HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-07-19, Page 3Thursday, Jui x9the 19.13, OWWWW400 MINIMMaiiii004400Miiiii#0001* rel 'MILLS! 'wEgo..!,:y FrooRE NEWS lel OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST or th r 'a...areas ...passe. • ever etealaisellee tee; iteaelfeeteplai„ anonTH1l aat AT,WINGHAIV/ ADVANCE 14 A Great Idig Crowd cLN Acei-; dentato Mar the Day c auta qua ey'e,ry $25.,0• purchaseof y Coods we will give., an Adult Chautauqua Ticket, a n d e'v4sy $12:J50 purchraie a Child's Ticket. SPECIAL pRicps IN' ALL •-DRY GOODS PR Raw -Silk, 33 in. wide yd. Young Men's Suits in sport Light and park voiles yd • and double breasted models Iaatines, plain and fancy 70C t�x.25 yd. 32 in. Gingham, Checks and • Plaids _..... 32e yd. MEN'S. WEAR AT SPECIAL • 'Fancy Silk Crepes, 38 inch wide t.49 Yd. Flat Crepe, new shades 3.a5 yd. Silk Voiles, 38 W. wide i.eo yd. Silk Hose at ......$x„oo I.2, x7 tti 'worsted and horoesPugsy special at • Men's Suits at $55.00, xiaoce 25.oa Boys' Suite in sizes 26 to 33, • special at . . . . . ... . ... _ ... Beys' Suits in sizes 34 te 36, special at . Straw Hats at Reduced prices. Fine Shirts x4. to x6i, at —$1,49 • m • We are; told bYolder Oeanget :that last Thursday's eelebeation. the largest, with 'one eXception, seen in Win'ghane It is possible the celebration in 1894 was lar Ilerwever, the 233rd. Anniversary :the battle of the 130yre, was atten by approximately 50,000 people, M of the streets were dined with autoi biles long before neon. Pahner's.rn Way on the park did a very la.re,,e bt ness as did all the refreshment boo and restaurants, The 'Women's In tate rented the skating rink end se ed meals t() over Too people. . Forty-four banners were ,counted the procession' vehich formed in park after dinner- and marched up fred stre,et tee Frauces street acr , Prances to Diagonal Road and the! Jost pilule .sereet.b.y way of Victoria ; street and back to the park, It is es- 'elanated that almost aboo menibers of the aseociation who were in town for the day were not in'the procession. • . sea The day passed off well and we have ,g -a • not beard of an accideat to mar the , outing, Tale Wingham and Bluevale, lodges marched down around Leop- ) eid street passing by the homes of jan Bros, Chas. Barber and George Haney , who are in poor health. NC The speaking was interrepted by the noise from the organs and .engine of Palmer's Midway, however, these ita who heard the speeches claim them to everyone have been excellent and of the old enthusiastic Orange brand that ; will never clic. Those wisp: delivered l1 addresses were: John Joyet, for North Huron Rev H, W. Snell, , BA., Past Grand Chaplain of Ontario West, Rev, J. R. Petehe of. Dungann- ohz and George Spotton of Wingham. minty Master, John Montgomery of 1HOwick, made .a most -capabie chair, , man. David Beacom of Clinton, oc- cupiecl a seat on the platform, he is 95 I years of age and has never missed an !Orange celebration during his ee years -1•as a memberof the order. • The people were all one great big good natured throng, Special traffic cops were appointed to keep .autos from colliding on .the Main street. , Probably the serVices of Lewis Geo- ', lofsk.y is worthy of mention, at the corner of John and Josephine street he directed traffic in such a manner a$ to be - mentioned by several motor- ists as "on to his. job". One of those missed from the Or- .ange walle. was Past County Master John A. Johnson, Who was hi an auto- mobile accident on Jithe 25t1z, and has since been confined to his home in Ashfield. • A report in the daily paper stated that the crowd, on. the leth overwhele need Wingham and many were not able to get meals.