HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-08-09, Page 1weraulgamutuitalasavase:rne;AscouromuowaumuivaaSilmilm OSIO*6 ..:Loitchoi.00.1foi. Seas 411 n Tickets, ! 1ake 0, A 0 1 • Wingha.rn Ch latauq. a Aug., 11th to 17th. League Baseball, Palniersto Single Copies, Four Cents. ANOTFIEK ELECTION DODGE To the Editar av the Advance, Deer Sur,-, Whin wroitin to ye lashi wake, I .sphint so much tone boshtie. the Chautauqua that I hadn't 'shpace to 'say annyting,about the Tory victory rn Pine Edwards Island wiclout sh- tartin another shate av paper, au shore the misses does be grurnblin awl the •toirne about hbw,fasht the wx•oitin pa- per gets used up, I tell her. to nivir moind fer, share, she kin buy two big pads fer a quarther at me frind Walt- on McKibbon's imporitun. Well, a- bout the elickshun down be the, say, • Didn't we give the Grits a proper thri rnmin? Thirty to four! It inusht lave thint lads in Ottawa purty.shakey on theer legs. - The besht ting fer us To- ries to do is to make frinds wid thim Progressives till we git the min from the prairies on our soide. Ha -vin two dawters 'married in the Weslit makes some differ to me own views wid re- gard to the pollyticks av the shtrugg- lin farrtuners in the -whate hilt. The ould K. 1..was a good invinshun in its day, an kept us Tories in power fer manny years, but now that the Wesht is:growing shteeng it wud be a good move to change our plishy to some . — — , axtint. win misnter meignen, a wes- them man, fer layd.er, an a low tariff plat orne we c_ud sh-wing the U. F s. in 'awl the p?iwvinces to our soide,, an shwape the counthry. Ye wudtink rnebby our byes wuddent be able -to change frum protieleshunists over noight,„.so to shpake: but if..taht is yer opinion, share, ye hey another guess cont,in to ye, as me bye who was in Fraribe wid the arrmy wad say. Our lads wud shtick to the parthy troo thick an thin, as me frincl, Sir John A. A. °Macdonald used to say, They are not loike thim- soide shteppin Grits widout sinse enough to lasht thin" frurn wan elickshun to another.; Meb- • by ye moight tink too that the skame wud not be cfuoite might. Well, I wud loike to know what theer is wrong about it. In the farsht place it put us Tories back into power, which wud be a good ting in itsilf an be ka.ypin the counthry frum goin to the dogsi. In the inlet place anny shfsible man, if he has ivir lived on a farrum, knows that ye can't kape on growin the same koind av pertattiesyear afther year on,the same land, and ye =slit chan- ge yer sade whate an oats ivery few .saysons if ye ixpict to git a crap. In the third place if we don't git busy an jine up widithe U. F's. the Grits will , , bate us to t, so the sooner we act the betther. Now befoor I close I want to ad- - voise iviry wan, who rades this to buy sayspu tickits fer the Chautauqua per- ferornances to be hild in the big tint on the Town Park nixt wake, an sh- tartin Saturday av this wake, I un- dershtand the returns musht be awl in -be Froiday noight so buy at wance an hilp roll up a good surplus fey the Wingham Hospital. Whin. the Gov- errunint was good enough to trow a.ff the amusemint tax, the payple av Wingharn will !oak loike a lot ay' lour flashers-iC the- 1 -se- ep fine son tickets as soon as they are asked. I don't know what a four flusher is, fer 'tis another av thim army ikprish- lens I hear me bye usin, but -wan ting I know if a fellah is a four flusher, he -ought to be sorneting diffrtint. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN FOR SALE --- Two Wilton Rus 111 garid condition, one 9x9, the other Apply-at_The Advaece. WANTED—A second hand baby carriage, Apply to Box C, Ad- vance. • POSITION WANTED -13y Stenog- raphee, Apply at the Advance, or ring. 625-2y. LOST-1.3etween Winghain and Kin- cardiat, License plate r62-842, Fin - 'der please notify the Advance, FOR SALE — Well bred Shorthorn Cow, 5 years old, supposed to be in calf. Apply to J. E, Wright, Lower Wingham. FOUND—Two Inner Tubes •on. Grav- el road. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad- vertisement. Apply at Advance. • FOR. SALE—A seep for quick sale, • a couple of 32x3a Aeto Cushion Tir- es with good casings, i.a.obertson's Garage. TENDERS—Will be received on or before' Monday, August 2oth, forathe caretaking of S. S. No. 8, East WA.