HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-07-19, Page 2*an WINtust AnvAllett, lefebuoy may be safe•• Iyused onthe tender- est i7kin. It is wonderfully cleansing .for little hands. faces and bod- ies. • Lifcdrszo5 hubdcs haco 1' autd- _ fdhead*, s due. The , God 13Y PEARL FOLEY (lopyrlght,), — CHAPTER IX.---(Cont'd•) encasin the ruby In the bow of death.' • What did the strange proceeding David looked at her curiously. An mean? In'vain lie tried to find a sola- uncanny feeling swept over him, "The tion. The most probable' one, of ' name sounds rather ominous," he re- course, was alien spy work The roan ; plied, with a Half laugh. means they used to communicate their was :a native, no doubt of it, but this "It is a box that was made for the thoughts' to each other. David rear- meant nothing, for 'while China twee protectionof the twin rubies. There . welled afterwards at the reserve virtuallyat war with Germany, there:is not another like"it in China; no, strength that had come to his rescue were soe of her people who hated all not in alI the world." land' enabled him to exhibit such self - foreigners and could not resist Ger-1., And is this death box, as you call control. znan gold. Perhaps a smoke would it, 1. itkun reach? Is it possible fox us As he walked: back to the hotel` the to procure it?"questioned David;,; helphimdelve to the bottom, o<= it.q harassing scruples•of the est .ten From n the inside of her coat Tu Heep He had just settled himself in an easyy days had entirely Pied, in fact had been chair with a cigarette, when a quids dies forth a piece of paper, which non-existent so far as his thoughts loud knock sounded on the .door,' lshe thrust into David's hand. The were concerned- Despite the strange Two strides brought David to the ,box of death is now nn the possession. adventure that was but three hours door, which he pulled open with such of Tung Yung. You will find there ahead of: hi • ;lie had no nkisgiy%ngs• force that the caller fell back startled,directions where he s to. be fotZnd: I His heart was as buoyant as his steps. Grasping him by the collar David have written it so that there can be His mind was mightily 'relaxed. If pulled him. into the room, closed the no«mistake � David- had been inclined to analyze door,' and turned the key. ' I This ruby means a great deal to his feelings and put them into words, "What's the meaning of this?" de- your house, Miss Weng Toy. he would have perhaps diagnosed his manded David, holding up a curved' Tu Hee blushed, but smiled up at -case as one that Fate had entirely in bladed, knife. To 'his surprise two David confidentially, hand. He cared to exert no volition; roles of dazzling teeth showed ami- "Much, yes, and much, alae to me. He was willing to be led blindly if ably;while a relieved voice said: "Ah,My uncley�wiebes my cousin and me need be. It required no thought or( you, lock the door. I am safe," and'betrothed. pondering even when he stood before' with a satisfied sigh the caller sank' ; .And .yo2+.? David tried to make his 'desk a'short time later to destroy' on to the cushioned divan. his tone casual, but his heart pounded the cablegram he had so resolutely David, undecided whether he was;like l?ead as he waited for her answer. penned but an hour earlier. Swiftly' more amused or angry at this brazen I •ph She clasped and unclasped and surely his pen filled in another l pass impudence, stood contemplating him. ;her. hands.. T must marry, Its our blank with a code, the import of which. Beyond file fact that his strange visi- custom; . so T say, as dace my uncle, was • `Will `report in London fifteenth "You great mandarin to me alway," David .and 'his; companion made their way silently through the de - sorted corridors of the hotel out into ,the, night. It was with considerable relief they saw they attracted rio no- tice whatsoever, and congratulated themselves that they looped for all, the world like two native youths of the upper class wending their way home- ward after some frolic. But for all; this