- We do not think a.nyote went without a ineal, and e good eme too. None of the caterers were overworked and noise refused meals to any Person.' The. supply of sandwiches, hot dogs, etc. on the park was far from exhausted. The Worshipful Master of Wine -ham. lodge, Mr. J. V. Haines, and his coms. mittee worked welt and left nothing un- done to make the day a success.' The loads of evergreens and the Rags and bunting, gave the town an appkopriate holiday appearance. The Clinton Orange lodge brought the Kiltie. Band with, them and ,the Wingham lodge had a drummer and a fifer and the Lueknow Kiltie Band, while the .county engaged the Wing - ham Brass. Band. • t : 1 'nee was ever th ger, of deci os t no+, id. isi- tits' in the Al - 0S 5' )ce. OUR PRICES.RIGHT INMMiainnaMEN NN 2 N MN a latnitanammgmenft......riatuteaversunamaraff mmsuanswegommantr-aumensurcartemaimaguraurrnmeoremwieumaxasm......se.ram • .NOTICE TO CHAUTAUQUA .ifte- weather being .all that could be de- ARAN'BORS AND .FRIENDS sired. ' • At a meeting of Chautauqua guar- antors on. July x3th the •deminant feeling was that this year the Ch t auqua must be puf over without a deficit or no more Chautauqua for • Wirigham. • Uuder the n.ew Redpath manage- ment whith is decided the best Chaut- • auqua Company in the world, we are • this year having- the best talent ever offered a Winghain •audience, you • have therefore something worth -while to offer in pushing for out- Chautau- qea. The Connnittee of Guarantors has decided to make it worth while for our friend e to work and are offering five cash. prizes of $14, are, $ne, $8 and $6 to those, who sell the greatest number of ticketes not less than 30. It las also • been decided to give one adult' ticket free to • any person selling •2o adult tickets or more. • Two child's tickets to count as one adult. This bonus does not apply to winners of the cash prizes. Full instructions._ reeaarding the con- test will be given at 'the town hall on Saturday everting, July 21st. • Tickets will be on sale Friday july acrth, and may'. be had from the un - E. j. Mitchell Chairman of Ticket Committee BELMORE The "Miss i o u Band Rally" was held in Knox Church Tuesday after- • noon, each society being well repre- • sented. After various forms of the work was, gone through, lunch was 'served on the Church !awe. Aliss Laureace of Crcemore, who is a visitor at the Manse, sang very I acceptably In the Presbyterian chorch Sabb• tl f c 1. Anderson of Galt at the Endeavor in the even- I Mrs, Emma McCrea of N., 7, S. holidaying with her father Mr. j 08- eph Hall. 1 Mrs. Geoasa Herd is visiting herr(' father 'at Lion's 1 -lead. A large number •front the village and vicinity helped to swell the crowd, at •Wingham on the Loh, which was indeed a glorious 1.211 thej. The parties eeen removing the iron kettle from the pump platforin on the premises of Mr. Roy Rutherford, will do well to have it replacecl as the party • • quite well known. Minnie Jeffrey visited Friday after- noon with Mr. Thos. Appleby, Glen; annan. What is wrong with Gordon's car that it won't go down hill, without a push. When Gordon is having a hang out he would like if you chaps who run out of gas wild go on to - the next town as it interrupts him very much at times, • MORRIS Ifie Ward Gray -visited With' friends in Grey township last Sunday, Masa James Aitcheson of Stone Creek, Visited, her daughter, Mrs. Wil Abraham last week. little girl has come to stay at Mr Victor Haines". --Congratulations.. Mrs.' Gourlaar of Brooklyrt, is visit- ing her daughtea Mrs. Alex, MeEme- en. • Miss Lizzie Hetherington of Essex, is aome for the holidays Mrs. John Walmsley is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marwood of IDoonybrook. Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson and ehildren of Belgezve, spent Sunday' at Mr. Thomas Abra,ham's. BORN- W ; HT—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright (nee Florence Jackson) on July 4th, /923, in Sarnia a datighter Florence Airy Kezia, CA S ORE—In Wingham G en era I Hospital, on Sunday July Teti], to nr is, William I, Casemore, • a son. . ,EDTE'rT—In Wingham, on Satur- day, July teth, to Mr. and Mrs oisey Lediett, a daughter, , Wingham on Tuesday, tely retb, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, a daughter. , MARRIED • ,\ MARSHALL— At the r; ctorv, Durham, by. the Rev, E. \\bunion, on Wednesday,f July 4th,' da 3'. ci; *, j. Caron,1,c^1 ton, Ont. • • Pretty Grey Tarp. Weddiog ' A 'quiet anti pretty 'wedding took AY AFTERNOON place at the home of Mr. Gecerge Johe- tighter- • • 6or. omPtaY e wed- Maatha who ace in room ter of ring a e eille e also watch. 