- wanosh. Further particulars on ap- plication to the secretaay, Robt. J, Scott, Belgrave, Ont. TO RENT--Sturarter Cottage at Kin- cardine Beach, one of the nieett and best equipped, jest completed. Ap- ply to W. la VanStone. FOR SALE -- An iron force atm*, with brass eylinder, ao feet of pipe, • as good as new, W., Clendenniiig, Minnie St NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS All Tax Notices have been com- pleted and served, An ratepayer not having received their statement should alatifY this office proniptly, Ratepay- eta desiring duplicate statentents or shing to pay an instalment on ac - cunt of taxes should apply to Town Clerk. Vie 1U.$t day for allowance of a per ettt, di'nnit is Augt tath. W. A haadth, TOW0 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Wingham Town Fathers Transact Monthly Business The regular monthly meeting of the Wingharn Town Council was held on Monday evening. All the councillors present except Mr, Greer, who is still confined to his home, Mr. C. R. Wilkinson asked for the free use of• the town park for the Chautauqua. His request was granted and St. Pauls church was also given the use of the park for, Wednesday evening. - Councillor Haney reported that the property committee had given Mr. Krauter the job of. painting the three vestibules and puttying the windows in addition to the contract of painting the dx.terior of the hall. The usual gist of accounts were ree commended' for pa3nnent by the finan- ce conunittee. . The clerk reported. having purchas- ed having purchased a Victory bond for $21o3.22. This was from 0825, paid by the Government on next years pavement taxation. The council were heartily in accord with the move. In the bank it would draw 3 per cent, at present it draws 5 per cent. The Wornen's Institute offered to aay 8fo if the town -v,ould pay $5 and have the old piano put into shape. Th - councillors were agreeable providing the piano is worth it. " Conncillor Smith brought up the inatter of the purchase of small fire extinguishers for use of the fire de - pertinent. Acting Chief 31. A. Currie had reported the use of a small fire extinguiSher would be a great advan- tage in cases where water had to be put on a small fire that could easily be extinguished with chemicals, in- stead of probably reining property with water unnecessarily. The coun- cil were agreed and the matter Was left with the property committee to deal with, ' Councillor Mitchell suggested that our police should have caps to wear with their uniforms as they had in the neighboring towns. The matter was handed over to the property crirrktnit- tee. Council adjourned to meet again o Friday morning at 9 o'clock, he they will make final arra.ngemehts fo the putting of names on the war me morial and the site for same. Hyatt—Reeve On Saturday afternoon, at the Meth- odist parsonage,. Mr, Alfred Thomas Hyatt: of the city of Chatham, and Maud Eva Reeve, youngest daughter of Mit and Mrs, Russell Reeve...of town, were united in marriage. The Rev, C. E. Cragg, B.P., officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt will reside in Chat- ham. Moved to Wingha.m Mr, W. Waldie and family have moved to town from Stratford and are living in the Porter house,, corner Frances and Patrick streets. We wel- come them to town as residents. Mr. Waldie is district manager for the In- ternational -Harvester Co. • ,aea-aaa ta, aaaaaaa Mr. Z. Lockman and family who have conducted the Queens Dining „Room for some time will move to In- gersoll at the end of the month Mr. Lockman has purchased a restautant inthat town. Autos Collide Near Bend MA Wm. Dore and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dore met with a rather serious automobile accident on Monday even- ing near Grand Bend. They were mot- oring to Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Hatay Dore when an automobile from Clinton dashed around a corner and in an effort to not run into another car it was meeting drove into the side of the Dore car and almost complete- ly demolished it. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt but all of the oc- cupantwere more or less badly bruis- ed and shaken tip. • Agricultural Garden Party The Agricultural Society are very unfortunate wben it conics to making a firlatteial success of a garden party or a fair ant more titan successful in the matter of giving splendid pro- grammes for the people. The pro,: .gramine on Friday evening was one of the best, in fact a couple of the talent said it was the.beit programme they had heard in 'some time at a gar- den party. The programme incladed selections by Wingham Brass Barid, vocal selections by Mr. Gordon Buch- anan and the Misses Jean and Nettie Christie, Bessie Abell and Brandon also by Miss Bradley of St Thomas, and Messrs!, Henryand Sidthrirp of Belgrave and comic se- lections by- the renoweed Burt Lloyd of Toronto. Mr. 5. W, King, M. P. made a capable chairman, Mri. S. B. Stothers, Agricultural Representative for Huron County and Mr, L 3. Wright, president of Turnberry Ag- ricultural Soc, made short addresses. 'I he entire program was excellent special mention Might be made ot the ladies quartette and Mr, Buchanan'a singing. These young people are be- connag very popular and their num- bets arc heartily encored. They are putting on the entire entertaininent at the fall fair coecert at Foedwich this season Mr. Lloyd is a moat entertaining and populat comedian. Miss Beadley has a very rich, eon,. aaato voice anli ber olo was much appreciated. The good thifigs to eat, provided by the ladies of the Woman's Iliad - tate were lip to the high standard which they are known to provide. The gate receipts amounted to- $63 and the receipts at the booth and. from the sale of baki i a..ionnted WINGHAM, omr„ THURSDAY AUGUST 9th, 1923 PEOPLE COMING AND GOING FROM • THE BUSY LITTLE TOWN OF WINGI-IAM Miss, Dorothy McEwen of Oshawa, visited with Mrs. J, A, Cummings. Miss •Enna. Forgie is visiting rela- tives -in Walkerton, Mr. Hiram Smith is visiting relativ- es at Ripley. Miss Irene Hunter of Essex, is vis- iting with friends in town. Miss Alice Reading is spending a couple of week's holidays in Toronto. Mr. Archie Williamson of Toronto, is visiting at his home here. Miss Lilian HePPerl Diagonal Road, is visiting with friends in Blyth. Miss Mabel Isard of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home in town. Mr, J. H. Chiistie is moving into his new apartment a above the store, Mrs. Robt. McGee and inn, Jack, are visiting at ICincardiale. Miss Jessie Gillard of laTallaceburg, is visiting Miss Annie McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Les, Young motored to Toronto, Hamilton and Montreal last Week. „. Mr, and Mr, Lester Brown and Mrs. Hicks of Owen Sound called on friends in.town this week, Miss Edna Cuclmore of Bea.chville, 13. C is visiting her cousin Miss Dor- ene Haney. • Mrs. Anthony Nichol and daughter, • Mr. and Mrs, George Mason mot- ored to Toronto this week. Mr, jack Burnside and sister Miss Annie of Hamilton, spent a couple of days at the home of Me, and Mrs, J. McCool. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Henderson of Chicago, motored over and are spend- ing a few weeks at the home of his mother, Mrs. Isabella Henderson, Mr. and Mr, Wm. Holt of New York, motored over and are visiting with her brothers, Mr. Wm. Austin, Mr. Robt. Austin and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lloyd and son, DelmaF, left on Thursday for their home in Oakland, Cal., after visiting the former's brother, A. E" Lloyd. Mr. J. W, Dodd is representing Maitland Lodge lag, at the Grand Lodge session held in Peter- boro, this week. Misses Bernice and Louise Breen of East Wawanosh, are spending their holidays with their grand par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Breen, Turn - berry, inghatri liburg4 Suhscriptiona DOCTOR DIES SUDDENLY Dr. Elliott of Luckriolie Drops Dead at Kincardine The funeral of the late Jr, A. G. Elliott, who dropped dead in Kiecar- dine on Thursday afternoon after wit- nessing a baseball match in the Bruce League between Kincardine and Luck now, was held on Sunday afternoon in the Anglican' church at Lucknow. The service was conducted by Rev. A. L. Langford, rector of the church, as- sisted by Rev. DI. T. L. McKerroll of Toronto, a former minister of the Luckilow Presbyterian church. The funeral was one of the largest held here in many years and the floral tri- butes completely banked the casket, showing the high esteem in which the late doctor was held in the comnumity. He was in his 62nd year and' had been practicing his profesios here for about 38 years. Besides his widow, Who was on a trip to the coast and who arrived home about 24 -hours af- ten,his demise, he is survived by Miss Wienifred, an adopted daughter, In- terxnent