they kept assiduously silent. Even i when Tu I3ee's destination was reach- ed not even a whisper but a warm pressure of the fingers was all the tor was but a boy in years, he was why not Paul?I3e very wonderful. September. Impossible earlier." not able to go. A soft. silk cap' reach- marry some day, too?":i Setting his'alarm for four a,xn., Of Mariners. ed well over the forehead,attached tot David forced a smile. as he' shookthe �: ,David settled his head on pillow (Froin Conten poeary Verse) which was a white net, which entirely his head. "I'm afraid not, Miss Tu for at least two hours' rest or two Sea folk have speedh that is ant quite concealed the eyes, . As for the lower Hee." hours of delightful dreains.; After their own, part of the face, despite the hot night,1 You say no? Ah, but great pian what seemed but five minutes of the s g , ' intheir t lk and sound a silk scarf` encircled the throat and like you should: marry. You make girt latter he was brought back to reality Tw_ligii.t is h. of water,, was arranged so that only the tip of ver•y happy." tby a queer sound a his bedside; His ;. every as wife's the nose and part of the mouth were As David looked down into the work had trained him to sleep lightly, For every sea,w.fe, e e y s revealed. The hands were hidden in earnest blue eyes, the smiles all hid and when he o ened his'e es now' he te' ,the loose flowing sleeves of the dark r den away, for the first time in his p y dangii b' was •wide : awake and on the qui wive: Knows 'Mips and spars 82nd masts blae coat that reached almostto the fe he re retted.bein an En lishman.. li g g g To his amazement his reading.'lamp and the sea's moan. feet.` The"voice was hesitating, low, Turning away abruptly he crossed the was ab eady flooding himwith its and very soft. It was apparent that( room, pausing, at his dressing -room rays, and his servants, Ma Tu, was Sea folk have speech that is not quite to, speak English at all was a great door. There he looked back and call -l either chanting a prayer.or moaning their own, effort. •edlauing y: ` g • Now, Miss Tu Hee,1 with pain, It was hard to tell which. Hl For wind is on them and the salty "Ah, it is good. To be secure is while you fix your make-up I'll sur -1 "In the name of Jupiter, what's. all geed;" prise you with rninel"• lthe row?" cried David,pg lea in from sun, In less than three minutes ,David his •bed. reappeared in a disguise that his own 1 "You, my master. I no let him in. mother couldn't have penetrated. J 1 let him hack one but no let him. in." Tn. Hee clapped her hands. as she l "Be rational boy; what's the mean - For every seaman, every seaman's son "Much obliged, I'm sure," said David dryly. "You've evidently been Knows sound of fretting water aver collecting references;" stone.s... angry?" youthe questionedupin surprise. "You circled around him.. "A real man-i`in ofyour standing there moaning Nevar a wind' eotues' fi+o+in the East ngry, niy dear fellow, is .a mild darin i" she cried. like a anshee?" David turned th agea.in, terns. I aro. not used to meeting these David could not resist the tempta- i boy's faceto the light and an exclama- Tiut they =met speak of It to mate glistening objects at my door," iridis tion. Bending his head he asked sate' tion of dismay escaped him. ea friend, eating the knife, "even though they ly: "Would you like me better ;if I "Why, Ma Tu,,you're hurt! Never a shed carnes, Grome in windy 'are accompanied by a charming were a mandarin?" sit down and stomoaning." Here, ile, ram smtoprotect!" Ah", that p -- face, but what she saw there caused chant to gods -I save you—you—my Put they must tell it over without David's heart ave a wild leai,, y Y y g her hands, to flutter nervously. All master, at once she was the timid Chinese . The last' words came faintly as the maiden and David had to bend very boy collapsed weakly into a chair. near to catch. the .tremulous answer; (To be continued,) Tu Hee lifted 'laughing eyes to his "I no moan," protested the boy. "I Their F 1 speech 3s not.their own at "Who areFyou?" he demanded, his T a y phand on the silken neck scarf. a a "No, no. You must not touch me," Bather the sound o'f water by a wall. cried the youth, starting to his feet, —Harold vinaa his hands going to his face in a pro- tecting movement. "Who are you?" David's voice trembled. slightly and his hand closed leumpty Dubiety sat at the :wheel over one slender wrist. / ;` `=. / s Of a. wicked looking automobile; In the slight struggle the white net l` ; Be gave her the gas instead of the slipped aside and David looked into a brakes— pair of frightened, defiant eyes. But h�e won't makes axny none mistakes_ Tu Hee! It is you then. Good God, recta Lf 1 F.. ,_ what are you doing here? Do you .._.,-,q.._'..�; Mlnar�d's Liniment *for Coughs &.Colds'know what this means?" SUMMER BEAUTY. FRILLS THAT YOTJ CAN' g: "Are you 'afr'aid ?IRON soap-sud Philosophy, The blue eyes no longer smiled - Do these hot days brown and wither FLAT. Lady at washtub— "Don't ,said troth They were as cool as the voice, but your face? You wouldn't think of let- Perhaps I'm bringing up a disagree- Lady o ma. about --- Serviette &otih they softened a little as David replied,. ting. the flowers in your ;garden, go able subject. 1 -Tot irons and hotter t Yes; for law'without... special attention, through weather are not a soothing nerve menti Aiin't there enough.wasliizi as The girl touched' his. sleeve, Her blistering; hot days. , Why then .allow tonic. I- honestly believe that there it is?" cheeks glowed and her voice, defiant as it was, trembled. "You guess who freckles, sun wrinkles, and blackheads, isn't one of us who, about 2 p.m. on I am nd upo i everything,. You think like ugly weeds, choke out the pink ironing Tuesday, wouldn't sacrifice a Ime bold, forward like foreign girls. and white loveliness or the ' olive frill for ten minutes extra on the ccoi 1 so full of shame now I perhaps fail. smoothness of your complexion? front verandah, or under the shade u h at e, "Whatdo?" Yea aDeax Miss Tu Hee, I respect and can T writes a fine -: of the apple 'tree. care too much to do those things. If skinned woman. Creams feel sticky If frills mean added minutes at the I can help you I shall consider it an on my face in July, and my skin is, too ironing board, I'm all • for leaving honor." ( burned and, sensitive for, soap and them off and hoping he'll think that The blue eyes looked at him search-, water." The beauty parlors offer aitch the lilac crepe frock is pretty—just on inggly, and, apparently satisfied, Tu a woman a special cream that Tan be account of the color. Hee reached out her hand. I used with water. I've been investigat- But now that frills have flattened David clasped it , as he might a ing, and I find it's composed of almost themselves out, given up plaits, and child's. Indeed, she seemed by a child th i t h b d ars, enjoy them. Even in Passing. • ewes Taken home le the Have a psokat int` yotlt .tleket let ' an evvigtady A detk oras canine - tion sod en old to the teeth, appetite, digestion. PacksJed, in its 1 t iP x Iy . Here lswThe Pm `You Needper?° VOA A ;NG1c Pt►rrip,a or,eaisil t�`irooi(v� i itt novofttoiieatlyt nti'Iev, inodol tine ro it hes d fillet. ° re sI of dew' � �� i me �ritVt �4�t� oty b f ' ' it c dw�ifa d � +� e ri e ox rl Cr ~t' v+rus rim 10340k Street standing there, wide-eyed and slender ; e same a amen s as your us an s avoided gather' in the dark, straight coat. (shaving cream. So if you're in de- on, your workaday morning frocks :: air about the blackheads the Tam grateful, Captain 'Marsden, sp u h blackh ad and h that go into the tub once a week, flat No, '1 haven't time to sit down. No, tiny crisscross lines) why not give this frills are not an extra whore. "You'll one knows I am here and I must get a trial? find they will slip over you• • 'J ueeday, ,ruly' 19, 1928, TIDE FINEST G � �T TSA produced in the world is E*'ox* on the irnownitain slopes of Ceylon and. India. Irllese rare teas, specia11:b blended, give ;to' GEEN TEA "71 �:.. flavor beyond compare JUST TRT isr. 4369. A JAUNTY SPORTS STYLE. 