'brides er and who both pper, social even- notor farm e go - navy and even - bride eous oine nany " 111-' Iver, rro- ress 'rose t of oci- On- the call p at he his e is end and for and oba ert, ful the c- ston $r„ when his' Youngest da , A•deline, became the wife of M Jove DM", ail loves exceliirig; •don Silnil101iti of li 014')Ck. Vr e eaoy ol'afeavep to earth.cothe down, at 5 o'clock, to the inueie of th Fix in ng Thy humble deadlines, , ding march played by' Miss' All thy faitliftel mereies crown; Johnston, the bride' and groon Jesus 'I'hou art all compession, were unettentled took their pl Pure, onboeinded love thou art, the lean and rose decked living Visit us with Tby salvation, The bride who carried a cies Enter every trembling heart, sunseCroses and fern was area .• •simple but: lovely frock of whit Finish, then Thy new e,z•,eatien, with lace trimmings and wor Pure and spotless let us be; the groom's gift , a gold wrist Let as see Thy great salvatioe, Rev, S. W, Harm of Ethel, the Perfectly yeetored in Thee, pastor performed the ceremon Changed from glory into glory after congratulations the guests, Til] in heavee we take our place, were the neenediate relatives of Till we east our crowns before Thee, familieS, partook of A dainty so -Lost in, wonder, love, and praise, • afterwards spending "-a, happy • . (Charles Wesley), time on the lawn, Later in the PRAYER ing the young couple left by s Almighty God,' we thank Thee for for their home on the groom's Thy word which abideth forever. It on the real of Flowick, the brid is ,indeed meat and drink unto us. ing away in a jacquette suit of Therein are we merited, tleereie are tricotine with blue crepe blouse we counselled, commanded and en- bat to match. On the Monday treated to turn frorn the error of our ing prior to her marriage the ways, and seek Thy face. We thank Was the recipient of a miscellan Thee that love is the fulfilling of the shower _presented 'to her at the h law. May we learn to love Thee of Miss Sara McLennan when I Marc and more by Thy merciful deal- beautifel gifts were "showeted ings with the children of men. Thou chiding numerous pieces of si wiltest not that any should perish but alteminitue china and linen, that all should come unto Thee and be saved. "We thank Thee for Jesus Pre,sidant of the Druggists , • Cross. Amen. . . bert, Sask., who twill to -day add who mani jfeusLteyd 212: 1:179:3. upon the W. j. Milton McMullen, elf Ke SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR tbe big druggists convention in onto in his capacity of preside Lesson Title --John the Apostle, the Canadian Pharmaceutical Ass e Le,sson , Passage --Luke 9:49-55; ation, is an example of another John x9;e5-a7; x John 4:7-8. tario man who has got on in Golden Text --x John 4:/i5. West. "Milt" as his old chums like to was born and brought ti leethsaida. It IS probable that he , Lucknow, Bruce County, where was a disciple of John the Baptist ' received his education and served before he • was called to follow Jesus. 1 drug .1:lorenticship, and where h After the resurrection John spent his istill remembered as an active life very quietly in contrast to Pet- popular member of the town b er's activity, Only once is he prom- and of everything else that was inently spoken. of in connection with 1 the good of the town. the church of , jerusalem--"James, The lure of the West took him tion has it that • John left Jerusalem I where he now carries on a success 1 Cephas and John, who seemed to be after a varied experience in 1Vlanit pillars" (Gal. si.0). 