was made in the Green Hill' Cemetery, Lucknow. He was an en- thusiastic bowler and will be greatly missed on the green. He was also Mr, and Mrs. J. Neil of Salina, greatly interestedin every good work Kansas, are visiting with Mrand in the community and his passing will Mrs. John S. Morgan, arid renewing leave a vacancy tlaat will be hard to the scenes of childhood in and around fill, Ripley. • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Groves and. two boys, of Stratfotd, spent a couple of days at the home of the former's bof Dorothy, of London, are visitingrothers, Robert and Thomas the ;Lower Wingharn. a former's sister, Mrs. D. L. Dinsley. „ Mr. and Mrs. Grieve accompanied Mr. W. A, Miller is building a cot- by Mrs. Grieve, sr, and Mrs. Bern at! Kincardine beach Mr. Geo. ard motored up from St, Paul, and vis- Orvis is the contractor. . . . • itea • with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ra.e Mrs. E H. Bird and children of To- over the week -end. ronto, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. W. 'E. Bra,wley and Jas. Haugh. •. family have returned from spending a Miss -.Nellie Breen is spending a couple of weeks at Point Clark Mr. couple of weeks with her sister in Brawley purposes building a cottage Toronto. • there k in the near future. Mr. G F. Ronald of Toronto, 'is Dr Whitely.and wife of Gorrie, to visiting with his neice, Mrs' . A. G, gether with Mr. and Mrs. la C Mc- Smith, Victoria St. Elroy of Wingharn, motored to Bay- IVIr. Howard Gray of Niagara Falls, field and Goderich this week, and en is spending his holidays with his par- joyed a pleasant outing at the lake. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gray. Mr. and 'Mrs. Eckley also Mrs, (Dr.) 'Mrs. Tierney of Timmins, is visit- ing with her friends, Mrs. Geo. Schae- abeth of Philadelphia, are visiting at fer. , the 'home of the ladies parents; Mr. Ar. and Mrs. Thos. Field are away and Mrs, Thorria‘Scott Diagonal Rd. for a couple of week s motor trip through Northern. Ontario. Mrs. Agnew and. daughter, Miss Ed- yth of London, are visiting the forne. and almost instantly killed at the cor- er's sister Miss Sutton. - ,ner of Diagonal Road and Victoria Mr. and Mrs. Val Wentzel of New 1 street O. . . Hamburg, were here over Sunday rL LNo794 and visiting breth. newing acquaintances. e-, i ren willdecorate the graves of their decea.sed brethren on Sunday after - Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Robinson are noon, Aug. agth. Cut flowers will be spending a couple of weeks with used this year in preference to potted friends in London and Port Stanley, Mr. and 'airs. Howard Finley and Ma. and Mrs. W. A. Currie an have left by motor to spend- a few days in Kent County. nounce the engagement of their • Miss Minnnie Lloyd returned home to Cleveland, Ohio, after spending sev- eral weeks at the home of A. E. Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. ..A, J. Busch of Buffalo, are visiting her mother, Mrs. J.- E. Swart s4 They made the trip by auto. Lowaesberr3r and daughter, Miss Eliz - "Mickey" the alftle white dog , be- longing to Mrs. D. K. Livinstone was struck by an auto on. Sunday evening daughter, Jean Tervit, to Mr. Arthur Bieman, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. j. Bieman, of Kincardine. The marriage to take place about the middle of August. Ma. and Mrs. Walter Brawley have returned to their home in Detroit, af- Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Robinsoa spent ter visaing with their parents, Mr. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Braavley. Mr. Braw- D. Wallace in Turnberryley is with the Standard Accident As Mrs R. Jamieson and son Bobbie, , surance Co of Detroit. of Toronto, are viaiting at the home Mrs. Roy Shaw and Master Garnet of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer. of Ridgetown, Miss Irene Ford of Mr, and Mrs. John Scott motored Wheatley, have left for their homes from Columbus, Ohio, arid are 'visit- after spending the past 'three weeks with Mrs. David and. Mrs. Howard •g with his sister, Mrs. W. R. Dyer. Finlay and other relatives. Smash in Prices for•ao days at I- s mars Clearance Sale. Came early on Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and Saturclay morning for big bargains. • son of Stl. Catherines, Mr. Nathaniel a.nd Mrs: , Mrs. George Gregory and littleason Johnston