4369. Here is a . youthful . model, suggestive of the season, and its beau- tiful fabrics. Figured silk in blue and tan tones was used for the blouse. The facings on collar and revers and the lacings are blue. The skirt is of tan Camel's hair woolen. Crepe, linen or gingham and linen, could be used for this style. The Pattern is cut in:: 3- Sizes; 16, 18 and 20 years.. An 18 -year size re- quires 1% yards for the blouse and 3% yards for the skirt of 40 -inch ma - i aerial. The width at the foot. of the skirt is 2% yards, with plaits _ex- tended. To trim blouse as illustrated, ee yard 40 inches wide is required: Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of _ pattern. Mfnard's Liniment for Corns and Warta A single banyan tree has been known to shelter 7,000 men at . one time, How One` Walled in Sorrow. Like one who earr;.es� bannsersy You tread the common street; The paving eeon[es• ss -e proud of you, And all the air is, sweet As with trdunvpli.sl flowers That fall before your feet, And common teak remember,, Seeena you passing by, How tragic queens have walked the earth, Gone' proudly forth, to die. A lifted, eivan.g beauty,, Above the fickle Lie. e shall be long Forgetting Then elgal. way you went,' Crowned with some [sedi et certainty, Some truth ma:gnifie•ent—• Tell aur: Wine hearts niay learn, at last, The siplaid,id tiring you meant. .—David Morton. Thumb rings were popular among court ladies of -the seventeenth cen- tury. ,,.. r, ironing back before I am missed, I There's a new one: Itis made from board as easily as a pocket hand-. -- "But how did you, get here? Surelynourishing and cleansing oil by the kerchief, you did not come a oner `'1VIy uncle is asap for a few daye manufacturer of one of the most There are the straight up and down and I spent the afternoon and night popular toilet soaps. Of course, he type that attach themselves to the with an old school friend of the for- � made it for men, but I'm thinking that sides. of 'skirts. It's an ,idea you can eign academy. ' Her home is just a women are going to use a lot of it, apply to a silk et cotton frock. Just block awayt but that is far enough." too. straight pieces, Eight triches wide, And she shivered slightly, T3uttermilk or the whey iron sour sewn to the side seams.'When the "You shan't return alone. I'll ac- dress is . on theyprettily company you back milk is an excellent wash for the too- cascade rettil and "Na, no," returned Tu Hee, "it brown face and neck, Wash thorough- droop below theskirt. wouldn't be safe. No one must know ly first, and then apply the milk. After ,Another flat frill is circular. The. I have been here or: even seen you it has dried, rinse it off with. cold. Waist is cut in one with the back of to -night. You see in a case of this water. This whitening method takes the skirt. A. regular straight -hanging kind spies are everywhere. Q, Cap- a little time. If you're in a hurry, dress so far. Then one comes to the thin 'Marsden, Tu Hee leaned for- why not use a good bleaching cream? trick of the little garment—the .cir- ward and laid het hand on Davids One : that is strong enough to 'whiten cular front of the skirt`—sufficiently arm, "they are planning to steal:the the skin, but not strong enough to wide for comfort, with enough over at ruby •sacred ruby? Surely • not! hurt. There 18 also a "snow" lotion the sides to hang in rippling cascades.. What Is their .object in taking the thatactually prevents the tan -brown The third flat frill that I have in ruby from the temple?" appearing, mind is a square, ten inches by ten "No, no, not from the temple, from Paris must have had our summers' inches. Caught in one corner, it PauI Culver. I can't give 'you con- in mind when she designed her latestmakes an attractive jabot far a blouse. pieta details, ,continued Tu leeee. I coiffure. ,It is so simple and cool.