e1 , S Miss Rhea Currie of Detroit, and Miss more, Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Appleby, *t= ]Mina Currie; from the West, are spell- Mr, and Mrs;, Reuben Appleby, Mast - ding their' holidays at the home of er Allen McGill MISS Mabel Stokes their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Miss Mabel Currie, Stokes, Mr: and Mrs, Omar Stokes motored t • i the n Miss Isabel Simpson of London, is and family, txaoto d o. I�tt cares o vi itiii at the home of hes' uncle Mr. Fridayand spent the day' there, s g , p 'shit McGee. Mr. Emmanuel Marshall of London, Miss Florence Robitsbt of Toxon- called on friends here recently. !NiM'TMNI1"-1 r 1744.41-4444441 A new radio broadcasting, station was opened in Washington, on Aug. 1st. This station is owned by the Ra- dio Corporation and, the call letters are "WRC", Washington was select- ed as a suitable site for a powerful broadcaster on account of the wealth. of material available for entertaining the public. It is probable that ses-' cions of Congress will be broadcasted sec that the public may become inti- mate with the leaders of the country through their radio sets, Last Winter the operator of station "WDAP" of the Chicago 13oard of Trade talked to his sister on board the steamer, Berengaria, -while crossing the Atlantic. They kept in communi- cation every night with the vessel as. it got farther out from New York; This lady has started her journey back to the States and the experiment is to. be. resumed. Listenars in this vicinity may expect to hear this conversation ciarrngiednow. o.n after ten o'clock any even On Friday evening, August loth,, station WGY will broadcast three one - act plays by the Student Players. These will be comedies. The WGY instn•umental quartette will furnish mu- sic. The concerts by Schmeman's con- cert band of Detroit comein very well now through station WWJ, The con- cert solos are particularly good and carry by radio perfectly. The ap- plause of the crowds in Belle Isle park can be heard very loudly after each selection. • WW/J- THE DETROIT NEWS. Eastern Standard Time. Thursday, Aug. gth 9:30 a. m. -"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor., 9:45' a. m. -Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. ' 10;25 a.m.-Official weather forecast r1:55 a.m.=-Arlington -time relayed the Western Union. 12:05, p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 3:00 :p.m. -Concert by Schmeman's Baird broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 4:00 p.m -Official weather forecast. 4:05 p.m, -Markets reports. ' 5.00 pan. -Base Ball scores. 7 p.m.-TheDetroit News Orches- tra; concert by Schrneman's Concert Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. Friday,' Aug. roth. 9:3o a. m: -"Tonight's Dinller" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9:45 a. m, -Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest: 10.25 a.m.-Official weather forecast 11:55 a.m.-Arlington time relayed the Western Union: 12:05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- e testra. 3 p. In. - Concert by Schmeman's Band, broadcast from Belle ,Isle Park. 4:00 p.m -Official weather forecast. , 4:05 p.m. -Markets reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base Ball scores. 7 p.m, -The Detroit News Orches- tra; concert by Schmeman's Concert Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. Saturday, Aug. nth 9:30 a. m. -"Tonight's Dinner" and. a special talk 'by the Woman's. Editor. 9:45 a. in. -Public Health, Service' bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. • 10.25 a.rn.-Official weather forecast 11:55 a,m,-Arlington time relayed the Western Union. 12:05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. • 3:00 p.m. -Concert by Schmeman's Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. • 4:00 p.m -Official weather forecast. 4:05 p.m. -Markets' reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base Ball scores. 