'An old tradi- and Regina he located in Kerrola twelve years •after the resurrection: drug business. It says much for He spent the later part of his life ' personality a,nd popularity of Mr. IVI in Ephesus, but wee for a time ban - when it's cooked by live steam in an SP Savey Cooker is better for you and tastes better, tool The inner boiler is pierced with little holes around the top, through which the steam penetrates. The live steam does the • cooking. No need foe stirring. No aearehe ing. No trouble to clean, as there is po bui-nt or dried rneal to serape off. The Savoy Cooker is one -of the moet useful utensils made. Ask for Try these dishes in • thI3 tins Dot; oat, men/ porridge, • steamed rice, steuni- ed oyeter's, corn, cauliflower, veal, • chicken ragout, mushrooms, scram- 1"6864ERT MLITAL ettortUtT.S Co..utivao med este, and a drstealibtO host at others. ..m.,TPIdAk. TORONTO v415tkopotp metzta.sescuaterzotta 101.10.preow IsAacotIven CALOAdir , eireratimutcanseaasazatitagszaczNza, zwo.— • John, the seri Of Zebe,dee and loine • was born, traditioe says'at ii en that he, a comparativ ished to the Isle of Pat/nos. The ex-- young man, away from the znetropo act date o his death is unknown. tan centres of business, should ha He was distinguished from the °thee , attained to the highest position disciples as the one who leaned up-'; the gift of the pharmacists of Can on Christ's bosom, and was called1His father, Mr. W. J. McMullen, a "the disciple 'whom Jesus /ailed." , his sister, Mrs, W. j. Davison, a Luke g:49-56. 1 the only members of the family no ' In this part of today's lesson. we ' in Lucknow. to work a cure that had baffled his ; previous meeting were read and a I have an example of a different spirit • than that of love, shown by John. East Wawanosh Council Jesus, on corning down from the Council met on June zath, with Mt, of Trensfiguration was besought 1 the members present. Minute's disciples, and "Jesus rebuked the un-; Proved on motion ofsScott and Cot clean spirit and healed ,the child, and tes. Corn. from the Department Saw one casting.- out devils in thy !Act" which provides for relief to an I delivered him again to his father." Drainage 0.A.C. calling attention John i then said to Jesus: ."Master we the Council to the "Tile -Drainag name; and we forbad ''iiim, because 1 one wishing to borrow money fro he followeth not iota tis" (verse49),1 the Government to assist in drainag It is a sectarian spirit, such a spirit 'matters was read and filed. that is not uncommon today, that is I Tenders for the construction o reply gave an example for us to fol- Messrs Vint of Wingham and Jen here shown by John. :Testis in hisiPotter's bridge were received fro low—to be not intolerant of other kins and Bradnock, Blyth but bot ' tenders were considered in excess of both the Engineers and Countils estimate, this matter was laid over he that is not against us is for us" for the present . "this contract has (Verse 5o). For reasons best known subsequently been awarded to Messrs to himself this man had not associat- Jenkins St Bradnock for the sum of ed himself with Jesus' followers , .00 . hough he had unclouateclly heard By -Law No. 4-2923 appointed the line speak, had seen his miracles and Reeve as road overseer and By -Law believed in him, and used his name No. 5-1923 providing for expenditure or e casting out of devils. Jesus on the Tp. roads in connection with rebuked. the disciples for thus dis- ; the Ontario Highways Act .were couraging anyone, tellitra thcin theelboth read and passed, he should rather be eucetiraged, "for e following accounts were paid: there is no man which shall do a mir- 3. A. McLean planks or culverts, acle in my name that can • lightlY. $3.00; D. McCullough work- on ceme- speak evil of me (Mark 9,39) tory hill Con. 4 $too.00: 'rhe Mtmici. They should have remembered that . „ 1)0 • 01 la SUPPileF 9.07 ; A. Porter - the power to work a roiratle must al- field. rent of road allowance .2.00; '.ways come from the 'same source, Sawyersaaassey Co. repairs for grad- that is God; and that if he had that er etc; Win Robertson drag 19.20; power, then he lutist be a f.' d ' 3 . 