and son, Eldridge, Gibson of Blytb, spent the week -end are spending a couple of weelcs in at the home of Mr. John Elliott in Hamilton and 'Toronto, prior to re- • turning to' their home -in Alberta East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman and children Miss Johnston who has been with returned to their home in• Toronto, Mrs, Tomkins 'for the past' couple of after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John montbs, has returned to her home in Stevenson ' Some years ago Mr. Cole - Mr. and Mrs. T. E, Maiming and Jamestowe. . . man was an employee of the Western, Foundry. Conductor Tom Parket an' old res - visiting' at the home of Mr. ' - - and Mrs. id.ent oa Wingham is back on the Hogh Crihnour, Turnberry, little daughter, Lois, of London, are London, Huron and: Brace road, Mr. Mayor Elliott was in Ingersoll over John Quirk took his run here twenty Sunday Many old friends of his fail- five years ago. Many old friends are er will be sorry to learn of his contin- pleased to welcome him back again. tied Serious illness, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradley of St. Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyn and Miss Ed- Thomas, accompailied by their &ugh- na, are home from Kincardine Beach, ter, Miss Gladys, and their little grand - They have rented their eottage to Mrdaughter, are guests at the home of Scanctrett of London. Mrs, Bradley's sister, Miss Pugsley, Miss Idi Buttery of London, and Miss Gladys Bradley sang very accep- her friend, Mrs. Fred Hill motored to tably at the morning service in St. An- Winghain and are spending a. few droves church. days with! Mr. Buttery. Dr, Fox and family expect to leave vIi a,nd Mrs. Btiell of London, re- on aion.day for a two week's camping turned on Monday after spending a tour through Northern Ontario and short time with Mr. and Mia. 'I% C. Northern and Western Michiga.n, Miss Kifig at Bruce Beach Louise Thompson will be their guest. Ma and Mrs. Richard Webb and Mr. M. R, Walkley of the Shaw. Crane Ma aa. Mrs, Tom'Free of Hamilton, Works, Muskegon, and his family will visited over the week -end 'with 1\4r. accompany thein as far as Muskegon. arid Mrs. Geo. T. la oberlaon. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Zurbrigg aed Mrs. 5. A. Wallace and children, Margaret and Arthur of Hamilton, who have been -visiting in St. Thomas Spent a day visiting Mr..and Mrs. J, for the past two weeks will remain Helm, and Mr, and Mrs. Zurbrigg re- turniag agaie on Tuesday aecompan- there until the end of August, • Mrs, W. j. Radford and 'children ied by itarat E. Zurlirigg and children, E. Zurbrigg going on Saturday to have returned to Belmorc having join them in Hamilton, also visitiag spent three months with her parents .Mr. and Mrs. Al VatiAlstyne. in Toronto and Newmarket before re- turning. His photo studio will be 1VIrs, Wm, 'Bisbee of London, and closed from Aug. ti to about Aug. 21. 11/41t, John Rogers, town, :returned home A family reunion aaaall the surviving from the funeral of their brothert Mr. m 'embers of the family of the late Tared Rogers of Ludington, Michigan. Miss Annie Walters, of Toronto Ihooli'l.11-0°,feiviwrstt.s Rhgbidt, °wt.' eNeteebreta:YMaot etrlitset, spent the week end with her Parents Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrsa Joan Walters, Diagonal john pattorsor, of icausas, mr, and road, f 1 n of Clinton Mr -Ind 1VI:r Mrs, ac tso • . . , s, Mr. and Mrs, A. C Williams of Tomato, are visiting with MS, parents' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, Pat- rick St Taylor, Gorrie, 'Mrs, Yhoinas Scott, Wirtgham, Mrs« David MeCtitelreon, Taylor, Miss Winnifred Taylor. Mei Brussels, Dr. arid,„Ars;',' W. y: Roe of Ra Ta- 'or, all' of 1:„.ondon, 1>1 'luxc&pida, ai'd daughter Dorothy'f '. " .ondott Notice to Ticket Sellers Mr. E. J. Mitchell, chairman of the Chautauqua ticket selling committee, wishes all sellers to report daily to him, a.nd all tickets 'not sold must be returned to lam not later than Friday night of this week. On Pleasant Motor Trip Mrs. Et J. Mitchell and children left on Wednesday morning for a. motor trip to Toronto, Brockville and Rich- moncl Hill. Miss Alice Reading ac- companied them as far as Toronto, where they will be joined by Misa Edna Mitchell. McLennan—Walker On Wednesday morning, August 8, a very pretty wedding took place at