7.30 p.m. -Concert by Schmeman's Band, broadcast from Belle Isle 'Park. Sunday, Aug. lath, 7.30 p.m. -Church services from St. Paul's Cathedral. 2 p.m. -The Detroit News Orches= 3 p. m. - Concert by Schmeman's Band, broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 1VIonday, Aug. i3th, 9:30 a. m. -"Tonight's' Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9:45 a. m. -,Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral 'interest, 10.25 a.m.-Oficial weather forecast. 11:55 am. -Arlington tirne relayed the Western_Union. 12.:05 p.. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. 4:00 pan -Official weather forecast. 4:05 P.m. -Markets reports, 5.00 p.m. -Base Ball scores. 8.30 para -The Detroit News Orches- tra; concert by. Schmeman's Concert, Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park.' Tuesday, Aug. Loh. ' 9:30 a. m, -"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9:45 a. in. -Public Health ,Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. 10.25 a. n, -Official weather forecast x1.55 am -Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 22:05 p.m. -The Detroit News Or- chestra. • 3:00 p.m. -Concert by Schmeman's Band broadcast from Belle Isle Park. 4:o0p.m-Official weather forecast. 4105 p.m, -Markets reports. 8. P 0 .m`. -The Detroit News Orches- tra; concert by Schmeman's Concert Band broadcast r Belle a t#m o Be a Isle Park. Wednesday, Aug. 15th. 9:30 a. in. -"Tonight's Dinner and a special talk by the Woman's Editor, 9:45 a: m. --Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest, 10.25 arta-Official weather forecast a t :55 am ---Arlington time relayed the Western Union, 12:05 pan, --The Detroit News Or- chestra; .,:• 'C10 pari . -Concert 9 5. �, Co lcert by Schmeman's Band braadcast from Belle Isle Park. 4:00 pan.--Off%elal weather forecast. o THE W IHOHAM ADVANCE LIFE BURDENED •DY$PEPSIA Health and Happiness Came With "Ftwtaa-tires" made FRIM Fruit Juices and Tonics °`Fruit-a-tives", the wonderful. medicine made f'om' tite juices. of apples, oranges, gs and phipes, 1s one of the greatest; means of doing good that this country of ours has ever known, "Fruit -a -tires" is bringing health to hundreds and hundreds of peeple' Who suffer with chronic Constipation, Biliousness and Dys1to�__pps�ia. Mr. Frank Hail of Wyevale, Ont., say,s, "I purehased a box of "Fauit-a- tives" and began the treatment. My condition improved immediately. The dyspepsia ceased to be thehurden of my life as it had been, and'I was' freed ofConstipation". Sa�r lox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2,ie. At dealers or sent by Fruit -a -tires: Limited, Ottawa, Ont. - r 4.05 P.m. -Market reports. 5.00 p.m. -Base Ball scores. 8.30 pant -The Detroit News Orches- tra; concert by Schmeman's ,Concert Band broadeastfrom Belle ,Isle'Park, EXCELLENT CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM OPENS AUG. nth. Plans. are under way for the most successful Chautauqua ever given .in Wingham. The - Dominion 'Chautau- "gties are offering Redpath service this seaso'ii} The local committee feels that the patrons of Chautauqua should know what Redpath stands for the world over. The Redpath Bureau is the original Lyceum Bureau founded by James Redpath over fifty years ago. It sent out as lecturers the leaders of thought of that period. It has maintained the same high standard throughout the years. Redpath is the largest and strongest Chautauqua system in, the world, main- taining twelve offices across the conti- nent front Boston to Los Angeles and Toronto to Birmingham. From the time of James Redpath fifty years ago, they have been pioneers in Lyceum and Chautauqua work. ,Twenty years ago Keith Vawter, of Redpath-Vaivter, Cedar Rapids Iowa, originated the first circuit Chautauqua. Throughout the continent the name "Redpath" stands for service and standard attrac- tio•tls. The people, of Wingham are indeed fortunate in having Redpath services brought to them. A glance -at the pro- gralent m shows the excellence of the ta- For headline lecturers we have Jud- ge Geo. D. Alden, Justice