'AI B , work on load 4.00; A. him. If this generous interpretation 5. Rodger work on grader 3.25; were more fully believed in, and ob..f H 1 "Old Currie moving gracier i.00: served among Christians, '10 our day ; J. W. Somers putting up notices 5.00; what strife would h id , T1 .7. 1 ont,omery work on road time was come that he should be re - "And it came to pass, when the 111.47111 ic it oSt; Craig i gradingrstog r2a.zdse.roo ; 1 St. tus on; ceived up, he steadfastly set his face la 'McCullough shovelling gravel Loo to go to Jerusalem.. In the fullness \V. 3. Dobie shovelling gravel 8,75; of time God sent his son into the l Geo. Currie shovelling gravel 4.00; world and now' the time of his de.; For etravel--C.'Nethery 4..eo; W, ATI- I parture Was at hands when he Should dersoe 2,40; J. McClinehey 10.50; C. f be received back 'bite his glory—the 'sKtirlgtigh5a.511.5 1,3,5W5:• G. a Di t cell:, t th.2,; e ;5.7\0•S;a_RJ: ' glory which be had with the father . before ehe woeld was. Humanly .3; McGee 18,00 5. Jahnson 5.40; W. j. I speaking, had he remained' in Gar ;1.zodger - meeting of Council will be ' held On Tuesday August 7th, A. Porterfield, Clerk. ely li- ve in da 11 re all of 1 of of of e. my' e 121 mo es o worship but to be chari- table in our criticisms of religious observations. "Forbid him not, far • our acy, lodges were present, viz Goderich, Clinten, Fordwich an d . on. will .have to celebraee with them. I Wingham. South Huron turned out in large nu -tuber's and now North Hur- 1 Stratford celebration committee char- tered a special traip from Palmerston , which took several of the lodges who ' had promised to be in Wingham. What happened Walkerton? I:Our outside speakers werePnotice- able by their absence, but What of it? ' Wingham can boast Of two of the most able platform men in 'Ontario, in , George.po ton and Rey. -Snell,' , The only lodge in North Huron that •.did not celeb'ette' ill Wingliam was E- thel, and no doubt like the small boy . • 11. N1.,,antect to gq, to the .city. 1 I. he expoeses were, paid from the recejles from eoncessioes, no collec- 1 tion was taken on the grounds and no I ire charged for 'the grandstand.' I ..‘. celebration of the size at Wing- t ham and nothing reported Stolen or , lrist to the co:rtnittee is almost' mar- vel)onS. ' A 1:06'. dropped hcr pocket hook, it was; round by a matt who rae . coece$sioe' for i)altoor's 1\liclWay and N1r, rainier lost no tito9 in finding the` lee owner,' . • wa , . ,. ON THE xeth OF JULY AT WINGHAIW • Three finishes; Pearl Ware, two eoet5 ot pearly, Orel eflaraei inside and out. Diamond Were„.three. °eats, nett blue and white outside..white /Suing. Crptal ware, thee) coats, pure white ineide arid nut, with norai Mue edging. IMM.110.12.1.••••.191•13001....02.0...44,...ENINWALMMI. aR.S.XtgrWAadifiAgUg.ggt2=Z.E....X.APZAVa.a7MVntana.tl.SMMWZZ.EgajZEUZfta The neatest Servi The Le st Atte tion There's no piece of farm equipment that gives so much service over so long a period with so little attention as a good windmill. That's why recommend the Toronto Self- Oiing Windmill so highly. Lots of Toronto Windmills have given from eighteen to •twenty years' service with practically no attention outside an occasional oiling 11 IIIFOIWS tn' '1 and are still operating satisfactorily every day. n the Toronto Self -Oiling Windmill all gears operate.in a 'bath of special oil affected by neither heat or cold—every bearing thoroughly and automatically lubricated. New oil is required "only once a year. If you already own a Toronto Windmill, I can give you this seli.oi/ing feature by 'Lardy inter- chaneing the bead and usine your present wheel. Most Torento WindmiN, ,ere cope ne made absolutely self.regtdatine in ,preetio-t The "Toronto" Tower will stand for strongat and hest4raced one built 0 a lifetime because II is the heaviest, H DAViosoN winghorn gg um J,,' any windmill SELF -OILING. - WINDMILLS' 121.0[149,446LAUMS.M....64110166...a.13111,21.921.4. Plonswevasamege.sm••••••••••ftwoo....mitylOstellommar.00+1•Wall.