`` The edges may hemstitched, picot - do not dare to give you even the lead - eras name hut e will stop at nothing Combyour hair softly back, exposing ed, rolled, and cross-stitched with con - to ,accomplish his ends. And ray uncle l the ,,lebes of your ears and leaving cresting color mercerized embroidery being makes away it so terrible, They your forehead "bare. Now slip down cotton, or bound with gay color, each an ldwf s ione ba o a li d back t comb until it- aq'rose or emerald -green binding on a reaches the middle of the back of white ,blouse, In the last case, the your head. The next step is to roll collar and cuffs ought, to be bound to up all the back hair into a long bort- match the jabot, A square jabot would zontal roll and pin it directly: under Make :an old blouse gtzito "newish." the comb, And I want to squeeze in another Is, Year hair sticky in warm wea- touching -up suggestion that is not' a thee, Does it persist in hanging in frill. I'm tempted to, say old-fashioned dank tendrils underneath your pretty sashes. If you have a pale summer best Organdie hat? A Bower -scented organdie or voile, .hunt tip six -mala- refreshing tonic teaches it' to mend its wide grosgrain, taffeta, or satin rib - ways, And there'% another summer! bon in peacock -`blue, rose, buttercup - tonic that eliminates the shampoo yellow, or emerald -green. Make a loose When you're touring, low waistline girdle, and a large ro-� Bette for the bac If you've overindulged in swimnain kr, with one loon' and g g, � 8' and your hair is harsh end dead, and one short streamer, If ,you want to a gummy amass forms on the• ecenh and etmIpieto the piettire, match your slip., brush, put a pinch of borax i#1 the Pets to the dolor of the girdle. With shampoo Water, cuts the grease.'even' the gayest slippers, the stocking and, dust and peeeeas- the d'isagr'ee-� should be light flesh color or palest taxi or gray. have planned to commit the crime in his absence." • D• o yeu know if they have set 'a definite tune?" "Yes, to -morrow at mtdinight, so' you eee nO eipie, is to be lost in warnirmg your friends and protecting my cousin's possession," "1- will start for the hills at day- break," David assured her, "You will take a guard, "it'ou wi11 protect yourself?" David smiled reassuringly, "Delft bother your head about isle, Miss Weng Toy. , I think 1 can manage :a common thief:" David, watching the lightning -like change of her moods, welidtired that anyone should say the race was jheitraatic. "A :g'uard' la nt use, Captain Mars. den,',' Tu Hee's 'voice was ' IoW .itetise. "There is only este ifure way et frustrating bis ,plans, that la by able after sti'rkineiu. a is drnotonY va dite know that mustard notonly if) e 1 ;did syou rn avor to . s more zest and fl ,dr< a"stion? gives also stimulates youration it adds l3ecause it ails assimilation. to foods. nourishment 1/t' r Put up lots of ER'��'• z IES with ,`Lily White:" cuts down the cost of ,preserving ---keeps the fine natural calor and fresh flavor e►f the berries -and prevent. "Sue rilfig"n Par aril yropr Preserving, use .half sugar and half ' ''U1 White" Corn Syrup". As all grocer.' itt r , 5, and 10 iia firm "f CANAbA STARCH CO., L1M11i 307 ..r .0xt entration. Northcliffe gave an enquirer the ono word "concentration" as his recipe for success. To be able tq put your mind on what you are doing and keep it there,, with chaos round about, is to establish your value as a workman capable: of producing in adverse sire cumstances. ,Some artists and writers insist that their creative faculties will: not operate except in peace and quiet. Set in a city, they insist on green hills, or the seashore, en the depths of the., forest, as the proper region to achieve their imaginative masterpieces. The place to think beautiful thoughts and gq ive exquisite form to their fancies is any place except the'. spot in which; they happen to be.. Men and women are even heard to .mourn that they were born in the wrong century. They would have done .better, they hold, in the Middle Ages. Their century was " the twelfth, and not 'the twentieth. They rail against the hustle and in- veigh against the crowding, moiling turbulence of this age in which *they were unfortunately.' cast totake a part. They cannot get used to living; they cannot settle 'down; they think - that to keep steadily. at work betrays a lack of temperament. Great engineers, and inventors have had to think things out to a . conclu- sion by . mental application, long con- tinued, wherever they were, Legis; laters ..in a Western Commonwealth were infuriated at the faculty of the State university and wished to cut off its funds be e.use, ;they said;: the pro- fessors ,often merely sat in a chair and looked out; of a window, saying nothing for some minutes. The legis- lators could not understand the value of silent processes of'.thought. They could appreciate the felling of a tree or the milling of flour; they could see the meaning of a tractor plow in mo- tion or a ship under way. But they failed to realize that human ,braizi- power precedes horse -power or' hydro- electric power or any other' mani- festation of energy. We know a few things about the brain, but most of what it is and does remains an unfathomed mystery. As long as it is a working tool it is en- titled to remain in full command. Man has invented various ways of putting ' It out of business, but the premium in any calling goes to the one who makes it serve him and serve the purpose in hand. The foi,ceful' ,executant is he .who can put .his mind on.one thing, to',. the :exclusion of the irrelevant, the inconsequential, the :'extraneous. He can shut himself in with thought,' even in the midst of _a crowd. Even when he is alone, he is in the company' of ideas, which find in his intellect their congenial, abiding place. It is part of his decisive character: to shut out, at a given moment, everything. with . which that moment has no. con- cern. There -are men who seemed to possess extraordinary powers of the mind chiefly because they have acquir- ed a phenomenal capacity of concen- tration. Queerest of Clubs HoIds.. Reunion. The`very queereet` of queer clubs must:sursit b.e the Last Mania Ciub'of America, wddcih hats. for its members the suivivc'nz -of the Oivil War, Thirty-four organizedthe club, but pallyonly four men are Ilett,,. amity on eeea 21st of Julty the Lash Mama Club holds its, annual reunion dinner. Then a hat - tip of rare old vintage wine ins placed upon, the banquet table, touched aut.' not tasted. For It geven to the last t survivor of 'the Cavia War to break the seal and dstdnik (on spore 21st of July) the contents oe the last bottle of the Last Man's- Club. The names of the thirty members who lave died awe on the bottle, and the thirty-fourth man be inscribed apt the bottom of the List .And when he be called away to his comrades, the empty bottle will b'e preserved ae a asennorini of the Last lelan'a Club. Two of the present members are seventy -mime years old, one eighty- three ightytlisee anid one eighty-foto•, Of course, no one can tell when this club will end, for it meet go on, till all the men tile, and. ,even then its name among A1neriham, eitisens will live for ever, When the next .three` of theesmelly- one ate, and the Last Man apaens the ` bottle: and arises to drink �t!1 e last toast, �th�ere will be onily vacant chaire around 'him. One may imagine how; with a tear in liis eye and anted a 'multitude of nmeni- °ries, he will lift that last ;glass of Wine, and, with a gulp, toss off the e0atente, America's � lri Languages,, � u i« u >ii it is •said that 111 f`or'th. and South America no .lose than 120 or. 130 ab, solui:ely distieet laatgtinges exfat, .As the growth of Iangea•ge is very slobs, . it 18 thought teat the act of the exist-. ertee of ` so great a. -vdrdety of 'speec'h en .the tr et-tane coELtiiiionthc lsrowes that the neelve red men have ht dhited them for many thenusandLa of y'eere. Ali other proof of the antlqu-10y • Of the American Tndiiens, nocord,ing,to seine authorities', is the haat that they ft/re sent a ;distinct human type, • ;and the fermi -toe of such a, type require theanandaof y'.eaae. It costs more to avenge one's wrongs than it does to protect One's'