of the Sup- reme Court of Massachusettees, in a challenging lecture, "The Needs of the Hour." Also Frank Preston Johnson, Sociologist and well-known writer, lec- turing. on problems especially relating to co-operation between the town and farm. No farmer and business man should miss this lecture. Internation- al problems will authoritatively be dis- cussed by Bhaskar I-Iivale, native of India. The well-known Montague Light Opera Company will be heard in a splendid musical production, "Gretch- en of Holland." Two plays will be featured, the Glen Wells Company in a drama written es- pecially for them by Herbert Thomas, well-known English playwright, The third evening will be given the feature dramatic production of the program. Cappy Ricks, by Peter B. Kyrie, one of the greatest of recent comedy suc- cesses will be presented by a New V_,., -L rust: Oneof the unusual productions of the Chautauqua will be a classical mus- ical revise by John 13. Ratto, in which he impersonates famous masters of music.,.In this he is assisted by the Metroplitan Orchestra. Mr. Ratto is recognized as one of the greatest im- personators in the country. Other attractions include the Lieur- ances's Clarion Brass Choir andthe ever popular Capps Male Quartette, Decidely interesting and: captivating are the special children's programs in- cluding "Kelly, the Ventriloquist with his talking dolls," "Duval, the Magic- ian," Tom Sawyer and. "Huck" Finn, by Misses Aderton and Miller, and stories :from India by Mr. Hivale. No one should miss a program of such merit. Season tickets may be bought for $2.5o junior tickets $1.25. Combined cost of these entertainments paid at the gate is over. seven dollars. Buy your, season ticket now, . BLUEVALE Mr. Young and. Mr. _Barbridge of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. Win. Duff, Mr. R. Garniss made a business trip to Waterloo and Kitchener this week. Mr, Thos. Stewart is on the sick list at present, her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ila Wilson of Toronto, spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. 'Rich Johnson shipped a car of hogs to Toronto, and another load on Monday. Mr. Gordon Somerville of Welland, visited at the home of Mrs. R. Duff this week, Miss Maude Paul of Pittsburg, Pa, is home kr a couple of weeks. Mr, L. Hyles, Mr. Stanley Gallaher, Mrs.G. Gallaher' of. Be- l rav e•..Miss J.Mowbray and Miss L ,, Net h- er ngton spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mr. Campbell gave a very interest- ing talk at the Sunday School in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. There were about once hundred from around here took hi the S. S. Excurs ion to Kincardine en Thursday and all repe'rt having spent a most enjoyable day at, the lakeside. Farmers are busy at the harvest at present, and the htnn of the thresher i5 on the program again. Solite of the wheat is not turning out very well but barley and oats are a good crop, Plus' hail a' cent a mile beyond to all points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta; Edmonto,oin, Calgary, McLeod and East, SPECIAL LOW 1 AR1 $ RET,URNLNCaf Au u#*t . 3'kh 22 d -T ro • t Cale don � � and Ire q 11 0, dal don ,. £act, 3*eto tt :Meoford Collingwood, Pez t o�{ Midland, ParrySound, Sucbuxy, ,. Capreal and east thereof in Ontario; also west, of I,achute and St, Andrews East in Gushers. V f ATES D August handl ��th oro t Inglewood T l7 0 11 1 rood ct. and. all �' .7• .. stations south said west thereof in Ontario. Leave -(Standard $ ia� peapTrainsTrains 71me Palmerston. August r5th-5.00-P, M.. Toronto ,Union .Station Aug. 15th--: 12.30 P. M.; Aug. isth-loco P. M.Aug. 24th -12.3o P. M.; Aug. 24th-ao3o P, i' • Through Trains with (Lunch Counter Cars -Food and Refreshments at Reasonable Prices. Speoial Oars for Women and Colonist Oars of Latest Posegn'e Travel the National Way to any point in Western Canada, Horvesfrers Wan "Fare Li. '� �. "Fare ar._. _.pa ,. mac s_.