••••••••looyeamsmemplannor......roms..11.0•11010aillettomieagrosila.,..••••••••......m.{. fa. a,fternoon from the residence of his' presented them with an address ad a: COUSit1 Mrs. /queroe. The services purse of money. We welcome therm were conducted by Rev. R. 5, Jones to town. at the Anglican church. The de- ceased was a cluiet inoffensives person highly respected by all who knew hive His brothers, George of Ham- ilton and Harry of Allendale attend- ed the funeral. 5 . to Rey, PCrileassbyRtearithalri°'cordngorfegNaetwionYsciarkt, ' state has moved to town, and bought - the house owned by the late Aadrew Shoebottom. Mr. Rutherford is well known here being a native of thees, • parts, and ministering for many years, , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dungannon and Pine River before go- t merican side. Mr. Ruther- . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I ford is we are sorry to report not en- , pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of ; joying good health, the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that .l A By -jaw has beee%paesed whereby- : all have claims against the. Estate ot • ii , IT s muse close their plaees .. osepli 'Murray, deceased, whodi ed on i of business, at eleven o'clock on Satu.r- or about the first day of May, A.D.,, day nights. ' 5923, at the Town 01 Winghain in the.' The continuation dept. o ffhe Pub - 'Province of Ontario are required to le School ye bent gettlarged to care send by pest, prepaid, or to deliver to for the growing, demand, and the lax- and the nature of the security (if any) mentioned teachers a-ke taking a spec R. Vanstone, Wingliam, Ontario, So- ger attendance of pupils. Miss Mc - Behar for the Executor, on or before: Lean will remain as principal, and will, •1 the sixth day of August, A.D., fan be assisted by Mr. Malcolm Arm- ; their names and addresses, was stsz strong of seaforth, and Miss Gerte- I particulars of their claims in writing, ' rude Fowler of Clinton. The two last held by them dely -verified by a stet- ial course in Physical Culture and Art utory declaration. ' during 1 110 holidays. 4 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE The ineal lodge or odelfellows are that niter the said sixtlt day of August 1 ril l' ...' 0 p'inie at ")int Clark on 5923,gtlieticip be distributed by the Executor among felleer, with their wives and families 1 k assets of the said estate will Thtn...,ley, July 40th, \ellen' alt Odd- aotliyes toenttiiltelecdialmhesr e0off,whialiveihngthreey- i ay ilirt:Lvai tnedd, mos, mark Gardnor 1:32v, shall then have notice, and the estate returned from their wedding trip and fiwlieldl not ttlbl: tiiiianbeleoffoi.lheansyaiceliadlirnttsribtu0-1 married rise on ale groom's farm Olt i aee now facing the etere realities: ors „. tion, the anti con. of Aslifield. We wish.. of July, All, 1923. I The members of the Womea's Li - DATED at Winghamathis tenth day 1 Them every success. R, VAwNitiS;h0amNE.p,.0, iog at the home of Rev, and Mrs. Got - I stitute held their spedal summer meet. Solicitor for the Executor.' Ian on Friday of laSt Week, when a im 1 LUCKNOW ost enjoyable afternoon was spent. A splendid program, was given after tueknow was well represented in 1 which refreshments were served. A Wingham on Thursday last, where the I sale of homeana.de beking and candy, glorious rgth was celebrated. Luck- also articlee made bY the blind was now Pipe Band helped.furnish the mu- held on Saturday, and everything wa sold. Tbc proceeds will go to helps mery here, Mr. afeKay is an excell- '' i The event of most importance this the blind. •• week will he the Old Boys Reunion Mr, McKay of St. Marys has arriir- in Kincardine, which will be in full ad in town to talee charge of the but- swillg all week. Thursday is being ter making dpi. o ilverwood set aside as Lucknow day, when the s crea- town of Lucknow will move to the ent butter maker and has taken lake shore. Over 100 car owners have al- prizes irs this line