the.Methodist parsonage, whea David McLennan, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McLennan of Grey Twp., and Rete Gertrude Walker, only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Turnberry, were United in marriage. After the ceremony, which was per- formed by the Rev. Chas, E. Cragg, the happy couple left on a anotor trip to Mitchell and points south, on their return they will reside in Grey town- ship. Whitechurch Wedding Reception Over one hundred guests attended the reception in the home of Mrs. David Gillies on Thursday last, in honor of her daughter, Margaret., who was married to Mr. Roy Cringle in Toronto on Wednesday, August 1st., Those from a distance were:—Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leach of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tom of Auburn and Mr. Fred Gilchrist of Paisley. We wish the happy couple many years of prosperity and happiness. They will make their home in Toronto. Higgins Re -Union On Wednesday, July asth, a reunion consisting of uncles, aunts and cousins was held on the old homestead, Turn - berry, now possessed by Mr. Chester Higgins. The party consisting of sev- enty proceeded to the banks of the Maitland where the afternoon took the form of a' picnic, baseball, swings and other forms of amusement were heart- ily enjoyed by all. After a splendid lunch, the party joined, hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne". The occasion brought back many pleasant memories of years ago. The only surviving members of the pioneer family are El- ijah of Wingham, and Robert of Man- itoba. The former being present and enjoyed the occasion very ouch It being fifty years since he came to the county of Huron. The country was then mostly in its primeval state. Those present from a distance were Thomas Higgins andawife, Montana, Will Hig- gins, wife, daughter and mother, Clin- ton, Vernon Higgins and wifeToron- to, Chas. Nichol and wtfe, Mrs. Jas. Fleming and son, London. Pretty August Wedding At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lloyd the marriage of their daugh- ter, Louisa May to Mr. Wilfred H. French, son of Mr. 'W. Bl. French, took place at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 1st. The Rev. C. E. Cragg, as- sisted by Rev. E. F. Atinstrong of Wallacebarg, performed the wedding ceremony. The bride who Was 'given away by her father looked charming in a gown of white flat crepe trimmed with lace and salm beads, wearing a tulle veil caught up with orange blossoms, arid carried a shower boquet of ophelia roses aild liy of the valley. Miss Haz- el Brandon accompanied by Mr. Del- mar Lloyd of Oakland, Cal., rendered the wedding musie. After the serving of a dainty luncheori the bridal couple left on the afternoon train for Tor- onto and Muskoka Lakes, the bride travelling itt a dress of hardieg bine crepe trimmed with shell beads, and hat to match. The happy couple are followed by the best wishes of a large circle of Heeds. Among the out of town guests were. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Lloyd and their son, Delmar, of Oakland, Cal., Maas Minnie Lloyd, Clevelatid, Ohio, Mts. Al 11, Perry, Belleville, Mr. Wtn. Kerr, Mr. Stanley Herr, Miss Lillian Kerr all of Hamilton, Rev, K V. and Mrs, Armstrong, Wallaceburg, Mr, and Mrs. 1 Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, S. L. HI rift , af , 00 eteltC SOON I 411311EMANIZO III 111112111111111k0.11011101 Full weight Chocola.te Bars,7 for . . . Maxixe Cherries (Chocolate covered) one pound box F E E — 25c T oth rush .25c . . .69 With every purchase of a tube of 'f`Klenzo" Dental Cream 35c Winzharn, Ont. ores Dr 11N111111111 111E112112111 111 11 11 11 11 11112111 III g St re Phone 35 IIUItl IlIltII 111 III 11 III III 1 11111111 111 tia-f Married. in Toronto A wedding of interest to several of our readers took place in Toronto on Wednesday last, when Rev. George Baker, a former -pastor of Bluevale Methodist. Church, united Dr. A. E. Shaw, son of air. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw of Morris, to Miss Vera Brown, daughter of Mtl. and Mrs. Harvey Brown of Toronto. The doctor will open up a practice at 11,1111bank. Quick Work on Entrance We are pleased to congratulate Miss Elizabeth P. Murdock of Durham, who taught in U.S.S. No. I3aHowick and Turnberry, on her success of her pup- il, Walter Wood, in passing his En- trance examination after only two and' a half months training in senior fourth book world Taking up her duties at New Year, he was in the junior fourth class and continued so until aft qa the Easter holidays, when Miss Murdock decided aclyance him into thesen- ior,ifourth book, then taking up fifteen months' work in about two a,nd half New Salvation Army Officers The -welcome meeting for the new officers of the Salvation Army will be held on Thursda.y evening at 8 o'clock. Open air meeting at 7.3o. Capt. Thorn and Lieut. Coley are the new officers. Major Byers of Stratford, division commander, will give the address of welicoome unnServices The unionservices between the Bap- tist and. Methodist churches will con- tinoue, next Sabbath, morning aelariaa at II a.m. in the Baptist church, even- ing service at 7 p.m. in the Methodist church. The Rev. Mr. Cragg will preach, morning subject, "Christ's teaching of His second corning"; even- ing gubject, "The best treasures of iif Canada a Beautiful Place a Mr. and Mrs. R. J.. nen and son V. J. Bell, of Farfniagton, Wash., U.S.A., arrived in Wingham, Tuesday, July ., months training, besides giving her at- 3istand are visiting at the home of tention to an attendance of forty-two pupils. Miss Murdock's success is at- tributed. to her ability and thorouga- ness of her work. The section has lost a faithful teacher a.nd friend in Miss Murdock, who resigned this June 5923. [Signed by Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Woods, parents, Wingham. Chautauqua Announcement The committee in charge of Chau- tauqua beg to announce to the public that arrangements are now practic- ally completed for what they believe will be the best Chautauqua pro- gramme ever presented in 7011g -ham. The committee guaranteed the fin- ancial success of Chautauqua and thereby made it possible for the pub- lic to enjoy this very high class en- tertainment at a minimum cost to themselves and the committee do riot hesitate to also guarantee a full week's programme of the best quali- ty, presented by leading artists from various parts of the world. We believe Chautauqua radiates an uplifting infuence in the life of the community and solicit the patronage and co-operation of all good citizens to the end that the benefits may be as far reaching as possible. Rev. H. W. Snell, Chairman. Canada and he says this is a beautiful A. Cosens, Secretary. country and crops looking fine. their brother, Albert Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R., J. Bell came all the way front Washington, to attend. the Old, Boys' Re -Union at Mitchell, Ont., and were met in Winghani by M. J. Bell of Toronto, who together with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Bell, Mrs. Louttit, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Parr and James Parr, and Dave Watson and son Prank, will inotor to Mitchell, Tilesday the ath. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, left Farmington June the 261h., and bave been visit- — ing relatives in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, and Michigan, and from Mitchell, together with Marshall Bell will go to Toronto and boat to Niagara Falls, thence to the Sault Ste. Marie to visit their aunt, Mrs. John Kerr. From the Sault Marsh returns to Toronto, and R. J. Bell will proceed across Lake Superior by the C. P. R. R. to Wolseley, Re- gina, Saga, and by way of Vancouv- er to Seattle and Snohoreish and visit their daughter, Mrs. D. 0. Cam- eron, of Leavenworth, Wash., also W. S. Bell at Spokane, Wash., be- fore returning to their home in Farmington Wash., to enter their son in the High School in Sept. This is Mr. Bell's first visit to 201,1111Alle or Ge moreatmeltmessesemeamommeescaamenwn e r uine .All of our $3.00 attd $3.5o Wornen's White Catrvas'Strap Slippers and Oxfords, all siz- es, sale price 1311104.01.M10021.101 L99 IMISSES'—Size xx to 2 White Canvas Oxfords and Strap 4 Slippers, regular $2.2 and 1 $2.50 values, sale 129 price. . . . . . ..-. .......... ..,...--_, .......,,,a arg rns 5 pairs of Ladies White Can- vas Punips arid Oxfords, sizes a to 4, regular place $5.50 to $5.00, sate prite .... 99 CHILDREN'S FOOTaVEAR Sizes 4 to wk. Many styles ni Childreri`g Stitiltner Foot.' ear in this sale, marked low in price for quick clearance. Red= d Prkcus throughout the s tore in all litieui oi Suminer Footwear.