-�- C[ClplptfA Qp'.,. Laing -115 to 'wfn rrua. Fare Meters ng -'2t� frig Witi PE 3- cent per nide Wimipeg to destination. • % dint per We start-ing paint to Winnipeg. COINC DATES AUGUST 13 and AUGUST 22. AUGUST 18 AUGUST 34. '9" ERR TCAR1r From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Fails to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Lime ' and Havelock-Pcterboro Line. Prom all Static-mac:1 ,ton to Renfrew .unction, inclusive. ' From all Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line: From all Stations'Dranoel to Port NlcNicoll and nurketon, to Bobcaygroa, inclusive. From all Stations South and West of Toronto to and inc'iuding Hamilton and: Virin'isor, Ont. From ailStations on OwenSound, Walkerton, Oranggeville, Teeswater, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mary's, Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches, From au Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO LUNCH. COUNTER CARS. -Food and Rotroaha,ants at rnasonabl,; primes. Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. FULTON, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Travel CANADI TURNBERRY A goodly number of people from this district were at the Kincardine beach with the excursionists on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson Breen of London, spent a portion of their hon- eymoon at the home of Mr. Breen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Breen. A very happy event took place on Tuesday evening last week when a number of neighbors and friends gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, Turnberry, and presented Miss Reta with a miscellaneous show- er prior to her marriage to Ma David McLennan of Grey, the presents were numerous and costly, the young couple replied, thanking them for their kind- ness,- after which a dainty lunch was served. The evening was then spent in music and•soeiai chat. ll■1■111Z1111a11181111®III■1111$1111is1l lasMei 11■ill■I llf1 _ Dominion - La H1 O - Redpath - Chautau q na il F ■ E c� ATTRACTIONS a� g �e -----=- INCLUDING 1 Li i GREAT ,COMEDY DRAMA = Q Popular Musical Production L ili l® "GRETCHEN OF HOL- LAND" _® P resented by I Montague Light Opera Singers 1 ■ NothingLikeIt Says Mrs. C TabLAtt Minnico Lady is Rapidly Improving and Gives All Credit to Dreco. Mrs. 5, J. Garbutt, of 55 Robert Street, Mimico, is another Toronto lady who has tried and proved the merit of Dreco as .a health -builder. Mrs. Garbutt's daughter describes her Mother's symptoms and the remark- able effect Dreco has had on them, in the following statement: "Mother= has suffered severely from rheumatism for " quite some time, causing terrible pains in her joints. Her stomach too, wasn very poor condition. Herts food soured, result- ing in gas, and finally she lost her ap- petite and could eat hardly anything without suffering afterwards. "She always had a pain across her back from her kidneys and at times could hardly bend over. Her system .becaine.very weak and run-down. "We tried everything, possible, but _ our praise is all for Dreco, as it has done her 'more good in just a short time than anything else we have ever tried. The pains in her back and joints are almost gone, Her appetite is now good, she` is much stronger and looks better in every way. She thinks there is nothing Iike Dreco and we are all so glad to notice the change. Dreco has proved its worth to us and we highly recommend it." Dreco will always prove helpful in such cases if given a fair trial. It corrects digestive ailments and builds up the system generally by the nat- ural action of its herbs, root, bark and leaf juicest Dreco contains no mercury, potash or habit forming LIEURANCE'S BRASS ' CHOIR Ili drugs. Dreco is being specially introduced in Wingham by J. Walton Mcliibbon, and is sold by a good druggist every- where. METROPOLITAN i1 WELLS COMPANY CAPPS' MALE QUARTET a 11 RATIO PREMIER IMPERSONATOR ■ Special Children's Programs ,111 Ill NOTABLE LECTURES ii'i 6 -- BIG DAYS ---- 6 .