of work signified their intention of gaing and Some of' the goys from towe, aro• each car will he loaded S ' I picking fruit at Leamington dining the streamers mid badges will be vv-oret by hoiklays, all from latekimw. The procession of Miss Margaret Rivers of town was cars will be met by the bands andlcsuceessful 01 ear,rying off the Gold head officials, and given a civic wet- M d A few of the Orangemen ivlio inc 1 ho rly (rain on Tlitirs(lay 11125 any names, our readers will rocog.ttize dim,' The snapshot was token a .risco is 510 neod lit rrte1ttion- 6,20 a,rn, by Bro. Wm. SitRath, he would' have been safe, but his s a voluntary .sacrifice --"for this end ca,me into the world," sobe chose to put himself • in the way of danger for "he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusaleni;"—"Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that Ieshall. not be ashamed" (Isa. 501). ' tn,NTRANCE RESULTS Blyth L. Caldwell, 5, De/11101m, A. Dobie, G. Pairservice, C. Geivier, (El), I. Govier (H), E, Gray (II), G. Jenkins A. Lyon(H), K. McElroy, j. Noble, A. Parsons, I. Reid, A. Richmond, Annie Richmond, W. Rose, P. Rouse T, Stevens, IL Taylor, J. Taylor, P. Welper, Brussels I3ELGRAVE A garden party will be held at the home of Garner Nicholson on Fri- day eveting, July 27111, under the aus- pices of Trinity. Church, -Beigrave, Admission 35 cents arid 15 cents. • Mr: and Mrs. Joseph England and Mr. and Mrs. Cris. England of Mich- igan have been visiting among friends in the village. . Mr, Wm Ferguson of Toronto is spending a few days at his farm • Mrs. Yule is attending the funeral of a friend in St Thomas, Mt and Mrs, Hugh IVICLean of Hamilton are visiting with friends. GOR,RIE � Williams, wife and daughters C. Alcoek, C. elmes, P. Baker, V. of Detroit Mich, are spending their Baker, E. Bowes, C. Browa (PI), L. holidays with their parents Mr. and Champion, a Chandler, H. Clark, Mrs, W. D. Williams. Cochrane, G. Davidson, M. Dicicson, Mr, and Mrs. Carter McKee of I. Dunn (PI) M. Elliott, R. Elliott, Galt ate visitors with Ur. MeXee's R. Felker, braith, Gorsalet, father and Other relatives here, L. Haist, L. Haydon, M. Hayclon, 5, I W. L. Phair of Springfield, Ohio, L. Hemingway, P. Plunber, E. Jackson,. is spending his vaeatioe with his Jeschke, (H), L. lairkby, H. , mother here, ins brother Charles of l(night 'ese4er,eMC'.111/1' ental home. G. ()Tonto is also visitnig at the par- col Mitchela j, McCracken, L. MeCittch- The tinion services in the Presby- to ran eon, 1, aileDonald (11), IVIcNabb, terlatt church were well attended on. get • (1-1), S. McNair (II ,) R, McMurray, Sunday evening hi spite of the rein. the F, MeTagsgart, MoVittie (H), Rev, W. A. Finla,y gave an impress the Noble, W. Peaeock, Pertie, (H), lye address. G. Piette, L. Pollarh, .A, Quererigese- Pt Arden a former Gerrie boy t er, L. Robertson R., Sangster (H), passed to the Great Beyond at Gray- bay R, Sangster (H); Shaw, 13, Speiran enhersi, where he had gone on ac- Iivc I, Stewart, X, Stevenson, a Stretton count of his The remains the 5, Turebull, WaJlter, Wellsinali were brought here for interment, a la M. Wesenherg. • The ftinoral was held ott Sunday hors 55 or ocutton at a recent con- e. .Abaseball match is being ar- test held hi Brussels, gad with some other team opposed Mr, and Mrs. C. F Ri ha I, the Lucknow sepoys, and all to- Teeswatcr, are spending a few holi- her a most pleasant day should bc i clays with Mrs. Richardson's mother, ,result in fact we bave this will be! Mrs. Geo) Douglas, sr, best day of the week. Mr. Lorne MacDonald who has been, rs, Hassell ancl family have moved visiting at his home in town has re» own torn n ough, where they tur 1 er. old. e resided for some 'time, and will Mrs, 13. Mallough of Brimeby, k in the Wood's reeadence opposite visiting her parentS, Mr, aild Mrs, 'P. sebool, Before Ieavilia Kinlough 1VfacDonald, ran number of fbHytjn riends and neigh- Porn—To Mr, atid 'Mrs. ft -,s,. Met in the Anglicnn church, and of towe, a on, t...4111t 1