� i.,• Tn®► �Q T'il Tal Redpath - 111 Chautauqua '■ 11 a SEASON TICKETS $a.,o � PORDYCE Mr, Charles Martin and daughter, Miss Gertrude, and Mrs, Bert Thomp- son: spent a day last week in London. WHITECHURCH Quito a number from these parts took in the picnic at Kincardine on Thursday. We are.pleased to be able to re- port that Mr. Duncan Kennedy, who has been in Wingham Hospital, snf- feriafrom a lir e k t a•n 0 1 i 1 gwas able be to return home on Saturday last. Mrs. Isaac Moore and son Stuart of Toronto, are visiting with her mother -iii -law, Mrs. Isaac Moore and other relatives in these parts, Mrs. ..0 Msroeo n v f Wz ham g gx spent a few days with her sister, Mra, Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. 'Brown of Creighton Mills, have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Mac Ross, Tlxe ptlrehas- ed a home n' O i in 1 W lt< 111 ars' '. They g' drier Atnuaetnent Teat Egtrs< Chevrolet car to ?ver. Ross. 1 'Ss _ Mt, cs Greta ltd Alba 7 o:t s tint I 111N11111 llll$ill 011111I110111AlCIIINHII$ill 161 • Ili 1 a. Eery days of last 'week at't r p 1 I� IA �Illl t c lake at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and `chil- dren of. Toronto are visiting aver Sunday with Mr. and: Mrs. Mac- Gregor. Ruth, Evelyn and Charles Moire of" Palmerston, are visiting their uncles, M5'ssrs. Arthur and Thos. Moore. Miss Kathleen. Terriff. of Toronto, is spending the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Many in these parts were sorry to hear of the death t of Dr. Elliott, of Lucknow. H w ew a eh' a'S lko na w n w, and much beloved Doctor, and this com- munity extends sincere sympathy to his bereaved wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser and Add- ison and Louisa' of Bluevale and Mrs. Addison of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. B. S. Naylar.. tr Tr Willis'..INT-....t,...._. .wLr. VY. 4L. VY mar V. V V }rr5 }tr,aat, will take the service in the Metho- dist Church here, next Sunday on ac- count of the absence of the pastor on his holidays. Miss Pearl Mathews of Bluevale is visiting with her cousin, Miss 'Win- nifred Farrier. Misses Norah and Beatrice John • - ston are visiting with their brother, Mr. Gersom Johnston of East Wa- wanosh. Mr, and Mrs, Orville Tiffin and babe, spent Sunday with: Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer of Culross. Mr. Bert McCall traded, his team and wagon to Mr. Ernest Churchill of Bluevale for a Ford Sedant Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson and son Jimmie, spent Sunday with ' friends in Turnberry Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and son Raliston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes of Belfast, .Miss Jean MacGregor of Toronto I spent the week -end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius and Mr. Jas, Cornelius and Mrs, Win: Purdon and Miss Mabey :Purdon, spent Wednesday last in ''Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cameron and children of Ashfield visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. Joe Laidlaw! Born -to Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Ross, on Thursday, August and., a Son, Mrs. Barrie of Toronto' and her niece, Miss Pearce of Aylmer, are visiting at the home of Mr, and: Mrs. Thos, Davison, Mrs. Spence Currie arid. soli of Ohio, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Lance Grain, Miss Laving Milner and Mr.<oh Coutts J d ou sof Conn spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Peter Leaver. Mrs. Barrie, Miss Pearce, Miss E in m a Davison, avison, and Mr, and Mips. Harry Godkin, spent Sunday with re.. latives itt Walkerton, Mn Wilfred Arseotr f,. o Duel h spent the week -end in these arts. Miss Ada MIA ` of Toronto b onto and Miss Cora Clnbb of St, Marys, spent the week -end with their parents, Mrs and Mrs. John Ciubh. Miss Helen Paterson who has bean visiting her aunt Miss Liliatl Pate.°- i son: in Toronto, returned home last week. Messrs. a ,i Jack and Gordon. �cwberry of I' ro $ tiro ' art i ' ' v .�,rltni with " their cousin, Mr. ICen Paterson. •